Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA,- THURSDAY, MAY . 15, 1920.
(also Theresa, Doris
and Harriet)
are invited to answer,
within 24 hours, this
Announcement of the
The only conditions are
You must be interested in
the movies and occasion
ally attend some motion
picture theater; s
You must be a person of
thrift, making or earning
some money on your own
account and eager to
make more.
If these two things are
true of you, just write
your name and address
on a postcard or Ietter
. sheet and shoot it into the
We will then write and -tell
you all aoout THE
sharing motion picture
profits y with the people
who pay to see the pic
tures including your
telf. Fancy watching a play
on the screen-and know
ing positively that some
of the box office money
'is sure to find its way in
' We haVe (Worked out
the Froliman Plan very
carefully and are now
ready to let you see it,
together with a list of
Frohman Productions '
and 24 half-tone Por
traits of""Frohman Stars.
i The only thing to be
euro aVirmf -met nnw ic tVio
your name and address.
We will take care of
everything else, and are
'certain you will be
mighty glad you ever
read and . answered this
310 -Times Building
A Few Weeks Agojhey Fear
ed Worthlessness of Money,
But Increased Value
Causes New Pessimism. '
New York Tlmes-Chlraim Tribune Cable
Copyright, 1B20.
Berlin, May 12. Having recovered
from the fear that the mark would
become almost worthless, German
business men are now suffering
from new form of pessimism.
It is diameterically opposite
reasoning, for it is, that the recent
100 per cent increase in the value of
the mark will bring catastrophe. As
the clearest symptom they cite the
small amount of sales at the Frank
fort fair which they sy indicate the
new rate of exchange has complete
ly closed the export markets. Thiy
further predict a big drop in do
mestic prices with consequent loss
es) for men with large stocks on
hand, which may start rumors of
Closes U. S. Markets. -
"As an example," says a Berlin
manufacturer, "the material of one
article of manufacture, bought in
America three months ago cost $1,
which then meant 100 marks. Other
costs brought the price to 200 marks,
or $2. But now 200 matks equals
$4, which exceeds the price of the
same article made in America. 'How
can I expect to find an American
"In the same way my competitor
now can buy the same material for
50 marks in America and can sell
the product here in Germany for
150 marks. That closes the local,
market to me.
Face 25 Per Cent Loss.
"I am threatened with a 25 per
cent loss. There are many in
stances that are fatal for many Ger
man manufacturers forced to in
vest every cent of their available
capital in order to obtain sufficient
Many experts are of the opinion
that the betterment of the German
rate can't continue. The cessation
of exports, they say, means vthat the
money of other countries will stop
coming in, and, on the other hand
German money will start to flow
outward. If this should develop a
gradual readjustment of prices it is
possible it will be 'without serious
results. But even then the pes-
sismists say the high wages granted
because of the present high prices
soell trouble. They predict the
prices won't come down to the world
level without a reduction ot wages.
"Bifl" Nye, Chief of the
Secret Service, Quits;
More Money Outside
- V
Washington, May 12. Joseph M.
Nye, chief special, agent of the State
department and for many years an
active figure in the secret service of
the federal government, has re
sinned because of a desire to accept
better financial opportunities in pri
vate life. The resignation has been
accepted by Secretary Lolby, effec
tive June 1.
Familiarly known as "Bill" Nye,
the retiring chief has been entrusted
with many important missions. Dur
ing the war he did many highly con
fidential services and , later was re
sponsible for the safeguarding of
the king and queen of the Belgians
and the prince of Wales during their
visits to this country.
May Erect Large Tank L
For Storage of Gas Oil
The M etrooolitan Water board is
considering erecting a storage tank
lor gas. on at tne gas plant, atter
city control becomes effective, July
1 Th rfsrrtfmr will c.-mtam 1.500-
000 gallons, and will serve in case of
a shortage. If the tank is erectedj it
will serve the policy of the water
board which resulted in a six months
snnnlv of rnal heinc availablp at the
pumping station last winter when
the strike pecurred.
After, Implement Show
Efforts to bring the first annual
show of the National Implement
and Tractor association to Omaha
during the cpming winter have been
started by the Chamber of Com
merce through its publicity bureau.
The association proposes to make
the exposition the largest display of
farm implements and tractors ever
assembled. Membership includes
virtually all manufacturers of such
Butte Mining Companies
Put Ban on LW.W.Members
Butte. Mont., May 12. Every min
ing company in Butte posted a no
tice on their operating hoists no
member of the Industrial Workers
of the World will be employed. The
notice was signed by the mining
company posting it.
Malted V3ilk
in Ipsa
The name. "Malted Milk,"
devised by Horlick, ha been
appropriated by others.
Only by the Original Horlick process,
which imitators do not reproduce, can
the full food values and flavor of
Malted Milk be obtained.
The medical profession everywhere has
endorsed the Original product for over a
thlid of a century. Avoid Imitations.
'ft ' Y
Mrs. Deitrich Returns From
Campaign in Connecticut
Mrs. Charles Deitrich of Hast
ings, Neb., stopped in Omaha yes
terday on her way home from the
"flying squadron" ' campaign in
Connecticut for the ratification of
the federal suffrage amendment.
"Governor Holcomb of Connecti
cut, who is 79 years old, told us
when we had our hearing with him
that he would gladly enfranchise
all wnmen if he had it in his pow
er," Mrs. Deitrich said.
"But the men who surround him
and advise him on all public ques
tions fear the advent of suffrage'for
women in thaK state," Mrs. Deitrich
continued. "Especially would they
like to keep women out of the elec
tion in November.'
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, who
headed the campaign there, used as
her leading argument that in the
international suffrage convention to
be held in Europe this summer, the
United States would .be' the only
English-speaking nation where the
women were without full suffrage."
Royal Highlanders Rate
Case Will Be Appealed
Lincoln, Neb., May 12. Counsel
for two Lincoln men who sought to
enioin the Royal Highlanders, a fra
ternal insurance organization, from
charging a new schedule of rates,
announced an appeal would betaken
to the state supreme court from a
decision given late yesterday by the
county district court denying a re
straining order. The two Lincolu
men charge the new rates are dis
criminatory against the older mem
bers of the order.
Lighting Fixtures,
den Co. Adv.
burgess Gran-
TOED knit
Ul Work GnarnntoAH
Utt Ponjrla. Bt" Tel Dosev tat
lit Ml
3-Day Drug Sale!
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
' k Buy Your Needs at
Reduced Prices
y Brandeis Sties Main Floor West 3tS TM1 PACK
Men's Barber Shop
. You'll Like the Service
"Get the Habit" '
Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor West
A Phenominally Low Sale Price on Wonderful Exclusive Pattern
200 Organzine Silk Sweaters; Worth $45 to $75
Fop this sale we are offering. 200 of the finest quality, pure
rNMl t 11 t rt m i
uauiy- pure - - . . -
Organzine Silk Sweaters, which Ve secured from one of the larg- V fifV tMlGCM I
est sweater mills in New York. Please understand that these J r
are NOT fibre silk, but all pure silk.
It is every woman's desire to own a pure
-.ilk sweater. The incomparable softness and
richness of these garments offer "wonderful
possibilities for. any occasion during, the
whole summer season. .
The wide diversity of patterns shown offer an exclusive
selection which is not usually the case in sale merchandise.
Sizes 38 to 48
Only One or Two of a Kind
Mostly tuxedo Models
Special, Thursday, at $25
Thursday, at
When you cpnsider the price of merchandise today,
and especially after you have seen the sweaters for your
self, you will realize that we are offering you wonderful
Afew of them have slight imperfections, but thry nre
so slight that only; the trained eye would be able to de
tect them.
Brandeis Stores-Second Floor Center
x Colors: Navy, Beige,. Corn,
White, Turquoise, Old Rose,
Belgian, Apple, Black
Special Sale on Sport and Vacation Wear
Ai. VJ I. KJL kJ
Worth $10, Specially
Priced for Thursday at
785 Pairs in the Lot
Get ready for vacation! These are just the stylei
forport and general vacation wear. They include
tne most desirable lasts and styles,
and are of high grade leather.
They are very unusual at the price
The Oxfords
Include White Buckskin, White
Kid and White Canvas. "
The High Shoes
These Are All in White. Kid and
1 White Canvas.
Sizes 3 to 9. Widths, AAA to E
All with -hand turned or welted soles, full Louis covered or
walking heels.
Secure your white footwear needs now, while you have an al
most unrestricted choice at this special sale I QC
price, per pair, TT, VD
Brandeis Stores Main Floor West
Irresistible! These Cool, Summery,
Summer's approved choice in wash fabrics. Most attrac
tively fashioned and trimmed in braiding, beading, tucks, em
broideries and laces.
Models reproduced from high grade Geor
gette models that almost deceive you by their
v resemblance?
lovely Coat Dresses in dark colors, for street and morn
ing wear. Clnb Frocks for Afternoon Wear, in bright, dainty
colors. Smart Blouses, Tonic Skirts and the popular pleated
In .Taupe, Navy, Copen, Blues
Rose, Flesh, Maize, White
We could write a full page story about the daintiness and
usefulness of these cool, summery frocks- To convince your
self come in and find the alluring attractiveness irresistible.
Every one of them in modes approved by style authorities and
fashioned in lovely colorings. J
Prices" $25, $29 to $35
. .
Brandeis StoresSecond Floor West
' - ' 88
The Underwear of Perfect Fit
"Munsing Wear"
The underwear that gives that perfect
fit which is so essential to neat stylish at
j tire. It is the most economical as well
as the most enjoyable underwear that
you can buy. Its durabality and wash
ability commend it to the thrifty, and Its
fine quality and splendid workmanship
please the most particular.
Light Weight Union Suits
In light weight lisle; bodice or 1,50
regulation style top; cuff or J
open knee; regular or extra
sizes; priced at '
Fine Lisle Union Suits
In bodice or plain tailored band 2.25
top; cuff knee styles; regu-
lar and extra sizes; in both flesh
and white; priced at
Silk Top Union Suits
In flesh color; plain band top 3.00
ana cuff knee style; regular and n-A
TOJilf extra Bizes; an exceptional val- A
ue, and priced, at Q,JJ
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East
Hajr Goods
Remarkable Offering of
First Quality Switches
Opportunity for women to buy .real first quality switches,
made of natural wavy human hair, at prices never equaled
before in Omaha. Theser switches have just been manufac
tured. No old stock. Extra heavy, triple strand, in all
shades except gray; lengths 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 inches.
Others charge from $7.00 to $40.00 for these switches. We
offer them to you tomorrow at a heavy reduction
3.98,-5.50, 6.98, 7.98 and 9.50
Brandeis Stores Sejcond Floor Center
A Timely, Special Sale on
Lace and Embroidered
Thursday, we are offering our customers another oppor
tunity to buy neckwear at ridiculously low prices.
Collars, collar and cuff sets and Half
round neck collars ; exceptionally -q
good values for Thursday, at JrllCe
Dainty lace trimmed net collars
and- embroidered net collars, in
wjiite and ecru, special, at
Vestees Half
Of madras, pique and Swiss em- yZ.
broidery, and collars in organdie, Pflg
satin and pique, at
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North
69 c
New anU Novel Ideas From
OUR beautiful; enlarged
Art Department
We are showing some very novel ideas for the June
Bride. Come in and let us show you around the depart
ment You are sure to find just the thing you watit to
give as a present.
. Solid Mahogany Candle Sticks
In the new dull finish; about eight different styles from 1,3
the short squatty ones to the tall tapering kindeach at
.Mahogany or Polychrome Floor amps
Of mahogany or polychrome, with silk shades in attractive design.".
colors of mulberry, blue, oldgold, ol
rose, sand and combinations of colors
37.50 to $220
To fit candle sticks; all colors and
styles, in plain or fancy designs; some
hand painted.
Each, 5c to 85c
Brandeis Stores Third Floor West
Seasonable Hints From Our Complete
Jewelry Dept.
s The Latest in Hair Ornaments
TVe have Just received a big shipment ot the. latcSt things in
hair ornaments, beautiful Spanish combs, fans, casque and every
shape imaginable; carved and engraved designs and set in the lat
est colored stones, such as sapphire and emerald green. Prices
range, $1 up. '
We also have a big line of tuck combs in
colored stones; prices 25, 5, SI
All Silk Hand Bags
With metal frames; a large
roomy bag with inside frame OO
and mirror, exceptional values, Vci
special, at JJ
Women's Belts '
Of real patent leatherr 'ft to 1 inch 3Q1
wide, black only, at OxC
Others in fancy colors and combinations of leathers, specially
priced at . ' 50, 69 and 1.00
Real Amber Beads
, We now-have a number of beautiful strands of
Teal amber beads in clear cut, and cloudy oval pol
ished styles. This is the first lot that we have had
for years and they are very fine.
Men's Belts and Buckles
Fine sterling silver buckles, some inlaid with solid
gold in two and three colors, priced from S5 to S7
The plainer ones, priced from 1.98 to 4.00
Fine leather belts, at l.OO. 1.50, 1.75 and 1.98
Brandeis Stores Main Floor East
Free Cooking Lessons
10:30 A. M.DaiIy 2:30 P. M.
. Mrs. T. B. Wheelockf Instructor
If you are interested in learning the art of $ood cooking, it will
pay you well to become a regulaf attendant at the free cooking
These classes are under the supervision of Mrs. T. B. Wheelock,
who is a graduate of the Boston Cooking School, and hence an
authority on the theory of cooking. Combined with this, she has
had long practical' experience and can answer any questions per
taining to your cooking problems.
Southern Cake Salads
Liver Tlmbales
Tarts aifl Patty Shells
Rice in Borden Mold
Brandeis Stores Basement West