THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL' 28. 1920. UNIONS ATTACK INDUSTRIAL LAW IN KANSAS COURT Constitutionality of Tribunal Questioned as Result of In junction Suit to Prevent Mine Tieup. Pittsburg, Kan., April 27. Tl law which created the Kansas court of industrial relations was put to a tet in the Kansas judicjal ma chinery today. Opponents of the law, centered around Alexander Howat, chieftain of the Kansas union miners, this morning attacked it as unconstitutional when the in junction hearing in the case insti tuted by the state to prevent the calling of a mine strike came up be fore Judge Andrew J. Curran in the Crawford county district court. On March 30 Judge Curran grant ed an order restraining Howat and other union officials from calling a strike. The following -week the in dustrial court convened to investi gate the mining industry. Howat and other officials ignored sub poenas and the order of Judge Cur tail for them to appear as wit nesses. Judge Curran found them guilty of contempt and sent Howat and three other officials to jail. After a week of confinement the of ficials gave bond and now are at liberty pending an appeal to the Kansas supreme court, Counsel for the miners an nounced yesterday that . they would n ake a complete attack on the new la v alleging it is unconstitutional, so as to send the law to a test as speedily as possible. "They deny allegations of a conspiracy made by the state. The Kansas miners walked out when Howat was sent to jail and the production of coal for the period from April 10 to the present has been practically nothing. Yester day four-fifth of (he mines were re ported working. Fewer mines are working today. Rotary Club Will Hold Annual Election Tonight The annual election of officers of the Omaha Rotary club will be held tonight at the Fontenelle hotel. The meeting has been called for 6:30 p. m. in the hotel ballroom. No guests will attend. During the evening a report of the recent district conven tion at Des Moines, la., will be made. There will also be a concert by the Shriner band. Detectives Fail to Find Stolen $5,000 Diamonds A five-carat diamond stud and a platinum wrist watch set with dia monds are missing from the apart ment of Frank Keller, jr., 108 El Beudor, Eighteenth and Dodge streets. The valuables were reported stolen last Friday night when a lone prowler invaded the place. Private detectives are investigating. Husband Ridiculed Her Church Work, Wife Says John Van Vliet, Sixteenth and Castelar streets, made fun of his wife's religion and of her and the children's activities in the Presby terian church, Mrs. Kate Van Vliet, the wife, alleges in a petition for divorce filed in district court yester day. They were married in 1903 and have three children, Plan Membership Drive Plans for a membership campaign for the A. O. U. V of Nebraska will be laid at a meeting of all Omaha members at their hall, Eighteenth and Vinton streets, to morrow evening. Grand Masters John Stevens of Beaver7City. Judge Joseph Ober felder of Sidney, Ralph Mosely of Lincoln, Robert Gillan of Auburn and Grand Recorder H. B. Rousey of Grand Island, will be the speak ers at this meeting. Dies at Breakfast. When eating breakfast at 7:30 yes terday morning at his home. 624 South Twenty-eighth street, Daniel B. May, S3 years old, salesman for the McAlester Fuel company, died suddenly as a result of heart failure. He is survived by his widow and three small sons. Algernon, Bev erly and Eugene, and one daughter, Miss Eva May. Funeral arrange ments will be announced later. Cuticura Soap - The Healthy Shaving Soap Oatlwa tmr ifc.w. wttbwrtaw , EvorywlMnSe. HOW TO RAISE BABYCHICKS Put Avicol In the drinking water. Most people lose half of every hatch, and aeem to expect it. Chick cholera or white diarrhoea is the trouble. The U. 8. Government states that over halt the shicka hatched die from this cause. An Avicol tablet, placed in the drinking water, will positively save your little chicks from all such diseases. Inside of 48 hours the sick ones will be as lively as crickets. Avicol keeps them healthy and makes them crow and develoa Mrs. Vannie Thackery. R. F. D. t. St. Paris, O., writes. "I had 99 chicks and .they all died but S 2. Then I commenced on Avicol and haven't lost any since. They have grown wonderfully." It costs nothing to try Avicol. If you don't And that it prevents and promptly cures white diarrhoea, chick cholera and all bowel diseases of poultry, iell us and your jnoner wilt be refunded by return matt. Avicol is sold by most druggists and poultry remedy dealers, or you can send ISo or BOc today for a package hv mail postpaid. Kurrell-Durger Co. 373 Columbia, Bids-. Indianapolis, Ind. ' stops chicks dying More Than 1,000 Sign Membership Roll of Ak-Sar-Ben for 1920 W. R. .Wood, chairman of the Ak-Sar-Ben membership committee, announced at the first meeting of the committee this ycaf at noon yes terday in the Paxton hotel that al ready 1,168 members are on the list. "I believe we can reach our goal of 5,000 members in 1920 by July 1, instead of letting the drive drag all through the summer," he said. Eighty men are on the hustling committee and Secretary Weaver will divide these into teams which will start on active campaign in a few days. The Concord club has pledged itself to get 1,500 'members of Ak-Sar-Ben. Frank Judson. former chairman of the membership committee, will entertain all the present members of the committee at the opening game of the Omaha base ball team at Rourke park. E. Buckingham, Charles Black, Randall Brown and Gould Dietz were among the speakers at the luncheon. Marriage Finally Ends - 20 Years' Engagement An engagement of 20 years length was ended with the marriage last week, in Omaha of Miss Mary Tully and James Smith. The death of Mrs. Smith's mother twenty years ago and the call of duty that she felt In keeping the family together caused the long delay in the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are now in the east but will return to Omaha soon to make their home. Mr. Smith is a master mechanic in the Cudahy plant. Father Asks for Children At Death of Divorced Wife Action was begun in district court yesterday by Patrick H. Hughes to get possession of his two children who were given to thi custody of their mother, Ruth Hughes, in a de- crce of divorce granted her four years ago. She died and was buried yesterday at Miuden, Neb. The father's petition alleges that Mrs. Catherine Crawford, a sister of Mrs. Hughes, is threatening to take the children to her home in Missouri. Catholic Missionaries To Be Blessed Thursday " Sixteen Catholic missionary priests will receive the personal blessing of Archbishop J. J. Harty of this dio cese at pontifical high mass at St. Cccilias cathedral Thursday morn ing preparatory to their departure to China. The missionaries arrived in Omaha yesterday and are staying at St. Co lumba'ns Chinese Mission Home, 5035 Bedford 'avenue, headquarters of the mission in this country. The solemn ceremonies at St. Cc cilias cathedral will' be the 'first of the kind to be held in America. Plan Municipal Market In Auditorium Basement A municipal market in the base ment of the City auditorium and in Fourteenth street, east of the Audi toilium is planned for the summer, according to a statement issued yes terday by City Commissioner Ure. '.'Local garden products will be placed on sale at the market," Mr. Ure said. "It is also anticipated that the market will include fruit, eggs, butter, cheese, ' meats, fish; milk and other staples." The market probably will be opened June 1. Authorize Postal Vote At C. of C. Election in June Authorization of a nostal vote at the annual election of officers was flrrideri on vesterdav bv the execu tive committee of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce. In the past mem bers of the chamber have been re quired to deposit their ballots per sonally. The election will be held the third week in June this year, the board of directors having changed the dates of the fiscal year ar.d elections to June instead of January. AHVERTIKKMICNT "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Us Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderinc." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. Mother! Teach the Children Their Daily Health Duty You can't be too insistent! FEW children find pleasure in the things most vital to their physical comfort and health, so it rests with the watchful moth er to see that they are done. The child will be grateful in after years. Chief among the functions necessary to the upbuilding of the little body, so that it will not be a dyspeptic, constipated body when it matures, is elimination regu larly every morning. If the moth er will be insistent and, allow nothing to interfere with it, it will Boon become a habit, a daily rou tine that will not be forgotten throughout life. There are times, however, when nature will not operate unaided. Then give Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which is a combination of. simple laxative herbs with pepsin, and the headaches, the biliousness, the torpor will quickly disappear. It acts gently and without griping, and as it contains no narcotics and is pleasant to the taste, it may be given to infants. Thousands of families have been regulated to healthy maturity with Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. A bottle can be bought at any drug store. In a large family there is always someone who would feel better for a dose of a good medicine like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. In spire of the fact that Dr. Cali uell's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its' benefits have not yet used -it. If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 Was hint ton Street, MonticeUo, Illinois. I JL CLOSDW OUT our entire stock of Hard ware, Paint and Groceries. Attend the sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. We have some wonderful prices on what is left in the Grocery Dept. We are ab- ( solutely selling out our en tire stock. It will pay you to take advantage of this ' closing out sale. H. H- HARPER CO. 1713 Howard St., Flatiron Bldg. Brief City News Outruns Slander In a voluminous complaint to the city council yester day, Mrs. Mabel Sains of this city charges Detectives A. J. Trapp, Charles Van Deusenand Ben Dan baum with slanderous statements against her while testifying in a court rase In J31air, Neb., this week. Mrs. Salni hi leges the detectives testified die "was known' in Omaha as 'Dirty Neqk Mabel." " . Will Publish Reitlstei KnouKh funds are still available at Central High school for the publication of the annual graduation number of the Register, according to an an nouncement made by Principal J. G. Masters yesterday. The periodical has not been published during the put few months. Airplane In ParadeThe Aero club will be represented in the American day parade Saturday. ( A real airplane, manned by veterans of the world's war, will lead a division of former service men. Will Dl'hance lltnr-nin Fol lowing the charge that K. C. Van Leuven, policeman, attempted to buy some whisky from a negro. Chief of Police Kberstein announced yesterday thHt he would discharge the officer from the department. PU-V pocket llcaMft A pickpock et escaped from tho clutches of Krcil Williams, 1405 North Fortieth street, on a street car Monday night after Williams caught the man pilfering:, his pockets. Williams told police he lost nothing. "Can This Be a Sewing Machine?" This is the question most women ask when they see the beautiful new cabinet models of " The Free' I the sewing machine that: runs lighter is easier to operate sews faster is more beautiful i lasts longer makes a perfect stitch ns I $S a Month Come in and see it, and let us explain our liberal offer during April. , For Your , Initial Old Machine P T Part at Part tTjf Payment Payment Free Sewing Machines are priced from $89 to $112, according to model and finish and are worth it! Here Is a Sale of Sewing Machines Singers, New Home, Henderson and other stand ard makes Some are floor samples, others are rebuilt All are guaranteed to be in good condition. Floor Samples Guaranteed for 10 years full set of attachments. Service When you buy an Automobile, Piano or (Talking Machine you expect SERVICE, and when you buy "The Free Sewing Machine you get that quality of Service you expect when you buy an article at Burgess-Nash Company. Crescent $45. Diamond $48. Special $40. Box Top Models Dayton $6.50 Domestic 8.50 Out,of-Town ptron May take advantage of Climax .$6.50 ,h"' pric" whi,e "u,,ntiti" , last. Write for particulars. Burgess-Nash Company everybody store" t0 IP)nnTFTr?rrrrV 11 AM I II I LJJII I VS. WO Qsnsm M A rRTTTT EVERYBODY STORE A Limited Number of Mixed Tweed Coats Placed on Sale Wednesday at $19.50 A Price That Represents an Extraordinary Value Half-lined, swagger models that can be worn either loose or belted, with raglan sleeves and side patch pockets. Ideal coats for the woman who travels and motors, and a garment thoroughly appreciated by the business woman in fact, a general utility coat. Superb tailoring marks every model included in this offering, and the value is so extreme we would impress upon you v ry strongly the ad vantage of early selection at this remarkable price. While the assortments are good, the values are greater, and will naturally not last long. Second Floor Hou r Sp ec ial $ to 10 A.M. Silk Hosiery 50c a Pair We will place on special sale a most desirable lot of Women's Hose, in silk and fiber, also pure silk. "This lot is a sample lot and comes in only sample ( sizes. They are in lace effects, drop stitches, two-tone and fancy, also plain. The colors are desirable and correct for present wear, and include, black, white, brown and navy. All seamlesa and mock seam with double garter tops at this extraordinary price of 50c a pair. Main Floor -- Hand Embroidered Pieces i of Lingerie, Children's Dresses, JTable Pieces, Etc. V2 Price Hand-embroiiered models, including Night Gowns, Combina tions, Children s Dresses, Scarfs, Centerpieces, Luncheon Sets, etc., at one-half price. These pieces are slightly mussed from counter display, but every piece is a wonderful value. Third Floor. Waste Baskets, V2 Price Straw Braid Waste Baskets, in a variety of shapes. Third Floor ; Porch Pillows, 65c A large assortment of attractive round and square Cretonne Covered Porch Pillows. j ' Third Floor - v Attractive Savings on Notions New Washable Dress Trim ming, assorted styles, 3 yard pieces 5c Cord Shopping Bags, strong ly made 19c Belding Silk Thread, 100 yard spools, each 14c Sharp Pins, 300 in pack age, 3 pkgs. for 10c Dress Belting, good quality, black or white, yard 10c Hair Pin Cabinets, good quality, each 10c, 15c, 25c Wilsnap Dress Fasteners, card 10c Strong Paper Shopping Bags, each 10c New Cretonne Garment Protectors, each $2.35 Dress Shields, various styles and sizes, pair 19c E-Z Trim, for trimming middy blouses, bolt 35c Bias Tape, white and fast colors, various sizes, bolt 25c Human Hair Nets, good quality, cap or fringe style, each 15c Hair Pins, in amber or shell, in various styles and sizes, package 10c, 15c, 25c Silk Seam Binding, for lamp shade work, 7 and 8-yard bolts, each 45c Main Floor Pure Candies Specially Priced for Wednesday Jordan Almonds, best quality, special, pound Nut Mollies, delicious, very special, pound Jumbo Salted Peanuts, pound California Glace Fruits, box Woodard's Chocolate Almonds, pound Grugenhagen's Old Crow Chocolates, very special, box Main Floor .75c .49c .49c .89c .98c .75c The Garden of Fashion A Pageant of th Latest Style Shown on Living Models STRAND THEATER Beginning April 25th In connection with tho extraordinary motion picture "Why Change Your Wife?" An Unusual Value in Men's Suits $3950 Styles that have the conservative dignity of middle age, others with the snap and vigor of young Amer ican manhood. The bast fabrics, appropriate in texture and color for the age re quirements and the design, of the garment. All-wool and wool-mixed cassi meres, cheviots and flannels in both men's and young men's mod els; specially priced at $39.50. Sizes, 33 to 44 Fourth Floor Men' s Trousers One big lot of Men's and Young Men's Trousers; made of good quality wool mixed and cotton worsted; sizes 28 to 44; all placed in one group and priced at Fourth-Floor $4.95 An Opportune Sale of Summer Union Suits, $1.09 Women's Union Suits; low neck, sleeveless, knee length; made of the finest quality cotton, band and beaded tops, various styles $1.09 each. . 0- Children's Halt Sox, 45c A large assortment of Children's Colored Lisle Half-Sox; in fancy stripe and checked tops. This is a desirable lot and it will pay to put in a season's supply while the selection is so com plete and at this extremely low price, 45c. Standard Specials 1,000 Standard Make Golf Clubs These Clubs are all guaranteed. There are 1 drivers, hrnssips. nutters, drivinc irons, rleel-s. I. mid-irons, mashies, etc., in the lot. Golf Bags A special lot; heavy canvas, leather-trimmed Gtlf Bags. McGregor Golf Balls $12.00 a Dozen Made by world-renowned Crawford, McGregor and Canby Com pany of Dayton, O., famous the world over for their golf clubs. All balls guaranteed. Made in the following weights, 27, 29, 31. Fourth Floor nr $2.95 Drugs and Toilet Articles Specially Priced for Wednesday Woodbury.s Face Powder, very special, box 22c Stevens' Depilatory, half price 50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream, very spe cial, jar 27c Stillman's Freckle Cream, very special 43c Colegate's Shaving Soap, each 7c Pompeian Massage Cream, very special 42c Ktl"c7o' Lysol, the household antiseptic, large 'sizes, very special 89c Listerine, very special f 39c Hydrox Hard-Water Soap, very specialwhile it lasts, cake . 4C Armour's Florabelle Voilet or Rose Soap, half price, cake . . . . , 7UC Lazell's Talcum Powder, rose petals, orange buds and Mas- satta, very special ioc Moth Balls, very special, pound ise Main Floor