V M K if ' i1 j 12 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 16. 1920: i BURGLAR FLEES WHEN OUTCRY IS MADE BY NURSES ", - . : - Thirty Screams From Thirty Throats Put. Speed Into " Heels of Thief In Hos- ' ' pital Home. Thirty nurses routed a burglar by their screams eariy yesterday morn jiljj in the nurses' home of St. Cath erines hospital, 1505 South Eighth street. The nurses live in the old Joseph Barker home. Miss Catherine Geanlevy awoke early yesterday morning to find a man sitting on the edge of her bed, with his arm over her head, attempt ing to remove the wrist watch from her rist. As she stirred and slowly roused, he seized her and, choking her, said: "If you scream I'll shoot." "What can you want in a nurses' home?" she asked him. -"Surely you must know that nurses have no .money? Please give me back my wrist watch. It can't get you much money, and it means so much to me." Yields to Pleading. The burglar, who had evidently jimmied the window in her room to gain entrance to the home, seemed to yield to her pleading and finally capitulSled by giving back the watch and going out the door of her room. Meanwhile, Regina Walsh, on the second oor, had been awakened by the commotion in the roorft down' stairs. " Because another burgjar had en tered the home a week ago last night, the nurses had all been ex pecting a return visit from him, and Miss vValsb immediately thought of burglars. ' Creeps to Rpom. She crept quietly from her room to the stairway and descending the steps far enough to be able to reach the telephone on a table in the lower hall, leaned over the banister ,to get the telephone and call police. v i But in her nervousness, instead of seizing the phone, she knocked it from the table to the floor. The burglar by this time had reached the room in which four nurses were asleep: Miss Catherine Pritchard, Miss . Mary Mulcahy, Alice Kernan and Miss Margaret Harley. As he entered their room the tele phone in the hall crashed to the floor. Screams Rent Air. Thirty screams rent tlfe air as 30 nurses were rudelv roused from their slumbers by the crash. Their first thought wis burglars. And the present burglar's first thought was evidently escape, for simultaneousIywUh the 30 screams he dashed through Miss Geanlevy s room to the open Window, out on the lawn and away. , Th. nnrs all exolained that their sudden screams were not the result of fear, but the release or meir pent up nerves for the week following the visit of the burglar last nday night. . ' . . . At that time a man broke into the home and, .when caught prowling about, told the nurses he was being pursued and asked that they allow him to hide behind one of their doors. " He, too, escaped, however, wen they talked of calling police. " Removes Her ings. Since that time the nurses have been expecting another visit, and m; Elsie Stolberk. each evening, removed the rings from her fingers and put them on her toes as she retired. " When last night's burglar escaped out the window the nurses called the police, who at once scoured the neighborhood for suspicious charac They arrested nor one, but when the detectives returned to Central headquarters, a man giving his name as Louis Schmit, and saying that he had just arrived in Omaha from Lincoln, asked for a bed at the po lice station. . . Held as Suspect. Detectives at . once stated they believed he answered the description given by the nurses of their latest burglar. . Schmit was arrested tor vagrancy and investigation, and given the bed he had requested. Later yesterday morning, Ischmit was taken by police to the nurses' home, where he was marched in re. view before the 30 nurses. All -stated that he was not the man who had caused the disturbance in their home., But Schmit is being held on -the vagrancy charge, anyway. Discovers Litter of Eight Wolf Cubs on Missouri Farm Greenridge, Mo., May -15. While walking through a patch of timber on his farm near here the other day, James Caldwell was. startled by whines that seemed to come from beneath his feet. - After a snor.t hunt Caldwell dis-. covered a wolf's den containing eight cubs. At the office of the county cleric Caldwell received $3 each for the cubs' scalps. "BUSINESS MEN" WE GUARD YOUR CAR DURING BUSINESS HOURS FOR 25c AT 14th and Capitol . We are going to open a new PRAY, FOR MEN Store. (Shall, we call it Pray Junior?) .It isgo ing to be just "like the "Daddy ' PRAY Store , Sell the same merchan dise, give the same SERVICE and all. ' We are opening thi3 store in order that we may serve you BETTER no . matter which end of town you're in." ' The location will bf 1908 Farnam Make . use of it. Remember that all Pray Shirts are guaranteed that Pray stores are Phoenix Hose headquarters, and that Fray's prices save you money. ' ' The New Store Will Open In- About Qne Week . For Men . 508-10 South 16th It 1 ; TT1 Specoal.Saie Starting Monday, May 17th, ' and continuing all week, we will hold a special sale of Gas fixtures and Combi nation Gas and Electric Light Fixtures, Portable Lamps, Gas Lamps and Glassware This is a special opportunity to buy needed new things for the . home that .you cannot afford to miss. . Omaha Gas Co. 1609 Howard Street. Our Better Values Every Day are Practical Demonstrations of the Saving Advantages of Cash Buying White Fabrics and Linens White Swiss Organdie The real St. Gall, Switzerland, product, in the sheerest of transparent finish, 46 in. wide; M ic 'yard, $2.50, $1.75, $1.50 and ' I. Vital Cone a Arrra wHa tn CkortW Pluanl-e one oi the daintiest materials for dresses or waists, '38 inches wide,' the a jc' yard, at. . , Fine Voile Fabrics Hard tised thread, sheer finish, each grade a superior value;. Monday, the yard, at 59c, 85c, (Mv'JC 05c and .Vli&O Fine Long Cloth 10 yards to- the piece, 36 in. wide, soft finish ; by the piece, $3.25; or, yard . JOC Batiste in the Flesh shade, 39 inches wide, soft, lustrous material for lin- gerie purposes, at, yard. 5 C Pure Linen Table Damask 72 in. wide, heavy quality, satin finish, ex :ellent designs, yard. $ Pure Linen Towels Hemstitched ' ends, 20x36 -size, high grade linen. m huck, each p 1 tZo Pure.Linen Pillow Cases Hand embroid ered, with hemstitched ends, a; hc "size 45x36, at the pair. ....... .. vOtiO -:- THE CASH STORE :- ' - ' ; ' ' ' ; ' . ; . ( i i. i i i I II M it I I , I ii ,m Second Week of Our Silfc Sale UNEQUALED VALUES 1$ CHOICE NEW PER FECT SILKS THAT: WILL MEAN UNPRECE , DENTED SELLING ALL THIS .WEEK $3.75 Foulards, 36-incb,s nice array of colors and designs. .... .$2.49 $4.00' Figured Georgette Crepe, 40 inch; beautiful assortment and are perfect goods .$2.49 ..Worth $3.25 yd-Chiffon Taffeta, all colors, extra quality. . .'.$2.75 Wortti,$355 yd. 36 inch Satin De Chine , all colors, extra quality, ' 'perfect goods. . . . .1 .'.'i . .(.;$2.75 Worth $3.25 yd. Georgette Crtfpe, all colors,', extra quality $2.75 , $9.00 Crepe Milans, 40 inch, $6.98 Wonderful , quality fpr , Sepa rate Skirts and Blouse's, perfect goods. ' , '.- ' -I.;;;; ' $1.50 FaiUe Poplin, 36- : inch, 98c ' All colors except black and white, y, ', ' 1 : $2.25 Stripe Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in., $i.l9 Extra vfine for Skirts- and. Dresses. $8.00 Tricolett, 36 inch, -$5.98 ' ' Crystal 'Mills knit, the best made, -in dropstltch and plain, perfect goods. , Wash Dress Fabrics A wonderfut, variety of (lie most popu lar fabrics now on display in our Wash Goods Sectjou. Special consideration has been given to the weaves and colorings of both foreign and American . manufac ture, i. ' Imported Printed Voile Fabrics 38 to 40 inches wide, chiffon finish, -finest texture, wpnderfully combined color combinations, the yard $1.95 Satin Stripe Voiles 36 to 38 inches wide, lustrous ' satin stripes, printed styles of rare beauty, at, yard $2.25 Highest Grade American Printed Voile 38 to 40 inches wide. A showing that is wonderfully complete and pleasing, ,all that is new may be had here, -v the yurd, fljt. $1.5U Pompadour Voile Light grounds (tinted , or white), color combinations qq pleasing and effective, yard... VoC ' Organdie, the Original Swiss Fabric Im- ported direct from St. Gall, Switzerland, 46 . inches wide; every new a - shade shown here, at, yard. . . . prf5U Foreiga' Ginghams Light weight, 38 in. wide, the new plaids for -dresses, here at, yard plZt) .Tub Suitings for Separate Skirts, Etc. 36 inches wide, blues, pinks, - rose, etc., fast color, yard 5C Superb Values in Summer Appard A Wonderfully Beautiful Lot of ' New Gowns and Dresses For Club Openings and general Summer wear just received. Exquisite new modes in the most de sirable materials and colors. ' $59, $79, $95, $125, and up k High Class Navy Blue Suits f . ; Monday, at $95.00 ' ; 35 Elegant Model Suits made byk. Y.'s finest makers, the styles the season's smartest, each suit has exclusive style ; were made to sell up to $150.00, COC Mondav. at ?SJ : Dfess; Special Monday at $35 At this price yur choice of classy Silk Dresses of taffetas, Georgette crepes and combinations, niade up in many styles; dresses &ic at this price made to sell up to $65.00, Monday, special, at Just Received . ; V New Wraps and Goats The very smartest styles for any and all occasions, made up in many novel styles. Specially Priced Monday, at $49, $59, $69, $98 and up Summer Dresses All in and v Ready for Inspection . Monday Hundreds of-pretty Wash Dresses made, up in the season's many dainty as well as practical styles for misses, ladies and stouts. Prices range $8.95, $10, $12.75, $15 and up ' ' ': i "- Exceptional Values in Dress Goods 56-in. WiffeAll 'Wool Tricotine Which' is in such a large, demand, in all .. colors, plenty . of Navy arid Blade; bar gain at $6.98; Monday special, at $5.98 56-in. Priestley's Im ported . English Men's Wear Serge Tn Navy only; they are selling other places for $6.98 yd.; at Hayden's $4.98 44-in. Priestley's Im .jforted, English Epingle All Wool, , jiist the , kind you "want for ac cordion pleated skirts; $3.50 quality, special, at $2.98 44 in. All Wool French Serge A good firm weight, in all colors; -plenty of 'navy; selling elsewhere for .$3.00 and more; at Hayden's for $2.48 Have your skirt made to measure by our ex pert men tailors; all work guaranteed. For the making. , . . .$3.00 Mail Orders Promptly Filled. ' I , ' J ' I The Greatest Stock of urniture Gutting DownGrocery Prices Monday we are going to start a campaign to 1 . Reduce the High Cost of Living ll-lb. cacks Best High Grade Plour for 93.50 14-lb. sacks Best High Grade Flour for 91.75 lh Beat White or Yellow Curn ' meal, per lb. R4 4 lbs. J?est Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal ...... . 25 The Best No. 1 Navy Beans, per lb. .... ......10i The Best Domestic Macarorvi, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, per pkg. -. - TVit Large jars l'ure Fruit Preserves for .... 35 Large bottles Snider' Catsup for .. 25 ll-oz. cans Elkhorn Milk. ; .11 1 H-lb. cans Kunkel's Cocoa; 234 tt pints Old Monk Olive Oil. 45d yi Pints Matcella Peanut Oil for 25 Tall cans Alaska Pink Salmon for .... 23 6 boxes Parlor Matches 2S 6 sacks Table Salt 28 No. 1 cans Fancy Tabls .Peaches or Apricots In heavy - syrup, . for .... . 19 Sweet, 'Sour or Melon Pickles, bottle 10 Pure Cldsr Vinegar, bottle. 10 We are sole Hgents for the Kel logg Battle Creek Products. 5-lb. sacks P. & U Genuine Gluten Flour 91.25 Johnson's Educator Biscuits, per box 23 28-ts. bottle Fancy Queen Olives for- 75 20 off on all Beech Nut Pre serves, Jams or Jellies., Beech Nut Catsup, 15 and 23 First Car of TennesseeStrawberries ... Extra Fancy Fruit on Sale Monday. Quart (oxes, per box 4 quarts to the case, per case. . ...... 333 $7.25 THK GREATEST TKA AND COFFEE . MARKET IN THE WEST. Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee, the talk of Omaha, per lb. ......38c Diamond H Blend, special, lb. ...40c H. B. C. Cup Quality Coffee, lb. 4t 0 H, J. Blend, the old standby, at per lb 45c Ankola Blend, nothing like It, at per lb. 60c The best Tea Sittings, lb. 17 c Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. ........ 28c THE VEGETABLE MARKET OF OMAHA. , Fresh Asparagus, bunch Sc S bunches Rhubarb 10c Fresh Spinach, pk. 20c Orssn Onions, doi. bunch ........30c I. art Cucumbers, each !0c-!Sc Frssh Peas, quart SPc Fancy Head Lettuce, hd. 10c Cooking Onions, per lb. 7 14 c Wax or Green Beans,' lb 20c The Finest Line of Fresh Fruits at Comparatively low prices. IRIE1 FRUIT SPECIALS FOR OUU PIE8, CAKES AND SAUCE. Choice California Prunes, lb 18c Choice bleached Seedless Raisins, at ' per lb 2o Choice unbleached Seedless Raisins, per lb j 5c Choice Mulr Peached, lb. ..... '..2Se Choice Muscatel Raisins, lb. ...,t5c Choice Evaporated Apples, lb. . ..!Bo Choice .Cooking Figs, lb. , ZAc Choice Layer Figs, lb. 25c Choice Seeded Raisins, lb. ......5e Choice Cleaned Currants, lb. ....Mo Cres-a Layer Raisins, Lib. tln...S9e Shelled Popcorn, per lb 7 We The BEST of MEATS iff Our Sanitary Market . und our low cash prices mean substantial savings to purchasers who appreciate good meats. . SPECIAL MOJiDAY Steer Pot Btwtt 11L I pone iic. in I Lard . . , Salt Pork Special, lb, 18 22y2clb. LinGleums f ' jjj and S;,RugS JLJL May Sale r , -Our Entire Spring Stock of Rugs at Special Prices that will surprise you. Our earl buying enables us to give you rugs and linoleums at less than today's factory t price. ' Special Price 9x12 Biglow Hartford Wilton Rug. worth $185.00. .8145.00 3.3x10.6 Biglow Hartford Wilton Rug, worth $160.00. .8130.00 9x12 Shuttleworth Wilton Rug, worth $145.00. .. .8105.00 8.3xl0.6 Shuttleworth Wilton Rug, worth $125.00....$ 98.00 .9x12 Smith's Colonial Rug, worth $90.00 $ 75.00 9x12 Smith's Palisade Rug,' worth $70.00.. 8 54.00 8.3x10.6 Smith's Palisade Rug, worth $65.00..... ....8 50.00 3x12 Smith's Axminster Rug, worth $75.00.....;'.:$ 52.00 9x12 Smith's Mannor Bruss Rugs, worth $47.50.. I. $' 35.C0 9x12 Smith's Brussels Rugs, worth $35.00.. .$ 24.00 36x63 Lakewood Wilton Rug, worth $25.00 $ 18.50 27x54 Lakewood Wilton Rug, worth $20.00 $ T.4.50 36x63 , Axminster Rug, worth $12.00 $ " 9.00 27x54 Axminster Rug, worth $9.00... v 8 6.00 30x60 Smyrna Rug, worth $10.00 , 7.00 Inlaid Linoleum, worth $2.60, Monday, square yard. . . .8 : 2.00 Printed Linoleum, 16-4, worth $1.85,-Monday, sq. yard. 8 ' 1.50 Carpet Sweepers, each....... $2.50 up to $, 6.25 $35.00 $67.50' $75.00 $21.50 We Have Ever Had on Our Floors ,'. Furniture for every 'room in the home is represented and prices are considerably lower than you might expect for piecea of such splendid quality. A 'visit to our Furniture Department will reveal the finest type of home furnishings in full and com plete variety.,! ( A Luxurious "Overstuffed, Davenport Suite of honest construc tion, upholstered' in high grade tapestny, Oonn AA $350 valuercasfc price, t JptJUU.UU $350 Can Living Room Suite, a' beautiful suite at a price you can afford, artistic Queen Anne design, mahogany OQAA aa finished frame, upholstered In velour, cash price. . Solid Mahogany Cane Back Chairs and Rockers, cash price. i Duofolds in Golden, Fumed and Wax Oak; $75.00 values, our. cash price..... Characteristic of the refinement of taste displayed in the home of today is the ornate yet stately example of Louis XVI Period. A Davenport Table of character in this period, 72 inches long; a value for $87.50, our cash price. Library Table in Golden Oak and Mahogany fin ish, $27.50 values, our cash fcrice...., Let your dining room be so characteristic of your home that its refining influence is felt at eaeh meal. 8 Piece Chippendale Walnut Dining Room Suite Buffet is 66 inch wide, Table extends 8 feet, Spring Seated Chairs uphol stered in tapestry;. $550 value, our MQK Art cash price JpyO.UU 10 pieces Genuine Mahogany Dinkig Room' ttnt? rn Furniture; $500 value, our cash price. 1'. " w.UU 6 foot Solid Oak Extension Tables in gulden and. fumedsfinish 15 inch Solid Oak Buffet to match "-$39.50 i Genuine (Leather Seat Chairs to match ...$ 5.75 . Beautiful Bedroom Suite Not. only in point of service, but in de sign do they represent the acme of perfection, in genuine Ameri can Walnut and Hippleicheter design. Dresser has mirror 24x30 Chiffonette to match Bed to match Baby Carriages,. full size, reclining back; a limit ed number at a remarkable low figure.'. .......... Reed and Fiber Furniture for sunroom, living room and porch. $55.00 Ivory Chaise Lounge, V ' M7 KA our cash price ..j '............"..., pTl.OU , Frosted Brown Rockers, upholstered in tapestry 03 K AA and cretonne, $22.50, $28.00 and JhOO.UU . Porch Swings '. .83.50 to 819.75 Porch Rockers $4.50 to $2.75 A We carry a full line of Simmons Beds, Cribs and Springs, also the Dutch Kitchenette Kitchen Cabinet, at prices you can well afford to pay. ' 1 . $20'.00 569.75 S67.50 $65.00 $29.75 Wall Paper Sale Many bargains in .. high grade "Wall Papers in this sale. A wide selection to 1 make your choice.' Note These Items . , Tapestries, Grass Cloths and Tiffany Blends with borders, regularly $1.00, while they last, go at, roll. .......... .....40? High Grade Papers for living rooms, hall and dining rooms with pretty borders, very special, per roll 34 Pretty Bedroom Paper, high grade with nice cut border, in two lots, roll .....10 and 15 Big selection of papers for any . nice room in the house, in two lots, roll. ......10 and 15 ... We Famish Paperhangers Summer , Furhishing Needs . Attractively Priced Galvanized Porch Boxes $1.25 11 ft. Clothes Line Pole, with galvanized ends, for ; 50 4 qt. Heavy Galvanized Sprinkler Cans for 75 2 qt. Acme Ice Cream Freezer S1.45 1 set of Asbestos Sad Irons tor 82.75 1 set Mrs. Potfs Sad Irons for 81.90 6 lb. Electric Iron, $6.00 value, 'of S4.50 Hardwood Extra .Well Braced Step Stool for $1.40 Wool Wall Duster, with two handles for .....$1.25 3 gal. Galv. Water Cooler , ; $4.25 Shaker Flour Sifter for. ..20 Carpet Beater for ......... l 10 qt. Enameled Water tail tor ."... $1.00 4 large rolls Crepe Toilet Paper r ' .."..25 2-burncr Gas Plate for.. $4.50 Saniflush, can, Monday.... 20 ' v -v. , It Pays- TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays 0