18 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 8. 1920. The Cook Book By JANE EDDINGTON. , (By Spcll Corr.spond.ncs.) Cooler Closets In Kitchens. San Diego, Cal. A few months back, at a meeting of severat hun dred housewives, an aged woman in the most feeling tones said that now, when she was "just ready to die," she had heard of the cooler closet. She had but just had one put into her house in the country after seeing a description of them in an October magazine. Doing her greatest step saver and lightener of greatest step saver and lightner of work she had ever had. These cooler tlosets are practical ly universal in the kitchens of Cal ifornia bungalows and of a type superior to that described in the magazine article. That description of the cooler closet said that the draft should be admitted through the floor either from the basement or underneath the floor created by the foundation, with a vent just under the roof. In some countries ground under a building will take a scum df mold, and basements are likely to contain stale air. The intake, like the vent, can and should be in the outside wall, the intake at the bot tom and the vent at the top of the sectional cooler closet. These closets are on the north side of a house, and as the writer of the article in question said, "the ab normally cool interior is entirely the Vesult of a natural draft." And again he said: "It is surprising how cool its interior retmins in the very ..warmest weather." The principle is exactly the same as that of the fresh intake of air for the furnace which circulates in a room, after being warmed, and escapes by a high ven tilator. Great Utilizers of Space. These closets extend from floor to ceiling, so are great utitizers of pace, of -which they require but lit tle. They are said tcTadd next to iiothing to the expense of the con struction of a house, and they are a highly worthy kitchen feature to be loved by fresh air enthusiasts. Fresh air is as good for foods, which all respire like human beings, as for people, and better far for people be cause ventilated, as it were. These closets are cool enough to preserve fcny food, except on the warmest days, and are all right for the less perishable foods at all times. These coolers are built in like the rest of the closets of what are called buffet or cabinet kitchens, the most modern kitchens, in which there are so many closets and drawers that no pantry is necessary, and with the cooler closets no cellar in the coun try homes is needed. The 6penings of the cooler closets are surrounded with casing like the windows, and screened over. If you watch for them as you ride through a city like San Diego you will see these openings, generally as small as ihe smaller panes of glass, in the sides even of four-story apartments. Water is precious, and ice more so, in a region like this, yet not only here but in other countries of simi lar snowless seasons, people have learned how to keep butter beauti fully firm, or even as hard as a rock; cooked food without molding, as it will rather quickly in the ordinary ice box; milk for several days, and , fruits and vegetables in prime con dition merely by means of air cool ers. In New Orleans ,they have great wire closets hung in the shade, which they raise and lower by pul leys. I have seen similar devices in various parts of Europe. In a California Bungalow. The house where I am visiting has a cabinet or buffet kitchen which is 9x10 feet, or almost square. The sink is exactly in the middle of the north wall and under the three part window. The space under it is open, but on either side there is a coun ter with drawers immediately under and closets under those. In the right hand corner is a cooler closet about 16x18 inches on the outside, extend ing to the ceiling and divided into three sections. It extends out from the north wall to the casing of the door which opens into the dining room. By the way, the three part window is an advantage, because the central part protects from drafts while the sides, open, cool the kitchen. To the left of the sink and the closet with counter top is the door into the breakfast room. In the cor ner between the door and the north wall of the breakfast room is an other, this time a three-cornered, cooler closet. Beyond that and set into the wall are closets and draw ers, the upper closet part with glass doors making a china closet. closets extends out from the This wall only three inches, the rest being sunk into the wall. Many of our builders make the mistake of constructing deep clos ets which are inconvenient, particu larly when shelved, because often several rows of things at the front must be moved or reached over to get what is in the back. They do things better in these California bungalows. , Plenty of Storage Space. The stove in this cabinet kitchen is tall and narrow and against the west- wall between two doors, that to the breakfast room and that to a back hall and laundry, in the latter of which is a sectioned closet reach ing to the ceiling, furnishing splen did storage space for ironing board and other equipment. Opposite the stove isa table and stools which will shove under it, making up the rest of the kitchen furniture. Buffet Suppers Creamed Chicken in Tatties Rolls Fruit Salad Cheese Crackers Coffee t Cheese and Tomato Rarebit With Bacon Froen Grape Punch Small Cakes Nuts ' Bon-Bons Coffee Shrimp Cocktail Club .Sandwiches Flum Tudding with Caramel i Sauce . Coffee. Beaten Biscuits. 1 quart flour. , 1 t up watnr or milk. 1 tablespoon pure leaf lard. 1. teaspoon salt. Rub the shortening into the flour, add the salt and liquid, and mix to a stiff, dry dough. Knead on a floured board 15 minutes, or until soft and elastic. Beat 20 minutes, folding constantly. Roll thin and cut with small biscuit cutter. Mark the top with the tines of a fork. Bake in a rnoderate oven until a delicate brown. So place in the pan that the edges will not come to gether. Sweet Potato Pie. One-half cup mashed white potatoes. One cupful fiour. One-tM'd cupful fat. One teaspoon salt. Water. Sift together the flour and salt. Cut or rub into this the cold short ening; add th potatoes and just enough water to combine the ma terial. Roll out in thin sheets to cover pie tin and fill with the fol lowing ingredients, combined in the order given: Two cupfuladlced sweet potatoes. One-half teaspopnful salt. One-half cupful sugar. Two teaspoons cinnamon. , One-half teaspoonfiU nutmeg. , Two eggs. Cine and one-half cups milk. Beefsteak Rolled With Potatoes I 1 1 ar:fi 1 ' f- hfj Take a pound and a half of flank steak, season all round with salt and pepper, stuff with herb dressing, and form into roll.. Tie around with a string, place steak in a baking pan with a piece of suet, and put into the oven, frequently basting. Re move when cooked, untie and serve on a hot dish. Remove all fat from the pan, add a teaspoonful of flour; stir well, then pour in three table spoonfuls of tomato catsup, a tea spoonful of Worcestershire s,auce; mix welt, boil two minutes, pour in a sauceboat and serve with the meat. Stuffing Make a heil stuffing as follows:. Peel and cut up four onions into little dice shapes, put them in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover them, and a pinch of salt. As soon as the water boils, strain the" onions, rinse them" in cold water, and dry them in a cloth. Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter in a sauce pan, add the onions, and fry them gently, taking care not to let them discolor; season with pepper, salt, and a tiny pinch of sugar. Mix in two cups of freshly made white bread crumbs, and add a tablespoon ful of line chopped sage. Mix well and use. fkndj Metl Hatchet Cookies. 2 egss. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup thick cream. 3 ',4 cups flour. 3 teanpoonsful halting powder. 1 teaspoonful salt. UiW cherries and Angelica. thod: Beat eggs until light, add sugar gradually, cream and flour mixed and sifted with baking pow der and sait. Chill thoroughly, toss on a floured board, pat, and roll one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with chopped cherries and Angelica and cut out in shape of hatchet. Bake on a buttered sheet in a moderate oven. Eggless-Sugarless Cookies. Two cunfnls molasses, one cupful lard, one-half cupful boiling water, one teaspoonful soda and a pinch of salt; flour enough for a nice dough. Bakers' Molasses Cookies. Three cupfuls molasses, one cup ful brown sugar, one cupful shorten ing and one cupful sour milk, two traspoonfuls ginger, ont teaspoonful cloves, two teaspoonfuls soda. Kneed in flour as for cookies. Let stand over night. In morning roll out and bake. Cocoa Bread Pudding. 1 r. stale bread Crumbs. 4 c. scalded milk. V 0 cocoa. 1 t. vanilla extract. !-3 r. sugar. 2 eggs H I. alt. Soak the bread in the milk for 30 minutes. Mix the cocoa to a paste with a little cold water, and add to this the milk and bread mixture. Beat together the salt, sugar, vanilla extract and eggs. Add this to the pudding mixture, pour into a but tered dish, surround with hot water, and bake an hour in a moderate oven. Serve with cream or lemon, hard or vanilla sauce. Banana Frosting. Force a medium sited banam through a sieve, add enough pow dered srgar and cream to make the right consistency to spread. Spread on the small cakes and sprinke with cocoanut. n Sunday Special HONEY FRUIT Strawberry Ice Cream , sweetened with pure Honey and enriched with j Cocoanut and Pineapple 7 jrnilvj) I Cream of all ICE CREAM Worth walking a mile for, but you needn't, for there's a dealer in your own neighborhood. Order from him today. mm. , ikalMssMllsssssa 1608-10-12 Harney Street IT 'M i. II IU arc arum umil ') Telephone Douglas 1796 Bee Want Ads Are Best Business tioosters. Specials for Saturday or Tet Milk, 2 25c Tall cans Carnation ' for Tall cans Hebe or Carolene Milk, per ran 10c Very best Corn. Pea, Pumpkin. Hominy or Tomatoes, 2 for 25c Windmill Brand Pork and Beans, put up tit rich tomato sauce, special 10c New stock of Franco-American Soups, all flavors, Saturday, S cans for. .25c Medium size cans host Spaghetti. special Saturday, 2 cans for.... 25c Best Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. .25c Regular 65c Golden Santos Coffee special, per lb 43c Tall cans Alaska Salmon, per can.22'sO Queen Olives, per jr ,10c Large Navel Oranges, full of juice. 100 .size, tour for 23c No. 3 cans best Pork and Beans, put up in rich tomato sauce, special, per can 12'ic 5 lbs. large Idaho Navy Beana or 48c Large rolls of toilet paper, told for 25c Large white Onions, per lb 10c Boiling Beef, per lb 10e Choice Beef Roast, per lb 17'tc Fancy Veal Roast, lb 25c Fresh Ox Tails, per lb 10e Fresh Sweet Breads, lb 35c Pig Pork Roast, per lb 18'c Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb 22'iC Choice Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb. .39c Fresh Hamburger Steak, per lbt,.17'iC Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb 17'iC Fresh Calf Liver, per Ik 25c Fancy Mutton Chops, per lb.... 25c Fancy Mutton Leg, per lb 28"ac Fancy Mutton Stew, per lb...,12''ae Pure Lard, per lb 23',e All brand Creamery Butter, lb... 88c Fancy Halibut Fish, per lb 17'ic Fancy Black Cod Fish, per lb 15c Peerless Laundry Tablets washes clothes without rubbing, OC 16 tablets to the box, per box 4iJl WASHINGTON MARKET 1407 Douglas Streat Saturday A day of exceptional bargains in every department in face of the steadily increasing cost of food products we offer this list to the close inspection of thrifty housewives. COME ONCE AND YOU WILL CQME ALWAYS ' - I BUEMLER EROS. I Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb Fancy Fresh. Dressed Hens, lb. . 32ic 22ic 4Hc Best Cuts Fancy Steer Pot Roast, lb. Fancy Young Veal Breast, per lb Fancy Fresh Dressed OO Stewing Chix, per lb. OOC 18ic 15c Pig Pork Loin Roast, per lb Fancy Steer Round Steak, per lb Armour's Star Half Hams, per lb. 344c 32ic 37ic Flour Reached Higheet Price Ever Known on Market Yesterday Note Our Price $3.50 25c FLOUR 48-lb. cloth sacks. . . . Minnesota Spaghetti or Macaroni, 3 for. . . June Peas, 2-lb. cans three for . 33c Extra Sifted, fancy, three for 43c 10c National 'Oats, equal to best, pkg Navy Beans, fine, small, white, clean beans, AQ 5 lbs. for tOC Sweet Jrotatoes, i-lb. cans, cheaper than potatoes, OA per can "UC 25c Stringless or Wax Beans, 2-lb. cans, 2 for' Mayflower Corn, fancy grade, 2- lb. cans, 1 C per can . . . X J Spinach, Hart Brand, OA 3- lb. cans, each "VC The Low Ebb Hat Been Reached in Milk Price Time to Buy NOW XSBBi XOE3QI "Royal Turin" Sunday's Special II 6 o i30iboc: ipno r jj u Dundee Milk, Tall Cans, while Sla!': 12ic Hebe or Carolene 1 A Milk, tall cans XV Ve Douglas Oil, fine for Salads, pt. cans. . . V2 gal. cans, $1.00 Snirlnr's Pork and O f j Beans, tall cans, 2 forOC 29c Diamond "C," Beat 'Em All, Lenox Soap, AQr 10 bars for tOC Crisco, any size cans OP per lb ODC Electric Spark Soap, ClQg 10 bars for. DiC Snider's Tomato Soup, OP ' tall cans, 2 for. ..... aCOC Cove Oysters, reg. 20c grade, per can. Dr. Price's Baking Powder, large can. Pimentos, reg. 20c grade, special, at. 3-lb. cans Tomatoes, fine grade, can. . . Per doz., $1.4S 15c 25c 15c 12ic The Sugar Situation Should Direct Your Attention to Canned Fruit, Jellies, Preserves, etc. Look These Price Over Carefully Del Monte Peaches, 3-lb. cans Per doz., $5.40 Housewife Preserves, assorted flavors, 22-oz. jars, d 3 for vl Raisins, 30c grade, .25-lb. lot, per lb.. . 46c 25c 25c as- Del Monte Peaches, 1-lb. cans Per doz., $2.90 Linpencot's Jellies, 8-oz sorted flavors, 1 P . jar IOC Fancy Dried Peaches, O Pi per lb OC Sliced Pineapple, fine grade, It"1:!' $1.00 Karo Svrup, cheaper in the end, 10-lb. QKr cans cUC Nice Clean Prunes, OP per lb. ?.. edOC Our Own Blend Central Market, Mocha and Java Coffee, 60c grade. Still sells at 45c 2 doz. Iten's Ideal Cakes, at 30c 1-lb. pkg. Assorted Cookies 38c Iten's Fairy Sodas, per lb 19c McComb's Home-made Chocolates, 70c Quality, Saturday, at, only , 59c Your Druggist Can Supply You The Fairmont Creamery Co. D o Extra fancy Country Butter, in 2-lb. rolls, per lb , Extra fancy 'Sweet Navel Oranges, each . Brick Cheese, per lb 54c 5c 28c 31c Gem Nut Margarine, lb. . . Fancy New Potatoes, lb. 17 New Texas Onions, lb., 7 He Strictly Fresh Checked Eggs, in cartons, , Q per doz OIC 4c New Cabbage, per lb Fresh Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Cucumbers, Squash, California Cherries, Green Asparagus, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - from Everywhere. H;i!iliiiiliii:ili'lll1'lnt,l:,l,ni:lMl"l"lnl,ia"llll"l ! SATURDAY! SPECIALS j I Meadow Gold or Wedgwood But-1 i ter, per lb ..69c 1 Selected Alabama Sweet Potatoes ? - 3 lbs. for 25c J I Extra Large Iceberg Head Let-f I tuce, 2 heads for. 25c 1 Homegrown Asparagus, three I bunches, for J25ci iLrpton Yellow Label Tea, per 1-f 1 lb. tin..... 88c l I Pearl Tapioca, per lb 17c 1 Society or Saratoga Crackers,? I per pkg ...20c I Shredded Wheat Biscuit, three? pkgs. for 42c I Purity Cross Welsh Rarebit, large I I size can, 35c; small can, 20c Keen Robinson & Co., Scotch? I Oatmeal, per tin 50c 1 s 3-oz. can medium size Ripe Olives I for 27c 5 Large pkgs. Hippo Washing Pow-1 der for 5c? I We have a good supply of Live S Broilera for your Sunday dinner ? tnat we will dress to order. . ISOMMER BROS.! ? Hrney 188. 28 tk and Farnara St. Z m liajiiiliiliiliilHliii;luinii:iiiii,iniiai.:.JiJ I I 10M KSKZIB TIK1E ALLIED STORES Owned and Operated by Consumers Our aim is to give our patrons the better class of groceries, meats, seasonable fruits 'and vegetables, at the best possible prices. Our stocks are large and complete We list below a few of our cash bargains: V Navy Beans, per lb 7e White Borax Naptha Soap, 6 for.... 252 No. 3 can Tomatoes, each 12d Skinner's Spaghetti and Macaroni, No. 3 Caripo Ripe Olives 25 Large can Milk 12 Red Seal Matches ot Electric Spark Soap, 4 bars 25 Classic Soap, 3 bars v 20 Large cans Tangier Pineapple 40 Green and Black Monarch Tea 60 3 for 25tf American Beauty Spaghetti and Macaroni, 3 for 252 1 can Rumford's Baking Powder. .. ,25 1 can Calumet Baking Powder 25 Shinola, all colors, 3 for 25 Golden Washing Powder, 6 for. .7. . -25d pint. Old Monk Olive Oil, V-i 1 pint 1 quart Rub-No-More , Goblin Toilet Soap, 6 for. ... . Diamond C Soap, 6 for. . . . Liquid Veneer, $1.75 size for. 50c size for 30c size for 404 75 ....$1.50 54 .....254 254 .81,35 454 254 A Complete Line of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Choice Meats Store No. 1 2223 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 562 Store No. 2 24th and Fort Sts. Phone Colfax 468 - Delivery Service at All Stores Store No. 4 49th and Dodge Sts. Phone Walnut 176 v A Trial Will Satisfy Four Cash Meat Markets Please Shop Early 212 No. 16th St. 634 Broadway 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St. Omaha Co. Bluffs Omaha So. Omaha For Quality Meats at Lowest Prices Sugar Cured Choice Steer Choice Fancy Brf fkf aSt i,Bf ?D Chuck Steak Beef Pot Roast VealChops (V2 or whole) r 35c 19c 14c 25c ' Beef Cuts Choice Rib Boiling Beef. . . 10c Choice Beef Pot Roast. ... 14c Prime Rib Roast 24c Choice Chuck Roast 17c Choice Round Steak 26c Fresh Cut Hamburger 18c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Bacon Squares at .26c Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon. 27c Sugar Cured Strip Bacon v . 26c Sugar Cured Bacon Backs . 28c Sugar Cured Regular Hams , at 35c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams (2 or whole) .35c Pork Cuts Choice Pork Loin Roast . . . 28c Fresh Boston Butts 27c Fresh Leaf Lard 24c Small Lean Pork Shoulders at !.. 20c Fresh Spareribs 22c Fresh Neck Bones. 4 lbs ... . 25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Ears, 3 lbs ..... . 25c Fresh Pig Kidneys, 4 lbs . . . 25c Fresh Pig Snouts . 16c Fresh Pig Tails 16c Pure Lard 25c Little Pig Hearts 10c Specials in Canned Goods at the following three stores 2408 Cuming St., 4903 So. 24th and 634 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Fancy Early June Pears, 3 cans for 38c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans for :38c Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 cans for 35c Fancy Tomatoes, No. 3 cans, 17c each; 3 cans for 50c Coffee sold with a money-back guarantee, 37c lb.; 5 lbs. for. $1.75 Libby, Armour or Dundee Milk, tall cans, each 2c WE FILL MAIL ORDERS FROM THIS LIST Sausage and Cooked Meats Fresh Bologna 17c Fancy Summer Sausage . . . 25c Fancy Brick Cheese 28c Fancy Cream Cheese 32c Choice Frankfurts and Polish Sausage 18c Choice Garlic Sausage and Wienies 18c Fresh Liver Sausage 17c Choice v006 . FanAy, , Choice Veal Roast Legs of Veal Veal atew Special at 02 or whole) Veal Loins 15c 18c 21c 22c