Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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6 B
By Rex Hunter. T. 8. Dannlion Co.
Tin's little volume contains "The
Wild Goose." "Stuff o' Dreams
"Hands and the Man" and "The
Romany Road." They are strong
little one-act plays having from one
to seven characters.
By Franc!. Rult-Wbeeler. lothrop,
Loe & Shikari Co.
The mountain lion, the coyote, the
grizzly, the wolverine, are only some
of the animals that live on the pages
of this fascinating story. The boy,
Gavan Keary, taught by his friends,
Quick Feather and the old grizzly
bear hunter, becomes an expert
trapper and wise in wild animal lore.
A nook of adventure strikingly
graphic. A book of true hunting
not done only as sport, but to save
the lives and the property of the
citizens of the United States.
rnif.l AND .MOTHER. By Susan
Hfir.line Rummler. Rand McNally
The unsurpassed laws of nature
form the basis for the principles and
rules laid down in this most praise
worthy book. Special attention is
given to the needs of the young
mother and of the child from birth
until the age of 10. Dietetics and
: recipes are also included and mis
cellaneous information on pertinent
subjects. Every mother will be
helped by the reading of this book.
81 AN MARXISM. By Clarence. F.
niriiscye. Fleming II. Revell Company.
The author, a well known New
' York jurist, forcibly contends that
we shall soon be forced to make a
choice between the American forms
of government and socialism as pro
pounded by Karl Marx. He pro
ceeds to show that Marxian social-
ism is nothing more than Prussian
autocracy, while American ideals
and forms of national control are
purposive and truly interpretative of
government for the people. He also
reviews the history of American
government, shows where errors
have been made in the past and
points the way to a larger realiza
tion of American ideals.
L1UHTNI.N". By Frank Bacon. Harper
& Bros.
Frank Bacon, creator of Light
pin', the best-loved stage figure of
a generation, has put the story of
the play into a novel without losing
a bit of old Lightnin's charm. The
story of Lightnin' Bill and his wife
and their boarding house on the
state line between California and
'Nevadathe Nevada side for di
vorcees! has already taken the
country by storm with its mingled
pathos and humor, and the novel
will reinforce its hold upon Ameri
can hearts. . .
STR'OET. By Herbert G. Woodworth.
KniHll, Maynard & Co.
"East is East and West is West."
This is the fundamental thesis of
tli is striking novel which begins in
the Orient and ends in America.
The complications which a Chinese
viewpoint bring into a dramatic
love story afford a strong realiza
tion of the difference between the
ideas of the east and west. There
are striking scenes, dramatic situa
tions, and ideas which make this
story an unusual combination of the
novel f drama and of intellect.
By Tailriao Colum. MacMillan Company.
A fairy-tale with the mist appeal
ing of all heroines Cinderella, here
called Maid alone. In tilling her
story Mr. Colum has used some of
the hundred variants of this delight
ful tale. Ye his story is a new crea
tion. And he has invested it with
quaintness, a lyric beauty and the
glamour of childhood.
A PILGRIM MAID. By Marlon Ames
Taggart. Doubelday. Page & Co.
In this book me meet as if face
to face Priscilla and John Alden,
Myles Standish and all the daunt
less group that have become al
most mythical to us of the twen-
Daughters of American
Revolution to Help
Restore Village.
The Daughters of the American
Revolution will help rebuild Tille
loy, a, French village, according to
Mrs. R. A. Finley, publicity chair
man of the Omaha chapter. At the
beginning of the world war it was
the desire of this patriotic body of
women to do their utmost to serve
the nation and to do honor to their
historic society. It was decided by
the national congress of the D. A. R.
that they should become respon
sible for $10,000 in Liberty bonds
and also thatithey should undertake
some work of reconstruction in
France. The suggestion was made,
by Baroness de la Grange, an Amer-
'ican woman, that the D. A. R. might
undertake, as their specific work, the
rebuilding of a French village.
She spoke of Tilleloy as being a
very old and interesting village, and
a very beautiful one, containing
among other attractions an old and
historic church, the village at that
time being only partially destroyed
by the Germans, so that the funds
available by the D. A. R. would
probably be sufficient to restore it.
This suggestion ws eagerly ac
cepted, but by the time the funds
were voted and secured, $52,000 for
this purpose, a year had passed, and,
in the meantime, the German army
had revisited Tilleloy and left it a
complete ruin.
The amount available, not being
sufficient for complete restoration
and negotiations being almost im
possible at this distance, a visit was
made to France by Mrs. Thacher
Guernsey, the present president gen
eral, to ascertain if possible how
best to devote this fund to accom
plish the purpose desired. After
many eVisits to the village, and much
consultation with officials both in
Paris and in the village itself, and
with architects, engineers, etc., it
was decided that the $52,000 avail-
. able would best be devoted to the
installing of a water system which,
by the way, none of the French
rural villages had ever had. and that
there would also be enough to build
a community house for social gath
ings, recreation rooms, etc, for the
use of the -villagers. There is also
to be an ornamental public foun
tain, where animals may drink,
marked with a tablet, with the name
of the donors.
The fund raised for this purpose
. was placed in trust In one of the
Paris banks, to be'administered by
the Urgent Help society, a govern
mert agency tinder the supervision
of Madame de la Grange js trustee.
tieth century. The heroine of the
story is Constance Hopkins, who
is the ministering angel of the
colony during the terrible first win
ters. Colder than New England
frost is her stepmother and darker
than winter nights was the mood
of her father and brother, between
whom a quarrel had arisen. How
she wins over her stepmother and
reconciles the men makes a stimu
lating story of a girl's courage.
By Major-Oeneral E. H. Crowder. Cen
tury Company.
A study of the various foreign
systems of compulsory military
training, a history of the organiza
tion of our own system of selective
service, a detailed account of the
operation and achievements of our
system during the world war and a
description of how this theory of
selective service can be applied to
peace-time activities of nation-wide
scope and supreme importance.
Urge National Aid
For Educational
National aid for education through
legislation will be presented at the
biennial convention of the General
Federation of Woman's Clubs to be
held in Des Moines the third week
in June. Hon. Horace M. Towner,
congressman from Iowa, and one of
the authors of the Smith-Towner
educational bill will be the speaker
at its special session on education
on June 21. The main education
conference follows in the afternoon
of the same day. Mrs. O. Shepard
Barnum, chairman of the depart
ment; Jane Addams, Dr. Caroline
Hedger, Philander P. Claxton,
United States commissioner of edu
cation, andC P. Cary, head of the
Wisconsin board of education, will
speak at the main conference. At
the supplemental conference, Presi
dent Jessup of the Iowa State uni
versity will be the leading speaker.
Mrs. Frank Gibson of California
will take a leading part in relation
to Americanization plans at the
A beautiful American heiress with
a fortune of more than $1,000,000 is
said to have crossed the Atlantic
with the intention of capturing
Georges Carpentier as a husband,
but she was powerless against the
bewitching blue eyes, natural
charms and accomplishments of
Georgette Elsasser, the little French
girl, who became the bride of the
famous pugilist.
The national council of Danish
women comprises 35 associations,
with a membership of about 40,000.
Study Is Vital
Miss Helen Taft in a speech re
cently at a luncheon given in her
honor iu San Francisco talked to the
guests on their participation in pol
itics. "Interest in the elections at the
time they are held," she said,
"should be supplemented by con
stant study of vital issues, keeping
track of the details of city, state
and national politics to afford an
intelligent preparation for the ac
tual casting of a vote.
"We have nothing to gain by
criticising the men, there will be
time enough to do that when women
get into the depth of politics and
understand their workings. Ameri
can women, unlike their English sis
ters have not been greatly inter
ested in politics and we still have
much to learn. For that reason, if
no other, women should make a
decided stand for women represen
tatives in every legislative body in
the country, that tbey may have
perfect political equality."
How to utilize the shallow closet
in the apartment to the best advan
tage is an ever-present problem
with the housewife ' of today. A
simple solution to the problem can
be worked out with picture wire and
two nails or hooks. Eyelet screws
are preferable. Insert one just in
side the jamb of the door and the
other directly opposite on the closet
wall. These should be high enough
to let the clothes fall free of the
ffbor, for the hangers are hooked
over the wire, which is stretched
taut between the two hooks across
the depth of the closet.
Jewett has the distinction of be
ing the first municipality of Texas
to turn its city government over to
women. In the recent election wo
men were chosen to fill practically
all the city offices, including the
When Dr. Sidney Wilcox, a noted
surgeon, was stricken with heart
trouble and died in the operating
room, Dr. Lillian Morgan completed
the operation with so much skill that
the patient is now on the road to
recovery! 1
l::l':tirliIHilil"l.i::li I1 I. Ii III! ;H'H IKl'.H t::,:i:ri;l!:lltiilllllll1liiiJ':rl"Hlll:l.ii'll,.ll'i
? WORT S. MORSE (Violini.t) ;
- LORETTA DE LONE (Harpist) -
r RUTH FLYNN (Pianist) Z
I First Methodist Church -
. Corner 20th and Davenport Z
Thursday Evening, May 20, at 8:15 P. M. ;
Auspices Omaha Woman's Club
Til i;ii!'ii.(i'iMiluiiliiirilnil':'illlni!'i'iiii:in:'i!!i:"! iiti!liiiii:'iil
, - i i ... . i ' '
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Special Offerings In
White Goods and Domestics
Newest weaves and colorings for Spring.
Special prices for Monday only.
Basement North
dImis Stores
"L-'in ...Mik 4F anil
One of the Season 's Greatest
Sale of Silks
Starting Monday at 9 A. M.
Main Floor Center .
Starting Monday Morning" -Wonder fill Values Li a Great
if lr HO iKU
The selling prices on these rugs are based on their cost months ago when they were purchased
by us. This selling price represents an actual saving to you of almost one-third the price
if based on present-day costs. Buyers who know values will realize the importance of this sale
Axminster Rugs
9x12 Axminster Rugs
A durable quality woven in one-piece;
medallions, floral and Oriental effects;
harmonious colorings; priced
8-3x10.6 Axminster
A well woven quality in desirable color
combinations and attractive patterns; ex- fc
cellent values; priced, at 0fiOU
9x12 Seamless Axminster
An extra heavy, closely wroven quality with
out seams; designs and colorings to suit any Q fiA
style of furnishings; priced, at 05eOU
8-3x10.6 Seamless Axminster
An extra heavy quality with deep, lustrous
nap, in reproductions of the finest Orientals ; n r
priced, at OD.UU
Wilton Rugs
9x12 Seamless Wiltons
The popular size in a high grade seamless
Wilton; correct copies of Chinese and Q CA
Oriental rugs; specially priced, aU jZ0J
9x12 Royal Wilton
A standard quality from leading American
mills; woven from the finest of carpet
yarns; reproductions of choice Orientals;
priced, at
Bed Room Rugs
New arrivals in two-toned blues, taupes, lavender,
brown, tan and green; seamless and reversible:
9x12, at 39.50 8.3x10.6, at 26.50 6x9, at 18.50
Extra Large Rugs
11-3x12 Seamless Rugs
For extra large rooms woven in one piece .
with no seams; beautiful color combina- 4Q fl
tions ; priced at
, Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor West
Free Cooking
Everyone interested in cooking is invited to attend the
Brandeis Free Cooking School, conducted by
Mrs. T. B. Wheelock
nationally famous as an instrucor in the culinary art. Mrs.
Wheelock has presided over these schools in cities from coast
to coast and from the lakes to the gulf. She attended the
Boston Cooking School and she possesses that fund of
knowledge, only obtainable through years of experience.
The class room is in our House Furnishing Department,
in the downstairs store. A modern kitchen on an elevated
floor, with full equipment, has been provided for Mrs.
Wheelock, so that her work may be easily observed. There
are comfortable chairs for class members.
A special menu will be prepared in the presence of
the class each day; lectures given and questions answered.
There will be two sessions each day, 10:30 A. M. to 12 M.
and 2:30 P. M. to 4 P. M.
This school will provide helpful information for ex
perienced cooks as well as the bride or bride to be, who
has Kad little or no experience in cooking.
Enroll now for regular sessions. The lessons are abso
lutely FREE. School opens Monday morning, May 10, and
will continue until notice of discontinuance is published in
the papers. See Brandeis advertising for each day's menu.
Monday Morning Menu
Danish Shortcake Lemon Pie
Bacon and Egg Croquettes
Monday Afternoon Menu
ruin Fritters Corn Tamales
Baked Lambs Hearts
Brandeis Stores Basement West
Lovely Effects in New
Spring brides who are furnishing new1
homes will realize that the draperies
may 'either make or mar the effect of
a room. We offer a large selection
from which to choose, and will help
- you to obtain the desired effect.
In cable net and madras
weaver; full width and length;
worth 4.50; specially priced,
for Monday, at, per pair
Marquisettes and Voiles
Some with hemstitched edges,
others with lace edges, and
some have neat ribbon edges;
36 inches wide ; worth 75c per
yard; special, in this sale, at,
per yard
Voile Curtains
Especially well made, with filet
lace insertion; special, for
Monday, at per pair
Colored Madras
In blue, green, rose and brown ;
36 inches wide ; the kind that
sells for $2.00 per yard ; spe
cial, at
In all colors; 36 inches wide;
for slip covers and summer
draperies; worth 85c yard;
special, at
Window Curtains
Of plain silk madras with va
lance; all ready to hang; colors
are blue, brown, mulberry and
green; special, at
Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor
For Spring and Summer Wear
New Tub
We present our first showing of fresh,
new Tub Skirts in splendid assortment.
New Gabardines, Tub Satins and Twills, in an ex
tensive array of new models. Cordings, fancy stitch
ing, large pearl buttons, smart belts, are new fea
tures of trimming details.
Prices 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00
A feature of this showing is the guaranteed "Shrink
Nomo" model, which is given a thorough shrinking
of the material before being made up. Look for the
label inside the belt.
Mail order customers write
for catalog of these garments.
White Silk Skirts
FOR DRESSY SPORT WEAR, presenting Crepe
de Chines, Fan Ta Si, Chinchilla and Baronet
Satins. The smart, gathered skirts topped off by
sashes or belts and with attractive pockets are
vieing with the lovely pleated models for popular
ity. Very choice models shown.
Prices from 17.50 to 35.00
Brandeis Stores Second Floor West
8oi et yi m
Values In Wall Paper Spring Patterns
A fresh new showing of the wanted wall pa
pers is offered at prices suited to every purse.
We feature wall papers with cut out borders.
Plain 30-inch oat meal paper in all colors, sold with A large group of good weight papers, suitable for par
cut out borders to match, at, per roll 12 ted lr living room or dining room, cut out borders to
Bedroom and kitchen paper's, sold with borders to T..matchV?t' ?er ro11 ' -24d
match, at, per roll I,f,,y ble,n. ra" doth and two toned papers on
, . .. ... . . . display showing cut out borders to match, at per
Bedroom papers, new and attractive with cut out bor- roli 1 aL
ders to match, in two lots, at, per rolll2Ji andlSd Heavy ghV paper.'," all new and kttrVctiVeV each with
Washable Tarnished til papers, sold with band to cut out borders to match, at, per roll 1(J
to match, special, at, per roll 18d No Mail Orders
Brandeis Stores Basement West
Note These Values
in Cotton and Silk
Three Specials
at 1.50
Of nainsook, with lace in yokes
and kimono sleeves; some in
round necks, others with hand
kerchief tops with lace inser
tions; tailored gowns with
pink and blue stitching; 1 CA
specially priced, at y
Of good quality white muslin,
with dainty embroidery flounces,
or small lace edges; cut full and
well made; very excel- 1 CA
lent values; priced at OKf
Envelope Chemise
In more than a dozen styles, plain
tailored, hemstitched tops
preiiy lace inmmeu muucia hi i
der straps; priced, at
tyw y i
In Billie Burke and
2-piece styles; made
in V-neck styles, in
either plain or fig
ured materials; pric
ed, at
Silk Camisoles
Of satin and crepe de
chine, hemstitched tops
or lace motifs with
bands of lace and Geor-.
Srette; regulation and
straight top styles;
priced, at
Envelope Chemise
Fine crepe de chine and
wash satin; variety of
styles; strap shoulders and
deep lace bands; tailored
models; rouhd necks and
handkerchief tops; priced,
Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center
Monday Specials in
China Ware
Dinner Sets
Of 100 pieces; antique Royal Doulton; old
Leeds spray design; made in QQ CA
unt,'.u, , -
Cups and Saucers
Of fine china; beautiful and translucent; Derby shape; in 1 QQ
white and gold; set of six, at X J
A Special Sale of
Pickard Hand Painted China
20 Discount Monday Only
The new Spring Stock has just arrived and many new and attrac
tive piecps are included; very good for wedding or graduation gifts;
for Monday only, at 20 per cent discount.
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North