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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1920)
IL. r JO THE BUti: UMAHA, THUKSUAI. AfKlL. Z, lZV. I M I 11 I 9 CHICAGO GUNMAN LEADER CHARGED WITH ONEMURDER ' Confession of Taxicab Driver .Names Man and Clears Up . Baffling Underworld Crime Mystery. Chirac Tribnar-OmahK B 1mk4 Wire. Chicago, April 21. Tommy O'Con nor, leader of a gang; of gunmen, holdup artist, brother of "Darling Dave" O'Connor, now in the pen for assaulting a young girl, was named in a confession before , the grand jury as the ( murderer of Jimmy Cherin, one of the most baffling of underworld crime mys teries. The murder of Cherin was followed by the suicide of Cherin's young wife, and she also took with her in death their 3-year-old baby. Louis Miller, aN cab driver, made 1 the confession. He says he drove the car in which Cherin took his last -ride with O'Connor. It is also said , that O'Connor was the leader of the - v.lrh committed the famous "Illinois Central holdup," February 2. 1918, when Dennis Tierney, a spe ctiljoliceman was murdered. Harry Emerson. Jimmy Howard and ' "Pommy O'Connor are said to have f(ic the job. Howard died some titflf later in'a southeastern state. Jtnerson was convicted and Is nJEr ydoing time in the penitentiary at-jotfet . O'Connor remained a . fugitive until last fall, when he was apprehended in disguise at his fath er's horn;. He is now in jail await ing trial for another robbery, but thjfc grand jury will doubtless indict him for -the Tierney and Cherin mur- "daVs. The clearing up of this mys tety is the result of a vowof ven geance sworn by Cherin's. father M?er his dead ibodv. He claims OConnor wanted Cherin jut out of the way because he was becom ing untractable and chiefly because he. was the chief witness in the Tterncy murder. " - liiuiiiliiliiiiiniiiiriiiliil;liiiiiliiiiiliil'ililtiiiiiiiliilMlii i : I liSpecial ! fiSale of I pffice, Vj 1i Chairs ! .Being a number of Typewriter, Swivel I and Straight Chairs 1 in both Oak and f Mahogany that we cannot match up and are therefore discontinuing. The prices represent a ,, considerable s a v- f ing. i 5.00. 7.50 I 10.00 lr 15.00 20.00 1 ! f ! Orchard & I I! Wilhelm Co. 1 i-: . ' - i SVIIIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIH s B " 5" lit ? 5 I: Ir Demonstration of Florence Oil Stoves Begins Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. Delicious Hot Doughnuts, Rich Advo Coffee and Alamito Cream Tree. ' Tour-Burner Florence Oil I' Cook Stove Given Away" :t Friday, April 30th. There has been such an im provement made in the Oil Cook Stove during the past few years that every woman who likes a 'cool kitchen . in the summer Should attend the demonstration of Florence Oil Cook Stoves Sat urday at Union Outfitting Co. J' The powerful burners on the Florence can "be regulated to any degree of heat. There are no Tsmoky-wicks to clean asbestoS kindlers make that unnecessary. Er During the demonstration a se ries of practical lectures will be held morning and afternoon un der the auspices of the Home Eco nomics Department T)i the Corn Products Refining Company. Delicious luncheon will be eerved and everyone who attends has an opportunity to win a Flor ence Oil Stove Free. ! The Union Outfitting Company is known a "The Horajj of Home Outfits," as special inducements are always made to young cou ples just starting housekeeping. No transaction is ever considered complete until the customer is t fully satisfied. " EOT Last Times Today at the DECLARES SIMS BASED CRITICISM ON FALSE IDEAS Chief . Business of Navy to Get .Troops Overseas, Cap tain Pratt Says. Washington. April 21. Rear Ad miral Sims' criticisms of the navy's conduct of the war were based on the false assumption that combat ing? the German submarine cam paign was the main object of the United States navy, Captain Pratt, former assistant chief of operations, testified today before the senate in vestigating committee. The chief mission of the American navy, Pratt declared, was to organ ize the service of supply transporta tion in conjunction with the army and to get American troops over seas safely and swiftly. The British got the submarine sit uation under control in 1917 before the United States could have assist ed, the witness declared, and held it to the end. "The United States navy was a contributing factor, but never the deciding one in defeating the sub marine, Pratt told the committee. "The department had, to adjust the total naval effort so as to use our forces to the -; greatest advantage against the enemy as a whole. In reviewing the general conduct of the war it is difficult to-see wherein the plan of campaign could be changed if w had it all to do fever again." May Resell Wheat New York, April 21. Permission to reselL wheat purchased from the United States wheat corporation was granted to mills throughout tiic country in a-bulletin issued by the corporation. ' VVc Arc Closing Out our! entire stock Hard ware, Paint and Gro ceries. We would like to finish our sale in the Grocery Dept. this week. This is not just an or dinary sale. We are ac tually selling out. II. II. Harper Co. 17th and Howard Sts. East End Flatiron Bldg. Huron Is Making Plans For Historical Pageant Huron. S. D., April 21. Opccial) The first meetinsr of the board of directors of the Huron Commercial! club was held luesday. All ot tne directors were present. Mrs. M. E. Blystone and Doctor Harry M. Gage, president of Huron college, appeared before the board in the interest oi the Huron pageant which will be held here June 9, and in which 300 citizens of Hurou and students of the colk pe will take part. The pageant will be one de picting the historical events of Hur on and South Dakota- since the early pioneer days, in the advance ment of civilization. The pageant will be one of the most elaborate ever staged in South Dakota. Omahan Off to Argentina' To Help Manage Cattle Firm! ti. e. J ones, oo.; oouin iwemy sixth 'street, will leave today, for Galveston. Tex., from where he will sail for Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. ' Mr. Tones will assume the posi tion of assistant superintendent of the Argentine Land and Cattle com-, pany in Buenos Aires beginning May 1. He was well known in Omaha as a stockman. Accused Policeman Held . For District Court -Trial Patrolman William J. Wilketiing and Motorcycle Officer Jesse Alex ander, accused of accepting a bribe THE of $20 from a woman last week for alleged protection from arrest, were held to trial in district court yester day. . V Their bonds were set at $i,auu each. Mother Locks Children In Room and Disappears After locking her three young children intheir home at 1251-South Thirteenth street Tuesday morning, Mrs. Concetta Raffa, 33 years old, disappeared. -Her husband, Filadelfo Raffa. re ported her missing to police yester rfav. ' t ' ' Say Reports of Conditions -In Japan Are Exaggerated New York. April 21. Banks and leading banking, houses in eclose touch with affairs in Japan were without additional advices Wednes-, day concerning financial and com mercial conditions in that country, which resulted recently in closing of the principal stock exchanges for three days. 1 Representatives of important Ja panese interests were almost unani mous in declaring that reports of serious economic unsettlement in that country were exaggerated. According to one prominent finan cial-authority, much of the recent J ished silks, which had been the !ar disturbance resulted primarily from I gest item of exports to the United over-speculation, especially m fin-1 States for several years. SafeTlUUt forrorfsfiCiVAUDS ASK FOR lorlick's Tie Orijintl Areld Imitation. . .A . ONOGRA SUPREME the Schmollcr & Mueller Guaranteed Phonograph UPREME in quality in tone . . in design v in workmanship in type of motor No more dull evening, or joylet rainy days. Muiic in the home drives dull care away. The Schmoller. St . Muelles Phonograph plays ell makes of records. Our guarantee fully protects you. -Prices lower than any sther high class phonograph. From .factory to home, saving the middle man's profit. - MAIL US THE COUPON Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., Omaha, Nebraska. Please mail me complete Information about your factory-to-haeM' phonograph proposition. ' Name , Address -. If you want (a Piano or Player Piano, write us for information Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Established 1859 ". OMAHA, NEBRASKA The Oldest and Largest Music House in the West J1 As? XflMWf OvalLmM tmkmrn r Ae rmwork sat of bvyinm, mnd thm hmrd murk , mfltlw kitchen. . V s Ready for Any Food Need FOLKS drop in for a Sunday afternoon visit before you know it. it's meal time. Of course, you invite them to take pot-luck" with you. Then's when the wisdomof your pantry reserve of Armour Oval Label foods is justified. A glanor over your refrigerator or pantry shelves in a twinkling you've decided on a tasty, inviting supper. And best of all, only a few minute are needed to prepare it - - For many of these famous foods are ready to serve Ox Tongue, Boned Chicken, Frankfurters, Pork and Beans, Luncheon Beef, Potted Ham or Chicken, Boiled Ham, Dry Sausage, Canned Fruits, Vegetables- and Pre servesthe list offers a myriad of appetizing suggestions. And the" t Oval Label is your guarantee of de pendability on all. Start your shelf of Armour Oval Labe l Foods today! It solves the problem of what to serve. Your dealer carries these foods in stock or can get them for you immediately. Ask him. '9jyquesk,ur Department of Food Economics, Armour and Company, Chicago, will send you helpful mentis and cooking recipes. O. C. WILLIS Gen. Mgr. OMAHA, NEB. N. ' MM " ( I 0 TICKET OFFICES 1 x New York, N. Y.--17 Bat tery Place and 1254 Broadway. New . Orleans, La. 201 St Charles Street. Bostonrass. 75 State Street . Chicago, 111. 208 S. LaSalle Street. San Francisco, Cal. 220 . Montgomery Street. Weekly passenger and freight service between NEW YORK HAVANA, CUBA ' CRISTOBAL, C. Z. . ; LIMON, COSTA RICA Great White Fleet Steamers PASTORES, CALAMARES, TOLOA and ULUA," offering accommodations and serv ice of unusual merit Single berth and beds may be had ' in rooms with. prWate ba 1. Cabin arranged singly or en suite. A la carte service included. jn ticket fare. Sailings from New York every Saturday. beginning April 24th Delightful Cruises of 23 days duration n - Other Great White Fleet Service from New York and New Orleans to Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Colombia, Guate mala, Honduras. Connection at Cristobal for West Coast of South America." For full information apply to your local ticket agent, any United Fruit Company Ticket office, or . y , Passenger Traffic department United Fruit Company STEAMSHIP SERVICE 17 BATTERY PLACE - NEW YORK CITY Forced'Out-of-Business Offer No. 1 For Thursday Women of Omaha!! IF YOU have purposely delayed purchasing a Snrinc Suit, liritil nnw. vnn will surplv X O " "7 j be repaid in this wonderful special Suit event for Thursday. - ' ' v ' . V Forced - Out - of - Business Sale of IS- Designed and Tailored to sell up to $65. v Unrestricted choice Thursday at . .. . ...... . QUITS "distinctive for choice O fabrics and skillful tailor ing, displaying a wide variety of styles with the newest ef fects in trimming. Types for 'women," types for misses that in no way reflect this very moderate pricing. Fine Tricotine Suits Super Twill Suits vi Pima C.m Embroidered Suits Smart Belted Suits Poiret TwiU Suits Fine Serge Suits English Tweed Suits Short Coat Suits Every Sale Is Final. Charges for Altera tloos. V xril508elB10 Doudlast St.