Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
hit iinrTfir--iTT:r- iwawiriM'nain"ii:rij t . :i THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APK1L 21, 11)20. LWO BUILD w sntiri Dnrocn U.UIUa.. I IIIULli HOUSES If J CITY Ttcr of Commerce Moves ;h C:ttic Housing Situation V In Omaha Imme- ; : i - ' - I , A drive to have built immediately i Omaha a large number of me LiBiB ericed houses was decided on it the weekly meeting of the execu tive committee 0f the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday, According to members of the mmtttee the, housing situation in maha Si getting worse every day ad lack of enough dwellings is ac ueHy hurting the. city's srowth at his. lime'. Unless there is an im- icdiate increase in housing facili S. they believe, and a steady, de- eddable increase in the future, in- istrtel ana commercial expansion mm tall so far behind rival cities ?vat it will take Omaha years to re cant its position. pTfca efforts of the Chamber of Smmeret will be directed through feoasing group of Jthe industrial ;eaej of the chamber. This com- ('Mlltn it i. UmV..A Tit. set plan to be followed has , not .4ecj4ed on, directors sai but be worked out as soon as the Mr eomtnittee can meet. Members I M selected during this week. CfaeraU'it is expected that own I unimproved property, con- tqetofs and real estate men will be aSMl.tO co-operate in the drive. An association for the purpose of build far and. marketing houses without frelt may be formed. jThe housing committee has in fClated conditions in other cities and has foond'that close commer cial: 8M manufacturing rivals of 0flUh nave taken similar steps and ara adw in better situations than thfe ity. . ; i . ii i M i . i tisend TriaJ Begun in .; Diamond Ring Mystery f Fremont, Neb., April -20. (Spe- aim in district ;eort for the second time of the (XHatkel-Rqth diamond ring mystery, lia whiehMrs Christine Dunkel al- fge that her solitaire was taken hef landlady,' Mrs. Belle Roth, ihAfust, 1918. The first jury de- oraedHn Mrs. Dunkel s favor, but a atew trial was ordered a month ago when Mrs. Roth produced A ring 'WCJred. to have been found in, Mrs. bankers back yard. Both diamonds fwill be examined in court Objection to the appearance of Attorneyv Cook as one ot raw Dnnkefa attorneys, on the ffoundl that a-criminal trial might geault was overruled by District hfadge, Button. jKi Pardon for Veterans I Convicted of Stealing IJneoln.Neb April 20. V- (Spe- ?sl)-Governor McKelvie has been asked to pardon two ex-service men, convicted of chicken stealing in Thoriton county and sentenced to ffnt,one to 10 years in the peni tentiary.' k Edgar M. Whitaker and- William Mnt jnevjuire sic mc iui iuci auiuma, loth of whom saw active service in France, whitaker volunteered in 1817 and served two years. He fought in the Champagne, Chateau Thierry and St. Mihiel sectors and -wal twice wounded and once gassed. The men are in the county jail at fender, Neb., pending a hearing of their , case before the governor, May 10. ' Presidential Candidate 'Of Printers' Union Here John McParland, . leader of the progressive party in the Internation al Typographical union,' which is campaigning to. unseat the present officers of the organfztionrrived in Omaha yesterday to sneak to loT cal printers at a meeting to be held r A a -1 I. .1T i at the A. O.. U. W. halL A "The sentiment Vrepresent is op- fposed to the manner in which the present, officers of the international union handled the affairs of the or ganization, particularly during the recent 'vacation' in New York, Mc Parland stated. "We have a com plete ticket and are making an ex tensile campaign to line up the 800 local unions for the voting on May 26." McParland is a member of New York city local union, No. 6. His opponent in the coming election, the present incumbent, is Marsden G. Scott ' Man Who Shot Negro Boy Found Not Guilty by Jury Special Agent Holman of the Union Pacific railroadtried in dis trict court this 'Week for the alleged shooting of Eugene Scott, negro bell boy, several months ago, was found not guilty by a jury Tuesday night, after three hours' delibera tion. "W Brief City News. Pickpockets Steal WsWi- Pick pockets stole a gold watch from W. B. Shellenbergev, 43SS Saratoga street, Monday night To Nominate Officer Directors of the Rotary elub for 19 JO will be nominated at a meeting of ' club members at noon today. , Students to Visit Packers High ohool students of Qlenwood. la., will visit Omaha packing; plants to morrow as guests of the Chamber of Commerce. Steal Jewels and Clothing Bur glars stole Jewelry and clothing valued at $(00 in a raid Monday night from the home of M. M. Welnstein, 3208 Sherman avenue. Woman Badly Burned Mrs. Pat rick Zuka, 6103 North Forty-ninth street, was severely burned when her clothing- caught fire while she was attempting to 'start a cook stove Are with the aid of gasoline. Oh loans to Banquet Officials of tne unio society or umana nave in vited all former residents of Ohio and their families to attend the so ciety's thirty-first annual banquet a the iJiacKBtona notet April iu. To Report on Prices Subcbm mittees of the Omaha fair price committee Will report today to Airs. C. G. Ryan, ' Nebraska fair price commissioner, on progress made to wards lowering cost of living-in Omaha. . Says Dead Robbed C. F. Scully, 1121 Turner boulevard, charged yes terday that $S0 was stolen by per sons who took charge of the body of his father. A. J. Scully, who was killed when run down by an auto mobile last Saturday night. ' Shldehara Here Today K. Shide hara, new Japanese embassador to the United States, accompanied by his wife and five embassy attaches, will pass through Omaha this eve ning on the Union-Pacific, en route from San Francisco to Washington, D. C. School Nurse Returns Mu Char lotte Townsend, director of . Omaha (school nurses, has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where she attended the national convention of the American Nurse association. She is national chairman of the school nurses' sec tion. ' , , Four Autolsts Injured M. F. Mc Cabe, 2917 Dorcas street, 'and three men companions were injured Mon day night when McCabe's automo bile, Jn, which they ' were riding, overturned in South Thirteenth ave nue. All ot the four face charges of intoxication. Hotel Thieves . Steal Diamond Pin in Fontenelle Rooms "Sandy" Griswold and his daugh ter-in-law. Mrs. G. C. Griswold. were victims of sneak thieves, who sed a pass key to gain entrance to the Griswold apartment in the Ho tel Fontenelle, viile the occupants slept. V - A diamond pin valued at $100, belonging to Mrs. G. C. Griswold, was stolen, and $32 in cash was taken jrom her pocketbook. "Sandy" donated $9 which he had left in his trousers pockets. . Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Wednesday Special No. 3 S J Never A ; Better Opportunity To Buy Beautiful SUITS. fir , This Oigantio Foroed-Out-of -Business Sale is responsible, for this daring Wednesday offer in Striking Styled Suits. Values 'that have never been equaled in Omaha merchandising. TKIOOTIMSS VELOURS FINE SERGES POIKET TWILL VELOUR CHECKS Suits Worth $75 Wednesday if, 1 &sTsys Are Reconciled -Again After Separation - 'iSncoln. Neb., April 20. (Spe-' .cieX) Burton C. Gooley, the "Mira- de Man, and Mrs. oooiey are re conciled after their trying experi ences in Nebraska City, where the wife filed desertion charges against the alleged healer. ' xlln and Mrs. Gooley, and the lit tle Gooleys, are registered at a Lin eal; hotel. ,The husband .and rither is treatirrg , patients. Mrs. Gooley stated that the criminal h.afge filed against Gooley in Ne )nib City va just a "misunder aftnndint and that she'and "Burton" it getting 16ng nicely now. tita Postmaster Fanning rr leaves Estate of $75,000 .' Tn estate of the late Postmaster OjItS E. Fanning is estimated at jpJtOO In" osperi filed Jn probate Vawtt yesterday by his widow, Mrs. Uarrttet Fanning. Mrs. Fanning swd Mr. Fanning's two daughters ire the heirs. - ft Mr. FanVi-s left no will a U is believed to have transferred finch Of his property before Ais. aith to his young widow, who was ' oAcand wife. lfe6fllcal Student Is !. j l.. r .1.. ru..k iJfftrtoBt Neb- Apnl 2a (Spe- -MV VmA WrT a Khident at ni.i , at.. WutaM Tiin1nirtpal neminarv. ts been engagea oy nounize Me llhtoml Lutheran church of Omaha mnnir flie vonncrer C-tpejnbera of the church during the I sxjwec tnontns. 1 1 I. I Announcement Thy WsMf the Birchmont Ho- " 4tAI at 34th mnd Faroem is ''it . , ehengeJ to v ' llhi Radian Hosoital hkt It .the future it will be eon $Mte4 aa Dr. D. T. Quigley'a SeyHel far th. treatment ef fiam'tf Cancer. Tumor mni Pre- IL : : till. .JN:.: Try 12 Chocolate ,Shop 9mm TVmm LMBchaenattaa fv. IW Cnu aiul Flownr 411 3. 16tk St. Opposite m . Bargeaa-Nash. - - Many ef the Salts Involred are B-of-a-klnd models . so we nrge joS to make your selection earlj In the day, ' -!S90lSlO DsmfflasSti THE BIG FACTOR. OF SAFEEi"'Sri Engineers have been building safety into Picrcc-Arrow ars for two decades. '' Their nicely balanced weight holds tKem to the road at any speed. ' The greater power of Dual Valves and twin-spark ignition permits ac celeration that takes them through traffic Jams unscathed. Their improved gear shift, al most automatic in its actionin vites use when needed and permits the shift at any speed. Faithful brakes that grip and hold and a steering system' that responds to the lightest toufch these are some of the ways by which the Pierce-Arrow owner is safeguarded sways4hat have been developed and improved as the need has arisen. - J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. I Distributor; 2048-50-52 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. ( V iHMlPi Fur Storage Phone Douglas 2100 and our auto will call for any furs you wish stored in our . MODERN COLD AIR STORAGE VAULTS . ta rtn ii nut '" Our Semi'Antual Sdleof Millinery V2 Price That this xtrabJrlinary tale of half-price Millinery was fully appreciated was demonstrated by Tuesday sellhiflr, but for the beneft of those wh6 didn't have an op portunity of taking advan tage of this sale we will con tinue this sale for Wednes day. V " TweeiandSpQYt dais Riiucti in Price ftr Wednesday 1. . . '. -.v;.:..-X Superb .tailb)flij( k8 every motil included in thia offering and yoiU will find types for Afterri6bfr and aireet fUi Is wall as those for general utility. ' ( , Stunning models of soft woolly. pojbL clth 'and twWds half lined, flap pockets a1 fld a notched collar, belted all 'rbiind are specially priced for Wednesday for $23.50. . .' ' We advise an early selectlbn, as there is only a limited num ber at that price. . ' V Something to Etnb roidor r desig ; wVwt snrin I very' iiUMivtlM.CiUiiU si- Lsr&isy stt tiV signs. Our instructors will feSUssed to ikdw yWtfce..Mw stitches. . . ; DriUer Sttrf Luncheon S4t$ L u n c h e-o n Set 13-pieoe lunchebji Set, stamped, in croast stitch pattern on unbleached -pequot $2.00 each. Buffet Set v . Buft Sets thretrpieee'set, stamped in simple patterns,! edges hemstitched each. Breakfast Sets ' Breakfast Sets 64-inch breakfast cloth, stamped on un bleached pequot; napkins to match; cloth, 3.00; napkins, 35c each. Scarfs stamped in lis for, cross-stitch, I&SBSeV Si lasy daisy and outline stiteh edfe hemstitched fsy crechet 41.60 eich. ' " Center pieces end Scrf$ infh cntr, iX4-lnh seam J sU&pM. in sinltJje deigns Mr cross-stitch, ' f rfoeh ; knY. iii Tifi Wejt Centerpieces ani ans-rftan eyelet embrc lent duility linen: sites 22, 27 tVstamned for solid or A IT.' JT- yejeti emhrotdjsry, oa an ssesi- 36-lnc)i center, and 18x45-ineh scarfs, at 1.80. " CtiiteW&io M CeiMrpiseM and Searisii- solid embroidery 8f etcn. lUta tlder. Children's , StihiiSad wnite, pint smt r un; 1 Every Home Woman Ajtmirei AtihUive Window Fillingi-Let Us Help You Select YOur Iff. swk- J Curtains and Drap Beautiful CurUmS, $6.80 A beautiful range of Mar quisette, Madras and Voil Cur tains; some have the hemstitch ed and lace-trimmed edges, oth ers lace insertions aa well as lace edges; all are 2ft yards long and are splendid values, at $6.50 pair. Orrdrap Material A new arrival ef Orertlrape' Materials; these are SO inches wide and are in a wondsVf ul range of rich color combina ions; blue and gold, mulberry, brown and rose and green And pnld. 7.0O varH. eries LkU Panelint AvSilUndld qualit: illnir. in try hii these panels, are 8 to 10. Panelin long and are pric of Lace Very hiftdsonie de- ide and ar 2 varda long and ate priced from 80e to f.8f each. in Nats. Filet Ci 81.60 u isd ViVd A wonciirui ; assortment of neat , and dainty design fileti Curtiln Nets, in the small and1 l4rti Mres, and r 86 to 46 inches wide, and ari In white, ivery and,eru, and are priced from il.C0o$l$0 yard. MarmisSc 60-inch Plain Marqurtettf this is a very irood quality nd an unusual value, at lie yard. IfUVofSfiifai Vamp Vanities An individuality' of Vgnltias is ofirad in thasa fisatinsi sle-in Mooeo, Spanlsa a Vaeltatta Jal&rs-a; ttae. brown, bW, tan, gray and idf aU an beautifully Uaad witii sffle and at fitted wKh ehng pum inn mnviij . Jn Iddition, somf of the Vin itias have' lever little pocgef With Dorine and Lipsti fctt hair pin holders, button mfokl and -comas. ' '., - . ' Salt Pr ic e, J mo : USthsr Qiii IWit raat. ft' I. i1.. 1 1- 1 t . -,: The Event of the Season Georgette, Crtpe de Chine and IfaftUe BaHite Blwiii ;v: taken irdm our reukr stock ahd placed in due great imtr ; Seb Starts WedsWsday At 8 A.M. $40 OarSao ; - WeJaoafcy See4ad rlnr. NTo describe this wonderful assortment wpujd be almost impo6siblev iWdinen wIJq want several nice blouses will welcome this opportunity to buy tltein at this priee. Sites 34 to 46. ' ' ;"' .. " :': -Extra selling space and extra teles tcotU hm'been propUtd ter this tale About 35 extra size blouses in Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Voile are in this ldfr Sizes; to s SMi I I M - . - - - - - - - I ! i B X-,--' T '' ': v v