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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
L. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920. la AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. - Accessories. U-VOLT battery and six-volt battery tor Ml. Amti Game. 4123 Mo. 24th. Col- m fax tit. Motorcycles and Bicycles. bxRI.EY . d"av;d80nmotorctcle& Bargains In used machines. Viitor H. Root, the motorcycle man. 37th and . Leavenworth 8t. ABIE THE AGENT With Abie It Pays "Not to Advertise" Drawn for The Bee by Herichfeld Copyright. 1920 International Ftsture Senlee. In. FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. WRITE; u for description of fruit, stock and grain farms in our wonoeriui coun try. Shermer & Fields, Stloam Springs, ArK. "1 Coiorado Lands. "BEST LANDS" I bouaht rliht and will aril you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres or too peat wneat ana corn lana in ast Colorado. Writ for tacts, now. 8ee- sur crops. Inveatigate. i R. T. Cllna, Owner. . Brandon Cole, Iowa Lands. AVE OWN and control several good farma In Iowa. We Kill sell these farms nn easy turrai or accept other property In exchange as part pay. Liberal commis sions to agents. Submit what you have to offer.- E. V. Lucey & Co., Storm Lake, Kansas Lands. kEMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchaser; over 2,600 acres In wheat; send for cur Hat. ,. FELT.ON & WEST, THE Kendall Land Company owns and controls 30.000 acres In the famous Thomas county, Kansas, wheat district. Write for folder. KENDALL LAND COMPANY. . COLBV, KAN. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" !"0 acres well Improved, large orchard, good water, clone to school and town, 13,000; 1500 will handle. Hop on cars, tome to see It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. ; Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED FARMS in southern Minnesota . J t real bargains. Come and be convinced. tpend for our new list. New Richland Land A Loan Co., New Richland. Minn. New York Lands. FARMS FOR SALE. New York farms, near Buffalo; won derful farming opportunities; rich, pro ductive dark loam 'soal; ideal alfalfa, wheat, corn, potato, benn land; nice buildings; atocl.. tools, crops Included; prices 450 to $1.'' per acre; western farmers making thousands of dollars purchasing here, Cutaiog containing valuable information atid descriptions "75 ample Kami Bargains" mailed free. Bend Immediately Buffalo Farm Ex change, Buffalo. N. ". Nebraska Lands. 640 Acres 640 Rock County ' ! At Auction Monday, May 10th 2 P. M. On the above date under cover, In Bassett, Neb., we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of price tho following described real estate locHted 30 miles southeast of Bassctf: The West Hart of Sec. 37 and the East Half of Sec. 28. T. 26, H. 17, West of trie 6th P. M.. Rock County, Neb., containing 610 acres more or less according to government survey. Terms of sale, 20 per cent of the purchase price I cash day of sale, SO per cent June 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Owner will carry remainder of purchase price for a period of three years to be secured by a first mortgage on the above 'described land bearing Interest at tho rate of 7 per cent payable annually. Good und sufficient abstract of title to gether with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. 20 acres under cultivation; about 200 acres more could be broken and profitably farmed; balance pasture, well grassed. Land lies level to gently rolling. Black sandy loam soil. For further information ad- nress isenrastva ieaii..v rt.ucuuti . '.-....t i-Mt..- Vah . Murlr I'nrmher. ' Auctioneer, M. A. Larson, Manager, Geo. M. S Lclnlnger, Sutton, Neb., Owner. 4,000 ACRES. Northeast corner Bog Butte County. it nor cent hest of farm land. Rose bud silt loam soil, a snr.p at (25 an fvHnftS out ,ru wp1.c;e NK. Woo To W WFTV BOCKS? Ko, Wt Yo f 1 ltJii(' urL,-1 Jef Nutwxe SonACTotv pro&raca fae vjouu mSwubS wto! so-vve jcr -rotter ?! NouRs.r r 3r fcouAW rW i "bour toWX M VJJYH N PKGC REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE hnvo served the Omaha public in buying and selling real estate for over 86 years. Ws have many calls now for homes. 'List your property witn us. w will serve you to your best Interests. McCague ' Investment. Co TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 49S. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bes Bldg. To buv or cell Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WB HAVE ccsh buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 mm Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1111, REAL TESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON St Patterson Blk. Doug. 8566. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN A CO. . 74S Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON fnisfmeni 314 Brown Block. Doug. 5261. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED. Acreage. ANOTHER ACREAGE i A stunning buy of two acres, facing on two streets and a fine garden spot. All ready to plant, plowed and har rowed; 80 bearing fruit trees; dandy big chicken house and yard and also engine house and cement floor garage; build ings all electric lighted. House is 3 years old and is a bungalow with beau tiful south front. Is modern except gas and city water. Full basement; In dandy shape. Price for quick sale is 36,000. Make us nn flffor of terms. SHOPEN & CO. DoukIhs 4228. Keeltne Bldg. LOT In MiniiH Luh. addition, 63-foot frontage, near park; priced right. Call Norall, Douglas 974 or Harney 6156. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WELL LOCATED APARTMENT Or four-famly home, two seven-room and two eight-room houses, each with sleeping porch and maid's apartment. Beautlfuly finished, streets and alley paved. Will guarantee 33.000 net In come. Priced right for cash sale. If Interested Bee us for particulars and appointment. 442 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 2000 acre. .? S. S. andR. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUNVY LAND Writ us for list before looking elss whera. FELTON & WEST, SOT Crounse Bldg. Opposite P. O. Phone Tylr 64. WAKE UP Best west. Just coming to Itself. Hayes and Hitchcock counties improved and unimproved wheat, corn and alfalfa lands. Box 23, PaliEade,Ncb. " CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER. For Ntb. Farms and Ranches ses Graham-Peter Realty Co., ? umaha Nat'l Bk. Bids.. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. Wisconsin Lands. VOn SALE 160-acre farm. 100 acres cleared; new house and barn: all kinds of machinery, Including ft milking ma chine; 21 cows, young stock; chickens, hogs and 4 horses, close to town; best ' territory in the state of Wisconsin. Price only 3165 per acre, worth 3200. Write to Jacob Knpitz, Millailore. Wis. Wyoming Lands. BOLD1ERS 640-acre homesteads; seven months resldcnceJ Duff. Casper. Wyo. Ware House or Factory Fireproof, 20,000 Bnare feet. Ground 132x132 feet, on track, corner, close to freight depots, paved streets. Can give bargain price. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. Douglas 1533. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot in wholesale district. Possession if wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 41 Keellne Bldg: rhone Doug. 390. 1ST MORTGAGE, second mortgage and contract for sale at a discount. 7 per cent interest. D. 4413. 619 Bee Bids;. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, . Real Estate. Investments. Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1S36. 333 Securities Bldg. NEARLY new duplex brick flat, close In; oak finish, $10,000; Income, 31.080. Call days, Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A beautiful residence In Denver Colo, Built of whiro pressed brick, 10 rooms, sleeping porch, full basement, modern In every wny. Finished in oak, stands on four lots; fine lawn and shade, splendid double garage. Street car at door. Country club resi dence district, none better. Would ex change for Improved land In Colorado, Kansas or Nebraska, or good Income building In some good town. . Price, 322,00(1. Eight or nine thousand on residence on easy terms. Harlan Burge, llravity. Ia.4 ' FARM LANDS and acreage close to Oma ha and Council Bluffs for sale or ex change. Apartments and city property to exchange for farm lands. Good bakery, central , Nebraska town of 1,000. for sale or exchange fr pool hall or picture snow. WM. N. HILL, Real Estate, D-4113 51 Bee Bldg. Formerly of Scott it nut to. Miscellaneous. JY.RMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and small, In Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas. Write Forman, No. 317 In ternational Life Bldg., St. Louis. Mo., for free list. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. 3A 1 : V, V I FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 528 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Cm. Nat. Bk Bldg. Dou. 2715. Oil Leases. C OIL LEASES Big money for you in oil leases; present high prices of oil stimulating I . .iftyolopment : sal nivesmiiifc ,u ai orns possible; have some splendid ' .... i Vai Mlin Tp,a, And Other fields for sale cheap it bought now; wells going down now in all fields and the bringing In of a well near your acreage makes possible 100 for 1 on your Investment. Act quick it you want in on ground floor. P. C. Wreath. 914 Grand Ave. Temple. Kansas City. Mo. OIL LEASE FOR SALE. Five-year commercial oil leases. Ten sores and 'up: 350 per acre four miles from well; 330 per acre, six miles from well. . .... Act quick If you want a lease at this price. Eight wells now drilling here. Oil In McDonald No. 1 at 1965 feet. Ab stract furnished. Write for Information. You cannot afford to miss this buy now before price advances. T. B. Davis, Heal Estate, Oil Leases, T. O. Box 544, Big Springs. Tex. . Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Certificate of deposit $5,600, runs 7 months 4 per cent. Will discount to net 6 per centt give name and tele phone If interested. Box K-19 Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. IS-. rf , f , 2 i s At ft .T fit .St . Mf is. v. ""DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS, rawest rates. Private loan booth Harry Malashoek, 1514 Dodge. D. 5619. Es. 1894 PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 310.000 made promptly, r D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18tB St. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. ROMPT service, rt-csonable rates, private money Garvin Bros,.. 345 Omaha Nat'l. X. E. BUCK. Loans 443 Omata Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST today, sell tomorrow, our motto. Wa have parties to buy houses of five to eight rooms. See us or call WM. N. HILL, REAL ESTATE. Formerly of Scott Hill Co., 619 Bee Bldg. clxAVB Inquiries for good homes in good fi locations. Do you want to sell your I - property? List It with C. A. Grim- ,ne. 49 Omaha Xst'l Bk. Bldg. ft' ANT to buy 7 to 10-room house ; not over ! blocks west of 16th and Farnam: .will Pv 31,rn cash, balance monthly. Owners can Tyler 2"22. UVANTED TO BL'Y From owner. 5 to 7 room house, on payments. Web. 4150. FOCR good business lots facing 16th St., for apartments or stores. House in Bea atrice. Neb., 10-room. modern; 160 acres land in Brown county, Neb., and ona 7-passenger Kissel Car. Will exchange, for good Iowa or Nebraska land or Improved" property in Omaha. Write S12 North 35th. St., Omaha, Neb. Phone. Harney 2195. BEAUTIFUL larga hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Cbangstrom. 2020 Far nam stree. IMPROVED 60-acre farm, 20 miles from Omaha, to trade for Omaha residence, prefer bungalow. ' Address 406 McCague Bldg., or plionSj Douglas 4596. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson Six rooms, big corner lot 64x100, water and lights. Only $600 to handle. H. 4996 evening. Dg. 3932 days. ' Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 3-acre farm with 6-room house; cement basement; city water; $3,500 rash. 3440 Avenue J. Council Bluffs, la. ; Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOWS 48(14 Webster street. 5-room bungalow, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and tiled batn. . Full cement basement; furnace heat; read v for occupancy about May 1; price, $7,250. 5022 Nicholas street. 6-room bungalow, located on south front lot; three rooms first floor, three bedrooms and bath second floor; mahogany and white . enamel first floor, pine second, furnace heat; price,. $8,000. 1102 North 49th street. Kellastone con struction, bungalow type, living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen first floor; two bedrooms and bath second floor; oak and whita enamel finish; oak floors throughout; furnace heat; street to be paved this spring: price, $9,000. . GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. 902 rnv Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3024. DUNDEE STUCCO ; 5106 IZARD STREET South front; living room Is large and sunny, dining room, sun room and kitchen form a most compact, conven ient and attractive unit; bedrooms large and cheerful: ample closet space; at tractive fireplace and bookcases in liv ing room; also fireplace on second floor; oak and white enamel finish. 'Price 31. 500; terms 36,500 cash, balance op tional. 6 or 10 years. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. Tyler S024. 9"2 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. DUNDEE New 5-room, Kellastone bunga low; beautiful oak finish; oak floors throughout; built-in book cases and colonnades, also built-in cabinet in kitchen. Bath and kitchen floors are tiled. Base tub and pedstal lavatory. One-piece sink and drain board in kitchen. Fixtures and shades left to your own selection. Hardware is bronze. A beautiful new, well built home in a fine location and surrounded by new homes. Can sell for $1,500 down, 'balance monthly. Call Mr.. Cole at Doug las 7412 days or Col. 5432 evenings. Best Buy in Dundee Seven rooms with sun room, in excellent condition; nicely deco rated. Handy location, near car line. Quick possession and the price is only $7,800: paving all paid. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, 918-20 City National. Doug. 2S50. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE BUNGALOW 6 rooms, 3 downstairs, finished In oak; 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, white enamel finish; Ion paved street. Bargain fo r$ 6,500. Call Walnut X12 for detail s. DUNDEE Modem 7-room home for sale by owner. Walnut 1621. DUNDEE HOME Immediate possession, 7-rooin stucco, hot water heat, oak finish first floor, oak floors throughout; 2-car garage; storm cave; several bearing fruit trees; south front lot. 60x135 ft. On Cuming St., near 61st. Terms, 33.725 cash, bal ance $73 per month, including interest. FOWLER & M'DONALD " REALTORS, Doug. 1426. 1 120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. DUNDEE LOTS Have 3 well located lots on 61st fit., close to car. Paved street, sewer, water, sidewalks and gas. Only $2,250, easy terms. One on 62d St., just south of Farnam, for $2,500. Good location. Easy term. These are both good buys. Only a few HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW. Arrangement ideal, all rooms large, nearly all oak finish; decorated: never occupied; large tot; paving all paid; a snap at $7,150.00: terms. . RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler721. Florence. ; - C. U Nethaway for suburban property. Florence Sta., Omaha. Neb.. Col. 1409. Miscellaneous. FAIR ACRES 250x270 FEET Very choice location. East front, high and sightly. Price for quick sale. 35,000. Will be worth double before long. Will make terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wa specialize tn Dundee nomea. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Couktta I7IT. West. BEAUTIFUL MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Two-story, 7-room stucco residence, H block to Harney car line; south front; all large rooms; fireplace in living room; oak finish downstairs: white enamel up stairs: oak floors throughout: this Is a real bargain and must be seen to be appreciated: can give Immediate pos session. Price $12,000; can arrange terms. Phone Walnut 2812. REAL BARGAIN in 10-room brick house, all modern, nicelv located. high and sightly, full lot 60x142; close to car line; in best of condition. For particulars call Walnut 4309. . CLAIRMONT" BARGAIN Beautiful 5-room stucco bungalow, large living room with fireplace, oak and white enamel finish: corner lot; 1 block, to car line: 3 blocks to school; for particulars call Walnut 2812. ' , BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM STUCCOC BUNGALOW IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS South front, large living room, din ing room, built-in buffet, white enameled kitchen; on paved street. Price this week, $7,000. See this before you buy. Phone Walnut 2812. For Sale. A Bargain. Two nice, Briggs' Place, nue, betweeu front by 964 grade. $1,600 A. C. Wakeley sightly residence lots In North Side, Capitol ave 46th and 48th streets, 100 feet deep; somewhat above for both. One-thifd cash. . Doug. 172 or Doug. 3008. Omaha Real Esta'r and Investments. JOHN.T. BOHAN, 621 Patnn 1'lk, Phone Tyler 4. North. A REAL PICK UP Near 40th and Decatur; we have a frame duplex for sale, each side having five nice rooms, basement; each side is all modern and rents for $25 a month; one side now va cant, pending the sale of the property, so purchaser, if he so desires, can get immediate pos session of this side; if you need a home this will 'surely solve the problem or "if you want a small investment this will show big re turns. Price for quick sale $4,500, 'with $1,500 cash. For further particulars see Campbell. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY REALTORS. . 537 Omaha National Bank Bklg. 7-ROOM MODERN NEAR BEMfS PARK 4 rooms main. Oak floors. 3 rooma up. Hot water heat equipped with 600 gallon tank, oil burner attachment. South frontage on paved street. Newly decorated and painted. Fruit trees and shrubbery. Large neir garage. Price $5,250, terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, i.i & Bias, Tkr an. 4 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 6-ROOM MODERN BEMIS PARK HOME Three rooms main. Oak floors. Large pantry and ice box room. Three rooms and bath up. Pine finish. Newly deco rated throughout. Situated high and sightly. Corner lot. Plenty of shade trees and shrubbery. Both streets paved and all paving paid. Basement has sep arate coal bin, furnace room, storage rooms and laundry room. Price $6,800. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171. MONTCLAIR SPECIAL This is a practically new six room stucco home on fine corner lot. Paving both sides all paid. There are six fine rooms, includ ing three bedrooms; all oak finish downstairs. Has double stucco garage and cement drive. Conven iently located. You can't beat this at the price. Price $8,400. Schroeder Investment Co. Railway Exchange Bldgt 6-ROOM SNAP, NEAR SACRED HEART CHURCH This Is a beautiful modern home lo cated close to Kountze Park addition. 3 rooms and reception hall down; 3 rooms and bath up. Newly decorated and painted. Brick foundation. Full ce ment basement. East frontage. Largo lot. Good garage. Paved street. Price $5,000, terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171 36th Avenue Near Cass $8,750 A splendidly constructed home in a district continually improving in value; living room, dintng room, library, all flnllic(l and floored In white oak: good kitchen; three bedrooms and bath above, In birch with oak floors: pressed brick foundation; large garage; east front; quick possession. WALSH- ELMER CO. Tyler 1536. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $5,000. Located near Thirty-fourth and Ames: cloup to car and school; rooms all on one'floor; oak floors and finish through out: good sized rooms and veVy well ar ranged; modern in every respect; about 3 years old; garage, with drive; large lot: this is a very beautiful little homo; $2,700 cash - required. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., ' 22 4B EE BLDG. TYLER 5171. STRICTLY modern, new home for sale by owner1 and builder, 6-room and breakfast room, material bought last year, will cost 30 per cent more to duplicate this home now. Two blocks from 33d street car; terms, $1,000 down. Phone Harney 927 or Harney 2195. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Just listed one -of the niftiest up-to-the-minute bungalows lo cated southwest of Hanscom Park in the new Parkvale Addi tion; consisting of 6 rooms all on one floor; nice large living room, dining room, kitchen; 2 bedrooms and bath and sunroom; oak fin ish and oak floors; built-in book cases, built-in buffet; French doors between sunroom; full ce ment basement, furnace heat; dandy nice attic all plastered off in one large room; on paved street, paved alley. Price, $6,000; $2,500 cash. This is a real bargain for the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT ' COMPANY, . 537 Omaha National Bank Bidg., D-178L Ask for Mr Gibson. ' Sunday, Call Colfax 3227. DANDY BARGAINS IN SOUTH SID HOMES 9-room modern square house equipped for light housekeeping; $1,000 cash, $50 monthly. ' 6-room bungalow, modern; oak finish: dandy lot; paved street: garage. 31,000 cash, balance monthly. 6-room nearly new bungalow; oak fin ish; paved street; 32,500 cash, balance monthly. 6- room cottage: oak floors; nice lot; paved street; $1,800 cash, balance monthly. 7- room stucco home; modern except heat; paved street; 32,500; easy term. 8- room partly modern cottage; newly painted and papered; 32,960; easy terms. 7-room modern home; oak finish: hot water heat; newly decorated; 32,500 cash, balance monthly. WM. N. HILL , REAL ESTATE Formerly of Scott Hill Co. Phone Douglas 4413. 519 Bee Bldg. 5-ROOM PRAIRIE PARK First time offered for sale. Thorough ly modern throughout. Only one year old. Oak floors. Built-in bookcases. Large lot. Close to car and school. East frontage. Paved street. Price $5,360. Terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY 224 Bee Bldg T'ler 5171 5-ROOM MODERN NEAR BEMIS PARK Corner lot. Nicely finished and deco rated throughout. East frontage. Mn ple floors up. Large rooms. One block to Harney car. Price J5.250. Termras. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171 6 ROOMS NEAR 34TH " AND FRANKLIN ' $4,500. Entirely modern and In very good e ' pair; situated on a corner lot, 60x124; brick foundation; beautiful trees, hedgis and shrubbery; this is a bargain; let us show you. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 224 BEE BLDG. TYLER 5171.' A pood 3-room house at 3724 Wirt street with 2 large lots. Very reasonable terms. Look this over from the outside and call Mr. Kruger at Tyler 50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN -1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN ( Overlooking Hanscom (Park, on S. 31st St., we have just listed a beautiful home of nine rooms and large reception hall. This place has always been occupied by owner and is in excellent condi tion throughout Quarter sawed oak finish and floors on first floor; five large bedrooms finished in ivory enamel on second; nice floored attic; solid brick founda tion; house is back plastered; large east front lot, 50x150. CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ty. 187. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. Modern Four Flat Building. First Class Condition. Near Fifteenth and Vinton Streets. LOT 65x156. Price for quick sale, 38.600: 32.500 ' cash, balance easy terms. Brings In 12 per cent on thls price and Is rented very low. Am leaving city. A. B. GROTTE. Doug. 1313. 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 2827 SEWARD. 4 -room. new, modern bungalow, 3500 cash, balance monthly. Creigh, 608 Bee. Douglas 200. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. 33.600. Harney 6374. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your luoney. Phone Tyler 187. FOR quick results list with Benjamin A Frankenbera:. 634 Bee Bldg. Douglas 723. FIRST-CLASS bungalow at 2915 North 45th street. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE IMPROVED 10-acre tract, with practically new ! story, 6-room modern house; good con dition; all under cultivation; fruit trees, alfalfa, etc.; close to car line and paved road.' For price and other Information call. UNIMPROVED 10 acres, on 62d St., north of Krug Park; high sightly level ground; 3 acres in asparagus, balance in corn and alfalfa; close to car line and paved road. For price call george & Company REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Brand New 5-Room Strictly Modern Stucco Bungalow 5 nicely arranged rooms, oak and enamel finish, oak floors throughout; stairway to large at tic; full cemented basement; laundry conveniences; $500 cash, balance easy terms. Call Douglas 4911 days. Tyler 5167 evenings. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Oak floors throughout. Nice arrange ments. Good location. Full cement basement. Price. $5,460 $450 cash, bal ance like rent. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 5171 Field Club District This unusually attractive, well built home, consisting of 6 large rooms and sun room, located on a corner lot, one block from Park car and cqnvenlent to school, must be sold; house was built by the present owner for . home and was built by day labor; It Is strictly mod ern and has every convenience you could wish; must be seen to be appreciated. Ask us to show this to you. , D. V. SHOLES dO. REALTORS. Douglas 46. 915-17 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT We have just listed one of the. most attractive homes in this district,) con sisting of 8 large, sunny rooms with sleeping porch and screened sun porch nn f(rsf flnnf Thi VimiHA Is VATV well built and finished In hardwoods ! throughout. Nice lot In excellent loca tion; convenient to car and school. For further particulars call D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. , Douglas 46. 915-1T City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Your Farm or Ranch , Turned Quickly Into Cash by Our Unique Method. Write for Booklet. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO. Central City, Nebragka FOR SALE BY OWENR 10-room, pressed brick veneer house, strictly modern; hot water heat; oak on first floor, with beamed ceilings; large garage; on paved ! street; newly decorated. This house j would cost $16,000 If built today; bar gain at $11,000. Colfax 2450. J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. I BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME 7 ROOMS $7,850. Exceptionally well constructed house with splendid arrangement of all rooms; spacious living and dining room -with large, light kitchen adjoining; oak floors and finish; 4' bedrooms and bath up, narrow pine floors and birch finish: floored attic; brick foundation; lot 50 xl40; south frontage; large new garage, ' cement floor; alley entrance: close to Harney car line and Franklin school: built bv a contractor for his own home. GUARANTEE REALTY 2114 Bee Bldg. Tyler 5171. YOUR CHANCE. 3910 No. 18th. Practically new 7 room house, oak downstalrp, birch up stairs. Newly decorated throughout. Full cement 'basement. $2,500 cash will handle. W. T. GRAHAM Dong. 15M. ' 'Bee Bldg. CLAIRMONT CROSS ROOF BUNGALOW. Oak finish: just decorated; screened f porch, garage, ' lirge lot; Immediate possession. I'rico only $7,250. About JS2.650 cash. ' RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. South. THE BEST BUY ON VINTON STREET We offer a large frame store with g room apartment above; very advantage ously located at 18th and Vinton. This Is fdeal place for grocery or drug busi ness. The rental value will give a very substantial return on ihe price of $6,500. Shown by appointment only. Cull Tyler 50 and ak for Mr. Kruger. HASTINGS & HEYDEN ibii liarney til. . Tyler 50, High Unusual Offerings at This Time ff Class Dundee Homes 'All are located in the new part of Dundee or in Lockwood. $11,500 Six-room, 2-story and attic; stucco, fronting east. $12,000 Six-room Kellastone stucco on 52d street, fronting east. $18,000 Seven rooms in attrac tive location, 54th street; brick -and stucco; completely finished and decorated. $20,000 New Colonial brick; eight rooms and attic; double garage; white oak floors and Colonial finish; price includes decorations and fixtures. Lo cated in the best block on 51st avenue. Term On Any of tha Above Hornet. SHULER & CARY (Realtors) Phone Douglas 5074 . 202-8 Keeline Bldg-. UNUSUAL METHODS must be used to get unusual re sults. We have an unusual home for sale; fact is, it is the very finest home on Florence Blvd., 132-ft. frontage by about 700 ft. long; nearly 3 acres. Ten-room marble chip stucco house and double" garage to match. Full cemented basement, equipped with every modern con veniece. Vapor heat; also has 600-gal. oil tank and burner of best make. Two sun rooms, one up and one downstairs; also two' bath rooms. All floors in quarter sawed oak. First floor finish all quarter-sawed oak with beamed ceilings and all built-in features. Heavy slab oak doors, large closets, all having mirrored doors. Special lighting- fixtures and wall plugs where needed. Barns, hen houses and every thing necessary for caring for cow, chickens, etc., pasture with natural trees.. Now then, all we need to sell this home is the chance to show it to some one who wants a real home with city and country con veniences combined. It is priced at less than it is possible to reproduce it. not figuring anything for its many outside improvements, such as shrubbery, vines, trees, berry bushes, etc. Terms if necessary. v A. P. TUKEY & SON Realtors 620 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 502 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. . $450 CASH . An unusually neat, well built five-room bungalow, finished with oak floors throughout; oak trim in main rooms, other rooms white enameled. Nice lighting fixtures, shades, etc. Full cemented base ment, strictly modern, fine krag stone stucco. Can be handled on terms of $450 cash. Call Walnut 5373 or Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant. COZY 5-ROOM , COTTAGE 1-YEAR-OLD Thoroughly modern In every respect. Close to car and school. Oak f loot a throughout. Oak finish living and din ing room. Excellent 'plumbing and light ing fixtures. Just the place you are looking for. Price 35.700; termse. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 3171 INJURIES CAUSE DEATH OF AGED SPEEDER VICTIM Man Found Unconscious In Street Dies Without Recov ering Senses to Tell Police Details of Accident. A. Weber, 61 years old, 1750 Soutli . Twenty-ninth street, died at 5:45 a. ' m. yesterday at Swedish Mission ' hospital. The cause . of Weber's death will forever remain a mystery. , according to police, who have been unable to discover the cause of his injuries when he was found iincon-; scious in front of 2411 'South Twen tieth street at 5 a. m. Sunday by five ; young men out for a fishing trip.. Weber never regained conscious ness. Police secured identification of the man by connecting the name pn a tax receipt found in Weber's pocket with that of the missing husband of Mrs. Lucy Weber. Mrs. Weber was taken to the hospital Monday morning where she recognized the injured man as her husband. Police hold the theory that Weber had been struck by an automobile, ' the driver of which failed to stop to determine the extent of his injuries. NICE HOMES- 29 Indiana Ave., 6 rooms; modern; $5,250. cash 31.500. 32 Myrtle Ave., 7 rooms; modern; $11,000 cash; new home. 35 Howard, 8-room modern; ,$5,500, cash 32,000. JOHN W. SIMPSON 14 Patterson Blk Dong. 3558. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE To get one of the finest, nearly new bungalows with every desirable feature such as fireplace, buffot, mirror door and bookcases, oak and enamel finish. Immediate possession. Well located. Nearv Miller Park. Price only 37,600. Terms arranged. , ... RSP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 4-Room House 3 45-Foot Lots Brand new 4-room house on three nice lots; can be bought for $350.00 down. Full cemented basement; guaranteed furnace: bathroom fully equipped. Call Wal. 6432 evenings or Douglas 7411 riavs. Ask for Mr. Cole. HOT WATER HEAT. Seven rooms, all on one floor; finished in quarter-sawed oak! fine double garage; two lots; bulldogs about 12 vears old, which would cost near 326, 000 to duplicate today; widowed owner leaving town, will take $10,600; easy terms. p ASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. BIRKETT & CO. 25!i "VX nil Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 333. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY uiari, V. W. COR. 18T1I AND DODGE. D. 6013. Real Estate Transfers Eth'el A. Lloyd and husband to Herman Drehsen et al, n. w. cor. Fontenelle blvd. and Ames ave.. 100x128 $ 7,500 William E. Orlslnger and wife to Anna M. Wonsmos, 28th ave., 91 ft. n. of Sprague, w. s., 27x1 26 Vi. 1,860 Hannah Mack and Husband to Charles L. Andej-son and wife, s. w. cor. 17th and Lake sts., 30x70 1,600 Anna Huntley and husband to Earl Joseph Brainard, Bristol st, 643.6 ft, w. of 24th St., s. s.. 32x132... 2,600 Joseph. E. Wlthrow et al, extrs., to Mlcftael J. Ford, 40th St.. 100 ft. n. of Dodge, w. a., 50x125 7,600 Donald L. Norton and wife to Jo seph Hunter. Commercial ave., 325 ft. s. of Ames ave., e. s 47x147 6,500 W. E. Stalnaker and- wife to Harry Christopherson, 30th St.. 49 i ft. n. of Plnkney. e. s., 49ftxl20 1,850 Ludwlg Mlerendorff, Jr., and wife ' to Herman Mlerendorff, 14th ave., 130 ft. n. of Binncy, e. s.. 40x150 1,000 J. .1. Mellck and wife to Mabel L. ' Hill, 3th St., 66 ft. s. of Cedar, e. s., 33x100 3,400 J. .T. Mellck and wife to Mabel L. Hill, 8th St., 99 ft. s. of Cedar, e. s., 33x100 3,400 John B. Jones and wife ti W. A. Parker. Chicago St., 60 ft. e. of 61s st s. s.. 60x1.15 11,000 Kate A. Logan to Otto H. Sluben, 30th at.. t6 ft. n. of State at., 116x66 3,000 Ilattle M. Wilson and huband te Rose Agatha Morris, Orant St., 84 , ' 1 -. ft. e. of 4i'lhwt.. n. s., 84x128... 1,800 J, Frank Oruber ancLwife io Hymle Welskopf, Corby l 146.6 ft. w. of 28th ave.. a. s., 60x127 1,760 Joseph Brown and wife to CMam , . Welskopt, . e. cor. 29th and Franklin, 60x125 3.500 Ernest Dakln and husband to Anna M. Johnson! Burdette St.. 100 ft. . w. of 43d St., s. a., 50x130 ,0 Ignats Berkowitz and wife to Wll- Ham E. Royce. s. w. cor. 17th ' 1 ' ana Laird, 32x87 ,000 I Oscar Manger and wife to Alfred Petersen, 24th St., 45 ft. n. of Lake, w. a., 45x110 30,000 Fred D. Wead and wife to James L. Morley and wife, 36th ave., 400 ft. a. of Grand ave., e. a., 60x11 29 . 1,750 Ray Curtis Flnlay et al to A.l Ra slnsky, n. w. cor. 21st and N'sts., . 102x130 ,it00 Joseph Fabian and wife to Rado Turclnovlch and wife. s. e. cor. S5th and Madison, 120x129 1,70 Scrafina Krlzanac and husband to Oeorge Becker, 29th St., 100 ft n. of 8 st., e. s., 60x50 ? J. 630 Nelle La Velle and husband to Al- ' fons Mlsslne, F st., 55 ft. e. of 40th ave.. n. s., 110x128 t,v0 . Litura K. Jones and husband to John Hay Kuhns. 28th St.. 150 ft. n. of Woolworth, e. s, 60x 150 ft j jn Henry W. Voss and wire to Agnes Emma Chapman. Harney st., 80 ft. w. of 64th St., n. ., -60x120 ft i joq , Peter Johnson and wife to A. C. Jewell, 31st St., 151 ft. s. of Pacific, e. a., 60x150 ft... 4,50 Morris Goldberg to Chana Gold berg. 20th St., 180 ft. s. of Charles, e. ., 30x140 ft 1,300 Genevieve Morrill Scaniielt and hus band to May D. Martin, Dodge St.. 54 ft. w. of 42d St., s. ., 48x128.5 ft g,000 Mershall P. Johnson and wife to S. Ethel Wallace. Whitmore ave., 86 ft. w. of 25th ave., s. s 44x120 ft 8,500 Peter Donnelly to Marguerite C. McCabe, n. w. cor. 47th ave. and Cuming, 100x169 ft ' 1 ' Peter A. Petersen and wife to William Gundlach. a. e. cor. 66th and Miami, 64x100 ft 3,150 Lynne D. Upham and wife to Mar guerite L, Matters, Happy Hoi- ' low blvd.. 415 ft. n. of Harney, e. s., 60x125 ft 18,800 ' Frank W. Carmlchael and wlfa to Jessie E. Fuller. Wakeley St., . 100 ft. e. of 48th St., s. ., 60x104.35 ft 3,250 Jofsle E. Fuller and husband to Jason R. Church. Wakeley at., '' : 100 ft. e. of 48th St., s. s., 50x104.35 ft 7,600 First Trust Co. to Helen F. Fa lk, n. e. cor. 15th and Bancroft, 192x110 ft 1 P.lchard T. Baura to J. F. Jackson, S6th ave., 210 ft. s. of Daven port, e. s., 100x136 ft..... 2,000 J. Earl Sweet and wife to Frank Benbow, n. w. cor. 41st and Farnam, 45x132 ft 27.(100 Lcttle T. Wallace et al, to Nellie Oretzlnger, 31st St., 245 M, ft. s. of Redlck ave.. e. a., 48x122 ft. 4I.SOO Margaret M. Keellne and husband ... , to Christina Schomnwr, 33d st., 43 ft. n. of Boyd, w. s., 43x128 ft. 3,000 C. K. Olttings and wife to Kather Ine Reagan, 29th St.. 188 ft. n. of Pacific, e. s., 43x140 ft 8,000 Franclsca Drew and, husband to Anna Handley, s. w. cor. 63d and . Farnam, 100.66x113 ft...-. 3,860 . The Creighton University to Clar ence E. Corry, n. w. cor. 13th and Missouri ave., 120x200 ft. and other 7,500 Harry G. Dentson and wlfa to Ethel Felkner Allen and husband, Han scom blvd.. 47 ft. n. of Castelar, e. s.. 47x120 ft .-. . 11,600, Edward M. Slater and wife to Anna . S. Kanatsher, 34th St.. 294 ft. n of Arbor, w. s 49x133 ft J.700 Frank L. Wldergren et al. to John Jonaltls and wife, 38th St., 40 ft. s. of P St., w. s., 40x118 ft.. 1.S00 !1V Now is the time to order your awnings and porch curtains. Do uot wait until the sun has faded your draperies and ruga Protect them with awnings made by AMERICAN TENT & . AWNING CO. WE FURNISH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE 40th and Farnam Sts. Tel. Harney 5022 J. S. OPDAHL, Mgr. J UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Improved Sleeping Car Service , Between Omaha and Cheyenne Two standard sleeping cars are now operated be tween Omaha and Cheyenne, affording Pullman service to all important intermediate points west of North Platte. Leave Omaha . ... 4:25 P. M. Arrive Cheyenne ....... .10:30 A. M. This car saves the business man's day. Leave Omaha 1:20' A. M. Arrive Cheyenne 4:05 P.M. This car (ready for occupancy 9:30 P. M.) will be convenient for the traveler with evening engage ments in Omaha. Passengers for points on Haig Branch should use this car. Eastbound, both cars leave Cheyenne 3:30 P. M.; arrive Omaha 7:05 A. M. A. L. Craig General Passenger Agent Fistula Pay When Cured II II II 11 A mild system of treatment that cures Pfl. U U U V r!atul ni' thr Keetai Diseases in a short tint. muuuut a severe surgical operation, na VDIOTO fom. Ether or other general anesthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money to he paid until '."I!';- fo! book on Rtal Diseases, with names and testimonala of mora than 1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR.E.R.TARRY Sanatorium, Di. K.S.Johns ton. Medical Director, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Ntb 1)