Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Htfc: UA1AHA, iHUKSUA. MAY 13. ld'20.
Police Seek Unidentified
Young Man Described by
Victim Wife On Way
to Omaha.
his wife
His wife
left lung
Fremont, Neb., May 12. (Spe
cial.) H. B. Luckcn, retired Fre
mont business jiian, was shot twice,
presumably by an unidentified as
sailant, at o o clock tms morning
only a few minutes after
had departed for Omaha.
Lucken is 78 ycaTs old.
is 56 years old.
Lucken was shot in the
and in the left temple. At Fremont
hospital, where he was taken, it was
said he has a ahance for recovery.
Assailant Young Man.
' Lucken told police a man he could
describe only as a you'i? man came
into the dining room of his lioiir
and fired from there into the bed
room. "
The wounded man shouted for
help, whereupon his assailant tired
again, he told police.
Folice are inclined to, scout the
aged man's story of the position of
the assailant, as powder marks were
discovered on his shirt. A powder
mark also was visible on the temple.
No revolver was found in the
house, however, and - no valuables
were missing.
Wife Goes to Omaha.
Last night, Lucken said, he and
his wife had played cards with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sasse until 0-J0,
when the latter couple, went home.
His wif then went' to spend the
night with Mrs. H. W. Niebauni, he
said, but returned at 5 a. m. to pre
pare hjs breakfast.
Hollowing the breakfast she told
him to return to bed, as .she was
going to Omaha to see her doctor,
lie said. Trains leave Fremont for
Omaha at 5:30 and 5:50. ' .
Lucken has seven children, six of
whom live in Nebraska. They are:
Mrs. John 'Mintken of Fremont,
Mrs. A. F. Miieting of Bloomfield,
Mrs. Herman Greening of Wayside,
Mrs. John Mellis of Hunter, Okla.;
John Lucken of Ames, Bennie
Lucken of Humphrey and Will
Lucken of Wayne.
No Reduction Expected
In Otoe Com Acreage
According to , Bert Ryder, mayor
of Nebraska City, who was a visitor
at the local market Tuesday, farm
ers in Otoe county have just started
to break ground for corn planting
and will put in their. seed just as
soon as the weather, permits. He
said the acreage is expected to be as
large this year as before, as most of
the farmers in southeastern Nebras
ka have a system of crop rotation
lhaf docs not interfere with ' corn
Mayor Ryder said some of the
farmers of his section had expressed
an intention of giving a trial to feed
ing of lambs next fall and winter,
but that it was possible that there
would be a decrease in the number
of cattle , .fed. He said cornfed
beeves in his section were getting
(ju.ite scarce, owing to the high price
of corn and the low market on cat
tle. '
Mrs. Mary Mallet Says Dodge
County Farmer Promised
Her Estate Before His
Kearney Youths Take Auto
From Streets for Joy Ride
Kearney, Neb.,; May 12. (Special)
Leaving his' new' automobile parked
in the streets here' while he attend
ed to business, Ed Reynolds , of
Pleasauton was surprised on return
ing 10 minutes later to see his ma
chine speeding out of the city. He
spread the alarm, and accompanied
by the chief of police, started chase.
At Gibbon they overtook the car.
Walter Cash, IS years old, was at
the wheel, accompanVd by Charles
Curtis, a negro youth of the same
age. The boys said they were only
desirous of taking a little ride and
intended to return the machine aft
jr their trip. ' . -
Fremont, Neb., May 12. (Spe-cial.)-r-Mrs.
Mary Mallett of Omaha,
a jvidow, testified in district court
this' morning in her" suit to secure,
the farm property of the late Louis
Kienbaum, to whom she was en
gaged to marry when he died at St.
Catherine's hospital, Omaha, last
October. The Kienbaum farm, 240
acres in Dodge County, and other
property of the estate are valued at
more than $80,000.
Mrs. Mallett alleges that Kien
baum first engaged her to keep
bouse for him at Snyder,, agreeing
to give the property to her, and then
to avoid neighbor's' talk, they de
cided to marry, and a part of the
prenuptial agreement was that she
should get the estate. Her suit is
against Willie and August Keinbaum
and Augusta Grunke, brothers and
sister, and only surviving near rela-,,
tives of the deceased.
Merrick County Delegates
Elected to State Meeting
Central City, May 12. (Special.)
The democratic county convention
held here endorsed the present ad
ministration ' and Senator Hitch
cock's stand on the peace treaty
and elected the following delegates
to represent Merrick county at the
state convention: Theo. Osterman,
T. J. Farrell, Mrs. William Traver.
Tohn Dailv, Vincent Douglas and
Edna Willi's.
Citizens Quick to Inform On
Violators, Prohibition Officer
Finds On Tour of State.
Sentiment in Nebraska is over
whelmingly in favor of strict en
forcement of national prohibition,
according to James H. Hanley, state
director of prohibition enforcement,
who issued a statement yesterday
following visits during the last two
weeks to 25 Nebraska counties.
"I am convinced people of. the
state generally are deeply interested
in thorough enforcement of prohibi
tion measures," he said. "Local au
thorities in various counties report
ed td me numerous instances of citi
zens volunteering information of al
leged violations and'otfering to ap
pear as witnesses against violators.
With that sort of public co-operation,
enforcement of prohibition laws
will not be difficult.
Some Think Law Strict.
"Through " personal investigation
and reports received at my office I
have been made aware of a feeling
among some citizens that the pres
ent law is too drastic, but there is
no doubt that public sentiment gen
erally favors a thorough trial of the
6 Bell-ans
Hot. water
Sure Relief
present law before attempting to
force amendments."
Director Hanley does not. regard
seriously, reports of illicit stjjlls be
ing operated at scattered points
over the state. There is no.efidence
of an organized band of "moon
shiners" and experience so far indi
cates individual operators are killing
off their own business by the qual
ity of liquor they produce, he as
serts. Perfecting Dry Organization.
Under instructions from Washing
ton, Director Hanley is visiting
each Nebraska county for confer
ences with county attorneys, sher
iffs, police chiefs and mayors to ar
range for thorough co-operation be
tween state, local and federal au
thorities in all prohibition enforce
ment measures. The ' 12 enforce
ment agents assigned to Nebraska
will work wholly in conjunction with
state and local officials under pres
ent plans, he said.
Johnson County Live Stock
Breeders to Erect Pavilion
Tecumseh, Neb., May 12. (Spe
cial.) The Johnson County Pur;
Bred Live Stock association will
erect a sale pavilion in Tecumseh.
It is proposed to make a substantial
affair with heat, so that it can be
used winter .or summer. The build
ing will cost $40,000, and more than
half the amount has been subscribed.
Kearney Paving Program
Is Halted by Injunction
Kearney, Neb., May 12. (Spe
cial.) District Judge Dungan of
Hastings, hearing evidence in a suit
here to restrain paving under a bid
rcently let by the city commission
ers, sustained the injunction, but not
because of irregularity in letting the
contract, which' was awarded to the
highest bidder, the Tyner Construc
tion company, Kansas City. The court
held the other firm bidding, the St.
Joseph Construction and Paving
company, had not lived up to con
tracts' itt many portions of the state
and also Ifeld that the city commis
sioners had acted entirely in accord
ance with the state laws in letting
their contract. Sufficient intersec
tional spavins monev was not avail
able to carry out the extensive pav
ing program planned. The commis
sioners neglected to issue their in
tersectional bonds when voted and
they were held to be void. Some
paving will be undertaken at once
and an additional $15,000 in intersec
tional paving bonds voted this year,
making it possible to complete a ma
jority of the big paving area mapped
New School Plan Beaten.
Atlantic, la., May 12. (Special.)
School consolidation was defeated
in two special elections held in this
county Wednesday. The proposal
It Beats... A It Sweep A It Clean
Damomtratad in tha Hem
Sold on Convenient Term When Doiired
Orchard & Wilhelm
f hone Tyler 3000
for ParticuUri
. 1 H "
" i v
I Net
Daintiest of New
for Commencement
and Summer Wear
BEAUTIFUL fashions in fine
white materials of course
that's half the secret of their dis
tinctiveness. They are superbly tailored,
with that delicate yet unmistakable touch
of the true designer. The ; styles are the
very newest, fashioned of
Imported Organdie
Embroidered Nets
and Georgette
Every dress has some distinguishing feature
of unusal merit and Women and Misses
who, appreciate the advantage of choosing
from tresh assortments at their newest will
be early comers for this early display of
white dresses.
$15.50 and Up
Burgess-Nash Company
evirybodyS store"
Second FLoor
f - " - -
WE have been selling PHOENIX
HOSE for more than five years
during which time we have never
found a dissatisfied PHOENIX
CUSTOMER. Surely such a record
is assurance enough for your buy
ing your first pair.
We are PHOENIX headquar
ters, and offer you the largest
. assortment in town to select
508.10 So. 16th.
The home of PHOENIX HOSE for Men and Women
to consolidate the schools of Union
and Edna townships into two dis
tricts. It had been expected the
proposals would carry in both town
ships. Cass county now has two
consolidated school districts at
Lewis and Wiota.
Have Root Print Ifr Beacos
Tress. Adv. ,
Beddeo Clothing Co. to Sell
75 Dozen Bungalow
Aprons at the Same Price
You Would Be Com
pelled to Pay for But
Two Yards of the Ma
terial from Which
the Aprons Are
Value That Are Almost
Bungalow Aprons, plenty of
them, and they are to be offered
at a price that will astonish every
risitor to this store Friday.
We secured through a very for
tunate purchase this remarkable
lot of Bungalow Aprons and as a
special value-giving demonstra
tion we intend to sell every apron
in the lot Friday at about one
half what the material alone
would cost you in any Omaha
store. These aprons are madev
from nercales and ginghams, in
plain and fancy colors, several
different styles, all sizes.
You'll want two or three at this
price, but our advice is to be here
early Friday morning. See our
display ad Thursday evening for
full particulars.
1417 Douglas Street
. IS si
Thursday We Feature
Sports Coats Capes Top Wraps
For Women Misses Little Women
from $9950 19 $9
Displaying Style as the theme and faultless workmanship as the keynote, of the newest ver.slons
of the very highest type of Summer Wrap fashions..
Including Reproductions of the most fashionable Paris models also the clev
erest of American originations.
The wardrobe for warm, sunshiny days is not complete this season without a youthful sports
coat elegant top wrap or smartly graceful cape
. Whether it be for sports events on the links the tennis court or club
porch teas, luncheons, dances motoring traveling formal or semi-formal
affairs. . .
Sports Coats
$29.50o $49.50
Youthfully designed smartly distinctive
in style feature, and fabrics in belted or
loose, flare-back models 36 to 40 inches
Smartness and style are emphasized in
the materials used serges, velours, tweeds,
polo mixtures, polo cloth in the popular
tans blues navy browns greens rose.
'Velvet Sport Jackets
Every smartly dressed woman or girl
will want one of these fetching velvet sport
jackets to slip on over sport clothes for
club wear and for all smart occasions. ,
Severely tailored in mannish style
strikingly decorated with huge pearl but
tons angora collars, cuffs-or silk braid
binding silk lined.
Gapes and Top Wraps-$29.50 to $98.50
Extremely fascinating are the capes with their graceful, swaying effects effective
sleeves or sleeveless arrangements showing over-capes huge standing collars and
belted fronts.
Top wraps that are the perfection of fine tailoring artistic refinement and ele
gance In beautiful, soft, neutral tones that harmonize with any and every costume.
Both capes and wraps are fashioned in Velour, Bolivia, Serge, Satin, Duve de Laine
and Tricotine.
Coat Shop- -
. iFormerr BcnThar-