THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1920. 9 Society Shoemaker-Anderson. at dinner .at her hnma Mmi4i ..,.., ing in honor of her daughter. Mil dred, whose engagement to Lester M. Shoemaker of Williamsport, Fa., was announced at the affair. Violet and white spring flowers formed the centerpiece. Covers were placed for Mrs. Lena Huntley, Misses Margaret Erickson, Elizabeth Allen, Jennie. Christiansen. Edith Morris, Lola Marsh. Leta Grobeck, Mary Gibb. Lillian O'Connor, Blanche Kershner and Grace Duhes. Herrera-White. Mr. and Mrs. Homer White an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Sarah, to Paul M. Her rera of Detroit, Mich.. The mar riage will take place at Trinity cathedral, June S. . Henry-Murphy. Dr. and Mrs. VV. M. Murphy an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Teresa, to Ralph R. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Henry, which AOVERTISEMENT "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys ''Danderine.'' After an application or "Danderine' you can not find a fallen hair or any aandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness,', more color and thickness. took place Saturdav evening at their home. Rev. C. F. Holler officiated. The bride wore a dark blue suit with small hat to match and a corsage of sweetpeas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are kt home at 3710 South Twenty-sixth street. Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Baldrige en tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. E. David son informally at dinner at the Omaha club Tuesday evening. Settlement MoVie. The social settlement picture, "American and How to Make Them," will be shown at the Moon theater Wednesday afternoon, at the Em press on Friday afternoon and eve ning and at the Apollo Saturday afternoon and evening. Train School Mothers' Club. Mrs. F. Kutcher will entertain the Train School Mothers' club Friday afternoon, 2 'p. m., at her home, 139 Center street. Mrs. Joseph Schnell will assist. ,' ' L'Alliance Francaise. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch will entertain L'Alliance Francaise Wed nesday evening at their home. For Mrs. Redick. Mr. and Mrs. George Redick en tertained at a tinner of 20 covers at their home Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. John Redick, who leaves Saturday to spend the summer in Europe, Sommer's Club. Mrs. Wilson Austin entertained the Sommer's club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Appears in Play v k r Calendar Corrert Diction Class Wednesday. 2:30 P m., Y. M. C. A., studio ot Prof, Edwin Puis. Frances Wlllard. W. C. T. V. Wednes day, 3 p. m., with Mrs. James Dalzell, 1123 South Thirty-second street. Omaha W. C. T. V. Wednesday,' 2 p. m., Y. W. O. A. Lysle Abbott will speak on "The New Constitution." Dr. Jennie Callfas will preside. The meeting Is open to the public. A. C. A. Kook Review Section Wednes day, 4 p. ni., with Mrs. John McDonald. 6101 Nicholas street. Community Service Wednesday, Wamm club party, 7:30 p. m., Mrs. Lev Inns, chaperon. Meeting at 7:30 of constitu tional committee- at public library. Benson Methodist Mission Society Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Austin Tavlor. 291S North Fifty-eighth street. Y. W. C. A. Physical Department Wednesday evening, Athtetld club will meet for supper. DororMWiiinsl Dorothy Higgius is one of the attractive school girls who will fol low the Pied Piper in the play to be given Saturday evening at the Bran deis by students of Brownell Hall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Higgins and the granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb' Storz. Clubdom To Speak in Chadron. Mrs. M. D. Cameron, general fed eration director, will speak befoie the Sixth district convention, Ne braska v Federation of Women's Clubs, in Chadron, Thursday. Miss Katherine ' Worley, state chairman of Americanization, will not attend American War Mothers. The Omaha chapter of American War Mothers will meet Thursday evening, 8 p. m., in Memorial hall, court house. Camp Fire Notes. The Okihi and Gihneshaho Camp Fire groups have organized into one group under the name of Okihi. The following officers have been elected: Gladys Reddan, president; Marjorie Pool, secretary and treasurer,, and Arvilla Sinnett, reporter. The group has adpoted a French orphan, named Marie ChiCon. Personal Lieutenant Alfred Gruenther ar rived Monday from Camp Taylor, Kentucky, to spend several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gruenther. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Covatt have gone to Lake Okiboji to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Levensky are. residing at 2747 North Forty-fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle and daughter, Miss Marian Towle, ac companied by Mrs. Towle's physi cian, Dr. G. Alexander Young, and Mrs. Young, have returned from Carolina, where Mrs. Towle chris tened a ship. Dr. and Mrs. Young went as the guests of Mr. Towle and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Newman left Monday to spend two months in Los Angeles. Airs. F. V. Larniou returned Sun day fro!n Washington, D. C where she a'.tc'idcd the national congress of the D. A. R. She also visited in New York. Mrs. George Harris of Detroit, Mich., who was a guest of Mr. John Potter Webster, returned home Sat urday. Miss Meliora Davis is expected home Wednesday from St. Louis, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. H. E. McCroskey left sev eral days ago for Chadron, Neb. Miss Irene Carter returned home Monday from New York City, where she has been visiting her sister, Ruth Carter, who attends Columbia uni versity. Ruth Carter will return in June. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reynolds spent Sunday in Lincoln, where they visited their daughter, Katherine, at the Achoth sorority house. " Mrs. W. E. Barkley of Lincoln was in Omaha Monday. Omaha Woman's Press Club. The Omaha Woman's Press club will meet Wednesday for luncheon, 12:45 p. m., at the Chamber of Commerce. There will be an im portant business meeting following the luncheon. Honor Is Given to Miss Florence Nightingale On Wednesday, May 12, 1920, the civilized world honors a woman. That woman is Florence Nightin gale, who was born just 100 years ago in Florence, Italy. In 185o she established the first modern training school for nurses in Loudon. This was the forerunner of training schools for nurses in connection with a hospital. Today there is such a school in connection with practically every large hospital on the globe. Hardly had Florence Nightingale established her London institution o7 years ago when the Crimean war broke out and revealed the usual terrors of army hospitals before the the advent 'of the trained woman nurse. Gathering a group of her students and coworkers around hef, she went out and changed the cen ter of tilth, jdisease and agony at ADVERTISEMENT NAME 'BAYER' ON GENUINE ASPIRIN - -- Get relief without fear as told in "Bayer package" "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Then you are getting the true, world-famous As perin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions to safely relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache. Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generaly. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. V nder all f W , garments Charm, utility and value are combined in the garments included in this great annual event which every woman looks forward to with so much interest. . The finest and most complete assortment we have ever collected and special values all through the collec tion. . . . Epi5dte Assortments off Si!kE Umdlcrgarmemits of Crepe de Chine, Satin, Meteor, Puss) Willow, Chiffon, Georgette Nightgowns $3.95 to $125.00 Silk Petticoals, white and flesh. Drawers $7.95 to $65.00 double panel. .$5.95 to $35.00 Combinations . . .$12.75 to $95.00 Envelope Chemises. .$2.95 to $79 Underbodices. . . $1.45 to $45.00 Pajamas. ...... .$5.95 to $69.00 Silk Petticoals $5.95 to $89.00 OTIO rhfflR French ran mi Hand-Made Drawers:. .. .'.$2.50 to $25.00 Hand-Made Combinations.. $6.95 to $25.00 Hand-Made Corset Covers.. $3.95 to $15.60 Hand-Made Nightgowns. . . .$2.50 to $65.00 Hand-Made Envelope 'Chemise $2.95 to $25.00 Hand-Made Regular Chemise .... ..$2.95 to $25 Hand-Made Corset Covers. .$3.95 to $25.00 Burgess-Mash Company. EVERYBODY STOKE" Second Floor i Scutari into the first efficient mili tary base hospital in history. When the war was over, grateful and astonished England gave her a token of esteem, consisting of $J5;,- 000. which money she devoted en tirely to the touiKlatum ot ;;:c Nightingale Home at St. Thomas hospital. She was advisor to the American government in the civil war and to the French government in 1870. In America, Louise Lee Schuyler founded the first modern American training school for nurses in New York in 1870. But American leader ship is accorded to Clara Barton, best remembered for her organiza tion and leadership of the American Red Cross. ADVERTISEMENT Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home rem edy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Sold un der money refund guarantee by all druggists. THB TORS CT The Market What is it going to do? Are prices going down? Are they going down suddenly? These are questions that fill the minds of merchants today. Retail merchants are buyers as. well as sellers, you know, and tremendously interested 'in accurate answers to these questions. Let us give you some of the facts as to the present situation: Silk has fallen considerably. The mar ket is very weak. Everyone with a stock of Silk is trying to turn it into money. "Wool Market is strong and shows as yet no sign of weakening". Cotton Especially 'fine yam fabrics, still advaniing and are not likely soon to be cheaper. ' Production still is very much behind. We have still thousands of dollars' worth of hosiery and underwear undelivered on orders placed six months to' one year ago. We are not only not canceling, but beg ging for delivery to supply our enlarged business. "Wherever we have or can get the goods (you know we are a bit particular about what we offer), we shall not only meet, but anticipate the market. That's what we are doing on Yard Goods to morrow. SILKS V2 1-30 pieces Economy Silks in plain shades: 36 inches wide, .based last price of the makers, $1.50. Wednesday, yard colors of all i -i on tne n fiC hale 89' Xow for the Cream of the Stock Silks that are not only fine but famous; 28 pieces High Grade Foulards, Printed Radium, Channelise and Satins. Colors and designs that suit the season; $6.00 has been the price, Wednesday Kumsl Kom The novelty of the season. Raid bv experts to be the most beautiful silk fabric ever made. A splendid range. Price has been $10.00; Wednesday $4.35 $7.75 Dew-Kist That airy fabric designed for sum mer wear. The most delicate and brilliant of colorings, beautiful combinations, selling at $7.50 a yard, Wednesday About 1,000 yards of Plaids, Stripes, Plain Taf feta, Paiins and Shirting Silks. You can find almost anything you want in this lot. They have sold up to $4.00, Wednesday $2.95 Woolen Dress Goods A sale of a wide variety of fabrics taken here and there from our stock wherever there was a broken line. The lot Includes Silk and Wool Crepes, Mohair, Silk and Wool Voile, Julllard Plaids 48 inches wide, Henrietta, Silk and Wool Poplins 40 inches wide. These fabrics have sold right up to $3.50 a yard. Wednesday, Wash Dress Fabrics Height of the season. Thin fabrics selling actively Organdies and Swisses hard to get Ginghams will be higher instead of lower. Voiles the most popular sellers. A group of patterns in Dollar Voiles 40 inches wide, big assortment of dark and medium shades. We will see what price will do Wednesday, $1.98 79c From .our carefully selected stock: of Staple Cottons we quote below a number of price reductions. When there is a lower price, rest assured Kilpatrick's will make it. The Floor Below Shirting Print! 25c Light and Dark Percales .39c Amoskeag Apron Glnirhi . for 29c 32-ln. Dress Ginghams . .39c Galatea. Suiting 3ttc Serpsntine Crepes 45c Eaquet Cloths 89c Cotton Challtes t S9c WhiU Outing Flannel . .32'4c Fancy Sateens "9c Cotton Voiles 3l)c (13-ln. Pepperell Sheeting 9c 7!-!n. Ppppe-rel! Sheeting "5c 8t-in. Pequot Sheeting .rc 3-in. Brown Sheeting ...9c 45-ln. intra Heavy Casing 8c :!Mn. T.onsdale Mini in ,.35o 32-ln. Fancy Tickings ...9c Yd. Y1. ims, Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. White Goods Dept.- 3-ln. Fin Long Cloths ..29c Yd. 3J-ln. Sheer Nainsook ...49c Yd. 3-ln. Extra Quality Nainsook, for ; 89o Yd. 3-ln. Merc. Batlsts ....... 59c Yd. 3-ln. Dress Poplin 59c Yd. 36-ln. Irisb Poplin J S5c Yd. 45-in. Nurses' Suiting ...4c Yd. 27-ln. Fins P!o.ues 35c Yd. 0-in. Plain Voiles fle Yd. 36rln. Gabardine 9c Yd. M in. Gabardine $1.08 Yd. 45-in. Organdy $1.29 Yd. 45-ln. Extra Fine Orjrandy, for $1.09 Yd. Linen Dept. 55C lS-ln. Terry Cloth ..42V2C Yd. 75o :2-ln. Terry Cloth ..55c Yd. 11.00 84-in. Terry Cloth ,83e Yd. 29o 18-in. Pink Striped Dish Toweling :.MV4c Yd. 35c 18-in. Pink and Blue Cheek Imp. Dish Toweling ..t9c Yd. 35c lS-ln. Cotton Huck Towel ing 29c Yd. 30c H-ln. Part Linen Towel ing Sao Yd. 83c 18-in. Stevens All Linen F. for 50c Yd. 65- 18-in. All Linen Russian F, for 80c Td. S5c IS-ln. All Linen Glass Towel ins 50c Yd. 11.00 68-In. Here. Damink. for 7ftc Yd. $1.55 84-ln. Merc. lmmask, for 98c Yd. A De Lux3 Booklet you will vanttohava "This most wonderful con tribution ever made to mu sic," This is how a famous critic termed Thomas A. Edi son's amaxing achievement. Edison and Music ADVERTISEMENT The story of the $3,000,000 Phono graph is as romantic as any bit of fiction. It is told in a beautifully illustrated brochure which you will be (lad to keep. Send -the Coupon Today Name Address SHULTZ BROS., Owner. 313 South 15th Street SIMPLE WAY TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There is one simple, safe and sure way that never fails to get rid of blackheads and that is to dissolve them. To do this get two ounces calonite pow der from any drug store sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the black heads briskly wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackheads have disappeared. Big blackheads, little black heads, no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the parts without any mark whatever. Blackheads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions from the body that form fn the pores of the skin. Pinching and squeez ing only cause irritation, make large pores and do not get them out after they be come hard. The calonite powder and the water simply dissolve the blackheads so they wash right out, leaving the pores free and clean and in their natural con dition. Anyone troubled with these un sightly blemishes should certainly try this simple method. ADVERTISEMENT SURE WAY TO GET RID . OF UNSIGHTLY HAIRS Thpre is one simple, nafe and sure way to get rid of unsightly hairs on neck, arijis and underarms and that is to dissolve them. To do this get a bottle of Frosts. Hair Remover Lotion from your druggist, apply a little with the fin ger tips, or with a little cotton, just like you would a face lotion, to the hairs not wanted, in a few minute wash oft and j-ou will be surprised how the hairs have disappeared. Fuzzy or heavy hairs simply dissolve and leave the kin soft and white shaving an-1 other methods only re move hairs for a KTiort while and they come in thicker than ever, while Fresca lli'.ir Remover Lotion dissolves them away helow the skin and eveakenR the growth. If you are troubled with these unsightly blemishes yoii should try this sim ple and safe method of getting rid of them. ADVERTISEMENT Don't Spoil Your Hair by Wahing It When you wash your hair be care ful what you use. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. It'i very cheap and beats anything els all to pieces. You can get this ai any drup store, and a few ounces will last the whole family foi months. Simply moisten the hair with wa ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon ful is ail that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. ADVERTISEMENT Hairs Will Vani.h After This Treatment (Toilet Helps) You can keep your skin free from hair or fuzz by the occasional use of plain delatone and in using it you need have no fear of marring or in juring the skin. A thick paste is made by mixing some of the pow dered delatone with water. Then spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and all traces of hair have vanished. Be careful, however, to set, real delatone.