Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1920, Image 1

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, VOL 49 NO. 265. )
M NM-tUM ymnT May it. IDC, it
P. 0. aaaae fit at Man I. II7.
at tal.ll 1 I l.ilrf. aJL A. I la. Hat ... Ifc.lHj A.fai B ataa. J
J wii M naiarv -tain al mmmj, WW , fmt ij vai WW , mwmmyt
Outilaa 4th Zaaa (I yaar). Dally Saaaay. tl; Dally Oaly. Ill; U4n Oaly, I.
mi ,
it "n ' ;
Stefe by
in rao is
Latest Reports to Washington
Show States of Hidalgo ah
; Flaxacala Have Joined in
Secession Movement
ueneral Gomez Said to Have
"Occupied Town of Tuxpan
Wijh Force of 3,000 Men
Embassy Says Revolt Local.
Washington, April 21. Reports
from Mexico, official and unofficial,
today emphasized the - growing
strength. of the revolutionary move
nient led by the state of Soriora.
Advices from private sources said
two new states Hidalgo and 'flaxa
cala, supported 6y their legislatures
and state troops, had, joined in the
secession . movement.. Other dis
patches told of scattering butstrojig
additions to the revolutionists . led
by Generals Arnulfo Gomez, Ro
dolfo Gallegos, ATbundio Gomez
and Amaro Murango.
General Arnulfo Golnez was said
to have occupied Tuxpan with 3.000
men :,nd-to be threatening Tampico,
.the vital center of Mexico's oil re
gion. . . :
( Declare Revolt - Local.
J The. Mexican embassy issued a
formal statement on the situation,
declaring the revolution to be only
a local ' movement. The statement
added, how ever, that if the secession
movement should spread. -it would,
result in "4h toppagaf business,
curtailment of wealth and interna
tional commerce and the .indefinite
postponement of the foreign debt."
The embassy said the only state
governors sympathizing with the. re
bcllioivwerc Governor Enrique Es
trada of Zacatecas and the governor
of Michoacan. This was the first
confirmation' received here that the
Zacatecas governor had joined the
revolutionises and his accession is
regarded as important, owing to the
important position of hii state.
General Hill Wounded.'
Another statement from the 'cm
i "y said Gen. Benjamin Hill, eam
pl'gn manager for General Obregon,
via, is a candidate for the presi
dency and is siding openly with the
. r:v il'Ytionists. has been wounded in
) a -battle at ontreas in which the
reiH forces were defeated. General
If iil. by birth, is an American ,
The senate committee mvesti-J
Rjjnc; Mexican relations summoned
' Cr- - Salvador Abyarado, who was
governor of Yucatan fo Carranza
during the Hencquin controversy
a d who is now in Washington, to
t.:ear before it Tuesday.
judge Rules Liquor ',
' Evidence Obtained by
Trespass is Illegal
Prominent Physician, r
Of OmahaJound Dead
With Poison at Side
i ' aa
:: r r m
The ' dead j body of Dr. Henry
Akin, 1028 South Thirty-first street,
prominent ..-Omaha physician, was
found, early . yesterday morning in
his garage in the rear of 1130 South
Ttitrtv.firc ttrpt aftir a ciarrb fol
lowing his disappearance the night
betore. '-
A bottle that haM contained poison
was fotmd near the boVJy.
CpiHity Attorney Shotwell . pro
nounced uicidc.
Dr. Akin's parents say thev are un
able to account for his action.
New - Laws Necessary .U;.
To Further Lifting of
- Immigration Rules
Washington, April ! 21. Further
suspension ot immigration barriers
to increase the number, ot laborers
in this country would be unjusti
fied .without' express legislation by
congress,; Secretary Wilson,- of the
Labor department., said in. a. le'ttc
to Representative Sl'egel, republican,
New York.j who, had. asked Apr an
order permitting unrestricted admis
sion of household' servants.
Under -existing regulations, the
secretary -explained, Mexican and
Canadian agricultural laborers may
be brought into tire country for the
harvest, of this year's beet sugar
crop, w)thout observance of the) il
literacy, head tax and contract labor
provisions of the immigration law;
but, he said, any extension should
be by act of congress.
Republican Leaders
Plan to Take Up Bonus
Bill in House May 3
.Marquette, Mich., April 21. Any
search and seizure by federal pro
hibition agents that would amount
to tresspass utider constitutional
law is illegal. Federal Judge'Clar
ence W. Sessions stated during the
trial of Scalcucci brothers in con-
ction with the Iron river whisky
Rebellion. , . ,. ,
fudge Seswons. in his statemeut,
expressed, the opinion thaf the pro
hibition, act deals with conditions
r -N. greatly different from those eist
' ing prior to national prohibition
and that all provisions of the reve-
" inue laws consistent with, present
conditions must be set aside.
v. The court also held that any
Indictment which charges only the
setting up of a distilling apparatus
. . v . j -r -. .-
ana not, mis use is ucimivc is ii
h n as that charge is concerned.
Says Ex-Soldiers Making
"v ' "Onslaught on Treasury"
Washington, April 21. Prediction
"that future generations would be
-.called ujJon torpay $25,000,000,000 to
world war veterans and their de"
pendants was made by Senator
' Thomas, democrat, Colorado, during
. debate on a bill providing an in
N crease of $50 a month to civil var
. . pensioners. ' '
' In opposing the measure Senator
Thomas declared lhat those who
.were in the war with Germany were
making' an "onslaught on the treas
. wry" and that their bonus demands
i had smeared American ajpublic with
V .the, foliar mark." I
Aviator and Passenger
v . Killed When Plane Falls
Long Beach, CaL, April
Cmnror Dalv. a pilot for an
tion school at Wilmington, and an
unidentified passenger,! were killed
when Daly's airplane fell 1,000 feet
in the Pacific ocean off the recrea
tion pier here. It was said 'the en
gine failed while Daly was making
a loop and exploded when the plane
hit the water. Thfbodies were re
cove ". .
Washington, April 21. -After a
conference republican leaders in the
house! said soldier 'relief legislation
would be taken up in the fiouse'May
3 tinder a suspension of the rules
with debate limited to 40 minutes
and-permission' refused for the of
feringof either amendments or sub
stitutes. .-
The way, and means committee is
exoected to report a composite bill
to the hous next week, providing Ldent
tor cash compensation at jl.o tor
each day's service, excluding the
first two months. i i
Telegrams 'were sent out to all
ahsent republicans directing them .to
K nrifi.ii nn Mav and iirciitflr as
many, as possible to return for theUskS f0f Modif ICatlOn
conference tomorrow nignt. ' ,
One Hundred and Sixty-Two
Congressmen Expect to
Make 60-Day Journey to
Orient on Army Transports.
Men Believe Cost, Which Will
Run Into Hundreds of Thou-
v sands, Will Be Offset by i
Store of Knowledge Gained.
Chfcuco Tribune-Omaha B .Leaved Wire.
Washington, April 21. One hun
dred and sixty-two senators and
representatives have tentatively ar
ranged to take themselves and" their
families on a 60-day junket to the
Orient, virtually' at government 'ex
pense' on one or more army trans
ports. The party is expected to
number 500 or more. -
The trip, if present plans do not
miscarry,-promises to be the most
elaborate junket ever put on by con
gress. Its purposes e somewhat
obscure , but a veritable thirst for
knowledge ttbout the far eastern sit
uation seems to have developed
among ewngressmen since the proj
ecfwas announced. Many mem
bers Relieve, theywill be ble to leg
islate with far greater intelligence
pre matters' appertaining to the Pa
cific ocean, if theytake the trip.
-. Cost Will Be Large.
.The junket will take in Hawaii,
Guam,, the Philippines, Japan, China,
Korea and perhaps tortch it -Vladivostok.,
fts cost to the. government 1
w.ill run high into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars, but members
who -take it are satisfied that this
will not be inconsistent with-their
economy preachments in view of the
store of knowledge they expect to
. Praciically the only expense of the
trip to the .members of congress will
be $1.25 a day rier head for sub
sistence, or about $75, per person for
the entire trip. It is expected that
the officials at the various ports
they will visiwill be authorized by
their government to entertain the
congressional party royally, so that
Lthe cost of travel will be practically
nothing. ' -
Randall Is Sponsor.
Representative Randall, tne pro
hibition congressman from Califor
nia, is . the chie sponsor for , the
tfip.'He said that approximately
85 democratic members of the
house and 65 re'publican members
and 12 senators had tentatively ac
cepted invitations on behalf of their
families and themselves to take the
trip. He expects, however,, tbat the
list will be. cut doton to about 60
members 'and their families when
the junket is, ready to start.
The War department is showing
a gratifying spirit of co-operation
in )arranging the trip. It stands
ready to furnish the transports nec
essary to carry all senators, congress
men and their relatives who wish
to' take the trip, provided a good
reason for using the transports can)
be furnished.
Those 'who are looking forward
to the trip heard disconcerting news
when ' it was reported that Presi-
Wilson is thinking up ways
of keeping congressmen the job dur
ing the summer and fall campaign.
This may force some curtailment of
the intinerary, but will not halt the
trip, it was stated.
Beats Arthur Mullen 1
In Democratic Clash
i For Committee Post
; ' "
W. H. Thompson.
Minnesota D. A. R. Delegate
Dies While at Convention
Washington, April 21. Maria L.
Sanford of Minneapolis, professor
emeritus oi theUniversity of Min
nesota, who 'was here attendingthe
convention of4he Daughters of the
American Revolution, died suddenly
early today at the home of Senator
Nelson ot Minnesota, wnere sne was
a guest.
Miss Sanford was one of the
leading women educators the
country. She was born at OV ay
brook, Conn., 83 years a(go. .
Balfour Will. Represent- xO
The. League at Meeting
San Remo, April" 21. (By -Jhe
Associated Press.) Arthur J. Bal
four, British member of the league
of nations' executive council, who
has been acting as the presiding of
ficer at the council's sessions, ar
rived in San Reftio today to repre
sent the league? of nations in dis
cussions with tne supreme council
regarding the mandate for Armenia,
which, the league had been asked
to assume. , . , 1
Twenty Bulls Escape. N
Alicante. Spain, April 21. Twenty
hulls, which were to participate in
bull fights escaped and injured sev
eral persons. Most of the bulls were
shot and killed after causing much
alarm. v ,
Of Army Clause in Treaty
Paris, April 21. Germany has
asked for modmcation of the mili
tary clauses of the peace treaty so as
to enable her to maintain larger
armed forces than permittedfjy" that
The request was contained in a
note, handed- to the French foreign
office fast eveningwith the demand
that it be sent to the supreme coun
cil at Sn Remo. -
, The note set forth that an in
creased force was necessary for the
maintenance of order in the interior
and that, furthermore, the army
would not accept an order for its
The note further requests that
Germany be allowed to retain the
entire general staff and corps of of
ficers, which means tho entire frame
work of the active army.
Fourth Packer Held on
Charge of Profiteering
New York April 21. The fourth
arrest in a few days of Brooklyn
managers of big packing houses for
alleged profiteering came today
when Oliver H. Saunders, manager
Of the Cudahy Packing company,1
was taken into custody, charged
with selling meat at excessive prices,
ft w as alleged he sold .at 34 cents
a pound of meat similar to that
which a few days before he had
sold tt 29 cents. He pleaded not
guilty and w? held in $2,500 bail for
examination May 5. '
i ' : ' v
Dr. Calvin French of New York
to Succeed President Crone
at, Presbyterian College.
Hasiiigs, Nebr, April 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Dr, Calvin H.
French of New York, who has beci
associated with the Presbyterian
college board,1 has accepted the pres
idency of Hastings cbllege to suc
ceed R. B, Crone, who resigned re
cently- ;. .r..,..'-'.:-i'v-i
Hastings college has had its most
remarkable ' period of development
under the eight years of Mr. Crone's
presidency, the enrollment having
increased morethan 400 per cent.
The endowment has been trebled
and building operations amounting
to $750,000 are now under way. Mr.
Crone wished to leave three years
agq.-'but consented to remain be
cause of disturbed conditions caused
by the war.
Dr. French was president of
Huron college, Huron, S. D., for 14
years, building it from a meager be
ginning to an institution with mag
nificent buildings and equipment and
an endowment of $500,000.
Mr. Crone will continue as presi
dent until the commencement in
June, when he will retire perma-1
nently from educational work, which
has occupied his attention i(i Iowa
and Nebraska for 25 years.
Many Surprises for
Buyers of Unclaimed 1
Parcel Post Packages.
lgo Tribune-Omaha Bee I.raorit Wire.
Chicago, April 21. Many sur
prises awaited buyers at an auction
by the government of thousands of
unclaimed parcel post packages.
The packages were sold "as is," of
"urrsight, unseen." came about that thejiuyers
acquired false teeth they did not
need, golf balls, glass eyes, wed
ding rings, liver pills, crucifixps,
face powder, weasel skins, 'nighties',
army blankets, princess slips,', re
volvers, tennis racquets, crutches,
etc.. etc.
The first lot that went under the
hammer brought $7.50 and the buyer
was delighted to remove the wrap
pings and discover two pair of
iwoirfen's shoes that' would easily
cast three times what- he paid. '
One ambitious woman bidder fin
ally secured for $3 a package that
might- have contained a dozen "silk
shirts, but which, when unwrapped,
proved to be a report of the Ohio
Prank of Cook With Live V
Mouse Brings $1,500 Verdict
Kansas City, Mo.. April 21. A
cook's prank with a "live mouse
brought a verdict of $1,500 -against
the Western Union Telegraph com
pany in the circuit court -here. Mrs.
Pearl Smith, formerly a" waitress in
a restaurant operated by the- com
pany here, testified that last Sep
tember a fellow employe, a man
cook, pursued her, carrying a live
mouse by the tail.x Mrs. Smith fell.
Close Races Feature Counts in
Returns of County and City
Shotwell -and Welrielm
Neck and Neck.
Brvan Low Man inCounty
ErN)rNin Tabulation Will De
lay Results on Few Offices
Several Days.
Several close races for nomination
to county offices are features of re
turns being tabulated yesterday of
the electipn.
Franklin Shotwell and C. O. Wil
helm were in a neckVand"-neck race
for the republican nomination to
the Water board. Returns from
103 precincts gave Wilhelm 4,465
and Shotwell 4,421 votes. "
Another close race was that for
the democratic nommation for con
gress,' 119 precincts in Douglas
county giving O'Hara 1,940 "and
Hopkins 1.732 votes.
Baldwin Is Nominated. .
R. S. Horton, present public de
fender, lost the nomination to
William P. Lynch. John Baldwin
has captured the republican nomina
tion for this office.
General Wood crept ahead ot
Senaftor Johrrson for the presidential
republican vote for president aqd
slid said, and afterwards
suit against the corfipany.
The njouse escaped. ,
Navy Names Two Planes
In Honor of Air Pioneers
Washington, April 21. Naming
of two aircraft auxiliaries of the
American 'navy in memory of Prof.
Samuel P. Langley and Wilbur
Wright, i i recognition of their pio
neer work in the evolution of heav
ier than air, was announced today
by the Navy department.
The aircraft tender to be launched
at the Hog Island yards nex week
has been named Wright anl the
name of the collier Jupiter, 'now be
ing coverfed into an airplane
carrier, has been changed to Langley.
lead of more than 400.
i. McMullen,led- McKclvie M We
republican nomination for governor
by nearlyi 1,200 votes in Douglas
county, 164 precincts being included
in ihis tabulation. KTorehead was
far in the lead in Douglas county
for the democratic' nomination.
Howell Now In Lead.
Returns from 135 precincts showed
John W. Towle, H. H. Baldridge,
D.VL. Loe and Titus Lowe leading
for delegates at large to the republi
can convention. -
R. BHowell was leading the re
publican ticket with 11,347 votes for
national republican committeeman,
this being from a count of 164
' Gould D'etz andVW. G. Ure were
leading Ifor. delegates to the repub
lican national convention from the
Second- district. . '
Bryan "Low 'Man" Here. .
W. J. Bryan wVs "low man" in
Douglas .county for defegite-at-
County Nominees
District' Court ClerfcT
Robert Smith. . 9pcter E. Ellsasser
, Public Defender.
John N. Baldwin." ) W. P. Lynch.
County Assessor.
H. O. Counaman Wm. F. Weber.
County Commissioner.
Third District. - '
T. T. Strout.- A. D. Compton
County Commissioner.
Fifth District.
ChaVles Unltt. 1 Ralph E. Roche
state Senator.
C. L. Saundefa- J.' W. Burns.
Louis Berks. ; John E. Reagan.
John W. Cooper.. " J. H. Craddock.
John W. Robblns. A. C. Smead.
John M. Macfarlahd. J. M. Vainer,
or J. E. Davis. '
State Representatives. '
Ed. A. Smith. (Three oTtnrs In doubt)
H. A. Foster.
Vincent Hascall.
George Dyball.
R. C. Druesedow.
Irvln A. Medlar.
Edw. W. Palmer.
Millard M. Robertson.
T. B. Dyaart.
John O. Teiaer. Jr.
Frank E. Stone
Wm. L. Randall.
. ni, Courtney.
, 'S. H. Grace.
Jerry Howard,
Wm. Fleming.
J. M. Olbb.
Ecf. C. McDemott
Frank A. UooUall.
L. H. Miller.
F. L. Behm.
D. F. Dolan
W. B McMahon
J. A. Bulla.
g Margiini
Mrs.- Margaret Mohatttound
Qn Flpor Lifeless With fte
teiver Grasped in Hand.
Mrs. Margaret Mohatt, more than
70 years old, 2631 Bristol street, was
found s dead yesterday atternooit in
her home with the receiver of the
telephone grasped in her hand.
Death was probably due to Jieart
disease, physicians stated. v
Efforts of the telephone company
to arouse anyone ia the house after
the board at the' Webster station
republican vote tor president aqd ."l" j "i"'
with 164 -precincts reported haPirf flashed between I and, 2-yesterday
large to ' the democratic national
convention. . .
A close race, between Charles
Unitt, present county commissioner
from the Fifth district and T. H.
Track showed Unitt with 879 votes
and Tracy with1763.
Robert Rossof Lexington was
supported by 1,286 voters yi 119 pre
cincts in Douglas county for the
democratic preference for president,
while Senator Hitchcock was voted
for by 5,376. Ross reeived only 178
republican votes.
Police Judge Count Delayed.
Omaha will have to wait for the
official count to find out who'the
(Continued on Page Two. Column Threat)
Charles R. Crane Starts On
Way to China as U.v S. Envoy
Chicago, April 21. China stands
in the position of the' United States
50 years agoi "entering an area of
development and progress,, said
Charles R. Crane, newly appointed
ministe(ti China, who to
take his post at Peking.
v "Perhaps the country's biggest
problem is that of transportation1,"
he said. "There are more miles of
canals in China than of railroads in
the -United States, but railroads are
badly needed." . '
"If we, have peace in the Pacific,"
Mr. Crane said. "there is no reason
the Tacific of the future should not
kepeat what has been accomplished
in the trade channels of the At
lantic", . '
. '
Montana Coal Operators
" AnfJ Men Make Agreement
Billings, ilont., April 21. Joint
conferees of the Montana Coal
Operators association Snd the Unit
ed Mine Workers of the state
reached an agreement regarding the
application of the federal coal com
mission's wage awards, effective as
from April 1 to March 3, 1922.
The 27 per cerit raise for mine
workers, as established by the bitu
minous coal commission will mean a
$1 a, day raise for Montana miners,
it was stated..
" Needs More Blood
0'il.' Neb., April 2'.. (Spe
cial). Three transfusions of' blood
from members of her family Vill be
- .. . ........ . 1 i:r .r f
ucic3&di y lu mc me ui xvirst.
EmK Sfamp of Inman; this
county, who has leen taken to a
Norfolk hospital. Last week her
husband gaw a pint tai a half of
bfood and tw sisters of , the sick
womaawill do likewise this week.
afternoon were unsuccessful
P,,Dihl, 2421 Pratt street.,
"trouble man", at the Webster sta
tion, was sent to investigate. He
found the woman lying on. the floor
with the telephone receiver graspad
in her hands. Detectives Haze and
Whalen, who were assigned to .the
case, said that the woman was prob
ably calling for aid when , she
dropped dead. ,,
Mrs. Mohatt lived alone, her hus
band having died several monthsr-
Mrs. Mohatt is survived by two
daughters and four brothers.
Thfy are":
Mrs. Charles Gillen. 4511 North
Fortieth street: Mrs. Joseph Buggy,
632 North Thirty-setond street
Everett Mohatt of Neola. Ia.; Wil
liam Mohatt of Sidney, Neb.; Burt
Mohatt of Chadron, Neb. and Clem
ent Mohatt of Dalton, Neb. i
Warns Publishers to
Make 'Further'' Cut in
Consumption of Paper
New ork, April 21. Franklin T.
Glass, president of the' American
Newspaper Publishers' association,
gave warning at the annual meeting
that newspaper publishers must
make further conservation of news
print paper if they wer not to have
a worse time next fall and winter
had in the 'last six1 months.
han they
I At ih .
At the Juncheon tof the bureau of
advertising' of the 'association E. T.
Meredithj secretary of agriculture,
made a plea for greater publicity for
farmers, saying that a bill inimical
to agriculture should have the spot
light of publicity turned onvit just
as a vicious franchise should have.
The secretary said that many times
the farmers are not,in position to get
their views fully before the public
and could not therefore protect theif
interests - effectively.
Hungarian Baroness and
Son Found Dead in Lake
Geneva, April 19,-r-Another-tragedy
among the aristporatic refugees
in Switzerland if reported from
Romanshorn. The young Hunga
rian, Baroness Karlensky, who was
of Russian origin, after paying her
bill at a hotel, took a boat oawLake
Constance, accompanied by, her 2
y ear-old childV Later both were
found drovy-ned in the lake. Abet
ter, which the- baroness had left at
the hotel.-said that Bela Kun, the
former Hungarian dictator! had
killed her husband in Btfdapest and.
e .j i- ... "
connscaieu nis properly.
, Infant Win NpTDifc. .
O'Neill, Neb., April 21. (Spe
cial). The 2-year-old infant-of Mr.
and Mrs. Allffn Richardson pf In
man, which secured a bottle of car
bolic acid from' a pantry shelf last
week and drank some of the potson,
will recover according to the psysi
efans. ' , . .
McKelvie Leading Adam McMullen by Figures Thit
Indicate Plurality of 10,000 for. Republican
Gubernatorial Honors, While R. B. Howell Has
Been Apparently Re-Elected Republican Nation
al Committeeman for Third TermC
Returns from half the total vote cast in Tuesday's" state
wide primary continued last night to indicate a pomplete vie
tory for William J. Bryan in his effort to smash Senator Hitch
cock's democratic machine with the joint aid of women and
"drys." ' ,' ' v
This included the defeat of Arthur R Mullen for re
election as national committeeman and the election of Bryan
himself as a delegate-at-large to the national convention.
' .. Senator Hiram Johnson of California won a-smashing
endorsement for the republican presidential nomination,'
leading Gei. Leonard Wood in a way that indicated a final
plurality of 20,000. Governor McKelvie Von a renomination
in. the republican primary, with Adam McMullen of Gage
county as runner-up, and R. B. Howell was re-elected national
committeeman by virtue of- his big lead in Omaha, which
overcame the gains of Charles McCloud out-state.
r te-Ai ' " -
A T..l Ti 1-
n am x riumpn. .-
Republican. Democratic
Hiram Johnson G. M. Hitchcock
S. R. McKelvie: John H. Morehead
R.'B. Howell. W. H. Thompson
John -W. Towle Dan V. Stephens
C E. iandall Wr J. Bran
Don t. Love Kekh Neville
L. D. Richards A. C. Shallenberger
P. A, Barrows C. G. Barnes
Amsberry L. A. Larson
Geo. VV. Marsh J. W. McKissick
Clarence A Davis R. S. Hunter
, K (Long Term.)
Thorne A. Browne Roy M. Harrop
(Short Term.)
M. T. Harrison Harold ATKent
Cropsey J. S. Canaday
Dan Swanson- Fred Heller
First C. F. Reavis (R.) and
Frank h. Peterson (D.).
f Second A. W. Jefferis (R.) and
J. Jr. U Hara (D.
Third R. E. Evans JR.).
Fourth M. O. Mclaughlin (R.)
and Albert P. Sprague (D.).
Fifth W. E Andrews (R.) and
Harry S. Dungan (D.l.
Sixth M. P. Kinkaid (R.) and T,
w. urimes (u.)..
In House of Congress
Appear in Overalls
The sjtaid
The Weather
Partly ckoudy anjj colder Thurs-
dy' ll
Hourly Temperatures:
5 . n... ...... I4f 1 1 p
a. m 7.... j t p.
1 a. m 46 1 S p.
.M p,
S a. m . .
a. m. .
in a. m. .
It a. m..
m : s p.
.MIS n.
! 1 p. ny. . t
ST 1 S o.,nt,
. Washington, April
uouse orace ounaine was eiven a
touch of Jaza today by six young
secretaries who eniiplled as the new
est recruits in Representative Up-
LU ii. j.
oiiaw a uvcraiis origaae. ,
Appearing in blue denim trousers,
the bottom's- of which were rolled
well tip above their high heeled
pumps, the oung women , creatod
something of a sensation and had a
large following as they tripped gaily
along the corridors. The drabness
of the uniforms was relieved by
multi-colored silk waists and silk
stockings. '
"It's a j horrifying ; spectacle,"
chorused a dozen Daughters of the
American Revolution, as their sighu
seeing trip through the big office
building was interrupted bv the
crowds following the young secre
taries. ,.
Man bonvicted of Wrecking
Bank Mus? Serve Out Term
. Springfield, III., April 21. The
prison term imposed upon Charles
B. Munday of Chicago on the charge
of wrecking the La Salle Street
Trust and Saving bank in Chicago
ia- 1914. must be served.the Illinois
supreme court decided Wednesday.
The (court affirmed the verdict of
guilty brought by a jury in the
Grundy county circuit court where
the case was trief after a fchange
of , venue' had ' been granted f fom
Cook' county.
American Envoy Instructed to
Represent U. S. at San NRemO
Washington, April 21. Ambassa
dor Johnson, at Rome, was instrunt
ed today by the State department
to attend the allied conference at
San Remo as an official ohserver'
for flie American.Kovernment. He
will not participate in the discus
sions tpT "deliberations. '
The. extent of Bryan's triumph
wasathe sensation ofuhe election. "
VV. H, Thompson, his indidate for
national committeeman' led Arthur
Mullen by 2,900 votes in 617 out-'
state precincts, representing 35 per
cent of the total vote, Mullen won
by 3,500 in Douglas county, but later
returns., were steadily putting -Thompson
nearer the goal. -
Former Govenprs Shallenberger
and Neville, Hitchcock candidates
for tho-national convention, "won
first places among the "big four,"
with Former Congressman Dan Vl
Stephensa Bryanite thlrjLlrtd WiV "
ham J. Bryan' fourth on the basis
of tabulated returns. ; These includ
ed Douglas county, where Bryan
ran a thousand behind ,Jhe best of
his "slate" and out-state returns
were , gradually bringing him into "
better position as they were re
ceived. Governors Win.
McKelvie's final plurality over '
Adam MciCulIen for the republican
nomination for governor was fore- :
casted at over 10,000, despite his loss -of
Douglas county by a thousand.
Former Gov. John H. MoreheadV ,'
victory fbr the democratic gubema
torial nomination ws a walkaway, '
he having as manyjvotes as all his
four rivals together. ,
Howell Elected.
Only the big lead accumulated by
R. B. Howell in Omaha; amounting
to over 8,000 votes saved him frony ,
defeat for national committeeman
by Charles BcCond of York. Mc- '
Cloud headed for Douglas -county
with a yote that indicated hr would -have
an out-state lead of 5,000 votes,
but this ould still leave Howell .
a winner by 3,000.
The Leonard Wood candidates for
delegates-at-large to the republican
national convention won their race,
although former Senator Burkett
gave L. D. Richards a clos race
for fourth place. Burkett carried
both Douglas and Lancaster coun
ties, but lost ont-stat t '
TotaJ Votes."
The total votes in the republi
can primary approximated 100,000,
and in the -democratic primary,
65.000. - , .
Following are tabulations on the .
state Vote, including 167 precicnts cf
Douglas countyf V
Republican (853 precincts) John
son. 34,638; Wood, 26,20; Pershing,
16.861 ; Ross 932. . - ' -
Democratic (816 precincts) .
Hitchcock 17.145; Ross, 5,941. .
t Republican (799 precincts) Mc
Kelvie, 19,244; McMullen 15,746: ;
Pollard 10.166; Hall, 6.966; Mc
Laaghlin 5,d45: Math'ewson, 2,931.
Democratic (835 precincts)-vMore- .
head. 15,018: Clark. 5.942: Tart
4.177; Taylor, iim
Republican (804 orecinctsWHrtw-
cll. 33,237; McCloud, 28,698.
Democratic (784 nrerinrtO
Thompson, 16,897; Mullen, 17.484.
Republican (799 precincts) Rich- .
ards. 28.042; Love, .33.465; Sahdall.
30,591; Tow.le, 3,3i0; Beach. 20,952:
tiaidnge. 19,251; Lowe, 26,339; Kel
sey. 21,067; Austin," 19,3f2; Burkett,
28,24a. '
Democratic (799 precinct) Ste
phens, 19,830; Neville, 22.776: Shal
lenberger, 22.704; Bryan, 18,823;
(Cotitlnmd on Pan Twa. Colnma Ona.)
Calls 1 1 Conferences to
Talk Over School Subjects
Washington, April 21. Commis
sioner Claxton of the bureau 4f
education issued calls for 11 region
al conferences to be, held in vari
ous parts of the country to con
sider the general subject of com
mercial training in public and nor
mal schools and other education- ,
al institutions. The dates for the
conferences include San Francisco,"1
May 10; Seattle, May 17, and Den
ver, May '0. . :
' a