Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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    6 R
Under date of February 27, the Bow V. C. T. U. passed the
following resolution :
Resolved, That the Broken Bow
V. C. T. U., believing that an eight-hour-day
law would be detrimental
to the people of our state and nation,
vote unanimously to no on record
as being opposed to the ciRht-hotir-lay
as a "principle" written in our
V. L. T. U.
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle.
The Tennyson Chautauqua circle
will meet Monday afternoon. May
3, at 1 :30 o'clock, at the home of
1'. J. Hart, 1141 South Thirty-third
street. The lessoi will be chapters
and 3 in "The Old South." Mrs.
V.. Benedict and Mrs. J. T. Morey,
General Lawton Auxiliary.
Mrs. M. R. Lenhart of Philadel
phia, Fa., president general of the
tiational auxiliary of United Span
ish War Veterans, will be the guest
" cf the General Lawton auxiliary
Monday May 10. Auxiliaries from
Lincoln, Council Bluffs and other
nearby cities will come to Omaha
to welcome her. Plans for a recep
tion to be Riven in honor of Mrs.
cnhart will be announced later.
School Forum.
David Larsen of the Chamber of
Con'merce spoke on "The Spirit of
a City," at the meeting of the
School Forum, Thursday afternoon,
at Central High school. Miss Eliza
beth Ryan, chairman of the welfare
committee, reported upon the wel
fare fund. t
The Forum will give a May day
luncheon Saturday, 12 o'clock noon,
at the Prettiest M"ile club. Dr. 1-iank
G. Smith of Central Congregational
church Will speak. , Miss Elizabeth
Hewitt requests that reservations
be made by Wednesday.
W. R. C. Kensington.
The U. S. Grant Woman's Relief
coips will give a kcnsingtoit for
members of the Plattsmoutlt
Woman's Relief corps Tuesday
afternoon at !j:30 p. m., at the home
of Mrs. J. F. Hall.
St. Barnabas Guild for Nurses.
St. Barnabas guild for nurses will
meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Leigh Leslie, 5116
Cass street. The associate members
of the guild will meet Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock, at the Hotel
Settlement Sewing Class.
The children's sewing class of the
Social Settlement are showing much
eagerness to learn and have made
many useful garments, according to
Mrs. O. M. Smith, who is in charge.
One little girl, Annie Didik, has
made two summer dresses and is
starting on another. The class
meets every Thursday afternoon
from 3:30 to 5:30, and has an at
tendance of 50 members.
Omaha Woman's Club.
The final open day meeting of the
Omaha Woman's club will be held
Mondav afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, in
the Y. V. C. A. auditorium. Reports
of the year's work will be given by
department leaders and committee
Old l'rnplo's Home, 1 iinteiiclle lloillc-
vnnl SumUy, 3:JU i. in. licv. It. I..
Wli'ol.r f WhtWT Memorial church wilt
conduct the nervlces, MaBtgleU by his choir.
Onixtm Walkinc (iuh Sunitay, 3:15 p.
m. HtMrt from "Country Club" stallon on
th HHIwus rnirt Kort Crook InMrurban
lii, to Konltnellfl forest, lender, ltoy N.
Tow I.
Oniallit Tlironooliiral Society Sunday, i
p. in.. Ii'2 Kt nueity builriinK. Nineteenth
anfi l'mtKlns ptrreli. A. K. Fotherlnffham
will 1,'cture ",s a Man liowolh."
St. lliirnuhu iuill for iure Munttay,
2 p. in., Hotel Kunteiu'lle. Meeting of aa
aociats ntetnbera.
Round Talile Chautauqua Circle Mon
day, i:;)0 p. in., Y. W. C. A Leason, "Tb.0
Uld South," chapter 3.
Blnhop Vlnwnt Chautauqua Cirri
Monday, 7:15 p. in., publlu library.
II. K. I.. I'. Club Monday evening,
Sorlal NHtleinent house, supper and dra
inatlo art.
Omah Woman's Club Monday. 2:30 p.
m., Y. V. C. A. HuUitorinni. Last oyen
day meeting of the. season. Jten,ort.i nf
year's work will be aivert by department
leaders and committee chairmen. Klec-
chairmen. Delegates will be elected
for the state federation of women's
clubs convention, which will be held
at Fremont in October. Officers for
th'e ensuing year will be introduced.
Miss Stearns Returns.
Miss Lutic Stearns, prominent
club woman and lecturer, who was
in Omaha a year ago, will return
May 3, to give lectures on subjects
of interest to women and children.
Miss Stearic' home is in Milwaukee,
Wis., but her speaking engagements
keep her away from there almost
tion of delegate for the atata federation
of women's cluba convention, which will
ho held at Kremont In Uctober. Mr. K
:. Mtanfleld, chairman of tellers. Offi
cers for tha ensuing year wilt be Intro
dueed. .Memorial Kay Committee Monday, I
p. m.. Memorial hull, vourt house, Ameri
can l.cielon coinmtttea Invited to co-opor-ata
with tha it. A. B. and W. H. C. l'lana
will be discussed for Memorial day cela
bratlon. TTKMUY.
V. V. C. A. Physical Kducallon He-
piirtment Tuosday, :I4 p, m., annual
U munsirattvn, city Auditorium.
P. V.. O, HKterhood, Chapter It, I
Tuesday. 2:3 p. m.. with Mra. .1. A. Haw
Kins, S.ll South Thirtieth sired. .Mrs.
Karl deden and Mra. Ju. llouaeholdcr, as
MMunt hostessis.
Spanish Club Tuesday, S p. m., ?M2 Pat
terson block, Seventeenth and Karnam
at rect.
Ilusinewa Woman' Club Tuesday, Y. W.
('. A., dinner, :ld p. m. followed by pru
Mit.iii. Senna Cluh Tuesday, 1 o'clock lunch
eon, with Mrs. W. C. Price, "J5i7 Ann-
avenue. Mrs. K. H. Barnea will read a
pajwr on "The Story of the Stars and
Stripes." l.ader. .Mis. Oscar James.
(irorge A. Custer Relief Corps o. 8.'
Tursda), i' m., with Mrs. Catherine
KemltiKlon, i.ll South Thirty-third stroet.
A patriotic program will be elven in
memory of (ieiterul vlrant's birthday. Mrs.
C. K. Adams will speak on "Patriotism."
Thar will ba community singing lead by
Mrs. Alice Schleti and the i. a. u. quartet
An Invitation Is extended to all Custer
post and relief corps members. '
1'. S. (irant Woman's Reilef Corns-
Tuesday, 3:30 p. m., keualngton wifli
Mrs. J. K Hall. J801 Prati street. Platts-
niouth W. H. C. will be honor guests.
V, S. (.rant Woman's Reilef Corp
Tutsday. 2: '10 p. m. keuslngton. with
Mra,. J, II. Hall. ISM Pratt street. Platta
iiioiileiW. R. C. will be honor guests.
New Omaha Improvement ( Inn Tues
day. S p.. m., Clairinont grocery, 41:17
Military avenue.
War Reflected In Art." Mis. Hradley
Ree's subject will ho "Mllslo Inspired Hy
the War.'.' Roll call will bo answered by
current topics.
llndiiBsnh Society Wednesday, 2::iA p.
ni.. l.ric building. Nineteenth and Kar
miii tract. Kleatloii of officers.
Music IH'partment, Omaha Woman's
Chili Wednesday, i p. in., Y. W. C. A.
Chorus rehearsal. Mrs. W. K. Shafer.
leader, llonry ti. Cov, director of chorus
Klne Arts Soelety Wednesday, 2:10 p.
m., Kotet Kontcuellc. Annual business
meeting and election of officers.
Hook Review Seetlon, A. V. A. Wednes
day. 4 p. ni.. Y. W. C. A. Mis Avis
Huberts will review "America 'Among the
Nations," by Jt. II. l'owers.
St. I'aul's Kplacopal Church Woman'
Auxllutrv Wednesday, all day konalng
ton. Child's Saving institute.
Knmcls Wlllard. W. C. T. l Wednes
day, J p. in.. V. W. C. A. Suliject,
"Americanization." Mrs. .1. II. Hawkins
will have charge of tha program.
I'. K. . Slsterhorol, Chapter II. X.
Wednesduy. 2 p. m., with Mrs. H. IS.
Fullmer, sl California street.
t.eneral Lawton Auxiliary Wednesday,
It p. in. Memorial hall, court house,
Plans will bo discussed for Memorial day
Omaha W. C. T. 1 Wednesday, 2 p.
ni., Y. M. C A. Kduoatlonal meeting.
Subject, "Local Charities."
Correct Diction Class Wednesday, 3:30
m . Y. J. C. A., studio of 1'rof. Ed
win Puis., t
Mothers' Club Wednesday, 1 o'clock
luncheon, with Mrs. Royal Millor, 4904
Chicago street. Mrs. C. K. Cox, assistant
hostess. Lesson. "Art and Music." Mrs.
ti. K. .Mickel will read a paper on "Thn
Till KM) AY.
I.ongfellow Chautauqua Circle -Thursday,
V.3H p. m.. public library . Lesson,
"The Old South," chapter 2. .Mrs. KUu,
Council, leader.
French Club Thursday, members will
sew all day at the Child's Saving Institute.
Music Department. Omaha Woman's
Cluh Thursday. tl:lj p. m.. V. W". C. A."
auditorium. Benefit concert. The pro
gram will include th' W'oiuan's t:iub
ehortis. Cecil W. Rerryman, ptanlst, and
e'red tv Kllis, baritone.
W.vche Story Tellers' League Thurs
day, 4:13 p. m., public library. The Misses
Kdna Crowi'll, Anna Hroail field and Ida
Cr"wll will tell the stories.
Minne Woman' Club Thursday,
2:Jtl p. m.. Prettiest Mile club. Mesdamea
K B. C.esniau, John I.. Corrca and Her
niary Ochiltree, hostesses,
West Side W. C. T. I .Thursday, 2:3ft
p. in., with Mrs. dlans Neilson, 827 South
Fiftieth street.
be discussed for tho annual meeting to b
held Friday. May' 21.
St. Ilurnnhaa (iulli! for Nursea-Kriday,
S p. m., with Mrs, l.ols.rl Leslie, jlU Cass
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Friday,
T:3 p. ni., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 42U4
South Twenty-second street.
B. T. Club, R. M. Kriilay afternoon,
with Mrs. R. c. omcr, 3123 North Six
teenth street.
Kpisvoiial U omen's Auxiliary Friday,
!::! p. m., Trinity Cathedral. Plans will
School Forum Saturday. 13 o'clock
tunrheon. Prettiest Mil club. Pr. Frunk
U. Snillb. Central Congregational church
will be the speaker: Reservations must
ba muds not later than Wednesday.
ScIhm4 of INditlcal Kduratlon for Women
L'nder auspices of the Omaha School
Forum. Third of a series of eight lec
tures will ba given In the council chamber,
city hall, at lit . m.. 2:30 p. ni. and
p. m. Subject, "Some Fundamentals of
American History." Lectures given by
Prof. James A. James, dean of tlradu
ata school, Northwestern university. A,
nominal fee will be charged.
Kappa Sigma Cluh of Omaha and Coun
cil Bluff Saturday, 1 3 ::t to 2 p. in.,
luncheon and meeting, University club,
1912 Harney street.
Theosophlcal Society, Lotus Circle for
Children Saturday, -p. m., 202 Ken
uedy building. Nineteenth and Houxlas
Among the Turks bath money
forms an item in every marriage
contract, the husband engaging to
allow his wife a, certain" sum for
bathing purposes. If it be withheld
she has only to go before the cadi
and turn her slipper upside down.
If the complaint be not then re
dressed it is 'sufficient grounds for
Mrs. John Gerken will judge the
saddle classes and ponies under sad
dle to be shown at the New York
horse show this year.
In Michigan a woman cannot go
into partnership without the consent
of her husband.
ery Housekeeper
Wl We!
i hi
When it seems as if the high cost of living
was ever going up and up,, isn't it like a ray
of sunshine to hear of a saying in cost ?
Every housekeeper will welcome the news that owing to
scientific methods of production with PURE PHOSPHATE
' Ore
is now sold at just about HALF the price charged when
the powder contained Cream of Tartar
When such a saving in cost is supported by a name famous
for 60 years it means something which no thoughtful woman
can afford to overlook.
25c for 12 oz.
15c for 6 oz.
10c for 4 oz.
The Price is Right
Not Cheapened With Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Always Wholesome.
Perfect Printing
Requiring a large and very expen
sive equipment, the photo-engraving
business is usually con
ducted independently of the print
ers. Perfect printing plates are,
however, so very important to the
production of the highest class
printing that M. F. Shafer & Co.,
not satisfied with anything less
than a "complete service" to the
customer, installed one of the latest
and most complete photo-engraving
plants in the west, and placed
it under the management of real
experts, in our "business building
factory" at Seventeenth and Web
ster streets. Anything from the
simplest line etchings to the finest
of process color plates are pro
duced here. This addition to our
large, modernly equipped plant,
we consider the crowning achieve
ment in our efforts to render a com
plete service. We now make, in
our own factory, everything that
goes into the printed product ex
cept the paper.
i.F. Shafer 8C5.
Calendars, Advertising Spccialt icr,
fnoto engraving, wnnung.
Ugly and unsightly hairs light
fuzzy or heavy ones on neck, should
ers, arms aud under arms, go quick
by a simple siethod that just dis
solves them. Get from your drug
gist a boUe of Fresca Hair Remover
Lotion apply a little of the' lotion
with a piece of cotton or finger tips
to the hairs not warned for a few
minutes then wash off. You'll
wonder where the hairs' have gone,
the Fresca Hair Remover Lotion
has just dissolved them. Shaving
and removing hairs by other
methods only stiffen the growth so
they come in thicker and stronger
than ever, while the Fresca Hair
Remover Lotion dissolves them away
below the skin and weakens the
growth. It also leaves the skin soft
and white just like a face lotion.
If you are troubled with these un
sightly blemishes you should cer
tainly try this simple method.
This wonderful book will be
sent freeloanu man upon re
et ur
Unless you are constitutionally lazy, there is a reaion why the morn,
ingcall is unwelcome. You, undoubtedly, are afflicted with some form
of catarrh from which ninety-seven percent of the people suffer.
Terhaps your stomach is deranged, liver sluggish, bowels irregular,
catarrhal poisons in the blood, allof which tend to slow up the human
machinery and bring on a condition we call Spring; Fever.
You need something to wake up and cleanse your entire system.
By starting now, your health will be improved and you will be better
able to resist disease and the enervating effects of hot weather to come.
For fifty years, Pe-ru-na has been the favorite
Spring medicine among all classes. You, at once,
notice its good effect upon the stomach and bowels.
It helps nature throw off the poison accumulations
of winter, and stimulates a normal, healthy action
in every organ. Life giving nourishment, in the
form of rich, pure blood, is carried to all the tissues.
Raw and quivering nerves are soothed, the nerve
centers revived and stimulated.
You will lose that lassitude, always tired feeling,
and, instead, will realize a new vim and vigor, a
punch and a push, a desire and ambition to be up
and doing.
Clear away the health destroying, stagnating
poisons and wastes of catarrh. Listen to the bugle.
Begin taking Pe-ru-na today.
Tablets or Liquid
Sold Everywhere