Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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movie,1 and K. w. Rlossman. 1124
North Twenty-fourth street,- $50, on
Farnam street car. '
Iiooks Two Months for House
After two months of vigorous search
ing for a house. W. M. Brashe&r,
U. S. immigration inspector hejw,
finally succeeded in renting one Sun
day, he announced, lie will move
his faintly here from St. Joseph, Mo.
.h I
I .i., -m
Mrs. Kruger of Grand Island
Thought Fatally Injured
Youth's Neck Broken In
Wood River, Neb., May 10.
(Special.) Frank Martin, 13 yea.s
eld, son of John Martin of this city,
was instantly killed and his sister,
Mrs. George Kruger of Grand Island,
was perhaps fatally injured when an
antomobile in which they were rid
ing was overturned near here yes
terday. The boy, who was driving,
was thrown clear of the car but hi.
Brief City News
Goes to Hospital Harold fi(outts,
6f the Carey Cleaning company,
was taken to Nicholas Senn hospital
yesterday to undergo an operation
for appendicitis.
Hold Canl Party GarflVld Circle
No. 11, Ladies of the G. A. R., will
hold a card party Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. George Ellett,
3130 Myrtle aveiue.
Try Alleged Slacker The trial of
David D. Qoertzen, alleged slaoker
front Aurora, Neb., was held yes
terday., Fort Omaha. The trial
will be completed today. Goertzen
is charged with evading the selective
draft by going to Canada.
Want IT. 8. to Help The national
government wil be asked to pay half
neck was broken In the fall. Mrs.
Kruger was caught under the over
turned car and lay for more than an
hour before relief came. Mrs. Krugor
was taken to a. hospital at Grand
Island immediately and there is
slight hope that she will recover.
NO need of giving up silk just lie
cause all-silk shirts have vault
ed skyward. f.
Buy Eagle silk mixtures. '
The manufacturers . design . and
weave these beautiful fabrics then
selves run fine silk yarn one way
of the fabric and highly mercerized
cotton the other.
Result a fabric with a silken sheen
and a much longer life than any all- ,
silk shirt can possibly have. These
Eagle creatipns are exceptional in
their coloring too. v
Bombax Shirting
Prisma Silkloth
Sunray Madras
$5.00 " '
Lustra Silklgth ' . '
$5.00 - ,
the expense of proposed grading and
paving of Laurel avenue. Thirtieth
to- Thirty-third street, where the
avenue is adjoined on the south by
grounds of Fort Omaha.
Girls Take Air Hazards of air
plane Joyriding appear to hava- In
spired Bertha Uchnovsky, Grace
Mahaffey and Florence Bnames, mu
nicipal employes, to further enjoy
ment of the sport. Accompanied by
Police Officer George Emery, the
three girls made a flying trip from
the Center street field Sunday.
Pickpockets Get Cash Pick
pockets relieved the following of
valuables Sunday: Herbert J.
Kneeling, Madison, Wis., $205. on
Farnam street car; C. A. Hedges,
1709 California street, $23, attending
Aged Omaha Woman Dies.
Across the Atlantic in a sailing
vessel, up the Mississippi on a river
barge, and across Iowa with an im
migrant train, were some of the life
experiences of Mrs. Wilhelmia Char
lotta Karbach, 86 years' old, who
died yesterday at her home, 1224
South Tenth street. Death was due
to the infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Karbach was the widow of
Charles. T. Karbach, who died in
Omaha itl 1900. Seven children sur
vive. . -
Funeral services will be held at 3
o'clock Wednesday. Interment will
be iu Prospect Hill cemetery. '
The Original
Malted Milk
tor Infants and Invalid
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
, I'
Run Down tnd Lungs Hurt
Stayed Home and Gained
22 Pounds.
Sure Way to Get v
Rid of Dandruff
4 '
"In November. 1911, I had a severe
eo!J and la grippe, which left me with' a
bad couch. Vsr lungs t- and shoulder
blades hurt no I couldn't sleep and I
finally had to Rive up my job and was
ordered to change climate. In April,
1912. I began taking Milks Emulsion. On
the second bottle I could see a change.
My appetite wis better and I commencd
to gain strength and weight. Now,
" (August.2S: 1912) 1 have used 28 bottles,
hive increased- 22 pounds in weight and
believe I am permanently cured." W. F.
Bourland, Route S, Wolf City, Texas.
Mr. Bourland was fortunate, in com
mencing; so use Milks Emulsion when he
did. A JTin-down system invites disease.
Milks Emulsion costs nothing to try.
Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutrl
fv fnnii and a corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel action, dcuJ
ing away with all need of pills and I
physics. It promotes appetite ana - quicK
ly puts the digestive organs in shape to
assimilate food- As a builder- of flesh
and strength. Milks Emulsion is strong
ly recommended to those whom sickness
has weakened, and is a powerful aid in
resisting and repairing 'the effects, of
wasting diseases. Chronic "stomach trou
ble and constipation are promptly re
lieved usually in one day. ' - ,
This is the only solid emulsion made,
and so palatable that it is eaten with a
spoon like ice cream. Truly wonderful
for weak, aickly children, v
No matter how severe your case, you
re urged to try Milks Emulsion un
der this guarantee Take six bottles
horn with you, use it according ,to direc
tions and if not satisfied with the, results,
yourmoney will be promptly refunded.
Price 60c and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks
Emulsion Co., Terre Haute,-. Ind. 'Sold
by druggists everywhere.
There is one sure way that never
fails xto remove dandruff complete
ly and that is to dissolve it. This
destroys it entirely. To do this, just
get about1 four ounces of plain, ordi
nary liquid arvon; apply it at nighfri
wnen retiring; use enougn to mois
ten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace of
it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive, and
four ounces is all you will need. This
simpleremedy has never been known
to fail. ",
1 :
Become Slender
ftss'uef Mf walaM IS to 60 las., i wart,
aiukw 1100 GUARANTEE ttf ttsini OIL OF
KOREIN. ' following ' esi7 direction. Sold t
rintrman A McCmnell, Beatnn rrus Co.. Mar
rut's, Unitt Docekil. Hingis-Fox Drug Co..
Joseph Zuchek. Adaii-Halght Drug Co.
ALL busy druotlitl sarywhere Mil OIL OF
KOUIN. Booklet mailed free by Ksrtla Co..
Nt5iU. Statloa F. New York.
This wonderful bookwiH be
sent freetoantj man oponre-
Sestv v
BOi Perru wocw,
Put Avicol in the drinking water.
Most DeoDla lose half of every hatch.
and seem to expect it. Chick cholera or
white diarrhoea is the trouble. The U. S.
Government states that over half the
chicks hatched die from this cause.
An A v l c o l laoifit,
placed in the drinking
water, . will positively
save your little chicks
from all euch diseases.
Inside of 48 hours the
sick ones will be as lively
as crickets. Avicol keeps
them healthy and makes
them arrow and develoo.
Mrs. Vannle Tharkerv. R. F. D. S. St.
'Paris, O., writes. "I had 90 chicks and
they all died but 32. Then I commenced
on Avicol fttid haven t lost any since,
They have grown wonderfully."
It costs nothing to try Avicol. If you
aon t nna men it prevents ana promptly
cures white diarrhoea, chick cholera and
all bowel diseases of poultry, tell us and
your money 'will be "refunded by return
mall. Avicol is sold by most druggists
and" poultry remedy dealers, or you can
send 26c or 60c today for & package hv
mall postpaid. Burrell-Dugg-er Co., 373
Columbia Bids;., Indianapolis, Ind.
sjtops chicks dying
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Boosters.. h ' ;
Children's Blankets
Children's crib blanket! in the pink
or white with colored borders, spe
cial for Tuesday, $2.00 each. '
Cheese Cloth1
20 Yards $2.00
20 yards of cheese cloth for $2.00.
Bed Sheets
$2.00 (
Bed sheets of extra heavy weight
and fine quality with 3-inch hem,
size 81x90 or 81x99 inches, at
$2.00 each. ,
Dresser Scarfs
Lace trimmed dresser scarfs with
lace insertion, size 18x54 inches,
very specially priced at $2.00 each.
Table Damask
2 Yards, $2.00
2 yards of bleached table damask
of extra heavy weight and splen
did quality, yards. for $2.00.
Printed Flaxon
6 Yards $2.00
6 yard dress length of printed
f laxon for $2-00, a very fine qual
ity, beautiful designs.
Scrim Curtains
$2.0Q Pair
Nottingham lace or scrim curtains
for $2.00, excellent quality and
jnuch under priced, 2 yards long.
Children's Pretty
Let the girls choose their
new school dress from .this
limitednumber of children's
gingham school dresses in
checks, stripes and plaids.
Age 7 to 14. Price $2.00
while they last. '
, y
Hour Sale
9 to 10 A. M.
Ra&and Grass
Rugs, $2.00 each
Grass rugs, rag rugs, chenille
rugs, odds and ends from the
regular line, sizes 18x36 up to
36x72 inches. Choice af $2.00
each. ,
- Downstairs Store
O A If
Tuesday in the Downstairs Stoxe
Splendid Values in
Men's Shirts
Hfechanic8 Shirts, $2
Black satine shirts for mechan
ics, $2.00, broken sizes. v
Neckband Shirts, $2.00
Broken lines of men's neckband
shirts, $2.00.
j Women's j
j Dainty
- - TV
Trimmed and Tailored
Just 350 blouses taken from
our regular stock and priced
at much, less than half their
former price.
I There are broken lots of
crepe de chine georgette
and cotton blouses, also 500 trimmed dress and tailored hats on sale Tues-
Hats, $2.00 1
, Glassware and China
Goblets, thin lead blown optic: 12 for $2.00.
Iced Tea Glasses
Iced tea glasses, thin lead blown, with cut bottoms.
12 for $2.0Q.
Star cut sherberts, thin blown. 6 for $2.00.
Thin blown star cut table tumblers; 12 for $2.00.
Cup and Saucers
Decorated Japanese thin China cups and saucers.
6 pair, $2.00.
I One
Lot of
Tuesday we will place
on sale a large assort-
ment of discontinued 1
models and broken f
Boys9 Blouses
2 for $2.00
Ideal blouses for boys, age 4 to
14, 2 for $2.00. ,
Driving Gloves
. Men's automobile gauntlet driv
ing gloves, $2.00xpair.
Children's Hose
6 Pairs $2.00
most desirable lot of hose for
boys and girls, they come in me
dium and light weight. Black,
white and brown, this lot is second
quality of a much higher grade of
hose, and would advise buying
plenty at this unusual price of 6
pairs for $2.00.
Women's Hose
6 Pairs $2.00
Women's hose in fancy fiber
prints, in black and colors, second
quality specially priced for 6 for,
$2.00. v ,
Union Suits
4 for $2.00
Women's union suits, fine quality
of white cotton, low neck and
sleeveless, trimmed with , shelly
knee, braided tops, most all sizes
in this low price for this quality
goods, 4 for $2.00.
Teazel Yarn
. 7 Balls $2.00
Teazel yarn for sweaters and scarfs
white-rose deft purple
pink cerise and bright green. 7
balls for $2.00.
Poplin $2 Yd.
Satin stripe poplin for skirts' and
dressesn pretty shades for street
wear, 26 inches wide. Special sale,
$2.00 yard.
Ribbon, 4 Yds. $2
All-silk ribbons, plain and fancy
colors, satin, taffeta, moire, 5 to
6 wide. 4 yards $2.00.
1 )
Assortment of Dainty
Envelope y
11 L1..1. VI- S 1 . . . . ". .. ? i 1 J S HVV
mny .u umcK ujoubw are , day tor .w. xnese Aats have been specially re- ? sizes in lopiess, iow ana s Bheer nainsook or batiste
inciuded-priced or one day duced for this day and every woman should not fail f medium bust, white and "l elaborately trimmed in fine
Ony at 92.00. , , , . , . , . ? ? r1 1on Stirico omKrnirlorv
pink. Sale price, $2.00. f ribbon-beadine and ribbon.
Downstairs Store
to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase a
s new hat for herself.
Special, $2.00.
Two Dollar DqxBrings Unusual Values in ShoesForWomenanA Children
Women's ShoesL $2M
Odd lot of women's white lace
boots, pumps and strap effects
--broken" sizes worth two and
three times this price. Choice
pair, $2.00.
Sandals, Pair $2.00
Misses and children's fine grade
tan barefoot sandals, flexible
soles. Sizes 8 to 11 and
to 2. Choice pair $2.00.
TennisShoes, 2 for $2
Men's, women's and boys' white
canvas tennis shoes and oxfords
with .rubber soles. All sizes, 2
pair for $2.00.
Children's Pumps, $2
Children's high grade ankle
strap pumps and ' high shoes,
hand turned soles, all sizes to
8, choice pair $2.00.
Children's Play Shoes,
2 pair $2.00'
Odd lot of children's play shoes
-oxfords and tan canvas sah-
dais, broken sizes, 2 pairs for
Lace Shoes,-$2M
Children's black lace shoes,
flexible soles, worth twice this
selling price, size to 11, choice
Women's Pumps, $2
Small lot of women's pumps,
several styles small sizes, choice
Hour Sale
From 9 to 10
Boys' Brownie Overalls,
ages 2 to 8. 4 pairs for
$2.0d. Limited quantity.
. Oownatairs Store. .
Here are Some Wonderful House furnishing Specials ai $2.00
Garbage Cap, $2.00
dalvanize4 iron garbage can, has lock lid
cover, 10-gallon size, $2.00.
- Garden Tool Outfit $2
Consists of good quality spading fork, 14
prong malleable iron rake and steel blade
garden hoe. The 3-piece set, $2.00 ' "
' "
Window or Flower Boxes, v
Two for $2J00
Made of heavy lumber painted green, 30
inch size, 2 for $2.00.
Wash Tub and Pail, $2j00
Galvanized iron wash tuo, first quality, NO.
S size, and 12-quart galvanized iron water
pal. The twofor $2.00.
Varnish and Brush, $2.00
Quart can'Pitcairn's varnish, either plain
or colored, and 2 Mi -inch black bristle rub
ber set varnish brush. The entire out
fit, $2.00.
Tea Kettle, $2
Made of pure alumi
num 5 quart size,
very special at $2.00
' Coffee Percolator, $2.00
Coffee percolator, mirro pure aluminum
Coffee percolator, 8-cup size, $2.00.
Bath Room Fixture Outfit, $2
Made of brass, heavily nickel plated, con
sists of "18-inch towel bar, combination'
tumbler and tooth brush- holder, and soap
dish to be fastened on the wall. The 3
piece set, $2.00. '
Convex Kettles, $2.00
Mirro pure aluminum convex kettles wittf
aluminurn cover, 6 quart size, $2.00.
Wash Tubs, $2.00
Galvanized -iron wash ttbs, have wood
handles and wringer attachment, No. 3 size,
1 Waxing Brush, $2.00
Johnson's waxing brush, has bristle bot
tom side protected with felt, $2.00.-
CJothes Jjine, $2.00'
Genuine sash cord clothes lines, 100 foot
length, $2.00.
Step Ladder, $2.00
Norway pine step ladder, well made,5-foet
siz $2.00.
Painters' Overalls, $2.
Painters' and paperhangers'
white overalls or jackets, $2.00
Khaki Pants,
2 pair $2.00
Boys' khaki pants, ages 5 to 9,
2 pairs for $2.00.
Khaki Pants, $2.00
Youth's khaki pants, fine qual
ity, sizes 25 to 30 waist meas
ure, $2.00. y
Children's Rompers, $2
Children's , rompers, slightly
soiled, 4 pairs for $2,00, limited
Men's Soft Hats, $2.00
Men's soft felt and derbyliats.
AW sizes, $2.00.
t- r-
Men's Union Suits,
2 for $2.00 '
Men's balbriggan union suits,
ecru and white, short sleeves,
ankle length, 2 for $2.00.
Men'sHo8iery, ,
Dozen, $2.00
'Working men's hosiery, excel
lent quality, all sizes, $2.00 per