'THE OMAHA BLc. Jazz Music Mingles ; With Circus Wonders At Church Carnival Mirth, music and bright colors, combined with the jazz melodies furnished by Dan Desdune's band and dance orchestra is attracting large crowds to the carnival of the Church 'of Blessed Sacrament at Thirtieth street and Curtis avenue. Gaudy booths, sheltering many wonders, line the streets. There is a fortune teller who weaves brilliant futures for those who visit her. In fact there is everything at this car nival that is found at any carnival, and in. a few added features thrown Best of all there are pretty girls with homemade candy and winning smiles. There is dancing, with the kind of music that makes you want to dance. The carnival will not be closed until Saturday nigqht. Lighting Fixtures, den Co. Adv. Burgeas Gran- Gurdoft Wattles Rejoices In Birth of Son On Coast Gurdon.W. Wattles, jr., arrived in the family of Gurdon W. Wattles, chsirmaiKof the board of directors of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company Wednes day, according to a telegram from Mr. Wattles at Hollywood. Cal., received in Omaha yesterday. The message read that both son and mother arc doing nitely. Burgess-Nash Dance The annual May party and dance will be held Saturday evening at the Auditorium by the Burgess Nash Welfare association. In ad dition to dancing, several special contest, for which a cash prize of $15 will be Riven, will mark the event. J. J. -O'Herron, superintend ent of Burgess-Nash, is in charge of arrangements.; Maids employed by the more wealthy families in Italy are de manding that they be allowed at least two cigarets a day. Rabbi Conn's Final Lecture On Evolution to Be Tonight "The Goal of Evolution" will be the subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's lecture at Temple Isrcal at 8 tonight. . This will be the final lecture in the general course on evolution which Rabbi Colin has been deliv ering in honor of the centenary ol Herbert Spencer. t Following the lecture, Rabbi Cohn will dedicate a pulpit bible, the gift of Isreal Gluck in memory of Fanny Cluck. One out of every six girls to b grafiuated fronrthe high schools of New Jersey in June will take up teaching as a profession. Women's Handkerchiefs Of fine cotton. In fancy white and colored embroidered corners; hem stitched and rolled edges, very special, at 4c Women's Vests Cotton ribbed, sleeveless; full taped; all sizes; good and long for extra wear; special, each at 15c Women's Thread Silk Hosiery In seam back and double soles; black only; seconds of regular 1.00 quality, special at, per nrt pair, 25C Women's White Canvas Shoes In high and low heel; soiled from handling, but very good values; worth regularly 3.50 and 4.00; sizes Vk to 4, special at, per pair, v $1,49 Canvas Outing Shoes For men; in light-and dark brown; Bal and Blucher styles; leather soles and heels; sizes 6 to 10; " - regular 3.50 values, at $245 Barefoot Sandals For women and misses; In black and tan; of Lotus calfskin; sizes 2 to 6 only; regular 3.45 values, special, at $245 Children's Barefoot Sandals With straps and buckles; made of tan Lotus calfskin; solid soles; sizes 5 to 2; regular 1.50 values, special, at 9oC Wizard MopSpecial t Consists of oil mop and 25c bottle of Wizard polish for floors and furni i ture; the set very spe- nr. dally priced, at p 1 07 I Metal Polish Quart size, for brass, nickel, bronze and copper; non-inflam-. , able; extra special, at lUC Majestic Electric" Heater With polished 'copper reflector; heating units guaranteed for one year; comes with 6 feet . of cord, special, at J049 Envelope Chemise and Petticoats Many different styles, daintily trim med with embroidery; good service able, well-made gar ments; special, at . 99C Silk Envelope Chemise Very beautiful and well made gar ments of wash satin and crepe de chine; cut full and in many different styles, at pl9o Women's Fancy Petticoats Many attractive styles, lace and em broidery trimmed; well and durably made; specially priced, . g at $1.95 Women's Muslin Drawers Lace and embroidery trimmed; cut full; buttoned; all sizes, cheap to day at 69c to 89c, spe- . cial, at 49C Cotton Flannel Gloves For men; the knit wrist style Just the thing for rough or outdoor work, specially priced for Fri- - day at, per pair, IOC Art Linen About 500 yards of tan art linen, IS inches wide, for scarfs and cen ter pieces; worth 1.25 , per yard, special, at 79C Golden Rod Large packages, at, 19c White Borax Soap 45c Ten ban, at, GrU' White Dresses Worth 2.50 to 8.00 1.89-2-89 Dozens of attractive styles in Swiss, Lawn and Organ die; sizes 1 to 3, 6 to 11 and 13 to 19; specially priced, in two big lots, for Friday and Saturday at 1.89 and 2.89 Suits. Women's Underwear Worth 1.49 1 oft to 2.00, at The lot includes night gowns, petticoats with fancy embroidered bottoms and envelope chemise; many dif ferent styles from which to choose, at 1.29 i A Great Two-Day Sale of Coats amid Dresses For Women and Misses All at One Price New Goats H 9 OE JL qJo 0 u) Actual Values rom 15.95 to 18.50 NEW Spring styles in Polo coats, leatheroid coats, medium and long coats in clever styles, both practical and smart. In serges, polo cloths, wool velours and . fancy mixtures. A few extra sizes for sout women; special, for- r Friday and Saturday lu.oi) Spring Suits Actual Values from 19.00 to 21.50 ALL good, up-to-date styles in all wool poplin, serge, taffeta and silk poplin two big round racks full from -which to choose; "I O Or? extra special, at JLOtOtS Smartly Styled Dresses Actual Values from 15.00 to 21.50 b-VT OVER 200 to select from in many different styles and materials beaded Georg ettes, Taffetas and Satins made up in beautiful style combinations just the thing for Spring and Summer wear; special for Friday, and 1 Q OE? Saturday, at I Soi3 Brandeis Stores Basement Arcade ' FRIDAY SPECIALS in the Not ions One big lot "of crochet cotton, . some slightly soiled, per ball, at t10 Bound shoe laces, pc pair, 5 Singer machine oil, per bottle, at 15 Paper shopping bags, Friday at, each, 10 Fast colored wash edging, per bolt, 10 Best darning cotton, per ball, at 5 Stocking feet, per pair, 10 Inside skirt betting, per yard, at 10 Good strong safety pins, per card, 5? Bust proof dress clasps, per card, r 5? Thread, black and white, 6 spools for ' J5 Enameled coat hangers, each at v 10 Wire hair pins, per box, 15 Knitting cotton, two balls, 25 Real human hair , nets, two for 25? Invisible hair pins, per box, 5$ Steel crochet hooks, each, 10 Brandeis Stores Basement South Linens DAMASK - The E n g li s h finished mercerized kind, wears and launders like linen; 64 inches- wide; worth 1.50 per yard; special, at, yard, CRASH Full bleached with fancy borders; heavy soft and absorbent quality; worth 29c per yard; special, at ' TOWELS Full bleached; hemmed sorbent Quality; 35c, special, at worth 1.19 19c 25c WASH CLOTHS The woven quality ol with fancy dge ; worth 2fi 10c, special, at TOWELS 19c The full bleached huck quality with fancy blue or red borders; hemmed ends; size 16x32 inches; worth 35c, special, eacn, SUMMER SPREADS The light weight quality with hemmed ends; In neat stripes of blue and r fn pink; size 72x90 inches; ,J70 each, at Brandeis Stores Basement-South WARNER'S "Rust-Proof" CORSETS Special at 1.95 Made of a good quality summer net ting which makes them cool and comfortable; medium low bust and medium hips; rust proof boning; two pairs of strong garters attached; sizes 19 to 30; special, -j qj for the May sale, at 1 3 Brandeis Stores Basement Arcade Special, Values in HARDWARE REFRIGERATORS Top icing, made of ash, highly pol ished with nickel plated trimming. 25 pound capacity, at 13.08 40 pound capacity, at 17.98 55 pound capacity, oak finish at 24.98 TUNGSTEN LIGHTS 10, 25 and 40 watt, 27 60 watt, at 32 i BASKETS Assorted shapes in splint baskets in fancy colored trim- 7Q ming, special, at I C Brandeis Stores Basement-West Excellent Values in a Great Sale of Men's Trousers All Sizes In Two Big Lots and 5.95 These are good serviceable garments of cassimeres, serges and worsteds just the kind that a man wants will give good service and will make a good appearance at the same time. The assortment is complete, colors and patterns for every occasion and tne val ues are extreme. All sizes; specially priced, at i 4.95 and 5.95 Actual Saving of One-Third on Each Pair Boys'r Overalls In sizes 2 to 8 years; -In kha ki trimmed in red, and stifel stripe, also trimmed in red; worth 1.00 and 1.25, specially priced for this sale, each, at I 9C OVERALLS are Omaha distrib utors for both Car hart and Lakln McKey "Union Made" brand overalls. Men's Shirts and Drawers One big lot in mesh or Bal briggan; short or long sleeves; ankle length; all sizes; correct weight for summer wear; Pff priced, each, at" f Q Brandeis Stores Basement Men's Store Basement Draperies To brighten and freshen up a room, new draperies are in dispensable. We offer curtain materials and draperies at re duced prices. DRAPERY REMNANTS Many long desirable lengths worth 59c on the bolt; offered very spe- fa cially for Friday, at, per JOC yard. 29c CURTAIN MATERIAL la, scrim and Marquisette, in plain and fancy bird designs; some is worth as ' high as 50c a yard, spe ciay, for Friday, at, per yards CRETONNE REMNANTS tn a splendid assortment Df attractive designs and ' . colorings; in desirable lengths, worth to 79c per yard, in this sale, spe cial, at CURTAIN MATERIALS Including voiles, nets and lace edged Marquisettes; 36 and 49 inches' wide; some worth as hjghas 89c per yard, special for Friday, at, per yard, Brandeis Stores Basement-South 39c 50c New Wall Paper During this sale we will have a special display of new papers at prices that mean big savings to you. Plain 30 inch oat meal papers in all colors with cut out borders to match, at, per roll, J Kitchen and bed room papers with borders to match, at, per roll. Friday, ' 76 Light and dark papers in new ef fects and colorings; cut out bor ders to match, at, per roll, Ced room papers in dainty effects and pleasing patterns; cut out bor ders to match; in two lots, at, per roll, 12Htf and 184 Ueavy gilt papers in new designs and stripes on display showing attractive cut out borders to matc&, priced, per roll, at 164 Special papers for the downstairs rooms, a new and extra vheavy stock, specialTat, per roll, 244 30 inch blends, weaves and grass cloth shown with cut out decora tions to match, at, per, roll, 424 Brandeis Stores' Basement West . Very Special Values in White Goods and Domestics Bleached Seamless Sheets Extra size; the celebrated Utica or famous West Farnam quality posi tively worth from 3.00 to 3.50, spe cially priced for Friday only: Torn, size 81x108 inches, Utica, each, at 2.49 Torn, size 90x99 inches, West Farnam, each, at 249 Xo mail or phone orders filled Bleached Sterling Sheeting Made of heavy round thread yarn; genuine Eastern make; free from dressing; at less than present mill cost: 7-4, full 63 inches wide? worth 80c per yard. Fri- ' jjq day, at, peiyard, 0C 10 Yard Limit to a Customer BLEACHED MUSLIN, CAMBRIC AND . LONG CLOTH Mill remnants, 36 inches , wide, splendid quality for sneeis, pi now cases or undermuslins; special, at, per yard, 22W4 PRINTED CURTAIN VOILES In a variety of attractive patterns for bedrooms or dining rooms; 36 inches wide; regular 35c value; special, per yard, t. 254 FANCY PRINTED CRETONNE In a wonderful variety of floral patterns and tapes try effects; 36 inches wide; long mill lengths, worth 50c per yard, spe cial, at, per yard, 394 WHITE CORDUROY In a soft velvet finish suitable for sport skirts or vacation suits; 36 EMBROIDERED WHITE SWISS In assorted size dots jsuitable for waist?. inches Wide; Will tub per- j dress. np ssh rnrtaina fectly; a wonderful value, 1 27 inches wIde; Bpecla,,i per yard, at 48 at, per yard, 984 WHITE GALATEA SUITING In assorted fancy weaves; a heavy quality for suits WHITE VOILE AND ORGANDIE A splendid quality for dresses and blouses; , 40 or separate wash skirts. ,nrh. wirip. inn min middies or uniforms; 36 lengths, well worth 50c, inches wide; worth l 5c special, fr Friday, 39 WHITE PLISSE CREPE The genuine Windsor make; suitable for Sum mer underwear and gowns; an exceptional ASSORTED WASH GOODS REMNANTS 5,000 yards including voiles, silk and cotton tus sabs, foulards and other desirable wash fabrics; a wonderful offering Fri- value, at, per yard, 394 'day at, per yard, 354 Brandeis Stores Basement North Very Good Values in Women's and Children's Shoes 700 Pairs Ladies' Low Shoes Pumps and oxfords with hand turned soles and French covered heels; most of them are of patent kid and they are all narrow O OP svidths; sizes 22 to 6; regular 8.00 values, special, at ' O.S White Cloth Pumps White Canvas Shoes For women; made over the moderate new French last in two strap model with either Spanish or Cuban heel; hand turned soles; very light; sizes 2J2 to 8; regular 4.00 val- gy (Q ues, special at, per pair, t9jQ For misses and children; lace styles, in English and wide toe shapes; ex cellent values for everyday wear; sizes 8'z to 11 and lli2 to 2; regular j.qv ana 4.uu values, special, at , 2.45 Women's Low Shoes TN brown and black kid oxfords, black kid pumps and patent pumps; leather Louis or Military heels; the season's best styles at prices much below ordinary ; sizes 2J2 to 9; A fP wonderful values, at, per pair frt) Brandeis Stores Basement East I Curtain Scrim Remnants In floral and blue bird designs for bedroom or dining room curtains; worth 25c per yard on the bolt, special, yard, 15C Limit of 10 yards to a customer. Acme Freezers This well known brand, which, by long usuage, has demonstrated its value; two quart enpac- ity priced, at 79C V Brassieres New and attractive; trimmed In a fine quality of embroidery; front fastening; sizes 34 to 44, special, at 5C Women's Bloomers In plain and fancy style; made of fine pink batiste; lace edges; worth 1.00, specially priced, at 5C Women's Corset Covers Of cotton crepe; cut full and made; worth 59c; an excellent value, specially priced, at 38c Women's Blouses Of white cotton; new, crisp and clean; worth 1.50 to 2.00; well made and neatly finished, spe- A- v cial, each, at J 1 UU jSilkoline For drapes and comforter coverings; in lengths from Vk to 10 yards; worth 49c per yard on the bolt; specially priced at, per yard, ttVOZ Boys' Blouses One big lot in plain and striped per cale; all sizes; specially priced for this sale, at 0C Men's Work Shirts In plan blue and gray cbambray; sizes 14 to 17; a very good value which will wear well; A specially priced, at Jb 1 . 1 1 Men's Overalls In plain blue and stifle stripe; sizes 32 to 38 only; compare the quality and price; very special, at $2.00 Women's Vests Of fine cotton ribbed material In fancy lace yoke; sleeveless; sizes 36 to 44; priced, each, at 35c or three for $100 Children's Waists Good strong waists of cotton with elastic tape and bone buttons;sizes 2 to 12; priced, each, at A . 35c, or three for Jbl.Ull Fibre JJilk Hosiery For women; in black and colors, with 75c qual- 39c double soles; ity; special, pair, seconds .of at, per Children's Half Hose In fancy colored stripes with cuff tops; mercerized quality; sizes 4 to 96; priced, per pair, at 3Qf WW Nurse Stripe Gingham In all the wanteI regulation stripes for underskirts and uniforms; fast colors an excellent quality; pncea, per yard, at 48c Peter Pan Cloth In every ev Spring shade; lustrous permanent finish; smart for dresses and wears well; special, at, per yard 1 69c Serpentine Kimono Crepe In a wonderful assortment of attrac tive floral and Japanese designs; exceptional value at, in per yard, 4oC Galatea Suiting In assorted fancy styles for boys' and girls' rompers, suits and dresses; special, at, per yard, . 39c