12 THE GUMPS- take A TIP FROM ANDY THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 27,' 1920. v 1 ' 1 I u ,Y-n tit ava Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith m I! m WELL-f IT (SN'r UTTUavOLD Ton HARVARD JUST THS rWi ' WANTED . TO SEC SAY TOM, LISTEN I'M i GON3 TO LET VOU IN ON A LITTLE TIP t- I GOT THIS STRAIGHT THE FEED BOX f INVESTEP OX70O" fYE GOT A 017,000 PROFIT NOW ft. AND BELIEVE HE KIP TM 60IN4 TO PYlZAMlP THIS INTO A WAR LOAM BUT SAY, LISTEN- IP YOU'VE GOT ANY LOOSE DOUGH LYING AtlOUNP THAT. ISN'T WORKING" ILL GIVE YOV THIS BUT I DON'T WANT IT PEPDL.EP AROUND CAN YOU KEEP A SE.CR.H.T 7 r. : rr - 4 NOW LISTEN- DONY HAND ME ANY SECRETS I'M THE GABBIEST 6VY IN THIS' WOR.LO DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR, PROPOSITION IS BUT I'VE HAD THEM ALL ANP NEVER. GRASBEP MYSELF A WINNER. YET WHEN THEY STUCK ME IN THIS WORLD THEY SAID HERE'S ONE 6UY WE'LL KEEP POOR. . ALL MY LIFE iVE BEEN, A CENTER POLE FOR THE BI66EST SWCKER. CIRCUS IN THE WORLD I've: beejh the dig target n the SHOOTING GALLERY FOR THOSE BIRDS EASY TO HIT I'VE" BEEN GYPPED OH MORE SCHEMES BUT I'M DONE WRAPPED UP AND DELIVERED GOOD-BYE AN.D GOOD LUCK. . f R I r WIN STOFIK I W ntCH PEBKINS ' J) Dutch Twins Get Dinner. "Now it is time to cook the din ner," said Vrouw Vedder. "We will have pork and potatoes and some cabbage. Kit, run to the garden and bring a cabbage; and Kat, you may get the fire ready to cook it, when Kit brings it in." Kat went to the stove but it was such a funny stove! It wasn't a stove at all, really. ; , There was a sort of table built up "tgainst the chimney. It was all cov- left them, all in a row. And as it was Saturday, the shoes were scrubbed, too, that night. "When the dinner was cleared away Vrouw Vedder said to the Twins: . time for Grand Let's walk out '"to "It is almost mother to come. meet her." They walked clear to the edge of the town before they say her com ing. They walked on top of the dyke, so they could look right down into the street, and see all the houses in a row. Grandmother was AMUSEMENTS. ered with pretty blue tiles, with pictures of boats on them. Over this table, there was a shelf, like a man tel shelf. There were plates on it, and front the bottom of the shelf hung some chains with hooks on (hem. The coals were right out on :he little table. Kate took the bellows and puff, puff, puff! made the coals bum brighter. She peeped in the kettle to see that there was water in it. Then she put some more charcoal an the fire. ' Ki brought in the cabbage, and Vrouw Vedder cut it up and put it into the pot of water hanging over the fire.. She put the pork and po tatoes in it," too. In a little while the pot was bub bling away merrily; and Father Ved der, who was in the garden, sniffed the air and said:' "I know what we are going to have for dinner." While the pot boiled, Vrouw Ved der scrubbed the floor and wiped the window. Then she took her brooms and scrubbing-brush outside. She scrubbed the door and outside of the house. She scrdubbed the lit tle pig with soap. The little pig squealed, because she got some soap in its eyes. She scrubbed the steps and even the trunk of the poplar tree in. the yard! She scrubbed ev erything in -sight. ' except Father Vedder and the Twins! By and by she came to the door and called: "Come to dinner! Only be sure to leave your wooden shoes outside, when you come into my clean kitchen." Here are the shoes, just as they TWO SHOWS IN ONE LITTLE CARUSO & CO. In "A Night in Venice" Elaborate Musical Tabloid coming up the street with a basket on her arm. "What do you think is in that basket?" Vrouw Vedder asked the Twins. "Honey cake!" said Kit; and Kat said, "Candy!" Rights reserved by Houghton Mifflin Co. JIavo Root Press. -Adv. Print It Beacon Isaac Carpenter Makes $10,000 Gift to College Isaac W. Carpentier has sub scribed $10,000 to Grand Island col lege through the Interchurch World Movement. Mr. Carpentier is a member of Calvary Baptist church and the subscription comes through that organization. PHOTO-PI.AY8. AMUSEMENTS!. A STRATFORD COMEDY FOUR Presenting "School Frolics" ANDREW COPELAND Versatile Singer of Comedy Songs . PAUL KLEIST Musical Clown Photoplay Attraction Wm. Fox Presents Shirley Mason in "Molly and!" The SweetestVrl on the screen, in her newest tri umph , t-lanlr Mann Cam.dv Screen Stars at Home and Around the Studio Katne weemy lxl TUESDAY ALL DAY AMUSE "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dsilv Mat. 15-25-SOc Evngs., 2S-50-75c, $1 1n Hnrftiir Patriotic Production "HELLO, AMERICA!" nZSttZ- LEWIS & D0DY Ail-Star Cast. ' Beauty Chora of Gingery, Snappy Girls. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat. and Wlt.l Teek-a-Boo." (CloBins Week). Dally Matinee 2:15 Every Evening 8:15 fx mi m IN rfAUaf VlbW THE MARION MORGAN DANCERS: JACK KENNEDY CO.; AMES . WINTHROP:' Merlin: Ea Morton: Eary a. Eary: Conohat. Jr. a Co.: Toplos of the Day: Klnogrami. Matlneei. 15c, ?So, 50c: Few at 71c Sat. and Sun.: Nlghti, 15c. 25c. 50c, 7tc and $1.00; Ftw at $1.25 Sunday. The Furniture Pageant t Orchard & Wilhelm Co. (7:15 to 10:30 Every Evening This Week What Do You Know? (Here's a chance to make your nits worth money. Each day The Bee will f publish a series of questions, prepared y Superintendent J. H. Beveridge of the public schools. - Tbey cover things which you should know. The first complete list of correct answers received will be reward ed by SI. The answers and the name of the winner will be published on the day Indi cated below. Be sure to give your views and address In full. Address "Question Editor," Omaha Bee.) ' 1. Who wrote "The Children's Hour?" 2. Name the author of "The Song of Hugh Glass." 3. Who is the greatest living poet of India? . 4. What president was a college classmate of Longfellow? 5. What is John Milton's greatest poem? (Answers published Friday.) FRIDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. Who was the composer of "The Barber of Seville?" Rossini. 2. Who wrote "The Bluebird?" Maeterlinck. 3. Name the great Norwegian composer. Grieg. 4. What is considered Shake speare's greatest work? Hamlet. 5. Who was the greatest Greek sculptor? Phidias. Winner: Mrs. Jessie M. Rayson, Broken Bow, Neb. PHOTO-PLAYS. ABEL ORRJAND HAS HIT IT In the Frolicking, Wild-and-Woolly Story of the West and East "PINTO" j ' gpj Now Playing ROYAL ITALIAN FOUR Popular Songs Tinkling Tones Tantalizing Melodies LAST TIMES TODAY GLADYS B ROCKWELL "THE SNEAK" PHOTO-PLAYS. WOAsAN GIVES" ALL WJ2EK AND Larru Semon 1 J in "The Flu Cop" Tomorrow and Thursday "The Girl From Outside" N COMING, SUNDAY WILLIAM FARNUM IN "THE ADVENTURER" WALK -OVER BOOT SHOP 317 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha has been sold by its former owners, Thompson-Slaughter Co., to Breck Brothers, operators, of Walk-Over Stores in Des Moines, la.; Cedar Rapids, la.; Joplin, Mo.; Muskogee, Okla., and Okmulgee, Okla. This store will hereafter be known as BRECK'S. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP. ; BIG REORGANIZATION SALE ' ' Starts Tomorrow This will be the greatest bargain event ever offered in this city Don't fail to see details in THIS PAPER TOMORROW 317 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha v Announcement Special Matinee for Ladies Only Tuesday Afternoon at 3 O'clock Lingerie Fashion Show by Courtesy of Burgess-Nash Co. All Seats 27c, War Tax 3c Total 30c fl 1Kt r!Ukinf picture is the work of I f t great dramatist-interpreter of today's AJfW happenings those events which are so big and world-shaping that mere news- J ft paper accounts give us no grasp of them. "The Cup of Fury" is truly a areat pic- I ture, a picture whose story will linger 11' in your mind for months after you haie A seen it. Don't miss it! ) RIIPIRT HUGHES : I ADDED ATTRACTION YYN The Authentic Picture I JJ) "SUBMARINE U-35" 1 WgSQp TODAY AND TOMORROW h COMING THURSDAY 1 I H MADGErKENNEDY in I I Z THE BLOOMING ANGEL" I TODAY, WED. and THURS. Four Shows Daily At 1:15-3-7:15-9 CONFESSION "This Is tha first work of its kind I have ver recommended. You deserve it." James Cardinal Gibbons. I "The scenes and story of 'Confession' have deeply impressed me. The effect ought to be salutary." ' Wm. Cardinal O'Connell. I "The Confession' Is truly a wonderful and beautiful story. More plays of this calibre would benefit mankind (reatly. I commend It to all.' Jeremiah J. Harty, Archbishop of Omaha, I i Also A Prizma Picture, "GOWNS VENUS WOULD ENVY" Price Bal., 25c; Parq., 50c- NOW AT 11, 1, 3, 5,6:30 8 and 9:45 NIGHTS: 30c, 40c, 50c; MATINEES, GEN'L ADM.. 30c War Tax Inc f presents Jesse L.LayAy Cecil B.'DeMilIey PRODUCTION WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE?" jdammounltfrtaxiftgiclure ... 1 By WILLIAM DE MILLE WHERE was the girl he married? Where the lure, the glamour, the ecstatic sweetheart hours? Faded into dull, drab matrimony. Was he wholly to blame when another woman, aglow with the joy of living, slipped into the ' place in his life which his wife had Jeft vacant? WAS HE? A vital, intimate picture of the greatest prob- . lem of love and marriage. Dressed in all the luxury, color and feminine beauty that distin guished DeMille's "Male and Female" and "Don't Change Your Husband." With Thomas Meighan Gloria ' Swanson Bebe Daniels Theodore Kosloff Presenting -at 3:00, 8:00 and 9:45 ft Garden of Fashion A Musical Style Show, Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Neilson . and displaying the latest advance styles from designing tenters on e " ' LIVING MODELS Courtesy of Burgess-Nash Ladies' Only Matinees on Tuesday, Friday and Next Tuesday 9 t -I 1