THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 16,1920. 1 r : - : ; 7" 77 . - n , - i . ' ' ' I " '. V ' . ' - ' ' ' ' , 1 ' . I ' ' ' " N 1 ' . . j'gnHni QtB, IT.C(P j ; Ik ilti f I . : J . . ' IS Taxicab Service: When you have to make a train, evening calls, shopping trips wherever you want to go the ideal way is to go in a Brown Cab. No matter what "kind of weather or at what ' "time of day or night. Your wife, mother or the children are just as safe in a Brown Cab as in your own limousine. Then, top, the rates are reasonable.' A tested and sealed meter is in plain view of the passenger. Accuracy of these meters is guaranteed. You will not be over-charged. Call Douglas 90, or else hail one. They are "Everywhere in Omaha." Baggage and Transfer Service: ' We haye the largest and best equipped fleet of' baggage and transfer trucks in Omaha. Brown trucks are aVailable to . the public for every Jiauling, purpose. Your baggage or other articles, in our handling, will r eccive the best of care. Trunks are always placed bn end, and never one upon another. We are the only authorized railroad transfer company in the city,. and we can check your baggfae through to its destination. No worry or bother at the stations. We also have a Piano Truck, -espe- , cially built' for Wiling pianos. v Brown trucks, phone Douglas'95. i Telephones': - . - Our business is maintained to provide the people of Omaha, and the' city's visitors, with efficient taxicabnd transfer service. Our aim in the past has rjeen to make this service as convenient, pleasant and economical as we cAeruiig our enons m tins direction, we Have won the approval of the ' public, and have met with great su ccess. Now, in the future as well as in the past, we shall continue, to give you the best, most efficient service that you can secure in any city anyvhere. Every attention will be given to you, the customer, and you may tie assured prompt, courteous,, de pendable treatment. x . v; ,-. " There are many reasons why our service 'has proved so. satisfactory. We are continually purchasing new equipment in order ' to better accommodate our fast growing volume of calls. f- v Our equipment is kept in A-l condition at all times. Scores of mechanics are employed,' and our shops are kept open night and day. Every employee in the organiza tion is interested in working for the welfare of the public. We employ only reliable people; they are well paid and on - a bonus system, and they realize that more and better satis fied patrons means a better paid position for every one " ( of them. y - Douglas 90 (Taxicab) Douglas 29 B (Transfer), Oma Is L. AMBULANCE SERvllOE "J h WXKi . Iha ' -1 axicab Ambulance Service A wonderfully luxurious Cadillac ambulance has lately been added to our service, and now fills a long felt need. This motor ambulance is mod ern and complete in every detail to give eaSSe and comfort to sick or injured tfkile being taken from one place to another. y This service is for. the pub lic in general, as wellxas for physi ' cians, surgeons and hospitals. Two men, experienced in ambulance work, will be in charge both night and day.-- Phone Douglas 90. FraEgfifeF Go, S. A. Houser, President. , C. C. Nienian, Treasurer. Jack Sharp, Secretary. r saswssswssstmmsiiisMmKssstKsKiKssMsssMSswssWKWswssisssWsWslsWsWsssl " tss I