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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1920)
. PLAN MEMORIAL TO WAR HEROES FROM NEBRASKA Building to Be Erected on Uni versity Campus in Lincoln Includes Athletic Stadium. A memorial building estimated to n about $1,000,000 to honor de parted Nebraska soldiers in late wars and for the men who served in the last world's great conflict is now being contemplated by 500 pub lic spirited men of Nebraska. The general committee of the or Ramzation which calls itself the Ne braska Memorial association, has been named and will actively assist in promoting the drive and sponsor ing the movement to obtain funds lor the structure which will ho hniit on the state university campus in Lincoln. The 'executive committee of the memorial association is composed of E. Reed, chairman, Lincoln; l harles T. Kountze,, Omaha; Earl line, Nebraska Uty; R. E. Camp hell, Lincoln; A. J. Weaver, Falls v ny; wun Vincent Haskell, Omaha as executive sorrclarv . - ,- . uviivtai liiartcrs are established at 509-11 icenne uuuaing, umalia. Intensive Local Drives. These men are formulating plans vu a siaie-wiue arive tor hinds. Committees for flmalu T ; t oln, as well as for other cities of me state win be named soon to Handle intensive drives in their re spective districts. The mittee will prorate the cost of the structure among the counties on the basis of population and wealth. The design of the building will uc suimimea to iNeDraska architects. Tnr-lnrita AViTfiV CMrliii. The prime feature of the building i. i , .ii . is uic nicinoriai nan ,on wnose marble walls will be inscribed the names ot great battles in which Ne- bronze tablets bearing the names of 'oia oiar men wno ten in the World Wa r. There will also be a large room fnr a nnhlir iniicpnti-i fnr ...i.. railed Not only will the public relics be iiKuocu in me museum, out it is planned that private collections of departed soldiers be kept there. It is also planned to have several as sembly rooms. A stadium will be built for outdoor athletic contests. Ak-Sar-Ben Drive for New Members to Start Tuesday The 1920 campaign for 5,000 members for Ak-Sar-Ben will be formally launched at a luncheon to be held at the Paxton hotel Tues day noon. More than 100 members are expected to be present at the luncheon. Approximately 40 committees, composed of "hustlers," which will have charge of the big drive, will be appointed Tuesday. Each commit tee will have a chairman and three members. - - The first initiation and show when new members will be taken into Ak- Sar-Ben will be held at the "den June 7. It is planned to make this event more elaborate than ever be fore attempted. M. M. Lesher Appointed Dining Car Superintended M. M. Lesher. who has been con nected with the dining car and hotel department of the Union racihc rail road for the past 1(1 years, has been mane superintendent of dining cars ot the O. R. & N. railway and super visor of the dinine division of the company's boat lines running out of 1'ortiand. Ore. In 1916 Mr. Lesher was made as sistant supeerintendent of the dining car and hotel department of the U, I', railway, and the promotion now given him is in recognition of the service rendered the company since assuming the position made vacant by his promotion. He leaves with his family for ins new home Mon day. Omaha Men Go to New Jersey For National Convention pvcn renrpsentatives of the Onia ha Chamber of Commerce left last night for Atlantic City, N. J., to attend the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, which will be held there A .-Jl -77 in ?0 . ii r j A large number of questions of interest to business men all over tne United States will be discussed at the convention. It is expected that considerable attention will be given lav svsrrmc nnw effective. The Omaha men who will attend are Joseph Hayden, R. L. reters, KrpH S ICnann. C. C Georize. T. David Larsen, Guv C. Kiddoo and V. R. Adair. C. C. George is a di rector or the national chamber. Knights of Columbus Here To Open Employment Bureau The Kniehts of Columbus will or canize a free emnlovment bureau in connection with its night school for service men, Director Hugh uilles- pie announced Saturday. Mr. Gillesnit will work with C. L. Svkes. instructor for the salesman- shin classes, in ortranizinc the bu reau. Applications have already been made to the school tor sales men. Police Woman May Come to Omaha to Make Talk Here A meeting of local social workers will be held next Monday in the Young Women's Christian associa tion rooms to consider arrange ments for a lecture here by Mrs. Alice Clements, famous Chicago police woman who is now making a tour of the country. Abraham L. Gottlieb of Chicago will be here to arrange the details. This Is the Last Straw; Coca Cola Goes to Dime Coca Cola was given the count by H. C. L. in Omaha yesterday. Drug stores and soft drinking parlors have announced that "cokes" will sell for 10 cents hereafter. The scarciity and the price of sugar is the reason given for the ad vance in price of the drink, , i Drive for French Memorial in Omaha Schools on May 1 The nation-wide drive to raise funds for a memorial gift to France will , start in Omaha public schools May 1. The school children of Douglas county are asked to contribute $475 to the memorial fund. . The High School of Commerce is the first srhnnl in v. ,.:.. . . - ---- --..vv ... nit viljf IU IdlSC u a memorial gift, although 111c uuvc noes nor start until May 1. The students of Central and South Highs will probably start their drive Monday morning. About $10 was raised th first in K,f tu .i,.j.,.i. of the High School of Commerce. r i i Regimental Band to Give Concert Sunday In City Auditorium Dan Desdunes' First Regimental band will give a concert of popular music in the Auditorium this after noon at 2:15. The program follows: ; March J(lth Regiment ... .Richard Olivp CHertur Morning, Noon and Nlfht Suppe Trombone Solo (a) When tha Bell In the Ughthoua Ring! Ding Dong (b) Sally In Our Alley l.amb Arty Watklna. Selection Tha Beat Beloved Irleh Melortlea Hayea Saxaphone Band Composed of Adams. THE OMAHA SUNDAY Clalnes, Praka, McQlll, Perkins, Perry and other. In popular selection). Cornet Solo (a) The Hunnyauckle Polka Caiey (b) When Tou and I Ware Young. Maggie Air by Smith Jeff Smith. Popular Rags (a) Alexander's Rag- time Band In 1920.. Air by JDeedunea (b) The Yellow Dog Blues Handy Vocal Selections levl Hroomfleld Staudard Medley Superba Dalbey "Star-Spangled Banner." Unsettled Weather On Tap For Nebraska This Week Washington, April 24. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, unsettled and showers at beginning of the week, followed by generally fair; cool. Sex Education In High Schools Theme Of State Conference An eastern Nebraska conference of educators, to consider "The Aim and Scope of Sex Education in the High School," will be held in the auditorium of the Central High school, April 30 and May 1, under the auspices of the United States bureau of education and the United State public health service. The following speakers will be on the program: Dr. J. F. Edwards, health commissioner; E. F. Van Buskirk, assistant educational di rector of the United States public health service; I. 11. Dillion, Ne braska state commissioner of health; Charles Fordyce, dean of teachers' college, University of Nebraska; Carolina E. Stringer, head of de partment of natural science, Central High school of Omaha; R. A. Ly man, dean of college of pharmacy, University of Nebraska; Amanda H. Haffner, dean of women. University of Nebraska; P. H. Batholoniew, acting assistant surgeon, United States public health service; Jessie E. Towne, dean 'of girls, Central High school of Omaha, and Eva O'Sullivan, natural science teacher, Central High school. Ree Want Ads Produce Results. Heavy Stock Loss is Reported on Ranches In oand Hill Country Information was received at the stock yards Saturday from Alliance that 400 head of cattle, the property of Brida Shiniek of Marslnnd had drifted into a sandhill lake 14 miles north of Antioch Saturday morning and died from drowning and exhaus tion. The recent storm also is re sponsible for the loss of 14 head of cattle in a corral, where they had plenty of hay, but no shelter. They were the property of Thomas Briggs, former member of the slate lature, living north ot Antioch; The report also stated that f were heavy sheen losses i n th I.' Ham Omara shrep ranch, nortft Alliance. John Snyder, an Alli.l business man, is reported as ha just returned from the Black 111 country, where one sheep man 5,000 head of sheep as a resul the recent storm. He said the ft loss would be about 50 nrr cent that railroad section men alongtj right-of-way were busily engage SKinnmg oeaa animals tor thrir hi 1 Sunw nr MinnpLnlit-i u-u f,... 1 - - ... ...nui.m ' I J ftUUt deep on the level. Bee Want Ads Are Best BusinJ Boosters. illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniD f mvrr maiiiiiiiiiiiiiN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiuiir nit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,'11111" JCt ja: "'OMAHA'S VAu7ev?VING STORE. VALUf .MOWARO ST. BETWEEN IST'fiS. 16V For Utility and Beauty These Improved Kitchen Cabinets Are Unsurpassed They have so many conveniences and so many im provements that you will be deligh'ed with them. Some are made In oak, while others are white enam eled all over. There are porcelain and aluminum extension table tops. And They Are Actual Step Savers so many places to put things, so easy to clean, so convenient to use. SELECT YOUR FAVORITE MODEL TOMORROW and enjoy the ownership of a cabinet that will be a source of pleasure and satisfaction for many years to come Priced at $44.50 to .$79.50 Bowens Guaranteed Furniture Gives You All You Hope for of Comfort and Charm We offer an unexcelled store service, not only in the highest quality of furniture and home furnishings, but in assisting you to choose just those things that will all com bine in a harmonious whole. Out large and varied stock's of Guaranteed Furniture and our Value-Giving Prices combine in making an opportunity which of fers greatest comforts and household charms. WHEN YOU HAVE SEEN Our Fine Furniture and Home Furnishings when you fully realize that this is Oma ha's Greatest Value-Giving Furniture Store, then you, too, will become one of the sat isfied thousands of Bowen's patrons. i!!lilllll!!llll!lllillH For Good Refrigeration Grand Rapids I ; Refrigerators ji Are Supreme - During the warm months, food soon spoils If It Is not kept in a refrigerator which maintains a STEADY, LOW temperature. People often fail to realize that a GOOD refrigerator will preserve food MANY HOURS LONGER than an ordinary, cheap one. Be an Efficient Housewife Realize that more depends on your selection of a Refrigerator than almost any other piece of furniture in your home. The health of your whole family is con cerned in your choice. Bowen's Value-Giviwg. Prices $13.95 to $97.50 A i. Economy Is Only Found in Furniture of Quality its qu it ions i $49.75 We have illustrated a living room suite that offers you real economy. There is no question of its aualitv: it is honestly constructed throughout. Upholstered in a fine grade of tapestry, and similar to illustrations above, Beautiful Settee at $86.50 $39.50 Cane Back Rocker1 A most beautiful rock er, with fine tapestry seat, at only Fine Tapestry Rockers Luxurious and comfortable mahogany rockers and overstuffed design $39.75 Price of Chair and Rocker at, each Karpen "Quality" Rocker An overstuffed rocker in tapestry; best construction through- jj)7 5Q Wood Seat Rockers In mahogany finish and solid oak excellent values, and selling as rn low as p0.oU With a Columbia Grafonola in Your Home J Bedroom Furniture Suggesting Refinement You'll like the bedroom furniture now displayed at Bowen's; you can be suited both regarding quality. Splendid Walnut Chifforette William and Mary Period, a beautiful and useful piece of furniture at a remarkably low price Mahogany Dressing Table Has triplicate I price and Old Ivory Dresser, in Period design; exceptionally large $49.50 ...r.:r.rr: $69.50 Ivory Chiffonier With Mirror: of lareo dimcinni .nH Man0gaiy urewng Tawe-HM triplicate CCQ HC excellent quality; plenty of drawer r c 7 mirrors of best French plate $07, D space JOo.75 Period Walnut Bed; full size and very rigid d An rn S" 5ak' Yith French plate mirror; a good in construction; handsomely finished. 4 .... $ tO.DU FlnW, .... ... .... .... f. . . . $32.50 filllll Good cheer will be radiated, and you will have the best means to successfully entertain friends. Bowens Grafonola Shop Is conveniently located on our main floor. Stop and hear your favorite record. t::t:im $25.00 to $200.00 Columbia Records By the World's Most Famous Artists. 1 Buy a Simmons Crib for Baby In buying a Simmons Crib you buy the best that ss brains can produce. , Simmons styles are different; they are up-to-date 1 and new. These cribs are safe for baby, the ends and sides are high. - Fitted with good springs; guaranteed not to sag. s Your choice of white or Vernis Martin C 1 O CA finish, at 4) IC.DU Bowen's Value-Giving prices on other Simmons zzz cribs in mahogany finish I $18.75 $27.50 Simmons Cribs are the best. Drapery Fabrics to Put Sunshine Into Your Home Our showing of laces, tap estries and cretonnes in cludes a most comprehen sive variety of patterns and colorings; and the services of our deco rating artists will as sist in the correct choice and hanging of your curtains and draperies. $29.75 A Q Splendid Buffet in A 1 ueen Anne reriod A better value Is impossible. It has quality built into it through and through, and the graceful design is most pleasing the finish is superb. Your Choice of Mahogany or Walnut at Bow en's Value-Giving a-1 4 n vr Price ; 4..qH.5U g Ice Cream Freezers ' 2qt. size, compact and easily cleaned; will freeze ice cream and sherbets s . in five minutes OjC Clothes Baskets A strong and neatly-made enough for an ordinary sized washing basket, large 89c Beautiful Colored Marquisettes, 56 inches wide and double thread mesh; colors suitable for bedrooms, living rooms; at, per yard OjC Madras for Overdrapes A large line of colored madras in blue, rose, brown and green; 36 to 50 inches wide; yaVdpe.r. $1.50 to $2.75 Newest Creations in Cretonnes New spring stock is in; you can be certain of best selection in these goods at this time. A most beautiful array of . colors and patterns, at, per yard sjC tO 4L.JU Beautiful Fringe for Lamp Shades These silk materials in all the desirable colors, such as blue, rose, pink and gold, are on display now; at, (tA r Per yard $ Interior decorators are at your service to give any further advice you may want. This service is without charge. New Rugs are daily arriving, and we would advise an early selection. A Beautiful Rocker in Figured Cretonne V Here's a reed rocker in frosted brown finish that is beautiful in design and strong in construc tion. Both back and removable cushion are luxuri ously upholstered in cretonne. The spring seat is built to give lasting satisfaction. Bowen's Value-Giving Price $29.75 An Interesting Display of Period Chairs and Rockers In this display of Period pieces, you will find the chair or rocker to harmonize with your other pieces; upholstered in a variety ot distinctive designs in Dam asks, Velours and Tapestries; made in both antique and modern designs. Bowen't Value-Giving Prices as low as $18.50 I A Lloyd Carriage of Exceptional Beauty They .are woven on wonderful looms, just like a fabric and almost as fine; and you can buy one of these for the same price as the old hand-woven carriages of the eoarsest reed. .$29.75 Bowen's Value-Giving Price as low as Electric Irons A guaranteed iron, fitted with socket. Another Bowen Value, at cord and $2.95 Bowen's Brooms Made of excellent quality broom corn; has four stitchings; smooth and -j-j strong handle 5JC IIHIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllH IPIIIIIIIIIIIH 11111111