Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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hilui in uitiniin
Canadian and U. S. Repre
sentatives Coming to Feel
Out Nebraska Sentiment
Toward Project.
The International joint commis
sion, composed of six representa
tives of Canada and the United
States and organized to boost the
Use $150,000,000 waterway from the
Great lakes to the Atlantic ocean,
will meet with business men, farm
ers and other interested citizens
at a public hearing to be held in
Omaha June 5 and 7.
E. E. Deem of Cleveland, special
representative of the Great Lakes
St. Lawrence Tidewater association,
was in Omaha yesterday conferring
with business men and the Chamber
of Commerce about the hearing.
Big Benefit to Omaha.
"The big waterway will be a great
benefit to Omaha industry and the
Xebraska farmer," said Mr. Deem.
"The seaport will be brought closer
home.' With better and more ef
ficient shipping facilities and com
merce more evenly distributed
freight rates will be slashed on all
commodities shipped from the west
ern states to be exported."
The men who are urging the gov
ernmcnt to spend the money on the
waterway sav it will increase the
farmers production and will enable
them to co-operate more fairly with
the world's market. Cost of the wa
terway, which engineers have esti
mated at $150,000,000. will be borne
half by the United States and half
by Canada, which has already en
dorsed the project.
Probe General Feeling.
The men to represent Canada at
the hearing are: C. A. McGrath,
chairman: H. H. Powell and Sir
William Hearst. The United States'
representatives are Obndiah Gard
ner, former Gov. R. B. Glenn or
North Carolina and former United
States Senator C. D. Clark of Wyo
ming. These men will meet to learn
of the general feeling of the people
in this part of the country toward
the waterway.
Among the men who have signi
fied their willingness to attend this
hearing are Governor McKelvie,
Dean Burnett of the State agricul
tural school: Dr. Condra of Lincoln,
and C. H. Gustafson of the farmers'
Go to Washington.
F. A. Brogan and J. David Larson,
president and commissioner, re
spectively, of the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce, will represent that
body at a meeting to be held in
Washington, May 3, for the purpose
of impressing congress and the In
terstate Commerce commission with
the necessity of having sufficient
rolling stock available to move the
1920 crop when it is harvested.
Your Stomach Made New
f V V
liwly restore disordered atnmaoria to health ain.
Prove this by testing them for jouraelf. For
twenty-five. yera they hava been s atanriard remedy
for storaai'li ailment. Get a box. 25 cents, at Sher
man ilcCoruicll Drug Storea.
This wonderful bookwill be
sent free toanu man upon re
quest CUflBttlAND CltfMXAL CD.
Boa Berry BtocKNastiviHe.Teim.
The Whole Country
Is Talking Overalls
Beddeo Clothing Co. Will
Give Omaha a Real Rea-
to Talk Overalls
A Mighty Sale, a Ridiculous
Low Price You'll Want
to Get in on This
Twenty-five dozen first qual
ity, absolutely fast color overalls
will be sold Thursday by the Bed
deo Clothing Co. at decidedly less
than what you will be compelled
to pay for such overalls in other
Omaha stores. It's the result of
a special purchase and a desire to
demonstrate to Omaha working
men the extraordinary type of
values this store offers.
Full cut bib overalls, blue
denim, good weight, all sizes, and
we doubt if ever again such phe
nomenal values will present them
selves to the workingmen of
Watch Wednesday's papers for
full particulars of this sale.
1417 Douglas Street
This is $ Day, when a $ buys
extra value in every depart
ment in the Downstairs Store.
On account of the low prices, l
cannot accept exchanges and we re
serve the right to limit quantities.
Tuesday in the Downstairs Store
Something to Embroider
Children's Dresses
Stamped in simple designs; on linen colored
crash; sizes 2, 4 and 6 years
2 for $1.00
Teazel Yarns for Summer sweaters; a lim
ited range of shades; 4 balls for $1.00.
Dollars Are Growing Bigger
See How Much They Will Buy Tuesday
No use to wait longer for the dollar to grow bigger.
Your dollars will buy more than ever if you take ad
vantage of this great monthly sale.
Some of the goods have been specially purchased
for this event many have been reduced in price to
create values for the occasion.
Spend your dollars Tuesday -When they' will buy so much more than for weeks to come.
Congoleum Rugs
One pattern only; size 24x54; cream color
ing; perfect goods Special, $1.00 eath
Carpet Sweepers
Metal top, rubber tires; an absolute household
necessity; limited quantity only- $JJ)Q each
A Large Assortment of
200 Corsets
In the Downstairs Store
Tuesday Only
A model designed to fit every figure, in
Low and
Medium Bust
Boneless or heavily boned, in
Coutil Broche Batiste
In white or pink. Sizes 20 to 34.
Corset Covers, 2 for $1
Muslin Corset Covers; very daintily trimmed
with insertion and laces; 2 for $1.00.
Infants9 Dresses $1.00
One lot Infants' long dresses elaborately trimmed with
embroidery and laces. Very special for Tuesday, $1.00.
Infants9 Long Skirts $1.00
, One lot Infants long skirts trimmed with embroidery
and lace ; edged ruffles, tucks, and insertion; limited
number, $1.00.
A large assortment of Sample "i
Handkerchiefs; very special val
ues; for Dollar Day only, while
they last
10 for
An Extraordinary Value in
Gloves $1.00
Silk Gloves of heavy Milanese Silk; 2-button
style; white only; embroidered backs; self and
contrasting stitching; double-tip style; the out
put of a famous maker.
A Limited Number of Odds and Ends of
Women's Ready-to-W ear, $1.00
We have selected all odds and ends from our women's and children's ready to
wear section and will place them on sale at $1.00 a garment while they last.
Linens and Domestics $1.00
Dresser Scarfs
4 Dresser Scarfs for
$1.00; a lawn scarf in
handsome colored designs,
some with lace trimmed
Curtain Scrim
5 yards Curtain Scrim
for $1.00; splendid value
in all white or colored
3 yards Outing Flannel,
$1.00; in neat plaid or
plain colors; soft heavy
White Goods
5 yards White Goods
for $1.00; this is a splen
did fabric suitable for
children's dresses and
Lace Curtains
Lace Curtains, $1.00
pair; excellent quality
plain centers, figured bor
ders; not more than 2
pairs to a customer.
Children's Blankets
Children's Blankets,
$1.00; pink or blue colors,
neat designs.
6 Damask Napkins for
$1.00; fine quality good
designs, hemmed ready
for use.
Bleached Table
Bleached Table Da
mask for $1.00 yard; an
extra heavy weight, splen
did quality, good pat
terns. Percale
3 yards Percale for
$1.00; handsome light or
dark colors.
A Large Assortment of
Banded Hats
The Straws Are:
Milan, Rough Straw, Porcupine
The Styles Are:
Sailors, Roll Brim, Straight
The Colors Are:
Black, Blue, Red
Brown, Etc.
Women's and Misses' Sport
$1. 00 Each
Made of Galatea and Linenette,
dozens of styles to select from ;
trimmed in contrasting colors;
collars, pockets, belts and cuffs;
plaids, stripes, necks and polka
dots. Sizes 6 to 16 years. 34 to 44.
A Clearance of
Hand Bags
Hand Bags and Strap
Purses; in Vachette, long
grain and Morocco leathers;
samples and odd lots; won
derful values
Choice, each $1.00
Downstairs Star
Most Extraordinary
Values In
Wash Blouses
2 for $1.00
I An assortment of voile
and Batiste blouses, at great
reduction for Dollar Day.
Some are" in plain style,
others lace and embroidery
Splendid quality
Mina Taylor Bib Aprons
$1.00 each
With bib aprons with large patch pockets. Every woman could
use a couple of these they are such a protection and so handy to slip
on when in a hurry.
Dollar Sale ot Houseturnishings
2,763 Pairs of White
Tennis and Sport Wear
2,763 pairs of men's, women's, boys', Misses' and
children's "SNOW WHITE" tennis and sport footwear
with rubber soles in several styles. All new and clean
and come in regular sizes. Specially priced for one day.
Men's, 6 to 11; Women's, 2i2 to 8; -Boys', 2i2 to 6;
Misses', lV to 2; Childs, 6 to 11. Extra fine quality of
canvas And rubber soles at considerably less than the cost
of materials. Choice for $1.00 one day only.
Limit of 4 pairs to customer $1.00
Toy Baskets
Toy Clothes and Market Baskets; made from
split elm wood; plain and fancy colors
2 for $1.00
Shoo Flies $1.00
Shoo Flies for the children, painted horses
mounted on rockers- j qq mch
Fancy Silks
$1.00 Yd.
Brocaded silk in large
assortments of light and
dark shades on sale at
$1.00 a yard.
Women's Union Suits, 3 for $1.00
Women's Union Suits; all odds-and-ends of our past sales, consisting of a large
lot of broken sizes; specially priced, 3 for $1.00.
Boys' and Girls' Hose, 3 Pairs for $1.00
A desirable lot of Hose for boys and-girls; they come in medium, and light-weight;
. black, white and brown; this lot is second quality of much higher grade of hose; all
sizes in this lot, at 3 pairs for $1.00.
Infants' Hose, 5 Pairs for $1.00
Odd lot of Children's and Infants' Hose and Fancy Sox; broken sizes; special.
5 pairs for $1.00.
Window Boxes
Window boxes made of heavy lum
ber painted green; 30-inch size, $1.00.
Sauce Pans
Aluminum Sauce
Pans; Wearever
aluminum lipped
sauce pans, 2 -quart
size, $1.00.
Floor Wax
Floor Wax; Johnson's Floor Wax,
quart can, $1.00.
Towel Bars
Nickle plated towel bars made of
brass; 21-inch size, $1.00.
Clothes Hamper
Clothes hampers made of splint
hinged cover good size, $1.00.
Mop Outfit
Mop outfit sprustex mop outfit;
consists of large size triangle shape
cedar oil mop with handle and bottle
sprustex polish; the outfit, $1.00.
Floor Varnish and Brush
Sapoline floor varnish; waterproof;
gives a very durable finish; quart size,
can and black bristle varnish brush;
the outfit, $1.00.
Cups and Saucers
American semi-porcelain cups and
saucers St. Denis shape
4 pairs for $1.00
Dinner Plates
American white semi-porcelain din
ner plates, fancy shape
6 for $1.00
Vegetable Dishes
Vegetable dishes, white semi-porcelain
bowls or nappies, 9-inch size
2 for $1.00
Star Cut Jugs
Star cut jugs, tankard shape
Star Cut Sherbets
Star cut sherbets, thin blown
3 for $1.00
Star Cut Tumblers
Table tumblers, thin blown, star
6 for $1.00
Clothes Baskets
Clothes Baskets; oval snlint wood
bottom, $1.00.
Toilet Paper
Crepe tissue toilet paper, large size
roll, 14 for $1.00.
Waste Basket
Waste basket, made of steel; strong
and durable; good size, $1.00.
Clothes Line Props
Clothes line props, made of good
clear lumber; 8-foot size, 4 for $1.00.
Wonderful Dollar Values tor Men and Boys
Tuesday in the Downstairs Store
Bread Box
Bread box, white Japanned gold
lettered; hinged cover, medium size,
Men's Union Suits
Men's Balbriggan Union Suits; long and
short sleeves, ecru and white; sizes 34 to 40.
Excellent quality at $1.00 a suit.
Men's Hose
Workingmen's Hose, good quality; all sizes,
in black, blue, brown, gray, etc. 5 pairs for $1.00.
Flannel Gloves
Canton Flannel Gloves; heavy hand finish
knit wrist, at 7 pairs for $1.00.
Boys' Pants
Boys' Knickbocker khaki Pants; excellent
quality, cut full and roomy; ages 5 to 10. $1.00
Business Men's Hos
iery; variety of colors;
all sizes. Guaranteed. 4
for $1.00.
Men's four in hand
Batwing and string ties;
neat patterns. 6 for
Extra Special!
10 to 11 o'Clock
Men's neckband Shirts slightly soiled,
excellent quality.
$1.00 each
Limit of 2 to each customer.
Spring Caps
Men's and young men's
new Spring Caps; wool fab
rics, $1.00 each.
opongeable linen Collars,
various styles; all sizes; 4
for $1.00.
"deal Blouses for boys,
ge 4 to 14; double French
cuffs; cut full, made of
madras and percales beau
tiful range of patterns at
$1.00 each.
Waiters' Aprons
Waiters' Aprons, full size,
waist style, 2 for $1.00.
A dollar perfect knife
FREE with every pur
chase of Boys' suits
from $6.95 up, in' the
downstairs store.