Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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j Three Complaints of
Sugar Hoarding Filed
Against Omaha Men
Three complaints , in connection
with alleged hoarding of sugar in
Omaha were filed yesterday by
United States District Attorney
Hymie Milder. South Side grocer,
from whom 85,000 pounds of sugar
were confiscated in raids last week,
was charged with unlawful hoard
ing for the purpose of increasing the
price. A similar charge was filed
against I. Nathan, grocer at 1625
Chicago street, with an additional
complaint that he charged an un
just price in connection with , the
sale of 5,000 bags of sugar to the
South Omaha Ice Cream company
for 23 cents. ...
Norte of the sugar seized by fed
eral agents in Omaha will be re
turneduntil the pending cases have
been disposed of and further inves
tigations made by the Department
of Justice officials. The accused
men will be given a hearing Friday
before United States Commissioner
Neeley. "
Bee Want Ads Are Best "Business
Commissioners Secide
Property Owners Must
Buy Up Paving Bonds
Lack of buyers for municipal im
provement bonds will force proper
ty owners desiring improvements to
buy bonds sufficient to cover (he
cost of the work, the city commis
sioners decided yesterday. The ac
tion is regarded by the commission
ers as the only solution of the prob
lem 4nd will mean, it is believed,
an abandonment of a large part of
he improvement program adopted
on demands of property owners
in all parts of the city'.
Offer of the Woodmen of the
World to buy bonds at a price $60
or on $70 below par on a $1,000
bond, Commissioner Ure said, could
not be accepted because law pro
hibits sale of municipal honors at
a price below par. . He suggests
that property owners demanding
improvements make up the differ
ence of $60 or $70 on each $1,000
bond and enter ino negotiations
with the Woodmen for their pur
chase. '
On Tune 30, 1919, there were
67,424 factories, employing 1,384,888
persons, in New York state.
Woodmen to Build Another
Farnamv Street Skyscraper
A 10 or 12-story building will be
erected by the Woodmen o( the
World on the site just east of the
present building on Farnam street.
Announcement of .the purchase of
the site and plans for construction
was made yesterday by W. A.
Fraser, sovereign commander of the
Woodmen. The lot purchased at
L131M3 Farnam street, has a front
age of 40 feet and the considera
tion was said to be $90,000.
Construction work will begin as
soon as labor and material condi
tions are more settled, Fraser said.
The building will be used largely
for offices of Woodmen officials. -
Wild Automobile, Crashes
Into Downtown Windows
An auto'mobile driven by Jlarry
Joseph, 115 Twenty-ninth street,
ran wild yesterday morning ; and
crashed into the plate glass win
dows of the Rogcs oafe and the
Freling Steinle Trunk store at
1803 Farnam street. Joseph, who
says he lost control of the car, was
arrested for reckless driving. He
was not injured.
Bee Want Ads Arc Best Business
Wandering Boy Is pound
. . , In Douglas County Jail
Mrs. Lander Bonitta, Gallup. N.
M., knows where her. wandering boy
is tonight. And to this knowledge
is added the assurance that lye will
continue to be there until July 15.
Several days ago at the request of
Mrs. Bonitta. The Bee printed a
pisture of her son, who has" been
missing since last Christmah. She
was worried about him. Yesterday
the wanderer, who is not now, strict
ly speaking, a wanderer at all, iden
tified himself through bars in the
COtmtv iiail. Ha uii mnt nn (nr
robbery and can't go home but has
written to his mother to relieve her
concern about his health and safety.
Demand Armenia witnaraw
- From Disputed Territory
London, May 4. Diplomatic adj
vices state that the government of
Azerbaijan sent an ultimatum Sat
urday to tte Armenian republic of
Erivan, demanding that the latter
withdraw from disputed frontier
tmrritnrv failing which the Azerbai
jan forces were crossing-into Ar
menia. , :
Armenia refused to comply. No
mllitsrv irtinn lhii far hn re
ported, but the situation undoubted
ly is serious.
Facial Treatment
. Shampooing
Scalp' -Treatment
1 Beuy Shop 24 Floor -
Continuing the All-Important Eldredge-Rey nolds Company
: rtV (Formerly Benson ,& Thome Company)
May jubilee , Sale
Facial Treatment.
Scalp Treatment
-Beauty Shop -2 Floor :
If You, Would Profitably Circumvent the Prevailing High Prices---Buy During this May Jubilee Sale
Extraordinary Price Reductions on Timely Merchandise
Continuing Our Wonderful
Value-Giving Sale!
Consisting of new 1920 Summer moiUIs appropriate for
' graduation trousseau club openings tailored wear
, street and morning wear.
Cotton Dresses
Including smart summer dresses made of the famous
Anderson paid and check ginghams with pretty organdy
collars, cuffs fancy belts sashes pockets ruffles
short or long sleeves full tunics.
Models of Voile, both dark and light plain and figured
daintiest of organdy trimmings rufflings tucks
touches of lace.
Organdy dresses tucked ruffled pleated pretty
sashes fancy collars tunics and ribbon trimmings.
Cotton' Dresses
to $39.50
Including striking summer models of fin quality voiles
beautiful plaid and check ginghams and dainty organdy.
Featuring novel collars, cuffs vests of organdy and con
trasting colors full, gathered, pleated skirts ruffles,
tunics fichus pretty sashes.
' Silk and Cotton' Dresses
to $49.50
-Dross Shop-
Including wonderful values in smartest styles of taf
feta, georgette, tricollette sheerest organdy and voile
models. ,
Featuring the latest and newest style features.
Ruffles tunics sashes embroidery beading short
sleeves long sleeves bouffant effects. Pleatings
sashes drapes but emphasize the beauty of these
dresses. ' ' .'
1 Third Floor
Decisive Savings On Newest
Smartest Styles In a
Prepared for in big way to meet the big de .
fnands for a big event, r -
Coats Capes
Regularly $35.00
to $59.50
Distinctive styles excellent utility models
suitable for all out-door occasions.
Highly tailored Splendidly finished developed
in popular silvertone tinseltone-'-wool velours
serges. ' ""
Belted or full flare backs with big collars
novel pockets new sleeves buttons every fash
ion detail carefully worked out.
Wraps, Capes, Sport Coats
Regularly $QQ Cfi
I $75.00 fpOt0J
Chic, youthful capes, sport coats and wraps
made unusually smart by novel pockets, collars,
stitching and expert tailoring from handsome
gabardine tinseltone silvertone wool velour
serge bolivia polo cloth.
Including many copies of French models pre
senting a wonderful array of distinctive styles
revealing workmanship of the highest grade.
Exquisitely . tailored ' and finished from finest
quality bolivia velour silvertone tlns61tone
gabardine crystal cord polo cloth.
-Coat Shop-
-Third Floor-
All Previous Efforts Eclipsed in this
Remarkable $100,000 Jubilee Sale of
Women's Spring Suits
$49.50 ,
Too much can not be said about the exquisite
tailoring the detail finishing the linings the ex
clusive style features of these wonderful Man
nish tailored models ripple jacket effects Nor
folk styles belted models.
Materials used are of the yery best quality serges
French serges heather jerseys and mannish suit-ings-rtricotines-r-silvertones.
. Style features are handsome buttons braided de
signs fancy stitchings fancy collars roll Tuxedo
Choice of Our Entire Stock
of Women's Tailored Suits
Regularly $75.00 to $150
'. Vz OFF
Including importations and originations from the
" greatest of American designers.
-Suit Shop-
Third Floor"
Extra Special
at $1.95 .
In this group, all white voile,
effective all-over embroidery
with ' short sleeves. Another
modef fashioned of striped
voile, daintily trimmed in col-,
ored organdy.
Also fancy barred voile and
voile blouses with plaited frill
neckline: Fancy dotted Swiss,
over - blouse effect short
sleeves. Dainty voiles in over
blouse effect, embroidered in
blue, short sleeves, (
Slip-over style, with rows and
rows of dainty val lace as a
trimming feature, short sleeves.
Blouses -at $5.00
Fashioned from sheerest, finest
organdy batiste Swiss voile
imported French, voile.
Beautifully embroidered; dain-'
tily trimmed in Jftce, frills,
tucks, insertions, novel collars,
cuffs, .vests in tailored or
dressy models, with either long
or short sleeves,
Hundreds of Newest,
CrispesVof 1920
Summer Models
Very Special:
at $3.00 .
Ten ' exceptionally attractive
styles, including fancy batiste in
pretty colors with white collars
.' and cuffs. ' All white batiste,
vpipe in dainty colors.' Long
, sleeve voile blouse, hand em
roidered, short sleeves. Voile
blouses, graceful roll collar, frill
front with colored picot edge,
short sleeves. "
Another model made of sheer
voile, flat collar, effectively
made of sheer voile, flat collar,
effectively trimmed with col
ored pipipg. ;""",. "
- Tailored dimity; high or low
. .neck. All silk pongee blouse,
slip-over style, short sleeves.
at $7.50 -
Here are blouses of , imported
French voiles that simply can't
' be described clearly enough to
: give you an idea of their loveli
ness and value.
-Blouse Shop"
-Second Floor"
Silk Chemise $6.95
Were to $10.50 V '
Of Satin, Crepe, Georgette
Wonderfully dainty attractively styled beautifully fin
ished. Trimmed in. the new black lace yoke .effect geor
gette yokes, tucked,embroidered, lace trimmed, with rows
and rows of finest laces yards of "lady fair ribbons"
rosettes rosebuds.
Also included in this lot are chimaloons preferred by
many women. ' ,
Silk Chemise $3.95
' :. Regularly $7.50
Of flesh satin hemstitched tops tucked or embroidered
georgette yokes with fancy -rosettes rose Buds and bows.
Other styles charmingly trimmed in filet lace yokes val
insertion yokes and: yokes with insets of contrasting lace.
Philippine Gowns
, Were $6.95 for $3.95 , !- Were $7.95 for. $4.95
Were $6.95 for $5.95 , , ;
Beautiful examples of this wonderfully dainty depend
ably durable lingerie dear to every feminine heart.
Including not only elaborately embroidered gowns, but
temptingly intermixed with the dainty handwork are beau
tiful insets of filet, Irish and fancy laces.
Philippine : Chemise
Were ,55.95 for $3.95 Were $7.95 for $4.95
Were $8.95 for $5.95
In designs to match the gowns as prettily trimmed in the
back as front of yoke daintily finished and as sheer and
alluring as possible for undergarments to be. .
Camisoles $1.95
Wert to $4.95
Splendid quality of silks in tailored and fancy styles.
Attractive yoke effects fashioned of lace and georgette
insets. '
Camisoles $2:95 '
Were to $5.95
Attractive, satin and crepe de chine camisoles. Georgette
crepe, lace and hand embroidered yokes are appealing trims.
All colors. '. ..
Camisoles Beautiful lace trimmed vest fronts at $4.95.
Nainsook Chemises ,
Regularly $3.75 at . -
V $1.95
Made of soft, finely woven, dainty pink and white nain
sook. -Bodice effectively built up with yards and yards
of pretty lace. Skirts also lace trimmed. Values that can
not be duplicated. Anticipate a Summer's needs during this
Chemise and "Step-ins"
at $2.95
" N- ' Regularly Priced at $5.00
Fashioned of soft white nainsook, mull and muslin. Rows
of lace and pretty embroidery designs, delightfully finished
are these garments. Exceptional values at the price quoted.
-Linferie Shop"
'Second Floor-
Greatest Millinery Values
Offered this Season in
Trimmed Hats $3.75
Values to $7.50 ,
Beautiful new summer Milans light, dressy Leghorns, distinctively
trimmed in flowers, rich ribbons and touches of embroidery.
Delightful models for matron, misses, for graduation, for wed
dings, traveling and vacations.
Previously Priced to $8.50
The smartest of hats for street, business, traveling and to wear
with the tailored suit always" youthful and distinctive.
In a great variety of shapes, sizes, styles and straws both stiff
and soft. In black, navy and the light summer shades to wear with
sports costumes. ' (
In the Eldr edge-Reynolds Co. Beauty Shop
in inz Jitarcagc-i-vcjin
Of First Quality, Wavy, Soft
Human Hair All Shades
Previously $22.50, $25, $28 Reduced to $12, $15
Previously $15 and $18 Reduced to $9, $1 $12
. Previously $9, $10, $12 Reduced to $7.50
V t
Of fine genuine human hair
carefully, scientifically pre
pared $5 Values for $3.50
Beauty Shop '
The successful finish to, a
modish coiffure of fine, soft
first quality human hair
- Special 3
- , .Second Floor . - .
Former! Benson. Jhorne
$10.50, at
BECAUSE of its lightweight and durable quality silk Jersey is the
accepted fabric for petticoats. During this sale we will feature
two styles of jersey petticoats at the extraordinary price quoted
above. '
' Rightly proportioned for the new dresses and suita, well made
and nicely finished. .One model with pleated flounce the other,
deep flounce with ribbon inserts. All colors.
-Petticoat Shop-
-Second Floor"