FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. A FARM BARGAIN. tit acres located els miles cut t Blenco. ltonon county, Iowa, deecribed N. E. 14 and N. h of S. K. 8c Hon 9 nd N. W. u Section 19, except H. E i ot N. V. , all In Township It, Rant 44. Address Ntrk Doffing, erey Hotel, Kanaaa City. Mo, WE OWN and control several food arm In Iowa. Wo will soil these farma on oaay terma or accept other property In eichange aa cart pay, Liberal commie lone to stents. Submit what you have to offer. E. P. Lucey ac Co., Storm Lake, Ta. Kansas Lands. KANSAS LAND. Fine level aectlon In Thomaa county. Kan.. 4 mllte from Rexford, fair Im provement, about oo acrea tn winter wheat. In fine condition; two paaturea fencnl; located tn the beat wheat belt of Kanaae: buyer gets ehare of crop de livered. Prtca 15 per acre. Box ill. He oron. Nfb, Remember we are cutting ' A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchaaer; over 1,(00 acrea In wheat; end for cur Hat. FELTON & WEST, THE Kendall Land Company own and controls .10,000 acrea In th famous Thomaa rounty, Kanaaa, wheat district. Write for folder. KENDALL LAND COMPANT. WLMY, KAN. Missouri Lands. ''Some Bargain" 200 acrea well Improved, large orchard, good water, close to achool and town. 13.000; $500 will handle. Hop on cars, coma to nee It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. Minnnota T.anrla IMPROVED FARMS In aouthern Minnesota at real bargains. Come and be convinced. Send for our new Hat. New Richland Land & Loan Co., New Richland, Minn. New York Lands. FARMS FOR SALE. New York farms, near Buffalo; won derful farming opportunlttea; rich, pro ductive dark loam aoal; Ideal alfalfa, wheat, corn, potato, bean land; nice buildings; stock, tools, crops Included; prlcea ISO to 1150 per acre; western farm-re making thousands of dollars purchasing here. Catalog containing valuable information and descriptions w c 1 1 1 ii i u i n i ill u.i n iii . Hi.ii,ii j co. snd immediately. Buffalo Farm Ex- cr.ange, Buffalo, X. T. Nebraska Lands. 640 Acres 640 Rock County At Auction Monday, May 10th 2 P. M. On the abova date under cover, tn Basaett, Nab., we will sell at public auction to Mia highest bidder regardless of prlca the following described real estate located 30 miles ac&eaat of Bassett: The West HalflYSec. 27 and the East Half of Sec. T. i, It. 17, West of the 6th P. M., Rock County, Neb., containing 640 acrea more or leas according to government survey. Terma of sale, 20 per cent ot the purchase prlca cash day ot sale, 30 per rent June 1, 3120, when possession will bo given. Owner wi'l carry remainder of purchase price for a period of three yeara to be secured by a first mortgage on ths abova described land bearing Interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable annually. Good and sufficient abstract of title to gether with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. .0 acrea under cultivation; about 200 acres more could h broken and profitably farmed; balance pasture, well grassed. Land Ilea level to gently rolling. Black aandy loam soil. For further information ad dress Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central Cltv, Neb. Mark Carraher, AaYtloneer. M. A. Larson, Manager, Geo. lkf. . Lelnlnger, Sutton. Nch.. Owner. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, IS per cent best ot farm land, Rose bud ailt loam soil, a an&p at 2& an " S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUNVY LAND Writ ua for list before looking else where. FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounse Bldg. Opposite P. O. Fhone Tyler 4648. corn and alfalfa farms, Improved, in central Nebraska, at the right price. Write for list. LARSON A CARRAHER. Central City. Nepraaka. For Nib. Farms and Ranches ace Oraham-Peters Realty Co., 121 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farma 101 Karbach Blk. Wisconsin Lands. FOR SALE 160-acre farm, 100 acrea cleared; new bouse and barn; all kinds ot machinery. Including a milking ma chine; !t cowa, young atock; chickens, hogs and 4 horses; close to town; best territory In the state of Wlaconsln. Price only I16S per acre, worth 1200. Write to Jacob Kapltt.' Mllladore. Wis. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640-acre homesteads; eeven months resldonce. Duff. Casper. Wyo. Miscellaneous. ,SaRMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and sn ail, in Illinois. Missouri and Arkansas. Write Forman, No. 517 In ternational Lite Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., for free ltat. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM, and city loans. E. H. I.OUQEE, INC, 621 KeenneBiag. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Qui. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Don. 2716. Miscellaneous. r diamonds and jewelrt loans. Loweat rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malaahock. 1614 Dodge. D. 8619. Es. 1894 DDTViTK MflMET. i 1100 to $10,000 mad promptly. T. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 8. 18th St. PRTVATF. MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug- 6M. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Qarvln Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat'l. P. E. BUCK. Loan. 443 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We have sold since January 1 61 homes. If yours is still for sale list with us. We are getting re sults for others, why not for you? CREIGH, SONS & CO., Doug. 200. 508 Bee Bldg. n hv served tha Omaha DUbllO in hnvinir and selltna real estate for ever St years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property wua us, will serve you to your Deal interests. McCague Investment. Co IiAVE Inquiries for good homes In good DropertyT List It with C. A. Grim- met, sss umm r. a i i on. niuw. A OU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want iulck action T Just try ua Call Tyler 491, OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or sell Omaha Real Eatate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426, ""REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3656. REAL. ESTATE and all kinds ot Insurance, UEiKNAnsCI OE w. T4S Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON fn.Vi 1,14 Brown Block. Doug. 6261. WE HAVE ceah buyers for cottage and bungalows nicely located. Shriver, 1041- Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1436. WANT TO BUY i to 7-room house: mod ern or part modern, on payments. Col ored. Webster 4160. THE GUMPS- let WELL ENOUGH ALONE Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith AH-HOKE VOU CAWT SEAT IT A GOOD CIGAR. - THE. PAPER A BOOK AND J-gOOD STOR.V t'rt GETHNS-'AtJOfie THAT AGE OP UPtTVlWERE THAT HOME STUFF IS GREAT I'LL. SAY - WHAT ARB YOU DOING? READING) ABOUT THAT DIVORCE CASE ? WEU. I TS THE SAME OLD STORV LEAVE IT TO TMESE MEN WHEN THEY 5ET. RtCH. THE WOMAN WVlO SCRIMPED AND SAVED AND HELPED THEM , RAISED A "AMIL.Y rOR THEM AND GROWN OLD WTH CAR.E, ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH V - - m T if we: weac both YOVNd AND KIN6UE ACtN gVOULD YOU WANT ME TO BE. YOUR. WIFE 7 NOW COOKIE MEfcls. DAfcJLlN.6 WHAT'S- THE UCE OF TR.YIN6 TO START A QUAtaiEL Just as we have sETTL.ED VOTfM TO tflJUT K HVEMIN6 X II v 1 HI I m I aasaa . i ".aa. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WELL LOCATED APARTMENT Or four-fa mly home, two seven-room and two eight-room houses, each with sleeping porch and maids apartment. Beautifuly finished, streets and allay paved. Will guarantee (3,000 net In come. Priced right for cash sale. If Interested see us for particulars and appointment. 442 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1000 NEARLY new duplex brick flat, close In; oak finish, 110.000; Income, 11,080. Call days, Douglaa 1734 FOR SALE Three-story bnck building, full cor ner lot tn wholesale district. Possession If wantea. DUMONT & CO.. 414 Keellne Bldg Phone Doug. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtore. Real Estate. Investments. Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler U36. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 3-acre farm with 6-room houae; cement basement; city water; 13,600 cash. 3440 Avenue J. Council Bluffs, la. Dundee. ACREAGE SNAP OWNER LEAVING CITY , Excellent two-story six-room home, over four acres of ground on paved street with paving all paid. Barn, ga rage for six cars, fruit, etc. Priced at 112.000. Dart rash. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 B-e Bldg. Tyler 308. DUNDEE BARGAIN Large 2-story, 7-room Kellastone resl donce, with double garage, south front. 4 block to cor line: only 1 block to school; up-to-the-minute la every re spect; Immediate possession. Price $17,- 000. Walnut 28K. . We apeclallze in Dundee tiomea. . C. B. STUHT CO., S12-14 City National. Douglas H787. DUNDEE Modern 7-room home for sal oy owner, wainut Florence. C. L. Nethaway for suburban property. r lorence qui., winaim. nru.. v.w,. . South Side. A MODERN J-room home, fireplace In the parlor, two bath rooms, iuii cement basement with toilet and garage. 4616 8. 20th. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Montclair Bargain Immediate Possession Large 2-story stucco residence; has large living-room across en tire front of house, with fireplace; large dining-room, breakfast room; kitchen on 1st floor; 3 bed rooms, bath and closed-in sleep ing porch on 2d floor; oak finish downstairs; white enamel and ma hogany doors upstairs; oak floors throughout; large attic; plastered basement; on paved street; south front; l2 block to car; restricted neighborhood. Am offering this house for quick sale at $11,950. Phone Walnut 2812. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. 5-room stucco bungalow; large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, white enameled kitchen; south front; on paved street. Price 7,000. Phone Walnut 2812 evenings, or Tyler 3540 days; ask for Mr. Sloan. ' A SPLENDID HOME 5 rooms, alt modern, oak finish bangs low with 2 lots; only 34,850; about 32,000 cash, balance easy terms; let me show you this property. - If you want a good home at a small price this Is what you are looking for. Phone Walnut 2812 for further particulars, For Sale. A Bargain. Two nice, sightly residence lots In Brlggs' Place, North Side, Capitol ave nue, between 46th and 48th streets, 100 front by 964 feet deep; somewhat above grade. 11,600 for both. One-third cash. A. C. Wakeley. Doug. 1572 or Doug. 3008. A REAL HOME Beautiful 2-story stucco In Montclair, nicely finished In oak and white enamel, large living room with fire place, etc. South front. Price 312.000. Walnut 3812. . Omaha Real Esta'c and Inveatmenta. JOHN T. BOH AN, 421 Paxton Tik. Phone Tyler 4?r North. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. FOR SALE A lot tn Minne Lusa addl tion. CI feet frontage, near park. Priced right. Call KoralU Douglas 74 or Har ney 5166. FOR SALE Five acres on the orphanage road, 4-room house, well, cistern, barn, and some fruit. Colfax 249. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 14.000 EQUITY In 4 new strictly modern - houses; fine location; prtcea rignt: warn eastern property, Chicago preferred. Will require eo.vuv ni :J M. PEASE, ill Brandels Theater Bldg. BEAUTIFUL larga hill tract lots In best rsrt of Council Bluffs. What hav you to trade. Carl Changstrom. 1020 Fr ram str-'. ' DO YOU WANT A REAL BUNGALOW IN MIL LER PARK DIS TRICT? We just listed a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow all on one floor, a special built bungalow, 28 feet wide and 51 feet long, consisting of a large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 extra large airy bedrooms and a dandy sun rom; oak finish and oak floors, full cement basement, furnace heat, Milton Rogers furnace, coal bin and everything complete; nice large attic, on paved street, paving paid, lot 50x155 feet. This is priced at $7,600, one-half cash, balance easy terms. This is a real buy and you would say so if you had time to investigate same. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. Sunday call Colfax 3227. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Can You Beat This? Immediate possession. Six rooms on the first floor. Strictly modern. ' Owner's price $6,500; $1,500 cash. Act quick it won't last long. Commercial Investment Company X 1516 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3932. Doug. 5236. WELL built, strictly modern 6-room bun galow, five yeara old. Oak floors throughout. Full cemented basement with drain. Excellent furnace. East front lot and beautiful view. Close to school ami carline. Owner leaving city. Must sell quickly. $4,500 reasonable terma E. H. BENNER CO., Sunday call Mr. Bei.l, Web. 260". Pouslss 8404. STnPK m;lrh K llvlna rooms, fine location. Bee .Want Ads; Are Business, 33.7. Term, johnsoq, wbter 4io. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. OWNER LEAVING CITY FOR CALI FORNIA. LOCATED NEAR 16TH AND PINKNEY. Seven-room, strictly modern cottage; 5 rooms and bath on the first floor; 2 rooms partly finished on the second; full cement basement; furnace heat; dandy nice south front lot, 60x130 feet on paved street; paving paid; garage; half block to car line. Price. $5,800; $1,800 cash; balance $40 per month. This house is a buy for the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg D-1781. ask ior sir. uiuboii. Sunday Call Colfax 8227. 8-R00M HOME BARGAIN This very well built home, not new but In excellent condition: located In the best part of Kour.tte Place; owner Is leaving the city and has put a bargain price upon this, place. This is a real bargain and you must see through It to appreciate U. For further particulars c""d. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. 915-17 City Nat. Bk. Blflg. Doug. 46. TWO 8-ROOM HOMES Fine condition, all modern, hot wa'.er heat, $1,000 down, balance easy terms. $4,000 and $4,400. Located 1612 and 1614 Burdette street. Street to be paved this year. 3723 BOWLER AVENUE. modern, hot water heat, corner lot, fine shade and fruit, only S. S. '& R. E. Montgomery . T -.. 111 Zi3 (Jlty iau. ttanK niaif. ivuur. jm WEST FARNAM HOME Nine-room stucco, oak downstairs, maple upstairs: flni condition; close to Cathedral on 39th street. Party leaving town, make offer. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 13H Modern 4-Room Cottage $500 DOWN BALANCE $30 PER MONTH. LOT S0xl30. DANDY PLACE FOR THE MONET. ONLY $2,750. 3235 OHIO STREET. WEBSTE R 3537. NEW BUNGALOW $1,150 Down Price $4,750 Balance $37.50 per montn; rooms; all modern; oak finish. Owner in house. 334 North 59th; Webster 3537. MR. COLORED MAN. , Dandy 8-room modern home with gar age at a bargain. Don't fall to call Webster 458. . BARGAIN BY OWNER. Plx-room cottage, modern except heat. $3,500. Harney 6374. COLORED Beautiful, strictly modern G- room home, paved street, near canin. A bargain. Webster 4150. POR quick results list with Benjamin ft FrankenDerg. bi Bee King, qjouniaq tit. 1. li. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 443 Bee Bide.. Douglass"!. FOR SALE By owner, tfroom cottage; modern except heat. $3,500.' Har. 374. FIRST-CLASS 45th street. bungalow at 2915, North BENSON & MEYERS- CO.. 424 Off Nat'l, South. California Bungalow $6;000 It's a beauty, five room, with sli- room accommodations, one built-in bed. Large closets, dandy full basement with built-in tubs, fruit and coal room. Oak and white enamel finish, sll oak floors. Best of fixtures, base bathtub, built-in pantry and Ice box from outside. For quick sale, price $6,000. Terms, $2,450 cash and $35 a month. D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS 442 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 2000 YOUR OPPORTUNITY WEST SIDE HANSCOM PARK Splendid two-story, six-room, oak finished home, strictly modern, dandy garage, lot 60x140, paving and all spe cials. $8,300. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 498 Clairmont Addition. Two-atory, -6-room stucco, strictly mod ern, oak finish, built-in features. 3 bed rooms, white enameled, 3 closets and linen closet on 2d floor; carpeted; all curtains and draperies Included: full -basement; house nearly 2 years old; on car line: 1 block to school. STEEL R. E. INVESTMENT CO., ISth and Farnam Sts. Tyler 2022 or Tyler 1595 evenings. WE have two 7-room modern houses, oak floora and oak finished, near 24th and Elm Sts.; price $5,600, $1,500 down; six room house, same location, price $3,900; $1,400 down; possession In thirty days. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, Douglas 1313 or Walnut 2136. Miscellaneous. GOOD HOMES 3515 Howard 9-room modern home, $5,750; terms. $2,000 cash. 3130 Myrtle Ave. 7 rooms, modern, fine home, $11,000: new. 3714 N. 34 8t. 7 rooms, modern, t story brick, with garage; $,950. 2906 N. 24th St. 7 rooms, modern, oak finish: $.730. 3,700 Crelghton Blvd. 5-room mod ern, oak finish; $5,750, with garage. 4230-33 S. 23d St. 3 IVi-story modern houses: fine corner $7,000: cash $2,000. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patfrson Blk. Douglas 3356. New 4-Room House and 3 Lots A fine place to raise garden and chickens; brand new house and three good lots; can sell for $350 down, balance monthly; call Wal nut 5432 evenings COLORED 6-room, part modern cottage, large lot. $200 cash. Price $2,000. Webster 4150. BIRKETT & CO. and Insures. $60 Bee Bldg. Douglas 433. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. Cor. lth and Dodge. Doug. lOlt. An agricultural union has been formed in Czecho-Slovakia ior the improvement of technical methods of increasing farm and forest oro-ductioru Financial Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be leased Wire. New York, May 2. Speculation continued last week to draw back its outposts under pressure from sur rounding credit forces. It is too early yet to determine whether there were other important and lasting in fluences1 at work beside those vis ualized through 12 to 15 per cent call money for the stock market. But of tight credit there was no question, and the position of the Federal Reserve bank showed in terms unmistakable that for the time being agricultural business needs of the interior were getting the right-of-way over less material demands in the markets. Rediscounts for other reserve banks figured prominently in the local bank's account, and when it is considered that a total of about $85, 000,000 of such redsicounts appeared in the weekly statement, whereas there were none three weeks ago, evidenced in not lacking that cre;iit strain throughout the country has increased decidedly. Some of the reasons are not difficult to discover. The spring season entered with out the usual easement of money rates, and this, by itself, was Indicative Of an unusual loss upon the banks. Financing of crop planting amplified over other years because of high wages and high costs of machinery and fertilizer. Industry Expanded. The requirements of industry and trade have been expanded by the same powers affecting agriculture and to add to tho difficulties of manufacturers and distrib uting agencies the railroad strlkcra have tied -up an immense amount of goods In warehouses or lntranslt. When products cannot be moved freely from factory to consumer payment Is delayed, and In stead of liquidating bank loans with ex pected proceeds of sales producers are forced to borrow more In order to main tain working capital. It stards to reason, of course, that part of the current credit strain Is temporary. The railroads will gradually lessen con gestion at terminals and remove embar goes on the receipt of new shipment. There is a possibility that loans in the near future will be reduced to a degree greater than will be entailed In the re lease of funds congealed In goods which wore halted on their way to consumers. The Impression uppermost in stock mar ket circles is this: Did the severe reaction of the eecond half of April foreshadow a lasting movement In the retrenchment of business, or was It merely a Jolt admin istered by the lack of credit for speculative use? The fact stands out prominently that the decline began almost Immediately after the news came of a drastic readjust ment of business to a more conservative basis In Japan. There Is not, however, a direct parallel to be drawn between con ditions here and In the far eastern country, PROGRESS OF CROPS. Weekly Crop Bullettln of the Agricultural Bureau of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, The purpose of this bulletin Is' to give, as accurately as possible, a survey of the progress of the crops, weekly, during the season. Normally this work might have started with April 1 instead of May 1. But this is not a normal season. Rec ords for the three winter months. Janu ary, February and March, show light pre cipitation in tha main and high tem peratures throughout the country south of the Black Hills and roughly speaking along the line extending east through the northern tier of Nebraska counties and across north central Iowa and aouthern Wisconsin to the Great Lakes, i North, of this line the heavy snowfall of November continued through much of the winter, ono county In northeast Iowa reporting continuous anow cover on the ground from November 24 to March 15, with 110 days of good sleighing in the season. In the dry zone, precipitation ranged from 30 per cent of normal in central Kanaaa to about two-thlrda normal at the central Nebraska stations. Following this condition, the almost con tinuous showery weather ot April must My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON How Allen Drake Interpreted Sev eral Happenings and What Dicky Said to Him. "Mrs. Graham, I think I owe you my life." I turned, startled, as the voice of Kenneth Stockbridge, vibrant with emotion, sounded behind me. I had instructed Katie to serve the coffee in the living room after dinner, and I was hospitably intent upon arrang ing the chairs so that each one could have a part of the glorious blaze Jim had built in the fireplace when I was surprised by the extravagant little speech. - ' "What nonsense!" I said, trying to speak lightly, but in reality disturbed at what I read in my former princi pal's face. Hidden behind the relief and joy at his deliverance there lurked a poignant anguish as diffi cult to analyze as I feared it was to assuage. My thoughts flew back to the day of Milly Stockbridge's death, the day when I heard her voice screaming in insane rage over the telephone. And I heard again the wild shriek of "Ohl-h, don't," and then the sud den silence as if her voice had been smothered. I had gone nearly mad myself with the conjecture as to what that shriek and sudden silence meant. It had been the thing which had made me doubt Kenneth Stock bridge's innocence of the death of his wife. Mr. Stockbridge Explains. "I I would like to explain to you that circumstance," he said, glanc ing around nervously. ( The others were gathered before a canvas of Robert Savarin's, one on which he be regarded as having Its very favorable aspect, although unfortunately accompan led by temperatures quite below normal, culminating In the extraordinary blizzard of April 17 In western Nebraska, eastern Wyoming and Colorado. This storm as charted by the government weather serv ice In the corn and wheat region bulletin for April 20, was heaviest over the Black Mills of South Dakota and the so-called sand hills region of Nebraska, extending as far east as the eastern boundary of Holt and Custer counties. Through this territory the precipitation, mostly In the form of wet snow, exceeded two Inches. The moisture of this period did not, how ever, relieve drought conditions In large areas of the winter wheat belt, and it was not until the following week that south central Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma received much needed moisture. The spring wheat belt haa suffered se verely' by the continuous cloudy and cool condition during April. The soil has been unfit for farm operatlona much of the time so that the acreage planted must be curtailed, and seeding when done la often badly done. As a result there Is al ready complaint of poor stands of plants from seed rotting, etc., the crop thus start ing with a serious handicap. The season Is, ot course, two to three weeks late, and farm work Is greatly re tarded. Tetv except In comparatively small areas such as the Elkhorn valley In Nebraska which Is Inundated, and the Sioux Falls. district of South Dakota which got excessive rains the past week a very little sunshine and warmth would change the entire situation. East of the- Missouri river there Is some complaint of Injury to winter wheat, clover and small fruits by frequent freez ing and thawing during early spring; but not much In excess ot normal. No loss of alfalfa stand Is reported from states west of the river and the crop is start ing favorably, but of slow growth. . All sections of the cotton belt give fav orable reports except Oklahoma and northern Texas. Cotton and corn are starting favorably, and truck and garden crops are doing well. Realtors They are Qualified Realtors are Real Estate experts. They must be experts before they be come Realtors. The Government has its Real Estate business done by Realtors. Nearly all of the $15,000,000 worth of real estate business in Omaha this year has been ne gotiated by Realtors. Realtors frequently save their clients hundreds of dollars by avoiding any legal entanglements that inexperienced men often make. . OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD had put the finishing touches during his stay, and we were momentarily free from any chance of interruption. "It is not necessary," I began a bit stiffly, but changed my tone and words quickly as I saw the hurt look in his eyes. "But I shall be glad to listen to you if it will ease your mind at all. "You are very good," he said gratefully. "I not only wish to clear your mind of the thoughts you can not help but have, but after I have gone out of her life I wish some time you would tell Miss Holcomb, if the question arises, the real truth." Miss Holcombe Responds. ; "As I held her away from the telephone with one arm I am very strong I slashed the telephone cord with a penknife held in my other hand. Then I carried her to a chair, and in her raging frenzy she told me that she had found the things in the secret drawer, that she had torn in two my photograph of Miss Holcombe, and that she meant to sue me for divorce, and name that loyal, true-hearted, innocent woman, and also involve you almost a stranger, and wholly unconnected with our unhappy affairs. "For the first time in my life with her I lost control of myself, and I told her that I was through at last, and that I meant to go to her people and tell them they must take care of her. She changed then in an in stant to the tears with which she has always played upon the weak ness I have in the giving of pain to any one, but for once I was ada mant, and I left her there, my poor Milly, sobbing. It is not a pleasant memory, I assure you." He stopped, and into his eyes crept again the horror I knew would always abide with him at the mem ory of that hour. "I" did go to her people, as they said, and upon my return I found her dead. I saw in an instant how she had died, and knew that for your sake and that of Miss ' Hol combe that tea must not be sus pected. The rest" "You spoke just now about going out of Alice Holcombe's life," I re turned steadily. "You have no right to do that. Forgive me. but I have" guessed your secret. I could not help it, with what you told me and what I inadvertently stumbled on in your desk. And' I am going to do an unpardonable thing and betray another woman's heart. Alice Hol combe loves you royally, hopelessly, has loved you all her life. You must not break her heart by going away from her." "Alice loves me." He spoke dazedly. "Yes." I turned to the group be fore the canvas. "Alice," I called softly, "come here, please." She came swiftly, and slipping aq arm through each of theirs I guided them into the library, shut the door behind me and put my back against it. , "Barely Time." "Now," I said, smiling roguishly, "if you two prize idiots come out of this room until you have come to a proper understanding I'll lock you both up on bread and water till you come to your senses." But Kenneth Stockbridge had not I, I, , in ' - waited for me to finish. "Alice H he said, hoarsely. "Alice 1" . "Yes, Kenneth," Alice Holcombe answered quietly, and there was as sent and surrender in her voice as there had been question and demand in his. That thev had settled matters sat isfactorily I knew by their faces when a few minutes later they came back into the room. Mingled with the shadow which would always haunt Kenneth Stockbridge's eyes was the light of a happiness almost unrealized as yet, while Alice Hol rnmhr't worn face clowed with a quiet rapture which transformed it. I felt my spirits lighten at the sight. I liked Mr. Stockbridge sin cerely, but it was not on his account that my sympathies were so en gaged. For Alice Holcombe I had a very real affection, and I was glad indeed in her happiness. "Won't the puppets all dance sat isfactorily?" . Allen Drake's lazy, mocking voice sounded in my ear. I started nervously, for I could feel Dicky s eves on the back of my head, knew that he was jealously watching me as he had done throughout dinner. "I don't know what you mean," I said spiritedly, although I under stood very well his gibing comment upon my anxiety for the happiness of my friends' which he had shrewdly fathomed. "Oh, yes you do!" He smiled down at me with the air of saying the most confidential thing in the world. "But I warn you now, don't attempt to pair me off with anybody. I am not like these others. If I can't have the rose of the world I'll take no lesser flower." "I'm sorry to hurry you, Mr. Drake," Dicky's voice broke in witl icy courtesy behind us. "but if yoi wish to make that train you asked for we will have to leave immedi ately. We have barely time.' (Continued Tomorrow.) Bee Want Ads Are Eest Business Boosters. r UTOQCIE SB3VDCE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions FOR FUTURE DELIVERY i ' IN All Important Markets . WE ARE MEMBERS OF- ChlcafO Board of Trad St. Louis Merchants Exchang Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Board of Trad Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Sioux Ciy Board of Trado Omaha Grain Exchanfo WE OPERATE OFFICES AT : OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. GENEVA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IA. DES MOINES, IA. HASTINGS, NEB. HOLDREGE, NEB. MILWAUKEE, WIS. ATLANTIC, I A. HAMBURG, IA. Ail of these offices are connected with each other by private wires. We are operationg large up-to-date termihal elevators In the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. Cleaning, Transfering, Storing, etc. It will pay you to get in touch with ona of our offices . when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind ef grain. WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY . Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE We Own and Recommend for Investment New Issue $100,000.00 Orchard & Wilhelm Company 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock Price 100 and Accrued Dividends $346.00 Net Tangible Assets per share. The Company. Earnings 9 times the Preferred Stock Divi dend requirements, in eluding this issue. Sinking Fund. Safeguards. Tax Exemptions. The Net Tangible Assets available for this stock are over $1,126,049.92. The Orchard & Wilhelm Company is an old and well established business and has been ably and conservatively managed since 1893. The company's earnings for 1919 were 13 times the dividend requirements on their out standing preferred stock. The sinking fund provides for redemption of $12,500.00 annually at the market or by call at 107 Vz beginning July 1st, 1923. Ten per cent of the company's earnings each year are set aside for the retirement of this stock. This fund already amounts to $30,801.57. No additional Preferred Stock can be issued except by the company increasing its Common Stock or Surplus to the amount of $200.00 for each share of Preferred Stock to be issued. No mortgage may be placed on any of the present assets without the consent of three fourths of the Preferred Stockholders voting at a duly authorized meeting. The stock is tax exempt to the Nebraska hold ers and exempt from the Normal Income Tax. DETAILED CIRCULAR ON REQUEST. .MOM TRUST CO; The Progressive-Conservative Trust Co. Orchard Wilhelm Company of Omaha, Nebraaka, haa received permit No. 724 from the Bureau of Securities, Depart ment of Trade and Commerce of the State of Nebraaka, euthoriilng tha aale of tha aecuritiet herein described, in accordance with Article XX, Chapter 190. Session Laws of 1919 and the genera! laws ef the State of Nebraaka.