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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
A iHE BEE: OAIAHA. VVfaDNhSDAV, MAY 5, 1920. TWO OMAHA MEN TO PRISON TO SERVE TERMS IHIVLN Maurice Katleman and "Red" Neali Handcuffed to Each Other, On Way to State ' Penitentiary. . Maurice Katleman and "Red" Neal were taken to the state penitentiary . 4 - -I k r c t - Charles Hoye and Ed Cassidy to serve terms of one to seven years to which they were sentenced more than a year ago after juries, in sep arate trials, found both guilty of aiding and abetting the stealing of automobiles. Both are young men of good fami lies. Katleman is one of the pro prietors of the Washington Shirt Co. They were handcuffed together hut not to the deputy sheriffs. Katleman seemed in low spirits. Both refused to pose for photo graphs and while the party was crossing the sidewalk from the soath side of the court house to two wait ing taxicabs, a younger brother of Katleman ran along, holding up a yraincoat to protect the party from photographers. "Take pictures of us when we come back, seven years from now," said Katleman. before the nartv Ipft W IIIV 1111.4 JIUUI KJl WiC IUUII Neal Is Silent. I Katleman wore a . dark business suit, bow tie and tweed hat. Neal, smoking a cigaret, maintained a profound silence. t. Thus ended a fight of more than a year to keep out of" the penitentiary. Neal and Katleman were arretted in January, 1919, charged with being "higher ups" in the automobile stealing game. The principal wit nesses against them m their trials tn district court in March. 1919, were William .McKenna ind .Lovell C Jones, who testified that thty stole automobiles from the streets of Omaha at the behest of Neal and Katleman and drove the cars to Nebraska City where they left ihem by prearrangement on the east side of the court house with the seat cushions tamed up, as a signal to others who came and got the cars there. x After Neal and i Katleman were found guilty they immediately filed motions for tew trials. Tbese being denied, they appealed .to the su preme court after they had been sentenced. . The supreme court re fused to grant them new trials. Then they filed motions for a rehearing in supreme' court. This also, was de nied and they were arrested two weeks ago and held in the county jail for the first time. They had beerfout on bond prior to that. Their attorneys made one more try by filing a "complaint for a new trial, which was denied by Dis trict Judge Redick Monday. Kateleman said today that they still have intentions of taking some court action that they may get free without serving sentences. Potato Set in Ring Wins ' Admiration in North Platte North Platte, Neb., May 4. (Spe cial) Surrounded by diamonds valued at thousands of v dollars, the center- of attraction of a display in the window of Cash Austin, jeweler, is a ring with the setting a small potato. At the present high price of potatoes the jeweler said he could not afford one of the large tubers which Nebraska advertises as raising. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a falkn hair or any. dandruff, besides every hasr shows new life, vigor, brightness! more color and thickness. , . Hureisal-bgicCistle in an Alpine Fair a I frx; with metropolitan service and cuisine where you may play golf on a sporty mountain course swim in warm sulphur pools and through glass enclosure watch snow clouds chasing "sunshine over the mountain peaks dance, ride ponies, motor and fish brook trout to your heart's content Come This June and stay as long as you wish. June here is azure skied, .garlanded with Alpine flowers, busy with birds nesting, musical with mountain streams June is the splendid first of four summer months. And so easy to reach! It is at Banffin the Canadian Pacific Rockies Banff, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, is a picturesque town garrison of the famous red-coated Mounted Police and headquarters of the, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Banff Springs Hotel is the name of this magic castle. Reservations. Canadian Pacific Ticket Office Thot. J. Wall, Gen'l. Agt. Pasgr. Dept. lN Canadian ntwtpaptn and information ngarding jrlanM ,71 v The Gold That Hangs On This is No. 5 of a series of advertisements, prepared by a competent physician, explaining how certain diseases which attack the air passages such as Pneumonia, Influenza, Whoop ing Cough, Measles or even a long continued Cold often leave these organs in an inflamed, congested state, thus affording a favorable foothold for invading germs. And how Vick's Vapo Rub may be of value in this condition. . - ; - and relieve the cough. In addi tion, ' the medicinal ingredients of Vicks are vaporized by the body heat, These vapors are breathed in all night long, thus bringing the medication to bear directly upon the inflamed, areas. Vicks should be rubbed tn over the throat and chest until the skin is red then spread on thickly and. covered with hot flannel cloths. Leave the cloth ing loose' around the neck and the bed clothes arranged in theform of a funnel so the vapors arising may be freely inhaled. -If the cough is annoying, - swallow a small bit of Vicks the size of a pea. . A cold is simply an inflamma tion of some part of the air pas sagesthroat, larynx or bronchial tubes just like a sore is an in flammation of the skin. A long continued cold means constant inflammation and this constant inflammation frequently weakens the air passages so that they become an easy point of attack for invading germs of more serious diseases. A"coldthathangs'on," therefore, is simply nature's "red flag" indicating that there is "trouble below," and this warning Should never be neglected. Nightly applications of Vick's VapoRub will aid nature to'clear up that inflammation. Because Vicks arts locally by stimulation thru the skin to draw out the inflammation, attract the blood away from the congested spots Samples to new users will be? sent free on request to The Vick Chemical Company, 235 Broad Street, Greensboro, N. C. UVapoRub - Nan Thu 17 Millioa Jan Used Yearly Four Bodyguard Against Colds Farmers of Nehama , County Nof Rule3 by Law of Caveat Emptor Auburn, Neb., May 4. (Special.) After Attorney Matt Gering of Plattsmouth had made a brilliant speech of an hour to a jury in the m.ihi rriinv district court, ex plaining the age-long principles ow the law ot caveat emptor, let the buyer beware," a law that has gov erned horse trades and other time honored transactions for ages, the jury upset the law completely and established a new precedent It was in the case of Jackson- Ro liff against Lee Johnson, Nemaha county farmers. Johnson was charged with having sold hogs to Roliff, several head of which after ward died o cholera. Roliff testi fied that he-had asked Johnson if the animals had the cholera and the latter hadanswered: "Not that I know of." Gering claimed that the answer had not established a guaranty and caveat emptor obtained. The jury took the other view and returned a verdict for $200 damages in favor of Roliff. Fremont Co-operative Store Buys Two-Story Building Fremont, Neb., May- 4. (Special.) The People's Co-operative store has bought from X Morse for $38,000 his two-story brick building at Fifth and Broad streets. The store, the first one of a co-operative nature to be established in Fre mont, has increased its capital stock from $50,000 to $150,000, and plans greatly to expand its business. Plane Flies to Fremont From Omaha in 21 Minutes Fremont, Neb., May 4.--(Special.) Omaha to Fremont in 21 minutes was the flying time of E. J. Robins Sunday in bringing the Fremont air plane back to the city from the Ashmussen factory in Omaha. Dr. R. E. Dooley came with Robins as passenger. Franklin Overhead Wires Are Removed From Streets . Franklin, Neb., May 4. (Special.) Telephone poles here have all been removed from the streets and all wires put underground. The move is part of the city campaign to beau tify the streets. Lighting Fixtures, den Co. Adv. Burgess Gran- FremOnt Naval Officer Weds Red Cross Nurse Fremont, Neb., My 4. (Special.) To have his romance in the island of Guam was the experience of Lieut. Andrew Sinamark, formerly of Fremont, but for the past two years a navy physician at the gov ernment base on the island. During his work there he met and last Sep tember married Miss Julia Gulbert of California, a Red Cross flume. Lieutenant and Mrs. Sinamark; are in Fremont now, awaiting the doc tor's discharge frprd the navy, after which he expects to practice some where in Nebraska. .! " Beautiful Greeting Cards . For Mother's Day l Don't forget to , send her a Greeting Card. Mother's Day is Sunday, May the 9th. Beautiful cards on' sals In our Book Section. ' Main Floorr-North - aUK'-nti,,,. TX .KiiTTr ..ill Mill tiii POa CROWING OMAHI T T 1 $GTS THE PACE The Season 's Most Wonderful Sale of. Genuine, Imported Hand-Embroidered Men's Handkerchiefs Pure Linen, 50c Values A good quality with narrow hems and full size; this Is agood chance to buy him a nice supply, Special, Wednesday, at 39c Main FloorSouth May White Sale of Infants' Wear phiiipp me, underwear v.. . Gowns and Envelope Chemise- 9i Their Actual Worth 3.98, 5.98, 6.98 and 8.98 Spzcially Priced .For Wednesday Only An Actual Saving of Front 33 13 to 50 WE ARE enthusiastic about this sale, as you will be, too, when you note the truly wonderful values at this very moderate price. Slight imperfections in stitching and embroidery make this price possible. You are offered the most desirable styles, in many different , adaptations in values that are unprecedented. AH the embroidery is of the finest handwork; the lace insets are of real Filet ; the workmanship is exquisite and the different designs. in both gowns and chemise-are truly beautiful. -v The Gowns - I w The Chemise 3 The gowns have either the short sleeves or the strap styles, and are mad of fine Pearline and Batiste, cut roomy and. long. The workmanship features hemstitching, eyelet work, inserts of real lace and dainti est hand embroidery. One gown has beau tifully made eyelets at waistline and neck, combined with insets of real Filet lace ap plied in designs with bits of embroidery: others : show drawnwork squares inset and bordered with flowers in embroidery. The sleeves and neck lines of all are finished with tiny scallops and on most of the sleeves a dainty bit of embroidery is seen. Special at 2.95 The chemise are, notable because most of the styles offered have bodice tops, which are rather difficult to find in Phil ippine work. The straps and around the bottom of the models are daintily scal loped. Many show eyelets placed for a high waist line or across top of bodice. Fine drawnwork or hemstitching is a feature, combined with medallions of real lace and wonderful motifs of embroidery. Many of the chemise' have a design em broidered across the back, which is found only.nTbetter grade garments. Special at 2.95 V Other Gons and Chemise at 3.98, 6.98, 7.98, 8.98, 12.98 and 16.98 Brandeis Stores Third FloorCenter ' Attention, All Mothers We have at your service In our Infants' De partment a trained nurse who has had years of experience In general hygiene and bathing, feeding and dressing ot babies. Feel free to consult her by phone or at the store, as she will be pleased to answer any questions and advise you concerning the health ot your babies. Beautiful Muslin Bonnets Worth 69c to 1.25 q Special Wednesday, at O C All sizes up to three years old in many beautiful models ; very cute .little summer models, so attractive; exceptional values, each, at 59c Undies for Children Specially priced tor AC Wednesday, at . Sizes 2 to 14 ' Good quality muslin drawers, knicker bocker styles, splendidly made and all of good quality;' embroidery trimmed and open leg styles, all neatly trimmed; special, at ( i 49c , Girls' Bloomers Worth we Special Wednesday, at 2 to 12 Years Of pink and fine white lawn and sateen; a cool summer garment for little girls ; well made and sure to please ; specially priced, for Wednesday at 44c ture Silk Stockings Regular i.a$ values, HQr Special Wednesday, at yC In white only; for little tots 6 months to 3 years old; you can let the little tots wear silk at this very low price ; special, for 79c Brandeis Stores Third Floor East 44c An Extraordinary "Sale of Imnorted Grass SflfMWsWirdn rt-iTf rT"T ugs This is a merchandise announcement of . more than usual importance. Today, a 9x12 rug at 9.95 1 is aim o s t unbelievable. These rugs were found in far away Japan. They are made of an exceptionally durable grass, closely woven. ; The tones are soft and pleasing, the patterns are attractive and the colors harmonious. They are rugs suitable for all around wear ind may be used in any room in the house. , Compared with domestic made rugs, we are offer- ; ing this great lot at just about 50c on the dollar. 9x12 size, each, ; . 9.95 v ' ' ' 8x10 size, each, ' 7.95 N ' 6x9 size, each,- 5.95 4-6x7-6 size, each, 3.95 ' - '. 3x6 size, each,- " v , 1.95 Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor Center For Demure Brides Wedding Gownjs SPRING BRIDES will appreciate these selections offered, in com pleting their trousseau. Exquisite wedding gowns of Satin, charmingly draped in Chantilly lace, as well as lovely beaded Geor gettes, are shown in styles to please the most fastidious. And for the more conservative, Crepe de Chine, Nets and sheer Organdies have an appeal that is irresistible. Attendants' frocks in exquisite shades. , Smart Suits and Wraps for Travel wear, lovely on$-piece Frocks of either wool or silk materials;, all will enable the May bride to make complete selections. , ' Brandeis Stores Second Floor--Wst i Entrancingly) Youthful and Lovely v - Organdie Frocks for Misses and Small Women Beautiful, new-creations for all occasions; so very bewitchingly youthful and fresh looking; x and these charming frocks come in a multitude of styles, each one lovelier than the other. Vivid Blues, Striking Greens, Lemon Yellow,' Bright Orange Myriad delicate orchid' shades in styles to suit every: purse. Priced at 22.-50 to 35.00 Brsndtis Stores Second Floor West t;; m 7 -