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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1920)
it! s FOR CROWING OMAHA TiyfONDAY we will feature a very seasonable offering of yard goods in silk, wool and cotton. Special prices are offered and the woman who needs materials for Spring sewing will find here a varied selection, and the prices will represent real savings. MONDAY DiMeis Sires Q icacss3rs okas ms TNI RCI IS "YARD GOODS DAYS A Most Seasonable 1 Sale of SILKS WE consider this one of the most important silk events of the season, as we have assembled all odd pieces and broken" lots consisting of all of the newest weaves and colorings shown. Not all colors in any special quality, but you are sure to find your dress or blouse in this wonderful lot. The following are but a few of the fabrics we offer in this sale: Messaline, 36 inches Taffeta, 36 inches Plain Colored wide. Colored Chiffon wide. Satins, in stripe and plaid, 36 inches wide. Chiffon Taffetas, in stripe" and plaid, 36 inches wide. x Foulard, 36 inches wide. At 1.95 Per Yard Silk Marquisette, very fine, 40 inches wide. Imported Japanese Pongee, 32 inches wide. Silk arid Wool Poplin, 40 inches wide. Plain Silk Voile, 40 inches wide. Peau De Soie, black only, 36 inches ' wide. ' Georgette Crepes In a beautiful range of ' new patterns ; 40 inches wide; specially priced, at, per v s qj yard 47 O Foulards The season's indst wanted fabric in a wide range of color ings and designs, at, per -yard o 1 1 2.95 Wash Corduroy in ' pink, lavender, ivory, light blue-and peach; 36 inches wide; for lounging robes or sport skirts 1.00 Printed Pongee Imported all-silk j in a good range of pat terns; 32 inches wide; for Monday, at yard 1.00 Paulette Jersey For skirts and blouses; in pink, copen, black, navy, and African; 36 inches wide; at, yard 2.29 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center. Newest Weaves in Wool Goods Fine AU-Wopl French Serge In a soft finish for dresses and skirts ; 54 inches wide; in navy blue and black only; really rare values; priced, for Mondav, at, per yard JyJ Knitted All-WoolJersey Cloth , In navy blue, brown, tan and taupe ; a fabric ex- . ceedingly popular for Spring wear and exceptional O values; priced, Monday, at, yard - JJJ Fine All-Wool French Serge Pleats splendidly; especially adapted for suits, fp dresses, skirts; 44 inches wide; in navy blue and 9 wanted colors;. priced, per yard, at msJ All-Wool Ottoman Gabardine Most popular fabric for suits, dresses and separate skirts; in wanted shades, including the popular 50 navy blue; priced, per yard, at Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center. Dainty and Practical Linings A. B. C. Silk For foundations, slips and underwear; in light and dark colors; the economical woman will welcome this; 36 inches wide; priced, per yard Percalins For waist linings and drop skirts; taffeta finish; 36 inches wide; excellent material that will please you; priced, per yard, at 79 and Wash Satin Skirting Fine material with a lustrous finish; a very de pendable fabric for Summer wear; 32 to 36 inches wide; priced, per yard, at 1.19 to Mercerized Sateens In a permanent satin finish; full line of colors; for your Spring sewing needs; 36 inches wide; priced, per yard, at 79V 98 and Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center 1.75 98c 1.95 1.25 Monday, at 9 A. M., the Most Wonderful Sale of Its Kind F.wr Clffowrl in (Imnhal Real Hand-Made Laces at Exactly One-Half Price Exquisite Venetian Laces, Exclusive Patterns, Astounding Values "D ARE LACES, made by hand, the heart's' desire of every woman. We purchased these laces from a great wholesale and retail lace merchant, Z. Vizakas bv name. In his homp. at Ann-Lpfk-Ara nn rhp T1 J y"1 Jl i rt.i i , ' !. j.siana 01 Cyprus, mese wonaertui designs were made. J In some of the patterns a single motif or design would take expert native workers two or three days to complete. Some of the actual designs are illustrated. Vizakas was anxious to return to his 'island home, and, when we offered to purchase his entire stock, made us great price concessions. The values offered are positively ex traordinary in all cases at exactly one half the regular price. We offer to the women of Omaha a rare opportunity to secure the beauty and romance always as sociated with real lace at prices usually paid for imitations. Lace Bands and Lace Edges Bands, Insertions and Edges zSoZls At 1.25 to 7.50 This lot includes a wonderful assortment of styles and designs in fine "open or heavier patterns. They are all in very desirable widths, the lace edges be ing deeply scalloped the bands matching in hand some medallion effects or separate designs a won derful selection Monday at exactly one-half price. . AH , gotto At 2.00 to 5.00 At Price These are the medium and narrow widths in pat terns just as beautiful as the wider laces. They are very desirable in making up dresses or blouses,, and in some cases the patterns match the motifs in the larger laces. On sale Monday at exactly one-half price. Price Motifs, Insets and Medalions, Regularly 38c to 4.00 Each NReal hand-made Venetian motifs in large, medium and small pieces, the patterns being round, square or triangu lar. The lot includes a variety of designs, either separate or to match laces and bands. On Sale from 19c to 2.00 ALL AT ONE-HALF PRICE Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center. Some Sewing Needs From the Notion Department Basting Thred, large spools, at ' 10 Dressmaker's Chalk Pieces, each, at 1 Skirt Markers, 50c values, special, at 19 Dress Shields, best grade, per pair 33' Dress Weights, all sizes, each, at 1$ Sewing Needles, all sizes, per paper 10 Hooks and Eyes on tape, yard, at 25 Dress Clasps, on tape, per yard, at 25 Best Dressmakers' Pins, per paper 10 Button Holes, on tape, white, each, at. ' 15? Buttons and Button Holes, on tape, white only, each 15? Darning Cotton, per spool 5 Sewing Silk, Belding & Rich ardson, all colors, 100-yard spools, each, at 14 Bias Tape, 12-yard bolts, each, at 35tf Button Thread, large spools, each, at 10 We carry a complete stock of J. P. Coats' best 6-cord Ma chine Thread, all numbers from 8 to 80' inclusive. Some are 250-yard spools, at 10 Others are 100-yard spools, at 5 Jersey Covered Forms All perfectly proportioned in sizes 32 to 43 ; regular 2.50 values; special, Mon day, at 1.25 Brandeis Stores Main Floor West Fast Colored Wash Edging, per bolt . 10 Dress Clasps, rust-proof, per card 5 Basting Thread, large spools, at 10$ Good English Needles, per paper 10 Silkene Crochet Cotton, two : balls 25tf Shoe Laces, black and brown, ' pair 5$ Singer -Machine Oil, per bottle, at . 15 Inside Belting, per yard 10 Machine Needles, per tube 5 Paper Shopping Bags, each, at 10 Wire Hair Pins, large boxes, each 15 Real Human Hair Nets, each, at 150 THE NEWEST MOST WANTED Fancy Printed Sateen Big variety of pretty patterns and colorings; splendid quality for drapery or fancy work; 36 TyQ inches wide; specially priced, at, per ' yard " Fancy Printed Kimono Flannel In assorted floral styles suitable for kimonos, dressing sacques and wrappers; long mill AC lengths; priced, per yard, at Nurse Stripe Dress Gingham In all the regulation stripes for uniforms or . underskirts; this is an exceptional value at4.5P a rare price; very special, at, per yard, -CVJ' New Design Shirtings In a wonderful collection of new printings; a splendid quality and warranted fast colors; 36 inches wide; priced, per yard, at Peter Pan Cloth In Spring's leading shades; a beautiful, lus trous finished fabric for tub dresses, combina tion frocks, blouses; 36 inches -wide; Special, Monday, at Assorted Wash Goods 5,000 yards;, includes percale, dress poplin, gingham, beautiful batiste and other popular wash fabrics; values from 39c to 60c, Special, at, per yard DOMESTICS FOR SPRING SEWING IN GOOD VALUES 59c 69c 29c Interesting New Ginghams We have planned interesting displays with unusual care in order to do justice to what is probably the most practical and desirable Spring and Summer fabric. Frocks,, aprons and children's dresses of these practical faorics have long been popular, but fashion now declares that even neckwear, separate skirts and chic parasols of Gingham will Boon be all the vogue. And this event will present appropriate patterns and qualities for them all. Listed here are a few of the choicest offerings. Domestic Ginghams Ginghams from looms of our own country; en during quality necessary for aprons and A Q house frocks. 27 inches wide, priced, per yd., at Scotch Plaids Here is a splendid assortment of very beautiful plaids. Just received from famous mills in rr Scotland. 32 inches wide. Priced per yard, at VOC French Ginghams Your choice of checks, stripes, plaids or plain ginghams of the finest textures. All colors are represented. 32 inches wide. Priced, per 4 "jr yard, at L .30 Brandeis Stores Basement North. Beach Cloth and Dress Poplin 150 pieces; most popular fabrics in wonderful range of plain shades; 36 inches wide; you will appreciate this great value; Monday, at, per Wide Voile Assortment A wonderful assortment of attractive styles and colorings; some plain shades; soft and clingy; 40 inches wide; Special, at, per yard Bangkok Shantung Beautiful, silk-finished, in" rough rajah, weave; for suits, skirta and auto coats; in Spring's leading shades; 36 inches wide; Special, at, per yard iWy Printed Dress Crepe Colorings and printings exquisite; exa t copies of foreign printings; soft and clingy; 36 inches wide; special, for Monday, at, per yard Tissue Gingiiam In a variety of attractive styles; sheer and dainty; always popular; warranted fast col ors; 27 inches wide; Special, at, -er yard " White Organdie and Voile A most popular and beautiful Summer fabric; 40 inches wide; genuine imported materials; flf actual value 1.50 per yard; Special, at --,vv 59c 59c 85c 1.25 39c Lovely in Texture and Tone New Draperies Scotch Madras In blue, brown, gold, rose and mixed colorings; 36 inches wide; worth, per yard, 1.85 ; specially priced, at, per AO vard J-.Vy Curtain Nets The finer qualities that sell for 2.50 . to 3.50 per yard ; special in this sale 1 Monday, at, per yard - Cretonnes All of the finest quality material ; 36 inches wide and worth 1.25 per yard ; Uxp special for Monday, at, per yard Filet Net Curtains In beautiful patterns suitable for al- . r most any room; very well made: worth 1 3.50 per pair; special, at, per pair .JJ Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor East. Money Saving Values in' Good Rugs 9x12 Axminster Rugs Seamed and seamless; in a group that includes almost all leading makes; a remarkable selection of the season's , latest designs and colorings; will har- AA monize with practically any. room dec- 00Jv oration; special at 69.50 9x12 Wilton Rugs Woven in one solid piece; exact repro ductions of the finest Persian and Chi nese patterns; made of the finest wool carpet, yarns, patterns and colorings; will harmonize with most any room decoration; special, at 9x12 Standard Wilton Rugs From three of the foremost mills of America ; reproductions of the finest Persian and Chinese patterns; wonder- v ful qualities, colorings and patterns; Qr A A suitable for any room and decoration; VOUU. special, at Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor Center. Don t Buy Corset Mistakes! The Gossard Front Lacing Corset Is the secret of "getting your money's worth," for you eliminate buying mistakes. The woman who understands herself and her corset prob lem doubles her available capital by never buy ing the wrong corset. r And the surest way to always buy the right corset is to place yourself in the hands of a competent corsetiere who will make the solv ing of your problem a matter of personal pride. If you are considering the purchase of a new corset, let us suggest the Gossard There is no figure, however unusual or diffi cult to fit, but can be successfully fitted by our jxpert corsetlei s in these original front lacing corsets. We Guarantee Your Entire Satisfaction Exquisite New Millinery Is the Charming "Tagal et Or" The Season's Newest Sport Hats Brandeis Stores Exclusive Selling Agents Rawak, one of America's foremost designers of exclusive millinery, has just brought out a new braid combination of Tatral and metal thrmd fm sport wear, called "Tagal et Or." This material was directly imported by Rawak for his exclusive use in making smart sport hats, club hats and aft ernoon hats for which he is justly famous, and we have been appointed selling agents for them in Omaha. The colors harmonize beautifully with the new sweater shades. In Colors of Old RoseOyster White Old Blue and New Green Specially displayed in our 16th street P.!l 4- 11 CA windows today for the first time. A rlCCU. ax Ltd DJ fSM II III 1 IMMIA v MM mm Ei a I : All I i At 1 ! Brandets Stores Third Floor North. Brandeis Stores Second Floor East