Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
li'i,.n.. 'i - .1 1 maiamelif'- " T'i"fTn ii 'n in irim I THE KEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 13. 1920. ti Society ' v" Hagerty-Rogers. "The marriage of Miss Rubye Rogers and Lieutenant Roy Hagerty took plate Tuesday evening, at Clock-, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weaver. Rev. A. D. DeLarme officiated. Carl Wilson feted as best man. Mrs. Bradley Roe sang, "At Dawning." The bride "3t.s given away by her uncle, Mr. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver en tertained at a bridal dinner at the Athletic club immediately after the ceremony when their guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Roe, tgarl Wilson, an,d Leo Hagerty, brother of the groom. .Lieutenant and Mrs. Hagerty will wide at J48 itvans street. I Straube-Peterson. IJMr. and Mrs. Emil Teterson an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Irene, to Mr. John Straube,. jr., of, Madison. Neb. The wedding took place Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents. The eeremonv was performed by Rev. Fred Shirck of Grace Lutheran ;ctircrt, and the only attendants were Mrs. Willard Reeves and Mr. Arthur, Peterson. . rMr. and Mrs. Straube left Sunday for 'their home at Madison, Neb. Eldredge-Goehry. - The marriage of Miss Katherinc ;Goehry of Murdock, Neb., and Rob ert B. Eldredge of , this city took ee Tuesday evening at the home Ft Rev, E. H. Jenks. who performed the eeremonv. Mr. and Mrs. ,3Eldredge will reside at the home of flte groom's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Di C. Eldredge of Fairacres. t Out-of-Town Wedding. SMiss Hazel Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peterson of Denver, formerly of Omaha, was married May 6 to Robert Strong Rowell of that city. The couple will reside in Denver. Dr. and Mrs. Nielson Here. .": Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Nielson have arrived in Omaha from Kan Fas City to visit Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Peterson and Miss Luclla Peterson. Mrs. Nielson was formerly Miss Kathryn Krug of Washington. D. 'C who at one time resided at Fort Crook and who has visited Omaha on many occasions. Dr. Nielson at tended the University of Nebraska Medical college and is an alumnus of Phi Rho Sigma. They plan to leave shortly for Kirkmaiv Iowa, where they will make their future home. Box Party. -Arthur Keeline and Marcus Cur ran will entertain at a box party Thursday evening at the Folk thca- i r ill 1 Ew3 Appear At Your If you receive a sudden caller or an unexpected in vitation you can feel con fident of always appearing at your best In but a few moment it renders to your skin a wonderfully pure. oft complexion that to t beyond comparison. AOVKRTINKMENT Say You Want I "Diamond Dyes" Don't Spoil or Streak your J Material in a Poor Dye 'iCach package of "Diamond Dyes" "contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, (rich, fadeless color into worn, shab by garments, draperies, coverings, whether wool," silk, linen, cotton or 'mixed goods. " Buy "Diamond Dyes" mio other kind then perfect results are guar anteed even if you have never dyed fcefore. Druggist ha3 color card. I M i Ml II" A A Da ium Booklet you will wantto hav "This most wonderful con tribution ever made to mu. tic." Thla is how a famous critic termed Thomas A. Edi son's amazing achievement. B 1 Edison and I I Music) The story of the $3,000,000 Phono graph is as romantic as any bit of - fiction. It is told in a beautifully illustrated brochure which you will be glad to keep. Send ihe Coupon Today Name -Address . . SHULTZ BROS., Owners 313 South 15th jStreet Folk Theater Director C $37 ' ft -."fc'- ... . r j tL J " --So fV 'V "l Jiexuioveh ouse Rex Morehouse is directing what promises to be a particularly strong presentation of Folic theater plays Thursday evening, May 13, at the Brandeis theater. Mr. Morehouse will appear" in the play, '"Fourteen." ter performance. Their' guests will include Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Koeder, Messrs. and Mesdames George Ked ick, Barton Millard, Louis Clarke and Ross Towle. Settlement Movie. The social settlement picture, "Americans and How to Make Them," will be shown at the. Em press on Friday afternoon and Eve ning and at the Apollo Saturday afternoon and evening. Wyche Story Tellers' League. The Wyche Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock at the public library. Important business will be discussed. Calendar Children's Sewing; Class Tlnirwlay. 3:30 to 6:u0 p. m., Soi-ial HeiUempnt house. lrenh Cluli Thursday, members will sew all day at the Child Saving institute. T.nncfVllow Chautauqua Circle Thurs day. 7:30 p. in., puhlin library. Lesson, "The Old South.'.' .Mts. Klla Conncll, loader. Minne I.tisa Wonmn's Society Thurs day. 2:30 p. m., wiih Mrs. It. A. Newell, -353 Newport avenue. Vet Chapter Kensington Cluh Thurs day, 1 p. m., Masonic temple, third floor. .1. F. W. Club Thursday. 1 o'clock luncheon, with Jlrs. It. V. Wilson, 2SS1 Chicago street. Wet Side W. C. T. V. Thursday, 2:30 p. m.. with Mrs. Joseph ftapp, 4S05 Hick ory street. A, C. A. Drama Section Tluirsdav, 4 P. m., with Mrs. Herbert Woodland, 2118 South Thirly-f irxt street. Community Service Thursday, K. K. K. club activity, 7:30 p. m.. Mrs. Wallace, chaperon. American War Molhers. Omaha Chapter Thursday, 8 p. m., Memorial hall, court house, Henson nptit Booster Society Thurs day afternoon, with Mrs. 1. S. Williams. AIVKKT1SKMKT Even the Rools of Superfluous Hair Vanish (Entirely New Method; Works Wonders) What is the use of merely takinjr off the hair-ends and not destroying the roota of superfluous hair? Do you know that you can easily and quickly remove the hair entire, including the roots, with or dinary phelaetinc? Just try ltl It is odor less, non-ivritatinir, and so harmless a child could safely eat it. far superior to depila tories, electrolysis', etc. Get a stick of phelacbine today from your druggist and have the pleasure of actually retrieving the offcndinB hair-roots at last before your very eyes. AHA KRTISEMEVT BAD RISK TO KEEP SICK Insurance Companies Won't Take a Man Who Suffers Continually from Stomach or Liver Troubles. Acworth, Ga. "We have used Black-Draught in our family for years, ,and can say I never have found a liver medicine that could equal it." writes Mrs. J. A. Mill wood, of this place. "It is fine for indigestion, headache and sour stomach," she continues. "I use it for the family, and cer tainly feel it has saved me a lot of money. ''I 4111 glad to recommend Black Draught, and am sure if ottiers would use it they would be as glad as I've been." Thousands of families keep Thed ford's Black-Draught in the house all the - time, for use at the first sign of Indigestion, constipation, colic, colds and fever, thereby pre venting illnesses that might develop seriously. When you notice that you arc bilious, have a bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, offensive breath, or if you are dizzy at times, restless, sleep poorly no not neg lect your liver. It is calling for prompt treatment. Use Thedford's Black-Draught. Its merit is widely acclaimed from long, satisfactory use. Ypur druk'Eist sells Black-Draught. Personal Mrs. William v'JIarsh is conva lescing at her hame from an opera tion on her throat. Mr.' and Mrs. F. D. Dufour of Sioux City, formerly of Omaha, spent Monday here. Mrs. R. E. Gross and daughters, Myra. Lorraine and Marjone,' ar rive Friday from Tacoma, Wash., to visit Mrs. Murice Fogel. Harry J. Holmes will spend the week-end in Maryville, Mo., with his parents. Miss Margaret Powell is ill at her home with diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weaver leave in a few days for Texas where they Omahans stopping at the Hotel McAlpin, New York City, during the past week have been: Mr, J. H. Wiese, Mr. and Mrs. George Ras mussen, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dcs sauer. t Leonard Swanson, Alan .Moritz and Fred Humphrey of Omaha will attend the informal dancing party of Kappa Sigma ifi Lincoln Friday evening. will reside permanently. They will take the trip by motor. A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. McQueen at the Stewart hospital. Mrs. McQueen was formerly Miss Marie Russell. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Briggs re turned Monday from the east, where they spent three weeks. Miss Marjorie Menold is visiting Miss Geraldine Wright in Chicago. She will return home June 1. Dr. "R. E. Marble has returned from the east. Clubdom Camp Brewster Opens. The informal opening of Camp Brewster, the Y. W. C. A. summer camp, will be held Saturday, May 15. special music has been arranged for the occasion and an out-of-door pro gram will be given if the weather permits. Reservations have been C. A. club of Shenandoah, la. They made for 40 members of the Y. W. will be chaperoned by Miss Laura Hagler. The Athletic club of the Omaha Y W. C. A. and the Nuf eli'b have also made reservations. The camp will open formally Juno 12. Big Sisters Help Little Sisters. Many school girls find it neces sary to work after school and con tinuously through the summer months, in order to remain in school at all. lhey willingly fol low this difficult schedule in an ef fort to obtain an education. The Big Sisters have interested them selves in these eirls their "little sisters," they call them. They hope to give each of them a week's vaca tion at Camp Brewster during the summer months. Donations from people who sympathize with this idea are being made through Miss Desdemona Catlin, 523 Teters Trust building. Among those who have already contributed toward thejc outings are: Miss Jessie Millard, Mrs. George Rcdick, Mrs. George Snv'th and Mrs. J. C. Rath. Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Ttw Man Was Married. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omahn Bee: I have been engaged to a man in my town lor four years. Now I have been told he is married and that the marriage took place in a western city 14 year ago. Will you kindly advise me to. whom in this city I should write, so they can look up this marriage, if it is true, and in form me of all the facts. 8. H. You must not marry a man you do not trust. No man would con tinue to care for you if he were to find that after four years you had so little faith in him that you had to "go behind his back" to find out the truth about him. The way to satisfy this rumor is to come out frankly and ask him what the truth of the case is. Gypsy Be considerate of the other girl's feelings, but do not make a companion of her if you do not like and trust her. Lift Off Corns! Doesn't hurt I Lift touchy corns and calluses right off with fingers r v 1: 1 x ,3JK r w m fc v -.x Apply a few drops of "Freezonc" upon that old,' bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops ' hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off. root and all, without pain or soreness. Hard corns, soft corns, corns ' between the toes, and the hard skin calluses on bottom of feet lift right off no , humbug! Tiny bottles tf Fretzsne" 'cost but a few cents at drug stores Do You Want Relief From Foot Troubles? Rubber insert in the heel assists proper traction and pivots the foot correctly in walking- You can get it by wearing "Ground Gripper" shoes. They are scientific ally designed to fit the foot as na ture formed it giving each toe the proper place without crowding. The low heel and flexible shank overcome falling arches and de velop the muscles of the instep. CSV For Men, Women and Children Ground Gripper Shoes 1414 Farnam Street Sun Theater Building H. B. WATERBURY, Mgr. mm Ul "A place for every toe; Every toe in . its place.' The Only "Ground Gripper Store" in Omaha Accept No Imitations CosssSpatiGa and Sluggish Mver Don't take chances Get Carter's Little Liver Pills right now. The; never tan to mane the liver do its duty. They H ive out bin- ft msnesa, stop A M lizziness, f 3BTTIr: 1VER relieve constipa tion, banish in digestion. drive out bili OU3 clear the com. Dlexion. nut a hpnlrhv trlnor An rho cheek and sparkle in the eye. Be sure and get the genuine. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature'! prcat nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. r '?, mast bear Jljnelnr Bee Want Ads Produce Results. QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION 'Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, soothing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab leu. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth" bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver constipation, you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take them every night just to keep right. Try them. lOcandZoc ADVERTISEMENT Miss Nilsson's Beauty Secrets Anna Q. Nilsson, the wonderful motion picture actress, who is writing: series of articles on beauty secrets soon to ap pear in this paper, says that a beau tiful rosy-white skin and complexion is the very best aset any irirl or woman can have. She further states that the best and quickent way to obtain this is to use a simple toilet preparation, familiar to every well known actress. It la called derwillo and can be obtained at the toilet counter of any up-to-date drug or depart ment store. This wonderful derwillo is used by over five hundred thousand dis criminating girls and women throughout the country nd Is rapidly becoming a regular fad. It takes the place of face powder, stays on better and its use can not be detected. Perspiration does not af fect it and it will not rub off on clothing. Derwillo is especially recommended for dark, sallow, rough skin, freckles, tan, wrinkles and many other facial blemishes. Be sure to read Miss Nilsson's next ar ticle. In the meantime get derwillo and try It today, you are sure to be delighted. Bee Want Ads Are Best Eusincss Roosters. 1 Cut Price May Sales All the smartest new Suits-prettiest new Dresses-beau tifu! Blouses-Skirts-Sweaters-Silk Underwear Wonderful Wraps in Cut Price sale this week, one-fifth, v one-fourth, one-third and even greater reductions. Voile Blouses $2.50 Voile Blouses $1.19 $3.75 Voiles $2.49 Victoria Skirts $24.75 Victoria Satin Skirts $12.90 Tricotine Suits $85.00 Navy Tricotine Suits $56.67 Taffeta Dresses $69.50 Taffeta Dresses, navy or black, at $46.34 Silk Underwear $5.00 Teddies, Bloomers, Camisoles, at $3.98 Sports Coats $39.50 Sports Coats, tans, blues, brown, at ..$26.34 Plaid Skirts $10.75 wool plaids or stripes, also serges, at $7.50 Tricolette Dresses $65.00 Tricolette Dresses, navy, taupe or black $43.34 Cotton Dresses Wool Sweaters $10.00 Sweaters, all the new things, $7.98 Pettibockers $9.75 Silk Jersey Pettibockers or Petti coats $7.80 Tricotine Suits . $125.00 Tricotine Suits, short sleeves or long $83.34 Motor Scarfs $14.75 Plush Scarfs, also Wool or Silk Scarfs $11.80 Cape Suits $69.50 Misses' Cape Suits, navy serge, at , $46.34 Taffeta Dresses $55.00 Taffeta Dresses, navy or black, at $36.67 Georgette Blouses Values to $10.00; short or long sleeves, at ...$5.40 Tricotine Dresses $39.50 Tricotine Dresses, short sleeves, at $39.67 Cotton Dresses $5.00 Ginghams $3.98 $12.50 Voile Dresses, $9.98 $29.75 Voile Dresses, $23.80 $6.50 Ginghams $5.25 $19.75 Voile Dresses, $15.80 $35 Ribbon Voiles, $27.80 $7.50 Ginghams $5.98 $24.75 Voile Dresses, $19.80 $39.75 Ribbon Voiles, 31.80 We ara not able to sell all the new things, so we only sell the best. . 1812 FARNAM STREET COURTNEY BUILDING EVCNTUNTH AlNMOOUeiAS STRUT COURTNEY BUILDINQ Omaha's Newest Market Offerings for Thursday and Friday We urge comparison of "Table Supply" values with the best you'll encounter elsewhere Here Quality comes first It's a store in which regrets will never follow a purchase Try it tomorrow. Grocery Specials that emphasize our leadership ...27c Snyder's Catsup, pint bottle Figs, California, 11 package C Tall Alaska Salmon, 6 cans for Prunes, 30c quality... (5 lbs. lor 97c.) Olives, large green, $1.00 size, per quart. . 1. 10 21c 62c MEATS 1 Ribs or Loin LambsjE . Chops, per lb....OllC Pig Pork Chops, QM per lb.. a 04C Spare Ribs, 09 per lb stfc-jC Rex Bacon," per lb 40c Our Meat Drpartment la tho. home of thorough quality, Appetizing Meats. Candy Specials Pure Cream Wafers In pepper mint, wintergreen and cinnamon flavors, special, per lb 55d Beautiful Boxed Assorted Choco lates and Bon Bons, finest quality, extra special, the box... $1.00 Salted Pecans, the pound. $1.25 At the Fountain SPITZ APPLB CIDER A wonder ful drink. Pints, 25 Quarts, 40 SUNDAE S Fresh Strawberry, fresh Banana, Fruit Salad regu lar 20c find 23c values. Our new fountain special 15 1 i Fairco Shortening 2 lb. Pail 'Xiv itcner lot mm- f MONEY SAVING VALUES Eggs Strictly fresh from Dur country stores, doz. "c tT" Cudahy White Borax Naptha Soap Six Bars for 38u I Navy Beans, 5-lbs, 50c I Wholetome and Nourfohing Quaker Corn Flakes 1 8 oz. pkf? 1UC Quaker Oats, large OA- pkjr ouc Codfish, 1 lb. Wooden Boxes 23c Very fine for creamed codfish on toast ' Clean-Up Stock Specials Cony Bear Strawberry flavor preserves, 15 oz. 21 apple base, 15-oz. jar '. w w Peters paste shoe polish, regular size ,A T Oyster Cocktail sauce, 35c 29c can Sniders irline Honey, 14 oz. 07- OIL WILSONS NUT i I Splendid f I ,BB 7brFatingjA 90 I Delmonte Peaches, Pears, Apricots, No. 2 size can ODrOaU ft Kflo inr mivv for fdtBrQitd Basko Worcestershire sauce, 10c Dome 1 1 for llC Mazola, 39c Pint OP can OOC Snider's Catsup, QQ 35c bottle Snider's Chili SauceQC bottle OOC Snider's Chili Sauce,QJ bottle. &C 2 pkgs 25 c Brass wash boards, fP i 16799 DIED m New Vork City alone from HdS oey trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim 07 neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble oy taking; GOLD MEDAL ft 75c value 37c I Batko 1-lb. p Japan Tea, pfcg 73c1f Baako Vanilla E 2-oz. 35c bottle. . " 29c Get the Saving Cash Habit at the BASKET STORIES "Stores Everywhere.' ii 1 Thr orld'e. standard smedy toi Hanr liver, toladdet uni jrit dd troubles. Holland's national remedy inc 16QS. AC druggist., thrta sizes. Caaianteed. tdook tot Ji name Cold Medal on every eeaj and acoept no imitation I Pi This wonderful bookwill bp sent free to any man upon re quear CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL Oft 602 Berrn Biock,tohv1Hc,Term. hi a32E!Ei Her Want Ads Are Eus!nes Boosters.