Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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'i h E Jihjlu : O id A i i A , ISA T U K DAY ,A1JK1L 24,-liteO.
' For Bride-Elect
Among the attractive affairs being
given for Miss Grace Martin of Chi
cago, who is ' visiting here, and
whose marriage, to William J
S. Sackriedevof Omaha will take
'place in June, was a miscellaneous
shower last Tuesday at the home of
'rs. William Sackriede. Twelve
wcsts were present.
Mrs. Ernestf rimble was hostess
Thursday for Miss Martin at a bridal
-rl;eon. The color scheme was
rried out' in white, yellow and
jrecn. Covers were placed for six.
Informal Tea. ,
Mrs. Edward lohnson will enter
tain informally at a tea at her home
Thursday afternoon of next jsx.ek
'iii-honor of Mrs. Louis Hostetter
iof Texas, who is th guest of her
sister, ; Mrs. Charles Rosewater.
Fraternity Dance.
Gamma Eta" Gamma legal frater
jvity Jield their annual dance Thurs
day night at Hotel Blackstone. A
hundred couples attended., '
Pi Beta Phi.
Mrs. Leslie Johnson will entcr
iain at a "cookie shine" luncheon at
'tier home, 3802 North Seventeenth
i&trcet, Saturday, May 1, for the
Omaha alumnae of . Pi Beta Phi.
She will be assisted by Mrs. Russell
:?.urruss and Mrs. Anan Raymond.
"The affair will be in the nature of a
;celcbration for their founder's day,
which is April 27.
i Surprise Party. '
Mr. fand Mrs.' B. B. Willey were
surprised Tuesday 1 evening by 32
(friends, the occasion . being their
20th wedding anniversary. The even
ling was spent in dancing. r -
V Visitors Here.
; Mr., and Mrs. Morris L. Gardner
fere spending several days in Omaha
enroute to their home at Ogallala,
JeD., irom came rceK, ivucu.,
(where their wedding was celebrated
Jast Thursday.
Mr. Gardner formerly lived here
iand is a brother of Charles R. Gard
iner. "Mrs. Gardner, nee Mary Eliza
beth Wells, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles J. Wells, of Battle
iCrcek, was a classmate of Misses
Warjorie Cavers and Katherine
jHastings at Beechwood schoo4, Phil
adelphia. : ,
To Give I Musical.
t At a meeting held Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. A. C. Thomp
son the members of the Mrs. Nich
olas Amos circle of the Westmin
ster Presbyterian church completed
plans for a musical to be given May
6 at the Y. M. G A. The proceeds
will be devoted to the building fund
of the church. i
A. K. Club.
. Miss' Valeria Rohr entertained at
dinner 'Thursday evening, at her
home, for the members of the A. K.
club of Central High school. The
decorations were in black and gold.
Covers were placed for Thelma and
, fcd a Warreu, 1 atncrine -tiaaneiu,
.Anne Wyman, Gertrude Hart, Bess
and Amy Howell, Eleanor Madgctt
and Marian Fisher. Plans were com
pleted for a dancing party to be
jgivetiMay 7 at t&e Prettiest Mile1
club. . .
Canteen Meeting.
rMrs, Lucien' Stephens will enter
jtain members of Company B can
teen at her apartment at the Colon
ial Tuesday afternoon, f
Mrs. W. B. Howard and daughter.
Mrs. C F. Swanland, left Friday for
Excel&ior Springs. '
Mrs. J. T. Morey has .returned
from Miami, Fla., where she vistied
her daughter. Mrs. Valentiue God-
hrd. .
Mrs. 'Charles H. Petersen of Salt
Lake City, formerly of Omaha, is
hee visiting her daughter,- Mrs. 'V.
W. Giddings. She was accompanied
by herdaughter, Mrs. F. F. J. Knot
of Butte, Mont., who is enroute to
New York, where she will reside.
Mrs. Sam Caldwell is in California
and will return home May 1.
, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Chumblcy
left Friday for Chicago to attend
the wedding of their niece. Miss,
Ethel Mae Williamson of that city
on April 24. . . .
A son, William A., jr., was born
Monday at the Nicholns Senn hos
pital to Mr. -frtTa Mrs. Wf. A. Hor
ton. Mrs. Horton was formerly.
Miss Lila Hoke. .
Afr anrl fra T V Davirtcnri Ipatr
Mav 12 to snend a month in Cali
fornia. " Their daughter, Dorothy
Davidson, will be aft Brownell Hall
during their absence.
Keith Cavers is at ttie Cavprs
ranch near Chadron, Neb.
OnNr 11 nr runt rf ill
anugirl workers in New York state,
belong to labor' unions, v
Annette B Your letter sounds
very sensible and I believe that wtmt
you decide for yourself will be rlgnt.
What you say about the older man
sounds vertr good, though of course
Li 9 years difference in age Jjp con-
siaeraoie. .1 wouia aavins you ii gei
acquainted with Jiis little girl. It is
a'ery creditable in mm mat ne wants
To have his little girl with him. Is
the girl's mother .dead? " Do not
marry Just for a home, my dear. A
young man could perhaps provide
you with that in time. A home Is
something every woman graves, but
it does not bring happiness. If you
love him and are fully aVare of the
responsibility you will be Rssumlng
in .mothering his child, and iiv'be
ing companionable to a maa so much
olden than yourself, then you might
malto no mistake in marrying him.
Do not worry about the entertaining
you will have to do. A bright girl,
with a kind .heart ami sympathy for
others, very auickty learns to do the
tactful and polite thing. The bestf
manners come from the heart you
know. Etiquette is only a veneer
which Is easily seen through.
Two ' , Blonds There is certainly
nothing 'improper about georgette
sleeves. They might be pretty with
some combinations, but so far as
morality is concerned no fault can
be found with them. You are young
for dancing parties.. Why not wait
a few years before you undertake
extensive entertaining?
Wants Help. '
Deter Miss Fairfax, Omaha . Bee;
Do you or any of your readers know
of a woman or practical -nurse I
could gqt to take care of an old
;i Committee Chairmen Appointed.
Committee chairmen for rext
'year in the music depart1 tment, Oma
ha Woman's club, are announced by
Mrs. Ward Shafer, leader, as fol
lowsc Mrs.. J-. O. Scott, library;
,,Mrs. II. T. Hoffman, social; , Mrs.
fGeorge Henderson, courtesy. The
department is planning a program
- the first week in May wheriMrs.
32. S. Luce of Lincoln, chairman of
the music department,' Nebraska
. Federation of Women's clubs, will
be in Omaha. Mrs. Ray J. Abbott
,"is district chairman of music.
: Return from Convention,
"j-? Mrs. MV D. Cameron, Mrs. F. H.
Cole and Miss. Katherine Worley
rhavc returned from David City,
;-where they spoke before the Fourth
-district convention, Nebraska Fed
eration of Women's Clubs. .
p Miss Fffie Dietnck of Yprk was
. elected president of the Fourth dis
: trict -for the ensuing year.
f ' ' 1 I
South Omalia Woman's Club Saturday
- -12 ::io ii. m. Annual luncheon, , Black
ton hotel. .
' I. K. O. Slstrrbond, Clinpter M. SatvJ
wrdnv Bllfrnoon, wnn aim. r ranK it.
iijncklor, 2307 South Thirty-third street.
" BrnKoa Stry Hour Saturday. 10:30 a.
in., city hall auditorium. Mrs. John Qilea
;till Joll th atotiei.
r TlifHixoplilcnl fioclely, I.otu Clrrl for
i C hildren Suturday, 3 p. m., 202 Kennedy
ltuildlnK, Nineteenth and Douglas streets.
X" School of Follttfal Kducatlon for Women
Under nuspics ot the Omaha School
Forum. Three lectures ill be lv Sat
' surday In the council chamber, city hall,
yt 10 a. m., 2:38 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sub
iject, "This Man-Made World;" lectures
J:ivtn by Prof E. A. Ross, University of
b AVlsconSln. Other lectures wil be given
at the same hours on the followlnfr Sat
urdays: May 1, 8, IS, 22, 29 and Juns S.
A- nominal fee will be charged,
r A. C. A. nratna Section SaturJay 11
. -i. m., with Mis Marie Hoska, 1U Ohio
Vsireet. The play will be "Three Pills In a
"Bottle." Miss May Somers, leader. Others
VtHkina: cart will be.: The Misses Juliet
( lrlffen, Kleanor Nevln, Helen Nason,
.stner inomas anu rjuxaoem Aincneu.
; Katmn Sigma Club of Omaha and Conn
: fil BluffsSaturday. 12;M to i p. m..
Rmcheon aird meeting, University club,
lilt Harney street. .-
t Home Economics and Psychology D
nrtmrnts, Omaha M'oman's Club Satur--tiay,
8 p. m.. benefit entertainment for
ways and means committee, will b given
'-ftt the home of Mrs. T. R. Ward, 2121
W lrt street.
i CommunitT Service Saturday, dance,
"given by Girls' Community Service, league
'.-Kt the Girls' Community house, 8:.10
"t i 11 p. m., mujlc by Imperial orchestra.
' Beef -Drippings Clarified. -
r Firt of J) je necessary to know
i 2w to clarify drippings, since when
. Hhey are fresh and clear they serve
;ior frying quite as well as does lard
"and may be used to baste everything
iave game and poultry. Always re-
'member to keep them in a cool place
and they will remain fresh for quite
-Jt while.
jf To clarify put them into a basin
"and pour over them boiling water.
'Stir this constantly to wash away
any impurities. When the water and
.the impure sediment have settled at
he bottom of the pan set this awiy
lo cool.
it If the family is( a rrteat-eating one
"the accumulation of drippings is
constant In winter t is sufficient
. ;toytry them out once a week, but in
'summer this ought to be done every
three or four days, . v
1621 Farnam Street
Radical Reductions
OF a
Tticotines Poiret Twill -Men's
Wear Serge
Velour Checks
Mixtures A 1
aind Jerseys
Embroidered, Braided and Plain effects in
,4 - all the proved new styles '
Smctrt Ripple, Blouse
Belted Models
, Tailored and v
$37.50 $45.00
Suits of better grades, $85.00 to $95.00. V
"No Approvals," No C. O. D.'s. Charge for
'alterations." .
Blouses s
Reasonably Priced
$4.9510 $18.50
t Dainty Georgette
and sheer Lingeries
with short or long
, Women' Ever
$2.00, $2.50,
$6.95 Each
- Extreme values in
Taffeta, - Satins, Jer
sey Flounces are ac
cordion 'pleated ; col
orsare Navy, Taupe,
Grey, 'Rose, .Green,
Wear Hosiery.
$3.00, $4.00
gentleman that is feeble and help
less. I would thank you ever o
much for their. address. I, am will
ing to pay a good price to a ''(rood,
kind woman. Any one wanting an
easier Job and Rod pay please
phone Beatrice Fairfax and she- will
give you my address. Thank you.
, - MRS. L. M. v
Blu Eyes If you care for the
man and are engaged to htnvwhy
worry, about what others Bay? The
fact that you worry x about other
people seeing you with' this man who
Is 11 yqars older than you are, Indi
cates to me that you do not really
love him. You may be flattered by
the attention of one so much older
than yourself and yoiir.boy friends,
but I do not thinks you would be
happy married to him. At least think
it ever pretty carefully. ,
0"ootsle Tou did not do wrong by
letting -the boy take you home. You
are too young" to devote much time
to the boy question. If you have
good sense, however, and-choose the
right knd of I company, I should
think an occasional escort home
would be quite proper. You say
you a mother knew of it and that the
boy was a very good lad. -f
Harold B I know nothing about
the medicine you refer to, except
that I do not believe any medicine
can add to one's height .
Two Church Member strongly
suspect that the hurcn-you attend
is at a nearby pool hall or soft
drink parlor. If you really wish
to get acquainted with nice girls, try
going to a "regular" church. ,
ntlllA-JVhpn a. hnv nialr in tnlfn
.you home, and ym wish to accept,
you can properly say: Yes, thank
you." If you don't care for his
society or have xther arrangements,
thank him for his kindness in think
ing of yoand explain that you have
other arrangements. Do not ex
change, photos promiscuously. There
is nothing evil in giving away your
picture, but It lis poor taste to give
it to any one who may not value tt
I should say that a boy who writes
you notes and calls you up is in
terested In you. '1
Worried if the young nan
gambles, and you do not approve,
you should talk it over with him
and coma to some agreement. Do
not marry him with that between
you. ' - - '
Flirt My time is too valuable to
spend in answering your questions.
They are evidently your idea of a
Joke. , t
Dimples Keep your skin ' very
clean, the pores open, do not over
eat if you wish to get rid of pimples.
Of course salted crackers contain
starch; any kind of crackers contain
starch. . To reduce take any good.
strenuous exercise regularly. Walk
ing, tennis, golf or gymnastics are
good, but no exerciso is helpful if
done spasmodically.' You must be
regular in taking it.
Tom nml .Dlclf-Make very sure
that the French girls have received
your letters before you condemn
them. ' If you know they receive
your letters andrcfus to reply,
then yqu should conclude that the
girls' do not care for you. I'erhaps
they were Interested only In your ex
pensive presents.
Mr. F If you will write me again
and sign your name (which I will
not publish), I will print your letter.
I don't like to use letters calling for
reply unless I have tho name and
address on file. ,
J. F. It. You ask me to give you
the address of "Shep and Sport." I
refused to give them tho addresses
f any boys, because I do not think
they are tho kind of' girls wo wlntj
... ........ vnu attracted
Iby their letter and I cannot think
your motives very Binci;ri -";
along no information which might
prove harmful. x
M. A. I. E. If tho boys and girls
n.llh nra hlirhlV re-
you ;w nuiiiR ....... - - ,
tmectnblo why should your parenm Lf.
object?, I have eonsmcrnnie con- j
fidence In what mother and-fathey
thuik and would suggest that you af
least tell them where you are gong
and with wnonu f
Dimples If you don't like the
boy, don't go with' him. That Is
easy to answer. You aro not too
young to go with beaux.
Gnl Mies Welsh's address is 1752
Whitley avenue, Los Angeles. He
was born July 2!. 1 8SS.
. M. Mi Vse "Miss" for your
sonal cards.
(j -Children's Hats, "X- ' ' , , J1 f" Iff
m $3.95 and $5.95 V iiP THfi'jPTWJE CI? y V- Nl , at g
Hf J0 s - j? Ho use and Garden g
5gj wvib ouu.iiioij nir- - ' mmr rrocKS ri-uuccu iui kjnw- w&
m els, combining utility, with f4TjTL4LL&7 uTJ C?t-f CT
M. . the satisfaction of style. - " m VTi T , ' N
J These hats are far from - V J VN DVJGAS JTf& FOR fTIFTV. yMRXj t
P' ordinary and are wise v. ' '
M , purchases at these prices. ' .
House and G a e n
Frocks reduced for Sat
urday's selling; dresses of
percale and gingham, in
attractive models, at much
less than their regular
v, selling pricef plain and
fanpy colors; in nearly all
. I.
in Sunshine or Shower, Dame Nature Rauseth Jiot
.M AX FLOWERS are surely in the m aking. Yeur apparel should be also iwi
m preparation if you would be in hannohy with on-coming Summer,. Our
6""""'v o"wvYi"g 10 a i, wic vci ctpcA ui uw seasun. vuaiiuiy, vaiiet, eaitu-
lished fashion, with urging prices, make Saturday the ideal day for active
buying. . . -
We offer for the Week-End i
I . . . y
A Sale of Fine Suits
Taildred garments, distinctly apart from the ordjnary offerings are
featured in these Jwd special groups. They are the suit modes created and
produced with utmost care by the premier manufacturer of America.
Long Jackets, Short Jackets, JEton and Bolero Effects
$48.00 and $79.50
Suits plainly'tailored. Suits Embroidered and Braided.
Suits Youthful and Delightful.
And, in every garment is Kilpatrick lasting satisfaction.
Our Dress Section
Specially for Saturday
Offers a rack of moderately priced dresses.
The seasons modes in garments of Silk, Wool, a'nd
There's newness and saving in this group of
attractive dresses and " you'll appreciate them
when you see them at
HI - ' I 09 WW, .
I , " J . ;
Junior Suits Reduced 1
$34.75 $45.75 -
Two small groups of superior quality garments
, are featured for Saturday's, selling. Plain and
fancy tailored garments in wariled youthful models,
offered in Serge. Tifcotine and Jerseys, at decided
, price reductions.
. Suits belted and loose backed; long and short
Colors are Navy, SandBrown, Heather and Grey,
y . . (Sizet 14, 16, 18 years). '
The Drapery Section
Offers Saturday
""In addition to an expert service in all forms of
home decoration -
Very remarkable value in Lace Curtain.
Small lots (2 to 5 prs.) of Duchess and Irish Point
Curtains. The quality is exceptional.
Reductions are from prices that prevailed when
curtains were more plentiful than now.
Priced $17.50; sale '. .1 ... .$12.75
'Priced $15.50; sale $10.55
Priced $J3.50; sale $9.95
Priced $8.50; sale $5.55
Duchess and Bobinet Panels 9 to 11 inches wide,
i Newest designs. Prices $2.25 to $5.00.
A small group of expensive Panel curtains
' somewhat mussed from use as ' samples. Prices
which were up to $75.00 will be jut half Saturday.
Small Women's Dresses
v, f
Fromthe Junidj Section
Dresses of Taffeta,. Serge, Satin, Jersey and
, Tricbtine. .
Pretty youthful dresses inthe. new season's
styles-at prices that appeal to the mother of a
growing girl, y
$29 . $39 $49
1 m
On the Square
Saturday A Sale of Silk Garments,
On This Ever Popular Square.
. Petticoats', Camisoles and En
velopes in light ad dark colored
silks; have been grouped and priced
attractively for this one day.
"Ducky Waddle
Coats at $37.50 ,
Spring wraps developed in the short
and medium length coats. Belted and loose
backed models. Coats of Velour and Silver-
W have a potitioiopen for a capable
Drapery Salesman. ' '
Pages from the
Golden Age of Furniture f
Stop at oor start and get a. cope of that fasctnat
, ing book, 'dWpa and Mtufe.1
N The Edison Cfebmets, illustrated by erquiert
plates, are examples of Chippendale, Shecatoa,
Heppolwbite and the other master-designers at
their bestJ Iabrirf, he book is an education on 1
' good fonritare design, a ,
'TO Phmoeratth with a SonT '
Mr. Editoa raada every Editoo cabinet a period cabinet.
, became he nit that people who appreciated fine music would
1m demand the beat in furniture art.
' A:ktu about our Budftt PUm of PaymtiU. , ,
" )
Rouse's Phonograph Parlors
1916 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska
. . -
Tlje Floor Below
European CJiina secured by us so-that we can
offer it mucfi" below the present market price.
. For instance: We have a, dozen orxso cornL
plete sets comprising 99 pieces. They are in all
over Floral designs, conventional patterns with
flower effect, Greek Key border with roses inter
woven. We offer these Saturday. .
Regular $60.00 Set for .$42.50
Regular $70.00 Set for. . . ......... 847.50
, Regular $75.00 Set for . , .'. $52.50
Regular $85.00 Set forT ............ $57.50
:. ! . ;
English s earthenware Tea' Pots, Blue Jap Tea
Pots, American products and Royal Doulton. Priced
50c to $6.50.
Toilet Goods Section
v Saturday Prices
Extending to All Branches
Saturday prices that bring crowds to this popu
lar square. ,
Mentholatum 19 Jar.
Talcolette Talcum 19 Jar.
Palmolive finishing Cream 29 Jar. ;
Hard water Castile Soap 7V-.d Cake.
Palmolive Soap, 3 for , . .25
Pebeco Tooth Paste .39d tube.
Amolin Powder .18 Box.
Mon Amour Powder,. ; 29 Box.
Mavis Talcum ... A , 19 Box
Djer Kisl Rouse ........ .45J
Springtime Corsets'
(Front Lace)
Wonderful new models are the corsets now be
ing displayed. The first requirement of real corset
comfort is the proper fitting. With years of prac
tical experience our corsetieres are particularly
fitted to meet your most exacting demands.
For service, comfort and durability we recom
mend La Caraile, Modart and Redfern Corsets.
Fittings by' appointment. -
' I
Sale of Stationery
WilliardVSociety Linen
Lb. Paper, 49c. ,
4 Envelopes, 12c Pkg.
White and Color '
Anyone who has been reading about
th scarcity'bf paper will need no urging to
attend this sale.
Children's vWash Apparel
for warm weather wear
Alluring, irresistible, are these prettwash suits
and dresses. Garments fashioned by hand with a
dainty Wuch of hand embroidery that bring out un
usual charms.
addles" Suits for Boyi; from $4.75 to
Benedict Dresses for girls; priced $5.75 ' to
$10.50. Ages 2 to 6 years.
A Real Stocking Sale
Jn buying stockihgs at Kilpatrick's' youN
buy Insurance with them. , 1
Saturday We Offer a Striking
Stocking Bargain
A group of Silk and Silk and Lisle
women's Stockings. Products of American
makers of reputation. Fashioned,- Semi
Faahioned and Mock Seam shapes.' Black,
White and colors in just the popular tex
tures for the season.
Many of these numbers now advertised!"
for $2.75.
Saturday $l.fc9 the'Pair
Cobb4 Famous Candy
The widespread fame of this Candy Section will
be extended by Saturday's selling. Mr. Cobb says:
Chocolate Butter Fudge Imagine a luscious
center of rich chocolate fudge and then dipped in a
thick coating of high-grade milk""ChocoIate. .Sold
every day in oufsore at $1.00 a pound, special!
priced for Saturday, 80c a pound. Only 200 pounds
to sell at this price, so please come early. - x
Maple Caramels A soft, chewy maple caramel,
rich with fresh butter and pure cream and dipped
in Canada maple ugar; one of our popular confec- n
tions, special 60c pound.' - !
' ''
Black Walnut Creams A treat for lovers of
black walnuts; cubes of rich fondant, .delightfully
flavored with pure 'vanilla and crowded full of big,
meaty black walnut meats, specially priced 80s
pound. .
i ' - A,
Sunday Reminders A box of Chocolates and
Bon Bons for the hostess. After-Dinner Mints,
Salted Pecans and Almonds, Roman Nougat, Marsh-
mallows in Cream.
. -
New Blouses with kn Instant Appeal
A busy section these warmer days.
Summery blouses in profusion. Swisses,
Organdies and Lawns find instant favor.
Priced moderately, $2.95, $3.95,
Saturday Blouses at $2.95 Wash
waists in white organdie and lawns with
collars and cuffs. High and low necks
attractively made and priced exceedingly
low. . , -
Tricolette Blouses at $8.95 Each
Plain colored Blouses in the delight
ful new shades' for spring wear are fea
tured in this special sale Saturday. Plain
and Embroidered models. -
2 . . v and Embroidered models. "
. .
Swat tjie ,
Extravagant Shirt
Newspapers have been full
of silk shirt talk quoting $20
to $25 apiece.
" Wey offer Saturday a
group of exquisite designs in
soft silky crepe and broad
cloth. Carefully tailored
shirts, good enotlgh for any
$9.90 each
Undergarments for
the Spring Bride
Domestic and Imported creations of
cotton and silk. Gowns, Envelopes, com
binations, Petticoats. Real art creations
Jfor Trousseau wear of 'dainty soft and
alluring silk, satin and cotton.
. Trimmings of Exquisite Lace and
Hand Embroidery. Individual styles that
age indicative of pn ever present im
pulse to purchase. Many new designs
that are departures fromthe commoifl
place, with unusual good taste in design
snd workmanship.
Prices in Moderation.
S r ri:j'E.ri,:5i ':l;iiE-"'H'''