THR BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920. ' 9 A y JUDGE RECALLS PRISON TERMS OF GUILTY MEN Only Admitted "Crime When Told Sentences Would Be Light, They Explain to Court. '. ' Pleading guilty to charges of stealing interstate shipments from the American railway express, Wil liam H. Bone "yesterday was sen tenced to two years in federal pris on at Leavenworth, Kan., by Fed eral Judge Woodrough. , Bone was the confessed bearer of revolvers, hack saws, and emery dust to prisoners in the county jail several weeks ago, when an attempt ed jail delivery failed late one Sat urday night because qf the vigilance of deputy sheriffs. Charles Foley" and Harry Cher rett pleaded guilty to having re ceived stolefT goods from th Amer ican Railway express, knowing them to be such. Judge Woodrough sentenced them to four years in federal prison. After .sentence had been pro nounced, the two prisoners told the judge that they had pleaded guilty to the charge because M. Andrea sou, former adult probation officer, who was dismissed-by order of the district judges for the pardoning of "Red" Donaghue, who had been convicted of attacking pretty Maris Honach, had told them they would receive a sentence of but one year and one day. ' Upon this declaration, Judge Woodrough recalled their sentence and allowed them to enter pleas of not guilty. When questioned concerning hi statement to the prisoners, Mr. An dreasen stated that he had merely told ' them that the minimum sen tence for their offense is one year and one day, and that he had not made any promises to them. ADVERTISEMENT BAD COUGH; NIGHT SWEATS; LOST WEIGHT Mr. Coleman thought his Urn had com. But he's well now. "I was taken with dry. hard couth bout 6 month ago. Finally I got so aort across the chest I could hardly breathe had night sweats so bad every thing - would be wringing wet, and eajighed continually until I thought it would kill me. Had no appetite, spent ever 1100 on doctors and medicines, and was worse off than when I started. "The first bottle of Milks Emulsion did me more good than alV the SlOtt spent for other treatment. It soon gave me a good appetite, my cough left me, and I have regained .the flesh and strength t had before I was sick." Arthur Coleman, Box 891, Helena, Ark. You need an appetite, a good stomach, and some real , atrength-if you want to fight . off disease;. Give1' Milks Emulsion a trial at its maker's risk.. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a carrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ing away with all need of pills and physics. It promotes appetite and quick ly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. As a builder of flesh and strength, Milks Emulsion is strong ly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and is a powerful aid in resisting and repairing the effects of wasting diseases,. Chronic stomach trou ble and constipation are promptly re lieved usually in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spm like lee cream. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to . try Milks Emulsion under- this guarantee Take six bottles home with you. ose according to direc tions and If not satisfied wKh the results, your money will be; promptly refunded. Price 60c and 11.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute. Ind. Sold by druggists everywhere, ; . ' APTEBTIMF-lEyT BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act sentry on the bowels andpoeftively do the worK People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets. -The pleasant, sogar-coated tablets are taken for. bad breath by all who know them. , Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen tly but firmly on the bowels and liver, sumulatinf them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system They do that which dangerous calomel does without anv of the bad after effects. ' ' AO the benefits of nasty, sickening, criping cathartics are derived from Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or anydisagreeablf effects. Dr F M Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen vears of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable tompound mixed with olive oil: you will torn them by their olive color Take one or two every night for wee and note the effect 10c and 25c. ADVERTISEMENT MOVIE ACTRESSES AND THEIR HAIR Did it ever occur to you that every movie actress you have seen ha lovelv hair, while the most popular rttteai their ' curls as their chief beauty! In fact, many are leading ladies just because of their attrac tive looks. Inquiry among them dis closes the fact that they bring out all the natural beauty of their hair by careful shampooing, not with any soap' or makeshift, but with a simple Mixture, by putting a teaspoonful of canthrox (which they get from the druggist) in a cup of hot water and apolying this instead of soap. This ull cup of shampoo liquid is enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. After Its use, the hah dries "apidly with uniform color. Dan druff, excess oil and dirt are dis solved and entirely disappear. The hair is so fluffy that it looks much heavier than it x& its luster nd soft ness are delightful : v v , ENORMOUS MONEY-SAVMG I NT CbtMng : f mm & 4.. ' 1 is : i1 "1 I Wonderful MEN KNOW the reputation of Burgess-Nash Clothing and they will realize the importance of taking advantage of these prices which will include such Values in Spring Clothing W,ith absolutely jno prospects of lower prices in the future we advise men to anticipate their needs and buy during this sale for REGARDLESS OF COST REGARDLESS OF PRICE Regardless of whether they are blues, blacks or fancies we will put our entire stock of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING on sale1 (starting Thursday morning) at prices and values that will prove it to be the greatest money:saving sale every held in Omaha. 1 Lot No. 1 All-wool blue serge in various styles in men's and young men's mo dels. Sizes 34 to 46. Lot No. 4 , , A large assortment of men's and young men's fancy cheviots and cassi-' meres hand-tailored suits; in" one great group; sizes33 to 46. An Unusual Value in M ens Trousers One big lot of men's and young men's trousers, made . of good quality .wool mixed and cotton back worsted. Sizes 28 to 44. All placed hrne group and priced at $4.95. ' . . - Men's and Young Mens Spring Top Coats Our entire stock of men's and young men's top coats will be placed in eight big lots as follows: ' ' - y $14.50, $29.50, $34.50, $44.50 $49.50, $59.50, $64.50, $79.50 Lot No. 7 Men'? and young men's do mestic and imported goods; hand-tailored, fancy cassi meres, cheviots and worsteds sizes 33 to 48. '64 Lot No. 2 AH wool and wool mix$d blue serges and jersey mix tures in variety cassimeres and cheviots; both men's and young men's models; sizes 34 to 44. , 1 Lot No. 5 Men's and yoUhg men's fancy" serge suits; hand-tailored; in all the latest mod els; very special value; sizes 34 to 48. $g450 Lot No. 8 Men's and young men's do-i mestic and imported fancy goods; hand-tailored; sizes 33 to 48. 69 50 Lot No. 3 One big lot of men's and young men's all-wool blue serges; silk trimmed; won derful values at this price; sizes 34 to 44. Lot No. 6 Men's and young men's all fancy mixtures and fancy blue suits; hand-tailored; in up-to-date models; splendid quality material ; an unusual value ; sizes 34 to 46. '59 Lot No. 9 Men's and young men's do mestic and imported fancy goods ; hand-tailored N cassi meres, worsteds, tweed and Scotch cheviots; sizes 33 to 46. Parents Will Appreciate These .Boys' Fancy Su it s Jf he's a real American boy chuck ful of life and vigor he will demand clothes that typify his character. - We have just tK clothes he wants made of hardy fabrics, real wear-resisting tailoring and durable trimmings. And the best part of them are, they are styled just like his dad wears. - Our Very large stock of boys' spring and summer suits will be placed in six lote. $any suits have two pair knickerbockers and every suit is Specially Priced in Six Groups ' $8 85 - $14.45 - $18.45 - $22.45 427.50 ' - $34.50 Sale Starts Thursday at 9 A.M. on the Fourth Floor SPECIAL! An Odd Assortment of 60 Fancy Suits In small sizes, 30 to 36, have been placed in one group and specially priced for quick clearance. '14 .00 They are all well made of splendid quality ma terial and represent a wonderful value. Serg Splendid Quality, Durable, Boys Blue i . . - e Suits Many a parent excuses the short life of his boy's clothes by merely concluding that "the boy of it" is' responsible. These clothes make no excuses; they demonstrate that boys' clothes can be made of enduring quality. They are the kind of clothes you've wanted the kind of styles, the kind of fabrics, the kind of wearing service and the kind .of values. Our boys' serge suits are made from the same splendid quality blue serge as the men's suits are. Placed into five big lots and priced at ' $11.45, $14.45, $18.45,' $22.45, $32.45 A Large and Varied Assortment of . Children's Top Coats There is a style here to suit every child and every parent. There are double and single breasted models, with one and two way collars, belted models. An op portunity that every parent will take advantage of, for the values are very special. They have been placed in three great groups and priced at $4.95 - $9.9$ - $12.50 Parents and Children Will Like These Smart Junior Suits There are so many clever and stylish little models among them ; such styles as Bus ter, Oliver Twist, etc. Some made with silk blouses with velvet jacket and pants; other are more simple in style. A large assortment of these handsome little suits will be placed in four groups and priced at $8. 95 - $9.95 - $11.45 - $13.45 Fourth Floor Men' Barter Shop i Fourth Floor 101 ini EYERYBODYS STORE torn Children's Hair Bobbins Fourth Floor IF 1