THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 29. 1920. 15 Luncheon. Mrs. William Van Dorn, who is Visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Cas&ells Smith, entertained . t a luncheon of eight covers at the "Uckstone Wednesday. Mrs. Van Dorn leaves Friday for Chicago. Fort Omaha Tea. Mrs. Jacob Wuest was hostess at the regular tea it Fort Omaha Wednesday afternoon at the Wuest quarters at the post. To Present Glee Club. The senior class of the Benson High school will present the Doane College Ladies' Glee club in a con cert at Benson Methodist church Thursday evening. The proceeds will he used to purchase a memorial for the school. ADVKRT1KKMENT ALL WRONG WAS HER LIVER Before Taking Black-Draught, Missouri Lady Was Troub led With Constipation, Headache and Bad Taste in Mouth. Grandin, Mo. Mrs. Susa Brooks of this place, writes: "Some time ago I was in a bad fix, with stomach and liver trouble. I did not feci good at any time. I was very constipated, and had headaches from this condi tion, and had a corftinual hurting in my stomach, and bad taste in the mouth. Could tell my liver was all wrong. "I had known of Black-Draught, so decided to try it myself. 1 began with a large dose or doses, gradually Retting to smaller doses. It regu lated my bowels, relieved me of the hurting in my stomach, cleaned off my liver and made me feel likea new person. If you get up in the morning feel ing as' tired as you did when you went to bed achy, coated tongue, Lad taste in mouth, sallow complex ion then your liver has not done its full duty, and your system has ab sorbed the poisons which your liver should have taken away. An occasional dose of Thedford's Black-Draught will help this im portant organ to function properly. Get a package of Thedford's Black-Draught liver medicine today. Druggist sells it, or can get it for you. Fine Arts Election LJJ si ) ft ' ..v . -'."V W: - . x ! "Sr. '''A ' Q Mrs. Ward M. Burgess was re elected president of the Fine Arts society at,the annual meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the Fontenelle hotel. Other officers are: Mrs. L. C. Nash, first vice president; Mrs. C. C. George, second vice president; Miss Nannie Richardson, secretary; Mrs. . I 4 Mn w wmbbbbm f Look for tkii laMthm m : PRODUCTS J Tzztttxt. . 1 m VV. flocking A tkolcot of ; sS zy ycur "wm. 19 Joseph Barker, treasurer; Mrs. W. J. Hynes, member of the executive board, and the following committee chairmen: Mrs. Warren Blackwell, lecture; Mrs. E. L. Burke, member ship; Mrs. Fred Nash, courtesies; Mrs. C M. Wilhelm, exhibitions; Mrs. Alfred Darlow, publicity, Mrs. J. L. Kennedy arid Miss Edith Tobitt. building and grounds; and Mrs. McGilton, nominating. The society has a membership of 731. During the last season the membership was greater than ever before and more activities were un dertaken. Ten lectures and fiv v. hibits were given. The average atJ tendance at the lectures was 400. George Crook Relief Corps. George Crook Relief Corps mem bers will meet at the home of Mrs. F. B. Kingsbury, 1823 Dorcas street, Friday at 2 p. m., and go in a body to present a flag to Castelar school, in appreciation of past assistance given the corps on Memorial day. Brass Ornaments. Brass orannients which have been neglected and allowed to become discolored may Ive brightened, in stantly with oxalic acid,"" dissolved in water and rubbed on with a flannel cloth. The' acid is poison and should be used carefully. Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel is con sidered the shrewdest woman poli tician in New York City. She is also an able lawyer. - C lubdom Business Woman's Club. The Business Woman's club gave a membership dinner Tuesday even ing at the Y. W. C. A. Miss Elian White's team brought in 16 new members and Miss Dora Hendrick's team 14. Seven joined last month and the clubjiow has a membership of 162. The new members, with their sponsors, were seated at the captain's tables, which were decor ated with spring flowers. Miss Grace Rowland read a report of the state convention. Nebraska Federation of Business Women's v Clubs, held in Lincoln last week.' Following the meeting the members attended the demonstration of the Y. W. C. A. department of physical education, at the City Auditorium. . . Allied Patriotic .Society. All patriotic organized .societies of Omaha have affiliated with the general patriotic organization known as the Allied Patriotic Society for Americanization. This society was organized at a meeting-Xuesday eve ning in Memorial hall. A general meeting will be held Friday evening, S p. in., at ' Memorial hall, court house. Patriotic societies are in vited to send their presiding officer and a committee of three. Arrange ments will be made for the Ameri canization parade, which is to be Lift Off Corns! Doesn't hurt I Lift touchy corns and calluses right off with fingers Apply a few drops of "Frcezone" upon that old, bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off. root and all, without pain or soreness. J1 ; V 'A Hard corns, soft corns, corns ': Vv between the toes, and the " rV w hard skin calluses on T6 JTl bottom of feet lift A "T ''J right off no I humbugl Y-J TK J I LOT II X Tiny bottles "Fnmne" ast but a few cents at drug starts held Saturday. The Allied Patriotic society division will include the fol lowing organizations: tieorge A. Custer, D. A. R. and W; R. C, U. S. Grant. D. A. R and W. R. C, fjeorgc Crook, D. A. R. and W. R. C; Sons and Daughters of Spanish War Veterans and their auxiliaries, Amer ican War Mothers and the Grand Army Circle The officers of the Al lied Patriotic society are: Mrs. A. S. Munnell, president; Charles Showalter, secretary, and Mrs. Sam uel Nathan, treasurer. Mrs. Elizabeth Whilling, of Rochester, Kngland, who last year swam sixteen miles in the Medway, will this year try to swim the Eng lish channel. , CHILDREN should not b'Moitd for colds - apply th "ouuidt" treatment- VICR'S VAP0R1 Y0VR.BODY$UARD" m 30, 3 39 OVERALL WEARERS THURSDAY A MIGHTY SALE OF Sale starts promptly at 8:30 a. m READ y mIm mm fid f fill WftA OVERALLS A big Job of Overalls secured in a wonderful purchase enables us to offer these A-No. 1 Garments at a price ridiculously low. All sizes are here. They are double stitched, fast color and fit cs good overalls should fit. We urge you to be here early. .'' " Genuine $3.50 Values, Thursday $rY)39 BE HERE EARLY M rl MM A A 25 dozen Overalls in the lot 1417 DOUGLAS STREET BE HERE EARLY s ftL the guessworkall the worry all the un-certainty-iare taken out of your food buying when you simply say to your dealer, "Be sure to send me Armour Oval Label Products." These foods are the finest that can be produced. "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard, for example, is made wholly from leaf fat, the choicest one-sixth of all the edible fat from the animal. Star Hams are selected from young, prime, corn-fed hogs, selected for smoothest grain and finest flavor. Butter is churned in ffw country, from the miresr and ri4wtr of cream. Every Armour Oval Label Food is top -grade absolutely de pendable. Ask your neighborhood dealer. He has or can immediately get these superfine foods for you from our branch house. Write to the Armour Department of Food Economics, Chicago, for interesting menus and cooking recipes. armpurMcompany ft L U MM O. C. WILLIS Genl Mgr. OMAHA. NEB. IB WalkOver E ooit Shop J17 bouth Sixteenth Street H. T. BRECK, Mgr. i . - announce commencing Thursday a great "VfEN AND WOMEN OF OMAHA AND VICINITY! This is your golden opportunity WA to save real money on your footwear n eeds for the present and the fall seasons. We are offering every pair of shoes in this store both high and low at greatly reduced prices and you camot afford to miss this, the biggest thing in the shoe business in many a aay. 2J V "D RECK BROS., operators of Walk-Over Stores in Des Moines, la.; Cedar Rapids, la. ; Joplin, Mo. Muskogee, Okla., and Okmulgee, have purchased the inter ests of Messrs. Slaughter and Artman in the Slaughter-Thompson Co., Inc., 317 South 16th St. ' This store will hereafter be under the direct management of Harry T. Breck. , Men's High Shoes MR. HARRY T. BRECK, new manager, wfinta trio smaf nmara f crwes anrl the neople of Omaha to know that this store will be operated along high grade, strictly metropolitan lines. The wants of the general public will always be granted as near as is possible and the shoe prob lems of the people are the problems that we will strive to-solve. "A store for the service of the public." Please Note In this sale every single pair of shoeshigh or low, mens or wom en's is offered at such a real sav ing that no one can afford 'to over look this event. It is going to pay you to supply your needs for a year to come, as these are the famous Walk-Over Shoes the standard of America. r IT IS OF HOICE that we hold this Reorganization Sale now, right in the heart of the season when our customers can receive the greatest amount of direct benefit from it and we believe you will not be able to duplicate the values offered here at anywhere" near the prices we are asking, N Walk-Over quality considered. Everyone is cordially invited to corne to this store and see the many bargains offered and get ac quainted with the new management. ' We will do i our best to serve you promptly and efficiently. Women's High Shoes Fine shoes of kid, calfskin and kangaroo in black and the popular brown shades.. The new lasts of the season in both novelty and conservative styles. Unrestricted Choice, $3?s to $15t Men's Oxfords Regularly $8.00 to $16.50 Black and brown in dependable kid, calfskin and kangaroo. Every low shoe in our entire stock is included in this event and every one is a winner. $3? to $l49i Smart New Pumps and Oxfords Dainty ankle ties and pumps in black and brown in fine kid and patent leathers as well as smart satin. A choice that em braces every correct model. $795 t0 $1495 7h 31 T South 16th St. Omaha Neb. Slaughter-Thompson Co., Inc. Everj correct mode in street and dress shoes are included in this unusual event. Smart military' heels as well as French styles. A complete range. Unrestricted Choice, $1E to $14?5 Women's Oxfords Regularly $8.00 to $17.00 Smart walking oxfords, oxfords for business or dress wear. Choice of the new fashionable lasts in black and brown, approved by style experts. Every pair is included. $45 t0 $1495 .v.L!rr.L,:::rr ) H D 1 ;