Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1920, Page 17, Image 17

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Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Live Stock
Omaha Lit Mock.
Omaha. Anrll 28. 19:'n
Monday .... 6.S54 e.300
""'iai 1U.,1)' 4 H.I9 10.4)1.1 J.i, i
RM.mate Wdndy 4.400 17,000 3. Snu
I hre. day. thin week 13.8.11 36.3.11 15 60
Same day. .t week. 27,69 43,Sil 3J.0.U
m day wk. ago 7.068' 10,4.i7 ,19;
J""1 dr S wk. aio.2ii.375 4J.577 34.25.1
uni day year .no.2il.6i3 38.355 87,404
,. "''"'P'" nj disposition nf live mock at
Union Stock yard, umaha, Neh., for
;! ,r," nlng at 3 o'clock p. in.. April
C M. . P. 5Hhfl!p.H r-,
Wabah 2 4
Missouri Pacific .... 7 f. ,',
I'nlon Pacific SI 65 Hi 4
-, & N. W., east , , 17 . 1
I', ft N. V.. west ..19 3 2.1
St. P.. M. O.. 31 41 . . .
M. A Q., eat ..I! 17 .. 1
-'. B. y., wnt .. 33 41 1
.. R. I. & P.. rant.. 5 , .
J. R. I. P.. wet.. .. 2
Jlllnoi. Ccnlral IS . .
Chi. lit. Weft 2 1
Tola! rocelpta jos 27 1
. 952
. :9
. l.or.T
Hogs. Sir
Morris & Co
Swift & Co
Cudahy l'uikln C.
Armour & Co
wcnwurtx & 'o
J. W. Murphy
i.uioin rirK, lo SI
S. Omaha Puck To. .. '.' ....
Hlgglmt Packing Co !, ....
John Roth A Won. .. 2ii
Mayerowich & Vail .. 17
Ulnssherg . 44 ....
p. ()'i) si
Wilson ic , Co lis ....
W. n. Van Suit i Co. 4 4
Honlun Van Kant .. 20
V. f. Lewis 114 ....
Hunlzlnger A Oliver... 7J ....
.1. M. Knot t'o. 2 ....
.r. ir. niiiia e;i
Ro"tixtoek Bros, I ....
F. . Kullogg 8:1
WcrtheimT & Dcgen .. 11 ....
Kills A Co ;4
A. ltnthai'htld r: ....
Mu.-Kin. & C. I'.' . 117
K. l. Christie it
Mai;er 4 ....
Harvey 4 Mi ....
Packing Co. .. Id . . .-.
mlwGKt Packing I'd.. . 4 ....
orlh Packing Co 9.13
Othr buyers I.n.'i
Total 6,814 12,209 4.lifi;i
Cattle Estimates of cattle called for
slightly larger huply than estenlH.v.
4.90U heed showing up. for the Hire'
rlnyn. however, the total la only 13.800
head or about half the slue of Ihe run
In st wrrlc and .iiiiik 7.00U Icia than for
the corrpwpnnillng days . a year aifo. The
tcr market wag v.ry hnsvon lhi morn
ing, a. few nrly aaies of choh'e cattlrt
"hchlly higher, but bulk of the nulos be
ing made at ateady to 25c loner. Year
llngii held about steady. The butcher
fork market was alow and prior were
aloady to 10J?15c lower than yeatcrduy'a
close. Little change wa notod in feed
ers. Wuotatlon on rattle: Good to choice
liet.vee, $11.7513.00; fair to good beeves,
110,004)111.75; common to fair beeves,
$. 004j 10.01): good to choice yearlings,
$12.00(3 13.00; fair to good yearling,
$10.00112.00: common to fair yearlings,
$.00ifj'10.-0: choke to prime heifers, $10.10
11.60; good to choice holfers, $S.00ip
10.00; cholco to prima cows, $9.75(4 1 1. 00;
good to choice cows, $S.00(g 9.50; fair to
good cows, $7,0048.00; common to fair
cows. $1.50 (ft 7.00; choice to prion feeders.
$I0.001H.OO: good to chohe feeders. $9.00
f'lO.OO; medium to good feeders, $8.00Jy
Do You Know
tfhe safest investment in
the world U. S. Gov't
Liberty and Victory
Bonds are now selling
at prices to net as high
as 6. We recommend
investment in the follow
ing issues: Third 4V4i
selling to net approxi
mately 5.75; Fourth
4s selling to net
approximately 5.55;
Fifth 4s, selling to net
approximately 6.08.
We tell at New York
quotation and buy at
prevailing price les a
small discount.
Phone Tyler 729
16th and Farnam
Thit Inititution I Affiliated
with the
n A
monthly buys outright any stotlt Of
bond. rVrcnastr neons til lilvklindt.
Oddloh oursptcialty Wni first Inlti
lilt and Ml parlicuhn - FREE
Mmber Cottfidoted Sloch iKTianat
SO 603 8T, NCW VOUK .
.0(): i-oinmon to fair-feeder. $7.00l. 0;
good to cholco stocker. $ 10 10. 10; fair
t.i good stocker, $7. 7641$. 00; common to
fair grade. $4. 0087.76; stock heifer.
$;.00j 9.00; utork cows, $1.00f 8 50; atock
calves, liOOSi 10 00; veal calves, $1,500
14.00; built, stags, etc.. $8 00010.00.
N. Av. Pi. No. A v. Pr.
100 11 00 1077 11 60
22 1040 12 15 10 lib 11 25
33 1345 12 65
12 til 9 IS 7 42 76
22 498 10 20 68 BIO 10 60
19 681 10 76 2 31 11 00
20 721 11 86 Jl 637 1 1 60
45 SO I 11 5 20 721 11 75
20 717 1 1 90 23 517 12 00
29 823 1! 25 15 987 12 36
11 Sli 6 90 29 920 8 00
26 981 55 21 $49 9 16
SI....... 979 10 50 H 1161 10 76
U 60.1 . 50 10 604 75
27 602 7 00 17 744 11 00
12 740 11 40
" 11 3S 7 75 1 1470 S 50
2 1205 8 60 1 1810 $75
1 X70 9 00 1 1430 9 15
1 1550 9 50 I 1000 11 00
14 622 25 6 207 7 00
18 403 8 50 4 292 9 00
41 374 10 50 2 90 12 00
:i 223 i:i oo r, ins h no
1 120 14 25 1 120 14 25
1 200 14 50
13 715 7 75 29 679 10 35
Hogs There wa a liberal run of hogs
her.- this morning, estimates calling for
249 loads, or 17,000 head. A bearish raid
wa-t conducted this morning, and while a
few of the early sales to shippers were
only 154(20c lower, the general market
was quotably 2650o lower, with bulk of
sales $13.6014.5O and top $14.75. Pack
t m secured most of their hogs around
S I a. B0 oy 1 4 25, with extreme heavies uell
Ing down to $13.00 snd below.
No. Av 8h. Pi. No. A v. Sh. l'r.
.1:1 . .370 7(1 1 3 25 29. .31 I ... 13 50
22. .282 40 13 76 47. .254 ... 13 90
77.. 20.! 1 111 14 00 57.. 283 ... 1 4 10
3. .242 70 14 15 88. .218 140 14 25
88. .214 110 14 35 88. .239 70 14 40
SI . . 228 10 1 4 50 70. .18 120 14 5
82. .207 40 14 75
Shorn Receipts of sheep and lambs
ivero small, less than 4.000 head showing
l: this estimate included six or seven
ioifils of shorn lambs, and most of the
wooled grades carried dirty fleeces. Trade
was rather quiet from the start, although
prices held about generally steady on all
kinds of killing lambs. Heavy grades, a
'.)! average, sold up to $27.75, with a
decent kind of wooled lamb moving
around $19,254( 19.40; choice light grades
on the Mexican order are quotable up to
$19.75. Kat sheep continue very sesree.
shearing lambs are also In light supply
ami values remained unchanged.
Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good lo
choice. $19.2541 19.76; lambs, fair to good,
$18.75-819.25; shorn lamb'. $l7.00Ji 17.75;
shearing lambs. $18 75ifel9.40; run lambs,
$14.6041' 17.50: yearlings. S17.0O18. 00:
wethers. $15 00i 18.50; ewes. good n
choice. $! 4.80(6' 15.00; ewes, fair to good,
$1 3.60 fi) 14.25: ewe culls and canners. $8.00
ti 12.00.
238 fed 81 19 25.
481 fed 95 17 75.
Chicago Live Shirk.
Chlciign. April 28. Cattle Receipts,
receipts. 5.000 hesd: beef and butcher eat
tie. 25c to 50c higher: top yearlings. $14 60;
best heavy, $14.10; bulk she stock, $9.26
fill. 00: most canners. $5.00(ft 5.50 : calves,
steady to 25c lower, mostly $13.00013.75;
feedors, strong to higher.
Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head: lights. 15o
to 25c higher; top, $15.60; bulk of lights,
$15.25 W 18.60; other, steady to 13c higher;
closing weak with bulk of 250-pounders
and ov.-r, $13.85(1 14.40; bulk of 100 to 125
poundors. $1 3.35 ft-1 4.50.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8.000 head;
market steady lo 25c lower; choice 80.
pound Colorado wooled tnmba, $20.40; bulk
wool lambs. $20. OOfti 20.40; choice shorn
binihs, $18.00, and bulk. $17.50(6 18.00, few
ihorn ewes, $1 2.00 (S 13.50.
Sioux City IJve Stork.
Sioux City, la.. April 28. Cattle Re
ceipts, 4.000 head: market weak: beef
ste.-rs, choic-. fed, $l2.5Oj14.0O: short fed.
510 60 IT 12.00: led yearlings. $9.00 4i' 13.00;
beef cows. $8.50i9.75; fat cows and heif
ers. $10.00JS1I.50; canners, $4.00(68.50;
feeders, $9,004) 10.00: stoekers, $8.00(( 9,50;
feeding cow?. $5,5047.25; stock heifers,
Sf..50f7.&0: veal calves, $C. 50 16.50 ; com
mon calves. 88. 504ii9. 50.
Hogs Receipts. 12,000 head; market 25e
lo 50c lower; light, $1 4.25 ft 1 4.50: mixed,
$i:i.75f 14 .25; heavy, $13.254),13.75; bulk.
$l.;.50'!t 14.25.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500 head;
nmrket weak, lower.
Kansas City Live Stark.
Kansas City. Mo., April 28. - Cattle
Receipts. 8.100 hctul ; heavy beef steers,
slows top, $13.50: others and yearlings,
strong to 26 cents higher; top yearlings,
$11.00; bulk. $1 1. 50ti 13.00: fat cows,
steady; bulk $9.00 r HI. 25; top veals to
paikers. $13.00: bulk. $1 2.0$. 12.50; stoek
ers. strong; bulk, $9.0(i49.50.
Hogs Receipts. 7.000 head: light and
medium opened 35c to 60c higher; top,
$15.00; few heavies sold; bulk lights and
mediums. $11.504115.00.
Sheep and Lnmbs Receipts. 3.000 head;
market slow: wool lambs, steady to 25c
lower; no choice lambs offered, best here,
$18.50: shorn lambs. $17.00; late arrivals,
not sold.
St. Louis Live Stock,
East St. Louis, April 28. Cattle Re
ceipts. 1.500 luad; market steady to 25c
hlgh.-r: bulk steers. $11. 004i 12.60; year
ling steers and heifers, steady: canner
cows, steady nt $4.505.25: bulls and
calves, steady; cannercows. steady lit $4.60
5.25; bulls and calves, steady; good lo
choice vealers, SIS.&Ofr 1 S.B0.
Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head: market
closed quiet, 10 cents higher than early;
top. $15.70; bulk light and medium weight.
H.25(T-1 ; bulk heavies, fl4.25fr-16.25.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.000 head:
market closed steady; top lambs. flS.00;
bulk, fl7.604jM8.00: tap ewes, $13.00.
St. Joseph IJve Stork.
St. Joseph, Mo.. April 28. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1.200 head: market 25c to 60c
higher: steers, $10.0014.25; cows and
heif-'rs, $4,60114.26; calves, $6.00 12.00.
Hogs Receipts, 7.600 head; market 25c
lower; top. $15.00: bulk, $13 60(h) 15.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,000 head;
market 25c to 40c lower; lambs, $18.50
19.75; ewes, $14.004H4.75.
London Money;
London. April 28. Bar Silver 86 t,e
per ounce.
Monev 4 '4 per cent.
Discount Rates Short, 56 Per cent;
thre months, 6 6-6 i per cent.
Proper Ingredients Properly Mixed
L. H. Cinek, 5212 S. 24th St.
Kratky Bros., 480S S. 24th St.
A. Haddafl, 1255-7 S. 13th St.
Frank Zaloudek, 1904 S. 13th.
P, Murphy Coal 3c Feed Co.,
4602 S. 28th St.
Fred Widoe, 45th and Q Sti.
Stewart Seed Store, 119 N.
16th St.
Pivonka Coal Sc. Feed Co., 5133
S. 21t St.
Ed Pacey Feed Store, Pa
pillion, Neb.
Walnut Hill Feed Store, 1425
Military Ave.
Stoltenberg Elevator Co., 6136
Military Ave.
North Omaha Feed Co., 5416
N. 16th St.
S. A. Forgey, 8622 N. 30th St.
A. L. Bergquitt & Son, 4710
S. 24th St.
Wet Lawn Mills, 59th and
Center Sts.
E. Karsch & Co., 1820 Vinton
St. '
m. c. peters'mill CO.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha tHe' Leased Wire.
New York, April 28. Stocks acted
today as though many holders of
speculative issues, who hold on
through last week's break, had be
come tired of waiting for a genuine
rally and let their shares go rather
hurriedly. The pressure against
prices was accentuated at all times
by a heavy outflow of short sales,
aimed especially at steel and motor
issues, but including a wide list of
industrial stocks.
The superficial character of much
of the current reasoning by profes
sional traders was indicated by an
early attack on United States Steel
common, based, according to gossip
of the market place, on disappoint
ment over the lack of an extra divi
dend at Tuesday's meeting of di
rectors. Granted that the corpora
tion's earnings in the first quarter
made possible an extra disburse
ment, it would seem a sounder busi
ness policy to conserve cash, which
is a valuable asset in any company's
treasury at this period of extraordi
nary loan rates.
Return to Prestrlke Baal.
The corporation ha not been a bor
rower for many yers and prides Itself
on the extent of liquid assets, but It Is
lo be remembered that just now th rail
road strikes are tying up an Immense
amount of capital, which reports
show Is being released in a dicldodly
gradual fashion because the Improvement
et transportation condition is slow. It
appears, moreover, that the current
month Is likely to turn In a restricted ac
count of earnings and It may require
several more week before production and
distribution of steel approaches th rapid
puce of March. Mill operation between
50 and CO per cent at the leading steel
centers reorted today by the Iron Trade
Review, show that the paralysis brought
by the strikes is wearing away slowly.
The bears had decidedly the better of
It in point of developments though senti
mental consideration counted for more
than practical events.
An unfarovable construction was Tut
upon the government's request that the
recently completed suit agalnat the Steel
corporation be reopened. From the sharp
reaction of steel shares which' followed
receipt of this new it was evident that
quite a different mrpreulon was gathered
from It than from the lo of the Reading
action, though similar result In both
cases might coma from a retrial of the
steel case.
Call Money Scarce.
Call money again recorded scarcity of
market credit, rate opening at . per
cent, rising to 10 per cent snd finally
resting at S per cent st the end of the
Stocks moved off from 2 to 6 points
wlthaut much Indication of a rally until
near the end of the last hour, when uf.
fleient short covering occurred to lift
quotations from the bottom. The day'
business was centered In th Industrials,
railroad stocks displaying n fairly firm
front with Reading In the foreground.
Liberty bond were again Irregular, being
free of signs of urgent liquidation of last
week's caliber. Cotton lost more ground
but grain price were firmer than ths
day before. The exchange markets were
strong, the first time that a general rise
had occurred among Ruropesn rates for
several weeks, Spanish rates turned in
favor of that country after a period of
steady declines.
Sterling adod 21, cent to Tuesday'
powerful upswing from low levels, sight
drafts closing at f3.$4. An Invprovs
ment of the dollar at Buenn Aire about
wiped out the advantage which .previously
existed In gold shipments from IVew Tork,
which accounted for rumors that export
plans of last week had been changed.
Stock Fluctuation.
The following quotation are furnished
bv Logan & Bryan, member of all prln
ripal exchange, room 100 Peter Trust
building, (formerly Bee building), Seven
teenth and Farnam trets, Omaha, Neb;
Armour "o., pfd 98
Armour Lesther Co., com 1(
Armour Leather Co., pfd 95
Cvdahy Packing Co., com 16
ontinental Motors 1 0 4 McNeill ft Llbby I7H
Montgomery Ward Co 34
Reo Motor Car Co 24 Vi
... if. a. rrt 111U
Swift International 39
Union Carbide & Carbon Co 3"i
New York Curb Stocks.
I. ' -i
Allied Oil
Cosden Oil
Elk Basin
(ilenrock Oil
Housioti Oil
Island Oil
Merrlt Oil
Midwest Refining Co...
Sliver King of ArUona
Simins Petroleunu . . .:. .
Tonopnh Divide ....
V. S. Steamship ........
White Oil
. 3
. f5
. 5
. 16
. i
. IS
. 1
1 8 14
New York Quotations
Rang of prices of th. leading Hocks,
furnished by Logan Bryan, Peters Trust
High. Low. Clo.
A., T. & S. F 81 801, 80M,
Baltimore Ohio 3i S3 33
lanaaian raciuc. . . 1 1 1 n jmn ic-s
N. Y. 4k H. R 72W 70 70ti
Erie R. R
tit Verth.rn nfd 71S 74 74
Illinois Central f 5V, 85 '4
Mo., Kan. A Tex 7i 7, "V,
Missouri Pacific !4't 23', 237,
N. Y.. N. H. H 29 iH Ss'a
Northern Paclflo Ry.. 7S 741, 74S
Chi. N. W $1 0 D
Pennsylvania R. R. . 4i)i 404. 40H
Reading Co 90S 86 Si 87
C. R. L P 33 ai'-t 33i
Southern Pacific Co.. 95 94 , 95
Southern Railway 214 204, 21
Chi.. Mil. A St. P 34 S3 33
Union Pacific H 1'
Wabash 8's '
Am. Car 4 Fdry 135. 13JH 133H
Alllt-Chalmcra Mfg... 37 Ta "7 3T
Am. Loco. Co U J
Utd. Alloy Steel Corp. 4S 42 M J4
Baldwin Loco. Work.115U 109 Hit
Beth. Steel Corp 904 8'i
Colo. Fuel & Iron Co.. 8(iH
Crucible Stoel Co 239 229 2:0
Am. Steel IVepdrle.. 42 40', 41
Lackaw:.! - i: -el Co. 804 774 1H
Miiivnl' i... I & Ord.. 44. 434, 41
Pressed 8t"l Car Co.. 102 . 98V, 98T
P.ep. Iron St" 1 Co.. 961 J3H
Railway Steel Sp.iog.. 94 924 3
Sloes-Shef. Btl. Hon tIH J4 ,,
United States Stu.l.... 9T4 9-'
Ar.aooBda Cop. Min... S8. 674 57 Ji
Am. emit. Rfir. o. 2S 69 504
Butt. Sup. Min. Co. 24 4
Chile Copper Co 17 16. 16 4
Chlno Copper Co ..... . 3.1 4 .!.. 4 S3 ,,
Ir.plratlon Con. Cop . 54 4 6.1 54
Kinnecott Copper 29 J, 29 i 29 4
Miami Copper Co..... 234
Nev. Cons. Cop. Co... 14 1.14 J
Ray Con. Cop. Co.... 1J4 1 1
Utah Copper Co U. ' '
Am. Beet Sugar Co... 944 93 93
A.. J. . W. 1. S. S W1V, 1J7 . 148
Am. Internal. Corp... 92U J 1
An". Sum. Tnb. Co.... JSf "'-i JJ
Am. Cotton Oil Co. ...424 4.4
Am. Tel Tel 5' o4
Brooklyn Rap. Trans.. . ..IS "
Bothlehem Motors J?,,
American Can Co .' 4 !'
Chandler Motor Car..l4i. 144 14..
Cntral Leather Co.; 4 -n 2;'
Cuba Sugar Co 74 i-
Cat. Packing Corp .OW 'J
Cal. Peroleum Corp. --M.A H
Corn Product Rfg. Co. 101 if 92 J&
Nat. Enam. & Stamp. 74 if.
Flak Rubber Co J2H 32'i 8. '
GetraMEIec'trlcCo. ..1494 148 4 U
General' Motors Co.... 310 295 30b
Ccodrlrh Co l' J?'
Am. Hide Lthr. Co.22 30 21
Haskell A Bkr. Car..... 60 4 24 0.4
V. S. Ind. Alcohol Co... 904 87 88
International Nickel ..204 .04 204
Internal. Paper Co 75 i-l ;4V4
A(ax Rubber Co 1,1 '
Keuy-Sprrngfleld Tire 116 1121. 113J4
K-y.tone Tire A Rub. S3 324
Internat. Merc. Mar. ..33 ..14 314
Maxwell Motor Co. ..2H -,
Mexican Petroleum ..1694 HJJs
Midle States Oil .344 324 34
Ohio Cities Gas 404 40 4J4
Willys-Overland Co. ..214 204 -1
Pierce Oil Corp 17 164 1'A
Psn. Am. Pet. & Trans. 94 89 , 9
Plercs-Arrow Motor 62 57 4 6J4
Royal Duh Co 1094 107 H 09
V 3. Ruber Co 101 4 9Si 1004
Am- Sugar Refg Co. 131 12i ISO
Slt.clslr Oil ft Rfg. ..37 :5V, 36 4
Sears-Roebuck Co. ..217 .214 215
Stromberg Carb. Co. ..814 .7 78 ,
-Studebaker Corp 100i 106t 109 4
Tob. Product Co 67 664 B J
Trans-Continental Oil 16 164 JJVa
Texa Co J- 4v 44 4
V S. Fod Pr. Corp. 65 6314 64 4
U. S. 8m Rfg. Mln, 65 65
The White Motor Co. ..67 55 4
Wilson Co., Inc 67 4 J J
Weat'ghouse Airbrake 1164 113 11H4
Wesfghse Kl & Mfg. 50 494 4J'
American Woolen Co. Ii54 H l-4
Money 8.
Sterling 35j.
New York Money.
New Tork. April 28. Mercantile Paper
Exchange Strong.
Sterling Sixty-day bills. 3.i; com
mercial 60-day bills on bank. 33.85; com
mercial 60-day bills, f 3.81 4; demand,
13.864; cables, J3.I7 4
Francs Demand, 16.62: cables. 16.60.
Belgian Franca Demand, 15.62; cable.
Guilders Demand. 364c cables. 36?4c.
Lire Demand, 23.42; cables. 22.40.
Marks Demand, 1.70e; cables, 1.7to.
Bonds Government. Irregular; railroad,
Time Loans Strong; unchanged.
Call Money Strong; high, 10: low, 8;
ruling rate, 8; closing bid. 8; offered at
9; last loan, 8: bank acceptances, 6.
Turpentine and Kosin.
. Savannah, Ga., April 28. Turpentlna
Finn, fl.89; sales 64 bbls.; receipts, 143
bbl.; shipments, 2S bbls.; stock, 21,106
Rosin Firm, sales 223 casks; receipts,
693 casks; shipments, 6 ensks: ' stock.
18,582 casks. Quote: B. fl6.85; D. fl7.20;
E, f!7.35: A, $17.45 : KG. f17.45; H, $17.45
817.50; I. 117. 45f 17.55; K, fl7.fi018.00;
M, f 18. 304? 18.35; N, J18.66; VG, J18.90;
WW. $19.10.
pis' -: I II
Phone Douglas 2793
Chicago Grain
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, April 28. Over confi
dence on the part of the bears led to
their undoing. Scattered liquidation
and free selling by commission
houses carried corn off 3)g4lic
and oats Vi2c from the previous
day's close.
Buying against bids and on rest
ing orders, combined with support
from houses which were free sellers
at higher prices, absorbed the surplus
in the pit and a wave of short cover
ings followed. Offerings were lim
ited on the way up, and the close
was unchanged to Jjc lower on corn
and '4c lower on the active de
liveries of oats. May corn lost s$c
and May oats were unchanged. Rye
was ;i''ic lower and barley lc
Heavy Selling In Corn.
There was heavy selling of corn by a
commission house early that was credited
lo a local professional, but later It re
versed Its action and was the biggest buy
er on the way up. Weakness In stocks
and cotton and a general feeling of un
easiness over the financial situation was
responsible for the break. Talk of ex
port business In corn prevailed at the
las'., but quantltiea were not mentioned.
The country has apparently not given up
Its Ideaa that prices are to work higher
ultimately, judging from ths buying on
resting orders on the decline.
Oats fluctuated rapidly with commis
sion houses on both sides. Routine news
attracted little attention, the same factor
being responsible for the early pressure
as affected corn. Wreather over the belt
was more favorable for fiold work, with
the forecast unsettled.
There wss no evidence of general
I'quldation in any grain, although the un
dertone was declded4y easy. The do
mestic trade cancelled 406,000 bushels
oats and 65,000 bushels corn with ChW
rago handlers and bought 24,000 bushels
oats for deferred shipment.
Kipe Futures Active.
Houses with northwestern connections
were the best buyers of rye and while
the seaboard resold 75,000 bushels there
was a big exchanging of futures between
seaboard and cash houses under way. con
summating old business. Nothing Was
heard of demand at the seaboard.
France and the United Kingdom were
piit of the market as buyer of wheat, and
the sales of 200,000 buehels were made at
$2.95 c. I. f. Georgian Bay, with 750,000
bushels at $3.07 f. o. b. gulf. Buenos Airs
opened 7c higher with wheat worth! 3.3t
gold per bushel, or about 26c higher than
American No. 2 hard f. o. b. vessels New
Barley was easy with talk of bringing
In 600,000 bushels Canadian in order lo
fill sales for future delivery. Offerings in
the sample market small with price ltf 2a
higher. Sales were at fl.0$l.t0, the lat
ter being a new high on the crop.
By Updike Grain oC D. 2627. April 28,
Art. Open, flligh, Low. I Close. Test,
Corn I
May 1.73 1.73! 1.70 1.73V 1.74V
July 1.64 1.65 1.60H 1.65 1.65
Sep. 1.57 1.58 l.ti 1.68 1.584
May 2.104 2.1014 1 07 2.10V4 2.114
July 2.00 2.024 1.9SV4 2.02 2.024
May I .97 4 .99 -97 .99 .99
July .88 .881, .864 .884 .884
Sep. I .75 .754 .741,1 .754 .75
Pork I I I
May 136.00 36.00 135.80 35.80 36.26
July 137.00 IS7.00 36.60 U6.7S 37.05
Lard I
Mny 119.45 119.62 19.42 19.67 19.63
July 120.30 120.40 20.22 20.40 30.36
Pp. 120.07 !2L20 120.95 21.10 21.10
Ribs I I
May 117.75 17.75 17.40 17.65 17.95
July 118.65 !18.65 U8.30 18.50 18.72
Minneapolis Grain.
Minneapolis, April 28. Flour Un
changed. -Bran f 51.00.
Wheat Cash, No. 1 northern, f3.t0
Corn tl.664J'1.67.
Oats fl.0041.02.
Barley f 1.394). 1.65.
Rye No. 2, f2.072.0.
Flax No. 1, $4.70(5(4.75.
St. Louis Grain,
St. Louis. Mo., April 28. Corn May,
fl.764 I July, $1.681,.
Oats May, $1,044; July. 92c.
Omaha Grain
Omaha, April If. It20.
Trading In all grains wss slow. Wheat
marketed up to a lata hour was largely
th. off grades thougfc some of ths better
offering sold 1st.. Th. market ranged
14Mo cff. Corn wa. generally unchanged
to to off. Oats were steady to 4o lower.
Ry. wa unchanged to Stf 4o off. Barley
wss unchanged.
Cash sales wer.:
Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 car. tJ.Sf drkL
No. t hard. S cars, $2.81: 1 oar, :.78
(smutty). No. S hard, 1 car, f2.79; 1
car. $3.78; 1 car. fl.77; i car. $3.76: 5
cars, f2.75 (smutty). No, 4 hard, 2 cars,
(3.1a: 1 car. $3.74; 1 car. $$.74 (imutty);
$ car, $2.73; 1 car, $$.73 (imutty); 1
fir, $2.71 (smutty). No. t hard, 1 car,
$.72; 1 car. f2.U; 1 car, $.: 1 car.
1.66. Sample hard. 1 car, $!.7$: 1 car,
18.45. ' No. 1 northern aprlng, 2-5 car,
fl.77. No. t mixed. I car, $2.77 (durum).
Corn No. J white, 1 oar, $1.68. No. S
white, 3 cars. $1.66; t cars, $1.(5; 3-5
car, $1.64. No. 4 white, 3 cars, $1.62.
No. 3 yellow, 1 car. 1.6( (dry); 2 cars,
11.67. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.65; 3 cars,
$1.64. No. 5 yellow, 1 car. $1.58: 1 car,
$1.67. No. S yellow 1 car, fl.62 (musty).
No. S mixed, 3 cars, $!.65, car. $1.64.
No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.62; 1 car, tl.62
(shipper' weights). No. 6 mixed. 1 car,
$1.57. Sample ml xid, 1 car, $1.49 (heat
ing.) Oats No. 2 white. 1 cr, ft. 01 No. S
white, 6 csr, fl.02; No. t mixed, 1 car,
Rye No. 3, 1 car. $2.06. No. 4 1
car, $2.03.
Barley No. 4, 1 car, $1.67 (hlpp.r's
Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago.
Wheat 65 S3 8
Corn 59 4 3 So
Oats 46 33 ( 16
Ry 11 10 5
Barley 4 6 2
Wheat 66 98 21
Corn 10 4 3 39
Oats 28 2.1 22
Rye 9 3 14
Barley 3 ., l
, Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ' i io
Kansas City 109 .9 2
St. Louis IS 39 26
Minneapolis 101
Duluth ..165
Winnipeg 2S2 .. ,,
The number of cars of grain of the
several grade Inspected "In" her. during
the last 24 hours follows:
Wheat No. 1 hard, 3 cars; No. 2 hard,
10 cars; No. 3 hard, 18 car; No. 4 hard,
19 cars; No. 5 hard. 13 car; aampl. hard,
2 car; No. 2 mixed, 2 car; No. 3 mixed,
car; No. 4 mixed, 4 car; No. S mixed,
3 car; No. S spring. 1 car. Total, 79 cars.
Corn No. 2 white, 1 cars; No. 3 white,
6 car; No. 4 white, 1 car; sample white,
1 car; No. 2 yellow, 1 csr; No. 3 yellow,
4 cars: No. 4 yellow, 6 car; No. 6 yellow,
3 cars: ssmple yellow, 2 cars; No. 3 mixed,
6 cars; No. 4 mixed, 4 cars, No. 6 mixed,
1 car; No. mixed. 1 car. Total, 36 car.
Oats No. 1 white, 1 car; No. 3 white,
23 car: No. 4 white, g ears; N4. S mixed,
1 car. Total, 33 car. '
Rye No. J, 3 car; No. 3, 3 ears; No. 4,
2 csr: sample, 1 car. Total, 14 cars.
Barley No. 1 feed, 1 car; rejected, 4
cats. Total, 6 cars.
New York Stock Exchange
Will Be Closed Saturday
New York, April 28. The New
York Stock exchange will be closed
Saturday, May 1, the board of gov
ernors announced, in accordance
with a petition of most of the mem
bers. '
An unusual number of exchange
firms will be compelled to move to
new offices on that date.
tent factor have to be taken into con
ideration and arranged before trading
can ba resumed.
Close student of market condition ex
pressert the belief after the close that the
upturn in all grains ha culminated for
the time being, but they advised extreme
caution In making trade, on either side In
view of the possibility of radical new de
velopments that might send values up or
down with great rapidity.
Liberal charter are being made for oats
ana rye ror eastern shipment, unload
ing of boat 1 progressing slowly at
Buffalo, owing to labor troubles. The
only way to got stock nf grain out of the
west Is to move It by lake. Rates on rye
to Buffalo Sr. 140 per bushel. Duluth
loaded four cargoes of rye Monday, one
a record of 602.000 bushels.
B. A. Eckhart, the local miller, sold
60,000 bags of rye flour to the Norwegian
government last week and received a rable
yesterday cnncelllng It. Rye prices have
advanced 16c perbuahel elnee that lime.
New York traders were heavy sellers
of ents her. on the opsidng bulge yes
terday. Around 60,000 bushels. May, sold
at $1, the hlgtiet known for any delivery
of oats. F. S. Lewis, who has been hull
Ish on oats for month and predicted that
May would sell at f 1 and corn at f 1.75. re
ceived vindication yesterday.
John Jnglls, who has returned from an
xtenalv trip' through th. west, says:
"The growth of winter wheat In the slate
of largest production Is below normal for
thl season. More or less acreage, has been
lost, but present weather Is exceedingly
favorable for stoollng, anil much that looks
doubtful may yet develop to make a fair
crop. The loss by dust alorma in the
southwest will not bo as large as reported.
In the outhwet oats show a good stand.
Seeding In Illinois and Missouri has not
been completed. Kansas Is likely to make
a new record In corn acreage." He saw
no evidence of any shrinkage in spring
crop on account of labor shortage.
Liberty ltond Prices.
New York. April 2S. Price of Liberty
bond at 11:65 a. in. today were: 4",
-43.00 ; first 4s, 85.60; second 4s, 86.60; first
44. second 44s, 85.80; third 44s,
90.40; fourth 44. 86.00; Victory 3i,
96.90; .Victory 41.,, 96.88.
Final prices of Liberty bonds today
were: 34. 93.00; first 4s, 85.60; second
4s. 85.80: first 44. 86.30: econd 4 4.
85.94; third 44. 90.58; fourth 44. 86.06;
Victory 3s, 96.80; Victory 414, 96.76.
Kanaa City Produce.
Kansas City, Mo April 28. Eggs 20
cenla lower per cases; $12.30; firsts, un
changed, 43 cents.
Butter Packing stock, 1 cent higher,
40 c.nts.
Poultry Unchanged.
New York Coffee.
New York, April 28. Coffee Rio No.
7. 15 1-1 6c; futures, stesdy; May, 14.18c;
July. 14.65c.
The following persona wer -issued per-
units 10 wed; -
Allen L. Bechler. at, Lincoln, Neb , ana
Emma U Marguardl, 26, Norfolk, Neb.
Pearl G. Woodson, SO, Omaha, snd
Manila R. Bond, 22, Kansas City, No..
lunula C. Johnson. !8, Omaha, and Hen
rietta rofahl, 24, Omaha.
Wavn. E. Brlsben. 21, Wlsner. Neb.,
snd Sylvia Wagner. 21, Wlner. Neb.
Oustaf T. Norlen, 48, Omaha, and Jul!
A. Ulomherg, 48, Omaha.
Harry Bouchard, 31, Omaha, snd Freda
Jones, 26, Omaha.
Aubra C. Duncan, 35, Table Rock. Neb.,
snd Nell. U. Irwin, 30, Table Rock, Neb.
Charles P. Gillespie, 30, Omshs, and
Ksth.rlne Murphy, SI, Oinsha.
Walter A. Harlyck, 22. Omaha, and
Mary L. Brumbaugh, 21, Omaha.
August Swanaon, 60, Visit, mouth, Neb.,
and Julia South, 43, Omaha.
Weekly government weather snd crop
report: The week wa more favorable for
work and th. growth of vegetation In the
southern state, but too cool In the western
stales, and too wet In most central and
northern section for farm work and ad
vance of vegetation. General rains favor
able In the southwest. Some improvement
In winter wheat In all section, being ma
terially better In Kansas and the middle
Atlantic and the Pacific state. Rainfall
li southern plain very beneficial for win
ter wheat. Weather decidedly unfavor
able In aprlng wheat belt. Seeding nearly
at a atandatlll In most section on account
ef cold and wet soil, while like -conditions
retarded oat seeding in most central and
northern state and corn planting In cen
tral district, but warmer weather favor
ably affected corn In the southeast. Con
tinued cold weather unfavorable for ranges
and stock in Rocky mountains and nortn
ern plain state, where considerable loss
resulted, but meadows and pastures im
proved In central and southern states and
rain In the southwest wss beneficial,
Chicago Tribune says: A thorough dis
cussion of th. wheat situation with a view
of resuming trading for future delivery.
Is to be made at a meeting here. Repre
sentatives of the leading exchanges, of
th. Terminal Elevator association and of
fices of the Grain Dealers National asso
ciation will participate. This doe not
mean that the wheat market 1 to be re
opened In the near ftuure, as ther. I no
possibility of it. There is much prelimi
nary work to be done and many impor-
Wi Ml tsVto Often
i53ri 11
mma rAMAN
We Specialize in the CarefuLHandling of Orders for
Grain and Provision?
All Important Markets
Chlcage Beard ef Trade St. Leuia Merchants Exchange
Milwaukee Chamber el Commerce Kansas City Board ef Trade
Minneapolis Chamber el Commerce Sioux City Board of Trade
Omaha Grain Exchange
All ef these offices are connected with each other by private wires.
We are operations large up-to-date terminal elevators in the
Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle
your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning,
Transfering, Storing, etc.
It will pay you to get in touch with one of our office
when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain.
Consignments of All Kinds of Grain
Every Car Receive Careful Pergonal Attention
The Updike Grain Company
Brokers, Attention!
Am in town for few days only, with exceptional
selection Southwest Texas oil land leases.
Cannot devote time personally to public, but can
show you rare opportunity in wholesale purchase
for re-sale purposes.
Communicate Quick With
1 723 Fontenelle
BUY 6 First Mortgage Bonds !
and let us pay your taxes
and 6 (Net)
Which is equivalent to better than 7
where you pay the taxes
These bonds represent a portion
of a large mortgage secured by
Omaha business property, centrally
These bonds mature in 4 to 8 years,
and may be cashed any time after
one year, if desired, upon 30 days'
Any one can hold one or more of
these bonds issued in denomina
tions of $250, $500, $1,000 up to
The Home Builders owns this
mortgage and recommends these
bonds io those who have money for
able semi-annually.
Full descriptive literature tent upon request.
A part of your business solicited.
American Security Company
C. C. Shinier, Sea. C. A. Rohrbough, Pret.
New York Hngar.
New Tork, April SS. Sugar Raw firm;
centrifugal, 1 56c. Refined firm; line
granulated, 17. 504)33. 00c.
Kansa City (iraln,
Kansas City, Mo., April 2. Corn
May. f 1. 674; July, 11. 68; September,
(Cash wltb order.)
141 pir ward day
to per word two consecutive days
6a per word three eon.eeutlve days
7o per word four consecutive days
ia per word five consecutive days
!0o per word seven consecutive days
snd ons cent per word for. .acb additional
No eds taken for less than a total of
85c. CHARGE.
16o per line one day
!6o per line two comecutlve. days
S6c per line three eon.eeutlve days
I7o per line. ...... .seven concutlve day
li.00 per line thirty comecutlve days
Card of thanks and funeral notloea 12o
per line each day.
The, rates apply either to ths Dally or
Sunday Bee. All sdv.rtleementu appear
In both morning and evening dally papers
tor the one chsrge.
Contract Rates on Application.
For convenience of sdvertiseu, Want
ad will be accepted at the follow!; of
fice: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnsm.
Ames Office 4414 North 20th SU
Park Offloe .261 Leavenworth St.
South 61d. J319 N St.
H'alnut Office tit North 40th St.
Co. Bluffs Office 16 8cott St.
THE BEE will not be reipondble for
more than one Incorrect Insertion of an
advertisement ordered for mors than one
Evening Editions 13:90 M.
Morning Editions 10:116 P. M.
Sunday Editions 9 P. M. Ssturday.
JOHNSON Alfred J., died Monday, April
26 at his residence. 6607 N. 30th St.,
formerly 3015 Corby; aged 46 years. Mr.
Johnson ia survived, bealdes his wife, one
son, one dau.ter, father, mother and
three brothers and two slater.
Funeral services will be held at St.
Philip Nerl church, 8204 N. 3 1st St.,
Florence, Thursday, April 29. at 6 a. m.
Interment at Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
Friends are welcome.
CORNELL, Will Marion. April 26, 120.
Aged 39 year.
Funeral from 2312 No. 60th Ave., Wed.
nesday 26 at p. in. Interment Alt.
Hope cemetery.
Vi'E WISH to thank our many friends and
especially the Danish! Sisterhood, lodge
No. 57, for their kindness and sympathy
extended and for the beautiful floral
offerings at the time of our sad be
reavement In the death of our beloved
daughter and sister. Lillian. Mr. Annie
Schultz, n other: Emll Schultz, frank
Schultz, Klmer Schultz, brothers.
Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64.
Telephone Douglas 714 2216 Cuming St
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Phons H. "66. Office 2611 Farnam.
Pioneer Funeral Directors.
T01 Sooth 16th St. Douglas 1066.
2018 WIRT 8T.
Away from noise of busy streets,
XTNDERTAKERS. 717 8. 16th. Tyler 1676.
LEE L. LARMON yF0lor?.nt
1614 Douglas St. Douglss 8244.
I.. Henderson. 1616 Farnam. Douglas 1248.
JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. JOoS
THE largest display of monuments In
th. United 8tates. FRANK SVOBODA,
1215 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-5216.
Birth Anton and Anna Grlsnlk, 6605
South Thirty-third avenue, bov; Harlcy
and Susie Wagner, 2407 North Thirteenth
street, girl: Ouy and Teresa Staceu, 2717
E street, girl: Arthur and Nettle Cooksey.
1C00 Twenty-third avenue, glr); Porter and
Prarl Williams, 1144 North Twentieth
atreet, girl; John and Josephine Gaughan.
hospital, girl: Cyril and Florence Secord,
3035 Stone avenue, boy; Dr. Eugene and
Sophie Miller. 4020 State slreet, hoy;
Charles and Joaphlne Wilson. 424 North
Twenty-third street, boy: Alexander and
Fanny Keenan. 57 North Twenty-fifth
avenue, girl; Frank anil Mary Kempovlch,
4216 South Twenty-ninth and H streeta,
girl; K. J. and Anna Oorkmin, 4612 North
Thirty-eighth Btrect, girl: Harry and Eva
Ilorbund, 281S Dectatur street, girl; Clair,
and Adele Balrd. 316 North Forty-flrst
atreet, girl; William and Rena Smith, 212
Francis street, girl.
Death Lawra Margaret Farthing, 30,
2639 California street; James Boyce. 28,
4706 South Twenty-alxth street; Mary
Clara Plnnell, 70, Tecumseh. Neb.: Francis
X. Dellone, 86. 213 South Nineteenth
street: John J. Shanahan, 41. hosnltal;
Ruth M. Hughes, S4, hospital: De Witt P,
Brady. 16, hospital; Mary stagno, 63, 2S06
Blnney street: Mary M. Havis. 44. 2824
Grant stre-t; .las. Dudley Bullock, 67. 2316
North Sixtieth avenue; Bertha Sophia
Jensen, 3, 3704 North Klfty-fourth street;
William Marlon Correll, a9, 2313 North
Sixtieth avenue: Mary Magdalene
Panuska, 43. 3603 South Nineteenth street;
Edna J. E. Johnson, 30, hospital; Francis
Husak, 43, hospital: Helen Scholnlck, In
fant, 1139 North Nineteenth street; Phil
Aeron. 63, 4819 Dodge street; Alvln R.
Henel. 80; 2525 South Eleventh street:
Edward H. Harrow, - 38S4 North
Twenty-filth atreet.
K. M. E. Leflane, 202-13 North Sixteenth
street, alteration to hrlck building, 13.000;
Harry Goldotrom, 4209 Parker, trams
dwelling, 11,600.
FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele!
phone Tyler 800. We ere snxlous to re
store lost srtlclea to rightful owner..
LOST In or In front of Eldrhige Rey
nolds or Browning King, saphire and
pearl rrescent shup. pin. Call Kcd 1085.
Council Bluffs. Reward.
LOST On Saturday evening, a diamond
and platinum bar pin at ladies' enhance
of Omaha club or lllackxton. hotel; lib
era 1 reward . Harne y 2 722.
LUST Ladle pockethook ronlalning
money, letter with address, and cards,
at Ulalto Sunday night. Reward. Call
WIbo Hospital.
LOST String of pearl between 16th and
Harney and Klalto theater, or On Dodg
car. Rewnrd. Douglas 6017.
FOUND A bicycle; party ran have ame
by identifying and paying for this ad.
Call South 4068.. ,
FOUND Two'dark bay horres. Call Wal
nut 1 SOS.
Frank 10. stone, republican candidate
state representative.
THE SALVATION Army Industrial home
sollots your old clothing, furniture,
magazines. We oollect. We distribute.
Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will
call. Call and Inapect our new bom.
1 110-111 2-lj. 14 Dodge street.
purchased at Rlalto Drue Store, 15th
and Dnugla Sts.. Omaha, Neb.
MASSAGE Manicuring, 210 N. 17th St.;
open until 9 p. m.
PATIENTS to care for-'i my home. Elec
tric Bath and Manage. Webter 2911.
HARNEY INSTITUTE, under new man'
ggement. 1506 Hsrney St. Tyler 4815.
fK. HOLERAN Electro therapy and
massage. 318 Neville Block. i
Accordion Pleating.
ACCORDION, side, knit., sunburst, box
pleating, covered buttons, all slsea and
tylei; hemttching, plcot, edging, eye
let cut work, button hole, pennant.
Ideal Button and Pleating; Co.. 20t
Brown Blk. Doug las 1936.
Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding,
beading, all kind pleating. Doug. 6011.
Room 33. Dougla Blk.. 16th and Dodge.
Baggage and Express
Hartung's Transfer Co.,
Trucks any slxe, leased, or your haul
ing contracted by hour, day or year.
Express, moving, live stock hauling.
2303 Cuming St. Phone Doug 876J.
Carpenter Work.
CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling
done. L. J. Erlckson. Call Walnut
Carrie- J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. D. 1208.
Clothing and Furs.
FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St.
John Ffcldman. Phone 3128.
Cleaning and Pressing.
HARNEY 7070.
Dancing Academies.
KT?T PTMPSchool for Dancing. 2424 I
IVlJj-riirjr,rMm. D. 7860. Class
at 8; dancing at 9 p. m. Monday. Thura
day, Saturday; private lessons any time.
PAULINE CAPPSi Aitlatio dnctng.
Seventeenth and Farnam. Mlsner School,
Patterson Block. Pupil Dennishawn
School. Harney 6413.
I Dentists.
Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. B'.d.
AGENCY, Incorporated. Doug. 1107.
Arlington Blk . Omaha. Neb.
PHIL WINCKLER, Harney 6708, Tyler
384, confidential investigations made at
reasonable rates.
JAMES ALLAN, il2 Neville Blk. Evl-
dence secured In all cases, Tyler 1136.
RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway
Ex. Iildg. Dougla 2056, Night, Col. 466. .
DRESSMAKING, alterations; all kinds ot
plain aewln g. 2018 Daven port St.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. Work
guaranteed. Tyler 2979.
DRESSMAKING Children's clothes spe
cialty. Harney 7177.
Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. J
FILMS developed: printing snd enlarging.
Writ, for prices. Th. Ensign Co., 1607
Howard St
Electrical Utilities.
VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for,
, 60c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co.
Call Webster 1667 from 10 a. m. to 4
p. m.
ELECTRIC heaters, 810.60: vscuum clean
ers, 837.60; Mola washing machine.
Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam.
ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, 1 day. De
livered. Colfax 4116.
ELE(!TRIC vacuum cleaners for rent.
Douglas 6718.
RF.DI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel.
Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing
Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3657.
Gas Stoves Connected.
The gas man. lloifce piping, stove
connected, light transferring. Walnut
GAS STOVES connected. 82. Fuel, light
and connection. Rebuilt gas stoves.
Harney 1619.
GAS stoves connected. 82. Tyler 4439.
Hats Blocked.
HATS cleaned, rehlocked, ladles' straw
hat specialty. Mastos Brna., 1520 Har'y.
PAXTON parlors. 10071,4 FarnamTbous
la 6939.
TYLER 1976.
HAULING All kind ahe. refuse hauled?
Walnut' 3515.
ASH KS and refuse hauled, Dougla 8136.
DIAMONDS p'y th rtea
Uin.lXKJlUO wtn privilege to buy
back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY
Co.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug. 6049.
Jewelry Established 1892.
Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg.
Lumber and Buildings.
TRY H. M . KEVAN. 64 4 SOU TH 80TH ST.
. Mattress and Springs. .
Msttresses made over: box springs re
f.alred. n14 Cuming St.. Harney 7162.
Patent Attorneys
STURGES &,SfUR(lES, registered United
States patent lawyer, patents obtained
in all countries. Booklet free. High
est referencea; best results. S30 Bee
Bldg,. Omaha.
attorneya; procure, buy and sell patents.
1716 Dodge St.. Omaha.
WEDDING annourcements and printing.
Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
PAPKRHANGING. palming. KaTi mates
free, that cost nothing and may save
you monty. Tyler 275.
INTERIOR varnlhlug, enameling, floor
refinlslved. waxed, wallpaper cleaned.
Welnut 4821.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business