Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Submit Statements Showing
Boost Is Absolute Necessity '
to Meet the Present Oper
ating Expenses.
, Chirare Tribune-Omaha Rm Leaaed Wire.
Washington, May 5 The railroads
of the country submitted to the In
terstate Commerce commission yes
terday statements showing the
amount of additional revenue need
ed to meet increased operating costs
and to adjust their income to the
o per cent -income basis provided
in the new transportation act. The
requirements, they estimated, will
me'an a 28 per cent increase in
feight rates, yielding $1,017,000,000
a year.
The carriers show that while the
.basis of operating expenses diie to
higher wages and increased prices
of material and fuel has advanced
about 100 per cent, their revenue
basis has increased less than 40
per cent, and that it will require
now to restore the relation between
revenues and expenses, an increase
of 20 per cent.
Passenger Rates Exempt
The railroads suggest to the com
mission that the additional revenue
be gained from freight traffic, leav
ing passenger rates at the present
level. To provide these increases
to total revenues without disturb
ing passenger ratas, the carriers es
timate they will require an average
increase in freight rates of about
28 per cent.
Railroads in eastern territory es
. timate the ne'ed of an increase in
all revenues of 21.1 per cent or 30.4
per cent in freight rates. Southern
railroads propose to advance freight
rates by 30.9 per cent to provide
20.7 per cent larger revenues. The
needed freight advance in the west
is put at 23.9 per cent to increase
all revenues by 17 per cent.
The carriers show that their net
income in 1916 was $1,056,000,000,
and that in 1919 it fell to $510,000,000,
notwithstanding an increased "invest
ment in these three years of mors
than $2,000,000,000. But, the carriers
point out, if the present level of
costs has been in operation through
out 1919 the year's net would have
been only $220,000,000, or a litt!c
more than 1 per cent on their prop
erty investment of $20,616,000,000.
Daniel Willard, president of the
Baltimore and Ohio, chairman of the
railroad executives' rite committee
for the eastern territory, presented
to the commission a statement of the
situation of the eastern roads, in
which he estimated they need $544.
000,000 additional .revenues to re
rtore the relation of revenues to ex
penses, and to adjust ther income to
6 per cent.
Provides 6 Per Cent Return.
The transportation act provides
for a return of 54 to 6 per cent on
the value of the railroads. Mr. Wil
lard states that the property invest
ment of the eastern carriers is $9,
368,698,000, on which 6 per cent
tober 31, 1919, with adjustments to
present costs, show a net income of
only $18,003,000, leaving a deficit of
$544,113000 to be made up. This
amount equals 30.43 per cent on the
freight revenues.
the earnings of the year ending Oc
would amouiit to $562,121,000. But
"The estimated aggregate annual
net railway operating income," says
Mr. Willard, "is related to the ag
gregate property investment account
in the belief that as an aggregate
amount this account is not exces
sive, but more probably the mini
mum, as representing true value, and
further because it is the only esti
mate of aggregate value practically
available at this time, just as it was
the only estimate of value available
to congress when it prescribed the
percent, ge on aggregate value that
should be taken as a fair return f r
the two years beginning March 1,
- 1920. The ' commission will, of
course, make use of any other data
it may find available."
Kentucky Democrats
Elect Women Delegates
Louisville, Ky., May 5. Eight
delegates, including three women,
to the democratic national conven
tion, ech with a half vote, were
' elected by the democratic state con
vention. Johnson N. Camden of
Versailles was elected national com
mitteeman from Kentucky, succeed
ing Gen. W. B. Haldeman, resigned.
Alcohol and Carbolic
Acid Cocktail Gets
Goat of Chicago Judge
Cblcac Trlbunc-Omah Be Leaeed Wire.
Chicago, May 5. -Justice Boyer
and court attendants in Evanston
leaned ' ack in their chairs and
looked at Thomas Russell in awe,
mixed with considerable admiration.
He had been brought in on a charg:
of intoxication and it was such a
complete, thorough and satisfactory
souse that the court desired to know
more about it.
"What did you have to drink that
produced this remarkable effect?" he
asked Russell.
"Half a quart of alcohol, mixed
with carbolic acid."
"Mixed with wh-a-h-t," gasped the
"Carbolic acid," was the calm re
ply. , "They say a quart will kill a
man, but a half-quart only made me
feel good. It is fine stuff, your
honor." "?
The c urt was minded to give the
defendant the Memphis test to sc
if his ' eath would burn a hale
through cloth or paper, but decide!
to plaster him with a fine of $25 and
costs and study his case further.
Delay of High Court
Holding Back Work of
Federal Farm Banks
Washington, May 5. Federal
farm loan officials in conference here
have found no way to avoid a sum
mer of inactivity in loaning opera
tions. The sessions, which were
practically concluded Tuesday night,
brought convincing-evidence, mem
bers saiJ, that-no further new busi
ness cot Id be handled until the su
preme court had passed cm the
validity of the farm loan act.
Despite the fact that the 12 land
banks have borrjwed approximately
$16,000,000 -from private banks to
loan, mre than $70,000,000 ;.i appli
cations for loans have accur ulatd.
In going into the open market (or
funds the banks are losing one-half
of 1 per cent interest, the govern
ment rate being S'j per cent and the
private rate 6 per cent. '
To offset this loss, however, the
net income of the 12 banks have
averaged $240,000 monthly since the
first of the year.
More Bakers Join Strike.
Vancouver, B. C. May 5. Union
bakers of Victoria have walked out
adding their number to bakers al
ready on strike in Vancouver, Seat
tle and Portland it was announced
at the labor temple here. The pre
diction was made that the entire
coasts will be affected before the
r.trike was over.
Massachusetts Senator Will
Deliver Keynote Address at
. Republican Meeting No
Contest Anticipated.
Washington, May 5. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts is to be
temporary chairman of the republic
an national convention at Chicago
and will deliver the keynote speech,
according to republican leaders in
congress who have conferred re
cently with Chairman Hays of the
republican national committee.
Republicans in congress are said
to have been virtually unanimous in
urging the selection of Senator
Lodge by the committee on ar
rangements which will meet at Chi
cago May 10. Ko contest over the
chairmanship is anticipated .al
though some friends of Senator Hi
ram Johnson have been urging sub
stitution of Senator Borah of Idaho,
and reports have reached here that
former -Senator Beveridge of Indi
ana also aspired to the chairman
ship. Republican platform pronounce
ments will be considered here May
23,' by the general platform commit
tee appointed by Chairman Hays.
Many questionnaires on paranjount
issues have been tr"ed in by the
platform committee, and others. At
the conference here it is expected
to outline some of the general prin
ciples, at least, to be recommended
. II women
rould onl take
. Nuxated Iron when ther X 1
I . . t I A .
Ittf wcaa. rundown, iitcb 7.
Antwhen the ara nale. Her "
vouind baitird -there are thoa
eandi who might readily build up
their red corpuscles, become ro
cheeked, strong and healthy ana
be much more attractive in every
wiy. When the iron goes from the
blood ol women, the healthy glow
e( youth leavea their skin and their
Charm and vivacity depart A two
weeks course oi Nuxated Iron
works wonders in many cases. ,
Satisfaction guaranteed or
jBoney reiunoeo. ni au yj
V gooddruggita.. ."X
Don't Wait Until You
Have Foot Troubles
Will Prevent Them
However, if your feet now are troubling you,
you can relieve them by wearing Arch Pre
server Shoes. They give your foot arches
the support they need; you do not have to
wear heavy metal arch braces inside your
shoes, nor have the soles built N up with
wedges when wearing these shoes.
Black and Brown Kid and White
Cloth high ahoea, Black and
Brown Kid Ozforda. High or low
heals, round or pointed toe.
Sizes 2 to 10
Widths AAAA to E
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Street
Mail Orders Solicited Parcel Post Paid
the sanitary, heel-prod; washable hardwood grain
effect applied over old. dirty, softwood or previously
painted FLOORS by the Chi-Namel Graining Process.
A factory expert will demonstrate these beautiful Chi-Namel hard
wood grains, exquisite colors and brilliant finishes, over old scratched
woodwork, doors and table tops as well
1 Sl FREE cent
I l' jgy, " 4 MHWdwtwe with pmtbastif2S tat
I 1 FVrT K Brush it msrt at Fiir Diet
U T rK2: 1VJL & sons co. AVI 1515 harney sx
I I II I I ; Hardware and Kitchenware . I
( . - - -
Fill out and bring to this.
Ttore any day
1 i
1 1
. 1
The Rogers
to the Chicago committee on resolu
tions. Although May 23 also has been
set aside for a meeting of the repub
lican national committee at Chicago
to take up the contests of delegates
from a number of slates, Chairman
Hays was urged while here this
week to postpone the ' meeting.
Prominent republicans said they felt
confident the meeting would be put
over until about June 1. In urging
postponement, the republican lead
ers told Mr. Hays that several sen
ators on the national committee and
others who desire to attend, prob
ably would be held here during the
week of May 23 by the peace resolu
tion and important legislation . ,
Chicago Broker Held on
Fraud Charge in New York
New York, May 5. Theodore
Frey of Chicago, a stock broker,
was held on $5,000 bail to await the
action of the grand jury on a charge
of defrauding his clients. Assistant
District Attorney Kilroe told the
court that Frey is also wanted in
Los Angeles and that the amount
involved in the alleged frauds is apt
proximately $100,000. Three com
plainants have filed charges against
the broker here.
Alfred Robles Dominguez Will
Be Named Successor Un
der Agreement Reached
By Various Factions.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Laad Wire.
Washington, May 5. President
Carranza is to be ousted on May 15
and Alfredo Rubles Dpmingues will
be chosen president pro tempore of
Mexico under an agreement just
reached by the various factions, ac
cording to private advices received
in Washington from authentic
sources across the border. .
No formal ultimatum has been
served on Carranza, it is understood,
but all of the various factional lead
ers have decided to unite and bring
sufficient pressure to bear upon Car
ranza to force his abdication. These
factions, if harmony prevails, will
have abundant strength to depose
Carranza, it is believed here. Car
ranza, it is said, has already seen the
handwriting 041 the wall and has
prepared an avenue for hasty exit
when the crash comes.
The prospective overthrow of Car
ranza will not be attended by the
violence and bloodshed customary
in Mexican 'changes of administration,-
it is said, for the reason that
Carranza's supporters are deserting
him so rapidly that he will not be
able to, make much resistance when
the insurgent lines begin to tighten
around him.
Gen. Pabio Gonzales, regarded by
Carranza as his staunchest supporter,
has joined in the revolution, ac
cording to advices through official
channels. He was a few miles east
of the Mexican capital Monday in
command of two regiments of fed
eral troops and had severed both
railway lines extending to Vera
Poland and Ukrania Agree.
Cppcnhagcn, May 5. A dispatch
to the Berlingske Tidcndc from
Koven, quotes the newspaper
Sevodnia, as saying that Poland, in
addition to its understanding with
Ukrania, has arrived at a secret
agreement with Finland.
Oppose U. S. Operation
Of Merchant Vessels
Washington, May 5. Permanent
government ownership and opera
tion of American merchant vessels,
"except as a last resort" was op
posed in a report submitted to tha
senate by the senate commerce coith
mittec, which presented as a stibsti
tute for the house bill, a measure,
under which the vlist tonnage accu
nuilatcd during the war is to be dis
posed of by the shipping hoard.
A A ... ... A A A A AAj
TttTTttT fT T l V
Introduced by "Bayer" to Physicians in 1900
You want genuine Aspirin the
Aspirin prescribed by physicians
for nineteen years. The name
"Bayer" means the true, world
famous Aspirin, proved safe by
millions of people. '
Each unbroken package of
"Bayer Tabletsof Aspirin" con
tains proper directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism,
Neuritis and for Tain .generally.
Always say "Bayer" when buy
ing Aspirin. Then look for the
safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack
age and on tile tablets.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tab
lets cost "but a few cents. Drug
gists also sell larger packages.
T 1
Aigitio ii irs4c aitrk of Barer Minulictire Monoiceticacidcitct ol Slicrlicici4
Sale of Men's Clothing now
in progress.
a 1 aa fL.;. i
1 Annual may nnne aaie
begins Monday, May 10.
Yams f,Z New Sweater
Continuing for Thursday
Sale of Suits 4
yL Price
Strictly tailored, semi-tailored, blouse and
ripple effects and other wanted styles of the
season are offered in this group of suits of
Blouses to Embroider Men's Wear Serge Poiret Twill
Fine Twills Tricotine Mannish Serge
We carry a complete assortment of yarns for filet
and knitted sweaters and scarfs. '
Free Instructions
By competent teachers every y from 9 to 6 o'clock.
Make Your Own Lamp Shade
With the help of our competent instructor. We carry
a complete line of lamp shade, silks, fringes, braids, and
other trimmings.
Voile blouses and smocks stamped for silk or yarn
embroidery white, navy, brown and apricot, $2.75 to
Third Floor
By far the most unusual values presented
this season.
Smart Pumps to Meet
Every Need
The New French Vamp
"Frenchy," the new pump designed exclusively for
us, is very attractive in either satin, suede or dull mat
kid. It has hand-turned soles and Louis heels, and is
made with ttie new-short vamp that is so out of the
Special for Thursday, $11&5
Second Floor
Three Hour Sale.J to 12 A.M.
Children's Wash Dresses
There are clever little styles of pretty plaid and striped ging
ham, collars and cuffs of contrasting colors, also plain colors of
chambray and Peter Pan material; dresses suitable for school or
play wear. Sizes range from 6 to 14.
Junior Ppt. Second Floor
New Narrow -
For Suits and Coals
An extensive showing in our
Leather Goods Section of new
belts in black, brown, tan, gray
and white, also novelty color
combinations; very reasonably
priced, 35c to $1.50 each.
Main Floor
ThursdayA Sale of Over 1,000
House Dresses
Splendidly made of fine quality
mi Percales
In Plaids, Stripes, Checks and
Solid Colors
Trimmed in contrasting colors ; sizes
14, 16, 18, 34 to 44.
An opportunity to secure a beauti
ful and practical house dress at an ex
tremely low price. Priced, at
$3.45 - $5.45
Second Floor
Thursday is the Last Day
of Our
Great Blouse Sale
Our entire stock is greatly reduced and we have repriced the remaining stock
for quick selling.
For Thursday We Feature Two Great Groups
$1.35 and $2.65
f Just the kind of blouses -every one needs several of and at much less than the
price you expect to pay.
There are voiles batiste, dimity organdie blouses,
lored, others lace and embroidery trimmed.
Second Floor
Some are plain tai-
Here You Will Find the Needed
Lawn and Garden Tools
Specially Priced Thursday
Spading Fork
Spading Fork; 4-tinc, malleable
steel blades, D-handle, 89c.
Spading Fork : 4-tine ; the best qual
ity handle, bronze finish, $2.19.
Floral Sets
Floral Sets; bronze finish; 3-piece; sets consist
of heavy steel spade, 6-tooth steel rake and solid
shank steel hoe; the 3-piece set, $1.75.
Garden Rakes -
Garden Rakes; made of malleable iron; blue fin
ish; straight teeth; 14 -prong, 55c.
Lawn Rakes; made of heavy tinned wire; 24-
tooth; long handle, 69c.
Garden Hoes
Garden Hoes; polished steel blades;
blued finish; has long handle; assort
ed sizes, 39c '
Downataira Stora 4
Paints and Varnishes
Patton's Sunproof Paints For inside or outside use, gal. $5.25
Princess Floor Paint Dries over night, quart can . . . . . .$1.10
Screen Paint Black, quart can 59c
Floor Varnish Good, hard durable varnish, will not mar,
dries over night, quart can $1.00
Sapolin White Enamel, pint can 55c
Sapolin Gold Glaze, can , ...35c
Kalkomo Sanitary Wall Finish, 5-lb. package 60c
Johnson's Cleaner for Floors, Autos, etc., can 29c
Johnson's Liquid Wax, pint bottle 69c
Varnish Brush, black bristles, IVi-inch size 19c
Varnish Brush, set in rubber, black bristles, 2-in. size 45c
Waxing Brush and Wax Johnson's waxing brush and pint
can Johnson's Wax, the outfit .' $2.39
Smoky City Wall Paper Cleaner, can 10c
Pitcairn Colored Varnishes, pint can .- $1.00
Downataira Store
- j . .
Here You Will Find the Needed
Lawn arid Garden Tools
Specially Priced Thursday
' Lawn Mowers
' Dundee Ball-Bcarinrr Lawn Mnw-
crs; 9-inch wheel, 4 cutting blades,
self sharpening
14-inch size $ 9.95
Ifi-inch rWo tin Kn
Lawn Mowers; Fendcn lawn '$5
fflnil'Pl1 Vina 4ni-.-inV. wKoota Knll.
bearing, fully guaranteed; 16-inch size, $17.95.
Window Boxes
Wood Window Boxes; made of heavy stock;
. painted green
18-inch size .69c 30-inch size $1.19
24-inch size $1.00 48-inch size $1.49
Rubber Hose
Molded Garden Hose; plain or
corrugated; guaranteed; coupling
furnished free; -ineh size; foot,
18c; H-inch size, foot 17c.
Ruhher Hose; 4-ply, -inch;
guaranteed; 50-foot lengths, com
plete with coupling, $6.50.
Dovmataira Stora
.,.. - A .,-