. . . ...... y i - fHE BEE: OtfAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1920. ' i rl3 i i CANONIZATION AflcncMnMV ucin OLItLhlUMI IILLU BY POPE AT ROME i . - . 7 Carried in Chair of State to rCathedral Body of Swiss j Guards Proceed Pro- r cession, j . "2? Rome,. May 14. Solemn cere ' flionies for the canonization of Gabriel Possenti and Marie Alaco- que Were held in St Peters today Pope Benedict was carried in the chair of state toithe cathedral,' being surrounnea dji a gorgeous retinue 01 Roman nobility and general officers ef religious orders. Siss guards preceded the procession. j 1 f jVhen the procession entered the "cathedral the choir sang "Ave Maria Jitella." Throngs of , French pil grims greeted the pontiff -with loud fchtm, waving handkerchiefs and holding up religious objects for the " Apostolic .blessing, which the poph Jjenevolently imparted with his up- raised hand. Z Pope Benedict was seated in a jhrone and preceded e canpniza - tion ceremonies by intoning a hymn. iAfter he had pronounced the forni Jilk for canonizatioif and inscribed 4he names of neve saints in the Sacred scroll, the pontiff intoned i a t dcum while the bells announced the happy event. ... J.atcr Pope Benedict celebratel s. 1 wiiss; and thcii returned to his apart- ( ITlttit in fhp Vafiran ' t arrfina iP'Connell of Boston, Mass., was present for the first .time as a cardi nal at a ceremony for -canonization. Gabriel Possenttr-pne of the Pas- .ionist, 'fathers, was renowned for fy's. "sanctity and miracles." He was horn at Assist. , Italy, fn March lr 1838, and died February 27, 1862. He Jvas buried at Isola di Gran Sassb, ; Marguerite Marit Alacoque was French nun of the late seventeenth fentury. She was the founder of the worship of the ,Sacred Heart of Jesus. '- . ..' .,. ' Says Consular Service Not Yet Adjusted to t ' Meet World Situation . San Francisco, May 14. "The diplomatic and consular service .of ' the United States has not yet been , raedjustH to meet the world situar ' tfon." Philip B. Kennedy, directqr ot the United States bureau oj, for eign and domestic .commerce, said -' at a lunchconhere of the American - Manufacturers Export association, in connection with the seventh an nual foreign trade convention. "It is like a motot cat with one . cylinder frying to do the work of a xsix-cylilide r car," Kennedy said. The diplomatic service is not under civil service. All tha best positions are given to men who have distin guish edtanisdves GRUNAU INSISTS RAILWAY STRIKE STILL UNBROKEN ' Plans Big Parade as "Silent Protest" Many Men Find Other Work. Chicago Tribiinf-Omaha Baa Lasted Wire. Chicago, May 14. John Grunan, leader of the insurgent switchmen's strike, rises from obscurity long enough to say 'tUe strike is still u broken, but the' railroads failed hear him. Just a few days ago his dejected followers sent him a tart 4ommuiucatton,xtelling him to make vood his rxtravaeant nromisrs to theflthem or to suggest some way out of the dilemma into which he-had led them. I They told him there was no sense in pretending 'the roads were not working that they were constantly employing' more men and getting bark to normal, while the outlaw strikers stood to lose all their sen iority rights and any chance to get back their jobs. - 1 Now Grunau1 will attempt to re vive the movement by -staging a grear "parade next .Sunday. He claims it will be mad'c'up of strik ing switchmen, but it is ' expected that every union man, no matter what his trade or profession, will get in line and help swell the. ranks, Grunau says no potters ortanners will be displayed'and that it -will be a "silent protest."' Fifty per cent of the strikers have go into other work and many oKthepi have left the city. Grunau estimate 25,000 persons will join the parade. ' - This should not be; it must be placed under civil service' to provide roi1 the security of the United States in foreign affairs. 'The only way to place the for eign service of our government on a proper basis is , by spontaneous ac tion from business men of the coun try." , Director Kennedy iirged that alj foreign service of the government be placed on a professional basis under rtvil service. Get Out Into the Sunshine Golf is not only a moat Jasci- nating sport, but an inexpen sive source of health. GOLF CLUBS Driver and Braaaiea, $3.00 to $10 Iron Cluba .$1.75 to $6.00 Balls ', . .60c to $1.00 Bag, . $1.36 to $30.00 Compteta Stock of SHOES, HOSE, KNICKERS THE YOWfJSEriljl GUN COMPANY 1S14" Frnao St. Phono Doug. 870 J J .( SPECIAL SALE! CF Aft 11 Y S(D)B Thli fnllnirlnr i!ni will h nn tnl dnltv until mnnlv i .vhnn.tt fail to take advantage of th)s mouey-Kariug- opportunity. Don't SHJrttS V. 8. Renovated Shirle, y excellent condition. Special, 1 Jr A A for only ....1 jW"" Cloalnt out Khaki or Brown Klauuel Sliirta, brand oew, (JQ QQ at vuhu Brand new O. O. Wool Serge Sliirta; a tit value, at only.. Khaki Cotton Shirt, brand neve, special -Heavy blue Chambray Shlrta; apeclal. at '. , Sliirta Khaki, extra value. flJO AQ Special, at tOA.1I VEST." ' Leather-lined Veata, moleskin back with leather aloevon; our (fA in Pt7.it7 $5.98 $1.79 $1.39 apecial prtc w-D union suits, vfirand new per auit .. Balbriggan Union Suita. Extra value .at Athletic Union Sulfa, very upacial at ..... .......... V. B. Jtmy Balbriggan Shirt twk Crawera. per garment.... MV EATERS Khaki Bwjatera, wltll or without aleev.s . . . Gray Slaavaleaa Sweaters: very apecial at KHAKI VAMS AND OVERALLS Blue Denim Bib Overall QQ very eueclal. at DAe70 Khaki (Jninnail. union made, very special, at . ..T...... Khaki ranta, apcrlal, per pair $3.79 $1.69 $1.39 98d $4.68 $1.98 $3.23 $1.98 .:r..h":y; $2.39 $32.50 tted U. a $17.50 back Rain- $9.50 $12.50 calfskin $8.98 $6.98 S6.98 oes, Mun- $4.98 ialfakin. $9.75 CLOTHING Khaki Fant. special KAIXCUATS We have a largo and choice atuck of raincoat at oxceptlonally low prlcea, Ufflcara1 moleskii: waterproof Coata; worth double the price. Our price, only Heavy Cashmere Cravenetted U. 8. liaynater Raincoat, a may. fct Regulation army double-back Rain coats. Very , apecial, at Officers' double-breasted Raincoat, very special... Army iiuaset Diem Shoes, calfskin upper, oak aolea. ' at only Army Infantry Shoe, , CfC QQ Muiison last, our special... tPv.tO Army Xiench Phoea, a won. derful work ahoe Heavy Chocolate grained Shoes, Mun. son last; a real anap, at only' , Shoes Of flc 3is' Cordovan tialfakin. plain toe,, dresa jhoes; very special Shoe Home-gtrard, Munson (pJ M f" last shoes; apecl.tl wO.iD SOCKS All Woof Cashmere lied Cross iQ- Socks, special, only Cotton Socks. All color, a real snap. Per doien Qp pair '.."..;, wXtUO Socks Black Cotton Socks, ispeclal, dozen, only . ROOFING FAl'ER , 2-ply, sanded both andea, waterproof, weatherproof nod flre-reslstlng, square (218 (J. ft,) to tha . fl nf roll. Price, par roll. only'.." WlelO PAINTS Guaranteed House and Bain Paints. Outside Watte. An per gait. , VUtOV All color, per gallon '.. Red Barn Paint, - per gs UaJXB wire Extia. Heavy 4-point Barb Wlia, In reels weighing approximately ft Iba Special, per at U. 8. BOOTS AND RUBBERS Hip Rubber Boot, brandy new, all uliea ............ Short Boota,Jbrand new, all Uzeg MILITARY SIPFLIES 1 Specials for the Boy Scout and the Oul -Door Man. s::".8:. $t6 BLANKETS Woolnap, cotton fleeced, double blan keta. Our price Ir only Brand new O. D. Wool Blanket, very apecial, at U. & Marine all-wool. Blankets, at Blankets Commercial Wool Blankets, renovated, plaids or aolid color Special, at HARNESS AND HALLEKS ' New Harness with -inch ' bridles, 5 ling breeching with felt-lined pads. Hi In. by til ft. llnea and ltt-in. bret strap, lracea IK In. by ft. Regular tleO.00 value. All oak leather, at Wa also carry better grades of liarnva up to $120.06 per set. Halters. Hi-luch heavy I all leather double riveted halters, spe cial, at, $L98 net dot. $5.98 $8.75 SU50 Blankets, $5.98 $89.50 $21.00 53.25 $1.95 Wlia. In aa iha $2.87 BKRS $5.49 $4.39 TEJiTS TEXTS TKNTS " U. 8. Army Reg-nation l'enta. 16xH, ' 1-foot wall, pyramid ahape, extra heavy duck canvas. These tnt coat tha government up to 1125. Our special offer, while they J5 QO V. B. -Regulation Pup Tents or Shelter Halve, vary special ' fjf Off icerJ ill Wail Tents, com- d9A pleta with polea and stakes.. wOU Canteena with web carrier; '7Qi r,rll wit ahoulder traps TVS. Artillery Knap- aatk Khaki BreacheA x ,, at O. p. Wool Breeches, at .....j... Regulation Cuff Leggings O. I). ' Wrapped or Spiral Leggings .' Regulation Veb Belta at n vimpaija xi. )i.A7 special ......... Soap Purt Cocoa Castile Soap, a $101 bar for...... Match bo'zea to tha package, par package ...... $1.98 $1.50 29c 55c 39c $2.00 98c $2.25 ; 39c $1.98 98c U. S. Engineers' Hand Axa ... .... GROCERY SPECIALS Peas Hlgh-grao Kugar paaj, apaeiai. per caaa of 14 ons, ) QC only ......(v 000 Corn Fancy Iowa Sweat Corn, caoa of 14 c.yp , M QC caaa. enly OeUU Pork and beans tn tomato sauce, largo Brooma 1L2C rv; special. v pr san apeclaU per can, ISei fl J trn only I par caaa, zt cana TO ALL OCT . Ot TOWN BUYERS Mall ardor giv apecial attaartlea. Send Baaey erder or draft. Shi omenta are eaade daily. HEOnASKA ARMf ADD UAIfY SUPPLY CO. 1619 Howard Street. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Open Saturday Evening. 1619 Howard Street A Butte Mining Firms . - Take Action to Rid ' District, of All Reds ButU, Vont., May 14 Officials of mininsr compinin in this district, which had posted 'notice announc ing thty would empfoy no member of the Industrial Workers of '. the World, conferred here u wjiat'tliey id were plans to rid tne-distict of radical organization's, which they blamed for numerous strikes in the di strict during the past, six years. " Concerning the nbticrs, which ap peared during a s.trike for increased wages and a six-hour dayr called April 18 by the Metal Mine Work er! union Xo. 800, I. W. W, John Otitis, manager of the Anaconda Copper Mining company, saia: 'We have taken this action to pro tect our own interests and because we believe it to be our patriotic duty. We will not quit until evry I. W. W. and all other radicals eeking to perpetuate trouble m this, district and' the out.' advocating government the overthrow of have been driven Cotton Consumption for April Was 567,839 Bale? Washington, May 14. Cotton consumed during April amounted, to 567,839 bales of lint and 29,955 bales of Jinters, the r.ounccd today. census . bureau an- Give $1,000000 Bonds tt Build Roads in Arizona roeni.v. An'., Mav 14 Bond in the sum of $1,000,000 'was furnished by Twohy Brothers company of Seattle 4or the execution ot, its con tract to construct 283 miles of paved r rr roaru in Maricopa county at a cost ofHUlHJ.UOU, Ollicials said ihis wa the ever awarded in as the result of a ost ; I largest roacr'buildmg contract ;J 4.- the United single bid. States - In the automotive industry Amer- ican workmen are able to. produce ir one vean, the result of cv i.n'M uii me pail ci r.urupcan artisans. ill I . ' . i 1 1 . ' v iV MM ) Ml MU'Mm ,." II Mil II lll TT I VVM ll I l.x N.X II III VJ I U I fVVVJI UJW ) . " v3) 1 1 1 1 va u Children'.llair Bob bing on Fourth Floor Saturday a Special Sale of and is , Marii Talcum Pawder, very special ............... . . 17c Odorone, -for. excessive perspiration. , :24c Nail Cake Poish.7 pink, very special ....... v 15c Nail Buffers, 'detachable chamois, half-price .......... 25c Vefour Powder u.ffs, Very special. 12 , ' ' Djer Kiss Perfume, very special, c4ince. .. .$I.3?-" Perfume Atomisers (DeVilbiss) very, special...... ..9Se Armondi Talcum Powder, very special . . . . ........... 17c ; Stevens' Depilalory (odorless)... ......... V......... 69c . Sanitary Napkins, half -pricereach. ..... .V. 5c Lysol Antiseptic, large size)( very special.. .79c SsTHepatica, a mild laxative, large size, very special. . 89c Colgate- Barber Bar. very apecial, cake . . . . ...... 7c , Listerine, large zt, very apecial. . . :' . . ; .'. . . . . ... .69c t,y ; Listerine medium size, ver-y special X . . .... . ... 35c Sloan's Liniment, vVry special ... . . .. . 24c ' : ' Lap tic Pills, very special, bottle . A ...... ......... . 35 Dr. Hinkle's Pills, (formula), bottle....". ...i.'...19c ; ;, Putman't Dry Cleaner. . . ... . M 4 '. . . . . . .17c v; .. Bath Spray with long tubing, will fit any' faucet, spl. $f!09' ' Uaskin's Cocoa Sard" Water Castile Soap, bar. . ,7c , ' Daggett Rariisdell Cold Cream in, tubes . 1 9c Household Rubber Gloves, special . . . . ... .... . v. . , . . 49c -' .Moth lalls, per pound, very special. . . . v. . . ... 15c Milk of Magnesia, very special 27c , Noit Spi, for ebccessfVe perspiration specjal. .T ..... . ,42c Thermo Pack Ice Cream Containers, while they last 79c - 'v '. JHaia Flow TUI m EYERYBODYiS. STdRE" Delicious Pastries Baked in, Our Own Kitchens , iNfo)ATW A dainty sortment of New Neckwear is here for ybur selection. ' Home Bakerj Pastries for Sat , urday v ' , -v ( Special Cakes, in two' sizes, 50c and 75c. . , Pies like mother makes, In Apple, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Logan berry and Lemon Cream, -40c to 60c. - Old-Fashionad Cake 'Dough nuts, 40c per dozen, t 'Delicious Drop Cakes, 40e pet " dozen. " VN . Take home one of our Coffee Cakes for your Sunday morning . breakfast, 20c and 25c. ' ' Main Floor - , : . . A Delightful Place to Eat Luncheon The Cricket Room, j Visit our dining room on the' Fourth Floor, whre you can en joy a good, wholesome luncheon. . Special for Saturday. ' Individual Chicken Pot Pie, en cagBerole, 45c, ; , Individual Steak, Russian style, -en "casserole, 40c' ; , Individual Spaghetti, Italian ' Style, 25c. . ' Cricket Clubhouse "sandwich, . for 45c. ' - . . Also many dainty dishes as well as delicious ice- cream specials which are made exclusively for us. - ; f . . v Fourth Flo . Here Is An Qpportu'ne Sale of BAGS Hundreds , of beautiful, firrest quality Silk Hand Bags priced for Saturday. , Every Bag in the sale is new.anft smart and there is a wonderful selection forJ cnoosmg, Dotn oi styles ana colors. t - . Four Large Groups at Very Special Prices, at $2.45 -S3a93 5.95 7.50 . Mala Floor . j-- i i ---------. . hi - ii i i 'k-'o . ..vr. rovr f iwhi'-0f.aj - Make tour Selection ' From This New Assortment of. Beautiful Selections of Women's '. , ,s SUMMER DRESSES '-"ft . ' . ! ? : i: V if r r.n' $25.0fr $29.50 $55.00 '? An Offering of Unusual Value in Dainty5 Profusion Middy Bl ouses .Our stock of Middy Blouses is now complete. All white Middies, -whKewith red collars,, white with copen or navy collars, and white with navy flannel col lars, also navy flannel Middies suitable for vacation wear. ' Wevfeature th6 famous "JACK TAR TOGS" and GOODY MIDDIES." ' " All moderately priced. - Sizes 16 to 22. - Second Floor Regent" ! A iL l T - 1 1 r - - i. - r . LjN Ate uie pppuiai tiiuice r-we specially leaiure xvegeni Pearl Necklaces jn matinee. length, at Sale of Hand -Made Blouses . $5.45 " Blouses of finest ba tiste diintily trimmed with rows of -hand hemstitching, net frills and pretty col- ored batiste frills? An ' unusual v opportunity to secure GOOD y blouses at this very low figure. Sizes are from34 to 46. " Secoad Floor Peall Neckccfe hoace rwe specially feature tinee. length, at $5.00, $6.50, $10.00 Jewelry Department Wbmen Will Appreciate These Values in' ' Underwear . Hosiery . Women' VeaU . , Women's fine cotton '"hi silk lisle vests, white or pirik, fine or Swiss fib, hand or bodice tops, regu lar or extra sizes. Special 50c to 12.00; , v " . Envelope Chejmise, $5.75 Women's fine quality of Jersey envelope chemise, made of French top or bodice,' all sizes at this special price for suit," $5.75. Women's Sijk Hose; $3.00 Women's -pure thread silk hose, some in all silk and lisle tops, full fashioned, reguar made foot,' in black, white, browns, beaver, taupe, naryr etc., also black and field mouse in lisle tops, out-' sizes, regular and first quality. special, . t J. Main Floor Women's Lisle Silk Hose, - $1.50 Women's black or white silk lisle hose, full fashioned, ' regular made, neat fitting, made of the. best "yarns obtainable, regular and extra size. Special, 41.50. Children's Union Suits, $1.25 Children's union suits, .lad and lassie, waist union suits made of fine checked nainsook, full but toned and taped- Sizes from 4 to 12. x Special, $1.25. . Children's Sox A large variety of children's half-sox come in fine silk lisle, heavy mercerized ribbed, fancy lace cashmere, stripes, checks and plain colors, all sizes. Special from 45c to $2.50. 1 Here is a' never-ehding story of all that is new and. lovely in the world of frocks - ' ' ' ' that women love. The new materials Gingham appears again--more stylish and favored than ever, and lovely frocks of check' and stripe. . ' Organdie in light shades like pastel fiink, blues, orchid, and maize. Voiles return with charm refreshed the Printed Voiles in soft, shadowy patterns in light and dark colors to offerexcuse for many a little afternoon dress. ' . New Satin-Striped Vojles, as well as in pinks and blues, Prints! Such demure, quaintly figured cloths. . The Prints! ' ' :'' New Silken J - .. . , , - - Ah, the rrocks Here in Summer's Latest Styles " $4.9.50 .. - t " Some of the upturned ruffled flounces, some m sheer simplicity ofclose-fitting models, some in comfy draped effects. . ' ' And in materials. they vary froin the new Taffetas, through all the newest silken fabrics to the most striking of the popular Printed Georgettes.. Also the much favored plain Georgettes, are included at this price, in fact,: every type of . . n - ? silk dress is nere. ior, summer wearing. 7 Second Floor Our Entire Stock of Soring Coats For Girls and Small Women at 1 ss Sale of Oneida Community Par Plate" Table Silver There ir' sports- Vcoats, three-quarter length and full length styles, some are lined throughout, others body lined. , r IO Regular O Price Second Floor-Junior Department , Materials are Vejour, Tricotine, , Jersey, Polo, Camel's Hair and Tweed. v Sizes 6 to 17, Wonderful values. ' i ) "Par Plate" silvei-plated ware is sold with an absoliite guarantee of 10 yearssatis factory wearr Make your selections now at reduced sale prices " Sale prices quoted also include government tax. . "H - 'Tar Plate" Primrose Pattern Silverware Pnmrose teaspoonsfset of 6. . . .$li30 Prirdrose table -or serving spoons, set of 6 $2.60 Primrose' bouillon or consomme, ' spoons, set of 6 ....... .V. . .$2.60 Primrose berry or serving spoons, . each . .. . . '. . . : 50cT; Primrose sugar spoons, each. . . .4Sc, Primrose dinner forks, set of 6. .$260 Primrose dinner knives, set of 6. $3.20 Primrose butter knives-, each.... 50c Primrose butter, spreadtfrs set of .....$3.00 Primrose salad dressing or cream ladle, each 85c Primrose serving or gravy ladle, each ........... . 85c' Primrose dessert or soup spoons, set of 6 : . $2.50 Primf ose orange spoons, set of 6 . $2.25 Primrose individual salad (forks, set of 6 . . . . . ..;... . $3.40 Primrose cold .meat or serving forks, each ................ 90c Primrose pickle or olive forks, ' each . ... . . . . 80c Primrose. 3-piece child's set. ea., $1.50 We abo carry a "eomplaU stack of Adam,'Patrleian and Sharaton patterns in Community Plata. ' . . Mala Floor ' V,'.. . ' ' The smer low shoes of thseason Instep Ties This particular number is made in soft drab brown suede with the new modifiedstage last, tHat has proven supenor in style ; this last has a medium round recede toe and 3-mch vanip, with beautiful, slender 2 '4 -inch woo covered heels. Moderately priced. v HOUR SALE - - At 10 to 11 A. M. ( atS7.50 - i : s x 7 100 pairs women's patent kid six-eyelet oxfords withJight turn soles and Covered Louis, heels, plain toes and medium vamp. For one hour -we will sell these oxfords at half price, or $7.50 a pair. ' J i Oxfords !i.f v1 tt 'a ' i '' ; 2 J ll'l -mo - 'Sri - v ,1 A 4 v ..y i .Si- v W -i.u it..- I ... s - ' - - " Sacand noar - ' ' , - , : " ll 1 ' 1 1 - ,, , . .-.!,-. m ,-,,-. A ' ?tr.i4 -'jo: 4 i