121? THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 16, 1920.' Flash 'Notes'of Weekls Bills Rialto "Mrs. Temple's Telegram"' is a comedy where jealous wives, in to have spent the night. She is sus picious and sends a telegram to it t-i .1 i.:.. r: it .Went husband and a designing ;. , Vi i, ,m,u"s. . .. ' V Uf t vatny all get mixed up together. Be sides, 'there is an Italian manicure .artist who wears his heart on his slccv and paraded under the name of John Drown. Bryant Washburn i the star and Wanda Mawley is' leading woman. This farce has nnul'sed stage patrons of two gen erations. In the role of aclf Tem ple, Mr. Washburn is pursued by a vanin of designing type and has the misfortune to be locked for the 'night w'i'th this, creature on the roof of a department store. Of course, Jack knows, jealous Mrs. Temple will rt'Ot accept the true explanation of h!s absence so he invents A Mr. John Brown, with whom he claims ifsult is a mixup of wives, husbands and Ihe manicurist that. finally re sults happily. . , Moon Adventure loving motion picture fanswill enjoy seejng Tom Mix in "Desert Love at the lioon this week. It is a typically western story and with more ihan the. usual Ppep." 'Toiri Mix takes the par) of Buck Marston, known popularly as "One Quarter Apache," sheriff of a border county in Arizona. He must avenge brs father, slain by the Ken- yon crew. And he must avenge tne disgrace of his sweetheart's sister at the hands of the junior Kenyon, known as "The Whelp." ' He at- Summary for Today Sun "Alias "Jimmie Valentine" with Bert Lvtell. Strand "The Sea Wolf with Noah Beery. Brandeis "Sex" with Louise Glaum. , Moon Tom Mix in "Desert Love." , , Empress Buck Jones in "For bidden Trails." Rialto Bryant Washburn and Wanda rtawley in "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." Muse "Alias Jimmy Valen tine" today only. ' Snappy Action Marks Film Showing Story Of "The Sea Wolf" aftefr a series of v. TODAY ' A fast, furious exciting drama of the red-blooded West! Makes all other Mix pictures look like milk and water! And you know that's going some! Better See It! Special Added Attraction m Ik m m m mm. mm Big Centur$ Comedy SALOMY LIONS Moon International News HUDGE NORTON bT 9 li : wn tarns his objects episodes. Strand The picturization of Jack London's novel, "The Sea Wolf," is the program at the Strand today and all week. I he central figure is the brutal sea captain, "Wolf". Larsen, a peculiar mixture of villain and hero, philosopher and near-animal. , The plot centers around this terror of the deep and the adventures which befall a beautiful girTand hetv-ounj' idler admirer when they were in volved in a collision and, rescued by Wolf, are kept by him aboard his vessel. Noah Beery gives a notable performance as "Wolf." Tom For man is the rescued youth who be comes a cabiii boy and Mabel Ju lienne cott is the girl. Brandeis "Sex," starring Louise Glaum, which opens at the Brandeis today, is a frank handling of the sex question. Miss Glaum is shown first as Ad rienne Renault, the dazzling butterfly 'of the Frivolity Roof, then as a different Adrienne, married, de voted yf her husband Sjoe is des- PARK YOUR CAR , -at- ' 14th and Capitol -' and Avoid Theft f H f . ONE WEEK Starting TODAY aw i m . i m m if B ' 1 I I fl I H f lit the play that m-oves no heart is burflaiproof IAS JIMMY V. PAUL ARMSTRONG'S internat ionally celebrated crooi. iama 'look out for JIMMY! Hell Stick you up and frisk, ypu of tnot thtill& tKan you . ever believed you had con - , cealed about you ! ! ! TODAY ONLY j A 15-Minute Trip Through Our Concrete and Steel Fur Storage Vaults Will Prove to You That "There Is None Better in All America" " Phone Tyler 345 for, Instructions on Fur Storage DRESHER BROTHERS DYERS CLEANERS 2211-17 Farnam St. Some idea of the large and realis tic scale upon which Jack London's famous story," "The Sea ' Wolf," showing this week at the Strand, has been made into a ' motion picture may be gathered from the fact that Producer. George Melford hired a ferryboat and bought a big .schoon er outright in order to stage the collision between the two craft in Sin Francisco ba'y. The schooner was completely . demolished in; " the crash. The " company which, made the film spent a month .along the San ' Francisco water,, front making the exteriors. , , However, not all the episode? were "shot" so near the shore, as the players made frequent trips but through the Golden Gate into the orien sea. A memorable day which they spent some SO miles from shore during a severe galo' in a not foo seaworthy fishing boat , while the camera registered the destruc tion being wrought all around tlitm by the wind afid storm will live l(Jng in the minds of Noah Beery, who plays "Wolf Larson;" Mabel Juli enne Sco'tt, Tom Forman and the other members of the cast. But Di rector Melford expressed the con victions of all when ho declared, "I want no millpond Wolf. tined to pay for Ler. past aud the despoiling of the happiness of others. Her own castle of dreams tumbles when another woman lures her hus- baivt from her. The climax comes when, the same Daisy Hendefson of iooo corners, in wnom sne oe veloped the feminine arts-ef allure ment during 'their days together-in the Frivolity, wins her husband from her. Then Adrienne lifts her hands to heaven and all the tragedy of sex are expressed in her heartbroken query: "Oh, God! Why did this-have to happen to me" . ; Sun Bert .Lytell will be setyi at the Sun theater all this week in "Alias Jimmy Valentine," amelo drama which has been on the legiti mate stage, so long that it scarcely needs an introduction. As may be wiffl emus l, ! ! 'WWW J? fr--; ' ' 'Mil 1 1 ssas'&stsMaj nn i-MiMMMw in x , ' . umv.v - r-rjma, i . a btieof ik Ttcee ees ' CiPSSj recalled, Tinimy Valentine is a pris oner, in sing Sing on a ijiarge of bank robbery, who has earned the enmity of the warden because he always "plays the gentleman," jimmy opens safes without burglar's implements, relying upon his ex tremely sensitive touch to feel the slight jar of the tumblers in the combinations of safes. What fol lowedthe cTfect of Jimmy's repu tation and the possession of this odi! skill on his after life forms ' one of the most thrilling, brea-th-catchuig melodramas ever written. the cast supporting Mr'. Lytell in cludes Vola Vale,Eugene Pallette, Wilton Taylor, Marc Kobbins, Rob ert Dunbar. Winter'Hall and James Farley. Finis Fox wrote the sce nario. Muse "Alias Jimmy Valentine," with Bert Lytell as the"" reformed crook, will be shown today only at the Muse. Tomorrow and Tuesday, William Russell in "Eastward Ho!" will be, the -attraction. William Russell is Buck Lindsay, a ranch owner of Arizona. An eastern girl Comes into the ranch country. He irnn a v ALL THIs week . v Wlr 1 P. M. Continuous 11 P. M. , ADMISSION: AFTERNOONS, 1 to 6, Any Seat 25c; EVENINGS, Balcony 25c, Orchestra 50c . Husbands, did your wife have a headache wlien you went home last night? Wives, did your husband stay down town on business last night? See "Sex" and understand each other! On the Level With the 'Stars A FORMER movie photographer, now in South Africa with an expedition sent out by the Smithsonian Institute writes that Viola Dana is the favorite actress of the South African people. She was seen there recently in "The Microbe." "And wheSi you find out how many microbes there are in the tropics," he said, "you will under stand how distinctive an honor it is that anyone would go to see another.'' Doris Pawn took a tumble it a bathtub the other day receiving an injury which stopped work on her new picture for several days. The Christie comedies ought to be sees her later in New York, falls in love, and has a desperate battle with white slavers before winning her. Wednesday and Thursday, Charles Ray will be seen in "The Clodhopper," supported by Mar gery Wilson. Alice Joyce in "The Sporting Duchess" is the program for Friday and Saturday. Muriel, duchess of Dcsbrough, was happy. Her cup was filled' to overflowing. One day she lost all, husband, son, fortune. Her fate hunjf on a horse race, the famous derby. If Clip stcne won, she could regain her for mer position. Miss Joyce has a strong emotional role. . Empress Buck Jones, in his sec ond picture, "Forbidden Trails," will be seen at the Empress the first part of the week, starting today. Buck is, as usual, given a chance to exhibit his wonderful h5rsemanshipJ Buck Jones, as Quinton Taylor, a young ranch owner, assumes guard ianship of the property of Marion Harlan, at her dying father's re quest, to protect it against knavish schemers. He protects Marion against. Carrington's insults, has a fierce gunfight, is wounded and re covers, and finally comes into his own which naturally includes Marion. "Fighting Cressy," coming to the. Empress for three days start ing Thursday, is a picturization of Bret Harte's famous story, "Cressy." Hamilton Today, Sylvia Breamer in "Dawn;" tomorrow, Baby Marie Osborne In "Miss Gingersnap;" William Desmond in "Deuce Djin can;" Tuesday, Baby Marie Osborne in "Miss Gingersnap," Gladys Leslie in "Too Many Crooks;" Wednesday, Peggy Hyland in "The Web of Chance;" Thursday, Gladys Prock wcll in "Thieves;" Friday, Fritzi Brunette in "The Woman Under Cover;" Saturday, Tom Moore in "Heartease." Suburban Today, Bryant Wash burn in "Love Insurance" ami Cen tury comedy; tomorrow and Tues day, William Russell in "Shod With Fire;" tomorrow only, Daredevil Jack" No. 8; Tuesday only, Bolin coniedy, "Cracked Wadding Blls" and Pa the News; Wednesday and Thursday, Marguerite Clark in "Widow By Proxy," Mack Sennett i comedy, "Back to the Kitchen;" Frjj- day and Saturday, Dorothy Dalton in "L'Apache," Sunshine coniedy, "Her Private Husband.'V able to solve lot of domestic m ficulties. Listen to some of the titles to recent pictures: "Watch Your StepV-Mother," "Should Husbands Dance? rell Your Wife Every, thing." "Should a Husband Tell?" "No Babies Allowed." "License Ap plied'For," "Are Brides Happy ( and "Should a "Wife Come Back?" And now they are planning a com edy picture called 'Clothes Must Come Down.". The Moon theater will present in addition to its regular photoplay . program this week, an .act, "1 he MiTdge-Morton Trio." who have earned the name of "Purveyors of Melody" in their travels about the country. ( f Some bnelse has invented a ok to lay at the Harold Lloyd-Harry Pollard door. Itvseems that Harry Pollard, bet Harold Lloyd that he couldn't name four republican pres idents of the United States without looking the matter up. ' s "That's easy," answered Harold, "Benjamin Harrison, Howard Taft. Theodore Roosevelt and Paul R- , vere." Pollard paid the bet. ' "Say," asked Harold's producer a little later, "how come you let Harold get away with that Paul Revere thing?" "Why," asked Pollard, Vwas he a democrat?" Stuart Holmes is ' making' first installments of a 15-wcek- serial, "Trailed -by Three." Will Rogers has a new rival. That rival is his -year-old son, Jimmies Rogers, who drew as much applnus as his dad at a recent "kid" matinee -staged by the Goldwyn Pictures" compahy in San frrancisco. Ihe pic ture was "The Strange Boarder." Gloria Swanson's next picture for DeMille is to be named "Something to Think About." Elliott Dexter , re- , turns to the screen in this picture after an absence of almost a year. Other folks in the pitcure re: Theodore Rosloff, Monte . Blue, Claire McDowell, Theodore Rosloff. Mickey Moore and Julia Faye. If it's half way as good as "Why Change Your Wife?," its appearance will be a sign for motion picture fans to rejoice. ' . Fatty Arbuckle -5 CP starred in is to James Forbes stage success, "IThc J raveling salesman. Pauline Frederick has been re leased from her contract with Gold wyn pictures and is now listed in the Robertson Cole directory, Grand, Sixteenth and Binney Streets Today,. Anita Stewart in' "Her Kingdom of Dreams;" Pollard comedy and Pathe News; tomorrow and Tuesday, Douglas Maclean and Doris May in "What's Your Hus band Doing?", Sunshine comedy; Wednesday, Madge Kennedy in "Leave It to-Susan," "Advertres of Ruth," No. 6; Thursday and Fri day, Dorothy Daltou in "Plack and White," Sunshine comedy; Saturday., Tom Mix in "The Feud," and coniedy. 'l't:riH,lHIIII'illlllllllllllllllllilllllllilllllilllllllllll:l( j Another Reason I l Our Biggest Asset Is -i Cleanliness and " 1 Our Drawing Card Is f 2 1 Service I I You get this combination i I when you patronize i Hotel Rome I x Cafeteria v l Always Open j .ROME MILLER ll''i: i!rin,l:UIiiiMi:';J 'T r-l"l7 M 1 A Talk on Hair Health Scalp Massage Hair Tonics Shampoos Brusning and General Care of Scalp and Hair By Madame Maree ''OUR hair will very quickly respond to a . little attention and care and reward your effort by growing long, lustrous and silky. Of course there is nothing better than a brisk, hard rub of the scalp daily but your hair to be beautiful, must have more attention than mere rubbing. Described below, you will find some sugges tions home mixed tonic and shampoos that have brought happiness to many thousands of women in the past, and because they tire so wonderful and dependable, thev are published here again. j A Home-Miide Hair Invlgorator. Tou can easily prevent hair from falling-, and you can make It prow thick and luxuriant by a very simple method, which is far superior in results to that of any so-called hair tonic you can buy, Tou will notice the difference in your hair in a very few days, and It will take on a vigorous lustre besides, and thin spotu will , at once begin to fill with new hair. Thfs is done by simply adding one ounce of beta-quinol to a half pint of water and a half pint of bay rum. If you prefer you may use a full pint of wtfehhfczel instead of the water and bay" rum. The beta-quinol may be procured fpr fifty cents at any drug store. Try this and you wilt no longer find handfuls of hair coming out on your comb and brush, and your hair will be m.he envy of all your friends. Here la a Good Shampoo Every scalp has constantly forming on It a Uiln, Invisible film of fatty accumulations which soap cannot remove, not even with hard rubbing. The one way to remove this film, and let yonr hair breathe Is to dissolve It This Is done by the use of a teaspoon ful of eggol dissolved In a half cup of hot water, and used as a shampoo and head wash. This unseals the pores, and It will surprise you what a tremendous difference It produces in the ap pearance and growth of the hair. in ' a twenty-five cent package of eggol, which can be secured at any drug store, there Is enough io supply you with over a dozen of these shampoos. Another Shampoo. Of all the high-grade, ready-to-use shampoos, there is notfT ing on the market more delight ful than the one known as FRESCAy One peculiar feature of FRESCA Shampoo, is that while It leaves the hair soft and clean it does not leave such a tangle nor make it so hard to handle or arrange after a wash. So If you want a ready mixed, hisrh class article, trv this FRESCA. It usually sells for fifty cents. And If Yon Have Any Hair Ton Do Not Waat There Is a very remarkable way to remove it. Simply mols ten the hairs with a little sulfo solution. The hair begins to shrivel. Tou can see this dls solve,.and then with Just a swish of th finger, all the hairs can be rubbed off clear and clean. It leaves the sRin thoroughly free from all superfluous hairs, not leaving even a suggestion that you had any superuous hairs at all. It is glorious. Every woman snouiu nnvesome sulfo solution on ber dresser. This Is quite dlf. ferent from most 'depilatories and docs not burn nor redden the skin. Sulfo a o 1 u t 1 o sells in "6 r 1 1 1. nalpack aces for a dollar. if in ii 1 f