Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920.
The Omaha Bee
KELSON B. UPDIKE. Publisher.
TIM Asaoeiaiad tTw. 1 vkMb Tha Urn la a nraibrr. Is ax
fluul aiimlad la lb. m (or publication of all newt dlnxtotiM
cndliati t rt or nt Mfcarwlaa cradiUd la thu pprr, and also tix
waal Hti published harrm. AU rifats of pubiloaUoa of our SMClaJ
diapalcea in alw marred.
Trlrai Branch Eichauia, Aak for tha
Pasartmaot of ParucuUt rerwa WanUd.
For Night and Sunday Service Call:
Tyler 1000
Editorial Dapartmnit
irculatlnn llepartment ..
Adiarlialnt Pepaatmmt .........
Bom On: j;ih and Faroam.
tlrantb Ufflcaa:
. . 4110 N.vtbj I4ih I South 814a
4unuil Bluffi 16 tteott 8u Walnut
Park 2419 Laavmworta I
Out-ol-Town Offieai:
M.w Tort Office V Fifth At. Washington
Tylar lftOOL
TTter 100L
Tjlar 10OSL
Mil N St.
Sit North Oth
1311 O Bt.
Blafer Bid. Partt Franca 429 Bite St.. Honor
The Bee's Platform
1. New Union Passenger Station.
2. A Pipe Line from the Wyoming Oil
Field to Omaha.
3. Continued improvement of the Ne
braska Highway!, including the pave
ment of Main Thoroughfare leading
into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
4. A abort, low-rate Waterway from the
Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
5. iHoma Rule Charter for' Omaha, with
City Manager form of Government.
No grave in which a soldier lies is ever for
gotten by Americans. It is one of the laudable
traits of our national character that we annually
acknowledge our indebtedness to those who
served their country. They offered their lives
as a pledge of tlieir faith iii American ideals and
the glorious destiny of our institutions. Some
were called on to make the last and supreme
proof of their devotedness, while others were
spared from the battle .shock to end their lives
in peace, but -all are accorded a full share in
the gratitude of the country whose citizens ap
preciate the liberty bought at the price of
courageous resistance to tyranny and oppres
sion. Til I"t".ltf.rt llA ,..,.. ill .. A .. - f A .. . .
, .Mini, ml many Liiuudiii i .s im . iiirrirsn
boys, heroes in the highest and conipletest sense,
sleeping away the days until the final trumpet
shall call all mpn This ir in K.
. . v, . v. v . IV111V.I11U1CU
on May .50, just as though their last home was
under the sun of their native laud. That is why
The Bee has joined with other great newspapers
to solicit subscriptions to a fund that will be
expended for the purpose of decorating those
graves. It is a public duty, although there is
no branch or department of government
charged with its performance.
All are asked to contribute to this fund.
Prompt response is almost imperative, for there
is not much time. The home graves will be
decorated as usual, and every American mother
whose son is buried inFrance may be assured
that the boy will not be neglected by his coun
trymen on Memorial day. You cheered those
boys when they marched away; now show that
you do not forget them because they did not
come home again. Come into the flower fund.
You are not allowed to give more than $5, but
you can do that, or whatever you feel able to
contribute, knowing it will all be spent on deco
rating the graves of soldiers lying in foreign soil.
A heap of flowers on a soldier's grave will
do more to convince the world of our sincerity
than membership in the League of Nations.
Hitting Hard at High Prices.
One of the possibly effective ; and practical
blows aimed against the profiteering madness is
reported from Chicago. There the "white col
lar" brigade, men who can afford to pay the
price, have united in a protest against the ex
aggerated cost of haberdashery and laundry.
Collars, neckties, expensive shirts, and all that
goes with them, are to be eschewed for a period
of twenty days. These men have just headed
off a move on part of the barbers to boost the
prince of service to an outrageous figure, and
feel that they can produce similar effect on the
minds of other profiteers.
The plan is more attractive than the overall
idea. The latter simply has had the effect of
producing a temporary shortage in denim
goods, with a corresponding advance in, cost to
the men who need the garments in their busi
ness. Some charges are unreasonable, and
while they largely reflect the extravagance of
Americans, they also indicate such rapacity on
part of the profiteers as, deserves rebuke. No
man is required by law or custom to wear a $20
shirt or, a $4 necktie, and if he does so, he
merely advertises his vanity. Too much money
is at the bottom of it, but the effect is felt by
many who' customarily restrain their impulse to
extravagance, but are forced to submit to un
reasonable demands because the selling price
has been adjusted to meet the careless spenders
who do not care. Economy is not possible under
such conditions.
The Chicago idea may or may not spread, it
may or may not produce any lasting relief, but
it is a sign of the desperation with which the
public now faces the exasperating activity of
the price-boosters.
"Swat the Fly."
i Homely advice for the home is "Swat the
Fly." It should be the motto of every house
keeper. Now is the time to attend to it. One
fly killed, in May is equal to several million in
August. Every musca domestica that bites the
dust before the swishing swatter is a potential
parent-of huge clouds of the vermin. Removed
ffb'ni this vale of tears, his activities art; for
ever at an end. No compunction need be felt in
killing him. In no w-ay does he contribute to
the comfort of man or beast. On the con
trary, he is a menace to both. Born in filth,
he thrives in decay, and is most numerous
where dirt most abounds. His deadly trail
leads from decaying corruption across the fam
ily food to the sick room. Baby is his com
monest victim. Considered from any stand
point, the fly not only is a nuisance, but an
imminent source of disease and discomfort. He
lives just for the reason that those who most
suffer from his presence are most indifferent
to his capacity for harm. All this has been
"recited before, many a time, but each recurring
month of May brings back the duty because it
brings the fly. Get your swarter busy now, and
keep it going all summer. Let no buzzing fly
A Simple Reducer.
Many there are in this age of abundant
sweets and fats, jelly-producing motor drives
instead of long muscle-building walks, pastries
and puddings rather than vegetables and fruits,
bo wish their too, too solid flesh would melt.
If wishes were fat-killers the town would be full
of ilender women.'
What is wanted is an effective fat-discour
ager that requires no effort and does not punish
the appetite. We have heard of one which "de
mands neither exercise uttr fasting, and is said
to result in a los of a pound a day until one
is reduced to the degree of leanness desired.
It is a simple thing. Just this: Eat only
one thing at a meal. Select what you want and
take all you wish of it, no matter what it is, ice
cream, pastry, fruit, meat or what-not.
A Taxon Western Resources.
Western bankers, business men and farmers
are impatient and indignant because the short
age of freight cars on the northwestern rail
roads is seriously delaying their shipments of
gram and stock and causing an acute shortage
of bank resources for spring business require
ments. It is not surprising. , The cars needed,
which belong to the western roads, are stand
ing empty and idle on eastern and southern
sidetracks many of them in the south held for
the shipment of crops not yet grown. This while
western elevators, barns and bins are overflow
ing with grain which should be in the east' al
ready, and live stock that should be rolling into
Omaha and Chicago is on the plains awaiting
It is a bad situation all around. The farmers
have had to go to the banks for money and are
having to pay interest on it. The banks, be
cause of the farm paper they are carrying, are
short of funds necessary for their local "business
patrons, whose bills for spring and summer
merchandise are falling due and must be met
to maintain their credit. All because the rail
roads cannot get their own cars or others in
place of them.
The Omaha gentlemen in Washington seek
ing to impress the Interstate Commerce com
mission with the economic necessity for the re
lief they ask, and the justice of their demand
for it, have the best wishes of the entire west.
Action is what is wanted and needed immedi
ate action. They are asking for it, pressing for
it. May success be theirs, and with it the grate
ful thanks of the whole west, for verily those
who go down to Washington for action In these
parlous and treacherous times, and get it, have
done much and have done it exceedingly well!
An Anti-Christian Trend.
Bishop Rhinelander's statement in a recent
address that the United States as a nation has
turned away from Christ, will shock many
good people, and doubtless be vigorously dis
puted. The distinguished Episcopalian eccles
iastic has reached his unhappy conclusion by
observing the trend of school and college edu
cation and the literature and amusements to
which the mass of the people turn. He has been
influenced also by the general immodesty in
dress, sexual looseness and crime which are
the attractions in theatrical performances, and
now sees "a definite anti-Christian drift, which
seems to be increasing in rapidity of force and
The bishop's conclusions might be applied
with much force to the world at large, and
specifically to the late peace conference at
Paris, heralded as a culmination of forces that
would bring "on earth peace, good will toward
men," and with it the undisputed reign of Chris
tian principles. Ridicuious that notion, in view
of the fact that the entire conference, its treaty
and its covenant rigorously excluded any refer
ence whatever to God Or religion, met without
prayer, and designedly omitted any acknowl
edgement of divine influence, if we are correctly
infprmed. 1
The gradual turning of the people from
religion in their daily lives, if such a movement
is going on, may account for a change we have
noticed in American political speeches. Forty,
fifty, sixty years ago, almost without exception,
great speeches in congress and on the stump,
contained apt quotations from the Bible, used
to add force to their arguments. How" seldom
they are seen now! Onemay read or hear
speeches by the score, with never a reference
to religious text. And yet, our observation has
been that statesmen who illustrate their princi
ples by excerpts from the Scriptures are usually
successful with the people. 1 "
Why Increase Freight Rates Now?
A 28 per cent increase in freight rates, yield
ing a billion and seventeen million dollars a
year, is necessary to enable the railroads to
meet operating expenses and cover a 6 per cent
income on their capitalization, is the substance
of their statement to the Interstate Commerce
commission this week.
The prosperity, indeed the business salvation
of the country, depends on-railroad efficiency.
We are not getting satisfactory service now, and
while business generally has none but the kind
est and most generous thoughts for the rail
roads, and is more than willing to "put up" in
creased freight charges, the belief persists that
the railroads are not doing their level best to
serve the public under present conditions.
Men in other lines of business always have
to show increased usefulness or improved pro
duction in order to secure higher financial re
turns. Why not the railroads? We cannot but
think that an increase of efficiency of say 30 per
cent would put the public in a far friendlie'r
mood toward the 20 per cent increase in freight
rates they now suggest. Increased service
means increased earnings for every other busi
ness. Why not apply the same idea to the rail
roads, and await results before boosting their
earnings a billion dollars?
Chairman Hays says factional feeling is dis
appearing from among republicans, just as it is
increasing on the other side. Signs indicate the
accuracy of his prediction.
A Chicago court has decided that a hus
band can not steal from his wife. With the
way thus cleared, some interesting possibilities
are in view. v
Sixty replies to the Chamber of Commerce
home-building questionnaire indicates some in
terest. A little action will bring plenty more.
Landlords in Chicago get little sympathy,
but the tenants are up against the problem of
finding new homes.
"Hi" Johnson remains not only a native but
the favorite son of California.
Letter carriers may wear gray overalls.
This is the last step. '
At least one May day made good in and
around Omaha.
Wilson is bound to keep us out of something.
A Line 0 Type or Two
Haw to tha Lisa, lat tha aulM tall har tlx Bay.
If only you and I were moths whose life
Could be spent In endless rounds of dancing,
I could imagine nothing: more entrancing
Than having you, O Sweetheart, for my wife.
But wince it's human fate that times must come
Which we would have to pass In conversation,
I fear that in so constant a relation
Love'd lose its flavor sooner than your srum.
K. M. S.
FORTUNATELY for Hiram Johnson's
peace of mind, it will not be necessary to re
count the votes in Maryland.
Sir: I notice a lamentable weakness seizing
some American cartoonists, 1. e., the habit of
explaining little Ideas in their work, by arrows
pointing, etc., leaving the reader no chance to
use his head. An example from an old "Punch:"
Lucy (studying geography): "Harry, what
ever is the equator?"
Harry: "Why, the equator is a menagerie
lion going 'round the world."
Then follows this appalling explanation in
brackets: "Harry has been to the circus lately,
and has probably confused menagerie lion with
imaginary line." T. K. Jl.
DOES our correspondent attend the movies?
If he does his pain must be acute. For in the
him wheeze the obvious is en fleur.
A More or Less Common Reduction.
(From the Peoria Transcript.)
April had only eight clear days. The
total precipitation during that month, re
duced to water, was .Vl inches.
"WE have a weakness for the Irish, however
hard they may try to cure us of our fraility."
London Times.
And yet some people say that the English
have no sense of humor or, rather, humour.
(From the Jesup, la., Citizens Herald.)
Our attention was attracted today to
a picture in the window of the Farmers
State Bank, it being that of the Peace Con
ference in Bession. It is a very fine pro
duction of the original and should be seen
to be appreciated. Time and space forbid
a complete analysis of the picture.
"STRUGGLING movie actors like she and
her husband need the publicity." Loz Ohglazc
,The slogan of Loz Onglaze is, "Throw away
your grammar and get a horn!"
The Ungrateful Beggars!
(From the London Times.)
Enormous consignments of rum continue
to c hoke the quays at some of the London
Dock wharves. No one appears anxious toi
get the casks out of the way. Retailers"
have much more than they want, for there
are few purchasers of rum at 10s 6d. per
bottle. The pre-war price was about 2s. (id.
"BIGGEST Horn is Owned Here." Keokuk
Gate City.
That should makc'Loz Onglaze and Chicago
(Showing again the wonderfulness of nature.)
Dear Sir: Have noticed for several days
that the building is becoming infested with
mice and something must be done now because
it won't be long before they will be rats.
THERE are constant readers and con
tributors. The latter read when they expect a
contribution to appear. Take Sib, frinstance.
He comes along at this date with the sugges
tion that Capt.' Diaper of Shamrock III, is
qualified to navigate a trianguLr course.
Last Saturday
I went
Unto' my
Secret hoard
And brought out
A two-gallon jug
Which I had' bought
As being filled -
With Gin.
And when I opened it,
It was filled
With a light-brown
And I said to myself,
"The Son-of-a-Gun!
I'll bet
They filled it
With stale beer." t
And tried it, and it was
Scotch Whisky!
And everyone knows
That Scotch Whisky
Is worth
Three times
As much as
And I didn't
Have any
Because it was so
Which proves that
There is
-Still some justice
In the world,
And a God in
IF the golf reformers succeed in abolishing
the stymie, we suggest that thev devote their
energies to enlarging- the hole to the size of a
bushel basket. Or. if thev can ect the hole en
larged they will not need to worry about the
wenry James," he says, "was positively
storm-ridden with emotion before the fatal
night, and full of fantastic plans. I recall that
one of them was that he should hide Jn the bar
or a nttie puDlic house down an alley close to
the theater, whither I should slip forth at the
end of the second act and report 'how it was
going. This was not carried out, and for
tunately Henry James resisted the temptation
of being present at the theater during the per-
iormance. ah seemed to be going fairly well
until the close when Henry James appeared and
was called before the curtain only to be sub
jected to our unspeakable horror and shame
to a storm of hoots and Jeers and catcalls from
the gallery, answered by loud and sustained ap
plause from the stalls, the whole producing an
effect of hell broke loose, in the midst of which
the author, white as chalk,' bowed and spread
forth deprecating hands and finally vanished.
It was said at the time, and confirmed later,
that this horrible performance was not intended
to humiliate Henry James, but was, the result of
a caDai against ueorge Alexander."
"RING LARDNER has nothinir on me.'
writes C. E. B., "as to young literary hopefuls."
Ana ne incloses tne lollowing ettusion from a
It's gettin' on towatds summer,
The summery days of June,
When birds can sing so brightly,
An' none of 'em out of tune.
It's gettin' on towards summer,
The summery days of June
When the cows can moo so lightly
Up at the silver moon.
It's gettin' on towards winter,
The December days of the cold,
When two years tots are growing
To be three years old.
LOW and lean as is our ability to dig up a
reward, we will give a quart of light rye to any
person who brings forward an authentic in
stance of a man riding three days in the interior
of a whale.
(From the Lake County Register.)
To J. A. Reichelt, Jr., who decided not to
act as director on the school board for the
coming year a measure of thanks ant, ap
preciation is offered by the boys and girls,
and the faculty of our school.
"SUPREME COURT of Iowa. Dull vs. Dull;
As the lady -in the Punch wheeze said. "The
good tins are dull."
JUDGh LANDIS will hear the case against
the See-Moon Grocery Companv. It mav see
a few stars as well.
The Ineffable Amolita.
(From the Salt Lake Telegram.)
With a limpid stream of song as pure as
the crystalline waters of a Bandusian foun- 11
tain, Madame Amelita Galli-Curci
(Discontinued to save white paper.)
LOOKS little were like Wood. B. L. T.
How to Keep Well
By Dr. W. A. EVANS
"Will you kindly give us one or
more articles on cremation?" "Three
Scoie and Ten" writes. "Many in
Chicago and elsewhere are nqaring
the end of life, and . tho last ex
pense troubles them. They are with
out friends and not money sufficient
to meet the. ordinary charges of bur
ial spot, casket, hearse, etc. Our
minds must turn to cremation as tho
only way.
"Also an article on embalming, so
that mothers may know to what
they submit their children when put
in the eniba liners' hands."
Our burial customs originate from
necessities or advantages. AVhether
our dead aro exposed to insects, the
bacteria, tho sun and the elements
on an elevated platform, or buried
in the ground or burned depended
originally upon the kind and abun
dance of wild animals, tho fighting
customs of tho peoples.
Naturally, ho builders of religions
found a fruitful theme in tho mys
tery of death, and they in turn added
a contribution to burial customs.
Next came those who, building racial
and governmental solidarity, made
use of ancestral worship and inci
dentally made their contribution.
Lastly, tradition and precedent con
tributed by fixing the procedure.
Incidentally, burial customs havo
contributed to the art of sculpture.
They have contributed to stability,
governmental, racial and family. Wc
have the custom of burying, just as
other races have other customs. Our
custom is hedged about with tradi
tions, memories, sentiments and re
ligious observances. That also can
be said of tho ctstonis of other peo
ples. This is the strongest argument
for the custom.
Burying contributes to stability.
The desire to stay by "the graves of
our dead" does operate to keep down
wandering, floating from place to
place, emigrating; does serve to
keep some Individuals and families
stable, self -respecting, upright and
The common argument, namely,
that burying returns fertility to the
soil, possesses no merit. We aro so
wasteful in other ways that no one
is swayed by the comparatively in
significant return of soil fertility
which human bodies make. We re
gard cemeteries as sacred ground
and cover the ground thore with
stone, and brick, proving our disre
gard of this argument.
Henri Febre, a great French na
turalist, cites numberless evidences
of the Scotch thrift of nature in its
boundless provision of bacteria, in
sects and chemical forces for the
purpose of returning to the soil the
bodies of animals built therefrom.
But man has elected to make him
self an exception to the rule.
While, on the other hand, there
is no advantage to the soil from our
burial custom, on the other hand an
objection frequently used against it
is not valid. Cemeteries are not
sources of disease. The disease pro
ducing bacteria in bodies dead from
yellow fever, smallpox, diphtheria,
typhoid fever are speedily killed by
other bacteria and what Is left of
these bodies is not infective. A ceme
tery in the midst of a city is not a
source of harm, the opinion of Chi
cago's justly famous sanitarium of
1869, Dr. John H. Rauch, to tho
contrary notwithstanding. The only
objection to tho presence of a ceme
tery Within a city is the space it oc
cupies and the lack of harmony in
its setting.
Intrinsically, cremation is less dis
turbing to the sensibilities as a
method of destrugtion than -is the
slow process of decay, even though
we accept the statement of Fabre
that worms and insects play no part
In the destruction of bodies buried
deeply in the ground.
There is nothing to be said against
cremation except that it may be
used to destroy evidence of crime
and that, being contrary to custom,
it sometimes disturbs sensibilities
and makes explanations neem neo
essa ry .
Embalming 1 done by the injec
tion of a solution of formaldehyde
into the votuels and cavities. When
well done it causes tho body to
mummify. Resolution into the ele
ments occurs with exceeding slow,
ness. In fact, by properly adjusting
the strength of the formaldehyde
and by adding sonin preservative cs
segtiul oils, our embalmers can equvl
the best work done by the embalm
ers of the days of the rharaohs. .
Tcutli Water Curt.
Anon, writes: "I have just read
of a child who held his breath while
angry and became blue in the face.
If the mother of that child would
thiow water on him it would effect
a cure. I havo a friend whose child
held her breath. The mother
punished the child until tired of do
ing so, out that accomplished noth
ing. One day she poured a bucket
ful of water on the child. The child
was almost 'smothered,' but was
cured of holding her breath."
Our Free Legal Aid
State your case clearly but
briefly and a reliable lawyer
will furnish the answer or
advise in this column. Your
name will not be printed.
Let The Bee Advise You.
Jtlglits or a Wife
Q. 1 havo land in Wyoming. My
wife and 1 have not lived together
for 7 years; she still lives on the
homestead. We have children. Can
my wife bring a bill for the chil
dren's support? What right of
dower has my wife? Can I force a
sale, ami if so, what are tho legal
steps to take? G. A. L.
A. It is your legal duty to sup
port your wife and children and
your wife may bring action against
you to "compel you to do so. The
right of dower has been abolished
In Wyoming. Your wifo will have
a one-half interest in all your prop
erty in event she survives you. You
can not forco a sale of the home
stead because you can not convey it
without your wife's signature, and
you have no legal means to compel
her to sIru ft deed if she does not
wish to, do so.
Especially American CltUcns.
The dry law ha produced a net
"great white way" in Jlavnna, with
Btores, shop and scores of American
citizens all brilliantly lit up. Wash
ington Star.
cr , zrz , ... i
r w "iezsszi
"C. C O,"
"Clean Clothes
4H.C. O.L."
We know 1,000 schemes
in the way of Cleaning,
Dyeing, Remodeling and
Rejuvenating clothes.
And our charges are
pleasingly fair.
Phone Tyl er 3 4 5 and
learn more of "C. C. O."
2211-17 Farnam St.
Ambulance Service
Our specially built Cadillac ambu
lance, .the finest equipment of its
kind, is at the service of the public,
physicians, surgeons and hospitals.
Two experienced men in charge
both day and night.
Omaha Taxicab & Transfer Co.
Typography Talk
No. 3
Expression in Typography
is just as essential as ex
pression in music to ob
tain the perfect interpre
tation. A printer may
follow his subject to the '
letter, but if he fails to
use the correct typo and
arrangement and give due
consideration to grouping1
and balance, he has weak
ened the force of tho
message. As the musician
emphasizes or mutes cer
tain notes or measures, so
must the typographer
.similarly treat certain
words and phrases.
In modern printing every
conceivable style and size
of type has been designed
for the purpose of expres
sion, and the typographer
must bo an artist to use
them correctly. Buyers of
printing and advertising
will do well to avail them
selves of the services of
printers who are typo
graphical artists.
. Abraham LincolnsVwt
18 5 9
On August 19, 1859, Abraham Lin
coln came up the Missouri River on a
Steamboat and landed, and as a guest
of the captain looked over Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
From the hills east of the Missouri,
the Great Emancipator gazed with
prophetic eye over the village of
Omaha, destined to become the Gate
way of the West.
You are invited to transact your
banking business with a bank that be
gan business two years before this his
toric visit; a bank that, since its or
ganization, has been actively identi
fied with the growth and development
of Omaha.
f irst National
Bank of Omaha
Assets $16,500,000.00
Memphis, Nebraska, March 12, 1920.
The Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Dear Sirs: Twenty years ago today I purchased a
1,000 Twenty-Year Bond Policy with annual pre
miums of $25.70. I have paid $514.00 total premiums.
Today your check for $667.05 was handed me by your
agent, E. D. Fowler, in settlement of my policy No.
6815. This settlement gives me $153.05 as interest on
my money in addition to having my life insurance for
20 years.
I herewith express my thanks and appreciation to
the Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Yours very truly,
Matured in the
of Lincoln, Nebraika
Name of insured. . .Mrs. Mary E. Ueberrheln
Residence .Memphis, Nebraska
Amount of policy $1,000.00
Total premiums paid Company $314.00
Total cash paid Mrs. Ueberrhein $667.05
And 20 Years' Insurance for Nothing
If you desire an agency or policy- contract, write Home Office, Lincoln. Neb., or call at 1021 W. O W Bldff.
Telephone Douglas 2949,