18 iHE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920.'. WANT AD RATES DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. MOH ATT Margaret, no Nun, " years v of Pr" SI. ' I- residence, 2631 Bristol1 street, wife of late Francis Wo. -... hall. Deceased is survived by William F., Sidney. Neb.; Mrs. Joseph Buggy. . Omaha.; Bent, Chadron, Neb.; Airs. Charles, Uillen, Omaha, and Clement. , Dalton. Ia.; Everett Mohatr, Neola. la. Funeral (mm I Hoffman Funeral . home, V'. Saturday, la Bacred Heart at Atermsnt at. Joseph Cemetery, Council Bluffs. Funeral services for Rufus A. Willis, 7 years old, 2666 Crown Point avenue, i will be held Sunday at 3:30 from his late .residence. Rev. Edwin II. .lenks will of "ficlate. Services will be hold under the auspices ef the George Crook post, O. A. K. Burial will be at Prospect Hill ceme- i ery. Mr. 'Willis was one of the best known railroad man In Omaha. He died Thursday. llOLTON Nicholas, born in Holt, Sweden. ' April It, 1841. died, April 22. 1920. Sur vived by wife and two sons. Oscar and . Geocre of Minneapolis, Minn.; on daughter, Mrs. uuy c Mcjtenzio. oma 'ha. . Funeral from residence of his daugn ter,- S13 South 60th Ave., Saturday, at g p. m. DWoAak Frank, age 7? years; fhirty- nrst and. William streets; died Thurs day a. m. . Funeral Sunday, Apr!) 15, 8:30 p. m.. . - rrom m residence. interment no hmlan National cemetery. BRINGING UP FATHER- Sea Jigga and Maggi i. Full Pf of Colors ia The Sunday Be. Drawn 'for the Bee by McManus. Copyright, 1 920 Internstional Newt Service. Adolph. Flanek, 17 years old, son of a wealths' farmer living near Farks, ncd., .died in a local hospital following an operation of appendicitis. The body was ' taken to Brailey & Dorranee undertaking 'parlors. CARD OF THANKS. K WISH to thank our many friends and neighbors for thMr kindness and bf-auti- ful floral offerings during the sickness r"; anfl 1eath of our bfloved ion and brother,- Mrs. Rox Fox and Family. Ir. Tt.omus Fox, BlUie Fox. Base Ball league. VKwih to extend our thanks to friends and relatives during th illness and ,,.diKth of our mother. Theodore Stuhr and alsV-rfl. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, t -independent undertakers." -r PIERCE-ARROW ! f - AMBULANCE SERVICE. f Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 84. ' TAGGART & SON, 1 UNDERTAKERS AND wM'BALMERS. Te;ohoni. Douglas 714 2216 Cuming St. jHEAFEYTHEAFEY, J Undertakers and Kmbalmere. trhnie H. 5. Offlco 2611 Farnam. i HULSE & RIEPEN, Plnneee Yiiaaral Directors 701 South Ith St. Douglas 0. .CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, K zuis wmt sr. , Away from noise of busy streets. fHUNK WKBHTKK 47. ' DUFFY & JOHNSON, TJNDERTAKER8. 717 & 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON -test1- 114 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. I- Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH, 18th and Far earn. D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. I THK laigest display of monuments In . the United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-6216. XOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. , .'sLOKT-Camco pin with three small . diamonds, between Harrison street, , Council Bluffs, and Oninha, or per- haps on street car line. Reward. Doug. , ; .iH4 Iwfore 6, or Council Bluffs, Red 2054 after 6. , 3"OR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele. ! phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re , store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. t CO. . Cost From the neighborhood of 32d 5 and I'oppleton, a Boston bulldog, weight 4 about 2S lbs.; tag No. 2.11. Reward. jX ,lohn K. Wilbur, Water Office, City Hall. 1 ryicr 3, it 1ST Boston hull dog about 6 weeks old; J $5 reward. Return to 626 South? 17th VELL-OtO VOU CM.L on mku BRObH-THE. PAINTER? I OlO-N" IT'tj THE unhappy man he i- liURCLARb ,OT IN Hl i srooio an; vtole. afcv I ftT OP I HOPE THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE PICTURE. HE b FAINTINC or WE. - AND THEV TOOK. THE FRAME it'. C ,-HE HAD IT IN Ml' ' ' I JT2eU- I THE COT THE 1 1 I A FRAME tT VA I i PICTURE. OUT OF. all finish p 1 - J THE frame wh 1830 e Inrt Fiatuas vic. I we. ' ' - ' , ' . ' ' " ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gas Stoves Connected. UNO ANDY The gas man. House piping, stoves connected, light transferring. Walnut 2008. GAS stoves connected, $2 Tyler 4439. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladies' straw hats specialty. Mastos Bros., 1520 Har'y. PAXTON parlors. 1607 1 Farnam. Doug las 69.11. Hauling. HEAVY hauling, furniture, piano moving and live stocK naming; prompt, emcienc service I'ouyiHB onn. MOVING, hauling, all kinds; quick serv Ice. Webster 420. FOR SAXE. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, beught. sold, rented and reDaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4120. 1912 arnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. BUNDLE WASHING. Webster 698. DAYWQRK, laundry. Webster 503 4. Bundle washing wanted. Walnut 2269. DayworkT colored lady. Webster 1104. WANTED Paywork, Harney 70O7. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6214. HELP, WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ALL Makes Typewriter Co.; "'all makes," - 20S S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. ONE 180-account National register (new), . Call for Mr. Claussen st Douglas 2480. HAULING All kinds ashes, refuse hauled. Walnut 35yi ASHES and refuse hauled. Douglas 3136 Jewelry. DIAMONDStHreWb'u0; back at small profit, gross jkwjulkx Co.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug. B049. tT W. rt. FLATAU. ' .Tswalrv Established 1892. Sixth Floor. 8ecurltle Bld. Lumber and Buildings. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH 30TH ST, Mattress and Springs. CITY MATTRESS CO., Mattresses mads over: box springs re paired. 2814 Cuming St., Harney T162. Osteopath. DR. MABEL WESSON. 211 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. T. 2160. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. Ave. JJOST- Phone Douglas 1447. Pearl and diamond brooch: liberal reward. Webster 11828. SPECIAL NOTICES. "YOUR NEEDS ARE MINE." -Frank E. Stone, republican candidate state representative. - . i BKECH CAMP, 3454, M. W. OF A. ' Important business April 23; shall we j rhange our meeting night; be present; we want your advice. Etxra National s Lecturer Tom Duffey of Dubuque, la., i will he with us. Come, let's give Tom f the glad hand. i T. ,T. HOTHMAN, Consul. "VV. T; WOOD, Clerk. f ' PERSONAL. ' THE SALVATION. Army Industrial home sollcts your old clothing, furniture, ?i inagaxines. We collect. We distribute, f rhotie Doug. 4135 and our wagon will ; rail. Call and Inspect our new home ! 11 10-1112-1114 Dodge street, 6KA1HTATK- nurso will care for Invalid or nervous patient in her home. Walnut 1 42113. Ty. 4956. ftARNEY INSTITUTE, under new man-' t agetiicnt. 1506 Harney St.- Tyler 4315. JIASSAiiK Manicuring. 2i5 N. 17th St.; open until 9 p. m. PATIENTS to care for a my home. Elec s trie Bath and Massage. Webster 2911. i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dentists. tr. Bradbury, No pain. 921 Wr. O. W. Bid. i Accordion Pleating. .CCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and , style-:: hemstitching, plcol, edgings, eye- let out work, button holes, pennants, i'ldeai Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. op Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, 'beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. turn. Koom 33. Douglas Blk.. ICth nnd Dodge. Baggage and Express. fcTartung's Transfer Co., 5 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976. Trucks any size, leased, or your haul- Ing contrnrU'd by hour, day or year. O KO RUE OSTROM TRANSFER. f Express, moving, live stock hauling. j 2302 Cuming St. Phone Doug 8753. i Chiropodists. farrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. D. 1208. s Clothing andFurs. fULIvdreps suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St. John Fi ldman. Phone 3128, Carpenter Work. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling t done. L. J. Erickson. Call Walnut i 1637. Dancing Academies. fc"r?T PTXTTTSc1100' tor Dancing. 2424 IVXliiJ-Jr 11N XFarnam. D. 7850. Class at S; dancing at 9 p. m. Monday, Thura day, Saturday: private lessons any time. f AULINE CAPPS AtNstlc dancing, V Seventeenth and Farnam. Mlsner School, " Patterson Block. Pupil- Dennishawn School. Harney 6413. Detectives. 1IPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVK i AGENCY, Incorporated. Doug. 1107. Arlington Blk. Omaha. Neb. fyilU WINCKLER. Harney 5708. Tyler 364. confidential Investigations made at ? reasonable rates. JAMES ALLAN, iVt Neville Blk. Evl- - dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway - Ex. Bldg. Douglas 2056, Night, Col. 465. Contractors. ARPENTER work, all kinds, contract or hour; estimates furnished. Tyler 4359. p Dressmaking. SHIRT HOSPITAL. Shirt-maklng and mending. Douglas 434. 3&RESSMAKING, alterations: all kinds of plain sewing. 2018 Davenport St. 5Sfess MAKING and alterations. Work guaranteed. Tyler 3979. J3RESSMAKING Children's clothes spe- clalty. Harney 7177. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. J1LMS developed: printing and enlarging. - Write for prices. The Ensign Co, 1607 Howard St. 7 Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for, i 60c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co. Call Webster 1657 from 10 a. m. to 4 T. m. tLECTRIC heaters, (10.60; vacuum cle'an , era, $37.50; Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. RENT Hoover and other electric vacuum sweepers, delivered. Webster 4283. ELECTRIC vscuum cleanera for rent. Douglss 6718. p.ECTRI'' vacuum cleaner. 81 day, de- tlvered. C"lfn 4116. s Garages. BK.ni-MADK GARAGES, wood or steel. I t Send for circular. Redt-Made Bouaioi l Co 2211 Howard.' &ed J6It -r 1 1BCIT AV STtlRCKS res-fstered natent attorneys. senu iKmiii ui muun iur Tree opinion or patentaDimy. rrompi action. Sales facilities free. 330 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell patents, 1716 Dodge St., Omaha. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAPERHANGING, painting. Estimates free, that cost nothing ana may save you money. Tyler 2765. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floor recinlslred. waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4121. j FRED KEEP, Colfax 2701, pointing and paperhangirg. Wallpaper! cleaning, glazing. PAPERHANGING, quick service, lowest prices. New stocK Paper. Harney ann. FIRST-CLASS paperlynglng. painting. PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phone Walnut 4n67. .X. WANTED Painting and paperhanging. 1st class work. Wal. 2607. PAINTING, paperhanging and parerclean. lng. Douglas 6322. PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone Walnut 6452. " PAINTING and paperhanging. Tyler 4302. Roofing, Kjn PROPERTY OWNERS GET OUR FIGURES. Our roofs are our proofs. All work guaranteed. ' NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. 802 S. 31st St. Harney 2574, Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY, razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522 V, Dodge. 103 N. 16. Rug Weaving. W EAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 14 3 J. v Safes. CAFF BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J-fXJ- XJ .T. J. Derlght Safe Co. . . . Stationery. OtAHA STATIONERY CO.. 307-9 S. 17thT Screen and Repairing SCREENS repaired, put up. Webster 6233. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, renair. sell needls and parta MICKELS' 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973. Theatrical; THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par tles for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha. Tailors. M. KEISER, 306 South 18th, Doug. 1187. Towel Supples, Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Wall Paper Cleaning. SPECIALTY In wall paper cleaning. Call Tyler 1371 days; evenings, Colfax 1116. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders," 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, 15th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. GAS STOVES connected. 82. Fuel, lighr and- connections. Rebuilt gas stoves. narncy IP1. DUMP ash ps S. W. corner 86th and Fraa els. Douglas 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suite at 8213; an Adam Period dining suite, at 8163: large collection of fine furniture; room size rugs at a great reduction: cane mahogany living room suites, at 8186 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. OiposetUJeadpnrters. Omaha, Neb. FURNITURE,- pillows, c h in aplJt ureal chest and tools; several hundred books, including Lincoln. Riley, Roosevelt, Irving, Balzac. Thackeray, American Matesman sets and World's Great Classics. 124 N. 31st Ave. Harney 1019, VB sell new "and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16. OAK DUOFOLD with tapestry upholster ing. Including cotton felt mattress. Col fax 1746. ONE kitchen cabinet, base, rocking chair, library table. Call Colfax 176.1. Pianos and Musical Instruments. LOWEST PRICES V In Omaha on guaranteed high-grade phonographs. Cash or credit. We also carry a full line of the latest records. Record exchange. THE MUSIC SHOP, Inc. 1516 Harney St. Phone Douglas 8Js A HOSPE CO Everything In XX. llVkJl ill JJ. art and music Pianos for rent. 64.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, instruction, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. HIGH GRADE upright to be sold for stor age and repair charges. Douglas 4703. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture tt Supply Co., 11th and Douglas Doug. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Hl-'NT en Oliver tyi'wriiT three months f'.tl'i.OO. Oliver Agency. 1912 Farnam Douglas 4120. Omaha, iNU, Lumber and Building Material. NEW lumber for sale. Dimension,, celing, flooring, less than wholesale price. Come and see It. Douglas 8489. Miscellaneous. For Sale Three hot air furnaces: beautiful mantel with beveled class mirror: doors. windows and lumber; located at north east corner of 20th a'rid Dodge. C. J. JENSON, f Wrecking Contractor. -2622 Cuming St. Walnut S117. GOOD AUTO. IN PART payment on nearly new 4-room bungalow, oak floors. Street paved. Full cement basement. STREET REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 211 Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam, lyier u. ' CAMPING OUTFIT. Tent to cover Dodge car, with 8x8 room on side, canvas floor, mess chest ana wardrobe lor running Doards. P. R. COOK, Phone Walnut 3709, 5011 Cass St, NEW- electric washing machine, 875, standard make. Why pay fancy retail prices 7 We are western distributers for the factory. Omaha western sales Co. Phone Doug. 4423. FINE shade trees, elms, maples, etc., for sale at 2831 4th Ave., Council Bluffs. Now Is the time to get them Jilauted. Phone Co. Bluffs, Red 3279. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!!j Live fish at Llpman's Fish Market; 2507 Q street. Phone South 8637. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. SHOW CASES, oak counter, Burrough's adding machine; cash register for quick sale. 2063 Farnam. Douglas 7115. PIANO BARGAIN. Practically new, fine condition, 8260. South 1108. DRESS FORM, good condition, slightly used. 88. Council Bluffs Rd 3279. DRY , KINDLING wood. Acme Box Co. Harney 1837. LAWN SWING, guaranteed Siever oil burner. Harney 56. KINDLING delivered at 83.60 per load, also some good lumber for sale. Web. 459. PAPERHANGING, 25c a roll and up. - H. V. Smith. Web. 1249. WANTED TO BUY. WALNUT Logs Wanted 12 Inches and up In diameter. Will buy standing tim ber or logs delivered any railroad sta tion In carload lots. Frank Pitroell Ws,lnut Lumber Co., 12th and Belt Line, Kansas City, Kan. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co.. Itth and Marcy. Douglas 159. ; LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WANTED TO BUY SIX dining room chairs; must be In good condition. Phone So. 3479. Liberty Bonds Bought Bio world-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and iurnnure. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett, 705 N: 16. WANTED Used steel safe, cabinet or large sate. T. Brady. Worthing, S. D. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. LEWIS & CO.. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. WANTED To buy, a dray line. In small town, write Hox 26, Tlngley, Ia. BEST prices furniture, stoves, rugs, men's ciotning. Tyler 8 59. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. T" THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office in the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. DISCHARGED flying officer, experienced in salesmanship, office management and all lines of insurance work, desires position with a future. Y-1088. Bee. COLORED Janitor with wife for ment house. Phone Web. 6308. FLOOR POLISHING-; rug clearnlng. Call Moyes 1'narmacy, 4"th t na Dodge. WILL do painting and decorating for car; work guaranteed. Walnut 280. ANTED Hauling refuse and cinders; manure for sale. Walnut 6393. WHITE man wants .window washing and nousecieaning Tyler 4277. COLORED boy wants work evenings and t-aturoays. Webster 3343. CEMENT work, basement digging, also painting, weoster SftKi). JANITOR wants work or day work. Webster 6053. COLLEGE student desires afternoon work, write K-57, Omaha Bee. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS.- LAUNDRESSES. Watch' the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. OFFICE cleaning, evenings or day; steady, colored lady; city reference. Calfax 4984. SHAVING by day, experienced colored dressmaker, ftuc nour. Webster 1042. FOR nurses by the1 hour, or massage, call walnut 42li;i, or Tyler 4956. SEWING) by day. Call Webster 4178, Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY work for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 1379. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress with ref erence. Webster 5308. BUNDLE washing called for and de- livereq. WebBter 6216. CURTAIN'S laundried; Webster 5579. BUNDLE washing. Experienced laundress. Wenster 3aoa. work guaranteed. NICELY furnished room. 1518 Lake St. Web. 3738. i BUNDLE washing and sllU pieces. Web ster 6182. EXPERIENCED laundress and day work. Tyler 2957. LACE CURTAINS, bundle washing. Web- 8t?r 1727. , CLEANING, by day or week. Webster 4796. i. . ; BUNDLE washing, soft water, Webster 6949. GENKRAL cleaning, guaranteed, Webster 4655. DAY WORK, reliable, colored. Douglas 6037. DAY Work; colored; experienced. Webster 3343. BUNDLE washing to take home. Webster 6660. LAUNDRY work; day work. Well. 43f3. BUNDLE washing, soft water. WVb. 6949. 1 1 A V WORK; ri'llubl'-; colored. Doug. .'.uTlT. DAY WORK and laundry. Webster 5n;',4. Bundle washing wanted. Webster 1379. CLEANING and Ironing. Webster 4115. LAUNDRY and day wurk. .Webster 2219. DAY WORK. Webster 4255. HELP WANTED MALE Stores andt Offices. YOUNG men wanted, between 21 'and 80 years of age, for special outside work. Splendid opportunity for those who ace ambitious and energotlo to secure per manent positions with early advance ment. One hundred and five dollars per month to start. Box D-93. Omaha Bee. cTvTl ENGINEER or Instrument man. must be familiar with transit and level work, 8160s- assistant collection man ager, $150-820; stenographer, small of fice 8100-8126; stenographer, South aide, 8125; stenographer, bank, Nebras ka town, J126; bookkeeper, young man 22 to 26,"sonje experience, 8125; young men for general office work, knowledge of bookkeeping, 890-8100-8105. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., Originators of the Rererence Business. 736 First National Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT nd credit man, 8200; bookkeeper, Al future, 8150-8176; stenographer and claim clerk, 8150 typist, some bookkeeping, $27.50 week; manager for small store, 8ioo-8lau; as sistant bookkeeper, good future, 8125. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 11J8 First National Bank. ' WE have established a correspondence school and need a man to help promote It. This Is a real opportunity. Address Page School, 744. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. CREDIT Man and collection clerk, $1J5 8225: correspondent clerk. $150-$li6; distribution clerk,. $100-8120; cashier and clerk. $125. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bid g. RAILWAY mall clerk examlnationa May 15ji $110 month. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 228, D, Roches ter, N. Y. . , Stores and Offices. ' Professions and Trades. WANTED Body f ini. her. wheel striper, gear striper, varnish rubber, 1 In large buggy factory, St. Louis; steady work all year; satisfactory wages. Apply at office John Deere Plow Co., atu ana Howard' Sts., Omaha WANTED A good shoemaker at once, good wages, shop run with electric ma chinery. Phone or wire at my expense. Ollverius Shoe Store, Albion, Neb. WANTED Forwarder and finisher, union, steady employment, $39. Transportation advanced. Spokane Typothetae, 609 Chamber otCommerce Bldg. WANTED Journeymen sheet metal work ers. 81 an hour. Open Bhop. Steady work. Address H. O. Kreamer, 76 So. LaSalle St., Aurora, 111. WANTED Violinist, 6 hours day work, 7 days per week. Must have, library. Write stating salary. Empress Theater, Shenandoah, Ia. WANTED Men for landscape gardening and general lawn work. Page Tree Service, 210 Davige Block, BIG demand for barbers; call or write for free catalogue. Moier Barber Col- ' lege. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED Four' first cbiss linemen, 86 per day, 321 Terminal Building, Lincoln Nebraska. DRUGGIST Registered or unregistered, with experience. John D. Reed, Eidora, Iowa. I . $40 WEEK for good Shoe Repair Man. 'Steady job. Wm Wlnnlke, Carrol, Ia. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED For old established New York house for Omaha and surrounding territory, position permanent, salary and commis sion basis. Expect salesman to earn front $4,000 to $8,000 annually. Quali fications necessitate bond, clean selling record; age between 32-40; preference given salesman married, with home, now employed seeking advancement. Answers treated strictly confidential. State positively age, religlan and ex rcrience. Write Sales Manager, 303 East 134th St., New York City. -4- TWF.NTY LIVE WIRE SALESMEN. To Come to Yakima, Wash. To dispose of the capital stock of Puritan Rubber Co., Yaklina, Wash., au thorised capital 81,000,000. This Is an exceptional proposition, one that Is sup ported by business men of unquestioned Integrity. Prpposltion appeals to In vestor same as salesman. Big advertis ing campaign Just -tarted. If you are a LIVE WIRE SALESMAN a good or ganizer with a clean slate, and want a sales contract in which you can make from 85,000 to 820,000 during this year with a company rhat has an excep tionally bright future, wire or write us immediately. Address Puritan Rubber Co., Suite 16-17, Wilson Bldg., Yakima. Wash. WANTED High grade solicitors to can vass in Omaha for The Bee. Apply at Bee office; Inquire for Mr. Rook. Y-1045, Bee. , ARTIST WANTED PEN AND INK ARTIST WANTED AT ONCE. ' MUST BE GOOD, AT LETTERING. . AND LAYOUT WORK, WOUD CONSIDER A GOOD BEGINNER. SEE MR. HADLEY, . 104 BEE BLDG. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED 25 MEN FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED. EXPERIENCED TAILOR. MEN'S ALTERATION ROOM. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. . . MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT FACTORY WORK. GOOD PAY.. THE THERMOPAOl CO., 322 SOUTH 12TH ST. BRANDEIS STORES " WANT EXPERIENCED PORTERS. PERMANENT POSITION. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. OFFICE, BALCONY. WANTRD I WAGON HELPERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STABLE. 15TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED 40 men, $5.76 per day and up. Steady work year around; only men wanting steady work need apply. .Inhnitnn T3-nc Pta., TXa-I,. -1 . Ia. (Four miles south of Fort Dodge WANTED Experienced railroad train and yardmen for service In Chicago.- Apply vv. xniencir, Turlington Route, 1004 Farnam street. WANTED Young man familiar with kitchen to learn cook's trade, pay while you learn. Apply chef, Omaha Athletio club. WANTED FURNITURE UPFITTERS AND WAREHOUSE MAN. UNION OUT F1TTING CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. WANTED Young man to assist In receLv, Ing rdom. Apply El Beudor Apt. Hotel em- pioyes- entrance, Eighteenth and Dodge. FARMER wanted; one who understands fruit and vegetable raising; good pay for right man. Apply 632 Bee Bldg. WANTED-!rExperlenced married man with smal family for general farm wo.k. John Kranse, Adams, Neb. WANTED Laborers. OMAHA ELEVAT OR CO.. COUNCIL, BLUFFS. WANTED Salesman who can drive a Ford car. Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN . FOR CASHIER'S POSITION IN CREDIT DEPARTMENT. BOOKKEEPING KNOWLEDGE DESIRABLE. H. R. X BOWEN CO.. HOWARD ST. BETWEEN 15TH & 10TH. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $150; stenog., executive ability, iizb-iiⅈ stenographer and bookkeeper, Bmall of fice, will consider stenographer who is good penman, $90-$110; stenog., good personality, able to meet public, small office, $86-8100; stenographers, $125-$110-$100-$90-$86; ledger clerk, $76; typist, $90; file clerk, $66-870; office clerk, good penman; 876; young lady, good personality, small amount steno. and bookkeeping, 880. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, ' 1188 First National Bank.' YOUNG-WOMAN WANTED For assistant bookkeeper and cashier In credit department. Apply H, R. BOWEN CO., Howard St. Between 15th aJd 16th. Married Men, Attention. Three clean cut men for permanent snle positron wlih future. Must start at $27 ami commission. Experience not necessary. Bond required. Call or write Koom 310, J817 Douglas street, 1 to 6 p. m. SALESMAN WANTED. OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime, for two or tnree salesmen men who know how to present good proposition and are in the habit of making good money. Call be tween 10 and 12 a. m.- 310 Karbach Blk. ' SALESMAN WANTED Fine opportunity ror young man with pep; position open for city salesman who can earn $50 to $75 par week with a representative firm; experienced salesman preferred, but not essential. Call 2524 Farnam St. WE want a few more lnxeperlenced young men to -join our ciuo in scientiric salesmanship: c6mplete training, $25. Positions furnished free. Box H-60. Bee. Boys. WANTED Boys to start In bank as mes sengers; good chance for advancement; good pay to stiirt. Box K-54, Omaha Dec. BOYS If vnu are under 20, mat sp- penrinit, nut atratil In talk to women, free tn travel, will follow Instructions. 1 have a proposition that will appeal to you. Mr. Ernsbciger, 318 Loyal Hotel, Doa'( ihoue . STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, small office. $125; stenographer, beginner, $65-870; stenographer, bank, Nebraska town, 8100; stenographer, north part of city, 890-8100; stenegrapher, small of fice, some clerical work, 885; typist, be ginners, $55-$60; comptometer operator, $76; ledger clerks, $70-$76; file clerks, $r5-$60-$65. WESTERN REFERENCB & BOND ASSN., Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Hank mag. STENOGRAPHERS.. $80, $90. $100, $110, or better; good uptown place waiting. Typists, general office clerks, comp tometer operators. Good opening for experienced dental assistant Right Referenoe Company, 1012 First Nation, al Bldg. STENO., $125: steno., $100. Beginner steno., $80; beginner, typ ist, $80. Comptometer opr., $85; office rflerk. $75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N.. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg - WANTED AT ONCE. Competent girl to write up erders on typewriter. Pleasant work. Good pay. CARPENTER, PAPER CO., Sth and Harney 81s. Tyler ttt. STENOGRAPHER, private sec, $150-$160. Stenographer and bkkpr., $160-$160. Office clerks. $76-$80-$9. THE MARTI CO., 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED . FILE CLERK, APPLY HRADSTREKT CO., j 12X11 AN 0 FARNAM STS., 2D FLOOR. WANTED Experienced orderly for op erating room work. Apply to Koyes Hospital. Mb Joaeiib. ilu. WANTED Cashier and saleslady for our 19th and Farnam street store. Apply to Miss Lyons, General Office, Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam Sts. - I TYPIST! WANTED. APPLY BRADSTREET CO., CORNER 12TH AND FARNAM STS., 2D FLOOR. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Hotels and Restaurants. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Da you want a permantnt position! No .profession today offera better op portunities for good salaries and steady i employment than local or long distance telephone work. TIi work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefits- without coat to employee. No experience necesiary. Inbatantlal weekly pay while. In training. Rapid advancement. ' Parent Invited to investigate working conditions. V Apply to ' . 1 MRS. MORRIS, ,,; ..' Employment Secretary. t .', ' Boon 61 ' j . New Telephone Building, , , Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. t GIRLS - i , I PERMANENCY IS THE THING THAT APPEALS TO THE1 MODERN, FAR-SIGHTED GIRL WHEN SHE IS IN SEARCH OF EMPLOYMENT. IT ASSURES HER OF THE CHANCB TO ADVANCE TO AN EXECUTIVE PO SITION REQUIRING TACT AND ABILITY. . EVERY BUSINES8 GIRL HAS THB RIGHT, TO EXPCT THIS IN RETURN FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY HAS JUST SUCH POSITIONS AND WANT AM BfflOUS GIRLS TO WHOM PER MANCY APPEALS . COME IN AND TALK OVER THR WHOLE PROPOSITION . WITH MISS BELL. , , . '..... ' 318 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE . GRAPH CO: WANTED, GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES, SHORT HUORS, GOOB SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. BALCONY. , BURGES3-NASH CO. ' WANTED. v COLORED MAIDS. Apply Supt, Balcony. Burgesa-Nash Co. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. 8TEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERVE CAFETERIA, CITY NAT L BK. BLDG., BASEMENT. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED ,' TO WORK IN OUR ICING,' AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT STS.. ROOMS FOR RENT. Board and Room. 1546 80UTTl"YTH ST. Pleasant furnlMiM room with boaru, sunaoie jor p rl vale fain lly. Harney 81 H6. KUOM for gentlemen; breakfast and gar age it desired. Harney 1044. llauscom l'nrk district. :!&:. lMJlYtJH ST. Attractive room for two. Good board. Mar. 7089. MOTHER'S CARE given children, llarmjr 6196. Unfurnished. TWO unfurnished modern rooms; $7 Pit week. Dour-Iks 6628. FOR RENTHOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler T2t. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnishedpartmentj FURNISHED apartment; Dallas apart monts. 2664 Marcy; two rooms and kitchenette. Douglas 9I8. KL-BRUDOR APARTMENTS. 18TH AND DODGE 8TP. ' Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. Wanted to Rent APARTMENT OF 8 OR 8 ROOMS AND BATH! WELL LOCATED: WALK1NO DISTANCE: BY 8 GIRLS EMPLOYED. ADDRESS, BOX K-31, OMAHA BEE. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses TWO five-room duplex arartmonts, first and second floors, finished In birch ami oak: hot water heat. These are much bettor than ordinary; near 23d ami Howard; each $75. - WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS, Tvler 1526. 333 Seeurllfes Bldg. $25 REWARD ' If you know of a six or seven-room unfurnished house or bungalow for rent by May 1 In Dundee or West Farnam District, call Walnut 600. Reward paid when lease Is signed. Wantedlo Rent by May 1 FOUR, FIVE or SIX-ROOM HOl'SHw DESIRABLY LOCATED IN SOUTH SIDE; RELIABLE TENANTS. SOUTH 182!. WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1. . Four, five or six-room house; desir ably located tn South Side; reliable tenants. South 1822. Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Ground floor offices, very de sirable location. Immediate occupation. ' Kqufpment much below . cost. Phono Tyler 1.14, Suite 609. FOR RENT Business Property. OFFICE for rent. Call Room 230, Neville Block. ' r MOVING AND STORAGE. , FIDELITY and'van CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD OOOI S AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOITSKS AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288 GIRLS WANTED. . I FOR LIGHT FACTORY WORK. GOOD PAY. THE THERMOPAC CO., ' 328 south imr ST. WANTED. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR GIRLS. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. 1 BURGESS-NASH CO. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the Deneiit oi ousiness giro. 623 Bee Bldg. uuugiae eosis... USHERETTES wanted. Moon theater. Appiy in person. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Slout woman or girl. , Jen- sen's Wet Wash. Laundry, 2316 Mo. Z4tn. Web. 1029.. COPYHOLDER wanted, v Omaha Printing Co. 1301 Farnam St. Household and Domestic. 1 WANTED Practical nurse for year-old baby. Prefer 'middle aged lady. Good home, , permanent position and highest salary. Give names of former employers and write. Mrs. L. Weinberg, 112 24th street, Sioux City, Ia. I - WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or ironing; good pay, must have reference. , Wal. 1099. 106 South' 61st St. ' WANTED Good girl or woman, for gen eral housework. Highest salary paid. ,' References required. 8217 Poppleton Ave. Harney 1631. WANTED An experienced white maid for second work, tin first iioor. Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord, 5201 Davenport, WHITE woman or girl to do general housework; no washing; good wages. Wal. 924, 3828 Cass St. UIRL for general housework yin small family; best of wages; ..win give girl good home, soutn aub. s WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn uaruer irsue: rig aemana, wages wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or write nva uoukb ou in-uuy jjaroer uojiege. WANTED Man or woman compositor easy, steady Job. Enterprise, Valley, Neb. 1 EDUCATIONAL. day school. night school. boyleS college: Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hsit and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Wrjte, call or ph'one Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omsha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 221 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVE 1,200 acresi In one of parishes In which great Homer fields are located, In - Louisiana. Want one or two men with $5,000 or $10,000 to form company for promoting. Greatest opportunity of a lifotlme for right party to make for tune in oil game. Address Box K-31, Omaha Bee. WANTED A second cook and dining room- girl. Ford hospital. Douglas 340. Inquire Miss Baker. WOR LAUNDRESSES. DAY WOMEN. ETC. LOOK IN THB SITUATION CU- liMN OF TnF BEE. WANTED Competent second maid, small lamuy; wages u, xiauic ,ui., South S4th Street GIRL for general housework, no laundry. gooa pay. r oi. ouuiu n.i, Mrs. E. O. Smltn. GIRL for general housework, family of S adults; no wasning, kuuu wasta. . oto S. 26th Ave. D. 3151. WANTED Good white laundress; electrle washing machine, ti. 2280. Mrs. M. Lcary. 1304 S. 35th. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Call at 23 so. sin Bt coua- cii Miurrs, fa. Yw ANTED AT ONCE White girl to assist with housework; no wasning or cooKing. iougia pv.i GIRL for general housework; 2 in family, t South 2U4 mornings. 4214 8. 22d St. GIRL tor general Housework. Phone Harney 3326. Address 3U uass t. CAPABLE white woman two days a week; general nouseworn. .vmiim 8Joi. GIRL to help in kitchen; small hospital. Wovn T-tnanltftl. Wu Vlie. Neb. WANTED White girl for second work; good wages. Harney 69. WANTED Competent housekeeper. 914 S. 27th. South 94o. CHAMBERMAID, Brown Apt., 608 N. 21st. Saleswomen and Solicitors. ' BRANDEIS STORES WANT EXPERIENCED SALES PEO PLE IN LADIES'. HOSE, LADIES' KNIT UNDERWEAR, "AP JEWELRY. PERMANENT POSITION. GOO& SAL ARY. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY. YOUNG lady, not over 21, to travel on meruoriouB auveinoins ,ivvvmh.ii. penses advanced. Leaving Omaha at once. Mr. Ernsberger, 318 Loyal hotel. Don't phone. . WANTED Women to distribute coupons house to house, rieasant wora; snort hours; good psy. Call 4 to 6. crew man ager, Swift A Co.. 13th and Leaven worth. Hotels and Restaurants. THREE nlea appearing girls to wait ta bles, 816 per week. uiympia canuj Klt'-hen. . I WAITRESS WANTED. T. Rue 1'afe. 24th and Ames EXPERIENCED maids wanted. Hotel fconant. LAWYER of thorough experience and wide acquaintance in Nebraska, wishes to as sociate with established local firm or partner, or share office expenses. Harney 6947. ' ' MOTION PICTURE house for lease or sale. Exceedingly good .opportunity td clear up big money. Wjill consider partner. Write K-53 Omaha Bee. FOR SALE One of ' the best equipped bakeries ire northeast Nebraska. Good shipping facilities. Price reasonable. Y-1804, Bee. LUNCHROOM and confectionery business; good reason for selling can be given. Address Ward & Leonard, 1317 O St., Havelock, Neb. TIRE shop equipped for sale. Free in structions. Learn In 5 days. Latest method. Anderson Steam Vulcanizer Co.. 1620- Capitol ave. Tyler 3044. OUR business Is to buy and sell your business. Quick Service Selling Experts, 614 Hrown Bldg. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service in hauling or storag call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto 01 wagon service. MOVING-, PACKING, STORAGE. lKfc.Jf KUOf HAKHHUUiHi, Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and "OMAHA VAN AND STORACE CO.. 806 "South 16th. Doug. 4168 TRY US FIRST American Messenger & Express Douglas 6900, 6901. We do moving ol tall kinds. Let us haul your trunks foi nuiek service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. TylcjJH HENRICKSON TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES SO DO WB CITY AND COUNTRY HAULING. Phone Colfax 1274 days, or Calfax evenings. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS $126 values at $85 per set, including army and war harness; 30 per cent dls ' count on all harness goods and col lars. Write for free price list. Desk 9. MIDWEST HARNESS CO., 4 I.I U 1 O. XV III ni. FOR SALE Twenty head of fine farm horses, mares and mules. Some of mares in foal. All stock guaranteed sound and in good condition. Apply at M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B streets or after p. m phone South 475. ' PALE OF HORSE COLLARS. We have over 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We are selling a regu lar $6 collar for $3.60, a good $7.60 col lar for $5. and $8 collar for $6. Our best heavy dray collars, 18-inch draft corled hair face hat sell regular for $10 or $11 for $8. ' ALFRED CORNISH A CO., 1210 Farnam St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cock, erels: also White Leghorn setting eggs. DotiBlas 7658. WHEAT screenings. $2.60 per 100. pounds, Wagoner. 801 North 16th St. Doug. 1 1 42. ANCONA eggs for11 hatching. Call Mrs. C. A. Meyers, council mulls, rtea THOROBRED Rhode Island Red hatching gen. fi ror is. oi. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, J1.50 to $3.00, thoroughbred prize stock. Douglas m. . SIX Red pullets and cockerel, standard- bred and reel. AVeb. 4o44. WHITE Wyandotte hatching, eggs, $8 per hundred. So. 2067. BARRED ROCK eggs. 6c Sonth 665. TWO pedigreed Boston bull terrlors for sale, Harney 6178. INCUBATOR, chlckenwire and drinking fountains., barney turn. , AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOR SALE Sorghum mill. Box 117, Red Oak, la. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. FURNISHED front room, walking dis tance; privilege light housekeeping. 2534 California. Douglas 6599. NEWLY furnished front room suitable for two. 2813 Shirley, lianscom Park dis Vict. Harney 6263. FURNISHED Toom, exclusive- location; Dundee car line, gentlemen only. Har ney 4112 LARGE front room with alcove. Is. private home, for lady or gentleman. C3H Har ney 3180. KOUNTZE PLACE. Neatly furnished room In modern home. Webster 4097. NICELY furnished front room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Harney 2404, NICELY furnished room for gentlemen. 1610 Evans street. Webster 6078. 2502 ST. MARYS Pleasant, modern room, private family. Doug. 1377. NICELY furnished room, middle age. lady preferred. Douglas 4096. NICE front room, suitable for one or two. 410 Sweetwood Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 526 So. 25th avenue. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; ALL MODERN. DOUGLAS '8823. ' Housekeeping; Rooms. SUITE of one or two housekeeping rooms, newly furnished. 2813 Dewey Ave. FOUR ROOMS, housekeeping, modern. 24S9 S. 17th. Webster 2210; 2638 IKIWIK. One large room for light housekeeping. Board and -Room. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO f.KNTt.E MKNT MOPKHN HOME: FRONT AND BACK ROOMS. WEBSTER iiii. , PACKARD "BE A FACKARD OWNER." P. FAR IN MIND THAT ALL PACK ARD CARS OFFERED FOR SALE A IIP! COMPLETELY RENEWED FROM TOP TO TIRES AND CARRY THE SAME GUARANTEE THAT GpES WITH A NEW PACKARD. PACKARD 3-35 TWIN. LIKE NEW. PACKARD 2-35 TWIN, many extras. PACKARD 2-35 TWIN. PACKARD 2-35 TW4X! ' PACKARD 1-25 TWIN. PACKARD 3-25 TWIN, BARGAIN. PACKARD SIX TOURING. , COLE AERO 8 TOURING, 1919. ' OLDS 1919, 8 -CYLINDER. TOURING. BUICK' LIGHT SIX D-45. DODGE TOURING, BRAND NEW TIRES. Every car offered for sale by this organization is .ut in good mechanical condition in our own shops. An inspection of these cars at our salesroom will convince you of their worth. We will consider trades of other makes on these cars, or wilt accept terms. OPEN SUNDAYS. PACKARD-OMAHA COMPANY, 3016 Harney Street at 31st St. HERE ARE SOME EXTRA GOOD USED CARS. . Auburn '19. new paint, good tires, fine condition: worth) $1,600; can be bought for less. Scrlpps-Booth '19, In good shape, wiro wheels; a snappy car, $70u. Dodge touring, late model. Just over hauled; new fenders and top, $t00. . Hamilton Motor Co., 1. '194. ' 1S14 Coming St. SOME bargtiiiB In used Ford csrs. Mr. Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford ?orvive.stlUlun l6th Jeckson, Doug las $500, , j 1 '