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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 25, 1920. 9 A PLANT OFFICERS IN BENSON BANK ON ROBBERY TIP Six Detectives In Ambush In Institution Which Was Robbed of $115,000 In December. Six Omaha detectives have been planted" at the Farmers'1 and Mer chants' National bank, at Benson, since Thursday, following a tip that the Dank was to be robbed again. This bank was held up and robbed of $115,000 in cash and Lib erty bonds December 31. Police received information from St. Paul Thursday that the alleged Finn-McKay-Kirk gang had suf fered internal strife, and one of the members is reported to have noti fied Chief of Detectives Dunn of the proposed plan to rob the Benson bank yesterday. Omaha Student at Haverford "Digs In" To "Dig Out" Railroad Friends of William H. Hamilton, president of the 1919 class of Central Iligh school, were surprised to see him clad in overalls and working for a railroad near Philadelphia re cently. "What's the matter. Bill?" asked C. J. Classon of the Peters Trust com pany, who was in- Philadelphia on business last week. "Did the folks cut off the allowance?" The strike was the reason why Hamilton and about ISO other stu dents of Haverford college volun teered for service to relieve conges tion in the vicinity of Philadelphia. "The engine that pulled my train from New York to Philadelphia," said Classon, "was fired by a stu dent whose strength gave out at New Brunswick. There was a 20 minute delay until a fireman could be secured." The students are living in Pull man cars and receive Pullman serv ice while working during the strike. Allies Are Agreed On Attitude to Germany In Enforcing Treaty San Remo, April 24. (By The As sociated Press.) A complete agree ment with respect to the attitude the allies shall adopt toward Germany in connection with the carrying out of the peace treaty has been reached by Premier Llyod George and Pre mier Millerand, it was stated here todav. The agreement was reached dur ing a conference between the premiers lasting three and a half hours. Premier Llyod George said: "Everything is most satisfactory. A full agreement was reached in substance." The American members of the rep arations commission and Sir John Bradbury, the British member, ar rived here today to give information respecting the possibilities of coal deliveries by Germany. University Hospital Observes Pre-Medical Day With Inspections Annual pre-medical day was held at University hospital Friday. Two hundred, students from various colleges of the state were shown through the hospital and entertained by members of the medical staff , and medical fraternities. In the forenoon, clinics were held by Dr. J. E. Summers, Dr. W. M. Anderson, Dr. E. G. Davis, Dr. Carl Ballard. In the afternoon, a general inspection of the hospital and lab oratories was held. An informal smoker at the Uni versity club closed the festivities of the day, when the fraternities put on "stunts" and talks were made by Dr. Harold Gifford, Dr. H. M. Mc-. Clanahan, Dr. James M. Patton, Dr. Alfred J. Brown and Dr. B. B. Davis. ' Continue Hearing of Motor Driver Caught After 20-Block Chase Trial of Dr. L. O. Hoffman, 4120 Dewey avenue, was set over until April 30 in Central police court yes terday. Dr. Hoffman was arrested Friday night by Police Commissioner J. T. Ringer following an automobiu chase of 20 blocks, and charged with reckless driving, after his auto mobile had struck Ed Wilson, 4101 North Twenty-third street, and knocked him unconscious at Twenty fifth and Harney streets. Wilson was taken to Wise Me morial hospital, where he did not regain consciousness for two hours. He suffered severe head and body bruises. Will Organize Branch of Horse Association Here Organization of an Omaha branch of the Horse association of America will be completed at a banquet at the stock exchange on May IS. Horse breeders and others inter ested in horses from all over Ne braska will be present During the. afternoon the entire party will attend a series of speed events at the Ak-Sar-Ben race track. M. C. Peters is chairman of the committee that arranged the meet ing. H. 0. Edwards Will Leaves -Estate to Wife and Son The will of H. O. Edwards, mana ger of the Armour & Co. plant here, who died March 27, was filed in county court yesterday. It be - queaths $10,000 to his son, Robert B. Edwards, and all the rest of his es tate to his wife, Leona Williams Ed wards. It directs also that a monu ment be erected in Oakwoods ceme tery, Chicago, over the grave of his father, mother and brotlyer Pneumonia Threatens Mother and Her Child, Victims of Flames Mrs. Marie Jensen and her little 4-year-old daughter, Toula, Fifty fourth and Pratt streets, whom she rescued from their burning home late rnaay atternoon, when little Bertha Jensen, 3 years old, was suf focated by the smoke from the flames, are both threatened with pneumonia, as a result of their ex perience, according to N. L. Engle, 3711 North Fifty-sixth street, at whose home they are now staying. Put Tract On Market A 40-acre tract on the South Side was put on sale Saturday by Shuler St Cary. The tract, the second to be put on the market by Shuler & Cary, is known as the "West L Street Acres Annex." In the large tract there will be 168 small tracts. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Largest and Most Complete Stock of Records and PlayerRoDs In Nebraska Q. R. S. and Impend - Rolls, $1.25 Each Beautiful Ohio Blues One-step. Dardanella Fox-trot The Great American March. How Sorry You'll Be :Fox-trot. Irene Fox-trot. Alabama Moon Waltz. American Legion March. Hiawatha's Melody of Love. In Shadowland Waltz. Left All Again Blues. Rose of Washington Square. When He Gave Me You. Who'll Take the Place of Mary. Ching-a Ling's Jazz Bazaar. Bell Hop Blues Fox-trot. Swanee One-step. Sweet and Low Waltz. Good-night, Angeline Fox-trot. When My Baby Smiles at Me. That Naughty Waltz. Just Like the Rose Fox-trot I'll See You in CUBA. , Peachle Fox-trot. Venetian Moon Fox-trot. When You're Alone Fox-trot. Wild Flower Waltz. Fluffy Ruffles One-step. Unlucky Blues Fox-trot. Jazz Babies' .Ball Fox-trot Jean Fox-trot. $1.00 Each Oh. By Jingo, Oh. By Gee, You're the Only Girl for Me. All the Quakers are Shoulder Shakers Fox-trot Florence Waltz. .. Hawaiian Smiles Waltz. O, Oh! Foxtrot Smile Dear Fox-trot. . They Called It Dixie Blues. I Story Rolls Poet and Peasant Overture. $1.25 William Tell Overture .... .$1.75 The Herd Girl's Dream .... $1 .00 Favorite Strains from Faust.$1.75 The Silvery Brook Waltz.. $1.25 , Columbia Records $1.00 Each Peggy fChas. Say It With Flowers Harrison. Good-night Angellne, peeriegS We Must Have a Quartette Story to Remember. J When My Baby Smiles Henry Burr Daddy, You've Been' a . Mother to Me Lewis Jones. Afghanistan Fox-trot f Qrch. Mohammed Fox-trot ) First Waltz Accordian Duet. Selections From Faust Marconi Bros. Venetian Moon. Kentucky Serenaders. Bo-Lo Land Egyptian Fox-trot. i Okeh Records, $1.00 Each Patches Fox-trot. ) Regos Peggy Fox-trot Orch. Peter Gink One-step (okeh Russian Rag Fox-trot I Band. -Tulip Time Lewis James. Yearning Sterling Trio. Good-night, Angeline. Peerless Quartette. Nobody Knows Jack Kaufman. Hindu Rose Joseph Philips. Ting Ling Toy Peerless Quar. Maryllnn Fox-trot All-Star Trio. Oh, what a Pal Was Mary Orch All the Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers Bert Harvey. You'd Be Surprised Billy. Murray. Dardanella Fox-trot Orch. "OS" Fox-trot Regas Orchestra. Freckles Fox-trot Please Fox-trot Paul Biese Orchestra. My Cairo Love Fox-trot ' Green Bros. Xylophone Orch. The Vamp Fox trot Regas Orch. Out-of-Town Customers Send Us Your Orders. WE PAY THE POSTAGE On Orders of $5.00 or Over. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 114-16-18 South t5th St., Omaha. Telephone Douglas 1623. The Oldest and Largest Music House in the West. Would Force Manufacturers To Stamp Prices on Shoes Washington, April 24. As a re sult of the disclosures in the senate investigation of profiteernig by shoe retailers. Senator McNary of Ore gon, on' behalf of the investigating committee, will introduce a bill re quiring manufacturers to stamp their price on every pair of shoes. "Then everybody who goes to buy a pair of shoes can see what it cost the retailer," said Senator McNary. "Those who want to be gouged will know just how much they are being gouged, Frank Gould Defendant In Action for Separation New. York, .April 24. Supreme court Justice McAvoy granted an order to Edith Kelly Gould to serve summons and complaints in a suit for separation from her husband, Frank Jay Gould. Service upon Mr. Gould is to be made by mail at his address in Paris. Mrs. Gould was divorced by her husband under a decision of the civil court at Versailles, France, in April 1919, but she refused to recognize its validity. In her separation suit, she accuses Mr. Gould of cruelty and intoxication, alleging it is al together unsafe and improper for her to live with the defendant" They have been living apart for more than a year, 0 Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. New York Editor Diei New York, April 24-i-The ot Reginald benroeder, man editor of the New York eitung, witii wmcn he was nected for 40 years, was annor nerc rriday. Bee Want As Produce Restd The Garden of Fashion A pageant of the latest styla show on ' living model at tk Strand Theater beginning April 25th. Mi Youthful and dainty styles shown on living models at the Garden of Fashion, Strand Theater "EVERYBODY STORE" An Unusual Assortment of Beautiful Silk Frocks Specialized at $69.73 Quaint and piquant are these new spring frocks displaying all the new modes that embody Fashion's happiest frock thoughts elaborate models and fascinating tailleur treatments bouffant skirts and straight lines slenderizing models and sauc ily ruffled affairs developed in ' Taffetas Satin Georgette " Printed Georgette Crepe de Chine I of the high quality material that is characteristic of the Burgess-Nash Apparel . Second Floor t 0 Continuing for Monday nr . Sale ofc Suits y2 By far the most unusual values presented this season comprising all our new Spring Suits ordinarily wonderful values, which we have regrouped for a rousing sale. Suits of . Men's Wear Serge Tricotine Poiret Twill Mannish Serge Fine Twills in the season's most popular models values that we believe are positively unequaled. Price Sacood Floor -- Dress Patterns $3 6 yards dress length of beauti ful voile for $3.50, an excellent quality in handsome light or dark colors in neat combination. Blankets $13.50 Pair Wool blankets in beautiful block designs and in colors of blue and white or pink- and white these are neatly bound with rib bon binding, suitable for full size beds. $13.50 pair. Bed Comforts $10.00 Wool filled or cotton filled bed comforts, these are covered with fine quality of cambric 1 or silk mull in beautiful designs. $10.00 each., Baby Bags $3.00 Baby bags in neat designs and in colors of pink or blue ; they are bound with silk , ribbon. $3.00 Window Curtains $5.$5 Window curtains, a "beautiful curtain of Victoria net, with cluny lace edge, in floral design out lined with braid, ivory color only; 212 yards long. Much under priced at $5.95 pair. . Kodak Time Is Here And we have a complete line of East man Kodaks and films for your selection. Have your films developed and printed by experts in our Kodak Department. Work guaranteed; 24-hour service. Photo Albums from $1.00 to $5.00 Here are four splendid values: Brownie Cameras, No. 1, at $2.86. Brownie Cameras, No. 2, at $3.33. Brownie Cameras, No. 2, at $4.58. Brownie Cameras, No. 3, at $5.90. Leave your kodak films here. We guarantee our work and give 24-hour service. Main Floor. Separate Skirts Are More Popular Than Ever ' We have a most extensive assortment in the latest styles and materials for your selection. - . Special Sale ot Black Silks A special purchase of 5,000 yards of black silk including the season's wanted weaves on sale Monday at less than 1-3 off the regular selling price. ' 36-in. black Taffeta. Sale price, yd., $2.19. 36-in. black Chiffon taffeta; sale price, $2.95. . 36-in. black Sain Messaline; sale price, $2.29. 36-in. Black satin Duchess; sale price, $2.95. . ' ' 40-in. Black Chiffon taffeta, extra wide; sale price, $3.95. 36-in. Black Peau de Soie silk; sale price, $2.39. Main Floor -- An Enormous Redaction in Blouses, $4.00 Another selection has been added to the stock and placed in this one great group. Hand-Made Batiste Blouses, Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Tub Silk Blouses, In all desirable colors and styles; sizes 34 to 46. A few extra sizes, 42 to 58, are included. Second Floor -0- Community PlateThe Ideal Silverware Guaranteed for Fifty Years Individual pieces in velvet lined boxes; complete sets in cases, also in open stock. One of the delights in using community plate silverware is the knowledge that every piece of Community Plate service is CORRECT in every detail. The clever woman of today is as distinctive in her table service as she is versatile in her cuisine. ; , Community plate Correct service shown in classic period designs. "Adam," "Patrician" and "Sheraton" We carry the largest stock of "Community Plate" in the middle west. Set Of 6 Teaspoons In Any Design, $4J0 Main Floor . Housewives Will Be Interested in This Offering of ' Linens and Domestics Linen Lunch Cloths True Irish linen lunch cloths of excellent quality and handsome designs, size 45x45 inches square, for $4.00 each. Size 54x54 inches square, for $5.00 each. Marseilles Bed Spreads, $7J95 Satin finish Marseilles bed spreads with bolster cover to match; these are of fine weave and quality, with neatly scalloped edge, suitable for full size beds. $7.95. tiuck Towels, 29c Hemstitched Huck towels with neat damask borders and fine weave. 29c each. Size 18x36 in. Crash Toweling, 40c Yd. Pure Linen crash toweling, a fine weave and splendid absorb ing quality, all white. 40c yard. Table Cloths, $3.75 Table cloths, size 72x72 inches, for $3.75 ; a quality that will give good service; come in handsome circular designs"; very special. The Children Will Enjoy One of These Bird Books He comes in March, when winds are . strong, And snow returns to hide the earth; But still he warms his heart with mirth, And waits for May. Van Dyke. The Burgess Bird Book for Chil- dren (written in the fascinating style of Bed Time Stories) $3.00 Bird Guide C. A. Reed . . .$1.00, $1.25 Handbook of Birds of North Amer ica Chapman $4.00 Birds Every Child Should Know Blanchan . $1.00 Book of Birds Olive Thorne Miller $1.25 Tales of Birdland Pearson .....$1.00. My Book of Birds (Large tolored plates) 35e, 75c Birds from Field and Forest Gil more ...$2.50 Third Floor ' , The newest weaves and color combinations are represented in our splendid assortment of Lovely Sheer Wash Materials Imported Organdie, $1J0 Yd. Imported swiss organdie in all the wanted shades, 45 in. wide. Special for Mon day, $1.50 a yard. Ratine for sport wear; in all the wanted shades; 36 inches wide; sale 3a, price, 91.49 a yarn. Colored Voile, 69c Yd. Plain Colored Voile; in full range of light and dark shades; 40 inches wide; sale price, 69c a yard. Figured Voile, 79c Yd. 79c a yard for Figured Voile; in a large assortment of 'pretty' patterns; both light and dark grounds; sale price, 79c a yard. 36-in. Dress Satin; sale price, $3.49. 40-in. Black satin Charmeuse; sale price, 40-in. Black satin Charmeuse; sale price, $4.69. 40-in. Black satin Charmeuse; sale price, $4.95. 36-in. Black Peau de Soie ; sale price, $2.95 40-in. Black Georgette ; sale price, $2.69. 36-in. Black Silk Falhe; sale price. $3.95. Imported Voile Imported Voile ; in light and dark design ; width same as the Georgette; 40 inches wide; $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 a yard. Main Floor Voiles, 98c 98c a yard for Dark Ground Voiles; in unusual designs and coloring; 40 inches wide; sale price, 98c. Beautiful Tableware That Housewives Appreciate The Values Are Unusual Monday Table Tumblers Breakfast Sets, $8M American White Semi-Porcelain Ware Light weight, fancy stapes; complete service for six; the 42-piece set, $8.95. Breakfast Sets, $10J95 Breakfast Sets Decorated American semi porcelain ware; plain or fancy shapes; Gold Border, Floral or Gold Line decorations to choose from; complete service for six; the 42-piece set, $10.95. . . Cups and Saucers Cups and Saucers Imported china cups and saucers; fancy shape; 6 pain, $2.00. Table Tumblers Either thin-blown with etched, cut or sand-blast patterns or plain colo nial; your choice, 10c. Ice Tea Sets Ice Tea Sets Cut glass ice tea sets with pretty floral cutting; consists of tankard-shape jugs and six tea glasses; the set, $2.95. Ice Tea Glasses ' Thin-Blown Ice Tea daises With floral cut ting, 6 for $1.75. Heisey Goblets Heisey Colonial Pattern Goblets 6 for $1.75. Third Floor ! aV