5 4 , It ' THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920. 19 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PACKARD BE A PACKARD OWNER RIGHT AT TH8 TIME WHEN TUB FACTORIES CANNOT MAKE DELIV ERIES OK NEW CARS AND WHILE THE 'DEALERS HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF EXCHANGED CARS ON '- HAND, IS THE TIME J'OR YOU TO SELECT THE CAR TOU ARE TO USE ' THIS BUMMER. ' WE ADVISE THAT TOU DO TOUR CAR BHOPPINO WITHIN THE NEXT , ( B5EK OR It DATS. ; we have at the present time a very oood selection of kxchanoed i car8 that we abe offerino at winter 'prices, term8 or cash. 1 .. our selection consists, of packards, cadillacs, iiudsons, buicks, dodoes and other pop ular makes. , each car that we offer for sale carries with jt the integrity that you would expect from the packard in stitution. now is the , time to look Around, you. can get a better bargain now than you can in junb;. do not delay, see our selection today. PACKARD-OMAHA CO., Ull HARNEY ST., AT 31ST ST. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS , ft FORDS, BUICKS. DODGES. New and uaed can; cash or time. Ford bodlci, commercial bodiea, GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL GARAGE, ; 1311 Harney St.. Trier 714. Open Day and Night REAL BARGAIN In Elcar. Itlt model, first elase ahaoe. Will demonstrate now at Military Garage. Henaon. Phone Walnut 48o. FOR SALE BY OWNER. : 1917 Ktudebaker, repainted and mo tor completely overhauled. Price 1376. fan be aeen at Vinton (arafe. 1630 vinto at. xyier ab7, OVERLAND .' Modal SS, In excellent! rendition, will ell or trade. Can ba aeen at Military OaraaA Batmen, or phone Walnut 49011. We can deliver (our White trucka, two 2 . ton and two three-quarter-ton. Call at our office 1017 Farnam-8t. (or further particular! ana prion, Kopao Broa. SOME barialna In 'uaed Ford cara. Vlo f Caff ray Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford Sorvle Station, 15th and Jackaon, Doug- laa ItnA. A 7-paaaeiger Paige, Stratford model; new top? newly painted and In aplendld condition. A bargain. Call Doug. 760. ll BIG SIX BTUDEBAKER; driven 4,(00 mllee; will sell at a bargain. Call Mr. fioyd. ' Harney 876. 11 FORD touring; fine ehape; tlrra good: bargain; ae It at 1737 Howard St. - Douglaa 477S. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS , VAN BRUNTS. ' Look for tha red aeal on wlndthfeld. WE HAVE to good uaed can to aaleet (ram. All prlcea. WEEKS AUTO CO.. S0M Farnam. USED CARS OF QUALITY, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., J030 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. B. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 3530 Farnam St. . AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 3033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 1.10 Farnam St I -i TWO ton Republic truck in fine tihape, run about 1,000 miles, reasonable, or will trade. Walnut 4309.. CHEVROLET touring car, good condition, f 17 model. Harney 1913, between 9 a. m. and 8 p. m, FORD TOURING.; must be sold; need tlie money; fine shape; best bargain in town. Colfax 2450. F'OR SALE Maxwell 5-paasenger 1919, eneap, tisii eoutn z7 a. OVERLAND. s-pasenger. In pink of con- auion. coirmx s. TWIN INDIAN motorcycle; good buy; must eell at once; cash. Walnut 1734, BUICK, B-45, A-l shape, priced for quick sale. Phone Walnut 4309 for partlrularn. Repairing; and Painting;. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. ' Manufactured in Omaha. 14-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert Vadlator and fender repairing: body denta removed; new fenders made, i OMAHA . AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO.. Hit Cuming St. Tyler 117. Tires and Supplies. r NEW TIRES. STRICTLY . FIRSTS. 39x3 t -7t 30x3 4 J13.7B 82x34 17.85 32x4 20.(0 SHIPPED SUB.7 EOT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North 16th St. Douglaa 3830. USED TIRES. I 10x3. $(.00; lOxSVt, 16.00. All sites in proportion. Look over our rebulita. Open Sundays. Tyler 29S6. 8AVIGE TIRES. !0J N. 16th 6t. Keystone Tire Bhop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. in.lU. F1SK 112.95 I 84x4 121.15 30x8 9.95 I 86x4 2(.t( KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage nattertes. r.q warns zeie i. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY DAViDSON MOTORCYCLES Baraalna In used machines. Victor It Boos, tha motorcyole man. 27 tb and Leavenworth Sta. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will tell yon ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres jot the best wheat and corn .land In I.., , V,U1U1 HUU. .1,11. .W WVt, HWW. Sea our cropa. Investigate. R. T. Cllna, Owner. Brandon. Colo. i QUARTER section, close to Burlington, Colo., partly fenced. 60 acrea under cul tivation, well and windmill, no other improvements. Price 136 per acre; 1500 down wilt nanaie. Aaaresa box .-t Omaba Bee, proved, 130 per acre. Would consider Omaha property as part payment fnone uoiraz 4182. jvranK oass, uwutr 4006 North 25th St.. Omaha. Iowa Lands. A FARM BARGAIN. - 390 acrea located six miles east of Blenco, Monona county, Iowa, deacribed M N. E. H and X. of S. E. m Sec tion 0 and N. W. 'A Section 10, except S. E. V, of N. W. A, all In Township nr. Range 4. Afldress nick Dornng, Savoy hotel, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas Lands. . THE GUMPS Z-Z-Z-Z-! ! ! ! Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith . lit " ' OH IMNi ) I , (HWWUPVmH ' UK. l Qf J (do EMY rMEf?e h (6D ATwfclsrSl St : feKtesS WkW&W jC ho'"'- FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Cass County Farm At Auction 1 May 5, Wednesday, 2 p. m. On ,the above date in the Jordan Hall, Alvo, Nebraska, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of price, one of the most "productive furms In eastern' Nebraska, conslstmg of 160 acrea. I,ocatedl miles north of Alvo. Nebraska; 40 miles' from tha great Omaha markets and -20 miles from Lincoln, with every educational ad vantage. All good black loam soil with clay subsoil. Land lifts level to gently rolling. No better dirt out of doors. Poseesalon June 1. 1920. Purchaser will reqeive- this year's share of crop and caah rental for pasture. For terms and full description, ' address. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central Cty, Ne braska, Mark Carraher, Auctioneer, M. A. Larson, Manager, Frod .11, Proaty, Alvo, Neb., Owner. WAreKd9!partlciilars , ; A 430-ACRF. tract juxt thra and a half miles southwest of Culbertsnn; new sot of Improvements consisting of a 4-room house, barn for 8 hond of horses; hen house. 12x16; hog shed and a-good well and mill; all fenced and cross-fenced; dally mall route past the door; 115 aorea under cultlval.on, balance fenced in two paeturee; land covered with an excellent growth of grass; pasture land fenced with a good 3-wlre fence; a cat tle bridge connects the two pastures If you want to turn them in one; dandy good road Into town. Price, 150.00 per acre; H cash and your own time on thesjbalance at 6 per cent. Tf you pra fer.iiwlll sell it on the amortization platl? giving 18, 20 or 25 years' time to pay for it. A. R. Smith, the land man, Culberuon, Neb.. CHEYENNE COUNTY COLORADO 320 acres on the state graded high way; 80 acres In cultivation, all fenced; small improvements and a good well with windmill;' some fruit trees; price, 135 per acre. . 3.520 acres, will divide to suit in 160's , and up at (22.60 per acre. These lands are in the best agricultural section of the state and will be sold on good terms. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 829 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha or Phone K, M. Bnttorff. Harney 383a. ' BARGAIN, Eastern Nebraska. H25 per acre; rent for one-half corn crop, close to county seat: comfortable improvements; (6,000 will handle it. Liberty bonds acacpted. Quarter ec- ROYAL L. STEWART ' & CO., Omaha National Bld - Kimball County Snap 640 acres; an almost level section; this land is put on the market for quick sale and priced at least 10 per acre cheaper than land of like character is soiling for. Price $38.60 per acre; easy terms. ... 820 acres; an almost perfect half sec tion three-quarters of a mile from good country school. Trice (42.60 per acre. FRANK A. SMITH. Kimball. Neb. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 05 per cent best of farm land, Rose bud allt loam soil, a sncp at (25 an ' acre. , S. S. andR.E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED, IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list LARSON A CARRAHER, Central City. Neoraska. For Ntb. Farms and Ranches see ftraham-Peters Realty Co.. 82 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A. PAT2MAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY, a magazine giving the-facts In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good fsrm lands, simply write ma a letter and ay, "Mall me LAND OLOGY and all particulars free." Ad dress Editor, Landology, Skldmore Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous. $1,500 Cash Secures 250-Acre Farm With t horses, 15 catle. hogs, tools; 175 acres tillage, remainder spring watered pas ture and wood; 160 fruit treea; 10-room house, running water, maple shade; 80 ft. basement barn; running water; other fine buildings; everything. (7,500. only (1,600 cash, balance easy terms. Details page 24, Strout's Spring Catalog Bar gains. 33 states, copy free. Strout Agency, 831 B. F. N.'Y. Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE. INC, 628 Keellne Blag. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Cm. Nat, Bk. Bldg. Dou. 271S. Miscellaneous. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maloshock, 1614 Dcdge. D. 5619. Es. 1894 KANSAS LAND. Flna level section in Thomas county. , Kan., 4 miles from Rexford, fair Im provemunt, about 400 acres in winter wheat, in fine condition; two pastures fenced; located In the best wheat belt of Kansas; buyer gets share of crop de livered. Price (50 per acre. Box 398, Her bron. Neb. REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchaser; over 1,600 acrea In wheat; send for cur list. F ELTON & WEST, ,HK Kendall Land Company owns and controls 30.000 acres in the famous Thomas county, Kansas, wheat district. Write for folder. KENDALL LAND COMPANY, COLBY. KAN. Minnesota Lands. S35-ACRE STOCK FARM. (S miles soutb of St. Paul, 200 acrea plowland, balance meadow and pasture. , Ten-room house with hot water heat, gas light and hardwood floors. Big basement, barn, silo, corn crib, granary, house for hired help and other build ings. (100 per acre; !?,000 cash. This . farm la priced for quick sale and la tha biggest snap ot tba aeason. Writ ' or wire. MARTENS LAND AOENCT, 100 First St., South. Minneapolis. Mlrfn. ROVED FARMS In southern Minnta -at real bargains. Come and be cuntnf)j. Send for our new list. New Riehlaad Land A- Loan Co.. New Richland, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUNVY LAND Writ us for list before looking else where. FELTON & WEST,-' I0T Croons Bldg.- Opposite P. O. . 1 PRIVATE MONEY. ' 1100 to (10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. PROMPT service, rtasonablo rate, prirate money. Oarvln Broa. 346 Omaha Nafl: PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 412. D. E. BUCK. Loana 443 Omaba Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR quick action and satisfactory results in selling your property list it with SCHROEDER INVEST MENT COMPANY 538, Ry. Exchange Bldg. Doug. 3261. HAVE YOU A 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE? For quick results list It f'tn W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Established 1SS5-. Phone Doug, 564. 1320 Farnam St. WE havo served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for Aver 86 years. We have many calls now for homes. Liet your property with us. We win aerr you to your Daat interests. McCague Investment. Co IiAVE inouirles for aood homes in good locations. Do yott want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grim- inei. MS Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. - YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Wan' ocick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bea Bldg. To buy or cell Omaha Real Estate sea fowler &N Mcdonald 1180 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 142. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON It Patterson 81k, , Du. Ilia, REAL ESTATE WANTED. REAL ESTATE and all kinds ot insurance, HERMANSEN & CO. 74S Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON 5i& 814 Brown Block. Doug. 6268. WB HAVE ceeb buyers for cottage and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047- Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1686. WANT TO BUY 6 to 7-rom house; mod ern or part modern, on payments. CoU ored. Webster 4150. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. FOR SALE A lot in Mlnne Lusa addi tion, 63 feet frontage, near park. Priced - right. Call Norall, Douglas 974 or Har ney 166. REAL .ESTATE INVESTMENTS. NEAR 16TH AND CUMING ST. 60x140 with old buildings renting for (47 per month, price 15,000. S. P. Bostwick & Son', FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot in wholesale district. Possession If wanted. v DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Bldg. I'hone Doug. (90. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance. Ren tals Tyler 1636. 333 Securities ' Bldg. NEARLY new dunlex brick flat, close in oak finish. (10,000; Income, (1,080. Call days, Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. fTlAVE two (1.500 first mortgages draw ing 6 par cent interest on Todd county land, South Dakota, and two quarters land clear in Todd county. South Da kota, to trado for good Dundee residence property. Write Box K-34, Omaha Bee, BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom, 2030 Far- . nam strtf'. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE ' $10,500 Eight rooms and sleep ing porch; sun room, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; three bedrooms and sleep ing porch Second flcor; floored attic; full basement; oak floors throughout and oak finish first , floor; full lot, nicely located, ' with garage for. one car. First time offered. 6 LOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, 918-20 City Nat. Douglas 2350. HEW DUNDEE HOME Just being completed. Six large light rooms . beautifully fin- . ished in oak, enamel, birch and mahogany. Fireplace and book cases in living room. Ideal white kitchen. Tile bath. A classy place inside and opt. Will be complete ( in every detail. Excellent value at $11,000. Shown by -appointment. Call owner, evenings, Wal nnt 1580. DUNDEE HOME-$9,500 Immediate possession, 7-room stuccq. hot wafer heat) oak finish first floor, oak floors throughout, 2-car garage, -storm cave, several bearing fruit trees; south front lot, 60x135 ft. On Cuming street, near 61st. Terms, (3,725 cash, balance (73 per month, including in terest. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. 1120 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. NEW BRAND NEW , EAST FRONT DUNDEE. Have , just completed a nifty six-room home with beautiful oak floors throughout; built-in book cases, buffet, etc.; tile bath; well located. This is priced right. Terms. Phone Harney 3555 evert ings, or Carse at Doug. 7412 days. We specialize in Dundee nomes. C. B. STUHT CO., 918-14 City National. Dnuulas 8787. DUNDEE Modern 7-room home for sale by owner. Walnut 1621. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 3-acre farm with 6-room house; cement basement: city water; (3.600 cash. 8440 Avenue J. Council Bluffs, la. Florence C. L. Nethaway . for suburban property, Florence Sta., Omaha. Neb.. Col. 1409. South Side. A MODERN 9-room home, fireplace in the parlor, two bath rooms, full cement basement with toilet and garage. 461G S. 20th. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Genuine Bungalow Leavenworth Heights Has very large -living room with French doors; large fining room with built-in features; two good bedrooms and baih, all on ond floor; two rooms finished up stairs. Situated on south front lot, with garage. Owner is leav ing the city. Price $7,000; about $4,000 cash required to handle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. 4355 HAMILTON STREET - Beautifully finished and dec orated 6-room, frame and stucco home, less than 3 years old. Three rooms, all oak downstairs, three good rooms up, good basement. Large lot with garage for two cars. Close to school . and one block, from car line. Price $S,800, about one-third cash. FREDERIC L. HEYN, r REALTOR Dg. 746. 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT " A fine 7-room. ail modern, oue block to Dundee car line, one block to Ben bow Apt.; specialties are paid; a good buy. Price (6,500. Phone Walnut 281 Sundy. D. 3575 .weak days. ' ATaW. TOLAND. CO.. , , . 410 Ssa Bids REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS BUNGALOW One of the best and classiest bungalows in this restricted resi dence addition. One block to car. Stucco construction. Five dandy rooms on one floor. Large living roonii with fireplace.. Oak and enamel finish. Just being com pleted. A snap at $7,500. For ' appointment call Walnut . 1580 Sunday or evenings. Day, Tyler 3540. WEST FARNAM HOME Nine-room stucco, oak downstairs, maple upstairs; fine condition; close t Cathedral on 39th street. Party leaving town, make offer. ' S. S. and R. E. . MONTGOMERY, ;i3 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1318 FINE BARGAIN, Eight-room, modern; hardwood finish, hot water heat, paved street, near ear. , Western part of city. Close in. Douglaa 1 4641. Omaha Real E'ta'r- and Investment!. JOHN T. BOHAN, (21 Paxton Tlk. ' Phone Tyler 4H. J. B. ROBJSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 448 Bee Bldg.. Douglas (097. MONTCLAIR , . ADDITION Just listed a 5-room strictly modern up-to-the-minute bunga low located in the center of Mount clair Addition on La Fayette avenue. Extra large living room across the front; dandy dining room; two -nice bedrooms and bath; large kitchen. Oak finish and oak floors in living room and dining room; hard maple floors and birch finish n' bedrooms with white enamel bath; full cement basement, furnace heat; coal room arid fruit (room. Extra large at tic, room, enough for three large . rooms. Good large lot on paved street. Located where surround ing houses are costing from' $12, 000 to $15,000. Price, $7,650; one half cash. . PAYNE 'INVESTMENT COMPANY1 557 Oni. Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. Ask For Mr. Gibson. Modern Four Flat Building. First Class Condition. Near Fifteenth and Vinton . Streets. ' LOT 65x156 Price for quick sale, (S.500; (2,500 cash, balance easy terms. Brings in 12 per cent on this price and is rented very low. Am leaving city. A. H. UKOTTK. lour. 1313. 213 City Nat. Bank Blrlff. READ THIS ONE MILLER PARK DISTRICT 7-room full 2-story strictly mod ern up-to-the-minute residence lo cated on Laurel avenue. Extra large living room across the front of the house with built-in fireplace and bookcases. Off the living room built-in sun-room with 9 windows and French plated doors; dandy large sunny dining rom with built-in buffet and window seat; nice large kitch en on the first floor finished with oak floors and oak woodwork. Second floor has three extra-large bedrooms, each bedroom having three large windows- and a danjdy large linen closet and bath; tile floors and tile walls; clothes chute; oak floors with birch and white enamel finish. Third floor, entire attic finished up ih one extra" large room, all with oak floors and two nice closets; full Cement basement with furnace heat; hot and cold water; floor drain; large coal bin, nice large fruit room and cyclone .cave; porches glassed in in winter time and screened 'in in summer time; foundation solid pressed brick clear down; south front lot 45x136 feet deep on paved street, paving nearly paid. Construction stucco first story, frame second. This is a real house, real location and a real bargain for this money. One block to car line, 3 blocks to school, 2 blocks to Miller park. Location excellent,' surroundings excellent. Prjce $8,350; $3,600 cash, balance $50 per month in cluding interest at 6 per cent. See us at once for appointment. PAYNE INVESTMENT k COMPANY 537 Omah Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 1781. BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME 7 ROOMS $7,850. Exceptionally well constructed house with splendid arrangement of all rooms; spacious living and dining rooms with large, light kitchen adjoining; oak floors and -finish: 4 bedrooms and bath up; narrow pine floors ' and birch finish; floored attic; brick foundatian; lot 60x140; south frontage;, large new ga- '. rage; cement floor; alley entrance; close to Harney car line and Franklin school; ilU by a contractor for his own home. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 824 Bee Bldg.j Tyjer 6171. MINNE LUSA bn Bauman street, a beautiful 7-room home with all the latest built-in features. Firepjace, book cases, buffet. Rudd; instantaneous water , heater. Beautiful shade tr?es. One-half block to car line. Price $8,750; $3,000 cash. CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY REALTORS. 742 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 187. l-raom house partly modern; I lota. IJ.I6. I6U Bawwd CUm IliS. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FORT STREET BUNGALOW Story and a halt house; six large rooma, having living room, dining room to tha front with den or bedroom, and kitchen on ths first floor: two good bedrooms and bath on second; excellent arrangement; good house; a bargain, (6,600. D. V. SHOLES CO. 1 REALTORS, 915-17 City Nat. Bank Bldg. . Doug.a.46. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM x BUNGALOW ! $5,000. Located near 34th and Ames; close to car and ecneoi; rooms all on one floor; oak floors and finish throughout; good slzcd, rooms and very well" arranged; modern In every respeot; about 3 years old; garage with drive; large lot. This Ih a very beautiful little home; (2,7(0 cash required. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., ) 234 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171. A MOST ECONOMICAL BUY Located north, just one block from car and a sightly location; five rooms; all on one floor; very nicely arranged; have good closet room; combination fixtures; dandy reception hall and kitchen; work -is all built. In; full cement basement; hot water heat; full lot with cinder drive; while this lasts, (800 down; price (4,000. SHOPEN & CO. Douglas 422. Keeline Bids;. , 6 ROOMS $3,800 ! Strictly modern, 6-room house, lo cated on a larg lot, 46x128: practically new; full cement besement; ' furnace heat; paving paid; two blocks to car Hoe and 3 to school: a dandy buy for some one; priced very, low for cash; for further particulars call. Commercial Investment - . Company 1616 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3932. Doug. 6236. TWO 8-ROOM HOMES Fine, condition, all modern, hot water heat. $1,000 down, balance easy terms. (4.000 and (4.400. Located 1612 and 1614i Burdette streets Street to ba pavd this year, J S723 IOWLER AVENUE. ' Eight-room modern, hot water heat, ocrner lot, fine shade and frtjlt, only 33.81)0; easy terms. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery 213 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1313 ON account of sickness, will sacrifice 4- -room house. 6 lots, block west Fort Omaha. Colfax 1843. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW7 y Just listed, one of the niftiest, ' nearly new, strictly modern, up-to-the-minute bungalows in Minne Lusa in Miller Park district, con sisting of extra large living room with built-in fireplace and book cases; fine dining room; two ex tra large, classy, sunny bedrooms. Ait A-l kitchen; dandy sunroom; tile bath and white enamel finish; full cement basement, Milton Rogers furnace; extra large lot, 66-foot frontage by 120 feet, south front on paved street, two blocks from car line, one block from school, overlooking Miller park and Miller Park club house; close to boulevard. Owner htis reduced his price from $8,000 to $7,600 for quick-sale. About one-half cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. 6 ROOMS NEAR 34TH & FRANKLIN (4,600. Entirely modern and In very good re pair; situated on a corner lot 60x124; brick founda"tlon; beautiful trees, hedges and shrubbery. This is a bargain. Let us show you. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171. WALKING DISTANCE PAYS 17 PER CENT This is a double house of five rooms each. Is modern exceept heat. Located on a 60-foot lot. Paved street with pav ing all paid. Annual rental, (600. Priced at (3.600. Located at 847-849 South 21st St. Don't bother the ten- W! FARNAM SMITH & CO., Douglas 664. . 1320 Farnam St. Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into Cash by Our Uniqua Method Write for Booklet : NEBRASKA REALTY . AUCTION COMPANY Central City, Nebraska Ware & Leland Chicago-New York May 1, 1920. The copartnership existing be tween the undersigned expires this day by mutual consent. Any of the partners will sign in liquidation. J. Herbert Ware.' Edward F. Leland, John N. Weinand, Edward J. Schaak, Harry B. Signor, Safton Tranter, j J. Herbert Ware, Jr. Modern Four Flat Building. First Class Condition. Near Fifteenth and Vinton Streets. Lot 55x156 iHfce for quick a!fl, $8,500. $2,600 rash, balance vtisy tfrmH. BrinK in 12 per cent on tins price and In rented vory low. Am leaving city. A. B. GROTTE; Doug. 1313. 213 City Nat. Bank Tlldg. (850 CASH. ' Balance less than rent. For a good 8-roora house. Modern except hear. Tjirge lot. paved street, location tSfiOl). Price (3,660. All specials paldy Must bo Hold ; st once. , W. S. FRANK, 20! Nevlllo Blk.. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room cottage; modern except heat. (3,600.' Har. 6374. HAVING moved to Chicago, will sell ma; two 1houses-.nd two lots at 3703 North 21st. St., at a bargain, ttee my agent. Mr-i. Thns. Falconer. t3703 North 21nt St.. Omaha. W. 1L Welch. 1516 Orleans St., Chicago. III. , MODEBN 4-ROO.M COTTAGE. s . (500 DOWN. " Balanoe (30 per month; lot. 60x130; " dandy place for the money; only (2,750. 3235 Ohio street. Webster 3637. n NEW BUNGALOW. (1,150 down; price, (4,750; balance' (37.69 per month: 6" rooms all modern; oak finish. Owner in house. 3340 North 69th. Webster S537. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, 'oak finish, double garage, south part of Kountze ' Add., (6,760; half cash. Call Harney 3634.- A FEW homes and lots tor sale In Park wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270. 2627 SEWARD. 4-room, new, modern bun galow, (600 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, 608 Bee. Douglaa 300. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest four money. 'Phone Tyler 187 . - BARGAIN BT OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat $3,500. Harney 6374. . FOR quick results list with Benjamin A Frankenberg. 524 Bee Bldg. Douglas it BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Om Ns!! I South. CHOICE FIELD CLUB HOME. ' One of the most desirable seven-room homes in this part of Omaha. Wonder fully well-built. Hot wateV heat. Fine Fhade trees. Garage. (4,000 will handle. Trice. (11.000. ROYAL L. STEWART & CO., 660 Omaha National Bldg. TWO 6-room cottages; take your choice. Located at 20th and Dorcas. Very rea sonable terms. Call Tyler 2022. STEEL REAt, ESTATE INVESTMENT ' COMPANY. FIVE-YEAR GAMBLE IN OIL ; TEXAS OIL A GOOD GAMBLE FORTUNES MADE OVER NIGHT tan You Afford to Take a Chance T I Can Lease You 2 Sections in Brewster County Price, $2.30 Per Acre. One section in CRANE ' County, ad joining Reeves County, near Bell Well; price, $6.00 per acre. I will give a 5 -year lease on either of above tracts and at expiration ot five years if you have not sold same at a profit I will' extend your lease five years more. FREE OF CHARGE Now if you, want a good GAMBLE, see me today phone for engagement. HUNTER INN, ROOM 206 E.F. Leland & Co. MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Boardof Trade. Successors to Ware & Leland in Chicago. 181 Quincy Street, Chicago. The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership for the transaction, at the above address, of a general commission business in stocks, bonds, grain and cotton. Edward F. Leland, Harry B. Signor, - John N. Weinand, Edward F. Schaack. May 1, 1920. Branch Offices in New York.' 61 Broadway. 140 W. 4 2d St. Omaha Office: Rooms 727-730 Grain Exchange. SEVERAL NEW FIVE-ROOM H&MES IN WEST "L" STREET ACRES ANNEX FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS $500 Down $35 Per . i Month Salesmen are at this addi tion Saturday and Sunday, selling the tracts and at the same time will gladly show you these houses. Take Cross-town car line to 42d and "L" streets, then go two blocks west to the addi tion, SHULER & CARY, Realtors Phone Douglas 5074 204 Keeline Bid,:. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED South. $7,500 HOME On (leorgta avenue, 8 rooms, strictly modern, oak finish; lot, (0x140; fine shade. Will show property by appoint ment. S. P. BOSTWICK & SON 300 Bee Bids. Tyler 1500. WE have two 7-room modern houses, oak floors and. oak finished. ' near 24th end . Elm StH.v price $5,600, $1,500 down; six room houie,' same location, price $.'1.9(10; $1,400 down; posnesslon ih thirty days. S. S. &' R. E. Montgomery, Uouglus 1313 or Walnut 21 36. NEAT BUNGALOW At 2801 Edward CreiRhton ave nue (Dorcas), beautiful little 6 moni bungalow, on large corner lot. Only 2 years old, well built, and beautifully finished. Full base ment, goodattic, would make .two additional roomi. Price $4,'800, about one-third cash. FREDERIC L. HEYN, REALTOR. g. 746. 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous REDUCED PRICE Owner leaving city, and .to sell at once has put a pre-war price on his home. Located at 8J1 South 37th Strcet close to car and school. Downstairs has music room, living room, dining: room, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room, all' oak floors and finish. Three' bedrooms, bath and en 'closcdjsleepintr porch upstair with maple lloors and birch and enamel . finish. Large floored attic and cement basement, Fine double garage. House about 5 years old. Only $2,51)0 cash required, THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. CREIGH, SONS & CO. 508 Bee Bide - Douglas 200. FIVE ROOMS Only $500 Cash". Strictly Jlodern. This fine 'new place has five nicely arranged rooms and bath; living- room extends across the front; oak floors and finish; ex- terior is Kragstono stucco. Full cemented basement, elc; south front on west Ames; street paved; good terms. Call Mr, Grant, Wal nut 5.17 J or Douglas 7412. New 4-Room House and 3 Lots A fine place to raise garden arid chickens; brand new house and 3 good lots; can sell for $1,350 down, balance monthly. Call Walnut 54JJ evenings or Douglas 7412 'davs. Ask. for Mr. Cole, SUM MK 11 CUTTAUK CHEAP. asm WALNUT OIL LEASES NEW MEXICO and TEXAS Protect yourself with a 40-acre New Mexico State Lease, Jn five counties around 19 drilling wells and locations for $2.00 per acre or $80 for 40 acres. Rentals only 16 cents, five-year leases, with a five-year renewal. Can give you these within few miles of, drilling wells and lo cations ih Chaves, DeBaca, Lea, McKinley, Valencia and Lincoln counties, New Mexico. . Illinois Producers No. 1 in Eddy county, New Mexico, re ported standing full of oil at 2,200 feet, and Bell well, just south of New Mexico 'state line, is reported as a wonderful well at a , shallow depth of 653 feet. Secured large blocks in New Mexico, also in Ward and Winkler counties, Tex., j'ust east of th Bell well. Forty-acre tracta Ward county, one and one-half miles from deep-tented location made in Block F, by O'Brien for $8 per acre. Forty-acre tracta in Winkler county, surrounded by locations, $3 per acre. Forty-acre tracta Brewster county, Tex., ix miles north of the Skinner well, located just north of Marathon, which blew, all the tools out of the hole at 1,000 feet a few weeks ago. A few of these tracta left at $4 per acre. I Can give large or small tracts in Ward, Winkler, Hunt, Titus, Smith, Gregg,1 Urshur, Medina, DeWitt and other counties in Texas, ' Large blocks secured before present drilling campaign, therefore, can give very low prices. If taken in sections, can make better prices. i -; . Reliable-' salesman and brokers wanted to handle acreage, Write or wire for full information. r ' Buchanan Leasing Syndicate St. Joseph, Mo. Office., 402 Bartlett Trust Bldg.,' St. Joseph, Mo. Phone ?ell Main 3634 Phone Bell Main 2525 THE SALE OF West Street Acres Annex Continues Today, Saturday and Sunday. , , Prices are low and every tract will be sold. " , $195 to $495 TERMS: $10 to $20 Down $5 to $10 Per Month No interest until 1921. No taxes for two years. Liberty Bonds accepted at par. Discounts for larger cash payments. t i I BIR'KETT & CO. X'. "'. and Insures. ?S8 Ties Bldg. Dnusiaii3. "real K8TATHTTL!Ti invkstmbnts. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 8011. British X o Bck Sultan ' Constantinople, April 30. (By The . Associated Tress.) British ' tronns. it it believed, nlan to SUO- " port the sultan's forces in the rnove- meut against Turkish nationalists in Asia Minor, and even join in an " offensive aeainst Musta- pha Kemal. Elaborate preparations are beinpr made by the British along the Anatolian coast ot the bea ot Marmora. - i i y t if Phone Douglas 5074 and we will send an auto for you, or take Crosstown-car to 42dNand L streets. ' The addition lies just west on L street. These tracts are selling fast and the opportunity will not continue very long. COME TODAY Shuler & Cary, Owners Phone Doug. 5074 202-8 Keeline Bldg. i '4