;." THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 16, 1920. 7-fc BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVE YOU $100 TO $1,000 To Invest In a trlty reliable, hen tly maneged business which mad and paid 100 pr cent dividend Id ltllT DIVIDENDS GUARANTEED Tor full particular, lion, address Sura Top lavid City, Neb. (rtthotit obllga Ferklns Hote", OCAL MANAOER WANTED By sua cessful brokerage firm, doing business, with well-rated concerns thrr ighout tha country, Position requires man of abll lty with business experience and com mercial banking connections. Poaltlvaiy ho Investment l required, however, busi ness will require part time at first and until wall-established locally. Tremend ous earning possible for rig ht man. pos-st-sslng necessary quallfk attons, aa to executive and sales ability. Tha com niodily t handle Is a staple, always In flemand. and which our large buvlng factlltle. permit us to aell at less than average market prices. Local branch should pay from 12, Sou to $10,000 flrat year, acordlng to population and ability of manager. Position tnaat be filled at once to supply local demand. Sand your application todav. Horn Ira Coal Co., 770 Corno Bldg.. Chicago, lil. WANTED A man thoroughly f... miliar with the auto tlra busi ness, one acquainted In Omaha preferred, to take charge of the distribution in the city of ane . of the leading make of tire In the United States. Only & lim ited Investment necessary. Ad drew Box (3, Omaha Bee. WE manufacture a carburetor which la guaranteed to give double tha mileage over any other carburetor ever con atruoted, regardless df name, make or price. Money refunded If 15-day free trial doea not prove It. Entirely new Principle; simple plain tube: not a mov ing part; guaranteed to start In zero weather without heating or priming. Tremendous demand.' llliO.000 ha been apent on preliminary advertising. 100,000 atlsfled user, 60.000 on Ford cars. Re liable energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry etork of $500 to 11,000 depending on demand, can secure ex clusive territory and will easily net 1.15.00 per yetT- jco apecial experience necessary. C. A. Kemper, Rales Man age r, 60 9W;Jack s onJBWd. .Ch lea KOjlH. MUST GET OUT OF BUSINESS ACCOUNT OF POOR HEALTH Pnndy grocery and meat market busi ness, good trade, clean atoclt. good neighborhood. Auto truck and fixtures $1,400. Will Invoice stock. Would conilder trade on strictly modern home. We also have other trades and ex changes, WM. N. HILL Formally of Scott & Hill Co. T). 4413. 619 Bee Bide:. MASTER of them all. Master window bakeries are the talk of the country. Success and reputation established. Sold outright; no royalties; all profits are yours. Proven good, sound business In vestment. Made of the highest grade porcelain enamel. Attractive, sanitary and efficient. AV have good buslneas locations for you. $500 to $2,500 net profits monthly are now being made and we can prove It. No baking experience required. $2,000 to $4,000 Investment necessary. Master Baker Systems, 431 So. Dearborn. Chicago. ATTKACT1VK short term investment. $40,000 Issue 10-year registered deben ture bonds bearing 8 per cent Interest redeemable at any time at 110 per cent of face amount and accrued Interest, op tional conversion feature. Montana mln nng property. Ore bodies valued at $300,000 already opened up. Opportu nity for 14 per cent return In six months. Further particulars, Secretary Banner Mines. Inc., Passaic, N. J. MANUFACTURER opens Omsha branch, wants three reliable men with $700 or $1,000 capital to manage a Nebraska' Kansas or Iowa Rales branch. Perman ent connection and $600 per month for men awaiting a business opportunity. Out-of-town applications considered In the order received. If you mean busl ness. see James Jackson, Paxton hjoteU GOOD opportunity for hones common la borer who Is willing to work hard for two months to get Into an established business In Omaha. Guarantee $200 first month. Can make $350. Must have $300 csh and $200 In payments. This will stand close Investigation. Business growing rapidly. Box G-65, Omaha Bee. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable man to establish branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1,600 necessary; you handle own money: will allow expenses to Balti more If you will qualify. For particu lars address SECRETARY. 418 N. HOWVy ST.. BALTIMORE. MP. WB SLPVLY material and furnish for mulas free for the manufacture of Ice cream, soda water, soda fountain sup plies, ciders and soft drinks of all kinds. Correspondence solicited. Price list fur nished upon request. W. B. Wood . Mfg. On.. Manufacturing Chemists, St. Louis, Mo. 1 BIlA moves In active Now York stocks now advised on, in advance In the high est priced trl-weekly market letter, $35. three months' service: send for free sample copy; not accuracy. The Well Street Barometer, 156 Broadway, New York. 4V. "STED Competent man to establish permanent branch In Omaha. The es tablished fuel saving system: guaran teed 2 pel- cent saving: 7 years on the market: branches In many cities. Takes T)00 to swing; right mah can make $l.000 yearly. Burnall, 36 South State Chicago. WANTED Catholic woman capable of starting permanent, profitable business at home. Must have some acquaintance with Catholic, sisters. Small Investment needed for merchandise. Safe and un usual opportunity. Address, Wholley Shoe Co., 34 T.aGrande St., Boston. Mass. MANUFACTURERS representative want ed; open office: manage salesmen. Won derful opportunity. Meritorious proposi tion. Sells to all wholesalers and retail ors. Should net $10,000 annually. $500 to $2,000 capital required. Scott Corpo ratlon. It W. Washington, Chicago. BUSINESS organized under common law. Legal every state. No liability, no re ports. We prepare bonds and certio rates compile printed matter, furnish trustees, supply salesmen, launch new ventures. Financial Corporation Devel- opment Co., 808-808 Chestnut St; 'V WANTED Connection with Real Estate agent or agency In touch with pros pective settlers for Canadian Farm Lands. Write August Zllz, 811 McCal-lum-lflll Building, Regina, Saskatche wan. Canada. BUSINESS CHANCES. OUR business Is to buy and sail yoof business. Quick Service Selling Expert, 114 Brown Bid. i00 PEH CENT per annum In a safe busl- nes aterprl, Burnett, Tex. Write Bog l$4. Burk- Rooming House. FOR SALE Livingston rooming house, strictly modern brick building; good money-maker; good location, In town of l.ooo population. I am minting on ac count of my wife health. Will fell (or $15,000; less than would cost to build at present prices. $10,000.00 cash, balsnc easy terms. per rent Interest. L, C. Severn, Holdrege, Neb. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONB THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLH1 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERT WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. NEAR 34TH AND HARNEY. FOR ONE OR TWO GEN TLEMEN. HARNEY 7221. NEWLY furnished outside rooms, walking distance from court house i also suite of rooms for four: gentlemen only. Doug las 7239. 410 SWEETWOOD AVE. Nicely furnished room, suitable for one or two, with prlv liege of making own breakfast. 2563 DODOE ST. Large front sleeping room, newly furnished; piano Included; board close by. Harney 3889. f:23 FARNAM ST.. nice clean sleeping rooms. Under new management; suitable for one or two.. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family; gentlemen preferred. Webster 8079. NICELY furnished room in private home; West Farnara district; walking distance. Harney 7044. NICELY furnished room fn new home, with or without kitchen privileges. Har ney 4824. r ATTRACTIVE room. modern, private home. West Farnara district. Harney 2838. CLOSE in attractive room, bath room floor; gentlemen preferred. 114 8. 26tb St 888 SOUTH 22D Two sleeplpg room for two steady working men; $3.60 per week. 1211 ST. MARYS ,AVE. Nicely furnished room for one or two people. Tyler 6026. NICELY furnished, room. In modern prl vate home, near ca r line. Harney 1 913. iiTl CUMING Southeast room, modern home, on Farnam car line. Walnut 2319. MODERN room suitable for two genile men; reference required. Tyler 3873. NICELY FURNISHED RO"OM IN "PR1. VATE FAMILY. WALNUT t. DILLON HOTEL (124 8. Sixteenth. St. Rooms newly decorated: weekly rates. with FURNISHED rooms. board. 1842 N. 18th St. or FURNISHED rooms for 26th Ave. Tyler 128. ritbout -J. rent, 626 South FURNISHED room for one or two. Harney 6198. ATTRACTIVE room for two ladles, near car. Harney 6014. 256 HARNEY Nicely furnished sleep- tng rooms, liougias iser. ROOM for rent Douglas 9280. LIGHT In modern home. Phone housekeeping and sleeDing rooms for rent. 1718 Dodge. Tyler 4816. NICELY furnished xleepinj rooms. 2523 Capitol Ave. P. 1741. . NICELY' furnished room In private fam ily. 2864 Capitol Ave. Harney 1641. 1113 N. 23D ST. Furnished rent. Webster 66. - room for SCO N. 26TH Nice room in private home; two meals if desired. Harney 2996. FURNISHED ployed. room for two ladles. em- Tyler 2267. FURNISHED room in modern home. Web ster 6314. 2716 HOWARD; large south front room for two. Harney 1545. FRONT ROOM, 2987. gentleman only. Colfax 2502 ST. MARYS AVE. Pleasant modern room; private family: reasnnable. 3718 SOUTH 24TH Room for rent." Housekeeping Rooms. Light hoSjskeeplng 2617 CAPITOL AVE. rooms. Flarrey 7048. 701 SOUTH 16th, 3d floor, and kitchen. Sleeping room 1711 DODGE Suite Ing rooms. of light housekeep- Board and Room. BOARD Ohio. and room: Webster 3462 reasonable. 1409 TWO young ladie3 to board and room. Tv. ler 2748. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE or furnished. five rooms; furnished or un 2634 Hamltton St. FOR RENT. During summer months my home in Dundee consisting of six rooms, sleeping porch, garage. etc. Terms $150 per month. Apply by letter only, stating number in family and reference. I John M. Gilchrist, 901 Omaha National Bank Building. I I STRICT managers for livest proposition Ki'.r nffered. New. exclusive territory. Every merchant a customer. Prompt deliveries. Should easily niaKe is.uuu io 810.000 yearly. J600 to $1,500 necessary. ' Hosan. 171 N. Dearborn. Chicago. f GO-Into business. Make big. money. We start you manufacturing' and selling Famous Southern Psralines. New busi ness. Enormous profits, tremendous de mand. Wonderful opportunity. Southern Candy Co., L162 New Orleans, La. KXPORT Yountr executive solicits corre spondence from manufacturers desiring New York representative, who will bring to their business long experience, keen judgement. Initiative. Box 65, Room . TtY World Bldg., New York. 1.000 MEN to Invest ($10) not afraid take a chance for big profits. to Our l.onVlot fop Bte Business on request. H B. Washer, 687 Warren SL, Bridgeport, Conn. OIL leases and production. Large tracts; low nrleea: In Texa and New Mexico, Ulackmor Louts & Co., Republic Bldg., W Kansas City. Mo. FOUR-CHAIR barber shop, good Nebraska town. Modern equipment, goon Business, brick building. $850, terms. 614 Brown Bldg.. P-63S4. ' BLADES for C.illette Razors; send for particulars: tiuantlty prlca on reauest agents wonted. Henry Glass, 114 East :Sth St.. Tim York. VOn SALE Hotel, furniture and lease In Missouri town of 2.000 population, good commercial and tourist trade. Have other business. Address Y-1096, Bee. WANTED To hear from owner of good ruKlness for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Mtnn. 2 OIL LEASE. Wanted Six men to join me In boy. tng Texas oil lease near well now drill Ing G-24i Bee. FOR SALE First-class cafe in good oil town of 3.500. Write for particular. Box j73. Cfienrocir yo. $ Pir.R CENT NET first mortgage for - sale, $100 and up; ask for loan list. Mul -ford Co.. Salerno, Kla. To get In or out -of business. See LEWIS J5- "o. 411 Mei-acue Hidp. FO't SALE The Hub rooming house, su Tramoati NeU. 307 FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. NEWLY furnished modern home to let for summer, or will sell house with or without furniture. 3837 S. 23d; corner D St. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENT APTg. AND FLATS. Furnished. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE 8T8. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel service, Tyler 4200. FURNISHED apartment, June 22 to Sept. 1. Near Farnam St. Box G-13 Omaha Bee. DALLAS APTS. Two rooms and kitchen ette, 2564 Marcy. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTEfJ By June 1, 6 or 7-room house. modern, Hanscom Park district pre ferred. Harney 3722. FIVE or six-room house or rooms mlddleaged couple. Doug. 7402. by FOR RENT Business Property. 1303-6 NICHOLAS,- warehouse, east end of Nicholas St. viaduct, 6xloo, 16U. 1119 Farnam St., 3d floor. 66x120, steam heat and elevator. $75. 416 S. 11th St., commission and wholes sale district, 22x60, $85. 2421 Cuming St., 22x64. $35. Near 28th and Leavenworth. 12x50, with basement, $35. Cuming St. Corner Fine location for tire buslnes or auto mobile repairing, shop of any kind or manufacturing, 3,300 square feet floor WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTOR9. Tyler 15?9. 333 Securities Bldg, STOREROOMS" ' FOR RENT We have a very desirable store room at 613 S. 16th St. Immediate posses- I eion; also two store rooms on Farnam ' St. West of 24th St. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Very desirable store building on Farnam street. In center of automobile aistrict. 22x132 feet, modern front, fine location for auto salesroom, accessories or ma chinery line. Good lease. Phone Doug las 3854. MOVING AND STORAGE. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO. Heavy hauling, furniture, plana mov. Ing and live stock hauling. Prompt ef ficient service. Dougia $211. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. SALE OF HORSE COLLARS. W have over 1.000 horse collar on hand that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We are selling a regu lar $ collar for $3.60, a good $7.10. col lar for $6, and $1 collar for $6. Our best heavy dray collars, It-Inch draft curled hair face tbat sell regular for 110 or 111 for $8. i , , ALFRED CORNISH UU,, r 1210 Farnam St. ! HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS $121 value at $86 per set. Including army and war harness; 30 per cent dis count on all harness goods and col lars. Write for free price list. Desk t. MIDWEST HARNESS CO., ... 70S NO. istn Bt. FOR BALE Twenty nead of fin farm horses, mares and mules. Some of mares in foal. All stock guaranteed , sound and In good condition. Apply at M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B strteta or after p. m., phone South 476. FOR BADE 31 bead of young pigs! ciTI South 2118. 1 Wanted. HORES. wagons and harness for sal. Call Tyler 678. FOR RENT Nice light office space on ground floor: good location. Phone iOUKlaS 3368. OFFICE room Crounse Block. for rent. Apply 218 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY UPrftfJ? CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LI8T OF HOU8ES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 58$. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. VTREPROnF" WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and piano, moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4168 GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, rail Tyler 330 or Douglas 4338, Auto or "wagon service UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and Mora. 1S0S Davenoort; Doug. 2908. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. lOwned by HVH. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WE want reliable people to raise fur i bearing rabbits for us In their back yards spar time. W furnish dock and pay $3.50 to $7.60 each for all you raise. Sunset Fur Co., 106-7-1 Lanker shim B4dg.. Los Angeles, Cal. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, $L60 to $3.00 tnoroughBred prir.e stock. Douglas 4641. WHEAT screenings, $2.50 per 100. Wag oner. 801 NO. 16. Douglas 1143. THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red hatching eggs tor sale: $1 for 13. coltax S34D. REEFER'S poultry remedy for sal at 1128 N. isth St. Webster 2151. THOROUGHBRED 8. C. Buff Orpington eggs lor natcning. walnut 1939. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. - NOTE! NOTE! WE ARE NOT THE ONLY HONEST USED CAR DEALERS IN THE CITT. THRER ARE OTHER GOOD SUB STANTIAL FIRMS TO DO BUSINESS WITH. ' BUT WE ENDEAVOR TO TURN OUT OUR CARS WITH EVERY MECHANICAL DETAIL ATTENDED TO- EVERY CAR ON OUR FLOOR HAS BEEN COMPLETELY GONE OVER. ' OUR REPUTATION 13 BEHIND IT. A LITTLE BETTER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW'S BEST IS WHAT WE STRIVE FOR. AND THIS AT A PRICE THAT WILL SUR PRISE YOU. NO "GIVE-AWAYS." NO "SACRIFICES" JUST GOOD, h6n EST MERCHANDISING ATI A FAIR AND REASONABLE PRICE. HUPMOBILE TOURING, MODEL R, 1919, LIKE NEW $ 875 OLDSMOBTLE I TOURING, NEW LY PAINTED, 1918 850 CHALMERS TOURING, 1917, RE FINISHED 150 CHATTERS TOURING. MECHAN ICALLY PERFECT, 1918 759 CHALMERS ROADSTER, WIRE WHEELS 750 BUICK SIX ROADSTER, 1917 850 BUICK SIX TOURING. D 45 800 BUICK SIX TOURING. 1917, NEWLY PAINTED 850 BUICK SIX TOURING, 1918, LIKE NEW 1,050 DODGE ROADSTER, 1918 660 DODGE ROADSTER, 1918, NEW TIRES 800 MITCHELL LIGHT SIX TOURING 1917. WIRE WHEELS 76b VELIE SIX TOURING", 1917.WIRE WHEELS i 675 OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX TOUR ING, NEWLY PAINTED...'. 650 HUDSON SIX, 40 TOURING 750 HUDSON SUPERSIX TOURING. 1917, NEWLY PAINTED BUMPER, SPOTLIGHT, OTHER EXTRAS 1,150 t ENCLOSED CARS. IF YOU ARE INTENDING PUR CHASING A CLOSED CAR. WE MUST IXSTST THAT YOU COME IN AND I.TOK THESE OVER. THEIR CONDI TION IS SO FAR AHEAD OF THIf AVERAGE CAR OFFERED FOR SALE WE WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO DE SCRIBE THEM: DODGE SEDAN, 1918, ' LIKE NEW $1,250 HUDSON SUPER SIX COUPE, NEWLY PAINTED 1,400 OAKLAND SEDAN, LATE MOD EL,. WIRE WHEELS, NEW TIRES 1,260 BUICK SIX COUPE, 1919, NEW TIRES 1,050 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 8 MONTHS OLD 871 FORD SEDAN, 1918... 150 CADILLAC COUPE MODEL 53, SPE CIAL PAINT FOR WHITE WIR WHEELS, CARD TIRES. REASON ABLE. TERMS IF YOU WISH. IP YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR OLD CAR, TRADE IT TO US FOR ONE YOU CAN USE. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL 3. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 2069 FARNAM. A FEW OF OUR USED CAR BARGAINS: 1920 Bulck Roadster, like new. 1920 Oldsmoblle Touring, new. 1920 Studefcaker Light Six, new. '19 Cole Aero's. ' 67 H. H. Cadillac, 4 pas., new. 1919 Apperson Chummy, like new. I91 Oldsmoblle Six Touring. 191$ Nash Sedan, Ilk new. 1919 Allen Sedan. t 1919 Paige Touring Light Six. 1919 Studebaker Special Six. 1119 Cole Eight, 4 passenger. 1918 Chandler Touring, wlr wheels. 1918 Mitchell Touring. 191 Chevrolet. 4-90 Touring. 1911 Columbia Sport Model (Speedster.) 1918 National Six Touring, wire wheels. 1918 Studebaker Six Touring. 1918 Ford Touring. 1318 Hal. 12 Touring. 191T Paige Roadster. 1917 Chevrolet 4-90 Touring, 1917 Paige Light Six .Touring. 1917 Hupmobile Touring, Model N. 1917 Maxwell Roadster. 1917 Bulck Six D-44 Roadster. 1917 Hudson Super Six Touring. 1911 Hudson 1-40 Touring.. 1916 National Six Tburlnr. 1911 Apperson Six Touring. 1911 Stuts Roadster. 1911 Overland and Many Other. Open. Sunday 10 Till 1. MEEKS AUTO CO., ( 2026-38 Farnam. t ' rhone Douglss 4111 Tnd 41 "2. THREE BARGAINS. 1917 BUICK. 1913 FORD. MILBURN ELECTRIC. ALL IN FINE CONDITION. MILITARY GARAGFK 111 MILITARY AVE, WAL. 4101. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ?.' A' SALE ON USED CARS STARTING MAT 11. Ford Roadster. Lexington Thub, Haynes Touring. Olds Six Touring. Olds Eight Touring. Oakland Touring. Chalmers Touring. TERM., f NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO., .i 3539 Farnam. SOME LINEUP. Lat Hudson Super Bport. Late Cadillac Eight 1-passenger.j Near new Studebaker Six, touring. Late Hudson 8uper-Sedan. 17 Paige, California top. 18 Ford sedan, refinlsbed. 18 Ford Coupe, starter and (xtras. 19 Chevrolet Touring. IS Mitchell light six, touring. . 18 Patterson six chummy. 18 Ford Roadster, demountable rims. It Oakland Sensible Six Touring. ' 11 Dodge Touring. 17 Chalmers Light Six Touring. 17 Allen Touring. 17 Overland Roadster. Our prices will surprise you. Every car thoroughly overhauled. Money-back guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO., . J210 Frnm. Douglas 9"70. A FEW BARGAINS IN USED FORD CAr's AT McCaffrey motor co. (The Handy Ford Service Station) 15TH AND JACKSON STS. DOUGLAS 3500. DRIVE' IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD-DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, A-l CONDITION, SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 166 DATS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 1I2J. SEVERAL FINF" BARGAINS. 1919 Oakland, without top, just over hauled, $600. 1918 seven-passenger, t-cyllnder, Reo, In good shape, $676. Model 83 Overland, new top, bargain at $276. One set of 1919 Oakland fenders, $15. 1919 Stearns Knight motor, transmis sion, and differentials, $250. Stearns Chummy roadster body and top, $150. , JOE BAITERS, Walnut 4743. Evenings. Colfax 3380 50 FORDS, BUICK3. DODGES. New and used cars; cash or. time. Ford bodies, commercial bodies. QOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO.. CENTRAL GARAGE, 1318 Harney St., Tyler 714. Open Day and Night REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and reflnished ' Hudsons In closed and touring models: exceptional values; terms if desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Corner of 26th and Farnam. OVERLAND Speedster, wire wheels, slx- cyllnder Continental motor, new battery, motor thoroughly overhauled, just out of paint shop; A-l condition. Will sac rifice for immediate cash sale, as I am going east. Can be seen at Blackatone Garage No. 3, 3527 Farnam St. WILL TRADE my 1920 model Oakland six 4-door sedan, driyen only 6,000 miles, for good city lot In Omaha and cash difference. Address Box Q-74, Omaha Bee. ALMOST 'new Ford sedan, complete; ex cellent condition; $850 cash. 85-4 Overland In pink of condition. See these bargains at Ames Garage, 4122 jn. in. ESSEX SEDAN. BRAND NEW, FOR 2.tn: WUKTH $3,000. DOUGLAS 1291 OR TYLER 969. FULLY eqqulpped 7-passenger Carter car. reriect running condition. I'rice $700. Wlll consider good lot or small home. Call Walnut 4828 or 4340 Parker. TRUCK BARGAIN. """" Two-ton, fine shape, very reasonable; will trade for anything of value. WALNUT 4309. FOR SALE Dodge touring car, 1918 moaci, in line snape, new top. Price $700; will be sold this week. Address Bo O-S0, Omaha Bee. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson, Doug las 8500. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Ford coupe; a bargain: can be seen at Vinton garage, "1630 Vinton, or phone Tyler 3687. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used oar, quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 1086 FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on windshield. USED CARS OF QUALITY, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 FARNAM ST. . THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. S033 PARNAW. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND COn 2309 Farnam 8t WE HAVE 60 good used car to select from. All price. MEEKS AUTO CO.. S021 Farnam. MUST sell my Ford touring car, nearly new, with self-starter. Sea it at 1819 Wirt St. STUDEBAKER roadster, fully equipped, leaving city. $250. Colfax 3573. AN OLDSMOBILE "4," perfect condition. Call Webster 8337. 1917 FORD TOURING; REAL BARGAIN. HARNEY 2790. ls-VOLT 8TORAGE battery; also 6-volt. Colfax 986. 'ORD touring. Harney 900. FORD sedan. 1920; extras. OLDSMOBILE, a bargain. Webster 5219. Web7r6219. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR COIW:S INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv loe for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 117. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3 $ 1.76 80x3tf $13.71 32x3H 17.85 82x4 20.60 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North 16th St. Douglas S830. USED TIRES. 30x3, $5.00; 80x3 Mi, $6.00. All sixes in proportion. Look over our rebuilt Open Sunday. Tyler 2986. SAVIGB TIRES. 908 N, 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 30x3tt F1SK... .$11.96 I 84x4 $21.1$ 30x3 , . 9.95 16x4 26.91 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 1616 N. 19. Accessories. . Clear Vision Pumps Ten-gallon (flasn ' cy Under, a if -urate measure; very fast In delievring gasoline into the car. For information hd prlnep. address NEBRASKA CLEAR VISION SALES CO., 423 S. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. GRAY A DAVIS, starter and Wiflard storage battery for Ford car complete. Web. 3280. Motorcycles and bicycles. HARLEY - DAViDSOW MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Bt. FOR SALBA Johnson motorcycle. Phone Tyler lfiOO. Room 431. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR sale or trade. 160 acres good esstern Colorado land for Omaha residence property. Douglaa 48S8, FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE BViyer entitled to airship flight over Ir vl- 10 acres well Improved farm. T' most prosperous dry land section In tie beautiful Crow Creek Valley, SO iv.'ies northeast of Greeley, Weld county, Colo. Three sets of good Improvement, one six-room huue with bath room, Urge poroh. furnace, good garaae, barn with stanchions for 18 cows, hay loft, shed, Ice house, 11 tons put up. Three room bunk house, chicken housss. Sot water well, steel wind mill, large cedar wood tank. Electrlo lights In all build. Ings. Orov of 60 trees three years old, abovs In pasture of 80 acres en closed by woven wire fence. On north quarter good four-room house, cement cellar, Ice house, sheds for cattle, horses and chickens. Soft water well, wind mill, tank. On northeast quarter, large baah. havloft, good soft water well, two shacks. 280 seres cultlvsted, fine ssndy loam soil, five miles from railroad town, on county road, fenced and cross fenced. School op west quarter, ditch surveved through. Price, 146 per acre, terms. Ths reason for sale woman owner and can't manage. For quick ale will include good Ford truck, some furniture and machinery. No agents. Phone or wrlte direct to owner, immedi ate possession. Mrs. L. G. mlth. Green Gable Ranch. Box 143, Brlggsdale, Col. COLORADO. t Bv a farm of the owner and your Income Begins next day. 300 acres overlooking city of Denver, 240 of which are under cultivation. Free water for Irrigation. Crops Alfalfa, wheat, corn and all cereal. Improve ments 7-room house, large barns, s.lo, etc. Water piped to all buildings. Lo cated In heart of purs-hrcd Hereford section of Colorado. At pssent leased for $2,500 per vear. Now offered for early eale at $150 par acre. Further particulars address owner, 1640 Cali- fornla St., Denver, coloraoo. "BEST LANDS" t bought right SBd will (ell you an olutely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the best wheat and corn land In east Colorsdo. Write for facta. Bow See our crops. Investigate. R. T. Cllne, Owner, Brandon. Colo. WHEAT and corn land; here's 320 in Colo rado's wheat and corn belt: Weld Co.; it has a good future; price should more thsn double; it will pay interest on 8 times asked: Improved; soft water well; new windmill; will sell or trade for cen tral or eastern Nobraska property; price, $30 an acre: don't miss this opportunity. C. T. Ahlstrand. tireeiey. cor. A COLORADO RANCH 1.880 aores good .agricultural land; right for wheat. Marlon Land Mtg. & Inv. Co., Hutchinson. Kan. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 320 to 640 acres, $876 to $1,250. Get located now. Last chance. Made many rich. Be In dependent. Come now. See Busch, Wig gins, Colo. 198 ACRES; trade; owner; 7 miles Pueblo; paid up water; for eastern land or city Income: $200 per acre; mortgage, $21, 000. W. B. Root, Colorado Springs, Colo? Florida Lands. REAL Estate Journal, Miami, Fla prints "wanted" ads fre.e; mall yours, giving description of property wanted; Journal mailed free to parties interested In Flor ida lands. ' Iowa Lands. FARMiFOR SALE We have for sale and immediate possession a 32-acre farm in Mills , county, Iowa, adjoining the city of Glenwopd. This farm can be used to an ad vantage for stock feeding pur poses. Terms if desired. , Bankers Mortgage Loan Company 318 S. 18th St. Omaha, Neb. WRITE us for prices and terms on lands in Thomas county, Kansas. Feltoh & West, 307 Crounse Block. 1R-ACRE improved, Council Bluffs: priced to sell, possession at once. W. H. Becker, 8519 . North 19th St.. Omaha. Minnesota Lands. SOUTHEASTERN NORMAN CO. has seme of the finest soil in Minnesota. Gently rolling. R. F. D. telephones. Good roads, water and sure crop. Good corn last year. Two bargain farms, 120 acres each, joining. No buildings except cranary: all cultivated. Very productive. School across road. Five miles town. $50 acre. Terms. Free list. No inflated values. Boss Co., Masonic Temple. Minneapolis. Minn. MINNESOTA lands. 30 improved farms offered for sale by owner on long-time. One-fifth cash. Located In Red River valley proper, near Argyle. Stephen. Donaldson and Tyler, Minnesota. Write for descriptive booklet and price Hat. M.Lauritsen, 629 2d Ave., S. Mmneap- oils. Minn. 3$-ACRE bargain, Clay county Minnesota; all of the ui of section 27, township 139, range 47; Improved and In cultiva tion. Write W. L. Burger, 911 New York Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" 200 acres well Improved, large orchard, good water, close to school and town. $3,000; $500 will handle. Hop- on cars, come to see It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. OZARK fruit, poultry farm;, new cottage, spring; fine hunting, fishing; easy monthly payments. Edmund Steckel, Kictiianci, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 96 per cent best of farm land, Rose hud slit loam soil, a snr.p at $25 an acre. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Section 1-14-29 and the w and SP.Vi section 7-14-281,120 acres in Lincoln county. Neb.; located 7 miles north of U. P. railroad and 10 miles rortheast of North Platte; make me an offer for this land. Address J. A. West rrlund, Medford, Ore. MANY BARGAINS In Queensborouerh, New York City acreage and lots: ready for development: 18-mlnute, 6-cent fare from Grand Central Terminal at Forty second street. Minor L. Plntty 7 East Forty-second St.. New York, N. Y. REAL ESTATE In tracts of 6 to, 2.000 acres; wheat, corn or sugar beet land, grazing or hay, dry farming or irrigat ed; in North Platte valley; $14 to $400 per acre. Square Deal Land Co.,, Ltsco, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska. FOR SALE Forty-acre level farm, one mile from town, 8-room house, electric lighted, water system; easy terms; $400 per acre. S. S. Langford. Craig. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 82 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. 226 A. Hay farm and clover land. Elk horn Valley, Eastern Neb. Flank Scher- merhorn, 1011 U. F. Hdqrtrs. Hide;. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. North Dakota Lands. RAMSON COlfNTY, N. D., best kind of farm land, level black soil, well settled community; Just what you want. Write Ed Llndberg. Elliott, N. D. New York Lands. IF YOU are looking tor a good farm of any slxa and for any purpose, near good markets, in the state of New York, es pecially In the Mohawk Valyley, write to LEO J. FIELD. ' 307 State Bfc. Schnectady. N. Y. SOCTHERN NEW YORK FARMS Equipped farms of every description; most delightful section of the east. New ullst free. F: B. Wells, Sidney, N. Y. Texas Lands. DON'T invest at random. Millions have been made- In Texas ioII and leases by careful Investors. Write for our free geological map of Texas and list of counties that are getting big pay.- No obligation on your part. Investors Pro tective Assn., 242 Moore Bldg., San An tonio. Tex. Washington Lands. DAIRYING- POULTRY. State of Washington needs dairy poultry farmers: easy to' make money; ideal climate; fruits, vegetables grown abundantly:, good markets, fine roadsf cheap lands close to cities. For free book write I. M. Howell, secretary of state, Dept. F., Olympln, Wasru Miscellaneous. - Corn, Wheat, Clover, Rich Midwest Farm. '-One of best farm In leading farm ing county; 190 acres tillage, Including 100 acres bottom land, all one field; wonderful crops; spring and creek watered pasture: some wood; good orch ard; excellent buildings; include three big barns: shelter for 200 heads tock"; renl bargain at $0 an acre; easy terms. I irthllsr page 88 Strout's Catologue Farm Rargains S3 States. Copy free. Strout Farm Agen.y, 831-DF, N. Y. Lite Bldg., . Kansas city, ilo. FARM LANDS. Miscellaneous. FARMS for sale or exchange. Over 110 large and small, In llllnol, Missouri and Arkanrt. Writ Forman, No. 817 In ternational Lit Bldg., 84. Louis, Mo., for free Hat, FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. MR. INVESTOR: Se our list of farm and city real estate mortgage offered at attractive discount. STEEL REAL ESTATE INV CO., tstn and farnam. lyier iva. PARI! and cltv loana IS. H. LUUUHB. 128 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS, PER CENT. DU MONT & CO.. 418-411 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KBEFB REAL ESTATE CO. ' 1018 Cm. Nat. Bk, Bid g. Don. 1711. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Harry Mslashock, 1814 Dodge. P. 1819. Es. 1894 PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg.. 110 8. 18th St. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omalra Nat PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 4229. PROMPT ervlce, reasonable rate, private money. urvln Bros., us nmsn ws: i Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Two quarter aire tracts In the Uulf Coast Development company. Sub-divlslou tract were withdrawn from the market at $500. Make me an offer. P. O. Box 1198, -Omaha. Neb. HAVE a few well selected oil lenses In Texa fields, will trade lor iimuea amount of Skinner racking or Waterloo Creamery stork. G. C. Turner, 424 Park avenue, Omaha. NetK WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $5,000 to $8,000 on second mortgage farm lano, wnere imi mortagage Is small compared to value Of farm; will pay good rate of Interest. Y-1122, Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE MONEY to invest in Omaha property and prefer riats, eitlicr frame or brick construction, of from two to four apartments or rental cottages; two or more to gether or places close in which might be made into rooming houses. Business property also considered. Want complete de details and location from owner. Can handle property up to $15,000 or $20,000. Box G-64. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. LISTINGS WANTED 5 We have customers for homes, flats and business property. See us If you want to sell. v DUMONT & CO., 416-419 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 190. IlAVE Inquiries for good home In good locations. Do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grim mef. 849 Omaha Nat'l .Bk. Bldg: YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tvler 491, OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. WANTB TO BUY Flv to aeven-room house, irom owner, on payments, w co ster 4160. To buy or cell Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1421. WE HAVE ccsh buyers for cottage and bungalow nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1181. REAL ESTATE and all Kinds of lnsarance, HERMANSEN & CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Dour. 3551. E. (TSOLOMON fSi 212 Karbach Blk. Doug. 5262. HAVE purchasers for 5, 6 and 7-room homes. Call Walnut 2163. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. ACREAGE WEST $325 PER ACRE. ' Gently rolling, with several good building sites, running water through the land, located with two miles of the Ak-Sar-Ben ex position grounds and the Aviation field. $2,500 cash and reasonable terms. This acreage is rapidly in creasing in value. 20 ACRES Located high and sightly, gently rolling land, with new high-class improvements, within half a mile of Q street, which will be paved and five miles west of 24th street. Price $15,000. 46 ACRES. LINCOLN HIGHWAY. On Dodge street, paved road three miles west of Fak, Acres, eight miles to postoffice. Land has gentle south slope, nice grove of trees, fine new improvements. Exera large living room, large fire place, one bedroom and bath, din-ing-room and kitchen on first floor; three bedroohis on second floor, full basement, furnace heat, wired for electricity, garage, chicken house, large barn, corn crib, granarv. Price, $30,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. DOUBLE CORNER DUNDEE Well located varant lot on 52d St. ownpr has prlcrd this for quirk ALFRED THOMAS, REALTORS. 804 First National Bank. FOR'SALE LOTS Just what you want 100x128 ft. one block to car, four blocks to school. Near Deaf Institute. Price $800; $300 cash, balance payments. Call owner. Wal. 127. L0GKW00D LOT, $3,000 v Beautiful lot for sale in Lock wood; price $3,000, Let me show you this lot today. Walnut 2812. TWo fine lots in Omaha for sail. Lot 8, block 139, Dundee Place, will make a fine building place on both of these lots. Price for this lot for quick sale, 81,500 and the other lot is lot 3, Creston Annex for quick salo, price. 11.700. If Interested write or phone J. A Nelson. Malcbm, Neb. Phone 1113. GOOD LOT, nicely located. 1 block north Benson car line, on Fifty-fifth street; was taken on mortgage: will sell at bar gain If' taken at once. Douglas 6723 of fice hours. LOT In Mlnne Lusa addition, 83-foot frontage, near park. Triced right. Call Norall. Douglas 974 or Harney 6156. FULL size lot, 4 blocks from Dundee, 8276. Cash or terms. Will erect small house If desired. Douglas 1657. LOT for sale; will consider Ford as part payment. Webster 430. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENT BARGAIN Three-story and basement brick build ing with full oorner lot; rented for 83.600 per year and tenants pay for heat Price 136,000. Reasonable terms. A good buy, as It Is located In a district which is being rapidly built up with 0 and 8-story factories and warehouses and la certain to Increase In value. Full Information on request. DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Building. Douglas 880. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtor, Real EstaXe. Investments' Insurance, Ren tal. Tyler 1181. Ill Securities Bldg. SPECULATE ON THESE NINETEENTH AND CAFITOL AVENUE. 66x120, with 14 ft. strip joining on east, on the corner, with three houses; annual income, $1,410; on account of Dodge street being 7 graded and its attendant high-cass 'improvements, this will rapidly develop into close-in property, Want offer. 507-9-11 SOUTH TWENTY-FIFTH AVENUE. 66V112 with three eight-room modern flats. This will also be come desirable close-in property, with the contemplated widening of Twenty-fourth street, and open ing of adjacent and intersecting streets; also the community center planned from Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-fifth avenue, and St. Marys avenue to Harney street, will surely make this an ideal investment. Annual rental, $120. Price, $26,500. TWENTY-FOURTH STREET VACANT CORNER. 66x153, having 284 feet of street frontage on three streets. This, too, will prove a good investment, as Twenty-fourth street is wid ened. Investors are predicting Twenty-fourth street to become our Sixteenth street of the future. Price. $12,500. HIGH-CLASS VACANT BLOCK near crest of Thirty-eighth street at Davenport, fronts 319 ft. oil Davenport street, 175 ft. on Thirty-eighth street, 153 east front on Thirty-seventh street, and an ideal location for a large, high-class apartment, or homes. Will divide. Price, $35,000. TWENTY-FOURTH STREET DOUBLE CORNER. 100x126 vacant, on grade, east s front, with 15-foot alley; a good parage or picture show location; Twenty-fourth street values are rapidly increasing to high-class retail prices. Price, $10,000. RESIDENCE LOT, 50x125, east front, near Thirty ( seventh and Davenport; 20-foot alley; entrance on north side. Want offer. I TRACKAGE, 98x152, corner, on Twentieth street near Leavenworth street; 16-foot alley on one side combines wholesale trackage with being close to retail center and depots. Price, $11,500. RESIDENCE LOTS, 40x134, high, sightly location, near new boulevard in north part, of city. Want offer. OWNER WOULD MAKE PRICE AN OBJECT IF ALL OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES ARE PURCHASED IN A ' BODY. INVESTOR COULD MAKE A WONDERFUL PROFIT DISPOSING OF THESE SEPARATELY. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS, 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 2715. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. OMAHA BUILDING WEST BUY IN BENSON , Wc have ;t few beautiful new bungalows in Benson we can sell on easy terms; $450 cash; $5S per month. GUARANTEE REALTY CO. 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 5171. $600 corner li , etc, Hunday call Dougia 131 COMMERCIAL, - Six rooms; oorner lot, 14x101; fruit trees, etc, Sunday call Dougia 1211. Douglas llll. NINB Dundee. APARTMENT SITE BEST ON SOUTH SIDE Near 25th and F Sts. we have three lots on tha corner with frontage of ISO feet on 25th St., and 150 feet on F. This property Improved with an Immense brick house with 12 large living rooms on first and second floors and an un finished third floor. It has a hot water heating plant and thorougly modern throughout,, at one time being one of the finest home on the South Side. Could be nicely rearranged in from six to ten apartments and grounds are large enough for four apartment houses of large construction. This can be pur chased for $16,000, about half cash. 8ure worth consideration as an investmentor as a nerulatlon. See Campbell. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1781. 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. - Sunday phone Web. 3191. 1308-10 Harney Street Three Story and Basement Brick Building ' 33x132. containing better than 1,700 square feet of spacer Now rented but can give possession within reasonable time. A well constructed building, suit able either for semi-rental or whole sale purposes. . Has a large elevator and splendid hot water plant, v This property will make an ideal Investment, as It can be rented im a long time lease at an attractive figure. Price of property, J4J.500. ' Half cash. H. A. Wolf Company, Merchandisers of Real Estate. Tyler 3160. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg., 18th and Douglas Business Property New brick building, 44x100; two stores with additional ground for future expansion; steam heat, liberally wired and equipped with unusually fine plumb ing, including tub and shower batha for employes; second floor ha.s no columns or posts, as roof Is truss construction; makes fine workroom, office space di vided off on rtiain floor; tiled vestibule entrance. This property could liot be duplicated for twice the price. There Is only one objection. It is not close to business center of Omaha, but It Is ideal for any business not requiring downtown location. Price 20,000; 110,000 cash will handle, balance on payments. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler irrsC. 333 Securities Bldg. WAREHOUSE. OR FACTORY . FOR SALE Two-story and basement brick build ing. 22x68 feet, with lot 22x132 feet, in Omaha wholesale district. Price 113, 600. Possession In 30 day. DUMONT & CO., 4 18 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 190. HANSCOM PARK FLAT Duplex pressed brick flat building, with 7 rooms on each side.1 Oak fin ish, fireplace, etc. Income $1,600 year. A snap nt $13,500. only $6,000 cash. Bedford-Johnston Co., Douglas 1734 DODGE STREET Large close-in Dodge street lot, with some improvements. A sure, safe specu lation. Can make a good price. Bedford-Johnston Co., Dougia 1714. for sale: Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 413 Keellne Bldg.; Phone Dour. ( REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE exchange your properties quick; three dandy small farms near Council Bluffs. Dandy stock farm in Nebraska, well improved. Good brick store building and bakery, central Nebraska. Apartments, store buildings and houses in Omaha. Thcabove for sale or enchange. What havn you? ' Wll H. HILL, (Formerly Scott & Hill) D-4411 519 Bee Bide. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lot In best part of Council Bluff. What have you to trad. Carl Chanotrom, 1030 Far nara atrecb 'OUR BEST BUYS IN DUNDEE ' - $7,800 Seven rooms; sun room. litlnB room, dining room and kitchc first floor; three bedrooms and sewing room second floor; ivory and white enamel finish with oak floors first floor. Full lot with paving all paid. Can give immedi ate possession. Very conveniently located. Arrange with us for in spection. ' $9,500 A substantial 8-room inodtrn home near the corner of 51?t and and' Cuming streets, facing south. Large living room arrangement, colonade opening to dining room, . butler's pantry, handy kitchen and refrigerator room, first floor; oak floors and oak finish; four large corner .bedrooms, each with clothes closet, and tile bath, sec ond floor; white enamel finish and hard pine floors, full basement with built-in fruit room and coal , bin; full south front lot with garage for one car. Price, $9,500; owner leaving city and is anxious f to- sell. $10,50Q , Eight rooms and sleeping porch; arranged with sun room, livirgf room, dining room, den ad , kitchen, first floor; three bed- , rooms and sleeping porch, second floor. Floored attic, full base- ' ment; oak floors throughout and oak finish first floor. Full lot, nicely located, with garage for one car. $16,000 A. very classy, semi-bunglaow, seven rooms, with large living room arrangement, with fireplace, sun room, dining room and kitchen, first floor. Three bed rooms and tile bath, second floor. Best of finish built-in features. Excellent location; cement drive way and garage for two cars. Can give immediate possession. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, fipugla- i860 111-iQ City Nation?. DUNDEE BARGAINS $7,S0O. A splendid two-story well built home In a nice location on paved street, convenient to car line. Downstairs in oak, has vestibule, large living room, din ning room, den and kitchen. Up stairs in maple and birch, has three nice bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch. Is priced for quick sale and won't last long. About $3,500 cash, balance terms. $1,4500. N. E. eorner, S2d and Dodge. Beautiful large six-room bungalow on Dundee's sightliest corner. Lot is 100x128 ft. with fine double garage. Owner will consider well located lot as part payment. Shown only by appoint ment, do not disturb occupant.' Schroeder Investment Co. 638 Railway Exchange Bldg. T. 321. Sunday call Mr. Munroe, Tylers 412fi: Mr. Hohroeder, Walnut 8351. . ' THE COWIN RESIDENCE One of Omaha's most beautiftif homes, located on the finest resi dence site in the city. The house has 14 rooms, and is finished in solid mahogany, quarter-sawed white oak, etc. Brand new steam boiler adaptable for coal or oil. Garage for four cars with chauffeur's quarters in the same building. Ground space 157x145. Price quoted on application to THE BYRON REED CO. Doug. 297. 1612 Farnarn St. DUNDEE 7 ROOMS, $8,500. CLOSE TO CAR AND SCHOOL. Four rooms and bath down; i bedrooms, sewing room, bath up; almost new, GUARANTEE REALTY CO.. 224 Bes Bldg. Tyler 5171. DUNDEE BUNGALOW Beautiful new Kragstone stucco bungalow, just completed, posses sion at once. Five rooms and . bath. Oak floors and finish. Built in bookcases. One block to Dun dee car. $1,250 cash required. Call Wal. 5373 or Doug. 7412.' Ask for Mr. Grant. DUNDEE BARGAIN A beautiful new stucco home, east front with tnany pleasing built-in features; may be bought on easy terms. It has six rooms, tiled bath, guaranteed furnace. Phone Harney 3556 Sunday. DUNDEE). A beautiful 1-room "kellastone" tuc cned house just completed, with aak finish throughout, ' Consist of large liv ing room or oss entlr front, 14x1! rt. with fireplace, bokeae and sunroom. Large dining room, very convenient kitchen with built-in wall cabinet and larg one-piece sink, refrigerator room. Second floor ha four larg bedroom with plenty of windows, woodwork fin ish In Ivory with birch mahogany doors, oak floors. Tiled bath with built in china tub and pedestal lavatory. Metal weather strips Installed In all windows, large floored attic rull r. ment basement with pressed brick foundation, laundry tub, floor drain nd toilet. Corner lot, 11x131 f-st. double garage and drive. Bund ay and evening rail A. R. Thatcher, Colfax 461. i liOt Dodt t (boat buc lit. M m I "a.. v.