Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 11, 1920.
)torr.ach -Kidneys-Heart-Livei
!eep the Ital organs healthy by
cgularly taking the world's stand
trd remedy for -kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles--
Thr National Remedy of Holland foi
nturlet and andorsad by Queen Wilhal-
lira. . At all druggist, tbrea aUea,
ok for the name Gold Medal ea eivery bar
mm& accept mo inutatiea
Healthy liver
Healthy life
Your liver healthy or dogged, active
or sluggish makes ail the difference
nerween a vigorous, jv
cheerful life and low .y..
Mrs. James M. Lowrnan an
nounces the marriage of her daugh
ter, Mignon B., to Mr. Wilson H.
spirits and fail
tire. To subdue
a stubborn
liver; over
come consti- A
nation, dizzi-
, ness, bilious
ness, indigestion, headache and the
blues there is nothing on earth so good
as Carter's Little Lira Pill. Purely vegetable.
Small PHI Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
ftnnere,tea.,,,'-M S.iMfis'erc(
Any breaking out or skin irrita
tion on face, neck or body is over
come quickest by applying Mentho
Sulphur, says a noted skin special
ist. Because of its germ destroying
properties, nothing has ever been
found to take the place of this sul
phur preparation that instantly
brings ease from the itching, burn
ing and irritation.
Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema
right up, leaving the skin clear and
smooth. It seldom fails to relieve
the torment or disfigurement. A
little jar of Mentho-Sulphur may be
obtained 'at any drug store. It is
used like cold cream.
Art thou 8tout and getting stouter?
. Stop repining cease to moan;
Hie thee to the nearest drug store
Ask for "Tablets Arbolone."
Arbolone will stop that craving,
Make thee normal that's well
Thou'lt forget that hungry feeling
After taking Arbolone.
And the pounds away will dwindle
Waist no longer like a zone; ,
Thou'lt be thankful to the maker
Of those Tablets Arbolone.
Note This little poem was writ
ten by a literary woman of Los An
geles, Calif., as a testimonial to Tab
lets Arbolone. It so aptly and truth
fully describes the virtues pf this
well-known anti-fat that the propri
etors use it for advertising. Facts
and gratitude are both expressed
with admirable rythm and meter. ;
Miss Nilsson's
Beauty Secrets
Anna Q. Nllsscn, the wonderfu motion
picture actress, who is writing a series of
I articles on beauty secrets soon to appear
in this paper, says that a beautiful rosy-
white skin and complexion is the very
best asset any girl or woman can have.
. She further states that the best and quick
est way to obtain this is to use a simple
toilet preparation, familiar to every well
. known actress. It is called derwillo and
can be obtained at the toilet counter of
any up-to-date drug or department store.
This wonderful derwillo is used by over
five hundred thousand discriminating gir1
and women throughout the country and
is rapidly becoming a regular fad. It
takes the place of face powder, stays on
better and its use cannot be detected.
Perspiration does not affect it and it
will not rub off on clothing. Derwillo is
especially recommended for dark, sallow,
rough skin, freckles, tan, wrinkles and
many other facial blemishes. Be sure
to read Miss Nilsson's next article. In
the meantime get derwillo and try it today,
you are sure to be delighted.
To Get Strong and
Put on Flesh
People who have tried it say that one
of the quickest and surest ways in which
those who are weak.i thin, nervous and
run down can grow Wrong and put on
pounds of solid stay-there flesh, is to
take a 5-grain tablet of Blood-Iron Phos
phate with each meal. This is doubtless
due to the well known fact that Blood
Iron Phosphate quickly builds up depleted
neVvoua energy and at the same time sup
plies the iron necessary to make rich,
red strength building blood. If you are
weak, thin, nervous, or are lacking in the
old time vigor, endurance and optimism,
go to Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., or
any other good druggist and get enough
Blood-Iron Phosphate to last three weeks
and take as directed. If at the end of
three weeks you don't feel one hundred
per cent better and aren't in every way
satisfied you can have your money back
for the asking. Fair, isn't it? Better try
it today.
Blood Poverty
is responsible for inability of
the body to rebuild and repair
its cells as well as to defend it
self against disease. The
blood carries life-giving
and health-preserving ox
ygen to every body cell,
hence when the blood is
poor, the body suffers.
Father John's Medicine
supplies the body with
Nature's great food-medicine,
which can be easily
and quickly made use of
by blood, nerves, brain
and other tissues. It con
tains no drugs and no al
cohol. In use for over
sixty years. Get a bottle
and try it today.
Graham, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. F.
Graham, of Atlantic, la., on Sunday
afternoon, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur A. Lowrnan. The mar
riage lines were read by Rev.
Charles E. Cobbey in the presence
of immediate relatives.
The marriage of ' Miss Grace
Robel, daughter of Mrs. Charles F,
Robel, and Ernest C. Moschel took
place Saturday, May 1. Mr. and
Mrs. Moschel will make their home
in this city.
At Dinner-Dance.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Nunn enter
tained at dinner at the Prettiest Mile
club Saturday evening. Purple and
white formed the decorations. Cov
ers vwere placed for Messrs. and
Mesdames Mark .Price, Iheodore
Ruhling. T. T. Day, Perry A. Burnet,
deorge Dickson. Claude Kite, A. M
Post, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Shricber;
Misses Lillian Eckerman, Vera
Powers and. Jean Weiss, and
Messrs. Otto Nielsen, Judge Patrick,
John Yeager, Ed Bearman and Pratt
Entertains at Luncheon.
Mrs. C. C. Cope, jr., entertained
at a luncheon of 12 covers, Monday,
at the Athletic club. Spring flowers
formed the centerpiece.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selby enter
tained at a family dinner at their
home Sunday. Among their guests
was John Norris of Culpepper, Va.,
Who is an uncle of Mrs. Selby.
A marriage which comes as a sur
prise is that of Mr. and Mrs. Jphn
Apply tew drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
fingers No pain!
Doesn't hurt 'a bit! Drop a little
Freezone on an aching corn, instant
ly that corn stops hurting, then you
lift it right out. Yes, magic!
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but
a few cents at any drug store; but
is sufficient to 1 remove every hard
corn, soft corn, or corn between the
toes, and the calluses, without sore
ness or irritation.
Freezone is the sensational dis
covery of a Cincinnati genius. It
is wonderful.
Be Better Loo king Take
Olive Tablets
To have a clear, pink skin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling pf buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
5 our body free from poisonous wastes.
Di Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive oil)
act on the bvei and bowels like calomel
-yet have no dangerous alter effect,
lake one nightly and note results.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That s why millions of
boxes are sold annually. 10c and 25c
Be Young In Body, Mind and
Looks Despite Your Years
How often you have
wished that you could
indulge in the strenu
ous exercise of out
door sports with the
vigor and enthusiasm
of youth! But the
end of the week finds
you all in you are
tired, listless and lack
the energy togo out for
a vigorous walk or a
round of the links or
any other exercise that re
quires much physical exer
tion. Many a man, even in
his middle forties, has a
vague feeling, that he is
'getting old" and right
at a time wlfen he should be
at his very best physically.
in the sense that the years
are pressing heavily upon
him -but in the sense that
his vital forces are wasting
away faster than Nature re
places the worn out tissues.
LYKO U sold In oris Inal pack.
g only. lib. picture bora
Mun all cubctltutM.
Thousands yes millions of people find
themselves in this condition early in life. And
there is no excuse for it You can check that
tendency to grow old. You can carry your
youth with its joys and enthusiasm into your
70's and 80's. But you must give Nature all the
help you can. The best assistance you can find assist
ance of a sound, constructive character ia in toe uaa of
The Great General Tonic
' It enriches the blood-gently stimulates heart liver and
kidneys to normal activity brings back your pep. punch
and mental vigor-chases away that tired, worn-out feel
ing and replaces it with a spirit of buoyancy.
LYKO ia a distinctive preparation, scientifically cor
rect in its combination of medicinal ingredients, and there
nothing; mora invigorating, more strengthening or more re
building. Specially beneficial for invalids, convalescenta
and run-down people of all conditions. Get a bottle from
your druggist today tomorrow you will feel better for it.
Lyko Medicine Co.
For sale by Beaton fug- Co., 15th and Farnam Sts., and
o.. retail druggists.
Fistula Pay When Cured
A mild system of tjestment that cures Piles
Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time,
without a severs surgical operation. No Chloro-
. . form. Ether or ether general anesthetic used.
A eura guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until
cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and tcitimonals of mora than
1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DRXJtTARRY Sanatorium, DrJt.3 Johnston, Medical Director, Bse.Bldf., Omaha, Nab.
Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat
ing, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, blotches, ringworm rashes
ind similar skin troubles. Zemo,
obtained at any drug store fot 35c. or
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from 'itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively roost skin cjiseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not ereasy.
is easily applied and C03ts little Get
;t today and save all further distress.
The E W Rose Co . Cleveland, O.
Wendall Hus3ey. They were mar
ried Aoril 24 at Council Bluffs. The
bride i the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Morse of Lincoln. , Mr,
Hussey is the son of Mr. and Mrs,
J. M. Hussey of Omaha. Both are
still attending the state university.
Mrs. Hussey is a junior and a mem
ber of Alpha Delta Pi and promi
nent in dramatic circles. Mr.
Hussey is a senior in the college of
arts and science, a freshman in the
law college, member of bigma rh
Epsilon and the N club. Mr. and
Mrs. Hussey will spend the sum
mer traveling. At present they are
at home at 1701 Sewell street,
' Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer en
tertained at dinner at the Athletic
club Saturday evening for "Chic"
bales, who was appearing at the
Orpheuui last week. Mr. Kramer
and Mr. Sales are cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ames re
turned to Omaha Monday morning
from Davenport, Ia., where they at
tended the funeral of Mr. Ames
Mrs. Edward Vestal of Knoxville,
Tenn., is visiting at the borne of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frantz.
She will remain in Omaha a month.
Mrs. Donald V. Helms spent the
week-end in Blair.
Miss Ethel Thrall, daughter oi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thrall, leaves
Monday for a sanitarium at Kearney,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ludlow re
turned Sunday from a southern trip.
They are now at the Colonial.
Miss Tean Butter is snenrline- a
few days in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rouse spent
Sunday at Plattsmouth, guests of'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dovey.
Mrs. Thomas , Landale and Mrs.
Polluck spent the week-end in Lin
coln where they were entertained
at the Mothers' day reception of
Sigma Nu.
Mr. afnd Mrs. William Schopp and
daughter. Rosemary, left Sunday
evening for Kearney, where they will
reside permanently.
A daughter, Elizabeth Anna, was
born Sunday at St. Joseph hos
pital to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Garrett.
Mrs. Garrett was formerly Miss
Anna Welter. ,
Matt Voltz" attended the party of
Phi Gamm Delta in Lincoln, Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kean announce
the birth of a son, John Stevens
Saturday, at St. Joseph hospital.
Ms. Kean was formerly Irene Finn.
Alex Hansen and Vester Vinsant
of-Omaha were week-end visitors at
the Beta house in Lincoln. x
Women of Douglas county , will
sit today in the republican county
convention for the first time in his-,
tory. '
Those women who were elected
by the people of their precincts and
who present their hard-earlied
credentials to the chairman today
are: Mesdames Marie H. Plum
mer, Pearl T. Simpson, Eliza
beth Green, H. K. Lchmere Edith
E. Falconer, Lorena H. Cummins,
Agnes K. Schantz, Rose Simpson,
Ethel Nunn, Grace G. Ziebarth, Bell
Grandon, Leota Hampton, Mary L.
Cattin, Margaret Wedemeyer, Delia
W. Cunningham, Laura A. Parker,
Eva M. Scott, Olga i. Webster,
Hazel T. Lewis, Anna E. Nellor,
Elizabeth W. Wright, Eva M.
Pinkett, Susie Trent, J. Alice Stew
art, Anna C. Kaufman, Mary Gar
ret, Lucinda G. Williams, Mattie B.
S. Gooden, Grace Anderson, Helen
Walker, Dora Fleishman, Alice B.
Mills, Armilda M. Caven, Laura M.
Billingham, Katheriue Sumney,
Martin S. Brown Susan H. De
Graff, Muriel E. Jones, Mary K.
Cole, Bessie Silverman, Bess L.
Katleman, Rose Swoboda, Hattie
Kugel, Adelaide Paxtrr, Lulu R.
Vanhoosen, Mable McClintock,
Blanche J. Horn, Clara W. Farrell,
Irene Bergcr, Emma L. Talbott, M.
Ellen Schmidt, Agnes C. Michalek,
Evalina Tichnor, Agnes W. Wick-
strom, Jane T. Welpton, Clara M.
fowler, Fearl K. Brady, Margaret
Linn Sholes, Winifred D. Barth,
Maud Cook Munroe, June B.Twain-
ley, Line W. McGilton, Angig, A.
Smith, Lila W. Conrad, Louise W.
Gwin, Augusta M. Berry, Carrie
Burdick, Victoria Ervin, Laura Jef
ferson, Mildred Seater. Emma Mav
Wells, Grace L. Birkett, Hazel M.
Crosby, Ida Behm Harris, Henrietta
I. Smith, Lora H. Hall, Jessie W.
Hubbard, Grace C. Richardson,
Frances L. Parsons, Erne D. Wead,
Koas M. Whitehouse, Mollie A.
Hpwe, Alice Stewart, Alice1 Ranee,
Edna Rostermundt, Mary Watson,
Almyra W. Lang, Maud, Searson,
Elsie L. Court, Amy M. Devereux,
Edith F. Cox, Gertrude Goodsell,
Adella Miller, Laura M. Hensman.
Edith M. Sikes, Beatrice Olmsted,
Anna A. Skinner, Nellie J. Good
body, Elvena A. Chiles, Anna E.
Whitney, Corinne Detwiler, Ella B.
Jacobson, Emma Hpllister.
Missionary Society.
Members of the Douglas County
Missionary society of Christian
coin, where they attended the mar
riage of Miss Mary Kirk and Benja
min Bowman. s
Miss Frances Foote who attends
school in Lincoln returned home for
the week-end. 1
Mrs. Frederick Gearing, who was
the guest of Mrs. Mary Donnelly at
Lincoln, returned home last week.
Mrs. T. B. Redfield spent the week
end in Lincoln where she attendel
the Mother's day party of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirk and Miss
Laura Kirk spent Thursday in Lin-
If a sore arm or
a Charley Horse
makes you warm
the bench, apply
Liitmt Awl-ltt-i Am -far) , I
bTbos. Leeniog ft Co.. N. Y-saaal
I 1
Omaha Theosophlcal Society Tuesday,
8:1S p. m., 203 Kennedy building, Nine
teenth and Douglas streets. Francis O.
Hanchett, national lecturer for the society,
will speak on "Joy of Theosophy." The
lecture is open to the public.
Nebraska State Nurses' Association
Tuesday, 10 a. m., Y. W. C. A. audi
torium, followed by luncheon at the Ath
letlo club.
Business Women's Club Tuesday! 6:15
p. m.. Y. W. C. A.. dinner, folloWed by
Omaha Chapter, D. A. R. Tuesday, 2:30
p. m., public library. Mrs. F. P. Larmon
will give a report of the continental con
gress. Annual business meeting and elec
tion of officers.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. P.
Tuesday, 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. A. M.
Smith, 6140 Florence loulevard. Mrs. Ella
Mettlen, leader.
George A. Custer Belief Corps, No. 82
Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Memorial hall, court
Peborah Society Tuesdsy, 2:30 p. m., 1
Lyric building, Nineteenth and Douglas
Women's Baptist Home Mission Council"
Tuesday, 10:15 a. m Y. W. C. A. t
Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. ni., 302
Patterson block, Seventeenth and Farnam
Community Service Tuesday. Patriotic
club .class in home nursing at 7 p. m.. Y.
W. C. A., Miss T.arson. Lafayette club
dramatic class. Miss Mulholland. Dance
at Fort Omaha, hostesses, Community
Service league.
Benson Presbyterian l.adle' Society
Tuesday afternoon, missionary tea, with
Mrs. T. J. Woolman.
Bluffs Christian Church Mission Society
Tuesday, all day session, Christian
church. Council Bluffs.
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use Grandmother's
youthful appearance has
remained until youth has
become but a memory.
1 he soft, refined, pearly
white appearance it;
renders leaves the joy
ot Beauty wiih yoiK
tor manj
Baby Shunned
Because of Eczema!
John M. Shouting, Ml Main St, Lancaster.
Ohio, writes:
"My baby boy contracted a severe case
ef Eczema which covered his face and
head. Visitors to our home would-shun
my child because he looked so terrible.
I procured a bottle of D. D. D. In an in
credibly short time my boy was cured."
Thousands of letters from grateful users,, ef
D. D. D. prove its wonderful results in healing
torturing skin disease. The very ant applica
tion allays the itching and burning. Why not
try a bottle at once and be convinced? Your
money back if the first bottle does not brine
relief. 5c, 00c and $1.00. Try D.D.D. Soap, too.
!Ul lotion for Shin Disease
Five Sherman & "McConnell Drug Stores.
Dorit toss and turn all night
'will stop that itch
Four hours of sleep lost through that painful itching means long
wearisome hours next day tired out unfit for work. Tonight apply
Resinol Ointment just tefore retiring. The results will surprise you.
All itching and pain usually disappears like magic.
Keep the affected part well cleansed with; sinol Soap by day. For
sale at all druggists. For free samples write Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
Weakness. Pains and Other
Troubles Had Discouraged
This Arkansas Lady. She
Took Cardui, Found It
Helpful. Got Well!
Harrisburg, Ark. After serious
symptoms had become apparent,
Mrs. Belle Wilkerson of Route 1,
this place, says she "got worse and
"I wasn't able to stand on my feet
and had to go to bed," she cxplains.J
The . . . grew worse, and for about
three weeks nothing seemed to do
me any good. I grew so weak and
nervous and could not sleep. I began
to have pain in the lower part of
my body, and all across my back.
There was a great deal of soreness
and pain in my left side ... I just
gave up, for I suffered so. I grew
discouraged and thought I was not
going to get well. -
. "My head not only ached, but
would feel so light and dizzy ... I
decided then I would take Cardui,
as I read of how many women- it
had benefited, and some .whose case
was like mine. When" I began
Cardui, just alter a few doses, I
noticed a change. I slept better at
night . . . and felt like I could eat
something. I got up and began to
do the work in the house and yard,
and after three or four bottles of
Cardui I was welt."
If you suffer from disorders pe
culiar to women, take Cardui the
Woman's Tonic.
It should helD vou. like other.
churches will be the guests of the
Council Bluffs Missionary society at
an all day session Tuesday at the
Christian church in Council Bluffs.
Luncheon will be served at 12
o'clock noon. Following the lunch
eon Dr. Robert F. Whiston, who
served overseas during the world
vfar with the Red Cross and Yi M.
C. A., will speak on "America's Mis
sion to the World."
To Speak in Fremont.
Miss Katherine Worley will speak
on "Americanization" at the state
encampment of the Grand Army of
the Republic and Women's Relief
corps, which will meet in Fremont,
May 17 to 19.
World Wide Guild.
A joint meeting of all chapters of
the Worldwide guild in Omaha will
be held Monday at Calvary Baptist
church, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton
streets. Dinner will be served at
6:30 p. m.
L'. Jiatl ..aafl
We Appreciate
Co-operation, such as is in svl
denes when our patients send their
friends and associates to our office.
Our constant aim Is to reciprocate by
rendering the fullcstmeaaure of help
ful, courteous and friendly service
at reasonable prices.
15151a Farnam Street, Omaha
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can have work completed in one dsy.
Call, phone or write. Open evenings till 8 p. m. Sundays till noon.
Protect Baby's Health
BE SURE that the milk you give your baby is SAFE free from all trace
of disease breeding germs. Don't experiment with milk of which the
only thing you know is that it may be pure. Know that the milk you are
getting has been intelligently and carefully handled from the time it leaves
the farm up to the time you pick the bottle up off your doorstep, o
You need never worry if you give your baby
Alamito Dairy Scientifically
Pasteurized Milk
You can feel secure in the knowledge that back of
every bottle is an organization of men skilled in
handling milk: Men whose efforts are centered on but
one thing that each bottle of milk shall be uniform,
dependable quality, a pure, safe, nourishing food.
We know our milk is SAFE beyond all question of -doubt.
Let us start delivering to you tomorrow. '
Alamito Dairy Company
Leavenworth Street at 26th
Phones: Douglas 409 Council Bluffs 205
During all of the month of
May Miss Lutie Stearns of
Milwaukee will be at the
Alamito Plant, where she
will lecture each afternoon
on such subjects as, "Why
Shduld We THfle With the
Baby's Dinner?" and "The
Problem of the TJnnourished
Child." Call Miss Stearns
at the Hotel Fontenelle or
Mr. B. G. Barron, Douglas
409, and arrange to hear
the lectures and inspect our
model plant.
BuRGESS-ta Company
everybody STORE'
Continuing for Tuesday
Our Annual May
t 1 ,
Sale of. Corsets
Corsets designed for every type of figure in low, medium and
topless effects medium and long skirts and boneless or heavily
boned models. Sizes 20 to 36.
From Such famous makers as
Mme. Irene, Crown, Bien Jolie,
Burgess-Nash Special, Franco,
Royal Worcester, Bon Ton
Prices are below wholesale cost of fabrics ' alone. Made of
satins silk trea silk broche batiste Grecian treco coutil
elastic and taffeta, in white, pink, blue and orchid.
Brassieres designed forewomen and misses, fastened back' or
front. Sizes 34 to 46. . ' '
No C. O, D's, No Exchanges . No Fittings
7 r