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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. APRIL 27, 1920. Is Your Guard Down? t Everyman is a fighter, though he may not be a pugilist. His daily task is his fight and he needs to be fit and ready for it. t Constipation to the business fighter is the "out-of -condition" of the pugilist. Constipation not only makes the business fighter dull and slow, and unfit for effort, but it is the "'lowered guard" that leaves the opening for the jarring blows of serious disease. By an entirely new principle Nujol keeps the poison ous food waste moving out of the body. Every other form of treatment cither irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste matter instead of on the system. Nujol prevents constipatiqp by Keeping the food waste soft, thus helping Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. It i3 absolutely harmless ana pleasant to take try it. Nujol is sold bv all druggists in sealed bottles-only, bearing Nujol trade-mark. Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jer ey ), 50 Broadway, New York, for booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger. A New Method ot Treating an Old Complaint , i NINE PER GENT PAID BY BANKS ON COLLATERAL Rate Through Federal Re serve Institution Here High est In Effect Anywhere In United States. HOW TO RAISE BABYCHICKS - Put Avicol In the drinking water. Most people lose half of every hatch, and seem to expect it. Chick cholera or white diarrhoea la the trouble The U. 8. Government states that over half the chicks hatched die from this cause. An Avicol tablet, placed in the drinking water, will positively save your little chicks from all such diseases. Inside of 48 hours the sick ones Tvill be as lively ns crickets. Avicol keeps i" them healthv and makes them irrow and develop. Mrs Vannie Thackery, B. F. D. 3, St. Paris, O., writes. "I had 90 chicks and they all died but 32. Then I commenced on Avicol and haven't lost any since. They have grown wonderfully." It costs nothing to try Avicol. If you flon't find that it prevents and promptly cures white diarrhoea, chick cholera and all bowel diseases of poultry, tell us and your .money will be refunded by return mall. Avicol is sold by most druKStsts and poultry remedy dealers, or you can send 25c or 50c today for a package h" mall postpaid. Burrell-Dupger Co., 373 Columbia Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. mi A stops chicks dying Bee Want Ads Produce Results. ILeg Sore A huge tore Tery deep full of foul discharge. Agony all day; no rat at night. Then Just a few drops of the g tie, cooling liquid, D. D. D. ImUtloa and pain gone. Sweet, refreihing ileep at night In due time, complete heal ing. We guarantee the first bottle. sic, 60c and $1.00, Ask for D. D. D. todays iDxinxin. U1L lotion for Shin Disease Five Sherman McConnell urug Stoics. Omaha banks yesterday were pay- ing as high as 9 per cent as a dis count rate to obtain money on col hiteral through the Omaha branch of the federal resrve bank. This rate, according lo discount tables , reported from other sections, was ! the highest in effect anywhere in the Lnited btates. Rankers exolained that banks here and throughout the Kansas City fed eral reserve district were being pen alized temporarily through operation of the federal reserve systems new progressive discount rate. The mariner rost of cash has been rc- i fleeted in a more stringent tighten ing of credit in. the Kansas nty dis trict than in other sections. Widespread Ramifications. According to Omaha bankers, the Itino- situation already is having widesoread ramifications through husiness ooerations in Nebraska, j western Iowa, South Dakota, Wyom ing, northeastern usioraao ana mc m,hprn half of Idaho, sections which do the greater part of their . hankinor in Omaha. The progressive oiscounx system was pot in effect last Monday in the Kansas City, Atlanta, ua., ana uu las. Tex., federal reserve districts, Under it the normal discount rate remains at from 5 to 6 per cent, but I - 1 1 . Una tiAKPilTAll 1 1 (A tfk I V.neil t UdUK liaa uununvi, 1' one and a half times its capital stocK through the federal reserve an addi tional charge of one-half of 1 per cent is added for each additional 25 r t T T nrr cent ot norrowine. ncavicr business in the Kansas City district has made the effect of the highe rates more ramdly and more stringently felt in Omaha, Kansa City and Denver banks than in, those of the Atlanta and Dallas districts. Penalization Temporary. "But the penalization of banks of the Kansas City district is only tem porary, Fred V. 1 nomas, cashier of the First National bank, ex plained. "According to Washing ton announcements, this progres- ive discount system soon will be placed in effect throughout the coun try as a check on speculation. We are suffering a bit just now because it seems the system is being given trial in the Kansas City, Atlanta nd Dallis districts before being or dered into effect nationally." "All banks of the country soon will be on the same basis under the ew increased discount rates, L. H. Earhart. manager ot the Omaha feeral reserve branch, said. "It will halt undtte speculation and is ex pected to .stabilize "business and prices. A1HERTISKMKNT UE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti- septic liquid, clean, easy to use ana dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Aarons Succumbs to Injuries Sustained In Automobile Wreck outn died at't7 Hold Funeral Services for Mrs. J. B. McKitrick Today The funeral of Mrs. Josephine Mc Kitrick. 38 years old, Twentv-seventh street, who her home Sunday, will De neia trom the Central United Fresbytcrian church this afternoon at 2. Interment will be in West Lawn cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will De A, W. Bo jman, Clarence Dodds, Dr. J. J. Foster, Dr.' J. C. Moore, Bert McMillian and tan anerman. ine active pallbearers are H. W. John son. Ike Noves. Marty nerzog, George Willard, David Larson and Gerald Drew. Mrs. McKitrick was born and reared in Omaha. She was a for-, mer employe of The Omaha Bee. She is survived by her husband, J, Blake McKitrick, local real estate man; two daughters, Lucile, 14 years old, and T,oraine, 11 years, old; her parents, Mr.and Mrs. T. O'. Perkins, and a sister, Myrtle. Missionary Held Captive ' By Chinese Bandits Returns Victoria, B. C, April 26. Dr. A. L. Shclton, American missionary in China for 15 years, who was held captive by Chinese bandits in Yun nan from January 4 to March 12, arrived in Victoria with his wife and two daughters on board the liner Empress of Asia, y FORMER COUNTY CONSTABLE DIES AT ADVANCED AGE Demise of Alvin' R. Hensel Leaves Widow Alone In World. "viTrf1 Phil Aarons. Phil N NORMAL BLOOD IH lANEMIA Aarons. 63 years old, 4819 Dodge "Street, died Monday in a hos nital from injuries received in an automobile accident at Thirty eighth and Dodge streets, April 17. The widow, a daughter, Miss Essie Aarons, and a son, William Aaron;, survive. F. R. Straicht. 5104 Cuming street, and George Hprscher, taxi driver, 2505 South Eighth street, also in jured, have recovered. Mr. Aarons was hurt internally when tne taxi cab in which he was riding was overturned in a collision with an automobile driven by Walter A. Sinclair, 16 years old, 128 . South Thirty-eighth street. The police made no arres'ts in connection with the accident. Funeral services for Mr. Aaron will be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Crosby's undertaking parlors. Rev. Titus Lowe will of ficiate and burial will be in Forest Yawn cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be v. C McKnight, Karl Louis, Will H. Thomas, Harry Boyd, Martin Kahan and William McCornuck. Active pallbearers will be Ray Tlan teen, William Calkin. George Sparks, Frank 7 irks, Nathan Ad ler and Ollie Lundell. The death of Alvin R. Hensel, 80 years old, 2525 South Eleventh street, leaves his aged widow alone in the world. Mr. Hensel died Saturday. Was Pioneer Resident. Mr. Hensel was a pioneer resi dent of Omaha and for years was a constable iu county court. He was a member of the G. A. R. .. Duriiio- a recent illness his wife was constantly at ministering everv aped man desired. i Twentv vears aeo Mr. and Mrs Hensel were married. Mr. Hensel was then (0 years old and his wife 20 years his junior, i Funeral Services Tuesday. Thoue h Mr. Hensel has two sis ters livincr in Colorado. Mrs. Hen i ... .. . , i scl will continue to niaKe ncr uuiuc alone at her nrescnt residence Funeral services will be held at 2 n. m. today at the residence. Burial will be in West Lawn ceme tery. his bedside little want ad-the Great Northern President Confers With Carl R. Gray Ralplt Budd, president of th Great Northern railroad, with head quarters in St. Paul, Minn., was in Omaha yesterday for a conference with Carl R. Grav. president of the Union Pacific. Mr. Biidd arrived early in the day and immediately went into conference Willi Mr. uray He left Omaha for the west at 12:35 m. According to Mr. Gray, who was a former president of the Great Northern, routine matters were dis ssed. ASK FOR aud GET The Original Malted Milk for Infants and Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitutes Tenlfears MmnerThan His Years Doesn't it make you feel good cause you to straight en up and feel "chesty" when someone guesses your age at ten years or so younger than you really are? You look into your mirror, smile with satisfac- tion and say to yourself: "Well, he didn't make such a bad guess, at that." The point is: You're no older than your vitality. If a man is strong, vigor ous, mentally alert, fine and ( fit at 50 he has a better, chance of living up to 80 than a man cf 30 who is weak and run-down has cf living up to 60. While nons of us can stay the years nor stop time, we should all make an heroic effort to suc cessfully resist the effects of time by ever keeping our vitality at par. When you sense a feeling of slowing down of your physical forces when your stomach, liver, kidneys and - other organs show signs of weakness when you notice a lack of your old time "pep" and "punch" in other words, wnen you feel your vitality is on the wane, you should com- THE BLOOD (BT USB HERBERT SMITH, M. D.) AFTER CRIP OR FLU AND HARD WRITER COLDS mence at once to restore your energy, strength and endurance by taking The Great General Tonic This master body-builder will help you l&ep young in spirit and mental and physical action, because it will assist Nature in maintaining yourvitalityat par. It enriches the blood, restores worn-out tissue eoothes janglins and over-wrought nerves, in duces sound refreshing sleep, sharpens the appe tite, tones up thedigeetion-in short, will put new life, newvigor and new vim in every fibre of your body, You will be surprised how much better you'll feel after taking a treat mentof LYKO, if you are tired and worn out, nervously and physically ex hausted. It's mildly laxative keeps the' bowels in fine condition. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Sole Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansas City, Mo. After an attack of the grip or pneumonia, or even a hard cold? the blood is left thin, watery, and one is said to be anemic. Instead of the blood cells being round, as in diagram' MA'Y they become irregular, as in "B.'When you feel weak, nervous, or the skin breaks out in pimples, eruptions) or boils, and you feel "blue" and without any snap or energy, sometimes hands 'cold and clam my, there is usually a large de crease in the red or white blood corpuscles -and one should build up with some good blood-builder and tonic. : You can put iron in your blood and the cells become round and '.ed, losing the irregular shape, by taking a good iron tonic, called "Irontic," put up by Dr.jPierce and sold by most druggistsTTbis Irontic is compounded of a sol uble ironJ.nux and herbal extracts. With this you gain in vimvigor and vitality. Instead of , pale cheeks, tired and worn out before the day is half done, after taking "Irontic" your cheeks will have color, you will feel strong and vigorous and ready for work. Or if you like a good alterative and herbal tonic, such a one can be obtained at any drug store, favorably known for the past fifty years as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery. This is made from the wild roots and barks of forest trees and without the use of alcohol. ADVEBTISKMENT ADVERTISEMENT What Is Rheumatism? Why Suffer from It? Sufferers Should Realize That It Is a Blood Infection and Can Be Permanently ' Relieved. LYKO Is sold In oritW pack. asm only, lik. picture above. R.fuM ell .ubMitutM. For sale by Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts., and all retail druggist. i twti eaaasBB, & ssaaaw jb sa . i. ssbsbbw' v brings prompt reMef Irom skin troubles Why continue to suffer from ec zema or similar itching, burning skin trouble, when RES1NOL OINT MENT is so easily obtained and can soothe the irritation so quickly ? It usually stops itching at once and coole the inflamed. burning surface. No matter how severe the trouble has become through longstanding, nor how sensitive the skin, Resinol can be used without fear, for its in gredients are pure and smooth and cannot cause further irritation while healing. At all druj&isls. "'mumatism means that the blood has become saturated with uric acid poison. It does not require medical advice to know that good health is abso lutely dependent upon pure blood. When the muscles and joints become sore and drawn with rheumatism, it is not a wise thine to take a little salve and by rubbing it on the sore spot expect to get rid of your rheu Brief City News matics. You must eo deeper than that, down deep into the blood where the poison lurks and which is not affected by salves and oint ments. It is important that you rid yourself of this terrible disease be fore it goes too far. S. S. S. is the blood cleanser that has stood the test of time, having been in constant use for more than fifty years. It will do for you what it has done for thou sands of others. S. S. S. is guaran teed purely vegetable, it will do the work and not harm the most delicate stomach. Write the physician of this Com pany and let him advise with you. Advice is furnished without charge. Address Swift Specific Co., 163 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Women Made Young Bright eyee, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL Th world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and urie acid troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In nsa sine 16M. All drua-riits. three sites. Leak far the aasn Gold Medal ea every htm and accept as imitation. ADVERTISEMENT Dr. Edwards' Olivfe Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vegetable compound mixed with olive oiL They act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood, and purifying the entire system. They do that which calomel does, without any of the bad after effects. Take one or two every night for a week and note the pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a box. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Fistula Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cures Piles Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severs sursical operation. No Chloro form, Ether or other general anesthetic used. A ears guaranteed In every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cared. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with nsmes and testimonals of more than 1.998 prominent people mho here been permanently cured. DRJCXTAMY Saastorium. DnJUUeanstsa. Madfcal Director, Baa Bids., Omaha, Nsb. t. i , iLnt Vnrwitlcs Burglars entered the home of Dr. E. J. Nemlc, 1316 William street, ounuuy and escaped with a quantity of mor phine and cocaine tablets. ..u iinmiil to Meet ornen LU11H.II .--- - ... alumni will hold a bis frolic at mo University club tonignt. r-rj. Charles TJ. Durham of Cornell will SDea kat the dinner. Wolf Buys Balrd Block warry nrnt nf tho Hnrrv Woir company ,5trriavrfnrchased tho Baird block "ot sovpntTpnth 'and Douglas streets for a price said to be 4uu,uuu. nn Trails Onnonents Tne or r-anvastt of election returns for police judge for the first four wards .hn that Henrv W. Dunn, former police chief, is leading for the repub lican nomination. t.i ,!, Frlehten Burtlars A. burfrlar attemptinfr to pick the lock of the front noor was ingjucucu away when C. J. Morgenthaler. 1623 Spencer street, turned on tic trie liehts early Monday morning. Police failed to eaten tne iniruuer, Hnii Office Robbed Two robbers escaped with $13 from the casn drawer at tne union noiei, nm and Madison streets, early wonaay nnminr nftpr coverinK jonn iiv erek. the clerk, with a revolver. nfn Owners Delinquent Auto mobile owners delinquent in the pay ment of the 1920 wneei tax win notiniiipn after May 1. But 8,000 out of the 16,000 have paid the tax thus far. City ClerK W. J. iiunier said yesterday. rrmx Ontrnltzed Charity Wil fred S. Reynolds, superintendent of ho TiHnnis Children's Home and Aid society and the Chicago Council of Social agencies, at a general iiieew-ina- of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday urged Omaha to systema tize their cnantaDie agenciea. Moving Union Headquarters Re moval of Omaha laoor union neaa nnnrtprs from the old Masonic tem ni tn ih new Labor temple, for merlv the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets, will begin today and may be completed Friday. HpIiI on Theft Charge J. W. Saunders, 1814 North Eighteenth street, was held to the district court under a $1,000 bond in police court vpatprdav on a charge of stealing som lineerie belonging to Miss Emelia Samuelson, Y. W. C. A. build' Ing, from a local express company, Would Narrow Viaduct Railroad officials yesterday asked the city eitv council for permission to nar row the. Tenth street viaduct from 59 to 44 feet south of the Union denot. It is said that the narrow insr will meet all requirements traffic. The council took the plan under advisement. Charces Attempted Robbery John Murnhv. Chicago. 111., was ar rested on the complaint of Thomas Lee, living at the State hotel, yester day morning. Lee charges Murphy with atteniDting to rob him in his room. Lee took Murphy to his room after buying him a meal. Murphy said he was penniless. Police are holding him for investigation. Jensen Child Burned Funeral services for 3-year-old Bertha Jen sen, smothered to death Friday when the Jensen home. Fifty-fourth and Pratt streets, caught nre and burned, were held yesterday afternoon at Tuttle's chapel at Benson. Neigh bors started a subscription after the services to aid the Jensen family in rebuilding their home. Plan to Pay Contractors For Their Work With Bonds Contractors who have sewer con tracts may have a chance to take bonds in payment for their work if the plans of the city council are carried out. Because of the dif ficulty in disposing of the bonds, the council has asked the legal depart ment to examine the city charter provisions on this subject to see whether the plan can be adopted. One contractor has already agreed to proceed with a sewer contract and take the bonds. Following the return of W. C. Lambert and John C. Thompson, bond attorney, from New York j-esterday, it was declared likely the city will issue gas plant bonds in a series of five-year units, per mitting retirement of them in five and 1-year lots until the last would be payable in 20 years. A. H0SPE CO. PIANOS TWH1 AM) REPAIRED 111 Wjrk Gnaranteed Hit Pooirlag St TeL DOBg. 188. Color Wizardry . Nothing Less in Eagle Shirts OJ.MASCt IN his choice of shirts, a man may ex ercise his love of color. Lavish or sparing in color, delicate or deep, he finds that Eagle patterns are designed by a maker of rare taste and wide re sources. The manufacturer, in creating his own patterns, dyes his yarns to achieve fresh, unhackneyed effects. You'll likejtheir color wizardry. Every shirt the ultimate in value , SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY I joxm mm KMHHMW . CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN This Business Will Make You FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT Profits $500 to $1,500 a Month Net! Strict.! v a rash business no charges no deliveries. Bake and sell bread, rolls, pastry, pies, a full line of bakery goods, the Electrik- Maid way; everyone who eats is your customer, rroins siars mo first day. The superior quality of the merchandise produced makes it easy to keep you customers coming back for more. We supply all equipment and instruction. We start you in a going, growing business. No technical knowledge is necessary. Exclusive terri tory granted. WKllbUKWlKL 1UUAI , Make us prove our statements. Electrik-Maid Bake Shops are running profitably in all parts of tae country. Why not own one in your city? Write or wire before some one else gets thz terri; tory you want. - ELECTRIK-MAID BAKE SHOPS J 206 DAKOTA BLDG. SAINT PAUL, MINN. n nnr risi"ris'Mss.i" ' " What Is a Sole Strip? An Allen Sole Strip is a selected piece of sole leather used by the best repairmen in renewing the soles of your shoes. Allen's Sole Strips are recognized as standard. They are made from selected hides, specially. tanned to insure long wear, carefully graded to be uniform and most satisfactory to all shoe repairmen on account of economic cutting value and the assurance of retaining the customer's good will. Allen's Sole Strips are easily identified because the name is plainly embossed on each strip. They are backed by a guarantee that comes from the great institution at Kenosha, which has produced the highest character sole leather for over thirty years. There will be a big demand .this year. Dealers cannot too strongly recommend Allen's Sole Strips. The public knows their worth and will insist upon having this unsurpassed sole leather. Ask for Allen's "The Standard o Comparison" for over thirty years N. R. ALLEN'S SONS COMPANY Kenosha, Wisconsin ' Alton's Grades are fixed as fate Though Prices change and fluctuate