0 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1920. Society Bechter-Marquard. The marriage of Miss Emma Mar quard of Norfolk, Neb., and Allen Hechler of Pierce, Neb., took place Wednesday in, Omaha. They have Rone on an eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. Bechter expect to reside in Lincoln. Dancing; Party. The Dundee Woman's Patriotic club will entertain at a dancing party Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. L. M. Swindler, 4835 Dodge ttreet. Tea Postponed. Mrs. Edward Johnson, who planned to entertain at tea at her home Thursday afternoon, has postponed the affair until May 10 awing to the serious illness of the honor guest, Mrs. Louis Hostetler, who is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rosewater, For Visitor. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Becklcy will Mitertain at dinner at the Athletic :luh Saturday evening in honor of their guest, Miss Katherine Cole man, of Dickinson. N. D. Covers will be placed for eight. Reception Committee. Members of the reception. commit tee for the annual banquet of the Ohio society at the Blackstone ho tel Friday nifjht will be Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Slabaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Shotwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burton, Miss Verda Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron, Mr. and "Mrs. A. L. Green, Mr. and Mrs. C. (.'. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank An derson. To Entertain Children. Mrs. Louis Berger and Misses Helen Walker, Fnu Reed, Mar garet Baum and Gertrude Stout, who taught classes at the City Mission this year, will take their pupils for an automobile ride and will entertain them at the A. L. Reed home Friday ifternoon. ' Luncheon for Visitor. Mrs. G. C. Norwood of Chicago, who is visiting Miss Henrietta Rees, was honor guest at a luncheon given i Wednesday at the Athletic club by her hostess. Covers were aKo placed for Mosda'mes Harvey Mi' liken, W. R. Wood and K. P. Boycr. Mr. Norwood, who has been at Excelsior Springs with Mr. Milli ken, will arrive here Saturday. Appears in Plays. Miss Marjorie Parsons, who is at tending the University of Nebraska, took part in two plays given in Lincoln Thursday evening by the Fortnightly club. She played the role of Fame in "Fame and the Poet," and Tharmia in " The Laugh ter of the Gods." Both plays are by Dunsany. Mrs. Grant Parsons, mother of Miss Parsons, went to Lincoln Thursday to witness the productions. Personals G. E. Bissonnet and G. M. Camp bell were registered at the Hotel McAlpin, New York, last week. Mrs. Conrad Young is ill it the Stewart hospital. j Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser, who is visiting in Crete, is expected home Saturday. Mioses Lillian Kavan and Miss Catherine Hadtield will be guests at the May day dancing party of the Achoth sorority to be held in Lin coln Saturday evening. L'Alliance Francaise. Members of the L'Alliance Fran caise will meet Friday evening at Ithe home of Mrs. C. N. Dietz, 420 South Thirty-eighth street. Madam A. M. Borgluin will give an illustra ted lecture on Paris. Fort Crook Notes. Lieut and Mrs. William L. Phil- lips entertained at a luncheon of 10 covers at their quarters at Fort Crook Thursday in honor of Col. b. D. Buck. Mrs. Buck will arrive at the post Saturday. A dinner of 12 covers was given Wednesday . evening by Lieut, and Mrs. Thomas Christian. Mrs. Phillips will give a kensing ton Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Joel Pomercne of Lincoln, who is the guest of, Mrs. George Van Studdiford of the post. Dundee Aid to Benefit. A reception is being held Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week iron) Z till 9 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. B. Archer, 5115 Burt street. The Dundee .id society will receive a percentage' of all sales made on ladies' accessories at Mrs. Archer's home. Refreshments will be served. K. O. T. Meeting. The K. O. T. circle of the Pres byterian Ladies' Aid society will en tertain at a May day kensington Saturday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Ecrt Raur, 2915 North Fifty-eighth street, ADVERTISEMENT FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spott How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance. Miss Freckle Face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is triflin- rwu- Simply get an ounce of Utnine double strength from any drug gist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid your self of the homely freckles and get g beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than onef ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine, as this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fils to remove xrecKies. To Give Dance Program. One of the interesting numbers of tlic program to be 'given Saturday evening by Miss Frances Wilson and her pupils at her studio, 400 West Broadway street, Council Bluffs, will be the Garden Scene. In this dance Betty Hickey and Elizabeth Evans will portray 1820 and Vir ginia Gaines will have the role of 1920. Others taking part in the pro gram will include Maxine Aldrich, Barbara Etherton, Carmen Fisk, Kathryn Downing. Etta Mae Hill, Pauline and Bonnie Overton, Mil ArA Vnivtnti Vircrinia Hunt. Lois Platner. Mary Janet Hunt, Julia Janet Chalmers and Fay Brodcrick. May Day Dance. The Scottish Rite Woman's club will Atitrtniii a t a "rube" dancing party Saturday evening at the Scot tish Kite temple tor cum memocrs and their escorts. Admission by club card. Calendar Trinity (itilld Krirtux, 2:30 p. m., with JIjss Louise White, 256 California street. KonMvrlt Chautauqua Clrrl Friday. 7:;i p. in., with Mrs. r A. Cressey, 4204 South Twenty-second street. ft T. Club, K. M. S. Friday afternoon, wiih Mrs. R. C. Oraer, 2125 North Six teenth street. Episcopal Women' Auxiliary Friday. 2:30 p. m.. Trinity ca-tht-dral. Plans will be discussed tor the annual meeting to be held Friday. May SI. Community Service Friday, basket ball at tilrls' Community tiou for Girls Community Service league at 7:30 p. m., coached by Mrs. Wallace. .ulld of St. Barnahaa for Nurse Fri day, S p. m., with Mrs. Leigh Leslie. 6116 Cuss street. George Crook Belief Corp. Friday, 8 p m. with Mrs. F. B. Kingsbury, 1823 li'orcas street. A flag will be presented to CastelHr school In appreciation of past assistance given the corps on Me morial day. ' Allied Patriotic Society AmttiMmm tinn Friday, 8 p. m.. Memorial hall, court house. My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON The Way Allen Drake Opened the Secret Drawer. Dicky, are you in a good humor?" I perched on the arm of my hus band's chair, prepared to cajole him into an affirmative to my question, even if he were ready to answer it in the negative. Coaxing Dicky is some thing I almost never do, and I have a contempt for the women who ha bitually use the weapon. But it can not be denied that it is peculiarly fitted to the hand of femininity and the usually receptive mood of mas culinity. And the urgency of the, oc casion warranted any subterfuge to my mind. Allen Drake was to arrive on the next train in response to Lillian's summons for aid in finding the se cret drawer, and Lillian expected, of course, that we would entertain him during his enforced stay with us. But Dicky had been away and I had had no opportunity to tell him either of the expected guest or of his mis sion. Indeed, Dicky was in com plete ignorance of the history of the desk which we had smuggled into the house with such care a few weeks before. I knew that I would have to pick my way with caution, for Dicky's vanity is easily wounded, and, be sides, on one or two occasions he had seen fit to be captious concern ing what he called Allen Drake's "cursed impertinence," meaning the rather marked attention which the brilliant secret agent had paid me upon one or two occasions when we were all at dinner together. So I had donned my prettiest gdwn, had done my hair in Dicky's favorite way, and, altogether, I told myself grimly, was prepared to play the role of a wheedling wife. "How could I help it?" Dicky rose to the occasion gallantly, slipped his arm around me and drew me close to him. "What's in the wind? There's something, of course." Madge Carefully Explains. He smiled a bit maliciously, and I found my face flushing. But I struck into the subject boldly. "You remember the Stockbridge case?" "Uh-huh a terrible mess, too. I hope it doesn't concern, that." "But it does, Lillian has been working on a theory of Mr. Stock- bridge's innocence for some weeks, and she thinks that the last clue is in a secret drawer of his desk you remember the desk Lillian said she picked up at a second-hand store." "Go on, the plot thickens." I saw with relief that Dicky sup- AnVKBTISKMENT JANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a falltn hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. H I h 41 Flat Feet--A War Lesson The world never appreciated the prevalency and the significance of flat feet until army surgeons began their examinations for the selection of the country's ablest man power. But why the need for broken arches? Discomfort distracts the mind, undermines efficiency. You don't need to worry about or fear broken arches if you wear Ground Gripper shoes. The low heel, the scientific arch, the flexible shank, the straight inside line all combine for your com fort and efficiency in Ground Gripper shoes. For Men, Women . and Children LLS Ground Gripper Shoes 1414 Farnam Street Sun Theater Building H. B. WATERBURY, Kgr. mnmm 1 ipupigyoj "A place for every toe; Every toe in its place." The Only "Ground Gripper Store" in OmahaAccept No Imitation posed Lillian to be the sole cause of keeping the desk secret, and so was not angry. I made haste to strengthen the impression. "Well, it was Mr. Stockbridge's private desk, and she's sure the clue to the whole thing lies in there. But it seems there's only one man who can open it, so Lillian asked him down to do it, and he's com ing on the next train, and we will have to entertain him for a day or two, of course." "Aha!" Dicky grinned, but he shot a shrewd, questioning glance at me. "Enter the cullud genlman in the woodpile. Name, please?" "Mr. Drake." I was furious to find myself flushing again. "The devil you say!" Then, with an attempt to pass the thing off lightly he spread his hands in a grandiloquent gesture. "Well, I'm sure I don't care. Go as far as you like. It ought to be interesting to watch him work. May a mere out sider cut in on this?" "Of course, goose." squeezing his arm ecstatically, and resolved that nothing should, prevent his being present at the test. So it was that we gathered in Lillian's room after dinner, Allen Drake,. Lillian. Dicky and I. Dicky was not in a particularly happy mood, f-" Allen Drake had been rather effusive in his manner when he had greeted me, and had rather exclusively talked to me during the dinner time. But in the presence of the desk with its '-uriou j mechanism, Allen Drake became a different per sonality. I don't think he knew there was any one in the room save himself, and Lillian swept us away from him that no word or move ment might disturb him. He looked at the desk from all angles. Then he seated himself be fore it, closed his eyes, and his long, slender fingers began to play over the polished surface o; the wood as I have seen blind Deople "feel things." I think we" all felt the dramatic tension in the atmosphere, and when Mr. Drake's fingers stopped at one point in the side of the desk, and we heard a slight click, I could not repress a little exclamation as the secret drawer shot out from its hiding place. "At your service, ladies," he said, but he looked directly at me, and I felt rather than saw Dicky's frown of displeasure. Lillian caught up from the drawer a single sheet of note paper, blotted and scrawled. Here eyes ran over it quickly, then with a little indrawn breath of relief she beckoned the res,t of us to her. "Read that!" she said, thrusting the paper into my hands. It was dated the day that Milly Stockbridge had visited the school, and bore the names written under each other of her husband. Alice Holcombe and myself. "Ah, you devils, you lying devils," it began, "after all -these years I have found you out. My husband, my best friend, and that new Gra ham thing, you'r; all in this to gether! You don't think little Milly would find out, did you? But I'm cleverer than all of you put to gether, and I'm wondering now just how most I can make you suffer for this. I wish it was the time of the old tortures when I could stretch you on the rack or lower you into boiling oil. I wouldn't care if I died myself if I could only get even with the whole outfit of you. Aha, Kenneth, you'd look sweet hi the electric chair, and I can send you there! I've always had the stuff, hid it for years, I'm too clever for you, yoju see. And this tea that Graham devil gave me tod.iy. What a scheme! And when I lie there dead, after I've drunk the poisoned tea, I'll laugh, I tell you, laugh at the way evcryhody'll think you three fixed it up for me. Oh how I hate von I Curse you, curse vou, curse you. MILLY." Allen Drake and Dicky, one on either side of me, had been reading the paper with me. As I finished I looked at Lillian questioningly. "This clears Kenneth Stock bridge," she said decisively. "Con gratulations, old man." She held her hand heartily out to Allen Drake. I seconded her with a murmured but heartfelt: "It was wonderful, you finding that drawer." j "Like magic, old chap," Dicky said, but the words were so per functory that I felt embarrassed be cause of them, felt impelled to make my own smile of approbation more meaningful than I otherwise would have clone. ' (Continued Tomorrow.) Children's Code Commission. The Omaha members of the chil dren's code commission met Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock at repub lican women's headquarters, with C. E. Prevey of Lincoln present. Mr. Prevey, secretary to the com mission, has just returned from New Orleans, where he attended the na tional conference of welfare work ers.' Omaha members are Mrs. Draper Smith, Miss Charlotte Townsend, Miss Lillian Stuff, Dr. Palmer Finley and W. W. Bradley. Miss Ethel Fullaway, who has charge of the lunch room at Cen tral High school, will supervise the meals at Camp Brewster during the summer mouths. WSath'SKn Because of her rosy cheeks and satiny skin a woman at tracts the admiration of all men. When the young wo man peers in her glass, she may see pimples and blotches and she immediately goes to the drug store for paint, powders and beauty creams, when she should go there for a blood medicine and stom ach alterative known as "Golden Medical Discovery." This spring tonic and blood alterative clears the skin, beautifies it, increases the blood supply and the circulation, while pimples, boils and eruptions vanish quickly. Ask your nearest druggist for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in tablet or liquid form or send 10c for trial pkg. of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. , Here is one of the many thousand grateful letters received by Dr. Pierce from every state in the Union : Jane, Mo. "Twenty-eight years ago I was in very poor health. My blood was out of order and I also had feminine trouble. I doctored with the best doctor I knew of but gradually grew worse till I wasn't able to do anything. I heard of Dr. Pierce's medicines, so got a bottle of 'Golden Medical Discoyery' and one of 'Favorite Prescription' and I immediately commenced to improve. After taking three bottles of each I was able to do light housework and felt like a different person a very small expense compared with what I had been paying the Doctor. Since then I have used these medicines for myself and family and find they are just as recommended" Mrs. Charles Shanks. Bowen's Value-Giving Offer for SATURDAY See our Ad vertisement In this pa per on Frl- ONE Solid CAR Guaranteed Mattresses rure and fluffy roll edge mat t esses good quality of licking for $9.75 Cnuino Felt mattresses of guar anteed quality; beautiful nit ticks a id roll edge $15.75 Box Springs to Order For any size or style bed. Pillows at Value-Giving Prices. ku ituit nmo anw ) "tIP-TOP 1 j Two Breads whose standards will never be surpassed- T KEALLY doesn't matter How good Mother's Bread was the fact remains that every crum contained mat most wonderful ingredient. "Mothers Lnvp which gave it a quality 'never to be surpassed, and against which no baker could hope to compete. We don't care whether George Washington really cut down the Cherry Tree or not we learned this wonderful tale when we were kids, and to us it rang with a genuine ness that no amount of evidence could change our minds of the truth in it. We know George did it and that's all there is to it. And so it is with Mother's Bread We don't care in these days of "the Specialist" and modern sanitation, whether the claims of Today's Baking versus Yesterday's Bak ing are proven true or not. Nothing can ever rob us of the memories of Mother's Bread; that brown sugar and jam. Gee, those were wonderful days. Mother's whole life was wrapped up in us kids, it didn't matter to Her how many hours she spent in the kitchen, for Her every joy, Her every happiness came in the .an ticipation of seeing us kiddies devour the good things she was able to make for us. What a wonderful treat it is today to eat bread that will ring true in quality to the memories of Mother's Bread it helps to bring back those memories, and makes us eat on in full enjoyment of those days we love so well. Try a loaf of Tip Top or Hard Roll Bread see how good it really is we know that you will agree with us that it deserves to stand side by side with Mother's Bread, that test bread on earth, then and forever. Have you tried these sandwiches? Two slices of buttered bread (untrlmmed), pack a full side of on with seeded dates stuffed with English walnuts. Cut slices into four parts and wrap in tissue paper to hold the freshness. Two slices of buttered bread (trimmed), dev iled eggs whipped In mayonnaise dressing, and seasoned with chopped sweet pickles. Cut and wrap as abova for earning. Two slices of buttered bread (trimmed), Ti mento cheese spread thick, seasoned with chopped green peppers. Cut and wrap as above for carrying. where uour Brodd comet; pe of these Gmous brands -Ihe Label will prefect Lou - Petersen 6? Pegau Baking Co.