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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1920)
V V THE BEE: UMAHA, lhUKSUAY, AtKlb SHS, i OMAHA LAWYER IS DIVORCED ON CRUELTY CHARGE . Judge Vinsonhaler Makes No Defense to Wife's Allega tionsMarried In 1893 Son With Mother. , 1 v Isabel & Vinsonhaler was granted divorce-from Duncan M. Vinsou lialer, former Omaha attorney and once county judge, by District Judge Sears yesterday "on allegations of cruelty. 1 ; ' A few months ago Judge Vinson-" iialer surprised all his mends by giving up his law practice here and Roing to Missouri where he engaged I in farming. A short-time later his wife Closed up the home at 3816 Harney-street and on Match 16 she filed suir in district court for di vorce. ; ' - - ': ... Judge Vinsonhaler promptly filed Papers waiving any defense and the divorce decree was" given to Mrs. Vinsonhaler by default. Married in 1893, They were married in Kirksville, Mo., June 20, 1893, and lived in Oma ha ever inc that time. j Mrs. Vinsonhaler. in a deposition taken at 403 South Ji11 street, Los Angeles,. Cal., where she now lives, and filed in the district court here said in answering a question as to Judge Vinsonhaler's conduct toward iter; "He v has shown jio affection or interest towards me for over a year and a half. He has refused to talk to me for days and weeks at a - time; would leave the house in the J ' morning without a word of goodbye, , and would remain away sometimes until 8 or 9' in the evening, and 1 Njsometimes until 11 oj12 and I would j j not Know wnere ne was. Occupied Separate Room. ) "He has refused to live with me as husband and wife for over a jear and a half without any cause and has insisted upon occupying a Separate room. Without cbnsulting , and advising with me he bought a farm in Missouri and then an- .. nounced that on the first of the year he would close up the home and move to the farm; he did not ; ask me iM would like to go or if' 4 it would be possible for me to as sume or perform the labors at t tached to farm life, or if I would f consent to the .breaking Up of the '- home in Omaha. "The defendant's daily conduct . . toward me during the past year and i ; a half has so seriously affected my I health and made me so nuseraDiy unha:py that it is no longer possible for me to live with him. Ellison Vinsonhaler, a son, who " lives at the same address in Los I Ailgeies, corroDwmicu given by the mother. ... Iowa Senator Scores Profiteers in Speech i Boosting Johnson Plainfield, N. J., April 21. Senator Kenyon of Iowa, speaking at a meet ing here in behalf of Senator John " son's candidacy for the republican - presidential nomination, declared : Cthe greatest need today in the I White House is a man who wilt smash the profiteers." "The people are being robbed as they never before have been robbed in. the history of this country." he addea.v .every snoe uuukui represents 40 per cent going to the profiteers, and yet people complain that there is unrest in the country. Unrest will continue until the iv profiteer is jailed." been issued by the government has . a In. Xi n r n n c r I COlllrlOUlCU MI I""' IU mv. uv,va- cost of living, he charged. "inhere had been a fair tax on war proms, he said, "there would have been no reed of issuing bonds to the extent to which we have." i (Reveals Frightful Night . - Life Along the Strand London, April 21. Startling rev elations regarding night conditions ' along the Strand are made by Miss s Warry, who, as "Sister Thelma. has been engaged in rescue work. Four hundred undesirable women are known to frequent the .Strand, which is less than a mile long, she , decrares. un a single evening o"- 'courted 240 of them, and half were uirder 17 years of age. y Restaurants where intoxicants are .u u - Uxle fl,A hj.orinninff' of the downfall. Where girls will not ,ici an nrninarv oar or yuu, . ukj have no objection to being taken to a restaurant. The proviso that dritiks are sold only with food Miss Warry brands as a subterfuge. , In- one restaurant she reports seeing a girl have a glass r,f hrer. two oort wines and- four j liquors with only one small cake. Vatican and Germany Have v Resumed former Relations PniW Anril 21. The German- government haconcluded, the neces nrerntiatinns for having all Ger- - many represented diplomatically at the Jloly See and shortly, therefore. T" !l . . P.rrran will kl a nnnitl tprl V1 1 ' " "II I German ambassador to the Vatican1 Almost simultaneously ine noiy See will institute a nunciature of the first class in Berlin. Ulilbli ucyuiraic lui iivuib F- 1L.' Pammmam rMAiuM DrinnA rOr lllc ruillici iiunu runyc Amsterdam, April 21. Negotia tions with the Reformed church at Wienngen lor the purcnase oi a io s cal presbytery "as a permanent resi dence for the former crown prince s of Germany" have been begun by the wienngen corrcsponaeni oi iuc Voters Go to Polls But ' - Find Blanks On Ballots Vernon. S.'D.. April 3J. Voters went to the: polls here Tuesday but no votes were cast The election had been duly advertised but no nom inees had entered the city, campaign. The present officers will hold the chairs forhe coming year. lighting FUtares. den. Adv. - :, Bctriress-Gran- OLDEST WOMAN VOTER IN CITY IS GOOD LOSER "It was all so easy that it made the Id anti-suffrage argument thfc one about the difficulties of casting the ballot seem foolish," Mrs. Mary Rogers Ktmball, 87 years old, and Omaha's oldest woman voter, V 1 said Ifist night speaking of her first voting experience, which took place Tuesday. ' . v Mrs. Kimball was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Arabelle Kim ball. Both were perfectly, sure for whom they wanted to vote, they went at a time when the polls were uncrowded and they declare the whole process only took a few minutes: - Mrs. Kimball voted tor General Pershing, , but is accenting the re sults of the primary philosophically. Suffragists of Omaha yesterday were looking forward to the com ing conventions. of their several par ties rather than back at the experi ence of voting. A platform for the state conven tion was engrossing the attention of workers at republican headquar ter. ' Roumania's newest industry is the manufacture of chemicals irom na tive - raw materials, especially pe troleum by-products. United States Trade Balance W March 1 Shows Big Increase Washington, April 20. Although imports in ' March , "reached1 a new high monthly record of $484,000,000, the trade balance : iik favor of the United States increased $336,000,600. Balances against the-record imports were experts of $820,000,000, or the second largest in the history of the country. This total brought the ex ports for tbe nine months ending with March to- $6,051,000,000 and left a trade balance, for the nine months. of $3,33-2,000,000. -' While its trade balance increased in March, the countryU gold and sil ver supply decreased, exports o( gold totalling $47,000,000, against imports of $17,000,000 and exports of silver amounting to $14.1)00,000, as against imports of $9,000,000. Palmer, Wins Delegation .. In Primaries m Georgia Atlanta, Ga., April 2l..-Latest unofficial returns from yesterday's state democratic presidential pr esence primarygave Attorney Gen eral A. Mitchell Palmer 48 counties, with 140 votes, in the state conven tion; Thomas E. Watson, 50 coun ties, with 120 votes, arid Senator Hoke Smith 42 counties, with 100 votes. There' is a total of 384 convention "votes in. the 155 counties of the state,' leaving 15 countiet with 24 votes yet to be reported. The democratic state convention, at which the county delegates will vote, will be held here May 8. i Lyons Marriage , Party Miss Metta Kiefer and Henry G. Meyer were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge Tuesday Afternoon at fiis residence, , Miss Lillian M. Myer and RayS. Holmes accompanied them. The party was from' Lyons, Nen. Just Received---Women's Belts ' ' Every Style! Every Color! An immense line just unpacked in patent leather, calf skin, suede and combinations. Prices .from 25c to 2.50 - -' Brandeis Stores Main Floor East 1 I TV v II U n . I m v. Mil THE PACE II I i ; Safe Storage for Furs Our expert will store your furs in ' our ' dry, cold air vaults, and prolong the life of CROWING OMAHA 1 ywimtsjHt, ioc uuvui vur numinui vnuiyvv. aranatis otores occona tioor enier 11 ' 1 ' 1 , m f Silk A Tempting Sale of WomenV Gloves A . 2000 Pairs ', Samples-Odd Lots 1 19 Worth $2 to 3.50, per pair. Special, Sale Staffs 9 A. M. Thursday From two of th most prominent glove manufacturers in the country,- The lot consists of novelty and plain gloves in two-clasp styles, slipons and 12 and J6 button lengths. , 1 i , - oome are elaborately embroidered m two-tone ef fects with embroidered backs to math ; some have bandalettes to match the embroidered backs; still others have, tucked wrists with three clasps at side : -slipons' with adjustable strap or plain sack wrist with novel stitchings and many other plainer rfhd daintier styles. , All pre the most desirable shades for Spring and Summer wear. An early attend-i ance is advisable for choosing. : Special for 1-19 Thursday, Only, at 1 A Brandeis Stores Main Floor North Another Lot l , J. Pure Silk Gloves Worthl.00tol.5q n( Special per pair at Otc Splendid qualities in Tricot and Milanese Silk; two-cJasp style; double-tipped fingers; in white and black, at, per pair 69 Brandeis Stores- .Main Floor North Ypu Can Duplicate the Quality, But NoNit This Low Pice In The Seasonls Sensational Bale of - . High Glade. Footwear Women's Spring Styles in High ' IVT O t-y-vnb ' , and Low Shoes, and Pumps, IN A VJlOUpb, $ 5 1Q ' With shbe prices higher than they have ever been'known ;o be before, you will nat- urally wonder why we are announcing this sale. It simply amounts to this: We haye s about 1,200 pairs of both high and low shoes which we must clear out regardless of former prices, in order to make room for our new stock which is arriving. daily. Every .' ' ' pair of shoes offered in this sale represents unusual L values and we would suggest -. . early buying, while the selection is at its best. , - .Group 1 Priced at,r $10 This group represents astonishing values in high arid low shoes. The high sh'oes include fields mouse, dark brown kid and champaign kid ; patent colt with cloth tops and white washable kjds, in either button or lace styles; L'ouis covered ior row walk ing heels. Two or 5:eyelet ox fords or Colo-' nial pumps come in white kid, duir kid, bronze and patent colt. Priced for Thurs day, at, V MYV " per, pair, 4 A v Brandeis Stores Main Floor West - , Group 2 .Priced' PC ' at $3 Distinctive models in high shoes of allover black and gray, with many combinationsin broWn and black vamps with fancy uppers ; all are 9-inch laces ; the f 5-eyelet tie oxfords ,and y plain pumps are in patent colt and dull leather; all XX arasucany reauc- (TT, per pair, . Size8 2V2 to9 Widths ( AAA to D - v Brandeis SloresrMain Floor West Parchment Siade for Decorating We take pleasure in announcing the arrival of a ' v large shipment of plain parchment shades and oil paint outfits for decorating same. Free Instructions 9 to 12 Each Day ' given in our enlarged. Art Department. The work ' is fascinating and any one can learn to paint a beau tiful shade for the home.' " ; Shades in Empire, Cone, Colonial, Oval and - I I v Cylinder are 'included in this splendid lot Sizes 6 to 24 in: . Priced 1.25 to 6.85 Painr Outfits,' with oil' colors, mediums, oils, liquids, brushes, pal ette, knife and cuds. complete, at 83.00 Brandeis Stores Third Floor West m : Now Is the Time for . - 'A TT jersey Suits For Misses and Small Women Specially; "fQ Of all times of the year now is the most pleasant time to wear a suit, and these Jerseys are just the thing to. knock about in. In fact, there is no material quite so favorable for hard wear as is the ever popiHar Jersey cloth. ' Simplicity an d Usefulness ' . -. v -' , ; m these suits, with theirpatch pockets, ; bone buttons, and well-fitting shoulders, make them attractive at any time. '-' 'The Colors " -j ' Copen, Bisque, Rose, ' Navy . and Heather ' Thesev lovely suits specially priced at 19.75 Brandeis Stores rS&con&Floor West A' Especially. Tempting Values at; Tempting Prices spring t rocks ; Specially, Priced for Thursday Splendid 17,,2475, 1 A, splendid lot of clever frocks of Taffetas, Satins and Georgettes in combinations, and including light-weight-Wool Jersey and Serges for practical business wear, after noon uge and cool days throughout the Summer. The addition of one of these smari; little frocks to your wardi ng would be most economical. ' V Nayy i , , . 1 - , - t ii X . : . l .. . if All the favored Colors " f , Gopen Blue, -Taupe s 7 Beige and th popular' Black Attractive trimming feature are pin tucksbraidings and embroidery, while dainty collar and cuff accessories ap pear to add their charm. , ' ' . 'For Thursday ,at; 17.75 and j-24.75 ; - Brandeis Stores Second Floot West 3 Co-operating with the U. S. Government in its worthy movement for Better, Babies J we have secured the services of a trained nurse for bur Infants' Department i nurse especially trained1 in the L general, hygiene of feeding, bathing-and clothing of babies. Her expert knowledge and years of experience are at your disposal feel perfectly free to consult her whenever you wish. ' r . w ' Our trained nurse is here forihe benefit of the babies in general. " ' Infants' Section Third Floor ' ' . 1 You Can Find "Your Choice In Lovely Blouses ' Reasonably Priced, 5J9S to 12 JO There is safety in purchasing every one of these blouses, for regardless of one's taste there is sure to be a model to please the most critical. Dainty Georgettes and sheer lingeries are here in profusion, with quaint short or se vere long sleeves. Reasonably priced from . ML i 5.95 to 12.50- - . . Brandeis Stores- Second Floor-r-South - "with Quaint dollars, Cuffs Sashes Distinctively Dainty , Sheer Frocks For Girls, 6 to 16 years :Of Colored Organdie and Voiles, Distinctively different in styles and fin ished with . quaint collars, vcuf fs ' ami Sashes, these little dresses are very at tractive. ' ' . Some are elaborately, trimme in lace and ribbons, tucks and ruffles, and oth ers are more simply finished with hjmd embroidery. ( . "''' The Colors Are 1 ; Pink, Blue, Rose, ?M Orchid, fellow, t ; . Figured Voile Prices 5.95 to $20 . Brandeis Stores . Second Floor lVest I Piatt Val 29( Laces - . Splendid Lot Specially Priced Thursday, per yd., at Wtde edges, bands and insertions, in fine shadow and val patterns; 2 to 5 inches . wide; excellent for trimming .lingerie ; i splendid assortment of styles; specially ,. priced for( Thursday, o Bargain OO Square, at, per yard C ' Brandeis Stores Main Floor South , Women's Fine Lawn, , Handkerchiefs Regular 25c and 35c "j Value's, Special . J Thursday, at A C Beautiful embroidered designs in white and colors some with eyelet patterns in daisies, butterflies and forget-me-nots,' others with scroll designs in the corner; some with narrow colored edges 1 Ty, and tape borders; special, at 1 C . Brandeis Stores ' Main Floor Center 7 Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Regular 2 JO to 3.00 Values All&izes Special, Per Pair, 1S8 Full-fashioned, withMouble soles, heels and tfles, also double garter tops; all silk tothe knee; in black, brown, gray, navy and white: all sizes; special at, per pair, " 1.98 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Soui