Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
1 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 27. 1920. I IJveStock li ' Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Live Work. Omaha. Ncb.. April l. , ...i wt,.H,lJ 1J.75 SSI Bam daye 1 ki. ago.lJ.007 It, 82 ama day year ago., t.841 ,6 i. f,".ptt ,n1 lpoltlon of live (.took at ina Union Stock ysrds. Omaha, N. b.. for H "" t o'clock p. m.. Avrll RECEIPTS CARJ.OTS. cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'a. 66 1.632 4 lii.269 13.073 C M. ft at. P. lllaanurl Pacific I ulon Pacific . .. f. A N. W., east C. ft N. W.. writ ('., St. P.. M. ft O C . H. I. ft p., west '.. n. I. ft P.. cast Illinois eCntral . . Chi. at. West. .. Total receipts. T 1 21 24 31 2 5 14 10 1 . 1 7T It 1 31 24 1 3 128 is DISPOSITION HEAP. Co Morris, ft Co. . . , Hwlft ft To t'uclahy Parking flrmour ft t'o, .... ttihwarti ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Parkins; Co. J. Omaha Pack. Co.. JiiKVina racking Co. Bonn Roth & Sons... Olansherg ., tvilaon ft Co JV. W. Hill ft Co. . T". P. Lewi Jluntttnger ft Olive . J. B. Root ft Co J. it. Bulla ltooenatock Hroa. . . . V. 0. Kllnr . "tVertnelmar ft Degen x . 1 c Mo. -Kan. c. ft C. Co K. 0. Christie Baker John Harvey , lennls ft Francis .. theek ft Krelw .... uther Buyers Totals Cattle. Hogs. .... n 93 1.321 18,611 . ... 741 1,292 .... 404 2.001 Hi 2,501 .. 73 .... ' 12 .... .. 65 .... .... 40 .... .... 32 .... .... 2ft .... .... 9 .... . . 9 .... .... 40 .... .... 1M .... .... 69 .... .... 11 .... ... 89 .... I .. 255 .... .... 75 .... .... 21 .... .... 104 .... .... 8 .... ... 379 .... .... 95 .... .... 33 .... ....1.306 .... ...6,213 9.152 1.129 1.414 1.073 498 14 29 687 14 630 ' ? 762 J 1 739 M 685 Jit 680 . M 40 804 34 1097 . 36 909 tl 880 r 681 4.695 Cattle Receipts of catttle were mod erate, today with an estimated run of 4.300 head. Total for th same days last week was ll.HOO head. Tim atwr msrket showed some Improvement today, although bid ding on the heavy kinds were a little slow and prices about steady to strong. Year lings, however, were called a quarter higher. Parkers ware all deslrtoug of fill ing orders of she stock and as a result values advanced 16W26c or more. Trade In feeders was on the same quiet basis a last week and at about steady figures. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice b-wivee, lll.7612.75: fair to good beeves. 110, 00611. 75; common to fair beeves, 19.00010.00; good to choice ycarllng.H, $12.0013.00; fair to good yearlings, HO.OOSjiU'.OO; common to fair yearlings, lo.OOfrlO.O; choice to prima heifers, 110.00 oil 1.60; good to choice heifers, IS.OOitf 10.00; choice to prime cows. 39.76&11.00: good to choice rows, JS.0OW9.6O; fair to good cows, 37.0008.00; common to fair rows, 4.257.00: choice to prime feeders, $10.0011.00; good to choice feeders, I9.00W10.00; medium, to good feeders, J8.00tf9.00; common to fair feeders. $7.00 W8 00; good to choice stotkers, $9,000 10.50; fair to good stockers. $7.75(8'9.0O; rommon to fair grades. $5.0007.75; stock heifers. $fi.004t8.O0; stock cows. $5.75W 7.76; stock calves, $6.0010.00; veal ralves. I9.5014.50; buls. stags, etc., $6.00010.00. BKEP STEERS. Ko. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 36 VUt, $11 00 35., 1223 $11 60 23 1105 11 60 20 1121 11 70 1245 11 76 22 1343 12 25 21 123 12 60 18 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 617 10 00 3 20. . :.. 19. . .1018 .11(13 .1091 12 10 12 40 13 79 10 60 10 85 11 25 11 6.1 12 00 12.. 24. . 23.. 21.. 21.. 804 10 65 646 10 75 11 00 11 60 11 70 12 11 635 725 790 753 I 12... 22... 11... $4... 10... I!::: i... i... 4... 36... 1... 1... II... 6. . 451 578 684 876 . 950 .1650 . 895 . 146 . 110 160 691 7 00 S77 8 00 777 10 00 868" 1 Ss 240 12 00 180 14 00 S 75 10 60 COWS. 75 15 688 7 00 7 60 25 90S 8 35 8 75 11 1118 35 9 85 10 1206 9 90 10 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 762 6 75 li 876 10 00 SiS 10 60 HEIFERS. 75 29... 7 10 17... 9 60 9... 10 35 13... 11 60 , BCIXS. 7 00 2 445 t 00 8 25 1 2060 8 75 10 00 CALVES. 13 60 1. 13 00 1. 14 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 481 8 60 36 696 10 00 34 734 linn Receipts of hogs today were fair, with! estimate calling for 9.200 head. The shipper demartd wm not very broad. ackers taKing duik oi me uiyi; rloes that were considerably above those of Saturdav, tha market averaging close to a quarter higher, with bulk of sales $13.60 14.60 and a top of $14.90. HOGS. Xo. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Tr 7. .295 70 $13 uw ov 44 350 ... 13 40 63..2KS 110 13 1U 51. .328 ... 13 60 52. .296 ... 13 75 80. .211 ... 14 00 77. .268 ... 14 10 69. .246 ... 14 15 77..21H 70 14 20 9 .173 ... 14 25 62. .288 70 14 30 76. .216 40 14 35 78. .223 ... 14 40 . 181 80 14 60 68. .225 .40 14 65 61 191 ... 14 60 67. .207 ... 14 65 .251 80 14 75 90. .218 ... 14 80 11. .223 ... 14 85 77. .196 ... 14 90 l.nmbs The week opened out with a fair run of lambs, about 6,600 head show ing up. Shorn lambs comprised about one-fourth of the receipts, the remainder of the run consisting of ordinary wooled grades. Wet fleeces, scarcity of refrigera tor cars and a sluggish dressed mutton trade in the east all combined to depress values and trade was very dull at lower figures. Wooled lambs were hard to move at declines of tie to 60c. with shorn lambs ruling weak to 25c lower. Choice handy wooled skins were not quotable above 0 26 but something prima In the way if shorn lambs would likely sell up to $17 7518.00. Not fat sheep were re ceived and no sales of feeding and shear ing lambs were rnmn, r v. .AnA f n Quotations On oncey unw. V, ; choice $19 75 6 20.25; lambs, fair to goo 1 $19 00P19.75: shorn, lambs JK.JRW 18.00; shearing lambs, 119 0080.00: cult lambs $14.6017.5: yearlings. $17.t0W 18.10: wethers. $16.00(5)16.80; ewes, good to choice. $14.501 15.25: ewe,, fair to 81$ 60 14.25 ; C" B cuue im ia.i- .nnil. Bcrs. 6.0012 OO, Cotton Jutures. m x New York, April 10 Cotton futures T. ...' mv 4.i.3Sc: July. 38 06c; ber 34.95c; December, 34.00c; Jan- cotton "futures "closed steady: May, 0 90c: July 38.95c; October. 85.9Se; De cemlier. 35.00c; January. 34.3c. HI Do You Know The safest investment in the world U. S. Gov't Liberty and Victory Bonds are now selling at prices to net a high , 6. We recommend investment in the f ollow injr issues: Third 414, selling to net approxi mately 5.75; Fourth 4t, selling to net approximately 5.55; Fifth 4, selling to net approximately 6.08. W II t New York quotation anil buy at prevailing price lest a mall discount. Phona Tyler 729 16th and Farnam Thia Ingtitution It Affiliated with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK New York Quotations New Tork Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust building; CLOSE. High. T.ow. Close. A.. T. & S. F. Ualtlmoore & Ohio . Canadian raclflo .,, N. Y. H. R Erie R. U Ot. Northern, pfd. ... Illinois Central Mo.. Kan. A Tex. ... Kan. City Southern . Missouri raclflo N. Y., N. II. & H. ... Northern I'aciflc Ry. Chi. & N. W Pennsylvania R. R. . Heading Co. leaning :. r. I. p. , 60Vk , !5t 11T4 , 72 . 131, , 76 , $6 1 16 2iK 30 77 61 40V 92 33 97 22 36 119 8 79V 111) 1114 69 12k 75 'ii,' 14 24V 28tt 40H 79 3 Hi 94Vk 211 33 4 1174 604 36 i 117H 734, 76 ' t 14S 75 H 30 77 II 40 j 92V, 32',, 97 21 36 119 Shi ..164 .. 93 .. 91 .. 46H .. 96'i .. 2S1 42', Southern Pacific Co. Southern Railway . Chi., Mil. St. P. . Union Pacific Wabash STEET.S Am. Car A Fdry 18 Allta-Chalmers Mfg. .. 3 Am. Loco. Co 98 Baldwin Loco. Works. 117'i Beth. Steel Corp 91 '4 Colo. Fuel Iron Co. 364. Crucible Steel Co 241 ' Am. Steel Foundries .. 4214 Lackawanna Steel Co. 8414 Midvale Steel A Ord. 45H Pressed Steel Car Co. 103 Rep. Iron A Steel Co. 99 Railway Steel Sorlns. 94 u Sloss-Shef. St!. A Iron 70 14 United States Steel .. 90 COPPERS. Anaconda Cop. Mln. ..68 4 Am. Smlt. A Rfg. Co. 62 Butte & Sup. Mln. Co. 24 V Chile Copper Co 174 Chlno Copper Co 33s; Calumet & Arizona .. 61 Inspiration Cons. Cop. 64 Kennecott Copper .... 29 4 Miami Copper Co 23 4 Ray Cons. Cop. Co. .. IS 4 Utah Copper Co. . 74 . - INDUSTRIALS. ... oc ... j. B. B. Am. Internot. Corp. Am. Sum. Tob. Co Am. Cotton Oil Co Am. Tel. ft Tel Bethlehem Motors , American f- r- Chandler Motor Car. ..151 .nirai ieatner Co.... 78 4 Cuba Cane Sugar Co..'. 644 Cal. Petroleum Corp... 32 TW Corn Prod. Ref. Co.... 103 4 2V Knam. ft Stamp.. 76 Flsk Rubber Co 334 General Electric Co... 161 (teneral Motors Co 318 Ooodrdlch Co 57 Am. Hide & Lthr. Co.! 22 Haskoll ft Brkr. Car.. 66 V. S. Ind. Alcohol Co. 914 International Nickel .. 21 Internal. Paper Co.... 7 AJax Rubber Co . . . . 7a KoIly-Spring?eld Tlre'i8 Keystone Tire ft Rub... 34 Internat. Merc. Mar... .144 Maxwell Motor Co 294 Mexican Petroleum, ..173' Middle States Oil 3414 Ohio Cities Gas 40 Willys-Overland Co. .. 22VS Tierce Oil Corp 17 Psn-Am. Pet. ft Trans. 954 Pierce-Arrow Motor ..64 Royal Dutch Co 133 U. S. Rubber Co 104 Am. Sugar Rfg. Co.. ..1334 Sinclair Oil ft Rfg 354 Sears-Roebuck Co 220 4 Stromberg Carb. Co... 84 Studebaker Corp 1134 Tob. Products Co 67 4 Trans-Contlnental Oil 18 Texas Co 47 U. S. Food Pr. Corp... 67 The White Motor Co.. 69 Wilson Co.. Inc 67 W'esttnghouse Airbrake 116 West'gh'se El. ft Mfg. 60 4 American Woolen Co... 130 Total sales 1,039,100 ioney-i-.;iose, 1 per cent. Marks Close. 1.63c. Sterling Close. 13.844. 136 38 964 113 88 364 236 42 14 44 101 964 69' 96 574 61 244 16 33 k 62 28 4 is" 704 96 4 1514 91 4 89 46 96 25 1T 147 77 S3 4 12 4 98 73 324 160 4 . 304 66 21 64 4 894 20 76 iii' ' 33 344 1694 234 394 21 17 924 61 4 1124 102 1324 34 4 220 82 1094 654 17 45 65 4 564 iio" 60 118 136 39 97 4 1174 90 36 237 424 82 44 4 1014 98 4 944 70 4 974 584 624 244 174 33 61 (4 294 23 4 18 4 74 158 924 90 454 95 25 42 4 ISO 784 544 32 102 76 334 151 317 7 22 65 90 20 76 70 117 :u 34 29 4 172 4 .134 39 fir) 174 94 63 112 102 1334 35 220 82 112 66 17'4) 46 674 58 4 67 116 60 129 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. April 36. Cattle Receipts, 1 1,000; beef steers, stesdv to 25c lower, 13.35 bid; hulk S If .00 1 2.60 : she stock mostly 25c higher: bulk J.00o)10.5O! good cannors, mostly $3.00; bulls, strong1: veal calves. 50(575e under Friday,, mostly 13.00tf.B0? .f eedem ntietr- .-VW" Hogs, Receipts. 34,000t opened 2S59c' higher, closed weak . and steady ' knd yt.d higher than Saturday's average; bulk, 13.7516.40; early top, $15.70; few later above $15.25. Sheep--Recelpts, 16.000; unevenly steady to 50o lower; best wooled lambn. $20.50; bulk, $20.00(g)20.50: best shorn lambs, $15.25: bulk. $18.00(318.25; culls snd com mon. $11.00(fiH7.00: prime wooled,- one to three-year-old wethers. $17.15. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Is.. April 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,200 head; market strong, 25c higher: beef steers, choice fed, JU.50W 13.50; short fed. $9.0011.25; fed year lings. $9.0013.00; beef cows. $t.753 7.75; fat cows and heifers. $8.OO0U1.5O; canners. $3.00(jr6.0O; veal calves. $7.00jj) 15.00; common calves. $6.004f9.60: feeders, $8.6010.5O: stockers, $7.00010.00; feed ing cows, $5.007.00; stock heifers, $6.00 8.50. Hogs Racelpts. 6.600 head: market strong, 25c hleher: light., $1 4. 50 1 5.00 ; mixed, $14. OOff 14.50; heavy, $13.5014.50; bulk. $14.00(8 14.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, S.O00 head: market weak. . Kanas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., April 20. Cattle Receipts. BOO head: native beef steers, steady: top. $12.25: bulk. $11.; southern steers, strong: bulk. $10.00 10.50: top yearlings. $13.60; bulk, $12.00 "SIS. 00; fat beef phe stock, scarce and stendy: ptocker. stouly. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head: .market alow, 25 to CO cents higher; top. $14.50; bulk, lights and mediums, $13.7614.40; bulk heavies. 813.2513.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head: slew: fat lambs, strong: best wool lambs, $20.25; bulk. SI 9.75 20.25 ; fat Texas gcats, $7.90. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., April 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.500 head; market slow and weak; steers. $10.0014.00;' cowa and heifers, $4.6013.50: calves. $6.00 12.00. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head: market .1.1 to 60c higher; top, $14.75; bulk, $13.50 14.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 5,000 head; market lower; lambs, $19.50 30. 50; ewes, $14.0015.00. We Recommend the . Purchase of GERMAN GOVT, and CITY BONDS ' Per 1000 Mark Bondi 5 German Govt. Bond. $18.50 5 War Loan Issues $19.75 4 City of Berlin. $26.50 5 City of Munich $32.00 We specially advise ruirha?e at once of these well-known Industrial 1000 Mark Boadi: 4 1-2 set. Badltcha Asllla Fabrlk at... $32.00 4 1-2 act. Noschtter Farbwareke at $31.00 4 1-2 act. Allgemalsa Elae. GeullKhaft. $31.00 5 act. Best & Co. Auto Works at $29.00 t 1-2 pet. Slamast Schuckart (new luue) $26.00 4 1-2 set. Phesnlx Bertwerke at $29.00 All quoted dally 00 the Berlin Stock Eichangc. All the shore bonds aold for rash or Installment, mi cur 10 Monthly Payment Plan. We tranafer money to all parts of Europe by ?able: Issue drsfta on the Deutsche Rank, Ber lin, and all Its branches In Germany at lowest daily rates; and sell currencies of all European nmnttiea. . We Sell Options on . GERMAN MARKS 10,000 Marks option good for 6 months $ 50 20,000 Marks option good for 6 months .$100 100,000 Mark option food (or 6 months $350 Tteserre Tour order by wire and let remittance Follow. All quotations subject to change with out notice. Ws execute orders oa all stocks trad ed on N. Y. Stock Exchange and N. Y. Curb markets, for cash or oa our 20 Payment Plan. Write for full information. Henri & BernhardWoll I Co., Inc Dt&lert In Foreign Ewhnjr and Forejtn Ttrmds 280 Madison Ava Niw York City Omaha Grain Omaha. April St. 190. Wheat," taken gonerally, was not much changed. Offeringa were In fajrly good demand. Corn ranged lc to ha higher. White was up about 2c, yellow to $c and mixed la to 3c. Oats advanced tc to 3c. Hlg upturns were scored In rye and bar Icy. Rye was about tic to 9c higher. Hurley was 10c to 15c up. The unusual strength In these grains was attributed to the report that esporters have bought up all the rye In the visible supply in this country., rumors being that Uermany was the big purchaser. 4'Ah sales today were: Wheat No. 2 hard, 1 car, $2.SS (dark): 2 cars. $3.84. No. S hard. I cars. $3.81; 1 car. $3 so. No. 4 hird. C cars. $J.7S; 3 cars, $3.77. No. 6 hard, 1 car, $3. SO; 1 car. $3.76: 1 car, $3.74. Sample hard, 1 car, $2.68. No. 3 spring. 1 car. $3.76 (red smutty). No. S northern spring, 1 car, $3.70. Sample northern spring, 1 car, $3.75. No. 3 mixed, 1 car. $3.83. No. 4 mixed. 2 cars, $3.75 (emutty). lrn No. 3 white, 4 cars. $1.64. No. 4 white. 1 car, $1.68. No. i white. 1 car, $1.$T. No. 2 yellow. 2 cars. $1.71. No. 5 yellow, 1 car. $1.69; 1 car, $1.6S; 1 car, $1.67; 2 cars, $1.67. No. 4 yellow, 1 car. $1.63; 3 cars, $1.63; 2 cars, $f.60. No. 5 yellow, 2 cars. $1.57. No. 2 mixed. 2 cars, $1.65. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1,67 (near yellow): 4 cars, $1.63. No. 4 mixed. 2 cars. $1.61 (shipper's weights); 1 car, $1.61. No. 5 mixed. 1 car, $1.57 (shipper's weights). No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.66 (ship per's weights). Oats No. 3 white, 7 cars. $1.02: 1 car, $1.03 (shipper's weights); 2 cars, $1.01U. Sample white, 2 cars. $1.01. Rye No. 2. 1 car, $2.11; No. 3, 2 cars. $3.10: 1-5 car, $3.08. Barley No. J. 1 car. $1.65. No. 1 feed, 1 car, $1.60. OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the several grades Inspected "in" hero during the last 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard. 1 car; No. 2 hard, 19 cars; No. 3 hard, 14 cars; No. 4 hard, 14 cars; No. 6 hard, 5 cars; No. 3 mixed 2 cars; No. 4 mixed 4 cars; No. 6 mixed, 2 cars. Total, 65 cars. Corn No. 2 white, 1 car; No. 3 white, 10 cars; No. 4 white, 7 cars; No. 6 white 2 cars; No. 2 yellow, 3 cars; No. 3 yatTftw, 11 cars; No. 4 yellow. 14 cars; No. 6 yel low. 5 cars: No. 6 yellow, 2 cars; sample yellow, 4 cars; No. 3 mixed. 8 cars; No 4 mixed, 11 cars; No. 6 mixed. 6 cars; sample mixed, 3 ears. Total, 96 cars. Oats No. 3 white, 4 cars; No. 3 white, 48 cars; No. 4 white. 11 cars; sample white. 3 cars; No. 2 mixed. 2 cars; No. 3 mixed, 1 car. Total, 69 cars. Kye No. 2, 1 car: No. 3 6 cars; No. 4, 1 car; sample. 2 cars. Total. 9 cars. Barley No. 4. 1 car; No. 1 feed. 2 cars: rejected, 5 cars; sample, 1 car. Total, ( cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS . Receipts Today. Chicago Grain Wheat Corn . Oats . Rye 46 ....f6 43 4 SHIPMENTS, .ago Tr. ago. 62 3 61 6S 4 5 49 16 1 5 is 34 44 7 S4 16 1 Barley . ... 4 Shipments Wheat 67 Corn 79 Oats 50 Rye 9 Barley 1 . . .. NORTH AMERICAN EXPORTS. Past Wk. Prev. Wk. Last Tr. Wheat 1,242.000 Com 149.000 Oats 1S4.000 Flour 287,000 Rye 1,309,000 Barley 329,000 . Illinois and Iowa ports on the oats seeding situation in lilt nol8 and Iowa show a decidedly mixed sit uation, fu some sections seeding Is com pleted, In others much reseedlng will have to he done. Although Illinois on the whole seems to be more backward than Iowa. 2,306.000 106,000 561,000 446.000 f.B.000 142,000 7,401,000 62,000 497,000 985.000 1,244.000 704.000 oat seeding: Re- -Flour Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn., April 26.- Unchanged. Bran $51.00. Wheat Cash: No. 1 Northern, $3,100 3.15. Corn $1.671.68. Oats $1.01 1. 02. Barley $1:4201. 72. ' Rve No. 2. $,i?1.12y4. Flax No. 1, $4.65 4.70. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., April 26. Corn May, $1.6'a; July, $1.641.63T, ; September, $1-571,. - - - ; '. . ' St. iAule Orata. St. Louis, Mo., April 26. Corn May. tl.78: July. $1.6914. . .. ,. . s Oats July,' 3Vie;- September. 79ie. . There'll beaScramble for These Bungalow Aprons Thursday BeddM Clothing Co. to Sell 50 Dozen at the Same Price You Would Be Compelled to Pay for Two Yards of Material from Which Aprons Are Made. Values That Are Almost Unbelievable. Bungalow Aprons, plenty of them, and they are to be offered 'at a price that will astonish every visitor to this store, Thursday. We secured through a very for tunate purchase this remarkable lot of Bungalow Aprons and as a special value-giving demonstra tion we intend to sell every apron in the lot Thursday at about one half what the material alone would cost you in any Omaha store. These aprons are made from percales and ginghamsin plain and fancy colors, several different styles, all sizes. You'll want two or three at this price, but our advice is to be here early Thursday morning. See our display ad Wednesday evening for full particulars. BEDDEO CLOTHING GO, 1417 Douglas St. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha lie Leased Wire. Chicago, April 26. Receipts of cash grain showed no improvement and corn jumped 3(o,oc and oats yt (njoc. readjusting to a basis with fu tures. Corn gained Sj(f ; oats 2VJ3tA, rye 78c, while barley was unchanged to c higher. . Strength In storks and cotton, an up turn of 25 60c in hogs, wet and cold weather over the west and light offerings combined to make it hard for shorts to cover. There was an absence of selling orders at the opening and stoploss orders were executed much abovo limits in con sequence. Corn had a range of 56sC and oatt 33c for the day. Kye Takes Jump. May rye at the top showed 31c above Saturday's finish, there being heavy buying by northern shorts, the realization that transportation could not be sr-cured to move grain from the northwest to fill sales here being a strong factor. The dis closure that the Immense business reported of late was genuine had a great deal to do with the buying. There was nothing to Indicate that the leading sellers of corn of late had at tempted to cover, hut a majority of the pit clement went home short Saturday night and came in early. - Opening trades were above the offers and the sellers of the latter bad to cover. Receipts Are Inlmprovcd. Receipts of cash grain Bhowed no Im provement and corn jumped from 3SJ6c and oats H3c, readjusting to a lia.xls with futures. Cash oats sold up to $1.09, a new high record here while $1.12 was paid for No. 2 and No. 3 white at .St. louls. The killing premiums of the cash oats over the futures, combined with the holdings ot the May by cash houses tends to make a sensational condition In this grain, but it is regarded as oven more no in rye and barley, the latter being held by malsters, while exporters own the rye. Export demand for wheat waa not as keen as that of late. The bulge caused the United Kingdom to pull out of thu market, while France paid $;1.07 track. New York, and $3.06 at the Gulf. Bulk ot the Canadian stock of wheat at the seaboard has been sold, either to' Europe or the United States. There was a great deal of exchanging of rye futures for the cash under way. but the only business reported was 200,000 bushels at 33c over May, track Baltimore, for June shipment. No. 2 rye on track brought $3.1614 2. 17 and barley $1.53iji CHICAGO. CLOSING PRICES. By ITpdlke Grain Co., D. 2627. April 26. Financial Bonds and Notes Art. Open. High. Corn May July Sept. Kye May July Oats May July Sept. Pork May May July Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July 1.71 H 1.65 1.&7-H 2.16 2.05 .98 MM .'it 36.10 '36,90 137.75 I 119.85 20.60 21.40 118.30 119.05 1.7.H, 1.66". 1.59 2.16 2.U6 .9914 .90 .771, 16.10 37.25 30.05 120.15 I20.95 J21.75 US 45 f 19.22 Low. IClose. I Sat. 1.70 1.62 1.56 2.08 2.0114 .97 HX .75 36.10 36.60 37.10 'l9.75 130.50 118.00 18.80 1.73 1.66 1.5914 2.13 2.0114 .9914 .90 36.10 36.60 37.30 Jl9.80 18.02 IS.S2 1.67'4 1.60U 1.5414 2.04 1.97 .96- .871, .74 35.70 36.10 37.00 19.75 20.65 21.32 18.07 118.90 Dried Fruit. New Tork. April 26. Evaporated Ap ples Dull and weak. Californlas, 10 13c; state, 12lc. Prunes Irregular; Califorhlas, 929c; Oregons, 111420c. Apricots Steady; choice 28c; extra choice, 29c; fancy, 3033c. Peaches Easy; standard, n nunc; choice, 18c; fancy, 19c. Raisins Steadier: loose muscatels, 22 2414c; choice to fancy seeded, lufeuc; seedless, 20&27C SbcNctt ij 0rk Sinus. Chicago Trlbune-Omaiia Wee Leased Wire. New York, April 26. Several oi the markets made notable progress today in recovering the ground lost in last week's sharp fall of quota tions. Stocks moved upward under momentum which reached widely into the railroad department after industrial issues had recorded strength during the morning hours. Cotton advanced with considerable power and there were gains, under feverish trading, in grain and pro visions. Doubtless short covering directed by influences peculiar to the markets was largely instru mental in continuing Saturday's im provement, and comment of stock commission houses indicated that dealings were still chiefly in charge of the professional speculators. Liberty bonds moved irregularly, some beinsr higher and others lower at the close than at the end of last week. Call money lent at 7 per cent throughout the day, a level which about represented bank posi tion since Saturday s statements. w York Money Kasy. That the credit pinch Is being felt less, at the moment, at New York, than In In terior nioui'V centers wss disclosed In the fact that the local reserve bank has turned about from being a borrower of Institutions and Is now a lender to them in largo extent. Reserve banks of the west and south reported declines of their ratios of cash reserve to liabilities, while the New York bank Improved its posi tion. The overshadowing atock market In. fluence was tho long awaited decision of the supreme court in the Reading suit. although prices had maae progress up ward before this appeared. With mind set on melon cutting, shaped through Stock dividends, the speculative com munity seized eagerly upon the order that tho Reading company ohould dissolve aa the precursor of large benefits to hold ers of Reading shares. They were lifted more than 12 points and a sympathetic movement carried other rail stocks 1 to 3 points higher than the final prices ot the preceding trading day. Advance In Heading. The segregation of Reading properties. as Indicated by the court, implied the payment of Reading, Central of New Jer sey, 4 per cent bonds and rainy large buying orders brought a gain ot 9 points. Reading Kneral 4s advanced more than 4 points. The points or the decision which reached the street were relatively few and It was not known up to the time the market closed just how the provisions of the court wero to be carried out. As "Reading segregation" has been a specu. lative slogan at nil times over tho railroad shares since 1913, traders did not wait for further enlightment than a few meager facts from Wash ington before taking on lines of stock. A matter of interest In the final judg ment In this famous anti-trust suit la the fact that the New York Central and the B. o. own between them nearly $20,000,000 Reading common and more than $40,000,000 of the first and second Reading preferred stocks. It Is Impossible to estimate how a court decree of dlsso- utlon would work out, due to the Inter relation between the various Reading controlled properties and their securities. The sterling exchange market turned woak In the afternoon, following a de clining tendency of moderate proportions' earlier In the day. Offerings of bills wero reported heavier than in late dealings last week. Sight drafts at $3.3014 shohwed a decline pt 6 cents at the Close. . i ; ' . -- n Jr SmE.p e-ife-gtas 2793' .SF& rff ) I printing aCsr l r Quotation furnished by Peters Trust o. ; Am. Tel. & Tel Its, 1924 Am. Tel & Tel. 6s, 1925 Am. Tobacco Co. 7, 1901.., Am. Tobacco Co., 7s, 1923... Am. Tobacco Co. 7s, 1923,. , Anaconda Copper 6s, 1939... Anglo-Krcnrh Kxt. 6s 1921K, A. & Co. Conv. lleb, 6s, 19! A. Co. Conv. Dob. a, 19! A. & Co. Conv. Deb. 6s, 191 A. & Co. Conv. Deb. 6s, 19: A. & Co. Conv. Deb. s, 19; Iteth. Steel Co. 7s, 1923 Beth. Steel Co. 7. 1923 Hell Tel. of Canada "s. 1925. H. Co.. Neb. S. 'D. 17 6a, 1940 British 514a, 1921 C B. & Q. 4a. 1921 Continental Motors 7s, 192 Cudahy Packing Co. 7s. 192 Hooker Elec. Co. 7s, 1922... Liggett & Meyers 6s. 1931... Proctor A Gamble 7s, 121. Proctor A Oamble 7s, 1922.. Proctor & Oamble 7, 1923. Union Pacific Co. 6s, 1928.. Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 Western Klectrlc 7s, 19S5... Belgian 6s. 1921 Belgian 6s, 1926 LIBKRTY BOND. First 3 lis , 98.12 First 4s 85.70 First 4 -;s" 8H.00 Second 4s 85 60 Second 4Vis 85.88 Third 41ts 0.S4 Fourth 4Hs 85.00 Fifth 4s 96.43 Fifth 3s A 90.60 Stork Fluctuations. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of all princi pal exchanges, 248 Peters Trust building (formerly Bee building), Seventeenth and Farnam streets. OiT.aha, Neb.: CHICAOO STOCKS. Armour & Co. pfd Continents! Motors Libby, McNeil & l.lliby Montgomery-Ward Co. ........ National Leather ., Reo Motor Car Co Swift & Co Swift International Union Carbide & Carbon Co. . Bid. Aaked. , 3 34 92 '4 3 , 100 ,99! 100 , S9 100 , 93 93 98 '1 98 5-16 I 98 1-j 99 4 1 98 99 '4 1 Ki 99 '4 I 8V, 99 Lj I I8a ! . 99 99v ,98 !4 , 97 98 10.1.04 95 14 964 9K4 i 9,i 100 I 97 98 96 98 Mi 96 96 99 100 ! 100 99'4H 100 1U0 10014 89 90 98 99 t 97 i 93 93 U .. 96'; .. 10 .. 28 . . 35 .. 12 . . 27 ..117 .. 40'4 651. Commercial Printers-Lithographers Steel Die Embossers LOOSE LEAF DEVICES OIL Investigations and Ratings Do you own OIL STOCKS, LEASES or any kind of OIL PROPERTY upon which you have been jiable to get RELIABLE information? UNBIASED information and COMPLETE reports including accurate maps, valuations, and the reliability of any company or property in the North Texas Oil Fields. Each case a separate and thorough investigation. Fee of Ten Dollars payable with money order or cashier's check upon application. . TI1EOIL1NVEST0R SCOMMERCIAL AGEHCY (The Bradsireet ot the Oil Field) Reference City National Bank, Wichita Fall BOX 1492 WICHITA FALLS, TEX. I Hit Him! Whenever you see a package of cleaning work delivered at a home, you may rightly say: . "Well, Old Hi Cost of Living Has Been Smashed At Again." Phone Tyler 345 and start some "smashing" yourself. DRESHER BROTHERS DYERS CLEANERS 2211-17 Farnam St. r ; UPDIKE SERVICE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Ail Important Markets .WE ARE MEMBERS OF- Chicago. Board of Trade St. Louis Merchants Exchang Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Board of Trad Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha Crain Exchange WE OPERATE OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. MILWAUKEE, WIS. LINCOLN, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IA. GENEVA, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. HOLDREGE, NEB. DES MOINES, 1A. ATLANTIC, I A. HAMBURG. I A. All of these offices are connected with each other by private wires. We are operations large up-to-date terminal elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning, Transfering, Storing, etc. It will pay you to get in touch with one of our office when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain , to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE New York Curb Stwki. Allied Oil Boston Wyoming Codtn Oil Klk Basin Federal Oil Olenrnck Oil Houston Oil Inland Oil Merrit OH Midwest Refining Co Sapulpa Oil Hlmma Petroleum.... V. 8. Steamship 3S (if 13-16 . 8 to 4 . 9 (if H .30 H . 3 t) Hi . 99 (ii 100 . 6 . 17 .151 H53 . 6H "i . l"t 20 Kew Tark GtaeraM. New York, April 2s. Klour Firm: aprlng patent. 1 1!.6W!J.Q; spring clears. I1.B0: winter straight. IH.MolJ.Jl; Kanaaa straights,; enrnmcal, yellow granulated, M-i white granulated, Hio. nuokwheat Firm; aound milling. 14.14 nominal. Wheat Spot, firmer; No. 3 rrd and No. hard, IJ.07 and No. S. mixed durum, $3 04 0. I. f. track New Tork export. Corn Spot ntrong; No. 2 yellow, ll.fSK Xo. 3 mixed, lt.7i c. I. f. New York. Oata .Spot strong; No. 1 white, 11.35 1.41; nominal. Jlav 8teady; No. 1. IS. 45 3. JO; No. I, I3.4nf 3.46; No. 3, t3.354ji3.40; shipping. S3.2S&3.IO. Hop Klrm; stats medium to choice 1I)1D. 5TI1.05: 118, SSffSOc; Pacific coaat 19t9, SE.6lfl.10: 1018. 904j'Sc. I'drk Hnrely ateady: mess. 142.00 0 43.00; family, 152.00 I.ard Firm; middle weat, $20.2f 20.30. Tallow Steady; erects! loose, 14Hc Rice Klrm; fancy head, 14Vitfl5o; blue rose fancy, lSHT13c. New Vork 4'offee. New Tork, April 21!. The market for coffee futures showed flrmneaa at ths Mart today and after opening unehnngel sold about 7 to 10 points higher on scattered coverings on trade buying of May. This led to rumors that May no ticca estimated at about 3,000 bales were being stopped, but aa soon as tho trade buying waa wlthdrann, the market turned aalep tinder near month tlquldattoa. Much of this was in the way of switching from May to later deliveries but the differences between montha widened and the pr'.ce of May eaaed off from I4.(0o to 14.30c, while December sold down from 14. Mo. closing at 14.470 bid. The general list closed at a net ilecllno of 1 to 10 points. April 14.80c; May 14.30c: July 14.Un; September 14.10c; October 14.4IOJ Decem ber. January and March, 14 47c. Spot cotrne, quiet; Rio, 7a, Itlio; Pan tos, ts, DJSlic New York Money. New Tork, April IS. Mercantile Paper i7 per rent. Kschanfe Weak. Sterling Slxty-day and commercial SO. day Mils on banks, 33.73; commercial 0 dav bills, $3.77; demand, 11.33; eablea. $324. Francs Demand, 17.00: cables, 13.03. ltelglan Francs Demand, 1M2; cables, 15.00. Guilders Demand, SIVlc; rabies, SIVic Lire Demand. 11.07; cables, 83.05. Marks Demand. l.3o; aablea, 1.70c. Bonds Oorernmens, irregular; railroad, eaay. Time Ians Strong; 60 days, (0 days and six months. OH per cent. Call Money Steady; high, low, ruling rate, closing bid, offered and last losn, 7 per cent; bank acceptances, t per cent. Linseed Oil. Dulutli. Minn., April 23. Unseed $4.(.M $. White Oil J. 25 0 26 City of Minneapolis 5 Bonds Due Serially, 1923 to 1950 Price 99 and interest Yielding about 5 on bonds due 1923 To about 5.05 on bonds due 1950 Circular on request for OB-301 The National City Co. Correspondent Offices in more than SO cities Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone 8S1S Douglas ' Better than a invest ment wk re you pay the taxes. 6 First Mortgage Bonds Tax Free In Nebraska , Maturity dates 1923 to 1927 and convertible ' any time after 1 year. Interest Payable Semi-Annually Denominations $250, $500, $1,000, Up to $5,000 iitf!! mm. Not $1.00 oj loss to any investor in 25 years. SECURITY These bonds are secured by Omaha property, new building centrally located. INCOME The income annually is two and one-half times the interest. IDEAL INVESTMENT For small investors who want real estate Mortgage Security and a net 6 income. ORDER BY MAIL Literature giving full description S,ent on request. A part of your business solicited. American Security Company C. C. Shimer, Sec'y G. A. Rohrbough, Pre. Dodge, at 18th St., OMAHA 5, ' J --It I. 51 We Have Available Nebraska Farm Mortgages Denominations. $ 800.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,600.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 r 30,000.00 Convenient Denominations Valuation of Security. Rat. $ 6,000.00 Wheeler County 6 12,500.00 Boyd County 5 13,000.00 Cherry County 6 12,200.00 Harlan County 5y2 28,000.00 Boyd County 5V2 26,000.00 Kimball County , 6 45,000.00 Polk County 6 - 76,000.00 Burt County, 4 notes, $5,000.00 each. .54 85,000.00 Boyd County, 3 notes $ 1 0,000.00 each . . 6 Detailed Information on Request I Tti OtMft TRUST CO The Progreasivc Conservative Truat Company