THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1920. DICTATORSHIP IS OPPOSED BY SOCIALIST PARTY - 1 " ' ' National Convention Votes Down International Declara tion of Principles as Sub mitted by Illinois Delegates. New York,. May It. The socialist party national convention this after noon went on record as opised to the dictatorship of the proletariat, in voting down an international so cialist declaration of principles sub mitted hy the delegation from Illi nois. The vote was 103 to 33. Victor L. Berger, unseated repre sentative in congress from Mil waukee, under a 20-ycar sentence for violation of the espionage act, urged adoption of the, Millquit platform unchanged. f He declared that for 40 years the socialist party had not talked -a language the people of the country could understand. "I don't believe in any dictator ship," Berger; said. "I don't believe in the dictatorship of Attorney Gen eral Palmer, Postmaster General Burleson or dictatorship of the pro letariat. "Why, outside of Milwaukee and New York's east side, nobody knows anything about a proletariat. May be the'Steel trust and Sammy Gom pers know about it, but the people in general haven't got any proletariat." Municipal Court Justice Panken of New York roused the convention to a demonstration when he de clared for the democratic "ballot revolution" such as, through election of President Lincoln and an abolition congress, had ended slavery in Arnerca,.,,' , , Cameron, IT. King of San Fran cisco, advocating the Hillquit tleclar'atibn, urfsfd the socialistic tac- tics of Victor Berger "and the party in Wisconsin betause of their demonstrated successes. vsjThe minority, in offering its sub stitute platform, "is trying to put eggs under a rooster," declared Os car Ameringer of Milwaukee, known as the Mark Twayi of the socialist movement, in opposing the Engdahl measure as "useless an! out of place." He received an ovation. Ameringer declared that if con gress continued to deny Berger his seat, the socialist party will elect him governor orWisconsin with a majority membership in both houses of the legislature. "The road prepared by the Illinois delegation leads only to the peni tentiary," he added.. "I am willing to go to the penitentiary if neces sary, but I believe I. can be of more use on the outside. Present High Prices to Reduce Improvement Work The city council yesterday adopt ed a policy against awarding further contracts this season for public im provements, excepting for work on which contractors assure completion this year. The city would be losing money through entering into con tracts at present high prices for work which could not be perform ed until next year, commissioners assert. Pickard Thanks Tljose Who Helped Him Get Just Disability Pay Harry S. Fickard, crippled ex soldier, living at 3611 Jones street, yesterday expressed his thanks to Omaha friends, Congressman Jef feris and The Bee for their aid in obtaining for him speedy financial relief through Washington officials. Though he, has one leg off and the other made useless by wounds received in the Argonne, he recently was discharged from aivarmy base hospital with a rating oi only "temporarily disabled." Officials have now granted him $1,085 in back payments of insurance and total compensation of $157.50 a month, on a basis of total disability. "I sure am much obliged for the help of everyone who helped get that quick relief," Pickard said. Brief City News Wheel Tux Payments City Clerk Hunter yesterday received wheel tax payments of $1,449 from automobile owners. He estimates there are still 5,00t delinquents. Crclghum Jlee Club Concert After two years of inactivity, the Creighton glee club Will give an an nual Concert at the Creighton audi touiim Ma 20. The concerts were not given during the war years. Taken Into Fraternity William M. Younjr, Bon of R. L. Youn?, lH North Thirty-first avenue, was one)f 16 Btudents at the University of 1111- 'nols to be initiated recently into Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fra ternity. Seek Annulment Mrs. Stella Rob inson yesterday filed suit in district court for annulment of the marriage of h(er daughter, Alta, to David Reese', alleging both' were under age when the marriage was performed last September. : Court Martial Ended The trial of David D. Goertzen. alleged slacker, was completed at Fort Omaha Mon day. He was accused of evading military service by going to Canada from Aurora, Neb. His brother. John B. Goertzen, was tried lor a similar offense last week. Discuss Free Bridge Plans for a free bridge across the Missouri river at Omaha will be explained to mem bers of the Omaha- Real Kstate board at 'their weekly meeting at the Chamber of Commerce by Mayor Ed r. Smith today. How funds are to be raised will be made clear. Contractor Flies to Omahii K. L. Whittington of Red, Oak, la., arrived in Omaha via the sky route yester day morning to purchase building materials. He flew with R. L. Wag ner in a Curtiss JN-D, and landed at Ashmusen field, Sixty-fifth and Center streets. Fears Daughter's Klopeincnt At the request of Fred T. Dohse, 1621 Vinton street, the Omaha police are searching for his 15-year-old daugh ter, Gertrude, who has been missing for two weeks. He believes she may have eloped with-a boy sweetheart, Otto. Rose, 1119 Arthur street. Defrauded of $20 Adjutant I Ness of the Salvation .Army reported to police - yesterday she was de- Make -your breakfast cereal asubstandalpart of the morning meal. An nerybailder inan at tractive form is for this food ofpleasing taste is made of selectedeatand malted barley and is frill of? nourishment. GrapeNuts is unusual among' readv-codked cereals as it contains its own suar, not added in making but self1 develope&from its grains. Grap(eNuts saves sugar x "There!? a Reason." Made by Postum. Cereal Co.BatfLe CreekIich. low name? in town bogra witk tke letter HT? "H" stands Aor Health Also for Happiness. Also for Howe. You can't be healthy with a steady grouch. And you can't be happy with tires that go back on you at the wjtong time! A tire can'tbe too good I You pay more for Howe Tires but one Howe will outwear two ordinary tires. That makes them cheaper. And, get this: When they're so old in mileage that they ought to be dead and buried, they keep rolling along like new! ' . , If you don't believe that, we'll prove it. Tires & Tubes dig Costihbre pev tiv LESS per mile. 11 " Tll vm .ill I II Tll'.l'.ffPI'HUNOE 1 1 HI HOWE W Howe Red Tubes have been c standard for years and Howe Tires, Cord , and Fabric are every bit as good. Lininger Implement Co. Automotive Dept 6th and Pacific Sts. Omaha frauded of $20 hy a stranger to whom she loaned the money on se curity of an envelope which ne said contained a $y000 insurance policy. She found a fake will and an old newspaper in the envelope when she investigated. , , Lighting Fixtures, den Co. Adv. burgess Gran- City Officials Engaging In Hot Battle of Letters County Commissioner Dan Butler and Health Inspector Jerry Howard are engaged in a hot exchange of correspondence resulting from In spector Howard's serving notice on Butler to see that rubbish wai re moved from a section of South Fierce street. Butler replied he was "not in the . habit of receiving in structions from subordinates." How ard retorted he . considered it work of mercy Jo instruct the ig norant". . ' .. No One Need Buy Cuticura Before Be Tries Free Samples III mm UK "EVERYBODY STORE" ' Just Arrived Dainty New Neckweafr' Organdie Collars i and Cuffs Imported Organdie Collar and Cuffs set to be worn .with suits or frocka. They come in every, new desir .able shades. Special, $1.25 set. Organdie Modestee sets, some with dainty ruftles, others embroidered. $1.25 to $3.75. Organdie Collars Dainty Pastel Double Or gandie Collars, hand em broidered in the much favored wool designs. Spe- cial, $1.50. Main Fleer Featuring During Our May White Sale f The Opening Display of White ; Wai Skirts ' ' Extensive Assortments Hosts of styles reflecting new charm. ARTISTICALLY designed correct style these skirts meet with the approval of the most exacting women fashioned of plain and embroidered gaber dines, Etc. Surf Satin - Voiles - Linens Trico ' , Sizes $5 to 10 waist measure ' ' . $4.S and up Seen Flew A Sensational Sale of i t." at prices radically deduced - WE purchased the entire stock of glassware from a restaurant, hotel and bar supply company at an unusual reduction. Owing to the low prices and the exceptional values offered we can- "311 not guarantee for the day's selling and we reserve the right to limit quantities. NO C. O. D. OR phone orders THw Great (Group's at 6c at 10c ' at USe Small size glasses, situable for , Thin blown fancy glasses, with medicine, or they carbe used cut or hollow stems. Very de for grape juice, cider or the sirable "for fancy desserts or like. Unusual values. " sundaes. Wonderful values. DowniUirt Store In this assortment are footed tumblers, roehmers, sherberts, ice tea glasses and goblets of thin blown glass. Really ex ceptional values at this price. Make Sewing A Pleasure By Using 6(,IhB Freg" Sewieg Machine YOU can save many dollars by doing your own sew .ing, and especially with the use of "THE FREE." We will make a liberal allowance for your old hard run ning machine as part payment on the. "THE FREE" sew ing machine with . . Terms as tow as -9100 a week Special Values for Wednesday NEW MACHINES USEI MACHINES Special $42.50 2 used Singers $6.00 . .AAA 1 Howe improved. .10.00 Cre8cent 40 00 1 New Home 5.00 Diamond 45.00 1 Special .10.00 Third Floor A clearance of an assortment of 1 v -; v : - Womtein s LoWShoes THIS sl e offers broken lines of high grade depend able footwear in a variety of desirable styles and leathers.. Included are street and dress pumps and oxfords of tan and black calf, brown, black and patent kid in Cuban, Military or, Louis heels. Very specially priced, $6.45. Not every size in every style, but every size is represented. . Sfrtead Fleer Continuing Wednesday ourm Annual al$ .I MMsMkil LiTOM Dmestk annd .White Gdls AN OPPORTUNITY that every housewife should take advantage of for the values'are extreme in every instance. ' HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS Pillow Tubing, 59c Yard Gabardine, 75c . 36-inch White Gabardine, 75c a yard. A very fine quality with beau tiful' soft wool finish; a very popu lar fabric for suits and skirts. Long Cloth, 29c 36-inch Long Cloth, 29c yard. A fine weave, with soft chamois finish ; . very suitable for underwe?r and children's dresses. ' White Voile, 39c 40-inch White Voile, at 39c a yard. A quality very suitable for waists and dresses. White Batiste, 25c This quality will give excellent ervice; much underpriced. Lace Voiles, 95c Beautiful Embroidered Lace Voiles. 95c yard. This season's most popular fabric for the making of dresses arid shirt waists. Bed Sets, $7j95 Satin Finish Marseilles Bed Spreads, at $7.95 set. Set consists of spread and bolster cover to match. These have neat scallopsd edge and come in beautiful em bossed designs. Bed Spreads, $2.95 Bungalow Bed Spreads,, $2.95 each. These are the kind that re quire no ironing. They come in the neat ripplette stripe, for full size beds ; only one to a customer. Turkish Towels, 85c Extra Heavyweight Turkish Tow els, at 85c each. A large size; made of two-ply yarn; a very absorbing quality. Warranted Linen Weft Crash" Toweling, at 19c at yard. A very absorbing quality; a very unusual value. Crash Toweling, 38c - Pure Linen Crash Toweling, at 38c yard. A very absorbing quality; priced much less than regular; not more-than 10 yards to a customer. 40 or 42-inch width. A fine round . thready quality that will give extra satisfaction. "Mesco" Sheeting, 82c Yard ' The Celebrated "Mesco" Sheet ing, at 82c yard. A heavyweight sheeting, without dressing or filling; 81 inches wide; this 'is uiusual value. Huck Towels, $135 Irish Huck Towels, at $1.25 each. An excellent quality with damask border and monogram space; size 20x36 inches. Bed Sheets, $U9 Each These are size 72x90 inches and are made of good quality of muslin, neatly hemmed ; not more than two sheets to a customer. Main Fleer Tea Napkins, $450 Dqzen Scalloped Edge Tea Napkins, $4.50 dozen. These are of Irish linen and. are much under regular price. : Qtmer Scarfs, 98c Each "iLace Trimmed Dresser Scarfs, 98c each. These have lace insertion as well as embroidery work; size 18 x54 inches. Pillow Cases, $5J00 Pair Round Thread Irish Linen Piliow Cases, $5.00 pair. These have hem stitched edges and are of excellent quality.