ft n v S THE OMAHA BEE. S J ANDREWS MAKES v KEYNOTE SPEECH AY G.O. PMEETING Nebraskan Says Recent ' Pri mary Shows State Opposed To League of Nations. Washington, Mfey 7. (Specif Telgrm) Representative V. K Andrews of Nebraska was the "key tioter" at the ayvercion f District Mui!unti'iniiiriii"rn I i l l l'.iil:.liili.iiiilt.li.iliiiili)i of Columbia republicans held last night at the -new, Ebbitt hotel when two delegates to the Chicago ron vent5ii were unanimously elected. Mr. Andrews declared that the recent primaries in Nebraska had shown conclusively that the peopl? of thattate were strong against the league of nations without reserva tions and the democratic adminis tratioi He nrged that the republi cans revise the slogan of the admin istration, "Make the world safe foi democracy," so that it shall become "Make the world safe for repre sentative government." ' The platform adopted at Chicago, he said, should, include a promise of protection for American citizens and American interests wherever they may be. Switchmen Held tojGrnd Jury on Conspiracy Charge Salt Lake City. May 7. Five of Hie 10 switchmen tried before United State Commissioner H. V. Vanpelt on a charge of conspiracy and viola tion of the Lever transportation act in seeking to prevent shipment of food and fuel were discharged and five were bound over to the federal grand jury. Labor Gaims First Victory by Defeat of Bailey for Governor Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Iraitd TFtr. Washington, May 2 Labor's non partisan political campaign claims to have scored its first notable victory in the defeats Jftseph W. Bailey as candidate for governor in the demo cratic primary in Texas and in his defeat as a candidate, for delegate to the democratic national convention. r : r tsaiiey was opposed actively and vigorously to the Ubor movement of Texas," the committee announced. "More than 800 local unions were united in the contest. Nothing ex cept labor's activity accounts for the overwhelming defeat of Bailey in his effort to come back into power. "The national nonpartisan politi cal campaign committee is gratified by the results of this initial struggle. The Texas result is a triumph for human progress and a bitter rebuke to reaction." Bee' Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Troops Guard Court House During Murder Trial of a Minister Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire. Brooksville, Ky., May 7. Troops with guns mounted at vantage points are guarding the court house here', while in a small room inside a jury is deliberating on the fate of the Rev. Thomas Marksberry, 28 years old, on triat charged wjth having, robbed, and stabbed to Nleath. his best friend, Jesse Glenn, 4d.Cr. an,rf then dismembering and burying his body. s . , While the presence of the Latqnia home guard,' the same company that quelled the Lexington riot, had tnded to allay the spirit of lawless ness which manifested itself when the preacher's defense consisted merely of his own unsupported de nial of the murder, the little county seat town is packed with people, awaiting the Jury's verdict. Threats were openly (iTTFred by many that Marksberry should be lynched if the jury, failed to re4fnrn a verdict with the full penalty. General Wood Wins One Of Ohio Big Four Delegates Columbus. O.. May 7 Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood will have oner of Ohio's "big four" delegates to the republican national convention. Offi cial results of the recent primary announced bv the secretary of state shows Win. H. Boyd, Wood candi date, to have been elected by a plu rality of 95 votes over Harry M. Daugherty, Senator Warren G. Hard ing's national campaign manager. General Wood thus will receive nine of Ohio's 48 delegates, the others going to Senator Harding. !'l'llll!llll!llllllil'!illl1lllll'l'lllnlt!tt:ill""'l!liill j:'i"i'iii"riini"i'iiT 'i"i"rT'i"i"ii'iiir'i'ir: i i i i i i i i ii i i, i i i i ii i i i .r rri initMttiiiiiiii!'iiri'iii liiiuin.i.liililliillllhir'llililliillil i"tiH'!i"t"i'iiT'r'i'H!iiii!'i'HiiPini"niiiiiir lllll!lililllllilllllUIMlili I SAT TOO AY llllllllllllllll!lllIJIIIll!llllllllll riiiiiiiir 'iM!ii'ii''ini"i''iiii' llliillli!ll,lilllllllll Si Fine Lisle Hose For misses and children; both fine and heavy ribbed; in black, white and tQ brown; all sizes; special, at, per pair, 07l " Children's Fancy Socks In white silk lisle with roll tops of pjid and stripes; all sizes from 5 to 9M, OP ., at, per pair, OOC D- J Ci.... HjT' Tf- -C-.jL 1:1 5? I Si Is If i? m Si m si 12 ' SPECIALS 1 t ' "Lc'tA 11,1111 , ETS THPACB llIUIllllll!lMMl!lllTnlU'ltPlMlllll!illMlll!M'lin'ltMllllllll:ilMllUMllllH I "''(:-. II'IM:,:: I 1 1 1 : 4 . 1 1-1 ltl 1 1 : I , 1 1 . I . 1 .1 ; i : . .,.lnl'i 111 .i.,lnli In:.ni ii,:.'l,ilti.l;M:.l.ii(i.:...( ilMnliiti.lMli.liilul.ltiiliilMluti.lr J OR CHI) OMEN FOR CROWING OMAlf KIDDIES SEE THIS PRETTY FILM! "TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR" For the benefit of the Christ Child Society, will be repeated at the Strand Theater at 9:30 O'clock Saturday Morning;, May 8th Zoe Ray and Dorphia Brown featured in his beautiful film. Strand Theater Saturday, 9:30 A. M. Admission OhllOc !; ANNIVERSARY SALE, of II a i u ir ? ?S Si H il II mm FOR ALL A6ES. One year ago, we introduced Buster Brown Shoes for Children to our customers. Since then, we find, these shoes have steadily in- creased, in popularity; the, children love them, and their parents . approve of them. To celebrate their success, on Saturday, May 8th, only, we announce an Anniversary Sale, in which you may For One Day OrilySATURDAY, MAY Take 15 Offjhe Regular Price of any Buster Brbwn Shoe in our entire stock These shoes may be had in many styles, only a few are pictured here; in many leathers, and in sizes which range from the wee infant size to that of the boy anc girl of High School age. ALL ARE INCLUDED IN OUR ANNIVERSARY OFFER r There is no better shoe made for children than Buster Brown Shoes . We are their sole Omaha Agents ' Regular prices range, -according to sizes. from 1 3.00 to 11.50 Children's and Misses' Shoe ' Section Main Store Main Fobr 8th JiiSv Ti,eBf IfVpS1 X Men's, lKrJwJv Shoe Main Flooi Men's Store Misses" Milan Sailo ( 8 1 Actual Values from, 6150 to 10.00 In One Big Lot for Saturday - rs 3 Specially Priced, Saturday Only,Nat 5.00 We have just received a new shipment of Misses' rolling, brim Milan sailors which wTere purchased at prices far below the actual values, and we are offering them to youh Saturday, at greatly reduced prices. They are all so atttractively youthful that you will be sure to find your very own choice. Most of them are in white with white strpainers, but ihere are a few in two-toned combina tions of blue and white with blue streamers, and brown and white with broVn streamers. Their soft flowing lines accentuate youthfulness and ive children real summeV charm. A Fortunate Purchase and Sale of Lovely Girls' White Dresses Just 1000 ,in the Shipment Actual Selling Prices Always from $ 4.00 to, 7:50. Special Saturday, at of Sheer Organdieand Soft Voile Sale Starts promptly at 9 O'clock This fortunate purchase, which came from a prominent eastern jobber who is going out of business, we are offering to you at just the right time when white cjresses can be used for so many different occasions. For Graduation May Day Dances Confirmation Spring and Summer Parties " The styles are charming in high and normal waist line models and dainty jacket effects, and they are all that one could desire. ' They are trimmed in dainty laces and -embroidery and have wide ribbon hashes. Nearly every one is fresh and crisp. Sizes Six to Fou rteen Yea rs--- O AA Specially Priced Saturday, at 0JJ Brandeis Stores Second Floor West A Ohce-in-a-Season Chance to Let the Boys Wear 1 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX i i 1 J n 17.50 Regular $25, $30 and $35 Suits Specially Priced,, Saturday, at : "The Best Wearing Boys Clotties Made'1 All parents-are proud of their boys and want them to look their best on all occasions. This is asking a lot of some rough and tumble boys, but you will find that boys will watch their looks more carefully; if they have stylish, well made clothes. Boys just naturally adjust themsel ves to Hart Schaf fner and'Marx clothes they like them because they fit, they are up-to-date, and they are of real materials that make the boy look his b est. Saturday, we are giving every-boy a chance to have a Hart Schaffner and Marx suit at a very nominal cost. The re are four big cases full of them. Bring the boy down Saturday. y Worsteds and Cassimeres in Newest Colors Sizes For Saturday v"1 7 8 to 17 years. Only, at 1 I OU Boys' 2-Pants Suits at $10 and 12.50 z ' J,ust the suits for rough boys that are hard on .clothes; made iji Norfolk, waist seam and belted styles in many desirable shades. Re member, these suits have two pair of pants. Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor West i i w v v- w Spring Coats for Little Tots atone-third off regular price Their Simplicity of Contour, their Refreshing Beauty ' ..,' v Brandeis Stores Second Floor East v viit t ii i it i i i i r i t lit nil i i i i ii iiii 'i 'i "i t t i .i it ' i ni' i i i iii i i i i in iii i i i ii ii r i ii i i ki i n"in ir i in i im i -i i n"i n 'im i i i i i n iniii i i i 'i' i' i-i i n "in -r mi it n nun I i iiiiiii'ni i n in nn . , ,.,"1 Eili'limi lijaiilNlilMul.;liillJul:i.jM:Jiiliilalnllill,liiliJ,,liJ.Jil.JiJillJ'iliJl,liillilJi.j.li.li:li These coats, for children 2 to 6 years old, are slightly' soiled or mussed, but they are wonderful values.and represent the latest spring shades and styles. They are tfa all nicely made and you are sure to find just what you . wane. . 10 Coats, worth ld.50. special, at 7.00 18 Coats, worth 12.50, special, at 8.17 12 Coats, worth 8.50', special, at 5.67. 28 Coats, worth 16.50, special, at 11.50 17 Coats, worth 18.00, special, at 12.00 12Coa(s, worth 21.00, special, at 14.00 And so on up to our $25.00 and $32.00 ;coats, ff on all. Brandeis Stores Third Floor East I