. . . ' I . . ... , THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920. MAYOR WANTS A FREE BRIDGE TO lOVA SIDE . Omaha and Bluffs Officials Anl Chambers of Commerce 'Working on Proposition,. -, Smith Announces Friday. - One of the projects which Mayor ' Smith has determined to accomplish before his term expires, is the con struction of a free bridge by the city across the Missouri river between ( Omaha and Council Bluffs. A state ment outlining hie position and rea sons for building the bridge as issued by Majror Smith yesterday.. PfAtimin,vif .J il. ' . tiiiiioijr wuin. Luwdiu llic lor mulation of the project which has - been under consideration for some time, has met with the approval of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce and the mayor and other city 'offi cials of Council Bluffs which would Jte asked to share in the expense of the improvement which would be met by the sale of bonds. Wants Toll Removed. - MayofSmith is impressed that the development and expansion of Oma ha, 'already handicapped by a serious shortage of houses, demands that the barrier of a toll bridge between the cheap residential properties avail able to workers on the Iowa side of the river be removed as quickly as possible. It is contended that it is an injustice and an injury to hnn- ' trlrrrix nf Omaha mnrUr, ;n - Council Bluffs to be compelled to pay tolls and that, with the future development of the Lincoln High way and various good road pro- : jects in both states, Omaha will fur ther suffer through the presence of a. toll bridge as the only means of entrance into the city. Mayor Smith's statement fpllows: . faayor Smith's Statement. - - ...... Q j i vsuiu line to accomplish before going out of thfi, may.or's office, is to secure a free bridge across the river between T Omaha and Council Bluffs. -I hope R see this brought about by co-operation between the two cities; Our interests are mutual and I believe it would be greatly to the advantage of both citie. "The people of western Iowa are .Intensely loyal to Omaha. They come to this city by. the hundreds Vl and thousands and trade with us. - The Lincoln Highway is destined to be the great automobile thorough fare across the continent. When our good roads program is fully under headway, the traffic on that highway will be very great. The barrier in the,-way of a toll trade, which tends to keep people out of Omaha, should be removed. The mor nensiv it i fnr fiprtnl in t ' " - - -' t 1 ' come into tn ritv. the 1ms thcr will be who come. Hundreds Cross Daily. "There are hundreds of persons who live on one side of the river but whose places of employment anjl ', labor are on the other side. It is an injury and n injustice to them to pay bridge 'toll every time they go (' to and from their "work. vThe bridge .1 . i . . , f , over ine river ougni 10 De as iree as our streets. ' (-"I have this matter under con sideration with the mayor of Coun cil Bluffs, have gone over the matter I with Mr. Brogan, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and I hope to see .both cities united in this pro ject and work it out." Water DoardMay lum uas riant to v.ouncu Suggestion by Butler City Commissioner Dan .B. But ler states that if the Metropolitan Water board believes that the city ' is imposing burdensome conditions "in turning over the gas plant at the appraised valuation, then it wouid seem to him that it would be wise to ask the legislature next winter to transfer the gas plant management to the city council. "The city commission will op erate the gas plant without loss, in my judgment, at or about IS cents per 1,000 feet below what the Omaha Gas company can operate," the commissioner said. "Itt is my judg ment that the city council can pro cure the services bf a competent gas plant operar who will econom " ically produce the desired results. "If members of the Water board have figures or estimates which rea sonably indicate that it will be nec essary to charge $1.55 or any rate above that now bxing charged by the company, I would like to have such-figutcs submitted to the xity council. or made public so that they may be submitted by the , city to some unquestionably competent , - ,, person or analysis. Creajpery Butter Men Offer ' y Country Calf Club Prizes Cash prizes of $50 for each coun ty calf club in Nebraska were de cided on at a meeting of the Cream ery Butter" Makers' association at the Chamber of Commerce yester day.; The prize will be awarded for at least three years. The director of each calf club in the stafe will have charge of distributing the prize " money. Heifer calves of dairy breeds are favored by creamery 'men. The ag ricultural bureau of the Chamber of( Commerce called the meeting. H.' , F. Mcintosh, , manager, explained the desirability of offering prizes. Police Substations In Home Districts Yet In Plan Stage Police Commissioner Ringer is working out a plan of establishing small substations for police protec tion in the residence districts. The tentative idea is to detail two policemen for each eight-hour shift to. each station. One man will re main in the station and his assopiate will patrol the district on a motor cycle, reporting to the substation hourly in the same manner that pa trolmen now report to Central sta tion. - V i . The substations will be connected by direct telephone to Central sta tion. . ' . . , ," ' . 1 - A ' Omahans to Leave fn Special Cars In June . For Big Ad Club Meet A large delegation of members of the Advertising-Selling league of Omaha is planning on leaving the evening of June 4 for Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the annual conven tion of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. , The party will occupy special cars. The delegation from the Lin coln Ad club has been invited to join the Omaha party for the trip. Lloyd Mattson, --IX R. Mills and Arthur Thomas are directors of de partments of the national organiza tion. Mr. Thomas who is manager of the bureau of publicity of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, will seak at the convention on "How Omaha Advertises." Omaha men who have made reservations for the trip! are George D. Adams, ' Charles B. Ayres, Charles E. Duffie, Lloyd Mattson, D. R. Mills, Frank Myers, G. A. Rodman, Ben Smith, Dean Smith. Arthur Thomas, Harold Thompson. Victor'White and H. B. Whitehouse. Scottish Rite Masons Diqe Scottish Rite Masons of fTie Valley of Omaha who recently were ac corded the distinction of KnigM Commander of ' the Court of Honor gave a reunion dinner v Thursday night. They had as their gues's Frank Cargill Tatton, 33d sovereign grand inspector general for Ne braska, and the brcthem of the 33d degree honorary of the valley. T. W. McCullough was chairman for the evening and, a number of in-form.-.l talks on matters Masonic were made. Lighting Fixtures, den. Adv. Uurgess Gran- To Lecture Here Richard C. Craven, field secretary of the American Humane associa tion, New York, will make several addresses irt Omaha next week, lie gives a lecture, illustrated with 10l slides, at the First Presbyterian church Sunday evening. l.im. III lllll I i mi.. Ill I ill I III . . in i -. .i - i I ii il " . . .i .i ..-iiMi.ii , .ii . , -mmm n-r. ' 1 J - ' ' ' ' & " . . , - , - : ' : : : : 7- 111 HI "The Garden of Fashion! A pageant of the Utett styles in living models at the STRAND THEATER in connection with' the picture t "Why Change Your Wife" UK Base to PMI Americanization Parade Saturday afternoon at 1:30 P.M. Starts at 16th and Capitol avenue. V llllllJlllllllllHIIIIMIIIIIII llilllllllilllllIIIMIIIII!lnlllllllllllll lllllllllltllllIJIIHIHllHl""l",",'"i 1 ; . -Announcing Our Annual iiiliii!liiliilnl!iliiliiiiliiliiliiiiliii.iliii;liiliiliiluliIMIiiliiliil May Sale of Lingerie EVERYBODYS STORE" The Season's Smartest Models Included in This Extraordinary Clearance Sale of Which Begins Monday, May 10 I Displaying Our Spring Collection of Philippine and Domestic Models and Introducing 1 New and Distinctive Ideas Characteristic of This Store I With the fascinating invariableness of April, in colors and the enduring charms I of May, the -sheer loveliness of materials, the delicate sense of luxury and exclusive- I neas with which it is associated, makes the lingerie ideal for intimate wear. I No rainbow ever" shed its ray of color on shadings more beautiful and alluring. 1 Paris, too, has added its touches in new rbbons and flowers and combined with the j 1 .real Filet, Vehise and Irish laces. There are Georgettes, Rosharnara Crepe, Pussy 1 Willow, Chinchilla Satin, Dream Crepe in plain colors and new prints, painted designs I done by hand and exquisite hand embroidery. Leaving this lingerie, which comes m s I sets of three and four pieces, nothing to wish for. Camisoles, Pantalettes, Envelope I Chemise, Gowns, Pajamas and Petticoats, Negligees and dainty Bed Jackets. ' t : I Wonderful Values Are to Be Offered in This Sale, Which' Begins Monday, May 10. "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiinr-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw Women's Suits Special Sale 3:30 to 6 P. M. Millinery ; 50c Plain and banded Sailors, also untrimmed shapes, in all styles and colors. . Limit of 2 to a customer. Downstairs Store Special Sale 3:30 to 6 P. M. . House Dresses $1.95 300 House Dresses, gingham and percale, at 8 fraction of the real value. , x ' Second Floor Beautiful quality ' Pure Silk Hosiery at $3.00 pair Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose come in all siik and lisle tops, full fash-" ioned, regular made foot in the lot are black, white, , brown, beaver, , navy, taupe, etc. Also black and field mouse in lisle top outsizes. All sizes inthfe lot; all first quality. Specially priced for Saturday, $3.00. Hose, 50c a pair Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose," black, white and colors, full seamless, 50c pair. Children's Hose, 50c A large lot of Children's Sample Hose, rn the lot are fancy brown rib, plain black, white and brown, 1 also ' infants'' sizes in black and white, all seamless foot, at this special price, 50c pr. " ' Special Sale 3:30 to 6 P. M. Silk Hose A very desirable lot of extreme values at a very ridiculous price; the lot comes in pure silk, silk and fiber, fancy laces, dropstitch effects and silk lisle of a much higher grade. Most all popular shades and sample sizes. Main Floor 50c V Gloves are here in all the Newest Styles ., Gloves of tricot silk, 12 arid 16-button lengths, in white, black, beaver, navy, tan and gray $100 and -$2-50 i Silk Gloves Kayser Silk Gloves in all the popular" shades mode, beaver brown, tan, gray, black and white, and made of tricot and heavy Mi lanese silk, with two-torted embroi dered backin self 'or white and 'black combinations. All have the .guaranteed "double tips, pair $1.00 and $2.00. Chdmoisette Gloves Chamoisette Gloves in smart slipon. styles. Some have the ad justable ;wrist strap, with two toned and self embroidered backs. The colors are sand, mastic, chamois, white and black. Pair, $U5 and $U0. Main Floor " . ' ' Stunning New Hats for ; , Street and Sport s Wear New hats, just out,of their, wrappings, that are distinctly new and decidedly appropriate and becoming for street and sports wear. . Styles with simplicity of line as their chief charm, fashioned of fiae braid and straws and trimmed with bands of ribbon or patent leather. Rich purples, vivid greens, new tans, navy and white; hats in lisere braids, hemp, rough weave braids and Georgettes. Straight brim, drooping brims, and double brim effects in sailor shapes, mushroom, poke bqhnets and mannish shapes, that are extremely practical for sports and outing wear and are full of distinctive charm. A range of prices of as broad a scope as the styles displayed. N Sound Floor Special Sale 12 "to 1:30 P. M. - Soap 5c Bar Main Floor Bargain Sqgarc 1,000 -Bars 'Jap Rose Soap 2,000 Cakes of Palm Olive Soap 500 Bare of Hydros Hard Water Castile Soap , y Limit of 3 to Customer lllllllllllllllllllnliiliilllllllUKI'ltlllllU'IIIIIH"!11'11!11'1'!"'!!. Special Sale of I New Copyright I j Book for $1.00 " Books of Fiction Published ' i, Z During the Past Year I Old Dad Eleanor Abbott. . I " Common , Cause Samuel H. Adams. ' The Avalanche Gertrude h Atherton. a Hearts Undaunted Eleanor ? Atkinson. " v - ' According to Orders ? F. B. Austin. ? On Our Hill Josephine ? Daskam Bacon. ' ' I Ambassador's Trunk Barton. - ' Wayfarers for Angels jj B. Babcock. , " I Winged Warfare Major -I Bishop. Z ? Tale of Mr. Tubbs Buckrose. Z Buccaneer Farmer Blindloss. ? ? Ramsey Milholland Booth . i Tarkintrton. . Claire Blades. v. Z Z In Secret Chambers. 1 Not .All Kirjg's Horses f s Chamberlain. 5 I Crimson Alibi Cohen. . I Saints Progress Galsworthy. Z Phoebe Elinor Gales. I - Potash and Perlmutter t a Z Montague Glass. , ( 4 Z Family Elinor , Glynn. I Henry Is Twenty Samuel Z Merwin. Drowned Gold Ray Morton. Z ? Cotttage of Delight: -" Will Harben. Z Unseen Hand Clarence New , Z Penny of Top Hill Trail 1 Maniotes. Z Z Doughboys Patrick MacGill. Z Flexible Ferdinand Z Julie Limoman. - ' Yellow Men Sleep. - 'Jeremy Lane. I King's Widow Mrs. Baillie k I . Reynolds. Z ? House of Courage Mrs. Vidpr - Z , Rickard. " 5 Third Floor - VulH.ill.ll.ll.llillill llllllilli:l'llll,:ii.li., iliUllr.l Hand Bags and Vanities Sale Price at $3.95 f. or Saturday ' : Choose from a large variety of Silk Hand Bags' in black, brown, btye, and taupe. 'These Hand Bags are beautifully made have French gray silver frames with extra change com partment and are silk lined. The vanities are of Vachette' leather in black, red, brown and tan. Fitted with change purse and large mirror. , ' Choose Saturday at. the spe cial price, each, $3.95. ' Main Floor - s m $39.50 Saturday on the Second Floor Practically our entire stock of New Spring Suits been placed in one great group for Saturday. It is one of the greatest sales this store has ever able to offer, for pae values are sensational. y There 'is a great variety from which to select, in every conceivable style. Every suit splendidly tailored and" made of elegant quality Tricotine,' Super Twills, Poiret Twills , , Men's Wear Serge in all the most wanted shades: Sizes, 16 to 46. , Choice of this great group at $39.50. - Second Floor Afterno A Beautiful Selection of on Frocks $59.50-$69.50 Dainty frocks, each with an individual charm all its own. Made of beautiful quality Taffeta, Printed Georg ette, Satin, plain Georgette, etc. An exquisite assortment of dresses, in two lots, $59.50, $69.50. Second Floor 1 A Sale of Jewelry Novelties 19c, 39c,-69c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 Several thousand pieces of jewelry selected from our regular stock are in this sal at these special low prices. So many kinds and such a. good assortment that you can find practically any jewelry novelty you desire. , , An;ong the various groups at 19c, 39c, 69c, $1.00, $1.50 and $1.95 are ' Cuff .Links , Bar Pins , Bat Pins Bracelets : ' Beauty Pins ' , Lingerie Clasps Bag Frames Vanity Cases Sautoirs Earrings , Necklaces ' Dorines Change Purses ' alcsh Bags Scarf Pins J i i has : been 7 A? J AY ' V v 4 ' i if Belt Buckles Bag Tags Waldemar Chains Soft Collar Pins ) v Gun Metal Bags Watch Fobs Fancy Rings Tie Clasps Lockets Also Fancy Necklaces in every styU and color, in every length, in graduated,, plain and pen dant styles. . ' I - ' . Regent PearJ Necklaces A limited number of strings in matinee length, plain or graduated, at the extraordinary low price Saturday of . . . . $ $5.00 i Main Floor Junior Dresses Specially Priced s $4.45 XW E are offering unusual val " ues in regulation and Middy Dresses, in colors of cadet, brown, copen and white, with copen col lars and cuffs. The materials are galatea and middy twill. Sizes ranging from 8 to 14 years. Junior Dept. Second Floor Ws Time to Buy That New Refrigerator We Feature the Illinois Refrigerators for Saturday Five-wall construction; food chambers are white enameled lined and have Outside case roade of ash, with a golden oak finish retinned wire shelves. Refrigerator, $25.00 Illinois Refrigerator Three .oor, side icing typq, white en ameled food chamber, stands 42 inches high, ice ' capacity 70 pounds $25.00. -. Refrigerator, $35.00 . Illinois Refrigerator Three- door, ' side icing type, ' white enameled food chamber, stands . 45 inches high, ice capacity 100 . pounds $35.00. Refrigerator, $23.50 Illinois Refrigerator Top icing type, white enameled food cham- Dowi nstaira Store ber, ice $23.50. An Unusual offering of Beautiful Ribbons at V2 Price 1 , Wonderful Values for Saturday , A splendid opportunity to secure fine ribbons for vestees, bags, hair bows, camisoles, sashes, fancy work, etc. This lot of ribbom? consists of over ,700 yards of short ends left from our regular gtock of ribbonsvThey are in lengths from 1 yards up, in widths from 6 to 10 inches. ; ' " On sale Saturday at exactly one-half raarked price. . , Three Groups of Bag Tpps y Price Our entire stock of bag top, will be placed on sale in three great groups at V price Saturday. -Main Floor - : ! : . capacity 75. pounds Refrigerator, $3950 Illinois Refrigerator Three door,, side icing type, white en ameled food chamber, stands 48 inches high, ice capacity 125 pounds $3950. Refrigerator, $29.50 Illinois Refrigerator Front door top icing type, white en ameled food chamber, ice ca pacity 90 pounds $29.50. Refrigerator, $27J0 Illinois Refrigerator Apart ment house style, front door; top icirrg type, white enameled food chamber, ice capacity 70 pounds, $27.50. . - An Opportunity to Lay in a Goodly Supply of Drugs and Toilet Articles at Very Special Prices Very special, $1.49 -Djer Kiss Perfume, ounce1'. Sto. VikU. nnfk oil . vt i . lui.buio null ail attachments; guaranteed Very special, $5.00. .Manon Lescant Per fume. Very special, 75c ounce. . Vamitabs ( Rouge and Powder Tabs at price, 25c box. C. 1 T r x: :u 1 - S3 large size, 98e. v . Putman's Dry Cleaner, very spe cial, 19c. Vick's Vapo Rub," for colds, aches and pains special, 23c Carlton's Super Peroxide, Veloleine .Brown Windsor and Floramour Soap at price, 1256 c a cake. Listerine, medium size vgry special, 39c. Armand's Talcum Pow der, very special, 19c. Mavis Talcum Powder, very special, 19c. Waltz . Cream Talcum Powder, very special, 17c. Nilodox, for excessive perspiration, Vt price,-25c bottle. Mentho-Eze, for colds in chest and head. Spe-. cial, 22c. Castile Soap; Spanish product, Vt price, bar 10c. Beecham's Compact Powder; just size for your purge; all shades, 35c Main Floor the Sloan's Liniment, fof aches and pains, 22c. Moth Balls, very special, 15c pound. v ' Baume Analgesiqu, imported; for rheumatism, colds and neural gia. Very special, 62c. Chamois, 20x24 size, very soft, best qual ity just the kind for your car or furni ture. Very special, $1.69. Sanitary Napkins in handy package, spe cial, 7c each. f a i 5s?i Hughes' Ideal Waterproof ' No. 66 Hair Brushes.' Special, $1.89. n t lit .... ( ( .. - it