Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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O'Roufke Give$- beginners
Hints :6n How to Build
, I Station and Answers
Sspt. niatrlrt of Tfeatorn Tbra.ka. The
, American Radio Relay League.
In tht study and observation of
electricity, we are led to believe that
there are two kinds of electricity,
namely, positive and negative. They
are given these names because of
the fact that their actions are exactly
opposite. There are few experi
menters today who doubt the exist-
('ce of electricity, as negative elec
tricity has been obtained and sepa
rated from all matter.
As yet positive electricity has been
observed only when in the presence
or associated with negative dectric-
, ity. The presence of electricity is
evidenced only by its effects. The
action of thep forces of electricity
-. have been observed to take place in
a vacuum between charges wholly
separated from one another. I
It is impossible for us to conceive
.of any-action taking place between
isolated 'charges-without the exist
ence ot some conducting medium.
! are therefore led to believe that
re exists a certain, tenuonn snh-
Therefore, in explaining electrical
phenomena we assume ether to be
itsftonducting medium. Ether waves
travel at the rate of 186,000 miles a
second or roughly 11,000,000 miles
a minute.
The antenna is a certain amount
of wire set in a certain position and
of a certain length and height. It
has the power of radiating electrical
energy at a certain definite frequency
or wave length, depending upon its
capacity and inductance. This sub
ject will be dealt with more" in de
tail under the article oil "principles
of tuning."
To prevent undue interference, ,the
government has limited the amateur
to a wave length of 200 meters.
The antenna is the beginner's de
light and the older radio bug's chief
source of worry and trouble.
There are in use today by he
amateurs; 4hree types of aerials,
namely, the fan type, the "T" type
and the inverted "L" type. Of, the
three types named, the latter gives
the most directional effect
Queries Department.
Any experimenter may make use of this
department as a aouroe of Information
regarding radio communication.
No questlona answered that do not hear
Interest to the amateur body ai a whole,
R. G. H., Lincoln, Neb.
1. Where and how do I procure a
license for operating an amateur
radio station? '
A. Frdm the radio inspector, Cus
toms House, Chicago, 111,
2. What are the requirements?
A. A fundamental knowledge of
the operation and theory of radio
communication. A knowledge of
the radio laws. .To be able to send
and receive a minimum of ten words
a minute, International Morse code.
Nearly 2,500 Convicted
fin Mann Art nharnps
Chicago, April 30. Twenty-four
hundred and fifty-nine persons have
been convicted of violating the Mann
white slave law in nine years, ac
cording to , figures furnished the
Chicago Law and Order league by
the Department of Justice.
Sentences assessed totaled 3,591
years, fines jcollected $249,672.63.
. President Taft signed the Mann
act on, June 25; 1910. Of those in
dicted since that time only 342 have
been acquitted and 352 indictments
nolle prossed,
' The figures are up to June 30,
1919, as reports for the current year
have not been compiled.
Predicts Army Man Will Go to
Chicago With Twice as
Many Delegates as Any
least twice as many delegates open
ly behind his candidacy as any man
and with scores of others for him
at heart and waiting only for the
proper moment to swing 'into his
column. These delegate are for
Wood and Will not listen to any at
tempts to manipulate them for other
candidates. 'On the first ballot
General Wood will have far more
than any othir man and when the
states where he is second choice
begin to throw their strength to him
on the second ballot no one will be
able to stop him and he will go over
with a noise that will startle the
whole country.
"I cannot believe that responsible
republican - leader ' ace going to
throw away their opportunity o do
their part in naming the one man
who would assure republican vic
tory in November. They did it in
1912 and again in 1916, because they
did not want Theodore Roosevelt,
and the country and republican vot
ers know well what happened."
No Word Is Received of
Missing Boy by Parents
No word flas been received by the
parents of Frank Werth, 17 years
old, 1815 Vinton street, who van
ished from his home last week.
This is the second son of the fam
ily to mysteriously disappear.' An
other boy, drifted to parts unknown
six years ago.
Charles Werth, the father, fire
man at the Flatiron buildiiig, has
not heard from either boy.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Chirag-o Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire.
Washington, April 30. Predicting
today that Gen. Leonard Wood
would go into , the republican na
tional convention at Chicago with
twice as many delegates as any
other candidate for the presidential
nomination, Senator George H.
Moses, Wood campaign manager,
declared he could not believe that
the responsible republican leaders
would refuse to nominate the gen
eral, There is much talk. In Washing
ton concerning the improbability of
Wood being nominated in Chicago.
Political leaders here are saying that
Wood will not have enough dele-
eates and cannot sret enousrh. Thev
are saying the same thing' about
Senator Hiram Johnson and when
asked who will be nominated, the'al
most invariable reply of the party
leaders is: '.'Lowdcn or a dark
But Senator Moses does not think
"Despite all the efforts that have
been made to head him off," Senator
Moses said today, "Leonard Wood
has demonstrated in New Jersey,
Ohio and Massachusetts that has
strength with the people Is univer
sal and so deep-seated that his hold
upon them cannot be shaken by any
combination? they may make to try
to defeat him. .
"General Wood has ' gained at
least 56 delegate's in those three
states and in Idaho. He will go
into the Chicago convention with at
Do Your Drug Buying Where You Can
This Clearly Means-The
5 Sherman ftpiumU Drug Stores
V For more than ' 30 years under the same management, our constant and best ef
fort has been to conduct drug stores worthy pf conf idence - as to the important
' points, viz. : STOCK Fresh and genuine. PRICE Always as low, generally a little
lower, than can be obtained elsewhere. SERVICE Intelligent and adequate.
Some special bargains in Medicines and Toilet Articles SATURDAY
Spring Cleanup
Smoky City Wall Paper
Cleaner, pkg 15
Absorene Wall Paper
, Cleaner, pke. . . .15
IIRH Paint Cleaner
at lOtf
Sherwin - Williams Mar
Not Floor Varnish,
pints . .95
Quarts 81.70
gala $3.20
Household Ammonia,
bottles, 5t. 10.
15 and 25t.
Paints Brushes
at, 10 and up
Whitewash Brushes
Saniflush, can
Poultry and
Stock Medicines
We sell a very
complete line of rem
edies for dogs, horses,
cattle and, poultry.
A full line of Geo.
H. Lee "Omaha
Made" Remedies and
Disinfectants none
Crude Carbolic Acid
for disinfecting pur
poses 152545 60
Use this in chicken
house and about
the barn.
Antiseptic and De
odorant for personal
and household 1 use.
Mfd. by Millard $
Bennett, Chicago.
Price SI. OO bot.
Delivery Prompt
We make delivery
to all parts of city. 4
routes per day leav
ing our downtown
stores at 9 and 11
a. m., 2 and 5 p. m.
Orders should reach
us if possible 1 hour
hefore the respective
hours named. v
Milkweed Cream, 50c
size Saturday ..37
, Remedies
at Cut Prices
We obtain these goods
in most instances direct
from manufacturers and
thus can save you money
and guarantee freshness
and genuineness.
$1.25 Lyko Tonic. .94
$1.00 Rexall Kidney
Remedy 66
40c Fletcher's Castoria
for 27
$1.15 Vinol Tonic Recon
structive , 89
50c Pape'a Diapepsin
for "...37
5fle Nature's Remedy
for ...37
60v Vick's Vapo Rub
for 44
25c Hill's Cascara Qui
nine for 17
$1.90 S. S. S. Blood
Remedy $1.41
Nuxated Iron, the
great Tonic, that has
made life brighter
and better for Sena
tors, Ball Players,
Preachers, Patriots,
Proletariats ' and Pu
gilists, Saturday $1.10
size' S4
California Syrup Figs,
60c size for 44
25c Carter's Little Liver
Pills for 17
60 Murine for Eyes
for ........ '....44
35c "Gets-It" Corn Rem
edy for ........22
60c Kondon's Catarrh
Jelly for 44
$1.50 Gude's Pept
Mangan for . .$1.14
60c Musterole for. 44
$1.25 Lydia Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
Liquid or Tablets,
for 94
$1.00 Nujol 84
Carlsbad-Sprudel Salts,
imported, bot. $1,25
60c Doan's Kidney Pills
for 44
25c Cascarets . . . .19
$1.50 Scott's Emulsion
for $1.19
$1.20 Phynola 89
60c Bromo Seltzer. 44
50c Bliss Native Herb ,
Tablets for . .33
70c Sloan's Liniment
for 54
Toilet Articles
Here is another place
we "save you time and
money." Our stores are
"up to the minute."
50a Pompeian Massage
.. Cream for 33
50c Mulsified Cocoanut
Oil Shampoo ...37
Tall Red Box Mavis Tal
cum for .17
60c Canthrox Shampoo
for 44
$1.00 S61ox Sulphur
Hair Lotion 64
35c Danderine 23
$1.50 Gouraud's Oriental
Cream for ..$1.14
60c Harmony Cocoa
. Butter Cold Cream
for .44
$2.00 Frivole Toilet
Water, bot.... $1.29
Cfaticura Soap .... 19
Packers Tar Soap. 19
Jergens Violet Glycerine
Soap 9
Shaving Material
See displays in our
stores of supplies for
bearded men and wom
en. You wouldn't believe
it if we didn't show you.
100 or more items priced
to save you money.
Riker's Shaving Lotion
foT '. 64
Rexall Shaving Lotion
for . . .45 and 85
Williams' 1 or Colgate's
Round Cake Shaving
Soap, cake 6
Vivaudou's or Rexall
Shaving Cream Satur
day for 19
Gem Safety Razor. 89
Cuticura Shaving Sticks
(At 16th and Harney
Our beautiful down
stairs "Winter Garden"
is growing more popular
every day. Lunch every
day from 11:30 tb 6
p. m. Dancing every
evening after 8 o'clock, a
small admission fee be
ing charged. Sandwich
es, Ice Cream and Cof
fee evenings.
Krank's Lather Kreem,
, tube . n..'..35
50c Menn'en's Shaving
Cream, tube . . . .34
Lysol Shaving Cream,
tube .. 35
35c Johnson's Shaving
Cream, tube ...22
35c Palmolive Shaving
Cream for 22
65c Lloyd's English
Shaving Cream.. 49
Shaving Brushes
ai . . . iSJC 10 SO.UU
Toilet Goods
We Have Full Line
Tissue Cream. $1.20
Acne Cream . . .60
Motor Cream ..60
Astringent Cream
for 60
Foundation Cream
for . 75
Geranium Jelly. 25
Rose Leaf Cream
for .: 60
Toilet Powders.. 75
Both Tints Talc. 25
Lettuce Cream. .60
Whitening Cream
for $1.20
Denatured Alcohol
for burning. We sell
it cheap in various
sized bottles, jugs and
Mail Order Dept.
Largest in the west.
Add postage for car
riage. No large
liquids can go by mail.
Mineral Waters
5-gal. jug Colfax Water
for .........$2.00
5-gal. jug Waukesha Wa-
ter for $2.00
5-gal. jug Excelsior
Springs or Salt Sul
phur Water ..$2.75
Kalak Water, bot. .45
Dozen .......$4.50
Case of 50 bottles
for $16.00
White Rock Water,
pints, quarts, half gal
lons, and White Rock
Ginger Ale.
50c pkg. Gillette Blades,
Saturday ......39
$1.00 pkg. -Blades..78
Poland Spring
Water, from
Maine, -gal.
bot GO
1 doz,.$6.50
Carlsbad Sprudel
Water, in one
liter bottles,
each ....500
Doz. ..$4.50
' Case 30 bottles
at. $12.00
Speeial Saturday
Large 45c bottle
Pluto Water.. 33
Corner 16th and Dodge Corner 19th' and Farnam Corner 16th and Harney
Corner 24th and Farnam . y Corner 49th and Dodge ' .
uenerai uttice, m rioor latn ana rarnam telephone Uoug. 7855
Barber Shop
Expert Service
Fourth Floor
May White
Start Saturday
Clothes Satisfaction
After You've Paid the
: Summed up in a few words, that's what )
you are looking for;' clothes satisfaction
- after you've paid the bilL Inferior clothes
give you satisfaction only once at the
. , time you pay; for them. And that Jsn't
Good Suits Cost the Least
Here Are Some
Good Ones
They'll keep you well dressed for a
long time. They'll wear. We've seen to
that. Only the most durable weaves have
been used; the tailoring is dependable.
Everything about them is of quality stand
ard that makes for Service. Even the pat
terns are of such as will retain their impres
sive snappy character. They're real good
clothes common sense values.;
Others $35, $40, $45, $50, $60, $75, $95, $115
Brandeis Stores Second Floor Mens Store
Buy a Worth While Shoe
Values at
Y a "worth while" shoe we mean a shoe-that
looks, well and wears well.
For Saturday we are showing just such a
- shoe in dark tan Russian calf or gun'
metal,. with welt soles; and m stock in
every size desired.
Priced at
The Spring display of new and distinctive
footwear productions for men and
boys is now ready for your inspec
tion, and. we feel confident that
you will find, here, just the
kind of footwear to suit
your particular needs.
Brandeis Stores Main Floor Mens Store
Correct Styles for Men and Young Men In
New Hats
The Brandeis display contains a select assortment
of styles for men and young men hats of char'
acter ivhkh possess the distinction demanded by
all men of good taste. The prices range from
5.00 to 15.00.
Boys' Headwear
Saturday we will place on sale about 100 dozen of
boys' and children's hats and golf caps a manu
facturer's floor stock.- All the newest Spring and CQr
Summer styles. These are real values, priced at .
Stitched Cloth Hats
New models from-the best
hat makers in the country
are now in stock. Every
man should see' this inter
esting lot of new ideas in
headwear, priced at
2.65, 4.00 and 5.00
Men's Caps
Golf caps in all of the latest
styles and colors, plain and
fancy mixtures; correct and
comfortable for motoring or
sport wear; priced at
1.50, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50
Brandeis Stores -Arcade
All Wool Isn't
When you've said "all wool"
clothes you've said a good deal.
; but not quite enough.
There are various kinds of
wool materials. The thing to
do is to get a weave that best '
answers your .requirements.
And the way clothes are de
signed and sewn makes a big -difference
in their appearance
and endurance.
This store offers men and
young men the choice of fab
rics and workmanship that are
guaranteed to withstand the
test of service. .
Whenever a man has ah im
portant business occasion'or so
cial affair on hand he is partic
ular about his clothes. He
makes sure he is well groomed.
That in itself testifies to the
importance, of good dressing;
not only on occasions, but all
the time, for it's just as impor
tant to make a favorable im
pression day in and day out.
Style and Quality
Is Everything
You have to measure what
you pay by what you get.
The worthiness and value of
clothes depends on the charac- , i
ter of, fabrics and , tailoring
which go into them. The price
must be in proportion to their
production cost. It simply won't
work out any other way.
Saturday Specials in the
as s t H) 55
. at Ci
THESE shirts are made of a very high grade
madras, a most serviceable and satisfactory fab
ric. - The patterns are attractive stripes , in ' colors.
Lavender Blue Tan
Black and Wnite
The.stripes are woven right into the fabric and tne
shirts will wear and launder well. .Regular $3.00
values ; a very good shirt at O C C
the price ' a3D
Mohair Shirts
in Silk and Wool
A new lot, just received, made of im
ported Japanese cloth. The first ship
ment of these shirts met with so much
favor that we decided to try another.
They are all exceptional ha
values. . Priced at 0OU
"Munsing" Union Suits
2.50 to 5.00
If you want satisfaction in underwear,
buy Munsing Wear. The quality and
style arc sure to be excellent. Our
stock is now complete in all sizes and
qualities for Spring and Summer wear.
Priced, per suit, from 2.50 to 5.00
Silk Hose For Men
'THERE is no hose like a silk hose for comfort and
then they look snappy, express refinement and have
an atmosphere of correctness which makes a man feel
that he is dressed just right.
We show Interwoven and Phoenix hose in all of
the new shades for Spring and Summer wear,
priced from 1.15 to 3.00-
Brandeis Stores Main Floor Mens Store
1.15 to 3.00