Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
it Ml v THE BEE: omaka, miuAi, mai 7. ltfu. 11 i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, Inc. Offers the following cars "for ' your inspection. It osts you noth ing to look: 1919 Studebake 4 touring, new. Hit Nash touring-. ltl Fonl tourlnir. HIT Ford tourlnir. It7 Hudson 8peedstrr, wire wheels. HIT Hudson Speedster. 111! rhandler Chummy, cord tires. ISIS Chandler touring. 11 Port tourlnir. 1917 Havnn tourinr. cord tire. 117 Oakland tourlnir. 1917 Ptrarna-KnUht sedm. 1917 Chevrolet roadster. , 1917 Grant tourln. 1919 Dodg" roadster. Model SI Cadillac a tourlns. " Model S.I Overland touring. Model i Overland touring. 1917 WHlrs-Knlght coupe. Model 75 Overland. . 1917 Maxwell touring. 1914 Ford touring, good thane. 1911 Kord touring AND MANI OTHERS. 7032 Farnam. Douglas BHI.l. It FORDS. BUICKS. DODGES. New and used care.: caih or time. Ford bodies, commercial bodies. QOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL GARAGE, 1318 Harney St., Tyler 714, Ope.i Day and Night FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red aeal on wlndahteld. SOME baigalna In used Ford cars. Mo Caff ray Motor Co. The Handy Ford Sorvlve Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug- , laa 5(i0. USED CARS OF QUALITY, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2030 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. V7. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2510 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 103 FARNAM. KXCEPTIONAtf USUI) CARS OAKLAND Senelblo Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 Farnnm St. K car nearly new. You can't tell It . from a new one; will sell cheap. Owned - private party. .South ot. WANTED For spot cash, 100 ueed car. quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 20fi Farnam at. pong, U3. VUR SALE Bulck roadster, model K-44; , first class condition; tlrea In good shape. Call Block 4281, Council Bluffa. $VH HAVE ( good uaad cara to select 'from. All prices. MBEK8 AUTO CO.. tOM Farnam. il FORD totring, fine ahape. tlrea oo(J; bargain. Sea It at 1727 Howard St. Douglas 4778. JdUST aell my Ford touring car, nearly new. with gelf-atarter. See It at 1819 Wirt St. FORD roadster, good condition.' reaeon- D', for quick eale. Colfax 2895. ORD touring, 1919 model, alao one 1917 ' mod?1- Harney 2790. AM Oldsmohlle 4, perfect condition. Call Webster 2237. Repairing and Painting. "Radiator cores installed. . Manufactured In Omaha. S4-hour serv- les or auto, truck and traotor. Expert . radiator and fender repairing: body denta removed; new fendera made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., ISIS Cuming St. Tyler 17. Tires and Supplies. "TNEW TIRES. 8TRICTLT FIRSTS. 10x3 t 9.76 80x3 S13.75 S2x3V4 17.85 82x4 20.60 8HI1TED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 North 16th St. Douglas SSSO. tTSKD TIRES. SOxJ, 85.00; SOxSH. I.00. Alt sizes In proportion. Look over our rebuhts. Open Sundays. Tyler J98S. SAVIGB TIRES. 908 N. 18th St. Keystone Tire Shop, SOxSH FISK...,12.5 34x4 121 JS JOxS 5 I Ix4 2.5 K A nfJUREBBERS722CUMINja AUTO eleclrfcal repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries Edwards. 2616 N. 19. THE GUMPS MIN OPENS UP A CHARGE ACCOUNT f MIN CsOrAP- 1. YOUR SPUNK.? JVT LOOK ATOO -"THE- NNIPrc OF THE" NVHjJftfv AH?E IN A FEW OMS AND V00 TWt MEEIC LITTLE HUEVVilF, VTTINC? AROUMD ajIYHOUT A RVCa To POY ON ouR BA.CH - I'LL 5AX O0 DON'T ( I'LL HA- F HE'S MAKJfYfcr ) ALLTHAT MIN GOMP MOUSE- NO MUSSX CaOINfcr TO COrv& ALOMy AN& VArV& WAA- THERE IS V COINCr TO BE-ONLV ONE VA'vvP Is r rv in ThiS InCi iAIN dtQEi HOfFINa- VJH S HQULbN'T SHE VMrtM CARP CAMIAR CLirAglNQ UK t AM AEROPLANE? Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith 1 N A I 1 s T f A - v PO- f. ( A .XT.T.FXTF?'..... .... U fi I vrv.O LUIR PlUtUfCC - ( I QptHtSTMB J UlKE 1 lTH I V Qt VftU IN TWAT .-r"-r . I r. -- I n wt ; is a mt...lL. rnei ii m i i a -v u vriatMi c i . r aju s i NOVM Ltt rAESEe S0frrTMN I A LlTTLt SUhMEr PL- THIS LITTLE Nome lTY is. ONLV ano Oh Voo MUST HWej lAT THA.T FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 628 Keellna Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2718. Oil Leases. OIL LEASES Big money for you in oil leases: present high prices of oil stimulntlng development; Hiife Investment and hlR ruturna poBsible; have some splendid iirreage in New Mexico, Texas and othur fields for sale cheap It liouuht now; wells polns down now In ail fiPkls and the bringing in of a well near your ai-reaire makes possible 100 for 1 on your Investment. Act cjuick If J'ou want In on ground floor. P. C. Wreath. 914 Grand Ave. Temple. Kanaas City. Mo. LEASES Joining gas well just in. at 800 ft.; 10 acres for $150 ; guaranteed title; must act quick. G. Morearty, Bee Bldg. Douglas 3S41. Miscellaneous. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 5619. Ks. 1894 " PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg., 810 B. 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPEN & COMPANY. Doue. 4228. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, pri-vate money. Qarvln Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat'l. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omafca Nat REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST today, sell tomorrow, our motto. We have parties to buy houses of five to eight rooms. See ua or call WM. N. HILL, REAL ESTATE. Formerly of 8cott Hill Co., 519 Bee Bldg. IiAVE inquiries for good homes In good locations. Do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grim mel. 8 49 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANT to buy 7 to 10-room house; not over 20 blocks west of 16th and Farnam; will pay 81,500 cash, balance monthly. Owners call Tyler 2022. WANTED TO BUY From owner, 5 to 7 room house, on payments. Web. 4150. Accessories. 1S-VOLT battery and six-volt battery for sale. Ames Garage, 4122 No. 24th. Col fax 986. ' . Motorcycles and Bicycles. HAP. LE yTdAViDSON MOTORCYCLES Bars-ains In used machines. Victor H. , Roos. tho motorcycle man. Swta and . Leavenworth Sta. ' FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. WRITE us for description of fruit, stock - and grain farms In our wonderful coun I try. Shermer & Fields, Slloam Springs, Ark. Colorado Land:. " EST LANDS" ? I bought right and will sell you ab " aolulely right, any part of 7,000 acres 4 of the best wheat and corn land to east Colorado. Write for facta, now. See our crops. Investigate. R. T. Cllne, Owner, Brandon. Colo. Iowa Lands. WE havo served the Omaha publlo In buying- and selling real estate for over 86 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment. Co TUWANTJ TO-SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick action? Juit try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buv or cell Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver. 1047 9 Qmnha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 163. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug-. 3556. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance, HERMANSEN & CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON ?Xf 314 Brown Block. Estate ments. Doug. 5262. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. WK OWN and control soveral good farms in Iowa. We will sell these farms on ) ..easy terms or accept oiue, exchange as part ray. Liberal commis sions to agents. Submit what you have to offer. E. P. Lucey & Co., torm uiw. la. J Kansas Lands. Remember we are cutting a 6,000-acre tract of land in thomas co. i To suit purchaser; over 2,500 acrea In wheat; tend for , cur list. FELTON & WEST. THE Kendall Land Company owns and controls 30,000 acres in the famous Thomas county, Kansas, wheat district. Write for folder. " KENDALL LAND COMPANY, . COLBY,, KAN. WRITE us for prl'-es and terms on lands in Thomas County. Kansas. Felton & West. ".'? Crounse Blk. , Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" , 500 acres well Improved, large orchard, good water, close to school and town. , 3.000; 8500 will handle. Hop on cars, come to see It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, M o untaln view, io. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 5 per ccut best of farm land, Rose bud slit loam son, a mop ai - acre. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Acre Tracts A dandv choice, with nice homes from I3,0iio to 15.50". 81,000 down will handle either. Snap for Immediate, sale. : R. F. CLAKY CO., ANOTHER ACREAGE A stunni?i buy of two acres, facing on two streets and a fine garden spot. All ready to plant, plowed and har rowed; 80 bearlnn fruit trees; dandy big chicken house and yard and also engine house and cement floor garage; build ings all electric lighted. House is 3 vears old and Is a bungalow with beau tiful south front. Is modern except gas and (ity water. Full basement; in dandy shnpe. I'rico for quick sale Is 86,000. Make us an offer of terms. SHOPEN & CO. Douglas 4228. Keellne Hldg. LOT in Mlnne Lusa addition, 63-foot frontage, near park; priced right. Call Norall, Douglas74or Harny615g. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, Ware House or Factory Fireproof. 20.000 soars feet. Ground 132x132 foet. on track, corner, close to freiKht depots, paved streets. Can give bargain vdec. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. Douglas 1533. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. .Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Bldg Thone Poug. 69". 1ST MORTGAGE. second mortgage and contract for sale at a. discount. 7 per cent interest. D. 4413. 510 Bee Bldg. WALSH-ELM EH CO., Realtors, Real Tctte Investments. Insurance. Ren tals. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. to Oma 2404-06. Ames Ave. Colfax 175. WAKE UP Best west, lust coming to Itself. Hayes and Hitchcock -counties improved and unimproved wheat, corn and alfalfa land s. Bex 2 3, Fa 1 i sa de. Neb. " CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. For Ntb. Farms and Ranches) see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. t, A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. New York Lands. ' FARMS FOR SALE. New York farms, near Buffalo; won derful farming opportunities; rich, pro ductive dark loam soal; ideal alfalfa, wheat, corn, potato, bean land: nice buildings; stock, tools, crops Included; prices J50 to J1S0 per acre; western farmers making thousands of dollars purchasing here. Catalog containing valuable information and descriptions -"75 ample Farm Bargains" mailed free. Send Immediately. Buffalo Farm Ex change. Buffalo, N. Y. Wisconsin Lands. TOR SALE 160-acre farm. 100 acres cleared; new house and barn: nil Kinas .of machinery. Including a milking ma chine: 21 cows, young stock; chickens, . hogs and 4 horses; close to town; best territory in the state of Wisconsin. Price only 8165 per acre, worth 82iO. Write 1 to Jacob Kapitz. Milladore. Wis. Miscellaneous. eV-RMS for sale cr exchange. Over 100 large and srr.all. In Illinois. Missouri and Arkansas. Y rite Fnrman. No. 317 In ternational Life Bids;., St. Louis. Mo., for free list. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Booster. PATiM T.AN'DS and acreage clo: ha and Council Bluffs for sale Apartments and city property to exchange for farm lands. iiakerv. central Nebraska town of 1.000. for 'sale or exchange fr.r pool hall nr TliCtlirp shOW. WM. N. HILL, Real Estate, jj.n.l "19 Bee BMj. FormeriyofPcott & Hill Co. FOUR good business lots facing 16th St., for apartments or stores. House in Bea atrice. Neb.. 10-room, modern; 160 acres land in Brown county, Nb., and one 7-passenger Klsael Car. Will exchange for good Iowa or Nebraska land or improved property in Omaha. Write SI 2 North 35th St., Omaha, Neb. Thone Harney 2195. BEAUTIFUL largj hill tract lots in best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom. 2020 Far tiim atre. IMPROVED 60-acre farm. 20 miles from Omaha, to trade for Omaha residence, prefer bungalow. Address 406 McCague lildf? , or phone Douglas 4396. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE LOTS Have 2 well locifted lots on 51st St., close to car. Paved street, sewi-r, water, sidewalk! and gas. Only 2,2i0, easy terms. One on 52d St.. Just south of Farnam, for $2,600. Good location. Easy terms. These are both good buys. Only a few lma left HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE BUNGALOW 5 rooms. S downstairs, finished In oak; 1 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, white enamel finish; on paved street. Bargain for 6,600. Call Walnutj2812 for details. A Dundee Neighborhood East front. Brand new. If you want a real 6-room home, something you'll be proud to live in, be sure and see this. Large living room, beautiful oak floors and finish. Practically your own terms. Harney 355.6 evenings. DUNDEE Modorn 7-room homa for sale by owner. Walnut 1621. Florence. C. L. Nethaway for suburban property. Florence Bta,. umana. wen., i oi. Miscellaneous. FAIR ACRES 250x270 FEET Verv choice location. East front, high and sightly. Price for quick sale, $6,000. Will be worth double before long. Will make terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. $6,500 $1,500 CASH 6 ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN This Is in excellent condition, locate 1 on a large corner lot. 66x124: 36th and Jones Sts. Six rooms all on the first floor and very well arranged, dandy furnace, full cement basement, newly papered, i block to car line and Colum bian school. Electric lights, garage, storm windows and screens for all win dows. Owner will paint this place ut the above price or deduct $200 to allow for painting. For further particulars call Commercial Investment Company D. 932. 1516 City Nat l Bk. D. 6230. 43D AND FRANKLIN 5-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; full cement basement, furnace heat; nice attic; dandy corner lot on paved street, paving paid; garage. Trice $5,250, $2,500 cash, balance easy pay ments. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. : Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sunday call Colfax S227. . S. W. CORNER PARK AVE: AND DOUGLAS Close in corner 120x115 with alley in rear; just 200 ft. from Farnam and easily accessible from Dodge St. This would make a splendid building site or specula tive investment and can lie bought for less than any similar property in the district. For full informa tion, call Schroeder Investment Co. 538 Railway Exchange Bldg. D. 3261. BEAUTIFUL MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Two-story. 7-room stucco residence, i block to Harney car line; south front; all large rooms; fireplace in living room; oak finish downstairs: white enamel up stairs: oak floors throughout: this is a real bargain and must be seen to be appreciated; can give immediate pos session. Price $12,000; can arrange terms. Phone Walnut 2S12. FOR SALE In West Farnam district, a two and a halt story brick residence, with a frontage of 105 feet and depth of 159 feet, and containing 8 bedrooms, 4 baths, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 butler's pantry, servants' dininB room, living room, parlor; basement contain ing laundry, drying room, furnace and coal rooms. If you are interested in such a proposition call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Douglas 564. 1320 Farnam Ht. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 3 -acre farm with 6-room house; cement basement: city water; $3,500 cash. 3440 Avenue J, Council Bluffs, la. Dundee. Best Buy in Dundee Seven rooms with sun room, in excellent condition; nicely deco rated. Handy location, near car line Quick "possession and the price is only $7,800: paving all paid. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. 918-20 City National. Doug. 2850. We specialize in Dundee nomea. C. B. STUHT CO., tli-li Clt Kallonak .. ou-laa ltl. REAL BARGAIN in 10-room brick house, all modern, nicelv located, high and sightly, full lot 50x142; close to car line: in best of condition. For particulars call Walnut 4309. 1 CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Beautiful 5-room stucco bungalow, large living room with fireplace, oak and white enamel finish: corner lot: 1 block to car line; 3 blocks to school; for particulars call Walnut 112, BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS South front, large living room, din ing room, built-in buffet, white enameled kitchen: on paved street. Price this week. $7.n00. See this before you buy. Phone Walnut 212. . For Sale. A Bargain. Two nice, sightly residence lots In Briggs' Place, North Side, Capitol ave nue, between 4;th and 48th streets, 100 front by 964 feet deep; somewhat above grade. $1,600 for both. One-third cash. A. C. Wakeley. Doug. 1572 or Doug. 3008. Omnba Real Esta'r and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 21 Pnxton 1'lk. Phone Tyler 4?9. North. PARKWOOD BUNGALOW Here Is a very well built, attractive bungalow; nicely arranged; In excellent condition; only 2 years old; well located, overlooking Mtnne Lusa Addition, and surrounded bv good) homes Owner leaving cltv.and ays s"il. This is a dandy. Price, $7,000, ask us for ap pointment. D. V. SHOLES CO. realtors" liouelas 46. S15-17 City Nat'l Bk. Bids. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. HOUSE VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE MILLER PARK DISTRICT Seven-room strictly modem semi-bungalow; 5 nice rooms and bath on the first floor, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; oak floors and oak finish; 2 nice bedrooms finished on the second floor; full cement basement, fur nace heat; hot and cold water and laundry conveniences; nice large lot on paved street, paving nearly paid; garage. One-half block to street car, stores, 2 blocks from Miller Park school, 2 blocks from Miller park; house newly painted on the outside and newly deco rated on the inside. Up in first class condition. If yon buy this today you can have possession to morrow. Price $7,500; about one half cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sunday call Colfax 3227. North Side Buy Fine, nearly new, 4-room modern bungalow; newly decorated; fine fix tures; screens: shades: full cement basement; cement walks; paved street; full corner lot: nice lawn and yard, fine home. Owned neighborhood, 3 blocks to 3 car lines. $800 to $1,000 will handle, balance monthly. Will alao sell cart of furniture if desired. Immedi ate possession. At 4902 N. 27th. House will be open Sundays. 10 to 4 o'clock. Phono South 2544 for other appoint MONTCLAIR BRAND NEW Living room, dining room with panel walls, kitchen all in oak with built-in features upstairs: 2 bedrooms and bath with oik floors finished In white enamel; full basement. Price $6,750. $2,000 cash and $10 per month. . GRAHAM -PETERS REALTY COMPANY 829 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Phra..- Done. 553: Sunday. Walnut 1103. NEAR 36TH & AMES Beautiful 5-room bungalow, oak fin ish east front, only $4,260; $1,500 cash will handle. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO., 24 0 4 -jjiA tries Ave. Colfax 175. ""6-ROOM BARGAIN v 3924 North 23d, all modern, very good furnace; four rooms down: two rooms and bath and storage ur.stalrs: dandy large lot. fruit and shade; nice loca tion. Price, $3,950 on terms. Don't disturb tenants, see us. P. J. TEBBENS CO. 03 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone, p. 2,182, "BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. Just completed. 6 rooms with break fast alcove, fireplace, tile bath with sep arate shower; finest quality oak finish downstairs; white enamel and mahogany doors upstairs; full two-stories; substan tial brick foundation; Keliastone and frame, exterior; a real home; close to park; see this today; you will like it. 2K68 Newport Ave. , Reduced Price 6-room, all modern, hot water heat; owner leaving for Sioux City, makes a further reduction to $4,000: only $1,000 necessary to handle; easy monthly pay ments. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO.r 2104-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. A rood 3-room house at 3724 Wirt street with 2 large lots. Very reasonable terms. Look this over from the outside and call Mr. Kruger at Tyler 50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. BUNGALOW BARGAIN 2170 Ames Ave.. 5 rooms and bath. nil modern, oak finish, dandy cellar and furnace: two large lots, cement warns, paving all paid; price. $3,650, with two lots, or $4,700 with one lot. See us for terp. J. TEBBENS CO. 605 Om. Nat. Bk. Phone. Doug. 2182 $500 Cash Down All modern, 5-room bungalow; dandy location, In Florence, near car line; can't be duplicated elsewhere for 11,000 more; price for immediate sale, $3,750; buy today, move in tomorrow. R. F. CLARY CO., 2401-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE To get one of the finest, nearly new bungalows with every desirable feature such as fireplace, bufret, mirror door and bookcases, oak and enamel finish. Immediate possession. "Well located. Near Miller Park. Trice only $7,600. Terms arranged. RASP PROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. YOUR CHANCE No. 18th. Practically new 7- rnonr house, oaii nownsiairs, nm-u ui siaira Newlv decorated throughout. Full cement basement. handl $2,500 cash will W. T. GRAHAM rioiiE. IMS, Bee Bldg. 6-Room, Oak Finish ALL MODERN $4,300. Near (Irand Ave. school and Fonten elle Blvd. Snap at $1,000 cash down. Call Sunday. R. F. CLARY CO., 2401-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. BEMIS PARK S-room strictly modern: oak floors downstairs; three nice bedrooms up stairs; well ventilated; price, $6,750; $2,5110 cash required. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. Phone, office 1. 553; Sunday, Wal. 1103. FLORENCE BLVD. HOME. $10,000 half cash, balance like rent; 50 a month, Call Colfax 1099 BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $5,000. Located near Thirty-fourth and Ames; close to car and school; rooms all on one floor; oak floors and finish through out: good slzd rooms and very well ar ranged; modern in every respect; about 3 years old; garage, with drive; largo lot: this Is a very beautiful little home; $2,700 rush required. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., BEE BLDG, . TILER 6171. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. CLAIRMONT CROSS ROOF BUNGALOW. Oak finish: just decorated: screened porch, garage, large lot; Immediate possession. Price only $7,250. About $2,660 cash. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME 7 ROOMS $7,850. Exceptionally well constructed bouse with splendid arrangement of all rooms; spacious living and dining room with large, light kitchen adjoining: oak floora and finish: 4 bedrooms and hath up, narrow pine floors and birch finish; floored attic; brick foundation; lot 60 X140; south frontage; large new garage, cement floor; alley entrance: close to Harney car line and Franklin school; built by a contractor for his own home. GUARANTEE REALTY 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171. STH1CT1.T modern, new home for sale i by owner and builder, 6-room and breakfast room, material bought last year, will- cost 80 per cent more to duplicate this home now. Two blocks from 33d street car; terms, $1,000 down. Phone Harney 927 or Harney 2195. 6 ROOMS NEAR 34TH AND FRANKLIN $4,500. Entirely modern and In very good re pair; situated on a corner lot, 60x124; brick foundation; beautiful trees, hedf)S and shrubbery; this is a bargain; let us show you. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 24 BEE BLDG. TYLER 5171. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. DANDY BARGAINS IN SOUTH SIDE HOMES 9-room modern square house equipped for light housekeeping; $1,000 cash. $a0 monthly. , . . 5- room bungalow, modern; oak finish; dandy lot: paved street; garage, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 6- room nearly new bungalow; oak fin ish; paved street; $2,600 cash, balance monthly. 5-room cottage: oak floors; nice lot; , paved street; $1,800 cash, balance monthly. 7- room stucco home; modern except heat; paved street; $2,500; easy terms. 8- room partly modern cottage; newly painted and papered; $2,950; easy terms. 7-room modern home: oak finish; hot water heat; newly decorated; $2,500 cash, balance monthly. WM. N. HILL REAL ESTATE Formerly of Scott & Hill Co. Phone Douglas 4413. 519 Bee Bldg. Field Glub District This unusually attractive, "well-built home consisting of 6 large rooms and sun room, located on a corner lot one block from Park car and convenient to school must be sold. House was built by the present owner for a homo and waa built by day labor. It Is strictly modern and has every convenience you could wish. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Ask us to show this to you. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Douglas 46. 315-17 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 3903 ARBOR STREET 7 ROOMS $1,000 CASH We have just listed this dandy 7 room house with 2 extra large lots. Has good cement basement, city water and sewer. Small barn that can be used for garage. Fine shade trees, 6 cherry trees. Good cistern, large chicken house. oVeurd is well fenced and nicely kept. Thl place has been priced at $3,250 for quick sale. If you will pay $1,000 cash, we can arrange the monthly payments to suit. Call Tyler 50 and ask fcJr Mr. Kruger. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1(14 Rarney St. Phone Tyler 50. $2 750 NEAR 48TH AND Q IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Four-room house with acre of ground all planted. Plenty of cherry and applo trees. Street to be paved soon. Acre adjoining leased and paid. Dandy place for packing house employee. Terms If T A. LOVGREN CO. ' 415 BEE BLDG. Office Douglas 2522. Res. Harney 7078. . HANSCOM PARK -rooni. strictly modern oak finish downstairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs,, full basement, east front, paved street. Price. $6,000. $2,100 cash required. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY, Phones: Office, 1). 563; Sunday, wal. 110.1. FOR SALE BY OWENR 10-room, pressed brick veneer house, strictly modern; hot water heat: oak on first floor, witlt beamed ceilings: large garage; on paved street: newly decorated. This house would cost $16,000 if built today; bar gain at $11,000. Colfax 2450. HANSCOM PARK. 8 rooms, modern, $5,800; Immediate possession: large lot. R. B CLARY CO., 2404-08 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. 2S27 SEWARD. 4-room. new. modern bungalow. $500 cash, balance monthly Crelgh. 508 Bee. Douglas 200. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. $3,600. Harney 6374. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money, Phone Tyler 17. FOR quick results list with Benjamin & rranKenperg. os nee piuk. ""i,'., FIRST-CLASS 45th street. bungalow at 2915 North BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. Miscellaneous. READY TO OCCUPY Brand New 5-Room Strictly Modern Stucco Bungalow ' Five nicely arranged rooms, oak and enamel finish, built-in cup board in kitchen, oak floors throughout, stairway to attic, full cemented basement, laundry con veniences. $500.00 cash, balance easy terms. Call Douglas 4911 days, Tyler 5167 evenings. A COZY NEST In a nice refined neighborhood, near car line, not too far out Is a nifty 6 room bungalow. It Is just ready for oecupancy. Has an attraetlve exterior of Kragstone stueeo. Oak floors and finished completely, modern, comfortable, terms. Carse, a I Doug, ii'ii tla. GRAIN ALCOHOL NEW MOONSHINE PRODUCT HERE Illicit Distilling Is Increasing Throughout State, Prohibi tion Agent for Nebraska Declares. WOMAN CREATES STIR AT MEETING OF DEMOCRATS A low trade of grain alcohol is beincr made in Douglas county and in Nebraska contrary to federal and state law, according to J. ri. Hart ley, federal prohibition officer for Nebraska. Illicit distilling throughout the state is also increasing, Mr. Han ley declared yesterday. "I do not wish to criticize state and county officials," ?aid Mr. Han- ley, but the fact remains that il licit distilling; is being carried on more extensively than ever before m Nebraska. "Our latest difficulty has been dis covered in the manufacture of corn and potato grain alcohol. We have discovered one case where a farmer has converted a machine for cookinr; grain for hogs into a device for manufacturing alcohol. In the future the allotment of al cohol to retail druggists will be based on the quautitv used by each during 1917-18-19, Mr. Hanley an nounced. There arc about 501) licensed druggists in the state, and the average used by each during a vear will be from 25 to 30 gallons, according to Mr. Hanley. Omaha Pastor Is Elected Platte Conference Head Rev. George Dorn, assistant pas tor of the Kountze Memorial Lutheran church, was elected presi dent of the North Platte conference in session at Tekamah, Neb. JJev. C. B. Harman of the Lutheran church of the Redeemer, and Rev. O. D. Baltzly of the Kountze Memorial church, were chosen delegates to the biennial meeting of the United Lutheran church in Washington, D. C, next October. Unable to Locate $5,000 Nebraskan Drew From Bank Los Angeles, Cal., May S. The police reported tonight that neither they nor relatives of H. J. Robbins, retired Nebraska banker who was beaten and strangled to death Mon day night near hjs home in a fash ionable district here, have been able to locate $5,000 he was known to have drawn from a bank last Saturday. Mrs. Barr Says Party Has Chance to Gather Solid Suffrage' Vote. Milwaukee, Wis., May 0. Threat ening the democratic party with the loss of the women's vote in Wiscon sin if the men leaders of the party dared to temporize in any degree with the "wets," Mrs. Clinton M. Barr, state vice chairman of Wiscon sin women democrats, created a stir at the meeting of Wisconsin demo cratic national convention delegates and women this afternoon. "The democratic party now has the opportunity to gather' to it al most the "solid women's vote," said Mrs. Barr. "Even republican women are disgusted at the antics of the republican senate. "But there are things in .he demo cratic party which the women of Wisconsin will not stand for. If you put a plank in the platform at San Francisco which gives light beer and wine or makes other concessions to the wets, the women will not vote for the democratic party." The men comprising the delega tion proper voted to be governed by a majoritv vote on resolutions. Joseph E. Davies, chairman of the delegation, spoke briefly, following Mrs. Barr, and said he was sure the convention at San Francisco would frame a platform that would be sat isfactory to everybody. Dodge County Asks Vote On $1,200,000 Road Bonds Fremont, Neb., May 6. (Special). Farmers of Dodge county have joined citizens of all the principal towns in asking the board of super visors for a bond election of $1,200, 000 for paved roads, the money to be divided among the different townships. In a temporary organ ization to push the bonds, A. B. Robinson was made chairman and Peter Bauer, secretary. Both are from Scribncr. 400 Acres of Land in Stanton County Sells for $100,000 Stanton, Neb.. May 6. (Special.) Four hundred acres of Stanton county land was sold for $100,000. This land is located just north of Clarkson in the southern portion of Stanton county. F. I J. Parr pur chased this land about two years ago from an estate in Chicago at a very reasonable figure." This is the highest price land in a big tract sold in thisv county, $250 an acre for 400 acres. Pisgah, la Pig Club to Be Guests of Omaha Stockmen Tuesday the boys' and girls' pig club of Pisgah, la., will be guests of the Omaha stock yards manage ment. The club will be under the direction of John Laidler of Pisgah. The younir people will be given a lunch at the Exchange buliding and they will be taken on a tour of the stock yards and the, packing plants. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. $450 CASH An unusually neat, well buijt five-room bungalow, finished with oak floors throughout; oak trim in main rooms, other rooms white enameled. Nice lighting fixtures, shades, etc. Full cemented base ment, strictly modern, fine krag stone stucco. Can be handled on terms of $450 cash. Call Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant. $350 DOWN4 If you can pay $350.00 down, I can sell you a brand new four room house with three good lots. An opportunity to get a home on easy terms and it is brand new. Call Walnut 5432 evenings, Doug las 7412 days; ask for Mr. Cole. Seven rooiu,s. cloa to Windsor School, $4,150; easy terms. Five rooms, near Windsor school, $4,750; $2,100 cash, balance. $27. 6n mo. Seven-room, modern. Hanscom Park, oak finish, east front, $6,510.' Seven-room, modern, new. Field club district; $10,000. Easy terms. See us for other well located homes. CONBOY & GREEN NATIONAL GUARD TO GET UNIT OF MACHINE GUNS First Nebraska Regiment Be gins Recruiting for New Outfit in First Battalion Pay Scale Announced. A machine gun company of thf. First Nebraska National guard will be organized in Omaha in addition to the four infantry com panies and regimental medical unit, Amos Thomas, chairman of the guard's organization committee, an nounced vesterday. The six units will comprise the first battalion of the guard and will use the Auditorium as its headquar ters. Federal pay annually for the guardsmen was announced today as follows: First sergeants, $149.50; sergeants, $101.50; corporals, S75.5; cooks, $101.50; mechanics, $75.7j; first class privates, $67.50; privates, $56.25; buglers, $50.25. All equipment and uniforms will be furnished free, which will include a complete outfit of machine Runs and other equipment for the machine gun company. Shook Is Examining Surgeon. Dr. Charles Shook has been ap pointed examining surgeon, and Fhil Risch has been appointed recruiting officer. John Kilmartm, formerly m charge of the recruiting tent, now has charge ot all outside rccruu- The recruiting tent is located nv the airway between the Bee build ing and the city hall. Nebraska Churches Give - $2,000,000 In Big Campaign Nebraska churches have contrib uted more than $2,000,000 to, . the Interchurch World Movement cam paign and hundreds of churches have not yet made reports, accord iag to announcement Wednesday by the state headquarters for the cam paign. Friday will be the last day of the campaign which has been waged by 30 denominations throughout the United States. The national campaign has yield ed a total of $144,176,536. In Doug las county the results credit a total or $74,000, exclusive of the Metho dist Centenary fund of $200,000. Judge Frees Vimy Ridge Hero Upon Promise to Go to Work Leonard Jay of Tlattsmouth, Neb., who served four years in the Canadian army and fought in tnc battle of Vimy ridge, appeared be fore Police Judge Fitzgerald yester day on a charge of vagrancy. He was discharged when friends promised to him a job. Jay returned from France about six months ago after being dis charged from a hospital where he was confined for six months as i result of being gassed. Many Passports Asked By Dodge County Tourists Fremont, Neb., May 5. (Special.) Summer trips to Europe by Dodge county citizens, frequent be fore the war, are to be renewed this summer, requests for passports through the clerk of the district court indicate. Denmark is first in favor of those going back, with Sweden next and then Greece. Organize School Board. Fremont, Neb., May 6. (Special). S. S. Sidner has been elected pres llent of the Board of Education, with D. D. Rowe, vice president and J. R. Donahue, secretary. ' Miss Elizabeth Forster and Mrs. Cather ine Marshall, first women on the board, were not given office. Dousr. 600 341. Telers Trust Har. 4999. Bldff. Web. C1S6. NICE HOMES 6 rooms ; 29 Indiana Ave. $5,250. cash $1,500. 32 Myrtls Ave., T rooms; $11,000 rash; new home. 35 Howard, 8-room modern cash $2,ooo. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 35S6 modern ; modern; 15.500, NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW. Arrangpmrnt Ideal, all rooms large, nearly all oak finish; decorated ; never occupied; !ar$r lot; paving all paid; a pr.ap at 17,150; terms. RASP BROS., ,12 Keeline BUly. Tyler 721. 53 ACRKS CLOSK IN. An improved snap In a nice miburban honip. Close to West Iodge road, whre values are very hlKh. This placo at $500 an acre on terms is a snnp. Call Tyler 4Sli, ask for Mr. Rrowne. BIRKETT & CO. Efi nd Insures. !50Bes Bide. Douglas 633. 1K A 1, KSTATK ANO I X VKSTMK NTS. AMERICAN SRimiTV COMPANY. N. W, COll. iSIll AND tODGL. . iCllO. MEW i$&m ' SERVICE Effective Sunday, May 9th New Train No. 8 CHICAGO LIMITED will leave Omaha at 6:05 P. M. (instead 6:30 P. M.). daily and-Arrive Chicago at 8:05 A. M. New Train No. 7 OMAHA LIMITED will leave Chicago at 6:45 P. M. (instead 6:05 P. M.) daily and arrive Omaha at 8:45 A. M. ' Equipment in these trains includes coaches, sleeping cars and dining cars. Train No. 12 MARION LOCAL will leave Omaha at 7:10 A. M., arriving Marion at 4:30 P. M., and Cedar Rapids at 5:00 P. M. Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway Further Information, and Reservations at Consolidated Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge Street Union Station, 10th and Marcy StreeU W. E. Bock, District Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska F-oBes Fistula Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cores Piles, Kistuls and other Rectal Diseases in short time, without a severe surgical operation. No Chloro form, Ether or other cenersl anesthetic used. A cure guaranteed In ever; case accepted for treatment, and no money to he paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with nsmea and testimonals of mors than 1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR.E.R.TARRY Sanatorium, Dr.R .5 .Johnston Mtdket DUettor, Bse Bldf, Omasa. Nst LI