THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 9. 1920. 11 B 1 p Fakes Out $5,000 Insurance Policy I rvt '-t' A t-Jw j LEE W. EDWARDS, M. D., D. C. Consulting Chiropractor Graduate of the PALMER SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC Spinographical Laboratory for X-Ray Analysis LADY ATTENDANTS Office Hours 6 to 12 3 to 6 p .m. Visit Made When Necessary Day or Night Second Floor Ottawa Building S. W. Corner Farnam at 24th Street Office Phone D. 3445 House Wal. 5196 J o & -Photo Relnhart-Hardea. ETHEL THRALL MALTBY, D. C. Chiropractor Graduate of the PALMER SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC Office Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Outside Calls Given Prompt Attention LADY ATTENDANT Suite 415 Elks Building Fifteenth St. Between Farnam and Harney Office Phone D. 3027, House Tyler 4056 THE DRUG LESS ROAD TO HEALTH Made It Possible Gilmore City, Iowa, January 16, 1920. I am now 46 years old and want to tell what Chiropractic adjustments have done for me. I was troubled with muscular rheumatism and chronic appendicitis, for 15 years. After consulting several doctors and being advised that an operation .was the only thing that would give me relief, finally went to Roch ester, Minnesota, and was examined; but my condition was such that they did not think ,it was advisable to operate then. When I returned I was advised to try Chiro practic adjustments, which I did. Six years have now passed since I had my last adjust ment and since that time. I have been per fectly well, having had no signs of any trou - ble whatsoever. I have gained over 20 pounds in weight and have been able to pass an ex amination for $5,000 worth of life insurance, which I could not get before I had my ad justments. Anyone affected with appendicitis should try adjustments before they submit to an operation. I shall be only too glad to answer any questions to anyone who wishes to know anything further about the results I obtained. I am acquainted with many people who have tried Chiropractic and in every case good results were obtained. My wife was also completely cured of a large goitre, after it had grown to considera ble size and had been increasing for 12 years. Signed, C. BIGELOW. State of Iowa, lcc , Webster Countyf8, Subscribed in my presence by C. Bigelow and sworn to before me this 16th day of January, 1920. E. H. ZUERRER, Notary Public. ' ' ' rhoto by Hya. ) FRANK F. BURHORN, D. C ' Chiropractor Graduate of the PALMER SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC Complete X-Ray Laboratory Office Hours 9 to 8:30 p. m., Sun. 10 to 12 Outside Calls Given Prompt Attention LADY ATTENDANTS Suite 414 to 420 Securities Building 1 S. E. Corner Farnam at 16th St. Office Phone D. 5347 House Tyler 4200 rhoto by Heyn. J. A. MARKWELL, D. C. Chiropractor Graduate of the PALMER GREGORY SCHOOL Office Hours 9 to 12, 3 to 6 P. M. Home Adjustments Upon Appointment LADY ATTENDANT Suite 610-613 Paxton Block N. E. Corner Farnam St. at 16th St. Office Phone D. 9244 House Har. 7118 Chiropractic Makes You Well and Keeps You Well.