1 ' f art , ' I - THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1920. 15 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SEVERAL FIXR" BARi-jaivs . 1919 Oakland, without top. Just over hauled. $600. ' 1U inin-Mtttnitr. -cvltndr. Ru. 'n good shape, f anon n overland,- new top. bargain One set Of 191 Oakland on.n 11 S 1919 Stearna Knight motor, iransmii !on, and differentials. $260. Stearns Ohummy roadster body and JOE BAITS RS. Walnut 4743. Evenings. Colfax 3380. ' 19 FORDS, BUICKS. DODGES. Ktw and used cara; cash or time. Ford bodlca, commercial bodies. ' ' OOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL OARAGE, IIH Harney St.. Tyler 711. .1 Ooa nay and Night. 1-passenger Overland touring car, model 83: first class condition; all new liree; 3,5: will consider good Ford. ' Call Webster 5908. ESSEX SEDAN. RRAND NEW, FOR SJ.500: WORTH $.1,000. DOUGLAS 12H1 OR TYLER 969. BOMB batgalna In used Ford cara. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford -florvlve Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug- 'a a sn. fth TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red sal on windshield. USED CARS OF QUALITY, . STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. .8020 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT. 23u rarnam t. AUTO t'LEARINO HOUSE. 5083 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. ' THE GUMPS- H'b points- Swp ytopso Two rAORfc .TO DM - WHEN rt t ANEW- I A-l D WHEN 5Ht T -7 r V 1 1 i v 1 lAftuiY rJ THAT'LL MAKE At vlUVT a . . A ccou TO.OOO," 'TAINT SOrAUCH To qnmL DFM1LII -BUT THAT 5. A0re TWeVN A ioTOPioys -V-Af &tttOO 5 ON IAH WAH0S 1 NEVER TCCK FOR THAT D-OUQH ANDY MAKES $9,000 IN A SINGLE NIGHT. 7" Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith TV JUST INVESTMENT- VrVAT'S A.I.U- GOOD JUOG MENT USlNCaNOOPBRAN iNTOOJt XOOR 8RAWN- ANO FROnV NOW ON ) bt fWONl IU NEME TRy To AbVISE ANOTHER. NEB OF THOSfc PIKERS LA.ufctHrV(j AT NAE -BECAUSE TRIlrOTO PUT TM&NA NEJTfO A-. PIKER- NOU CANT MAKE- ANTTHW& EVS,E OUX OP CM ; lit THEYOt-T A D'ME THEN'VE CjOT TO CrOTiN Pi-ACE-STO PEND T- ThoE BmObYHAT rAKtTWOTT?lP5 YO AGtROCERH TOR& TDBUVA PACKA7 OP CRACKERS TAKE A NEB .UKETHAT ApJB ?NE EMCWi.0rApORfA AND FILL NlS, POCKETS PULL OF DOOCyH x' WHEN HECbMEsTO NED THRO!.. IT AWAV TNiWK IT WAS CQUNTCR FCIf" AHOUL5AbISe A BUNCH UKETHAT- FlOrA NOW OVi- AClAfA WIUBE V GrABr ALoNtrlOE OP ME 'FINANCIAL. OAKLAND Senalbla Six: MARSH OAKLAND CO.. S3u r'arnam St. " I HAVE 60 good uaed cara to galeci rrom. All priesa, MEEKS AUTO CO.. S02 Farnam. 11UST sell my Ford touring car, nearly nw, with aelf-starter. Sea it at 1810 Wlr St. FOR SALE Cheap. 7-pRSsenger Packard, 1st claaa condition. Harney 819, ST UDE BAKER roadster, fuily equipped, leading city. 1260, Colfax 3673. -wyOLnSMOBTfcK "4," perfect condition. r Cll Webster 22:!7. N Oldsmobllo 4, perfect condition. Call ZVc bsler 2237, 19TTf"oRD TOURING; REAL BARGAIN. . HARNEY 2790. SIY CAIHl.LAO 8) at ter 6219, SWODRL 63 Cadillac. a sacrifice. Web- Webster 61.10. Real Estate Loans. MR. INVESTOR: See our list of farm and city real estate mortgage offered at attractive discounts. 1 TSTKKL, HEAT, ESTATE INV. CO., 18th and Farnam. Tyler 5022. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. South Side. FARM and rltv Innna E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 628 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Otn. Nag Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2716. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Loweat rates. Private loan bootha. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6618. Es. 1894 PRIVATE MrtMPV 1100 to 1 0.000 made promptly. F. D. W E A D. Wead B 1 dg. 810 8. 18th St. D. B. BUCK. Loans: 443 Omafa Nat. PRIVATR MOKPV SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 42. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prrvat money. Oarvln Bros.. 845 Omaha NafL 31 ai.lberty Touring. DqukIbs 7217. FORD TOURING Harney 900. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for uto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR , MFO. CO.. 1819 Cumins St. 'Tyler 17. . Tires and Supplies. , . NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. '30x5 $ 9.75 30x3U 113.76 SStS 17.85 3ix4 20.60 SHIPPED 8UB.1ECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDAKO TIRE CO., 410, North 16th St. Douglas 8890. USED TIRES. (,ri SOxS. $5.00: 0xStt, 18.00. All aizes In proportion. Look over our rebuiita. Open Sundays. Tyler 5986. ' SAVIdE TIRES. , 90S N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. SOxriVi, FISK....S12.95 I 34x4 121. IS SOxS 9.95 I 364 26.95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1723 CUMINO. AUTO eleeirlcal repairs; service station for Hayfield carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards 2616 N. 19. Accessories. GRAY & DAVIS starter and Willard storage battery for Ford car complete. We. 3280. MotorccJesndwycJte HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machines, tne motorcycle man. Roos. Leavenworth Victor H. 27th and Oil Leases. OIL LEASES. FOR SALE. Fivs-year commercial oil leases. Ten acres and up: 50 per acre four miles from well; $30 per acre, six miles from well. Act quickly If you want a lease at thle price. Eight wells now drilling here. Oil in McDonald No. 1 at 1,965 feet. Ab stract furnished. Write for information. You cannot afford to miss this buy now before price advances. T. B. Davis, Real Estate, Oil Leases, P. O. Box 644. Big Springs, Tex. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WK havo served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. We have many calls now for . homes. List your property with us. We will serve ycu to your best Interests. McCague Investment. Co IiAVE inquiries for good homes in good locations. Do you want to sell our property?" List it with C. A. Grim mel. 849 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want nulck action? Just try us. Call - Tyler 4M. - OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or sell Oraatm Reel Ksitat fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Uoug. 1426. Sts. FOR SALE i Tyler I B00. L Johnson motorcycle. Phone Room 4!U. FARM LANDS. For Rent. 80 ACRES, five-room house: 40 acres in - cUHivRtion: 7 acres sweet clover, balance pasture, with sonm tfmber; more can be broke: land in high state of cultivation; .rtntv 1 4 ii milps from Benson: 4 miles .,jrr' to liikhorn Th? Held Land Co., 664 .-- I..n,l..l. !!,! nnii,l. 9I4S Coiorado Lands. "BEST LANDS" . 1 bought right and -fill ell you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres 6f the best wheat and corn land In east Colorado, Write for facta,' now. . See our crops. Investigate. . . i R. T. Cline, Owner, Brandon. Colo. QUARTER section unimproved in Burling-" ton district: will take Omaha property a part payment. Frank Gass, owner, 4005 North 26th St., Omaha. Neb, ftfft" ACRES unimproved, close to Burling J.OJ1, $30 per acre. $500 will handle it. Box K-15. Omaha Bee. Iowa Lands. WE HAVE ccshj buyers for cottagea and oungaiows nicely located. Shrlver, 1041 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 163$. "REAL ESTATE- AND' INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3569. REAL ESTATE and all Kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON 212 Karbach' Blk. Doug. 6262. . WANTE TO BUY Five 'to seven-room house, from owner, on payments. Web ster 4150. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. "FARM FOR gALET We have for ?a1c and immediate possession a 32-acre farm in Mills county, Iowa, t adjoining the city' of Glenwood. This farm can be used to an ad vantage for stock feeding pur poses. Terms if desired. , Bankers Mortgage Loan Company i olSr'S. 18th St. Omaha. Neb. Kansas Lands. . FIXE farm home, one of the best In Sum nrr county ; 'newly improved; 160 acres; lyel wheat and alfalfa land: H mile a school: strictly modern house:, hot wt"er heattng system; lights In barn; $160 per acre, A. T. Feeth, owner, Wellington, Kan., n. R. No, 6. "WRITE us. for prices and terms on lands ' in Thomas county, Kansas. Fcltoa & west, 307 Crounse Block. ' Minnesota Lands. VlXN'ESOTA lan.ls. SO improved farms offered tor sale by owner on long-time. One-fifth cash. Located in Red River valley proper, near Areylo, Stephen, , Tonaidson Hnd Tyler. Minnesota. Wrlo for descriptive booklet and price lisr.' M. Laurltsen, 5:9 2d Ave, S. Minneap olis. Minn. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" 500 acres well improved, large orchard, - geod water, close to school and town. a.OOO: $500 will handle Hop on cars, come to see it. Ownei', Wellman Arthur, Mountain View. Mo. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., H!l omnha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County. 95 per cent best of farm land, Wose hud ailt loam soil, a snr.p at $25 an acre. v S. S. and R. E. J MONTGOMERY, 13 City Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL r.o i A 1 lu in tracts ol o 10 ,-J"Jl acres; wheat, corn or suirar neet i-im, grazing or hay. dry farming or Irrigat ed; in North Platte valley: $14 to $100 per acre. Square Deal Land Co.., Lisco, Neb. of .000 CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City. Neoraska. ;6 A. Hay farm and clover land. Elk horn Vall?y. Enstern Neb. Fiank Schcr nierhorn, 1011 U, P. H dqrtre. Bldi;. If ANY BARGAINS in Queensborouirn. New York City acreage and lots; ready for development; l.S-minute, 5-cent fare from Grand Central Terminal at Forty second street. Minor I.. Piatt. 7 East Forty-second St.. New York. N. Y, North Dakota Lands. RAMSON COUNTY, N. D.. best kind of farm land, level black soil, well settled immunity' lust wht you want. Write v.it i,inaoerg Kinoiia. i Wyoming Lands $r ACRES NIOBRARA CO.. WYOMINO. Level lO geniiy ruiuiig; cms lo wcnoui, store, postoffice and state highway; fenced: shallow to water; good neigh borhood; near Hat cri-ek: $25 per acre; easy terms. C. A. Willis, Marlonvllle, Mo. ' Miscellaneous. jrRMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and sn ail, In Illinois, Missouri nd Arkansas. Write Fnrman. No. SI" In ternational Life Bldg., St. Louis, M. ' (sat it - Acreage. ACREAGE .BARGAIN' About foun acres, on Center street, with paving paid; good, big 6-room house, barn, fruit trees: garage rent ing for $25 monthly; priced at $12,000; owner leaving city. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 BEE BLDG. TYLER 496. TWo fine lots in Oman for sale. Lot !, mock 139, Dundee Place, will make a fine building place on both of these lots. Price for this lot for quick sale, $1,500 and the other lot Is lot 3, Creston Annex for quick sale, price. $1,700. If Interested write or phone J. A. Nelson, Malcom, Neb. Phone 1113. GOOD LOT, nicely located. 1 block north Benson car line, on Fifty-fifth street; was taken on mortgage ; will sell at ba--Kaln If taken at once. Douglas 6725 of fice hours. A 1,200 LOT, Clairmont addition. 45th and Corby; cheap for cash. Phone Webster 6156. LOT, on Blvd., near Douglas Motor, $700; bargain. Phone Douglas 4C41. REAL ESTATE- INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession If wanted. , DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keeline Bldg Phone Doug. 690. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FARM LANDS and acreage close to Oma- na ana council Blurts for saio or exchange. Apartments and city property to e&hanga for farm lands. Good bakery, central Nebraska town of 1 tnnwn- ..I. nnun- e i u..ii . or ploture show. WM. N.HILL, Real Estate, D-4413 619 Bee Bldg. Formerly of Srdtt & Hill Co. BEAUTIFUL largj hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam stre?.. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 15 ACRES NEARBENSON High, sightly location, very de sirable surroundings. Has 13 acres in alfalfa, 2 acres in bearing grapes that will soon bring hig returns. Price only $650 an acre. Will make terms or take good 5. 6 or 7-room house, in trade. Your money invested in land of this kuid is surely safe. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1514 Harney St. Phone Tyle 50. Dundee. Dundee Home $9,500 Immediate possession: 7-room stucco, hot water heat, oak flnishi first floor, oak floors throughout, 3-car garage, storm cave, several bearing fruit trees, south front lot 50x135 feet. On Cumins street near 51st. Terms, $3,725 cash; balance $73 per month, including Inter est. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS 1120 City National. Douglas 1426. We .specialize in Dundee nomei.. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Pouglai $787. DL'.N'DEE home for sale by owner; hot water heat; oak floors. Phone Walnut 1621. i DUNDEE, modern 7-room home for sale by ovnr. Walnut 1621. Florence. C. 1.. NHhaway for suburban property. Florence Sla.t Omiia, Neb.. Col. 1409. Bse Want Ads f roijuce Results. FOR SALE Five-room house. A half block from car line. Water, electrio lights, gas. 4727 South 13th tit. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. MONTCLAIR BRAND NEW. Living room, dining room with panel walls, kitchen, all In oak with built-in features; upstairs, 2 bedrooms and bath with oak floors finished In white enamel; full basement. Price, $6,750; $2,000 cash and $60 per month. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY, 829 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phones: Doug. 553; Sunday. Wailnut 1103. $20UDOWN Move today; six rooms, modern but heat; two lots; Walnut Hill district. AMOS GRANT CO. REALTORS. Doug. 8380. 334-6;8 Brandeis Theater. FOR SALE BY OWNER Nine - room, strictly modern home, beautifully decorated; come and look it over any time. 4170 jCass .street. , Montclair Bungalow ' For Sale by Owner Six-room stucco, nearly new. osk and white enamel finish. Price, $7,000 for quirk sale; $2,600 casTT, balance easy terms. For particulars call Walnut 2812. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. KOUNTZE PARK Owner leaving for California. Must sell at once. His loss your gain. Seven rooms, sleeping porch, butler's pantry, garage. See it to appreciate ita 2111 Kmmet street $6,450. $4,050 caslt, Commercial Investment Company 1516 City Nat. Douglas 3932. Omaha Real Esta't and Investment!. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Pnxton l'lk. Phone Tyler t J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bide. Douglas 8097. North. LOOK-LISTEN AND TAKE NOTICE VACANT r POSSESSION AT ONCE. ' 7-room, strictly modern semi bungalow, located in the Miller Park district; 5 'dandy nice rooms and bath on the first floor finished with oak floor and oak finish; two nice bedrooms on th'e second , floor; full cement basement, fur nace heat: . dandy nice lot, on paved street, paving nearly paid; garage; half a block to grocery . stores and drug stores, close to Miller park and close to Miller .Park school. It looking lor a real bargain, don't fail to see this. Can give vou possession at once. PAYNE' INVESTMENT . COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. $,60 2617 BROWN ST. 5-rjoom all modern cottage, newly painted; full cement basement; floored attic: guaranteed furnace; garage; street paved; close to Holy Angels church. Owner wants cash for his equity. M. DEUEL & CO., 2405 Ames Ave. Col. 72$. BEMIS PARK Six-room, strictly modern: oak floors downstairs; three nice bedrooms up stairs; woll ventilated; price, $5,760; $2,600 cash required. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., Phone. Office D. 653; Sunday, Wal. 1103. $3,000. 1801 CORBY ST. 6-Room modern but heat; paved St.; basement cemented; screens and storm windows to house. $700 cash, bal. reasonable payments. M. DEUEL & CO., 2405 Ames Ave. . Col. 726. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park wood addition; a safe place for invest ment. Norris & Norrls. Doug. 4270. 827 SEWARD. 4-room. new, modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Creigh, 608-Bee. Douglas 200. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. $3,600. Harney 6374. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR quick results list with Benjamin ft Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldr. Douglas 722. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om Nat'l. South. BUYTNSTEAD of RENT Five-room cottage near Twen tieth and Grace; all modern ex cept heat and can be handled from $200 to $500 cash; balance like rent. We sold the adjoining cottage exactly like this one for $3,000 last week and for quick sale this is offered for $2,500. Act quickly. See Mr. Campbell. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg., D-1781. NEAR 43D AND 1 FRANKLIN , . Just listed, a 5-room strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor; full cement basement, fur nace heat; nice floored attic; large corner lot; south front on paved street; garage. Price, $5,250; $2,500 cash; balance monthly pay ments. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., D-1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. 422 NORTH 31ST ST. This is an' 8-room. all modern home, veil constructed; four large .bedrooms: good oak floors; white enamel finish: fireplace: cistern: located on east front corner lot, 60x100; paving ail paid: pVlce and terms right; arrange with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Douglas 2S50. 918-20 City National. NORTH OF KOUNTZE PARK 6 -room strictly modern house, locaied blork and a half north of Kountze park on 21st street; 3 rooms on the first flour; ; rooms und bath on the second floor; price, $3,700: one-half cash; a real bar- cain PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Xat. Bank Bid. Dour. 17S1 Ask for Mr. Gibson. $600 Cash Balance Monthly 4 Rooms Modern Lot 50x130. 2tj blocks from the car; do you want it? H. 4996 evenings. Commercial Investment Company 1316 City Nat. Doug. 39.12. BUY FROM OWNER Home on Florence Blvd., 6-room and sleeping porch, $6,750; $3,000 will handle; balance $35 per month. Colfax 1919. HANSCOM PARK Here Is a dandy 8-room house, lo cated on Hanscom Blvd., south of Han scoin Park; strictly modern and very attractive: house has full length living room. sun porch, dining room and kitchen on first floor and 4 nice bed rooms and sleeping porch on second floor; oak floors and finish throughout Ask us for appointment. Price $12,000. D. V. SHOLES CO. . -' REALTORS Doug. 46. 916-17 City Nat. Bank Bldg. A VALUABLE PIECE OF GROUND , . ILER ESTATE The northwest corner 'of 10th and William; a big stone house, 125 feet on 10th St.; 264 feet on William. . pxtendinar throutrh the block to 11th St., with 125 feet oil 11th St.; to settle an estate; must be sold at once; make us an offer. A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS. ?Ofl FIRST NATIONAL ""BANK BUILDING. PHONE K(0 DOUO. Va. Brand New Six Room Stucco Residence in Dundee . An extra good up-to-the-minute home, close to school and car line: east front; large living room across front, fitted with fireplace and bookcases, oak fin ish: 3 -larfi'e bedrooms upstairs, ample closet space in each; enamel finish, tile bath, latest fixtures; tile floor in kitchen, built-in cupboard and work table; full cemented basement, furnace, coal bin, etc. Call Doug. 4911 days; Tyler 6167, eve nings. Mr. Spencer. $4,800 BUNGALOW A. lovely five-room bungalow, floored attic for two rooms, garden space, straw berry bed; a lovely lawn, lust like satin; big shade trees; near Field club; a lovely honeymoon home: just like you have dreamed aboutf $2.0"0 cash. Commercial Investment Company D oug. B2.1S. 1516 City Nat. Dou g, S 932. -$6,500 CREIGHTON'S , FIRST ADDITION Five rooms and sun room, fireplace, built-in features; 3 years old: full lot;' new, vacant; near Windsor school. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 BEE BLDG'. TYLER 496. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW t -AND'ONE ACRE A beautiful acre tract with a practically new up-to-date five room bungalow, barn, chicken house, etc., just a few blocks from Benson car on paved road; con venient to school just the place to raise a few chickens, garden, etc. You can buy this swell little pMacc for the price of the house alone. Act quickly. Price, $5,500; call Schroeder ' Investment Co. 3S Ry. Exchange BJdg- LJ26L FAVORS HUGHES AS CHAIRMAN OF G, 0. P. MEETING Republican Candidate for President in 1916 Brought Forward by National Leader Hays. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 12 Charles E. Hughes, republican candidate for president in 1916, was brought for ward yesterday by Chairman Will H. Hays, of the republican national committee, as a compromise selec tion for the permanent chairmanship of the Chicago convention. Mr. Hays, it is understood, is urg ing the progressive republicans, par ticularly the Johnson faction, to get behind Mr. Hughes. He is pointing out to them what convincing evi dence such action would be of a healing of all sore spots over the California fiasco, especially if Sen ator Johnson and his followers would come out openly and advo cate Mr. Hughes' selection. The suggestion, however, is not making much headway. Now that Senator Lodge has been formally chosen temporary chairman, the progressives are more insistent than ever that one of their wing be per manent chairman. In this demand they are supported by the "irrccon cilables," who point out that Mr. Hughes' position in the treaty fight was virtually the same as that of Senator Lodge, antf that it would not be proper to assign both posi tions to reservationists. The talk of Senator Borah and ex-Senator Albert J. Beverftge of Indiana for the permanent chairmanship con tinued. "Irreconcilables" are up in arms over statements contained in nress dispatches that the republican na tional committee, at its meeting in Chicago, indicated a preference for a platform declaration endorsing the league of nations covenant with. the Lodge reservations. The irrecon cilables will have none of it. They want the whole league of nations scheme killed and from, what was said today they will carry their fight on that issue to the platform com mittee of the Chicago convention, and if necessary to the floor of the conventiton itself. Postpone Spa Meet Berlin, May .Decision to post pone the conference between allied and German representatives at Spa, Belgium, until late in June, has been reached, according to the Nord deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. Bankers to Discuss Ways To Halt Orgy of Spending . Suggest Concerted Action to Curtail Advance of Credit for Nonessentials, In Effort to Stem Wave of Extravagance. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous NEW 5-ROOM On east front lot; has large liv ing room across front; finished in oak with oak floors below, white enamel upstairs; fully decorated. $750 down will handle. Call Wal nut 5432 evenings or Douglas 7412 days. Ask for Mr. Cole. -R. MOD, $4,250. 6-R. mod $4,760. 6-R. mod., 16.800. 7-R., choice corner, very large not new, out a Bargain at $4,150; easy terms. CONBOY & GREEN, D. 3841. Har. 4999. Web. 6166. home, close to cathedral, oak floors, fine finish, oak finish, Hanscom Park, lot; on 5-ROOM strictly modern house, oak floors, oak. finish. Will take well secured second mortgage or contract as first payment. Harney 3556 evenings. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 12. How to halt the orgy of spending on lux uries and other nonessentials in which Americans are indulging and divert capital to increase production of necessities, which will reduce the cost of living, is a question that will be considered by the leading bank ers of the country in a conference with Secretary of the Treasury Houston ' and the federal reserve board next week. The principal suggestion to be dis cussed is that the reserve banks and the bankers take concerted action to curtail the advance of credit for the production of nonessentials in an effort to stem the wave of extrava gance, on the theory that the people will stop spending when there are no luxuries to buy and capital will be forced into the production bf necessities when denied the . more profitable field of nonessentials. Preparations being made for the conference indicate that it will be one of the most important so far held on the credit Situation in the United States. A wide range of questions will be considered, all bearing on financial reconstruction measures to direct the nation back to normal conditions. Reckless Spending Growing. The suggestion of action to check the orgy of extravagance has grown out of the failure of realization of the expectation that the cost of liv ing would begin to decline by this time and the increasing evidence that the wave of reckless spending has not abated, but is even advanc ing, with the financing of the pro duction of pleasure cars, fancy wear ing apparel and other luxuries. One assertion frequently heard is that farmers are unable to procure nails, wire and other articles of iron be cause of the prodigious demand for steel in the automobile industry. One of th'e most effective ways to bring down the cost of living, it is contended, would be to curtail the production of luxuries and divert capital and labor to increasing the production of essential foods and clothing. The impression prevails that such action as may be taken along this line Vnust necessarily be of a general nature. Beyond blanket power to restrict loans, the federal reserve board has no specific authority by law to define essential and non essential industries. There seems to be no purpose to define in such a way as was done by the Avar indus tries board during the war, just what classes of industry shall be considered essential or nonessential. ' Up to Bank Heads. The working out of any general plan which may be proposed at the conference would rest, it is believ ed, upon the discretion of the heads of the 12 reserve banks. Officials of these banks may be instructed to use an iron hand in curtailing credit for nonessential industries and in dealing with individual applica tions generally for loans which do not appear warranted by local cir cumstances. There will also be a discussion of the present rediscount rates, but beyond a modification of those now in effect, general increases are nt anticipated. Two of the federal re serve banks, those in Chicago and Minneapolis, recently Increased the rediscount rate on Liberty bonds from I'i per cent to 6 per cent. The San Francisco bank is on a basis of per cent. It is under stood that other banks have un der consideration increases which would place the rate on Liberty bonds more on an equal basis 'with the 6 per cent rate now prevailing on commercial paper. Officials here believe the results of the application of graduated re discount rates in the Kansas City district have been successful in re straining unnecessary use of credit METHODISTS MAY ELECT BISHOPS LATE THIS WEEK Indications Are That Episco pal Areas in Foreign Coun tries Will Be Increased India Asks Four. Battery of Expensive Lawyers Open Fire On Henry Field Fortune Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, May 12. A heavy bat tery of the highest priced legal talent ever assembled in this city opened fire in the superior court with the untold millions left . by Marshall Field as the target. The lawyers are trying to determine just what the merchant prince meant when he wrote his will and for these efforts they are receiving upwards of $10,000 a day. None of them ap pears to be in any haste. The suit is of a friendly nature and was brought in behalf of the trustees of the Field estate, Captain Field and Nancy Perkins Tree. The principal 'point to be determined is this: NEW 5-room, all modern bungalow, oak and enamel finish; $500 down. Walnut 5432 eveqings, ' FIVE ROOM HOUSE ALL MODERN $750 cash, balance 35 per month will buy this all modern home at 28th and Pratt Sts.; will paint the , outside; paper the entire place in side to suit purchaser. Price, $4,500. ' E. E. AUSTIN Tyler 785. 1305 First Nafl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. 7STH AND DODGE. D. 6013. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME, 6 ' ROOMS $6,800. A very well constructed residence. Built about eight years ago. Reception hall enters into spacious living and dining rooms. Large butler's pantry and kitchen. ' Splendid bedrooms. Brick foundation. Full ceemented basement with' separate furnace, laundry and dying rooms. Located on beautiful corner lot Let us show you this. Now is the time to order your awnings and porch curtains. Do not wait until the sun has faded your draperies and rugs, protect them with awnlngt made by AMERICAN TENT & AWNING CO. WE FURNISH DESIGNS, AND ESTIMATES FREE 40th and Farnam Sts. Tell Harney 5022 J. S. OPDAHL, Mgr. Convert Playground Into Tent Colony for 100 Evicted Tenants GUARANTEE REALTY CO. 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 51-71 Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into Cash by Our Unique Method. Write for Booklet. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO. Central City, Nebraska Bail of Man Held for Bomb Outrages Is Increased Washington, May 12. At the re quest of the Department of Justice the Labor department increased from $1,000 to $1,500 the amount of the bail of Robert Elia, an alien, arrested at New York in connection with the bomb outraees on Tune 2 last, when the home of AttomeyJ Ueneral Palmer here was bombed. Elia was arrested on a deporta tion warrant with Andrae Salsedo, aivltalian, who, while in the custody of Department of Justice agents, killed himself May 4, by jumping from a window. Wednesday Moving Day' For "Bill" Hohenzollern Amerongen, May 12. It is ex pected Wednesday will be movinf, day for William Hohenzollern, for mer emperor of Germany. Tuesday 'i big van loaded with furniture ar rived at Doom from Berlin "and tht former kaiser gave a farewell dinner at Amerongen castle. Besides the Bentinok family, owners of the cas tle, a .number, of local authoritits were invited. Although workmen are still busy, the new Hohenzollern residence at Doom, now is considered quite habit able. Company Had Advance Information, Head Says New York. May 12. More than two weeks before the shipping board officially designated the Mercantile Marine company as the agents for the giant liner Leviathan, that' com- pany jvas 'assured" it would be so designated, P. A. S. Franklin, presi dent of the company, testified before the congressional emmitte inquir ing into the matter of the recon ditioning of the steamship at a re-. Ii ported cost of SS.OMI.OOO. j Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Newark, N. J.. May 12. A city playground is being converted into tent col6ny to shelter more than 100 families who are to be evicted Wednesday night, . Forty-one fam ilies, each with from three to six children, had applied for space. Work of laying floors and water mains and stringing electric light wires was being rushed by work men assisted by soldiers from the local recruiting station. Army field kitchens . will be placed at the four corners of the camp ana the colony wil cook on the community basis. Canadians Endorse Waterway From Lakes To Atlantic Seaboard Sault St. Marie, Ont., May 12. A direct waterway route from the Great lakes to foreign ports would result in untold benefits to the great steel industries here and the sur rounding agricultural areas, the International commission holding hearings on the feasibility of con structing a deep waterway channel from the Great lakes to the Atlantic seaboard by the St. Lawrence river was told. Resolutions from practically every municipality in Ontario, .endorsing the project were read into the com mission's records, from which it will make its report to the Canadian parliament and the American con gress. Farmers' representatives pointed out the advantage to be gained from cheap water haulage to eastern sea board as well as foreign markets. Representatives of paper mills also endorsed the plan. Advises Grocers to Ignore Lever Act in Sale of Sugar St. Louis, May 12. Wholesale grocers were advised by Edgar Wat kins of Atlanta. Ga., general coun sel of the Southern Wholesale Grocers' association, to disregard the Lever food and fuel control a.-t in the sales f sugar, in his annual report made at Tuesday's session of the convention of the association here. Louisiana Solons Adjourn Without Action on Suffrage Baton Rouge, La., May 12. the Louisiana legislature adjourned until May 17, withu. having taken action on ti;e question ot woman suffrage. I Those in cfuvrge of the light tor j leumiHiiuu rxpcti tne real struggle i to begin next Monday Des Moines, May 12. Activities of the committee on episcopacy of the Methodist general conference, in session here, indicated Sunday that a report' will be submitted on Thursday which will make it im possible to commence the election of bishops and other officers of the church as early as Friday of the present week. If this is done, it will advance the work of the con ference several days over previous sessions. ' Although no report has as yet been made, it was said today that not more than one new Episcopal area probably will be created in the United States. However, a number will be created elsewhere. The del egates from India have asked for four, instead of two. as at present, and- their wish will probably be granted. There is also an insistent demand for a second area in South America, After some argument. change in the discipline was adopted ren dering it impossible to remove the corresponding secretary of the Board of Sunday Schools without a two-thirds vote of .the board. A report will shortly be -introduced by the committee on Epworth league, proposing that the name of the governing body be changed from board of control to Board of the Epworth League. The committee on state of the church is considering the matter of adopting resolutions favoring the Kansas industrial court plan, and also asking for federal legislation to prevent lynchings. Both of these resolutions have been recommitted to the subcommittees having them ii charge. Action of the conference tfeday in adopting the recommenda tions of tb.e committee on episco pacy that two negro bishops be elected, a number of delegates said, might delay unifications of the Meth odist Episcopal Church; North and South, for some time. The question of unification still is in committee. Air Mail Service to Celebrate Its Second Anniversary Saturday Washington, May 12. The gov ernment air mail service will cele brate its second birthday anniversary Saturday, the operations of the past year having been marked with "phenomenal success," according to the Postoffice department. The service was economical finan cially, as well as in time, the de partment announced, $42;000 having been: saved on the Washington-New York route and $100,000 between . New York and Chicago. With regard to future plans the announcement said: "Until the transcontinental route is established and service actually begins from New York to San Fran cisco, the Chicago-Omaha route will be merely for the purpose of ex pediting the mail between Chicago and Omaha. When the New York Frisco route starts, however, mail leaving New York Monday morning will arrive In San Francisco by 9 o'clock Wednesday .morning. Chicago Restaurant Owner lurdered by Unidentified Man Chicago, May 12. James Colos- imo, restaurant proprietor and con spicuous figure in Chicago's night life for many years, was shot and killed in the dining room of his cafe Tuesday. The unidentified slayer escaped. The body was found behind a door. Several suspects wer taken into custody from haunts in the old levee quarter nearby. A waiter was the only person in the dining room at the time. He heard two shots, he told the policeman. One bullet took effect in the face, the other in the chest. Colosimo recently was married to Miss Dale Winter, an actress. Real Estate Transfers Oltve B. Clark to Lewis L. Clarke. Wirt St., 1Z4 ft., w. ol zoth at., m. s . 60x124 $ J.071 Lewis L. Clarke to Benton B. Reavis. Wirt si., 124 ft. w. of 20th at., . a, 50x124 6, SOD Rasmus Norregaard and wife tb El mer C detacher et at, uold st., 160 ft. e. of 40th St.. n. a.. 50x124 1.109 Rlvett Lumber & Coal Co. to City of Omaha, Lake St., 300 It. e. of 42d St.. s. .. 12x120 I Sena Norton and husband to Beadle Abbott, 36th et.; 160 ft. s. of King St., w. s.. 40xl464 600 Alma E. Toms and husband to Jen nie E. Kloppel, Spencer at.. 160 ft. e. of 19th St.. n. a.. 50x124 7.000 Nellie L. Stone and husband to Ueorge N. Htenson, s. w. cor. 17th and Manderson sts.. 26x110 1.000 Mary Blunk to Ed Skarda. and wife. u st.. 200 ft. w. of S6th st n. ., 50x120 1.300 Arthur A. Ahlman and wife to Fred J. Ruedy, 17th St., 213 ft. n. of Leavenworth St.. w. a.. 2tx97 4.100 Alfhilda Nelson and husband tn Charles E. Oleason, 36th et.. 4S5 ft. n. of Pacific at., e. s.. 30x124. 6 00 Charles W. Martin and wife to Roy ' .. Bott, Bauman ave., 130 ft. w. of 25th ave.. a. s.. 44x120 1 000 Arthur C. Wllg and wife to Marion i. fpurgeon, 36tn st.. 371 ft. n. of Ames ave.. w. .. 43x124 4.009 The Creighton University to Pacific storage & warehouse Co., Jones st., 66 tt- w. of 10th t., a. a., 66x132 10 000 Carrie S. Jensen Nelson and hus band to J. Paul Kepler, Farnam St.. 250 ft. e. of 49th at., n. s.. 60x139 11 nan William II. Smalls to Edwin D. Mmatls, 36th st., 84 ft. n. of Jones st., e. s.. 40x66 1 760 Adam Kantor to John Cvetas, 12th st.. 34 ft. s. of Hickory at., e. a., 34xS5 i J inn Florence J. Brown and huband to wiwm a. Hamilton, Isard st.. 50 ft. w. of 50th St.. s. s.. 50x135 1 9a Charles VV. Martin and wife to t:iara Schollman. Bauman ave, 66 ft. e. of 52th ave.. a. 4i1in ea Ai.gust H. Bode and wife to An drew G. Larson. 38th at., it ft. n. of Charles St.. e. a . 38x40 s sft Augustus A. Myers and wife to Ethel A. Lloyd, Erskin st.. 200 ft. e, of 4Cd st.. n. s.. 6012 J,609 George T. Morton and wif to Ralph B. Carney, s. e. cor. Fark ave. and Jackson st., 69x80 16 SJJ Midway Investment Co. to Rmno .7. Lux. 22d t.. 150 ft. a. of W st , e. s . fxl.t0. .'. ; , i j; Herbert W. Bivins and wife to .les- ' sie K. Fuller, Cspitol ave., 50 ft of SOth. !.. s. . 50x1 19 6 '50 Barker Co. to Carl W, Hsnaen. Pa. cm'- ,.. It. w. Of 45,1 at n 'I i,