THE BEE? OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920. 13 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. T 1111 FORDS Tour sholre of three, on , 1uet overhauled. Anvnn of,them $:ti, SllKhtly used, Id valve hrl for Ford, new prlca. 1125; our prlre, $60. THE MOTOR18T8' OARAGB. D. 1365. JtlO Cumlnf St. 8EVKRAL, KINK BARGAINS. Oakland, without top, Jut over, hauled. $600. 191 aeven-pasnrniter, (-cylinder, Reo, III food shape, 1576. Model S3 Overland, near top, bargain t 1276. On aet of lilt Oakland fenders, $15. 1911 Stearni Knlaht motor, transmls alon, and differentials. 12(0. , Stearna Chummy roadster body' and tcp, 1 1 SO. JOE BAITERS. Walnut 4743. Eventnaa. rolfnx 3.1MV It FORDS. BUICK3. DODGES. Kv and used care, cash or time, rvrd bodiea, commercial bodlei. QOEDSTRTJM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL OARAGE. 1111 Harney St. Tyler 714. ' Opaa Day and NihC i lll TORD, Kelaey body and other ac reasorlea, good ilrea. A good buy at 1160. THE MOTORISTS' GARAGE. Doug. (366. 1610 Cuming St. " REBUILT HUDSON 1 SUPER-SIXES. Wa have aeveral rebuilt ayid reflnlehed Hudson. In cloaed and touring modela; aicepUonal valuea; terme If desired. ' GUY L, SMITH, Southeast Corner of 2th and Farnam. ESSEX SEIXAK. BRAND NKW, FOR 13.600: WORTH $3,000. DOUULAS list OR TYLER . a,i17 HUPMOBILE 'for sale: run TJob miles; equipped with new cord tires; for quick eala price $700; can be seen at 1681 Newport Ave., or call Colfax 37G. SOME bargalna In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The ' Handy ' Ford Sorvl-e Station, 16th and Jackson, Doug las S500. rOR TSRMS ON I'SED CARS VAN BKUNTS. Look tor the red aea'l on windshield. DANDY Fc to-rlng body, also roadster body for sale-,, a p. Call Harney 240t). FOR SALE 6-48 P "i :rs 7-pass. touring car: perfect conditio.!; newly painted; $1,600. A. J. Root, 3006 Pacific St. Harney USED CARS OF QUALITY, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. $020 FARNAM ST. " THB DIXIE FLYER. W. X. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 1620 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2033 FARNAM. . EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 280 Farnam St. WE HAVE 60 good used ears to select from. All prices. 1 MEEKS AUTO CO.. 202 Farnam. MUST aell my Ford touring car, nearly new, with aelf-starter. Sea it at 1819 Wirt St. , FOR SALE Cheap, Ford speedster body, touring car body. Ford chassis. 3709 Podge. Harney 2032. OOOI STUDEBAKER roadster; fully equipped: leaving city; $25n. Coif. 357.1. FOR SAle Cheap, 7-PHSsenger Packard, let class condition. Harney 8la. FORD touring, 1919 model, also one 1917 model. Harney 2790. m AN Oldsmoblle 4. perfect condition. Call Webster 22:17. . ! THE GUMPS- AND WHERE WAS' ANDY? Drawn for Th? Bj?? bv Sidney Smith Jiipr.. "c us . -n i . -r r- . . . ' ..... n: I -THATi YHt tT Tivst I JJHUiA f WtVJNT IT OUT OP THlr ' i i FARM LANDS. New York Lands. MANY BARGAINS In Queenshoroimri. New York City acreage and lots; ready for development; 18-mlnute, 5-cent fare from Grand Central Terminal at Forty second street. Minor L. Piatt, 7 'East Forty-second St., New York. N. Y. Wyoming Lands. S20 ACRES NIOBRARA CO.. WYOMING. Level to gently rolling; close to school, store, postofflQe and state highway; renced: shallow to water; good neigh borhood; near Hat creek; $25 per acre; easy terms. C. "A. Willis, Marlonvllle, Mo. Miscellaneous. F.RMS for sule or exchange Over 100 large and bit all. fci Illinois, Missouri and Arkanras. Write Forman, No. 317 In ternational Life- Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., for free list. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. MR. INVESTOR: See our list of farm and city real estate mortgages offered at attractive discounts. STEEL REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 18th and Farnam. Tyler 2022. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUGEB, INC.. - 128 Keellna Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2716. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 5619. Ea. 1894 PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F- D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omaha Nat. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PROMPT aervlce, reasonable ratea, prlvata money. Oarvin Bros.. 346 Omaha Nat'l. Oil Leases. OIL LEASES FOR" SALE. Five-year commercial oil leases. Ten acres and up; $50 per acre four miles from well; $30 per acre, six miles from well. Act quickly If you want a lease at this price. Eight wells now drilling here. Oil In McDonald No. 1 at 1,965 feet Ab stract .furnished. Write for information. You cannot afford to miss, this buy now before price advances. - T. B. Davis, Real Ustate, Oil Leases, P. O. Box 644, Big Springs, Tex. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FARM LANDS and acreage close to Oma ha and, Council Bluffs for sale or ex change. Apartments and city property to exchange for farm lands. Good bakery, central .Nebraska town of 1,000, for sale or exchange for pool hall or picture show. WM. N. HILL, Real Estate, D-4413 5)9 Be Bldg. Formerly of Scott & Hill Co. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BEAUTIFUL largj hill tract lots In beat part of Council Bluffs. What hava you to trade. Carl Cbangstrom, 2020 Far nam tre. ' REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE New S-room Kellastonc bunga low. Finished beautifully. Excel lent location. Tiled bath and kitchen floors. High grade plumb ing. Can sell on easy terms. Call Walnut 5432 evenings or Douglas 7412 davs. Ask for Mr. Cole. We specialize an Dundea nomea. C. B. STUHT CO., 918-14 City National. Ponglaa $787. DUNDEE home for sale by owner; hot water heat; oak floors. Phone Walnut 1621. DUNDEE, modern 7-room home for aale by owner. Walnut 1621. Florence. C. L. Nethaway for auburban property. Florence Sta Omaha. Neb.. Col. 1409. South Side. FOR SALE Five-room house. A half block from car line. Water, electric lights, gas. 4727 South 13tli St. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. MODEL 63 Cadillac. Webster 61.10. J919 Liberty Touring. Douglas 7217. fC'TD TOURING Harney 900. RepairinandPainting RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fonder repairing; body dents removed; new fendera made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFO. CO 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES. STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3 $ 9.75 30x3tt $13.76 32x31 17.8S S2x4 20.60 SHIPPED SUB.1ECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North 16th St. Douglas 3830. ! USED TIRES. ' SOxS, $5.00: 30x3 Mi. $6.00. ' All sires In proportion. Look over our rebulits. Open Sundays. Tyler 298. SAVIOE TIRES. 908 N. ISth St. Keystone) Tire Shop, REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST with us what, you have and DON'T want, and get what you WANT, and don't have. Real, estate, investments, business chances, lands and exchanges. WM. N. HILL, 519 Peters Trust Bldg. D. 4413. FOR quick action and satisfactory results in selling Omaha property call Schroeder Investment Co. Doug. 3261. 538 Railway Ex. Bldg. ' vw ou-omil.Tf' tihKS CHEAP. SOx'3 F1SK....J12 95 I 34x4 121.95 30x3 9.95 I 36x4 2 95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUM1NU. AUTO electrical repairs: service Jtatlon for Hayueia nrmijmr "'j" storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19. Accessories. GRAY & DAVIS starter and Wlllard storage battery for Ford car complete. Web. 3280, ' Motorcycles and Bicycles. BARLEY - DAVZDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains tn uaed machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenwortn oia. FOR SALE A Johnson motorcycle. Phono Tyler 1600. Room 431. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. BEST LANDS" 1 bought right and will aell you b olutely .right, any part of 7,000 acres of the oest wheat and corn land In eaat Colorado. Write for facta, now. 6ea our cropa. Inveatlgata. R. T. Cllne, Owner. Brandon. Colo i-mABTKR section unimnroved In Burling ton district: will take Omaha property as part payment, f ran uass, owner, 4005 North 25th St.. Omaha. Neb. 160 ACRES unimproved, close to Burling ten. $30 per acre. $500 will handle It. Box K-12, Omaha Bee. Kansas Lands. FINE farm home, one of the best in Sum county; newly improved; 160 acres; level wheat and alfalfa land; l4 mile to school; etrlctly modern house; hot water heating system: lignts In narn; J 1 50 per aore. A. T. Feeth, owner, "'elllngton. Kan., R. R. No. 6. LOOKING FOR LAND SAVE TIME. SAVE MONEY. GET WHAT TOU WANT. WRITE MARION LAND, MTG. INV. CO., HUTCHINSON. KAN. WRITE us for prices and terms on lands In Thomas county, Kansas. Felton & West, S07 Crounse Block. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" !00 acres well Improved, large orchard, good water, close to school and town. $3,000: $500 will handle. Hop on cars, coma to see it. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. For Neb. Farms and Ranches sea Graham-Peters Realty Co., $21 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farma. 301 Karbach Blk, Nebraska Lands. FARM NEAR OMAHA Northwest of Omaha. 40 minutes ride from P. O. Well improved, modern house, water system, electric light, roll ing land, all tillable. For . price and terms see i W. T. GRAHAM. ' CCA DT7T7' TT TH ' t UV-x ULD JJUL7VJ. Douglas 1533. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 96 per cent best of farm land. Rose bud atlt loam soil, a snr.p at $26 an acre, ' S. S. and H. E. MONTGOMERY, ;i City Nat. Bank Bldg. t REAL ESTATE In tracts of 5 to 2.000 acres; wneai, corn or sugar oeet ihoki grazing or nay. dry rarming or Irrigat ed: in North Platte valley; $14 to $400 4 per acre. Square Deal Land Co.,, Lisco, " Neb. , ' " CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City, Neoraska- 32 A. Hay farm and I'iuver ' land. Elk horn Valley. Eastern NW Fisnk Scher rnerhorn, 1011 U. P. Hdqrtrs. Bldg. WE hovo served the Omaha public In buying and selling real eatate lor over 36 years. Wa have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. Wa will serve you to your bast Interests. McCague Investment. Co $8,350, PRAIRIE PARK A very classy stucco home, well built and very attractive arrange ment; has living room, sunroom, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen first floor; three nice bed rooms and bath, second floor; fire place; oak floors throughout and oak and white enamel finish; gar age for two tars; paving all oaid; $3,000 cash will handle. . GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. 918 Citv Nat. Bk. Doug. 2850. 2406 CENTRAL BLVD. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. This Is just three blocks aouth of Hanscom park, facing east, on the pret tiest boulevard in Omaha. Five rooms, with space for two rooms on second IMoor; finished In oak. Is In perfect con dition; was well built and shows no wear; fine big lot; garage with .alley entrance. This is one of the coziest homes in the city and was heated on eight tons of soft coal. See us for full details and terms. Shown only by ap pointment. We advise quick action here, for at the price it is certain to be sold soon. J. L. HIATT CO. First Nat't. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. FIELD CLUB 1119 SOUTH 36 STREET The ownen must have a larger house and is forced to sell this beautiful seven room home located on a lot 50x125. Lovely living room, dining room and kitchen on the ilrst floor and four airy well arranged sleeping chambers on the second floor. Quarter-sawed oak floors and oak finish, down. Maple floors and birch finjsh. up. Flooren attic. Full cement basement. Paneled walls in din ing room. House painted and decorated last fall; five years old; three blocks to car line and school. Large garage and ilrlvevviiy, ilandv lawn. (ricn. II 2.500. ii'l, $5,500 rash will handle. For appoint ments call Commercial Investment Company 1516 City National Bank Bldg.. Doug. 393L'. Doug.. 5236. iiAVB inquiries for good homes in good locatl-.ns. wo you want to sen your properly? List it with C. A. Grim mel, 849 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Wan' quick action 7 Just try us. Call Tvler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buv or cell Omatin Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE HAVE ccstv buyers 'for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 104 1 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. '0ilt. 'REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3556. REAL ESTATE and all Kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN CO. 718 Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON. fnV,: 314 Brown Block Doub. 5262 WANTE TO BUY Five to seven-room house, from owner, on payments. eo ster 4150. . REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. ACREAGE . BARGAIN About four acres, on Center street, with paving paid; good, big 6-room house, barn, fruit trees: garage rent ing for $25 monthly; priced at $12,000; owner leaving citv. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 BEE BLDG. TYLER 496. MINNA LUSA LOTS Two fine lots, close to 30th St. Good location. Both for $1,750. Douglas 1533. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 BEE BLDG. TWo fine lots in Omaha, for sale. Lot 8. block 139, Dundee Place, will maKe a fine building place on both of these lots. Price for this lot for quick sale, $1,500 and the other lot ts lot 3. Creston Annex for quick sale, price, $1,700. If interested write or phone J A. Nelson, Malcom, Neb. Phone 1113. HQUSE AND 4 LOTS For a real down-right value we do not believe that this can be surpassed in Omaha today; a good 7-room house, having full length living room, large dining room, den and kitchen on one floor: q. s. oak floors and finish down stairs and pine floors and birch finish upstairs; house alone s worth, more than the asking price, besides 4 good lots; convenient to school, In a beautiful loca tion; possession June 10. This is a bar gain; don't pass it up. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Done. 4H. ft 1 5-17 City Nat. Pank BUlg. $200 DOWN Move today; six rooms, modern but heat; two lots; Walnut Hill district. AMOS GRANT CO. REALTORS, Doug. 83SO. 334-6-8 Braniels Theater. FOR SALE BY OWNER Nine - room, 'strictly modern home, beautifully decorated; come and look it over any time. 4170 Cass street. 8 ROOMS MODERN $11,000 Cathedral district home, living room, dining room, kitchen on first; four corner bedrooms and bath second; maids room on third; oak floors throughout; oak finish down, birch up stairs. Full basement. Located at 412 North 39th street. Can be handled on $; WALSH-ELMER CO ' Realtors Tyler 1526. 333 Securities Bldg. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Let roe show you a real stucco bungalow; just what 'you have been looking for; six large rooms, five-on main floor, one on second; large living room, oak and white enamel finish; this property is nearly new; can be bought for $7,500, part cash, balance easy . terms. Walnut 2812. GOOD LOT. nicely located. 1 block north Benson ar line, on Flfty-firtn street; was taken on mortgage: will sell at bar gain If taken at once. Douglas 6725 of fice hours. LOT, on Blvd., near Douglas Motor, $700; bargain. Phone Douglas 4M1. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ' Factory Building 60x140. on North 16th. with a 2 story brick building, suitable for manufacturing or light storage. The price has just been reduced to $12,500 for quick sale and it's a snap if vou can use it. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Doug 285a 918-20 City National. FOR SALE Three-itory brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO.. . 41D Keellne Bldg rhone Doug. 990. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtora, Real Eatate. Investments. Inaurance. Ren tals. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. GOOD small farms .and acreage, near Omaha and Council Bluffs, cheap for cash, or exchange for city prope'rty. WM. N. HILL. 519 Peters Trust Bldg. D. 4413. Bee Want Ads Arc Eest Business Boosters. - APARTMENT BARGAIN Choice location, three blocks from 24ih' and Farnam. 16 suiteH, large piece of ground.. In the district where im provements will advance all values; good future and good Income. Price and terms on apolltatlon. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 BEE Douglas 15T) OWNER LEAVING CITY, NEAR 16TH AND LOTHROP Five-room strictly modern cot tage, all on one floor; full cement basement; furnace heat; nice attic with 2 nice rooms partly finished; full lot, 50x132, south front, on paved street; paving paid; with garage. Price, $5,800; $1,800 cash; balance, $40 a month. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D-1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. ' BRAND NEW CLAIRMONT .Just completed, seven-room, two-story brick veneer home and garage. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, sun room and kitchen. Three dandy bedrooms above, one of them really a sleeping porch. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish downstairs. White enamel finish, mahogany doors above. Hot water healing flant. Floor laundry tubs and extra toilet in basement. Price $16,500. Located at 2471 North 45th Ave. To build this house new, would cost a great deal more. WALSH-ELMER CO Realtors Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. To get one of the finest, nearly new bungalows with every desirable feature such as fireplace, buffet, mirror door and bookcases, oak and enamel finish. Immediate possession. Well located. Near Miller Park. Price only $7,500. Terms arranged. RASP BROS, 212 Keellne Bldg.'Tylcr 721. THIS IS TSFBEST BARGAIN NORTH $8,500. There are 7 srooms and sun parlor, in cluding living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, haUi and sun room downstairs. Two bedrooms and lavatory nn second floor. Fireplace in living room; French doors' into pun room; oak finish and floors downstairs, second floor hard pine. Hard and soft water in basement., excellent furnace, brick foundation, full cement floor and drain, full lot; beautiful , shade and shrub. Garage for two cars; fine neigh borhood. This is the best buy tn Omaha today. Let us show it to you. Call for details, , J..L. HIATT CO. 7 Tyler 63. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. BEMIS PARK In Bemls Park district and near Cathedral. Beautiful corner lot. 60x159. Two-story frame. 7 years old. Has pa rage, hot water heat, water heater, fire place, butler's pantry and all modern and attractive features. Four rooms on first floor, five bedrooms. This place ran be bought for much less than Us real value. For particulars call. BURR-SPIER & CO., REALTORS 204 Beo Bldg. Douglas 4S57. 4032 MIAMI t $4,200 A dandy, practically new bungalow with two bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen and bath: water, sewer, electric light. Reasonable terms. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1536. REALTORS 338 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. MONTCLAIR BRAND NEW Living room, dining room with pane! walls, kitchen, all in oak witn Built-in i features; upaiairs, 2 bedrooms and oath i with oak floors finished In white enamel: full basement. Price; $6,750; $2,000 cash and $60 per- month. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY, R29 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phones: Doug. 653; Sunday, Walnut fT03. SEE THIS BARGAIN IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. Five-room frame bungalow, all on one floor, finished in oak and white enamel; on paved street. Price $S.750. Terms. Call Walnut 2S12 for further particu BARGAIN IN CLAIRMONT 5-roflm. stucco bungalow, large living room, dining room and kitchen down stairs; nicely finished !n oak; 2 bed rooms and bath on second floor; white enamel finish. Price only $8,600. Terms. For particulars call Walnut 2812. SACRIFICE SALE Leaving city; S-room . bouse, strictly modern, finished In oak, ' oak floors. A beautiful home built by owner. T. F. RatchTord, 645 Lincoln Blvd. Omaha Real Esta'r and Investment!. JOHN T. BOHAN, 21 Paxtnir l'lfr. Phone Tyler 45. J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg- Douglas S097. North. M1NNE LI'S A horn's and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest our monev rbne Tyler 157 i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5012 WEBSTER ST This 6-rooni, modern house is vacant and ready to move into now. Price has been reduced for a quick sale. Buv now. CREIGH-SONS & CO. Douglas B00. SOS Bee Blrlg. LARGE 6-room bunaalow, on full aere ground, everything Ideal: one of the prettleBt homes you have ever seen; good garden upot fine chicken house, . garage. This Is a $7,600 value. Can be bought now for $6,500, $1,000 cash down, 42d and Redlck; 10 minutes' walk to car line. R. F. CLARY CO., 2401-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. KOUNTZE PARK ' HOUSE On Plnkney street,' facing pnrfi. Mod ern 8 rooms, fine condition. Paving all paid, immediate possession. Can use bonds or a good Ford car as part of first payment. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 BEE BLDG. Do up la 1553. WORTH WHILE Fivc-ro'fm, all modern bungalow, oak finish, floored sttlc. garage and shade trees, near loal school. Trice $4,500, $l,,ro cash down. R. F. CLARY CO., 0i-06 Ames Ave. Colfax ITS North. KOUNTZE PARK Seven rooms of honost value. Three bedrooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, built-in features. Owner leaving for California so a low price of $6,400 has been placed on It; $4,000 cash. Evenings, Harney 4S96. Commercial Investment Company 1516 City Nat. Douglas 3932. FONTENELLE PARK DISTRICT. Near school and boulevard; 6-room oak finish; all modern: wonderful view; old time price on a new home; now offered for $4,300, $1,000 cash will handle. Call today Chlfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO.. 2404-06- Ames Ave. Colfax 175. BEMIS PARK 6-room, strictly modern; oak floors downstairs: three nice bedrooms up stairs; well ventilated; price. $5,760; $2,500 cash required. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., Phone, offjee. D. 663: Sunday, Wal 1103. Immediate Possession Seven-room, 3614 Grand Ave.; large south front lot: snap at $4,200. $1,000 cash down. Call today Colfax 950. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. MUST sacrifice modern two-story bunga low with two lots; seven rooms, bath, den, quarter oak floors, colonnade open ing, paneled wall, bookcases: built-in features; upstairs enameled with ma hogany doors, $5,600 or $6,500 with both lots: $2,800 mortgage. 2818 Ames Ave. BUY FROM OWNER Home on Florence Blvd., 6-room and sleeping porch. $6,750; $3,000 will handle; balance $35 per month. Colfax 1949. ALL MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR $6,000. 2025 N. 19TH. WEBSTER 4961. STRICTLY modern, 6 rooms and bath, cot tage, hot water heat. Inquire 2438 Browne St BRAND new 6-room oak-finished bunga low; nice lot: paved street; 85,250; easy terms. Call days. Douglas 1734. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park wood addition; a safe place for invest ment. Norrls & Norris. Doug 4270. 2827 SEWARD. 4-room. new, modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. 508 Bee. Douglas 200. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. $3,500. Harney 6374. FOR quick results list with Benjamin & Frankenberg. 524 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. MODERN 5-rocm house; must sell Im- m edlately. Inquire 3652 Parker St. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Orp Nat'l South. OWNER must sell dandy 6-room bungalow, modern, oak finish, paved street, near Hanscom park. Harney 4837. Leaving city, need the money for business,, will sacrifice dandv modern cottage, oak finish, paved street, Hanscom Park district; garage. Harney 3994. Need the money, will sacrifice nearly new bungalow, modern, oak finish: nice lot; paved street; west of Hanscom park Harney 6563. 3629 South 23rd St. Nine rooma. 4 ywirs old.. If you want genuine value, here It is. Stucco con struction. Two bath rooms. Humphrey hot water heater. Vacuum cleaner pipes in all rooms. Screens and storm win dows complete, only $7,500; $2,2uO cash. Commercial' Investment Company 1516 C.iiy.Natlonal. Doug. Switzerland About to Expel Royal Refugees Who Keep Visitors Away London, May 11. Switzerland is about to expel the various royal ref ugees who have found asylum with in her borders. A diplomatic source, from which this information was ob tained, says, the royal exiles are keeping away thousands of "regular" visitors from the allied countries. Ex-Emperor Charles of Austria. cx-Kings Constantino of Greece, and Ludwig of Bavaria and the many minor princes and their retinues are not what might be called "paying guests." On the contrary, they all practice rigid economy. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. $4,300 FIVE ROOMS AND BATH Corner lot. 42x124; paved street! two iVdronmn ard bath; good furnace new ly dpcorated and painted; one of the best buys for the money you can find. WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 333 fleeurlties Bldg. FIVE ROOM HOUSE ALL MODERN $750 cash, balance 35 per month will buy this all modern home at 28th and Pratt Sts.; will paint the outside; paper the entire place in side to suit purchaser. Price, $4,500. E. E. AUSTIN Tyler 785. 1305 First Xat'l Bank Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, very nicely ar ranged. Oak floors 'throughout. Bedrooms and bath enameled. Full cemented basement, etc., large lot. One of the few brand new places that can yet be bought for only $j00 cash. Possession at .once. Call Walnut 5373 or Doug las 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE A fine building, close In. good loca tion. Will advance rapidly on account of street improvements, etc. Trice '27 5W. T. GRAHAM, , 604 BEE BLDG. Douglas 1533 3932. $6,500 CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION Flva rooms and sun room, fireplace, built-in features; 3 years old; full lot; new. vacant: near Windsor school. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 BEE BLDG. TYLER 49. 4429 South 16th St.' Eight rooms, -all modern, only seven blocks from high school. Look It over. Don't disturb tenants; $1,600 cash, $3,500. Commercial Intestment Company 1518 City National. Doug. 6236. TWO cottages of 5 rooms and a breakfast room, all modern, -large lot, only apiece; J1.500 cash. Evenings, H. 4996. Commercial Investment - Company Dg. 5236; 1516 City Natl. Dg. 3932. Miscellaneous. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. ISTH AND DODGE. D. HOIS. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Seven rooms, close to Windsor School, S4.160; easy terms. Five rooms, near Windsor School, J4.750: $2,000 cash, balance $27.50 mo. Seven-room, modern, Hanscom Park, oak finish, east front, $6,800. Seven-room, modern, new, Field Club district; $10,000; easy terms. See us for other well located homes. CONBOY & GREEN 600 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 3841. Har. 4999. Web. 6186. Aged Corespondent Enjoys Recital of Attack on Husband Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased W Ira. Detroit, Mich., May 11. Today's' session of the sensational contest divorce case of Victoria against John B. Foret, prominent residents of Ford City, a Detroit suburb, was enlivened by the recital of how Wil liairuF. Hurd, the 68-ycar-old co respondent in the case, pulled the aggrieved husband off a street car, tore his coat tails off and admin istered a swift kick just where the coat-tails ought to have been. Foret charged all his trouble to Hurd, who is a wealthy lumber man residing in Gross Isle. He charges hat the lumber man broke up nis home by showing attention to Mrs. Foret, taking her on trips about the country and giving her costly pres ents.' In addition to naming Hurd co respondent, Foret has started an alienation suit against him in which he asked for $100,000 damages. Hurd denies alt the charges made against him execept the kicking and he took considerable pleasure in telling about that. He denied giving Mrs. Foret a Packard car and expensive jewel ry and silk underwear.' Mrs. Foret charges that her hus band was cruel to her, frequently swore at her, called her "tne worst woman in a square of 25 ' miles," many times 'told her to "'go to hell'' and many times said to her, "O God, I wish I was free." Motorists Latest Victims Of High Prices in New York New York, May 11. Motorists became the latest victims of advanc ing prices. . The Standard Oil Company of New York announced that the price; of gasoline to garages would be raised to 30 cents a gallon, an in crease of l'i cents, while independ ents were reported to, be quoting "gas" as high as 32 cents: This, it was said, would mean that the re tail price would be at least 34 cents. The advance brings advances since January 1 to 22 per, cent. Dilring 1919 the consumption of paper in the United States exceeded the output by about 3Q0 per cent. Tampa, Fla., has 13,000 union cigarnlakers. ' 6-R. MOD. home, close to cathedral, $4,250. 6-R. mod., oak floors, fine finish, $4,750. 6- R. mod., oak finish. Hanscom Park, , $6,800. 7- R., choice corner, very large lot; not new, but a bargain at $4,190; on easy terms. CONBOY & GREEN, 381'.. Har. 4999 . Web. 6156. New 5-Room Bungalow For $500.00 down, balance monthly, can sell you a NEW five -room all modern bungalow. Finished oak and enamel. Call Walnut 5432 evenings. BRAND NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $000.00 cash, balance $40.00 per month; 4 nicely arranged rooms, ce mented basement, floor drain, furnaoe, 3 lots, each 45x128 feet. Call Douglas 4911 days, Tyler 5167 evenings. FIVE room, strictly modern house, oak floors, oak finish'. Will take well secured second mortgage or contract as first payment. Harney 3556 evenings, ACREAGE NEAR OMAEPA AT FARM LAND PRICES ' Just think of buying acreage near Omaha as cheap as farms are selling in Iowa and some parts of Nebraska. t Acreage is just as sure to advance as Omaha is sure to increase in population. We are offering some very choice pieces within a mile of the city limits of Omaha, from $550 to $600 an acre on very easy terms. Have them in 5, 10 and 15-acre tracts. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50 BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW $2,000 CASH Balance monthly. Price $6,000. Typical American bungalow style. Large light living room and spatious dining room, oak finish. White enamel bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Oak floors throughout. Very large full cemented basement. Floored attic. Large front and back porches. Situated on an ideal corner lot and on paved street, platted with beautiful shrubbery. Built about' six months ago. Owner leaving for Florida. Quick possession. GUARANTEE REALTY CO. 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 5171 BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME, 6 ROOMS $6,800. A very well constructed residence. Built abou eight years ago. Reception hall enters into spacious living, and dining rooms. Large butler's pantry and kitchen. Splendid bedrooms. Brick foundation. Full ceemented basement with separate furnace, laundry and dying rooms. Located on beautiful corner lot. Let us show you this. v GUARANTEE REALTY CO. 21 Bee Bldg. Tylfr 5171 FOR PROFIT! RED FEATHER POULTRY FEEDS Mash and Scratch Feeds for laying hens and chicks. Proper ingredients, prop erly mixed. Proven in our own yards. CARRIED IN STOCK BY Fred Widoe, 45th and Q Sts. Pivonka Coal A Feed Co.', 5133 S. 21. t St. Stewart Seed Store, 119 N. 16th St. Peltx Bros., 3005 Haskell St. Ed Pacey'a Feed Store, Papillion. L. H. Cinek, 5212 S. 24th St. Kratky Bros., 4805 S. 24th St. A. Haddad, 1255-7 S. 13th St. Frank Zaloudek, 1904 S. 13th. P. Murphy Coal A Feed Co., 4602 S. 28th St. A. L. Bergquitt Son, 4710 S. 24th St. E. Karsch Co., 1820 Vinton St. Harry Chri.topherson Coal It Feed Co., 2520 Lake St. West Lawn Mills, 59th and Center. Walnut Hill Feed Store, 1425 Military Ave. Stoltenberg Elevator Co., 6136 Military Ave. North Omaha Feed Co., 5416 N. 16th St. S. A. Forgey, 8622 N. 30th St. Stahmer Bros., 2702 S. 20th St. C. L. Steck, 4134 Grand Ave. Homestead Grocery, 51st and Q Sts. AND AT ALL OF THE BASKET STORES Made by MX. PETERS MILL COMPANY OMAHA ggs May and June E tM J 1 a a nit 4 1") ' , t T V . r a .v aiu..i;tsi. ncscrvc wun r,gg-u-Latum tor next winter. i-gg-O-Latum is endorsed by leading institutions, cooking schools, etc. Keeps eggs in perfectly fresh condition one year. Costs only 1 cent per doren. No iar or mushy liquids. Kent in ord narv carton in rll,r ' FROM X WARM CLIME "I hate rti the ckk-vlaiusi ana xoasa it to preserve the etri rnnu tup rnrrviD nv r, ....... , ur ncLIADLr, ruUL. TRY JOURNAL "Can recommend En. 0. Latum aa an en preservative that Is economical and eur to apply and it does the work." Grant Jr. Curtis. FROM THE HEAD OF AMERICAN SCHOOL OF POULTRY HUSBANDRY "It i. e.., ,o applv E.t-O-Lattiril and I have not onlv uaed it rtivaelf. but recommend it to hundred, of our students." r. . Ouijenowrr. PrtMrnt. ENDORSED BY NATIONAL HOUSEWIVES' LEAGUE "At a medio, of the Eiecutivs Committee of the N.tionn! Housewives' held WednesH.v. hine lvth. His. the matter of endorsing Err-O-Latum cm. up before th. Committee. I have been instructed to writ, and aav that we believe Era. O. Latum to be a verv food product .nd tame ha. been pawed bv th. Esecuiiv. Committee." Nr., St't O. W en. Recording Secretary. KEPT ECCS ELEVEN MONTHS "I am delnhted with th. EtfO-Utum and new uaini "..,h.V """eoscked in it eleven rtiontha mo. Mr$. I. r. Mar tan. Euttw, AU. L. B. 111. ; ' . wrKito me ran in sood ahao. for more than sis months." P. D. DtPooU Havana. Cuba. KEPT ECCS THREE YEARS "A month aeo 1 used, for home cookins in cake., etc., en preserved with Ess-O'Latum in April, )"17. three rears ttg. W. hsd been trvin to see how Ions tliev would keep. At the end ef . vealjhe ens eould not be told Irons est. under week old snd .iter three ve.r. were "!'"'', ster.las ena after four to si. month.. J, E. Crtmmontl, Benson Arrea. Omaha. Neb.. April 10. 1920. KEEPS GOOD FOR 20 MONTHS "I nave never used anvthinf that rame up to Eu O. Latum for keeninc east. I tot a iar ia Au. mat. 1918. and the ens I rubbed with it are still in ricellent condition to use. I wn rue ful to turn th. hose, as directed up until laat nnna. Sine, that lime thev har. had ne turnins or car. wh.tever. 1 raniider it far Miperior to water rlM." tin,. H. DtnieU binaoo. Neb. Beaver Lake B. B. April 3. 1920. " e-r a . aw,w . . a. April i. SO-CMt iie for SO doxca eggs. ' " mna' " Phon""- GEORGE H. LEE CO. 1US Harney St. OMAHA, NEB. 'At METHODISTS USE MOVIES TO MAKE ANNUAL REPORT Dramas Show Progress ol Church in Rural Cen ters and Foreign Speak ing Communities. Des Moines, la.. May 1!. Part of the report of the-board of home? missions of the Methodist Episco pal church was presented to tin general conference last night in mo tion pictures. The anniversary ol the board was observed and tin report for the quadrenntum was pari j of the program. Three and a halt reels of film were shown. It wa said to be the first time any plat, of the kind was attempted. The report was a combination of animated cartoons presenting tabloid dramas showing, among oth er things, the progress made in the rural church, and foreign speakine community- and other kindrec branches of work. The picture was shown for the first time. Bishops on Program. The addresses of the anniversary nrocram were delivered bv Bishom fAdna W. Leonard of San Francis ?6, Bishop Charles B. Mitchell o St. Paul, and Fdwin Molt Hughes o: Boston. Dr. D. D. Forsyth, sccre tary of hc. board of home missions also spoke, outlining briefly the work of the quadrennium, and stat ing the centennary movements had made progress in New York. J. Henry Smithe, jr., of New York City asked and was given permission to address the subcom mittee on recreation of the commit tee on the state of the church, which committee is considering the mem orials submitted with reference to the amusement clause of the Meth odist discipline. Mr. Smithe, de nied emphatically that he is here as a representative of the New York Dancing Masters' association. Recommendations that every state in the union make compulsory daily reading of the Bible in the public schools, were contained in resolu tions introduced at the general con ference convention today. This was referred to the committee on educa tion. Efforts to restore daily Bible reading in the schools in Illinois, California and Louisiana, were recommended. Jim Londos Defeats Paul Martinson in Two Straight Falls Siux Falls. May 11 Jim Londos, Greek mat champion of the world, defeated Paul Martinson, of Chi cago, in two, straight falls in one hour and 36 minutes here Monday night. Londos, who started - his wrestling career in this city three years ago, was given an ovation when he appeared on the mat. The first fall was obtained with a hammerlock, Martinson giving up the fall rather than have the hold forced. The second fall came after 28 minutes wrestling and was obtained with a hammerlock. Londos weighed in at ringside at 190 pounds and Martinson at 224. I "J y 1! e- '.'eMj