THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 29.' 1920. A 8 REPUBLICANS ARE AGREED ON NEW PEACE PLAN Members of Foreign Relations Committee to Present Reso lution In Lieu of Measure Passed by House. Chirac Trlbuiw-Omahs Dm Lraurd Wire. Washington, April 26. Republi can members of the senate foreign relations committee were in practi cal agreement Tuesday on the form and substance of the new peace resolution to be presented in the senate in) lieu of -the house measure passed several weeks ago. Senator Knox of Pennsylvania has prepared the new draft It is said to meet with the approval of all the republican members of the committee except possibly Senator McCumher of North Dakota and is expected to command the support of at least one democratic member. The measure will be laid before the entire , committee today and un less prolonged debate ensues it probably will be reported within the next d?y or two. The principal features of the new peace resolutions are: First It flatly repeals the joint resolution passtd by congress de claring war on Germany and then adopts the language of the nous.' resolution declaring the war ended. Second It requests the president to open negotiations with Germany for the purpose of restoring friend ly relations and commercial inter course, although as a matter of fact, trade has already been resumed. - Third It protects the claims of American nationals against Gcr many for damage suffered during the war by holding up all money accumulated by the alien property custodian or other agents of the government until such drains have been adjusted. Fourth It retains for the United Statei all property or rights ob tained under the terms 6f the armi stice and the treaty of Versailles iVitil a satisfactory settlement is made between the United States and Germany. ': Fifth It rentals all wartime legis lation in the language of the house resolution. , The committee will vorisider the advisability of including the declara tion of war against Austria in the resolution, but it is generally be lieved that the two declarations will hp Halt with in scnarate measures. Senator Hitchcock, administration spokesman in foreign matters in the senate, and Senator Underwood, the newly elected leader, are lining up the democratic forces for a stubborn fight against the resolution.) They propose to strike out all of the reso lution except, the repeal of wartime legislation and Senator Hitchcock is determined to offer the league of nations covenant as an amendment. Democratic leaders expect the !ittiai)ariananaii:iaiiaiBiiaita,!ana:taiiaiisiiaiiaiia:taiiaiiariBiianaiia;iiiaMsiiBiiiiaiiaitaiiBiiaiiaiiaiiatiaiattaiiiaiMitaii V?3? V ' ''I Jti Jit " k resolutions to be passed, but con fidently assert it will never be parsed over the president's Expected veto. Detective Arrests Son For Alleged Robbery N'ew Orleans, April 28. Zercastre Mvver. a detective, accompanied by a city policeman, lay in wait early Tuesday for a suspected robber. The intruder soon appeared and was seized and then he was found to be the defective's son. Fleas for mercy were unavailing and the son was taken to the jail by his father. . Sues for Damages Clarence Enauist. 8 vcars old. was injured Monday evening at Thirty third and Cuming streets, when lie ran in front of an automobile driven by R. W. McCasky and yesterday a $50,000 damage suit was filed in district court by the boy through his father, John Enquist, against Mr. McCasky. AWARD BOARD TO ACT "IN TIME" ON PLEA OF OMAHAN ''No More Than Usual Delay" Declares Public Health Officer Here. The claim of ex-soldier Harry S. Fickard, 361 1 Jones street, for com pensation and war risk insurance on a basis of permanent total disability will be acted on "with-no more than the usual delay in such cases," Dr. Jchn F. Allen, Ontahu representa tive of the United States public health service, explained vestcrday Dr. Allen is in charge of physical examination of ex-service men of the Omaha district who present claims for compensation and insur ance for war wounds and disease contracted in war service. His re ports arc forwarded to Washington, i). C, and become the basis on which a board of axfards fixes final compensation and ' insurance pay ments to cx-scrvice men. "The chief difficulty in handling these claims," he said yesterday, "arises from the unavoidable delay resulting from the system of a cen tralized national board in Washing ton making aM awards. Reports in hundreds of cases pile up and delays of several months often result from the fact the board is swamped with work. Requests often come from Washington for additional miorma tion, supplementary reports, etc., and these things caiise further delay. I he ex-service man, meanwhile, us ually is. receiving regular compensa tion payments, hut in cases of to tal permanent disability he gets no insurance payments until the final award is made in his case. The pay ments are retroactive to the time the disability was incurred, but. of couse, the man usually wants them as quickly as possible. ' The delay in getting final awards on claims has caused numerous com plaints "from ex-strvice men in the Omaha district,NDr. Allen says, but he explains he is powerless to rush thp awards "Much of the delay' is due to in- i efficiency and political management of the horde of .clerks employed at Washington," asserted E. K. Ham mond, secretary of the Douglas county postAmerican Legion. "Le gion officials have been contending much quicker results could be ob tained tlirmiirh use of a smaller corps of clerks properly managed." Bandits Get $8,000. Eagle Pass, Tex., April 28. Hold ing woman clerk at revolver point, two bandits robbed the office of the Estrada Lumber company at Fied ras Negras, Mex.. of $8,000 in gold Monday, according to information reaching here. First Trial of Murder Charge Based on Wood Alcohol Falls Flat Chiracs Trlbuo-Omah Bn I -! Wlr. Chicago. Anril 28. The first trial in Illinois of a murder charge based on the sale of wood alcohol as a beverage fell flat in Judge Sabbath's court Tuesday after a squabble be tween prosecutors and police offi cials. Joseph eikus, owner of a sa loon, and Tony Kertz, his bartender, were summoned to answer for the death of Frederick Boertz and six others from "coroners' cocktails" sold over Weikus' bar. When the men were arranged it was found there were no witnesses. The prose cutors blamed the police for not bringing in witnesses. The police .retorted that the wit nesses refused to come into court, as tlicy had made many trips in and were disgusted with the delays. It was predicted that no witnesses could be brought in. The court nolle prossed the indict ments charging the defendants with the murder of Boertz and the six other cases were continued to the May term, which probably meant nothing more wilt be done in the case. x Report of Mutiny on American Ship Denied Boston, Mass., April 28. Capi. John Kvistburg of the United State Shipping board steamer Lake Wil son, which arrived from Cuba, de nied reports that a mutiny had oc curred on board the vessel at Mat anzas ch the night of' April 17, but said the trouble was occasioned by 15 negro"'stevedores whom he dis covered removing sugar from Jic ship. They opened fire, according to the captain, wounding three of the crew. Furniture Pageant Every Evening This Week,' 7:15 to 10:30 p. m. - Everybody Invited ,. This entertainment is for your enjoyment and pleasure. It will furnish you information that will probably in time to come prove very useful and profitable. -The various exhibits show happy combinations of furniture styles, floor coverings, draperies, wall paper, china, glass, pottery, silver ware, linens, and the many other things that go to make homes beautiful. Modern originations will be graced by fashionably gowned models supplied by Thompson,. Beldcn & Co. Men and women clad in the garments. identical with the various periods, will remind us that furniture is, a heritage from the past Merchants attending either for pleasure or for the purpose of get ting ideas are very welcome. They will receive special attention ." if they will make themselves known to one of the ushers. The public is particularly asked to assist the ushers by NOT LINGERING TOO LONG AT ANY ONE EXHIBIT. Thursday's Programme of Music "American Btpublic" Floor. Firat Olsen's Orchestra Third Miss Juapita Finch, Pianist; Mr. Roy By-ers, Solo. Second Misa Mary Johnston. Solo; Mr. Elerjr Peterson. Banjo. Fourth Ladies? Orchestra. First Olsen's Orchestra N .'i ...."The Velvet Lady" Third Miss Eunice Conaway, Solo:. Miss Thelma Skeen, Harp Solo. Second MUa Mary Johnston with -Quartet. Fourth Ladies' Orchestra. . First Misa Juanita Finch, Mr. Roy Byers. x SeconJ Miss Mary Johnston, Mr. Elery Peterson. Fourth Ladies' Orchestra. " First Olsen's Orchestra .' "Hawaiian Moonlight"" Third Misa Eunice Conaway. Vocal Solo; Miss Thelma Skeen, Harp Solo. Firat Mrs. Helen Rahn Neilsen. Soprano. . . Second Misa Mary Johnston, Vocal Solo; Mr'. Elery Peterson, Banjo. " Fourth Ladies' Orchestra. f ' ' First Olsen's Orchestra "Breeze", and' "Goodnight, Angelino" Third Miss Juanita Finch. Pianist; Mr. Roy Byers, Vocal Solo., Second Miss Mary Johnston, Vocal Solo; Mr. Elery Peterson, Banjo. Fourth Ladies' Orchestra. . First Olsen's Orchestra i. . . . . "Donnybrook" Third Misa Eunice Conaway, Vocal Solo; Miss Thelma Skeen, Harp. MODERN COSTUMES BY THOMPSON-RELDEN COMPANY. : , PERIOD COSTUMES BY OSCAR LIEBEN. MnCo. i '"".Ji.lllliiluliillltuliillilllliilullllliliilMliiliilullililliilhliililliill.liiliil. Ji li.t(iillli4nHiii:il!l.i,iiiii,i:f GOOD CLOTHES for y MEN MSI EVERYBODY STORE GOOD CLOTHES for BOYS LISTEN! Some men are hard to fit, but we fit you prop erly. Why? Because we carry V e g u 1 a r s, stubs, stouts, longs, long stouts and junior sizes. . M r. Man Mr. Younsr Man -This is just the chance you have been waiting for. An opportunity to purchase your new spring and summer suit at a real saving. Hundreds of people have taken ' . . advantage of this MONEY SAVING EVENT during the last few days. There are still hundreds of suits in our great stock that are : , all specially priced and you should take advantage of this great opportunity. Men's and Boys' Clothing Department FOURTH FLOOR Starting Thursday Morning Oar Entire Stock of Men's "and Boys' Clothing WillBe Placed On Sale At the Following Prices : Men's and Young Men's Suits Blue serges, unfinished worsted cheviots and flannels in double and single breasted models, soft front effects, welt Jlnd patch pockets. Sizes 34 to 48 . $4450 A line for the conservative but well dressed man, aien's single and double breasted models in blues, black and fancy mixtures. A full line of stubs and stouts included. , . Sizes 34 to 43 'A line of hand tailored clothing made' expressly to our own patterns and from our own woolens. Both domestic and imported woolens in velour finished wor steds, scotches and fancy mixtures. Sizes 33 to 48 I 64B One big lot men's and young men's blue serges, double and single breasted, one, two, three button ef fect?, also belted models. . . Sizes 34 to 44 4952 x All garments in this lot are strictly hand tailored and every suit bears the distinction seen only in Bur-gess-Nash clothes. Men's and young men's cheviots, cassimcres, scotches and fancy mixtures. Sizes 34 to 46 $5950 A wonderful line of hand tailored clothing. Cloth ing made from the very finest domestic and imported woolens. The particular and well dressed manhould inspect this line. Sizes 35 to 48 VERY SPECIAL In going over our stock we have found about three hundred odd suits from broken lines. Every suit is from our new spring stock and consists of wordsteds, cassimeres, blue serges, blue cheviot, Scotch tweeds and many fancy mixtures. Men's and Young Men '.jr models. ONE BIG LOT, sizes 31 to 50 " o i - 34 50 Boys' Hour Sale " Broken lots boys' wools and wool mixed koickerbocker suits. Many suits with extra pair pants. Sizes 7 to 18 vears. THURSDAY A. M., 9 to 10 Choose from This Splendid Assortment of Men's Top Coats and Raincoats Men should be very careful in selecting their top coats or raincoats. Our lines are very complete and we are now showing many models in Gabardines y'idescents, Cravenettcs and fancy mixtures, also many double texture raineoats. 775 Fourth Floor Young Men's Hour Sale Broken lot small size sits in fancy mixtures,, good serviceable suits, just right for school or work. Sizes 30 to 33. THURSDAY A. M., 10 to 11 $10? Fourtl Floor TOP COATS $1450 tQ $7450 RAINCOATS 13 to 30i Boys' Suits and Top Coats Every mother should take advantage of this opportunity to save money. Great reductions have been taken onfall of our boys' suits and top coats. Boys' Suits 7H to 27i Boys' Top Coats $4Mto$12i ODD TROUSERS Another lot of McnWnd Young Men's Trousers, cotton and wool mixed. Sizes 28 to 44. Splendid Quality 495 Wonderful , Values CORDUROY PANTS Special lot Boys' CorduroyXnickerbockers. Sizes 6 to 18. Well tCQC Splendid Made $995 Values I- 1 5. 6 x