Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
, ....... 10 ( .Want ad rates ! 'Ca,h w,,h rTjo pir word on day itf-i-er word two consecutive daya y,irr word three consecutive daya &fyr word four consecutive daya a'r word ......... five consecutive days !Orv per word Mven consecutive day and on crnt per word (or each s"yional ,J amnion. ada taken for lew tbao a flital of liu. CHARGE. Wpr lint... n day 2c per Una two consecutive daya 3e per Una three conaecutlva daya Tic per line Heven conaecutlva daya Ijt.DO par Hue thirty conaecutlva daya t'ard of thanks and funeral notlcea lilc p.-r Una each day. These rales apply either to the Dally or fiun. lay live. All advertisements appear In -ooih morning and evening dally pspeis (or the one charge. Contract Kate, on Application. For convenience o( advertisers, want ada will be accepted at the following of fices: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam. A owe Office 441U North 20th tit. Tark Office.. 2615 Leavenworth 8t. Hnulh Slue 3318 N St. Walnut Office git North 40lh SI. L'o. Htuffs Office IS Scott Kt. THE BEE will not bo responsible far more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than on time, niONR TVi.r.B iooo. Evening Editions 15:00 M. Morning Editions 10:30 P. M. ' Bunday Edition 9 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES.- - SI-A RSii Mrs. Kim beloved wife or John It. Marsh, 'f uneral from Cole-McKay Co. parlors. 'JiMn Farnam street. Friday at 10:30 "ft. m. Frlcnils welcome. JUNEJRAL DIRECTORS. STACK ' & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. ,ThJrty-thJrd and Farnam. Harney 84. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS ANU r,..IBA I.M ERS. Tolophon.- Douglas 714 2216 ruining St, HEAFEY & HEAFEY, ' " I'l.d rtakera and F.mbalmers. . Phmrir. Office 2611 Farnam. BRINGING UP FATHER- Maggie and Jigg in Moving Picture! They're a Scream as Uiual! At ft our Favorite Moving Picture Theater. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1920 International News Seine- av: poor DINT lt C FPTAINLT 1 HAVIN" HARD LUCK -y WHAT IN THE WORLD ARC TOO NQ AN INC, AfcOOT? POO Hi 0NTY MOORE HA"b LOST zIERi THIN HE HAD- r I'M tORR TO HEAJ? THfCT HftW Din IT , HAPPEN? ' HE Wi OlO THE BORSLAR) CZT IN HIS HOUtE? no: in Hib CELLAR: sSk (g) i20 T Imti rmual tmnc. Ino. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOKNCl'. Incoiporated. Doug. 1107. Arlington Illk . Omaha. Neb. f'HM, wlNCKLER. discreet, atrlotfy con fidential Investigator; all branches. Harney R 7 f" Tyler 384. i JaMES ALLAN, m Kevllle Blk. Evl-d-nre secured In all cases. Tyler 1 1 3d. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway E x.CldB. Pou t a 5 8 . Night. Col. 465. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, alterations; all kinds of plain sewing. 2018 Davenport St. 701 HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora. Snu'h Ifith St., Pouitlaa 10. NEW LOCATION CROSRT'S NEW Kl'NKRAL HOME, 2IU8 WIRT ST. Awav from nnle of husv KtreetR. PHONE WEHSTER 74. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, ,UNrEHTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 167. FLORlSTS. LEE L. LARM0N IZZT "Illl!y-.JQ!d!i!!Rsi Douglaa 8244. I..' fIender8on,1519 Farnum. f)oUBfaa124S. 50)lN BATH. isth and Farnam; D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERI ES. THE Iniftest display of monnmenta In the United Slatca. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 a. lath. Phon UouKlaa 1S72-52H. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ..lilrths Henry and Anna Ruemplnir. 4121 Koulh Twenly-plchth, bov; Rohert Biid Llllla Syme, hospital, plrl; Julius nnd .Bertha .leiut.-n, T522 Chuilea, Klrl; John and Edna. Mcflulre. 2040 North Sixty third. Blrl; John and Wnlerva Wirhk-kl, 4:.7 Sonih Tliltly-piKhth. irl ; Joseph and Mary Walker, Dl.'t Atla. Rlrl: J. II. and MarKUOillta Karris, North Thlrty- ,tt. Klrl; Anthony and Irma obrrn-ntor hos.illal, hoy; Pan ,unfl Kn'ima ,ovi th hospital, boy. ''P.Hths Robert Russell Ruel. 14. hospital; Charlotte Berklund Ahlstrand 7. 2122 Cnlifornla: Wllllnm Murphy, id, tin. aha, N.-b.; Florem-e L. Burrell. 2;l, ;'.tJ7 Peratur; Leo Kbberloy, f.r., Aetna hotel; Thomas Leemer. SS. :i.11B Mi.inil: Ar.ton Weber. US. hospital; Winifred I'larko, 2, 2-c4 S North Sixtieth avenue; Elizabeth Ellen Norrls. 74, S3S South Twenty-sixth avenue; Saido Moore, 61, 4f'5K North Thirty-fifth. PRESSMAKlNti and alterations, work KUaranteed. Tyler 379. DRESSMAKING Thlldren'a clothea ape- clalty. Harney 7177. PRK8SM A K INO. Itli Caaa. Pour SS1. Dress Suits. FIH.L dress sultea and tuxedos fnr rent. 109 N. Pith St. John Feldtnan. P. 3128. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heatera, 110.60: vacuum clean ers, 137.60: Mnla washing machine. I.alley-Wllsnw Eleetrlo Co.. 1307 Farnam VACUUM cleaners, delvercd, railed for, POe day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co. Call Wen. 1B57 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRnO HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom aulta at 1213; an Adam Period dining suite, at $163; large collection of fine furniture; room aize ruga at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room aultes, at $185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY. Coaner 14th and Dodge Streeta. Opposlet U. P. Headquarters. Omaha, Neb. WE eell new and near-new furniture, stoves and ruga at loweat prices; cash Payments, Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16 BErKTOM suite with large double bed. com mode. Ostemor mattress. Har. 1749. KITCHEN CABINET; must be aeen to be appreciated. Tyler 4843. SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress and day work. Tyler 29S7. LACiS CURTAINS, bundle washing. Web ster 1727. LAUNDRY work; day work. Web. 439S. BUNDLE 6949. washing, soft water. Webster GENERAL cleaning, guarauteed. 4565. Webster HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Canvassers. WANTED Experienced hardware sales man to travel; eastern South Dakota: state your age, experience and salary ex p ected. A ddress Y-1112. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN For household spocialtlea; men with car can make good money, fall and see us and let ua explain. C. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th 8t. CLEANING and Ironing., Webster 4116. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 2219". DAY WORK WANTED. WEBSTER 479. DAY WORK of any kind. Webster 4571. DAYWORK, laundry. Webster 6034. Bundle washing wa-nted. Walnut 2269. GOOD range, soft coal stove, oil heater for sale cheap. Wal. 281. GOOD steel range for sale cheap. Tyler 3455. Call Pianos and Musical Instruments. DRUMS, traps, snarlmbaa. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A Smith. 2761 Davenport St. ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, $1 day. llvered. Colfax 4116. De- HOOVER and other sweepers for rent. De livered. Webster 42BS ELECTRIC vacuum PouKlas 6718. cleaners for renL Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, Send for rlrcular. Redl Co., 2211 Howard. Red 3667. !, wood dr ateel. ill-Made Housing Gas Stoves Connected, UNO ANDY The gaa man. House piping, stoves connected, light transferring. Walnut 2008. Fuel, lights gas stoves. GAS STOVES connected. $2. and connections Rebuilt Harney 1619. GAS stoves connected, Tyler 4439. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned, hats specialty. PAXTON parlors, las 6939. T rehlooked, ladies' straw Masios pros., J520Har'y. 1607'A Farnam. Doug- Hauling. LIGHT haulhiK, any kind, anywhere; sat isfaction guaranteed. Wal. 1154. PAULINO BY ' TYLER 1076. PAY OR CONTRACT. MARRIAGE LICENSES. lewelrv. U1AMUJN D w,,h privllegrto'bu, back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., 402 N. 16th St. Poug.6049 persons were issuoj The followlntr licenses lo wen: ' Roy P. I'alnitag, 23, Fort Crook, and Grace A, Ferguson, 19, Omaha. Floyd Parker. 19, Omaha, and Loretta llenvriu, H, Omaha. Geo. Pavls, 31, Omaha, aiTd Lillie Wells, 33, Omaha. George I. Elmore, 29, Omaha, and Ruth A . linney, 20, Omar.iv. Joseph Ti. Stern. 2'', On. aha, and Emma Jt'ri-nsteln, 20, Omaha. ' Jo'-epli A. HuKlewicz.-27 Omaha, and FiWlfees. I'ivouka, 84, Om.ita. .Milam F. Belch, . jr., 21, Supeiior, Jv'cb. ai.d Hernlce E. Nelson. 21. Omaha. Frank ,T. Miller. 41. Selma. Kun., and IJoiils Routine, 36, Ashland, Neb. , Pavld A. Wilson, 26, Omaha, ar.d Mae llllis. 2S, Omaha. , "Merritt A. Cannon. 24. Omnha. and Nora Uallnnilswortlv. 26, Omaha. Nels Olson, Jr., 21, Fr-mion;, Neb., and Ethel Callahan. IS. Fremont. Neb. W. C. FI.ATAU. Jewelry Established 189 J. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Knalgn Co.. 1607 Howard St. . Lumber and Buildings, t TRY H. M. K EVAN. 54 4 SOUTH 30TH ST. Mattress and Springs. . CITY MATTRESS CO.. Mattresses made over: box springs re paired: 2814 Cuming St.. Harney 7162. Patent Attorneys. BUILDING PERMITS. 3131 Lafayette, Mrs. A. O. CiUStofsen frame and stucco dwelling LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOJS ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele, phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO, Elk's tooth, mounted; name en graved on mounting; also goto waten chain; liberal reward to under. call i Douglas K5-H. Ask for Van Ness. IaiST In or in front of Eldridge Rey f nobis or Browning King, saphlre and pearl crescent shape pin. - Call Red 10U5, 4 Council Bluffs. Reward. LOST Five keys on ring near 24th and 2 N Sts,. or on Crosstown car. Finder please leave at South Side Bee office nnd receive reward. I.OST in Dundee on way to school. Girls' J silver watch, liberal reward If returned . J to 4704 Davenport. Wnlnut 3422. ' LT isT Black Astrahkan fur collar on the J Penson or Farnam street line, downtown. ; Reward. Phone South 11, IB Cost Pink a. pearl FvSo1 ameo brooch, surrounded "lry Cail Webster 6.792. ' Ford rim Ifouglaa X07. and Fisk tire; reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. I WILL not be responsible after this date tfor anv debts contracted by my wife. May Barker, Edward K. Barker, 3908 na.ft .r.cua iivr, iMiiQ. Frank E. Stone, republican candidate atate representative. j PERSONAL. 'HE SALVATION Army Industrial home J aollcts your old clothing, furniture. magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug, 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home MO-1112-1114 Dodge street. pit. HOLEltAN Electro therapy and - ma si HARN tNEY INSTITUTE under old man agement again. 1506 Harney St. Tyler IJiUL J-AT1ENTS to care for in :ny home; elec- trb- bath' and massage. Webster 2911. JlASSAGE Manicuring, 210 N. 17th St.; open until 9 p. in. ANNOUNCEMENTS. EeLL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased ai Rlalto Drug Store. 16th and Douglas Sis.. Omaha. Neb. Accordion Pleating. kcCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box 'pleating, covered buttons, all alzea and I styles; hemstitching, plcot. edgings, eye I let .cut work, button holes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. SOS Brown Blk. Druglaa 1936. Jop N'otch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, . beading, all kinds pleating. Doug $011. , Room ."3. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Podge. t Baggage and Express. ; GEORGE "OSTROM TRANSFER. a Express, moving, live stock hauling. j ?302 Cuming St. Phone Doug 8763. Chiropodists. farrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. D. 1208. Contractors. R. J. RUPEES. Carpenter work: all kinds of new re pair work. Web. 3233. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling 1 done. L. J. Erlckson. Call Walnut-I " 1637. Cleaning and Repairing. HILL'S DRV CLEANING WORKS. J Suits cleaned, pressed, $1.60: sponged, JU&ssed, 60c. Pressing by tSiachlne or viiaitd. Called for, delivered. 2629 Cuming St. Harney 7070. Dancing Academies. 17 "VT PTXTTPhool for Dancing. 2424 JVriLf-rllNIlipgmsm. D. 7850. Claa it' I; dancing at p. m. Monday. Thura da'y, Saturday: rrlvat lessons any time. feATLINE ' CAPPS Artistic dancing, 'Seventeenth and Farnam. Misner School, Patterson Block. Pupil Dennlshawn ''School. Harney 5413. Dentists. Kradkury. Hit pain, iZl W. O. W. B'.i. PATENTS Send sketch or model for preliminary examination: booklet free; patents obtained. Sturgcs & Stiirges, Registered United States Patent Law yers, 328 Bee Ride., Omaha. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell patents. 1716 Dodge St., Omaha A. HOSPE CO. teraynS,nmu.. Pianos for rent $4.00 per month. PIANO, Howard make, walnut finish, ex cellent condition, reasonable. South 1273. TENOR saxaphone Instruction giving sex- tettes for beginners. F. Henery. Ty. 328. VIOLA, beautifully toned Instrument, need the cash. Colfax 3779. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, aold, rented and . repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for Hat. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT on Oliver typewriter three months for $6.00. Oliver Agency, J912 Farnam St.. Douglas 4120. Omaha. Neb. TODD ches'kwiiter. like ship anywhere, Doug. Hldir. new; half price, 7130, 320 Neville ALL Makes Typewriter Co.; 1 2"5 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. all makes.' Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show rases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas Doug. 2724. Miscellaneous. PROGRESSIVE The best everbearing strawberries, $2 per hundred; pansies In bloom, large .-sorted colors, 76c per dozen, or li,..;h, prepaid, $2.50; plant growers over 20 years. We pleryse. Col fax 3909. A. D. Ferguson, Station D, Omaha. Neb. Daywork. colored lady. Webster 1104. DAYWORK wanted. Webster "621 SEWING by day. Call W'ebster 4178. DAY WORK. Webster 4265. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNQ men wanted, between 21 and 30 years of age, for special outside work. Splendid opportunity for those who are ambitious and energetlo to secure per manent positions with early advance ment, "one hundred and five dollars per month to start- Box D-S8. Omaha Bee. ACCOUNTANT, public accounting work, $150-$176; young man. knowledge of bookkeeping, $90-$100; stenographer, puto firm, $150; young man for clerk law department, high school graduate, $!-5-$90; experienced hotel clerk, $125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Bldg. ATTENTION Wanted 100 young to learn Shale Products Industry. Salaries $100-$150. Phone 1. 556:!. Address 116 N. 25th St. POTATOES. JPOTATOES. CAR LOADS OF CERTIFIED STOCK RED RIVER EARLY OHIO; SPECIAL PRICE: FLORENCE GROWERS. EXCHANGE, 8421 N. 30TH ST. PHONE COLFAX 166; FOR SALE 3 Great Western Heaters; good condition: at a bargain If taken at once. G. K. O'Neil, Circulation Dept., Omaha Bee. CONCRETE MIXER. Standard batch mixer, first-class con dition. Can be, seen operating now. Walnut 378. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses Printing. WEDDING announcements ana printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAPERH ANGING, painting. Estimates free, that cost nothing and may save you momy. Tyler 2765, FRED KEEP. Colfax 2701. painting and paperhanging. Wallpaper cleaning. glnalng. PAPER HANGING $7.00 per room and up. Including paper and work. Walnut 49J8J , . TAPERHANGING, quick service, lowest prices. New Stock Paper. Harney 3814. FIRST-CLASS paperhanging, painting. A. Clapp. Douglas 4909. PAPERHANGING. 25o a roll and up. H V. Smith Web. 1249. PAINTING, paperhanging, first class work. Walnut 3604. PAINTING, paperhanging and paperclean ing. Douglas 6322 PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phone Walnut 4567. FOR the best rainting and paper cleaning all Wnlnut zona. PAINTING" ani Walnut 6452. nd paperhanging. Phone PAINTING and paperhanging. Tyler 4302. WALL paper cleaning. W'alnut 797. Phonographs QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, LOWEST PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC., 151H Harney St. Douglas 6839. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades aold. Omaha Razor Sharponirg Co., 1522 Dodge. 103 N. 16. Rug Weaving DEEN Rug Factory Extra high grade rugs made.Douglas 7S9 2. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1433. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS GET OUR FIGURES. Our roofs are our proofs. All work guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. 808 S. 31st St. Harney 2574. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, renalr. ll needls and parts. MICKELS' 16th and Harney. Douglas 17. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Llehen & Son. Omaha. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. .T. 3. Derlght Safe Co. Screen and Repairing SCREENS repaired, put up. Webster 6233. Stationery. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. 307-J S. 17th. Tailors. M. REISER. 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Towe! Supples. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. D. 628. Varnishing, Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floor refinished. waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4821. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning: walls, woodwork cleaned: screens painted, repaired. Col fax 5C9A. WALL paper cleaning. Douglas 538 4. Ole Hofstadter, Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 15th snd Jackson. P. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. DUMP ashes S. W. comer 35tk n4 f(s els. Douglas 4J0, made from your own feathers. and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. summer D. 2467. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, all kinds, 78th and Dodge Sts. J. J. Warta, Phone, week days. Tyler 1348. SET of encyclopedia, also student's refer ence books. Will sell very reasonable. Harney 6918. KINDLING delivered at $3.(0 per load, also some good lumber for sale. Web. 459. FOR SALE 1900 electric washing ma I chine like new. Phone Colfax 1843. DRY CO. KINDLING WOOD. HARNEY 1837. ACME BOX OFFICE manager, $175-8250; bookkeeper, $175-$2O0; draftsman, $175-1200. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED - WAGON HELPERS, g HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STABLE. 15TH AND DAVENPORT. Wanted, Experienced Cabinet Makers sash and door men. Open shop, 8-hour day. Rates upto 80c per hour. The Hallack & Howard Lumber Co., Denver, Colo. , PRINTER All around man to take full charge of new country shop. No ma chine. Will pay highest wages. Will lease, or will take reliable man as work ing partner. Call at room 315, Rome hotel for details. $00 GAL. paint for sale, after 7 p. m. Call Col. 3055 GOOD seed corn. Call Colfax 1688. WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co.. litb and Marcy. Douglas 169. DESKS DESKSDESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 .LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE, First Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. CINDERS WANTED Will pay reasonably for good cinders delivered at 11th and Grace Sts. Call Douglas 6611. WANTED to buy from owner, good 5 or 6-room house. Box K-30. Omaha Bee. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2598 A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. LEWIS & CO., 411 M'CAGUK, BLDG. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situutlon wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines Who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. TRAIN and yardmen; railroad experience, for service In Chicago and Kansas City. Apply to W. F. Theihoff, Burlington Route Ticket Office, 1004 Farnam St. Office open Sunday. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC wishes to drive car will care for repairs etc. for expenses to any point on Pacific coat. References furnished. Box K-14. EXPERIENCED stenographer for perma nent position. Address Box K-16, .Omaha Bte. WANTED Hauling refuse and cinders; manure for sale. Walnut 5293. WHITE man wants window washing and hnusedeanlng Tyler 4277 CEMENT work, basement digging, alaol painting, w coster sbku. HOUSE 6645. cleaning work Call evenings. wanted. Harney HOUSE cleaning Harney 1722 by experienced help. JANITOR wants work Webster 6053. odd days. Call Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of (rood places are always advertised Don't miss them. WOMEN who want daywork call. Afro American Employment Agency, 2522!,i Lake St. Webster 6976. WIDOW wishes position as housekeep.-r, country preferred. Best of references. Box K-21, Omnha Bee. OFFICE cleaning, evenings or day; steady, colored lady; city reference. Calfax 4984. WANTED To care for semi-invalid or el derly person in my home. Colfax 1224. SfcWING by dressmaker, day, experienced 60c hour. Webster colored 1042. Laundry and Day Work. FOR nurses by the hour, or massage, Walnut 4203, or Tyler 4956. call EXPERIENCED colored laundress wishes bundles of all kinds. Webster 1975. LAUNDRY work for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. WASHINGS WANTED livered. Tyler 3357. Called for and de- WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 3 379. CURTAINS laundrled; Webster 6578. work guaranteed. BUNDLE washing. Webster 3565. Experienced laundress. SILK , wshinp W'ettf - 3M wan i nd; experienced DOORKEEPER. $175-$200; bookkeeper. $150; stenographer, $135; shipper, $125; offrce clerk, good penman, $100-$110; stock clerk. $10S; office clefk, $85. 'WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, '1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED, Experienced buffer on cans. Applv at once. ITEN BISCUIT CO. WANTED Twenty salesmen for crow manager. Bankers Investment Trust, 905-6-7 Pioneer Hlrtg,. St. Paul. Minn. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. DON'T PAY FOR A .loB. STENOS.. TYPISTS. CLERKS, WAIT RESSES, MAIDS, FACTORY WORKERS, SEE US. EMPLOYES' FREE LABOR BUREAU, 1907 HARNEY ST. Boys. BRANDEIS STORES WANT AT INTELLIGENT BOY ABOUT 1 TO LEARN WINDOW TRIMMING GOOD POSITION AND GOOD SALARY APPLY DISPLAY MANAGER. BRAN DEIS STORES. WANTED Colored boy as elevator opera- tor. Omaha Athletic Club. 1714 Douglas. BOY WANTED FOR ERRANDS, LIGHT WORK. SEE MR. HAD LEY, BEE ENGRAV ING CO., 104 BEE BLG. BOY to learn photo finishing; good posi tion for right boy. Apply Dean's Studio, 320 South 16th St. BOY to learn photo finishing; good posi tion for right boy. Apply Dean Studio, 320 S. 15th St. WANTED An errarti boy over 16 years old. Apply Morris & Co.. South Side. Miscellaneous. MAN WANTED To Cut and Lay Carpets and Linoleums. Steady Position, Good Salary. H. R. BOWEN CO. Howard Between 15th and 16th, WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS 8 HOURS FER DAY, $100 PER MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. CO. UNION DEPOT WANTED. 25 MEN FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED AT ONCE x-v watch maker and optician. tJood po sition for right man in best town in western Nebraska. Write JIason Spangler. Scottsbluff. Neb. CHAUFFEUR-wants position in private family, drives any make car. Mechan ic. No repair expenses. Reliable. Col ored. Webster 6216. WANTED Four first-class auto me chanics, 80c per hour for nine hours, steady work year around. Smith's Gar age, La Grande, Ore. YOUNG-man to learn furniture finishing, varnishing and rubbing. Good . trade, steady work. L. O. Doup Co., 1301 Nicholas street. ; BARBER wanted at once, $24 guarantee; steady job; wire me at my expense. Henry Fulcomer, Scandia, Kan. BIG demand for burners; call or write for free catalogue. Moler Barber Col lege. 110 S. 14th St. Wanted Boys to assist at soda fountain. Good pay. Beaton Drug Co. Salesmen and Canvassers. SALESMEN Sales manager here for large manufacturing company wants two high grade salesmen to call on grocery trade with staple product for Iowa and.Ne braska territory. Must come highly recommend ed. Call at Wellington Inn. Ask for Mr. Nuness, between 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. WANTED 3 experienced traveling meat salesmen at once. Good salary and expenses. Hausserman Packing Co., Perry, la. LIVE WIRE traveling solicitors wanted by bigr" daily newspaper; regular territory; salary or liberal commission; must have first class reference. Apply in own hand writing. Box G-7, Omaha Bce WANTED High grade solicitors to can vass In Omaha for The Bee, Apply at Bee office: Inquire for Mr. Rook. Y-1U45, Bee. WANTED Young Man To Make and Hang Shades. Permanent Position, Good Salary. H. R. BOWEN CO. Howard Between 15th and 16th. WA.NTE 40 men, 16.75 per day and up. Meady work year around; only men """s sieauy work need apply. Johnston Bros. Clay Works, Clayworks, ,.(Pur mile south of Fort Dodge on M. & St. L ) W ANTED Young man as collector for work In Omaha residence district; sal ary, 18 per week to start. Must fur--nish a small real estate bond. See Mr. Blake, 301 Baird Bldg.. 17th and Douglas streeta anted At once, experienced soda dis penser, steady position. Good pay for first-class man. Apply to Mr. t'helps' Green Room Cafe, Brandels Stores. VtA.MED Married man on farm. to bolrrd itnikd furnished. Emolover to hn4)tH- wm. help. Apply at once. Address Robert n. jiunier, i.oieriflge. Neb. MAIL 1 Jiandlers, C B. & Q. baggage room, 10th and Mason St., good salary and promotion to better positions. WANTED Lineman ami groundmen; steady work. -Henniiigson Engineering Co.. I2th and Harney. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, 95, 9n, $85, ISO, 76. $70 ; comptometer operator, $100; office clerks, 65 J70. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER Beginner considered, If competent. Address Box G-9, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES t i Do you want a permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities for food salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. Til work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benef'ts without cost to employes. No szpeVlence necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS. Employment Secretary. Room 616 New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglas Streets, GIRLS PERMANENCY IS THE THING THAT APPEALS TO THE MODERN, FAR-SIGHTED GIRL WHEN SHE IS IN SEARCH OF EMPLOYMENT. IT ASSURES HER OF THE CHANCE TO ADVANCE TO AN EXECUTIVE PO SITION REQUIRING TACT AND ABILITY. EVERY BUSINESS GIRL HAS ,THE RIGHT TO EXPECT THIS IN RETURN FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY HAS JUST SUCH POSITIONS AND WANT AM BITIOUS GIRLS TO WHOM 'PER MANCY APPEALS. . COME WHOLE BEIsjL. IN AND TALK OVER THE PROPOSITION WITH MISS 318 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING. AMERICAN TELEPHONE GRAPH CO. AND TELE- CHOCOLATE dippers wanted. Candy Co. Tyler 4.143. Zees Bros. COPYHOLDER wanted. Co., 1301 Farnam St. Omaha Printing Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Women to canvass subscrln- tlons for The Omaha Bee In the city and Council Bluffs. Apply at The Bee office, between 8 and 9:30 a. m. or 6 and 6:30 p. m. Inquire for Mr. O'Neil, circulation department. STENOGRAPHER WANTED 175 per month. Apply John McDermott, United States Rubber Co. LADY canvassers for electric Irons and lamps; good proposition. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 16th St. Household and Domestic. WANTED COMPETENT WHITE SECOND MAID FOR DOWNSTAIRS WORK ONLY APPLY, MRS. WARD BURGESS, 122 NO. TWENTY-SECOND ST. WANTED Five experienced packers and truckers. Miller Cereal Mills, 26th and Center streets. YOUNG man, white, for swiiniiiing pool attendant, apply rear door, Omaha Athletic club. FURNITURE finishers and polisheis; steady position. Union Outfitting Co. Wanted At once, kitchenman. Apply , Green Room Cafe, Brand"ls Stores. JANITOR WANTED AT ONCE. BLACKSTONE HOTEL. APPLY COLORED porter for billiard room. Omaha Athletic club. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER WANTED AT ONCE. . Some experience preferred; good salary and permanent position to one qualified. Apply at once BRADLEY, MERRIAM & SMITH 9th and Jones. Phone Tyler 814. STFNOGRAPHER, small office, 90-J100"; stenographer and clerk, beginner, 75; typist, experienced, $S0 to start; comp tometer operator, $80-$85; girl to answer telephone, some clerical work. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business. 76 First National Hank Bldg. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED. Good penman and good at figures. One with knowledge of bookkeeping pre ferred. OMAHA NEWS COMPANY, 15th and Davenport Sts. Doug. 1162. SALESMEN We can use live salesmen with experience in shoe findings or motor supplies. Good territory for right man. All correspondence strictly confidential. References required. Scheffer 6c Uos sura Co., fiU 1'aul, Allno, STENOGRAPHERS. J125, 1110, $100, 90, $85, $75; bookkeeper, $125; steno. and typewriter, $100 ;, typist, $75-$80; office clerk, $75. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER No experience required; good penman preferred. Apply OMAHA NEWS CO.. 15th and Davenport St. Douglas 112. WANTED A young lady, some knowledge as typist, for work in magazine sub scription office typing and clerical work. Must write a fair hand.rSee Mr. Blake or Miss Heaton, G01 --j i-ln an4 iouglas atceelg WANTED Competent maid for general housework, two in famllv, good wages. Mrs Arthur English, 621 No. 38th St. Har 1121. GIRL for general housework; three in family; no laundry. Mrs. F. H. Myers, 1026 South 32d St Harney 2748. COMPETENT maid for general housework; no laundry and good wages.. Mrs. Ralph Peters, 614 S. 4"th St. WANTED (iirl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. S. K. Long, 3511 La fayette. Walnut r.'65. FOR LAUNDRESSES. DAY WOMEN, ETC. LOOK IN THE SITU ATION:OL UMN OF Tn F BEE. COMPETENT cook; references required. Mrs. Adolph Storz, 6425 Dodge. Walnut 960. GIRLfor general housework, 3 in family; good wages. No laundry. W'al. 1827. FOR housework on farm; no objection to woman with small girl. Harney 4252. WANTED Competent second maid; small family. Wages $12. Harney 4042. GIRL to care for children ; also help with second work. Call Harney 61. oIRL or middle-aged woman for general housework. 1904 South 36th. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone Webster 6033. Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERVE CAFETERIA, CITY NAT'L BK. BLDG., BASEMENT. VM:.'V?. j II II r-r HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICINQ AND PACKING DEPARTMENT: GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. GIRLS WANTED FOR CIRCULAR WORK FOR SATURDAY. H. R. BOWEN CO. HOWARD STREET I UTWEEN 15TH AND 16TH. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6692. GIRL as checker; good salary and meals. Omaha Athletic Club, 1714 Douglas. WHITE girls for usherettes at Orpheum theater. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning, strlCHy modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty -Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. STENOGRAPHERS make big salaries; ex pert Instruction in shorthand and type writing. Join new class now. Call Douglas 7774. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 221 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. MUST GET OUT OF BUSINESS ACCOUNT OF POOR HEALTH Dandy grocery and meat market busi ness, good trade, clean stock, good neighborhood. Auto truck and fixtures $1,400. Will Invoice stock. "VVoull consider trade on' strictly modern home. We also have other trades and ex changes. WM. N. HILL Formally of Scott & Hill Co. D. 4413. 519 Bee Bldg. GARAGE FOR SALE Best lociftion In town, on Lincoln high way. Building must be sold with stock. Building $M,500. Stock at wholesale, cost amounting to about $7,000, including fixtures and equipment. Will require about $12,000 to ha die. Will save you $3,000. C. W. Ror.i 11, owner and man ager, Julesburg, Colo. HAVE 1,200 acres in one of parishes In which great Homer fields are located in Louisiana. Want one or two men with $5,000 or $10,000 to form company for p-omotmg. Greatest opportunity of a i.fetlme for riRht party to make for tune in oil game. Address Box K-32. Omaha Bee. HAVE 1.200 acres In one of Parishes In which greaj, Homer fields are located In Louisiana. Want one or two men with $5,000 or $10,000 to form company for promoting. Greatest opportunity of a li'' time for right party to make a for tune in oil game. Address Box K-32. Omaha Bee. INVEST $1 weekly for 10 weeks, possi ble chance to make ii.uou more or less literature free on request; send for information. Janus A. Carlton, Box 676, Fort Worth, Tex. JEWELRY stock and fixtures for salo In Nebraska town of 1.200 population; no competition. Address Y-1109 Bee. roll SALE First-class cafe in good oil town of 3.600. Write for particulars. Box 5 73, (11 enrock. Wyo. OUR business is to buy and sell, your business Quick Service Selling Experta. 514 Brown Bldg. WANTED A good stock of hardware In town not less than 4,000, Y-1113, Omaha BcjV . 20 SHAKES of Alfalfa Butter stock; state best offer In answering. 4764 So. 18th St.. Soutli Side. RESTAURANT for sale; town of 900; 100 miles from Omaha. Y-1110. Omaha Bee. WOMAN to clean tile floor In hospital; come 5 a. m.; 8 hours work: no Sunday work; $75 month and 2 meals: also din ing room girl and diet kitchen girl; good. pay. Y. W. C. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. KITCHEN woman wanted; good pay; short hours. 1013 South 10th St. Doug las V54. Rooming Houses.' 8 ROOMS all modern, well furnished, fine location, close to car line, rooms all full; leaving city reason for selling. Call Harney 0205. ROOMS FOR RE NX. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR P.IO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AN D A D V ERTISERS. 3143 MARCY. Nicely fun.ished room, suitable for two. in pritrfte family Breakfast If desired. Mn preferred. Harney 2607. D2S SOUTliliWfrstK'KKt; three outside rooms, nicely finished; hot and cold running water In each room, for gentle men only. Douglas 6sl 1. running hot and cold wa distance. Brown Apts., Douglas SINGLE rooms, ter, walking 608 No. 21st. 2222 FARNAM ST. Nice, clean sleeping room: under new management; suitable for one or two. ATTRACTIVE room. modern private home. West Farnam district. Box G-72, Omaha Hoc. STRICTLY MODERN Front room, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Haruey 32 7 9. FURNISHED room, private home, for one or two gentlemen, modern. Harney 1321. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two, 626 S. 25th Ave. Call Tyler 128. NICELY furnished front room In private family, near car line. Harney 6057. 1510 S. 24 th St. Two furnished rooms for rent on tar line. Douglas 4711. -Large south room Harney 7116. WOMAN to wash dishes, wanted at once. Green Room Cafe. lirandeis Stores. WAITRESS WANTED. T.a Rue Cafe, 24th and Ames Ave. to assist at soda Beaton Drug Co. GIRL liay. WANTED -Diet kitchen Memorial hospital. fountain; good "maid at Wise SECOND dining room girl. Apply Clark son Hospital. Fl.oorFlAUi wauteO. Ai'ify Clarion UosiUal. 1127BOUTH 316T ST. wish four openings. 2813 DEWEY AVE. One large front room, newly furnished, for couple. NICELY furnlshed room In private family, gentlemen only. Walnut 69. 2116 WIRT Neatly furnished room; mod ern home. Webster 4097. WALKING distance, furnished room for gentlemem Harney 2310. 2566-TFahNEY Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Douglas 1.167 2704 FARNAM Rooms for rent to nice couple. Harney 445S. NICELY fiFrnYthed rooms. 622 So. 19tnT Tyler 1 9 2. . Housekeeping Rooms. TWO-ROOM suite wilh bath, beautifully furnished, one block to car; laundry privileges. Harney 3737 ALL li IDKRN Furnished roomsTor light housekeeping. 2224 No. 19th St. ' fj lol-A LI FO It V I A- STV One" small, real plaant housekeeping room. TWO light housekeeping looms, Aotfgc, i;n ROOMS FOR RENT. Board and Room. ROOM and" board for two gentlemen who can room together; private family. Phone Web. 1604 or rllJrcr. BEAUTIFULLY furnished aoutW room, private family, two gentlemen; break. fust and dinner. Harney 689. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR light, pleasant rooms un furnished 34th and Harney. Heat, light, water and gas fur nished. For further information FOItRKNT Two large unfurnished rooms to suitable parly Call Tfarney 6664. Rooms Wanted. BACHELOR wishes desirable quarters and board In family hotel or private home. Box K-16. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale wllo FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler t2t. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. . EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 1STH ANP DODGE 8T. Two Snd three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4 200. WE HAVE for rent an elegant apartment, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, 3 bedrooms, sun parlor, 2 baths, and mnid's room with bath; with heat; fine location and large pri vate yard; rental $300 a month. Apply V. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Dou glas 6M . 1 Farnam St. Unfurnished. 5-RooM apartment )n one of tho most attractive apartment buildings for Oct. 1 to deslrablo tenant by purchasing one share of stock tn building; no chil dren. Write Box K-29, Omal.n Bee. FOR RENT 4-room brick flat. Itor at 2210 North 21sl. sk Jan- WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED KITCHENETTE AND t ROOMS WITUJN WALKING DIS TANCE, BY 3 GIRLS EMPLOYED. BEST OF REFERENCE. ADDREWS,. BOX G-ll, OMAHA BEE. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses. SEVEN-rooin, modern, apartmenf and garage on West Farnam. $100 per month. Tyler 5171. n. WANTED to rent. .6 to 7-room house, gas, electric, water, south of Leavenworth. Will rav 6 months in advance If reason, able or lease for year. Tyler 4352. 6 OR 6-ROOM modern house. Wal 300 during office hours. WANTED Flat, heat or unheated, good location. Harney 3882. v FOR RENT Business Property. ' Trackage Warehouse For Rent Flve-story and basement brick build ing, 44x132 ft.; equipped with sprinkler system, trackage In alley. If this Is too small will build on adjoining ground. Full particulars on request. DUMONT & CO. 418 Keellno Bldg. Douglas 690. WE HAVE some splendid desk space to rent out to parties not conflicting with our business. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY. 224 Bee Bidg. Tyler 5171. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY andvan CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. ISth and Jackson Sts. Douglaa 28. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storags call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. . MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and' shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO, 06 Rnnth 16th Doug 416J TRY US FIRST American Messenger & Express Douglas 6900. 6901. We do moving of alTkliids. Let us haul your trunks for oulck service. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET u estimate your movinp, parkin anil tor.ipp lins Davpnort Toup 2908. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R Bowen Co Tyler 8400. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO. Heavy hauling, furniture, piano mov ing and live stock hauling. Prompt ef ficient service. Douglas 62T.1. - HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. SALE OF HORSE COLLARS. We have over 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We are selling a regu lar 15 collar for J3.60, a good $7.60 col lar for $6, and $8 collar for $6. Our best heavy dray collars, 18-lnch draft curled hair face that sell regular lor J10 or Jit for IS. ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 1210 Farnam St. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS 1125 values at $85 per set. Including army and war harness; 30 per cent dis count on all harness goods and col lars. Write for free price list. Desk 9. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 No 16th St FOR SALE Twenty head of fine farm horses, mares and mules. Some of mares in foal. All stock guarinteed sound nnd in good condition. Apply at M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B streets fi ef lj6pjm;phoneSouth 475. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings, $2.50 per 100. Wag- oner, 8 0 1 No. 16. Douglas 11 4 2 THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red hatching J?gg? f'rJSJ! for 13. Colfax 3245. REESEli'S poultry remedy for sale at 112 N. lSlh St. Webster 2151. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A SAFE INVESTMENT. , Following Is a partial list of the cars we are showing this week. Every un is covered by our guarantee and subject to uur liberal Service Policy. We ca l afford to sufeguard you from every rik because we have perfect confidence In every car we offer. Hudson Super Six Touring. Hudson Super Six Four Passenger. Hudson Super Six Sedan. Essex Demonstrator. Dodge Touring. Ford 1919 Sedan. Ford Touring. Huh k Roadster. Stutlebaker 1919 Lignt Six. Premier Roadster.' And several other good cars. Call Douglas 1970 for Information. Wi will show any car at any time, Oul policy ia "Service First." BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A SAFE INVESTMENT. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD-DRIVE YOURSELF ECONOMICAL AUTO- IT THE MOST MUblLINO; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW,1 A-l CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 166 DAYS. 1814 HOWARD 8T REST. DOUQ. H. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. , We have several rebuilt and refinished Hudsone In closed and touring models; eicepuonsl values; .terms if desired. GUY LSMITH, Romheastirntrj)jr2hand Farnam. FOR SALE Cheap, 7 .passenger PachariL ial class condition, ilarnc 419,